.? sdgfctjjv rnafB1irtgvMJt-ii,..jt-r, r rn rtyi fMWflaMrtlli1lt!WHHrtM SJlSgl'Usi t IBM L -A-VAniORo&e Sn7lnsiilii.t -roitli tho.FarfiioiLJJiis Week, 3 0 0 0 d 0 ft o o Pi (5 ft H (5 0 'd a n 0 0 o A CI o a 0 0 I a B00THBY & STflPLETOH, Mannfaetorers and Dealer In Sash. Doors, Blinds, and BTC. ETC. BRACKETS. And all Kinds of Scroll-Sawing. HAVING TOK BEST FACILITIES AND TIIR latest 'mjirovd wood-winkln!: machinery to msnu&unir-! tho alx.vo articles, will otter Inducement to customers, sl-n, WOOD-TCTimiNG, In all ltx varlet'.e. Orders from tlie Country Promptly attended to. Office and Manufactory, cor. of Front and State streets tau PAI.KM. dwlf N0BTH SALES! STOKE. W. L. WADE, T TUB BRICK BTORK, IIA8 JUST KECfflV Je nd afull assortment of General Merohandiso, Ihry Goods, Grooeries, Boots & Shoes, Hardware, Clothing 'alcalated Tor the City and Country Trndu. Bonpht ai ow, anil will hi sold at aa WHAM. A mOFIT. at .hoop who HKLI. AT COST. r""Uoo,ls delivered to mv o-t ol Uip r.lty fron ol charge JTovMv CASH PAID EQB HIDES. Tlic Hljjliest Market Price PAID FOIt Hides, Pelts, Deer, and Elk Skins, And all KliiriN or Ftirg. JOHNW. GILBERT, Ocr. 1, 1S73. SALEM. ATTENTION Sheep Growers'! A SURE CURE FOR Scab, Screw Worm. Foot Sot, AND ALL Parasites that infest Sheep. TT 13 SAFER BKTTKR, AND VASTLY CHEAP THAN ANYOTHKR EFFECTUAL-HEMKUrj'QIl TUB TREATMENT OF BHEEP. IT Improves the Health OF THB'ANIMAU AND THE QUALITY CP THE WOOL. t57 Ono gillon 1b cnouph for one hundred to two hun-lred hcep. according to their ago, strength, and condition. It is put up In FIVE-GALLON CANS-Price, 13 per can. bend for circular, to T. A. DAVIS & Co.. PORTLAND, OREGON, IVlioIoHnle Agents for tin; Mate, Or to vonr nearest Retail Drtisr.'ii't. raj 6 SALEM FOUNDRY, & JMCtxoKiuo ftttiop, JALKM. .... OREGON. B. P. DRAKE, Prop'r. JTEiM ENGINES, SAW MILLS, (1UIST MILLS, ) Ituapeis, Pumps, and all kii.l- 'al sty'f s ol Ma chinery made to order. Maruliuirv repaired at a short notice. Pattem-inaUiig donu iu all its arions forms, an4 all Mods of Brans and Iron Casting's fumielled.1t short notlco. Also, niwifscturor of ENTERPIIInE PLANER an MATCHER, and STUKERS ud HlIAPEltd Uaytwtl J. O. SHEX.TOH, 2X1. D.. PHYSICIAN AND SUItGEOIN, BALEM Oregon. Office, front room on secmid floor r the N. O. Farrlsb brick. Commercial street. Hel dence, northeast corner Front and Division strens. Being a graduate of tha Physlo-Mi-llcal, orCnrll CoUV ce, Cincinnati, Ohio, wearepUMly refoim lnoui practice, discarding alike both mineral und victabU twiaona so? To Farmers and Others. IMMIGRANTS ARE ARRIVING IN Till! PTATE by every steamer Iu search of employment, ai.d the Board find dlmcnliy In getting vscinclis for them We therefore earnestly request maimers and others who require Fain Hands or labor of any Mnd, to Im mediately couimunicate with uk and wo will glailly supply them with such labor free of charge on our part. Please state tho wupes offered, the class otmen yon want, and for bow Ion.: cuiiiluiiiicLt will be given. The Assistmt Secretary Is in dally atundance at the Board Koonis, Ankcny's Bullying, P nland, from 10 to Z p. in each nuy, to whom all litters should boaddietsed. W. 8. LADD. B. aoLIMITH. H. W. CORBKTT. C. LEINKMVEBFH, WILLIAM ItKII), State Commissioners of Immlzration. ALL ABOUT GARDENING For nOM use and for HABKRT tn ROOT'S OtR DKN MANUAL tiraelieal. mlntid and tlwnuah containing obe-half as mncb matter as (t 60 books on the subject. Gardeneis throughout the country com mend Its nraetlral labor-avluir method asimalua. bletothcm. Bent for 10 cents, which v ill be allowed on the first order for seeds. J. B, ROOT, beeil Orow. er.Rockford Illinois. UllwU AJ5Y, !3fU uANUFACTUREr7v OPIUM M ttwpWna hhi thfint1t and prrdll cured. Tain m( iwipub'lftir. BY TELEGRAPH. WnilBHlN Kxplnnntlon. Washington, April 10. In regard to tlio tt'tlmony of Wliltely mid rx-Attr-iiey-Gcn. Willl.iiin btfuie tliu coimiiltu-e on cxpi'mlltures In the Dupiirtnicnt of JustlLt) fjlcrtliiy, Williams in crmi-rrt-Hon to-liny f.tld: "In 1872 tlic l'relt1cnt tamp tn inc. al'tcr liU rt'tiini from atrip to Xew York, ntul saltl liu had examined tlie ork oi Davenport In pivpaiing a K.'r frilly iU'ciimtu lit ol the tt m hi New York, und tli 1 1 he wa deeplv iniiieed wiih iu importance; that rthrii ihe ll-t W. cnnipleted it would lie mi cnVotllil pitentie ot fiuiHln'eiit voting; tint the t'xpeneof making the lit w.is yri-it. iind Unit he wUliid I niuild n5Kt DiM-npoit by paying out ol mii Ii fnmU n tvn'd he propel 1 ti-ed In iilIi mm of money n would lnimi the completion of lhi im poilinit vork. Aeitiidinly I did pay blxelipoil Willi llHM)le-S tilillel-tiinil- tnir tint the money whs to he nid for ' other i.niiMwc lli.in that of cniunlrtlns thl' iv"l-liiilion iiiiillaliotittlilitv-llvetLoii'- aiid dollars running through a peiiod of neai ly live year from 1871 to lb75. I hid amhoilty, under existing statutes, to piy money to preent frauds at eliLtlons, and the work (loiiu bv Divenport hi3 been a Kiting to tliegoeriimentof many tlions nnd dollars. D,ienport properly shons where every dollar of tlm thlrtyllve thou--and was expended. IIo his been Mtm moned, und will, no doubt, explain tho matter satlsfiutorlly. Tiieiv was nothing wrong in this transaction, and the l'ic-1-deiit will not lie-ltatu to sty tint he direc ted the money to bo paid lor tin, piupo-'e 1 hae explained. 'I'lie ieeoid of the de partment show that tliu payment toDiv cnpoit began under Attorney Oeneial AekiTman, my predeces-or, who like me, had lieo atithoilty under the exUtiny law to make such p lymunt.s. Times on tlio World. Kl.W Yoijk. April 21. The Time ed itorial say the very limited elide of tliu people who i tad the World must lino telt iimi.li ala imed yesterday mniiiing about the sad ly of the country. At the head ol its lirst column appeared lu capital letter of poudei on- Ie the following : "Ath-t I'le.-ideut Grant !" "Gen. Williams be trays his accomplices !" "Tho L'ieldiut proved guilty of malicasaueo in oilico !" These hints were obviotidy Intendul as a ort of gentle Ktitntilant to tlio attention ot the i-.i-u.ll reader of the Wot Id, while the follow lug. In double leaded, u.u meant to convince htm tint something truly eii- 0(13 had happeneit. "the most melancholy news which tt Imr ever fallen our lot to lav befoie the public, hardly txceptlng the assassination of i'le-ldent Lincoln,'' Ac. ttee. This was simply gu bled n-poituf some evidence taken betoie a Congress tonal committee, trom wliicli It appi-arcd that in the cour.-e of three or lour year tho Uepartment of Jnniee had pdd on re (liilsltion ot John .1 . Da vennort about WO, 000 foi the detection ami punishment of election lniutlsln this city. lanciiH of Iteiil:ieia r!enntor. Tho ltepnblican Seiiaturs held a caucus to-dav to air.ui!!c the older ot business which is likely to be ufl'ected by the com ing Impeachment trial, men; was con siderable discussion, but no action on any point. Among other cubjeUs biought forward-was the question ot tho expediency of passing the House bill for the total re peal ot tlie DanKruptiaw. x lie general 4 auuiliuairbFCumcd to.be averse 10 ltLand in luvor ot amt'iiuiiifj it ; out tueic was a gieflt diversity of opinion concerning the iharactei of tlio amendment needed. Tho rjue-lloii whether iho.-toanielilpXc-vada being tiftusfened by thol'aelllu Mail Co. to the Japanese did not liiMilldate tho China mall .-ubslily has bien decided by the solicitor general. Tlio ve-sel tloeis not lo-c her nationality it tlio subsidy should continue. Tliusolicitordccidtd iu- -tead of the attorney general, bec-iiue the latter was tlie loirucr counsel lortne com ptny. Secret f-cril?c 1'uikI. The (csilmony of Whlftly, Miller and Davenport is nide public to-diy. That ot the two foiniei have ulieidy bctn printed. D.tvenpoit s'lid tint in 1S70 liu discoteird tint trands were being pel pttrated in the tlectlous iintl he adopted a system of w'2-i-tiatlou which cvcuttially tvsulitd lu tlie dettctlon of the-o lrauds. In puisiuince ot this nutter witness had spent 10,01)0. He found lu was being Impoveii-hed, and he a-ketl Col. Uls, Geu. Aithnr. Gen. Phnrpetiui! oth,ergeiitli'meu of Kcw Yoik whcll.er tho govirnment would uof pay him tor hi- efloits to detect fraud, iu the slimmer of IS71 ho went to Long Hianch to the 1'rc-ideiit mid expldi.eil to him the li-auU.i lie liitildi-coxoiKi. Jle a-Ud the Plfiilddit wlielhef some fund- in Uio COU tiol ot tho Depattmont of .lustite could not be nc(l to pay him. Tlie.l'ici-ideut wa hnpres-ed with the pl.ui3 fiibiuittcil by the witness to prevent fniuJa in election-, and said ho would tecniaicud the m ittor to tho Attorney Genei.il. Mn-icli ol Mr. I.nu. Onoof tho mint olrfjurnt mid elTecti,c speeches in advocacy of the tiauslcr ot the Indian buieau to the War Department, waithatot Uepiofe.itatlvu Lane, ot Oio gou. Unargued tha: tho tnui-tcr of the maiiagtmeut would tend to maintain peace, tactile additional protection to the lives and propeity of our citizen?, leducu tliu expen-es ol" government, and In no-wl-o hijtuioudy ulllit, eeu ii it did not improve, tliu condition ot the Indians. While di-cus-lng the question of economy hedextiou-ly calUd attention to tho a-t amount ot good which a portion of the money thus nvul could cilia by opening the navigation ot the Columbia and 1m piolug the harbors of tho coa't, o as to develop the natural wedth mid manifold resources ol Oregon. IIo adtnlni-tcivd a sevcio rebuke to Cox, ol New York, tor nsper-lou of the character of fio tier-men. tie eulogized their galanlrj'. magiiuulmity und Intellegence, vividly depleted the hor rors of Indian barbarities lu Oregon and Utah and showed the justness ot the com- filnlnts against the present system .ol ndiaii management. Lane nJoslioicrtd ridicule on Cox's account ol hU objerva- tlon ot the i end olicy at Algeria, anil seiitiinentallty concerning tho noble red men ol the lorest, and uttrlLuted ll to his studious nerval ol Cooper' roinaiioes and hlscxperlenreasaTiimniunytbleftaii. This wily ai.d ford Lie extemporaneous speech bus given liiie )ig,U rank uuiong the de baters of tliu Uotfec. Hralon Wool Market. Boston, April 22. Market dull and pt ice (oiilimie to ruin lu favor of buyers, but pre-ent low rates have triiMcd ntther inoro In-iuliy Irotii htrgu purcluscrs. ltather moie I doing iu tK-eco wool than lat week. The stock of dcslrablo XX llei cvs I vcrv m ill. and in irket flrm nt 44B'.ic xr Kiiinl for lots In good condi tion. XXX IVnuyUanla -old at-lSc. No. 1 choice 4oc and extra 42S43 Mich gan and other wctern tteeci-s trn quite dull. S.iltM of California cm only be made nt low tlgarc-s. .'S'a40c'l)"r pound are ex tri pi ices for choice Michigan. WIconln mid -ome very jnml wutceu lleecv will not Ining over :t."i u.ISc!. Stoiks of comb ingaiid delaine ll.-eceare very small, but thedi'iniiid is now limited; huge con sumer are well supplied for tlio pie-eut. Fine delaine fleece are vei.V dull and ne glected, and both combing and deiah.o litccv -how a laigo falling oil lu prlets Irom Ihe 'ilglie-t point ; in ome intaiice sile li'Oit lieeu iiihiIii al a ii-ductloil Ot lOdllic per iMiimil Inmi quotations .1 lew moiilli- ago. Some 111.000 pound of wa-h-( d.couilied and delaine sold at I7u53ciind from C2&.55C nnv be cousldoied outside prices tor the mo-t fair business is doing but at low pliers. A deitable lot af 5, 000 pound- ot new spring wool sold at 27e,antl other good lot-ot rprlngat USS230. Iu pulled wool Kioderatu buhie was done, -ales dining tho week Include 12, 000 pili'dpilly fiom 37isf42 for good average lot of superfine and "1S3420 tor lextra; stock laige and low supera are neg lected. Flillmtclittilit trool Mnrkct. rnil.Aln.villA. Amil 22. Wool l in Improved demand; pi Ices steady and lirmer, but not high; supply light; Col orado wa-lied, 20(ff22.i;uiiwiihrd, lS(320c; extra and meiiuo pulled. ."ijCoVc; No. 1 and -iiperliuu pullinl, 30S;i'J, extra line iiid medium, 2cKit2(Jc; coarae, lSia20c. Illnllie Axhcsl lo llxplaln Indian i-puf, April 21 The Evening Xrws calls on BHIne to a-k an imiuedi ate Inveatlgatlon Into tho charges of his obtaining !fGo.000 from tliu U. 1 It. It. Co., and announces upon authority tint If it is not done, J. K. Harrison, of this city, will go before the judielaiy committee of tho House, and, as government director of the road, demand an Investigation of the mailer. l'uiaiuua II. It. War oh (lie I'nuamn Stemushlp Co. Xi:w York, April 21. At a meeting of the dhectorsot tho Panama It. It. to il ty, it was oidered that from this date all trelght for Sail Kianclsco mid South and Ceutial American ports be can led at local lates. This rul to apply to all bttMne received Irom all soiuces. A Panama rad io id olllcial also states that new attach ments against the coal supplies and other piopcity of the I'aclllc Mail Co. lu Cali fornia wero Issued to-day at the suit of the Panama Co. on its claims $400,000. and arrangements to furnish tho neccs-ary bonuS on the attachment ag dust the ship aie completed. ('ulormio leIi,Bi(tlon to C'liitlmmll Elect ed Di-Nvnt, Col. April 21 The Eepnbll- c-ui terrltoiial convention yesterday select ed a ilelegal Ion to the National Conven tion, headed by Hon. M. Teller. Tho dehgntion is regarded as uncxccptioiially good, and uninstructed. Horrible Ucnlh. Ci.evhlakp, April, 21 A man named Peter Il.ut,.ilit-drlver ,at Villow Mrect bridge, was jesteulay caught'"Tk!tWTC!i pile ai.d tho hunmer, and mangled o frightfully that lis died almost instantly, Stone (niirryuicu on u Htrlhe. Chicago. April 21. Six hundred work ingmeu In the Stone, quarries at Lciuonr, Illinois, who have been woiklngall win ter for a dollar u day under a ptomlso of liighcr wages lurther along lu tho season, struck yes'erday, and became so boisterous that the policemen were summoned Irom Chicago, who made fitly nnest. and iiui-llid the dlstinbanco. The anested men were brought to Chicago, and in the jii-tico couit to-dny weie held over for tii.il, On Saturday. Thny are genmrallj a pa.iLei.ble set of men ; but thoy -ay they h .e been put oil lu tho mutter ot wages so long that tliev nie on the point of star vation, tint tiioy cannot suppnit their wivriati'l largo families on woik that p lys an average of tour or live doll us per week. A telegram fi inn thoquiirles to nlght s-'ijs tho woikinenaiu quiet tor the piL'aUllt. l!.e .'icr.et herilri) I'tini!. The World's Washington special ays the Cau'ilciil committee sent to the Trc.is my Dep'irtmriit to-d.y anil gc.UK'11 Un book in hich tho Kccirf h' I vice flLVOiiuts vtri auitlftiT. Olllcial figures iow that Iu 1872 aloiio tlieto weie expended over ?1."jO,000 In Uranl'ii behalf, lutse.nl of 13, 000. Tlio Times Wa-hlngloii spcehlsiys that In the appropriation tor cret service funds tho money 'was ab-olutely in the control of tho Attorney-General. Thero was thnnglit to bo clearly unpardonable loo-one-- In the disbursement, slnco the only vouchers preserved aiuthu recrlpts of Wliltely. If gross sums ot money have been Impropeily expended In Xew York tho responsibility must fall on tho Attorney-General. Davenport's testimony puts the Pie-Ident'-i action lu a new and more favoiabh) light. ltetoliillon In .tlexlco. GALVIU-TOX. April 20. A Ilrownsvlll special says Diaz ,1s busily organizing liU forcoa In Matamora. HU paitlz-ius .iy It Is preparatory to a march on Moiite rev; but trom the Lief that he Is rem lin ing iu tlie loits around Matamnra. It is douhtlul about his advance. Tht-ie Is iiotliing new hi tho situation, ihcrclore at Matamoras. Several boxes of arms crowed tho river ii few day ago for prl atii p ii ties at Matamoras; but the collect or of this port cave orders that no more should be w ossed while the city is in the hands ot the revolutionists, without direct authority from the Secretary of tho Treas ury. Telegrams have been received hero or dering Geu. Potter, theprccut comman der on this line, to duty hi Kentucky. It Is reported that lie will bo relieved by Geu. Devln. Geu. Laborra Is still hero with his Hiul ly awaiting tho approach of the Mexican government forces. Ho veins confident that Matamora will soon be in tho hands of the government force. All the Mexi can oUlccrsucreusHTt tint Matamora was only lost through the treachery of Gen. Luicdo. Mx "Mm Hmiceil on One MTfiiM nt the -hiiiu Tim. LiTTt.i: Hock. April 2101 tho six men hung at I'ort Smith to-day. ono xyas n lull blumlcd negro, ono a full blooded Choctaw, one a full blooded Chemkeu iiid one a white mm, and wero all sentenced at the 1 He term of the United State court for the Wet district ot Arkansas on tho lid of September. The six weie executed on tlm same MiatioM. A iron Wilson, the negro, was condrt rdof the murder ot an old nvin nimi-il Hani, fiom Ndu tsk'i; who was traveling to Tex i 1th hi little sou in September I i-t. The sou alter witnessing the murder of his titber pleaded for mercy, but the negiosenta biilht crashing through hi b'alti al-o with his f itlit r pl-tnl. He snlniipicntlv nil'eied to divide hi spuli with tho Wichita Indians, who, however, caused lilari('t. slain Seelv. aged about twenty-live, and Gibson A-hton Alil.ee. holh CliKctaw. unn. eonvletiMl nt llli! llllllllcr ol all old ChoctMV iiami'd l-'ineg-in. an Imllm doe tor, and hi cook, a colored woman. Till- was near Waldo, lu the Chleka-aw nation, about four years ago. Thomurderei called at their victim's house ono evening to tay all night, and during tho nlRlit Glb-on snllr. tint old man's head odcii with an ax. while Srely beat tho woman to death with an old gun barrel. Tho iuiii(lcn.r wero tried for killing tlio woman, for had only tho Indian been murdered the cao would not have been amenable In tho United States com ts. Wilson told a woman of tho a flair, which soon leaked out, ami led to their anost. trial and condemnation. Orpheus MeGee. a Choctaw, with his brothel. Dave and Chaile. known aslio lug wild and reckles. and h ivlng n giudgc against Itolcrt and W. V. Alexander, nolglibois who had ottcn had the author ities agilint McGee, murdered llobert Abxander l.it September and altcrwauls bragged of tho deed. Charles MeGee was killed w bile tleclng trom justice, D.ivo was cleared and Orpheus McGco paid the pen alty to-dav. Oar Lund, n Cherokee of mlddlo size and light coiuplexlon, was convicted ol the most llendish minder In August 1873. He, Iu company with Win. Waltner, also a Cherokee, approached tho houo of an old neighbor, Tlios. A. Cai lisle, a wliito man, but iinnied ton Cherokeo woman. Cat lisle was intelligent, wealthy farmer liv ing about thirty miles north of Fort Smith on tho Statu lino In the Cheiokeo nation. Tiioy deliberately shot him down while ho was ulleiiii!! them tho hospital ities of his liou-e, and betoro tho eyes of his family who lied In allrlght. 'Iho mur derers took about $1,300 woithol property and money. White was killed while llce ing pur-tilt; but Sanders was delheicd over to tho United States and convicted. William Letch, a native of Gcimanv, .'13 yens old. murdered a man named Wil kins in Mtrcli, 1S75, aiid tlieu binned the body. Each of the six claimed to be In. uocent when scut for. Indictment (or Perjury. Tho grand jury of tho U. S. court to il .y returned Indictments against scvcial neisons. Two ot tlio Indictments were against Matthew D. ltapp, former super intendent for Palilmau & ltnh, and one ol their prominent witnesses iu tlie lat trial, They chatgo him with conspiracy and per lurv iu sweaiing that no frauds wero per- petiated. Itapp has left and cannot be found. Several gangers and storekeepers .appo ired In court anil pleaded guilty to In- UlCtUlcnts ngiiliist'tneni, . Ft. Lakajhi:, April 20. Mr. Mllfg-in, of Scrantou, Pennsylvania, arrived liero this atteinoon. Hu ays whllo coming in on tho morning of file 10th his party was ittackcd by Indians In Itrtl Canyon, near tho Clicyenno river ranch, about 30 miles from CiUter. A few of the party escaped to tho ranch. .Mr. and Mrs. Mctz, ori.tr amioCity, weie Mlled. A colored women was ttken prisoner. A m m named Simp son was also killed. Tho babies wet o bur ied uext d i.v. Mrs. MtW J'd been rav l-htil. Tin co men weie woiillod Grlch an, liom Mis-otui, mortally ; aii'l Bitally Irnm Mlssoml, and C. W. Beige'slr, liom VliglnlaCity, Nrvula, seilouJIy. t is feaicd the wounds may piovo fatal. The wo'iniicd men aieat Cheyenuu river ran cho. Tho pi ico wheru the attack was ruiulo is about 120 miles fiom thi post. Apill 21 In my ill-pituli of ye-terdiy, about the lied Union uiassiicre. I nientloii ed that tin eo wounded men wero left at Cheyenne liver rancho this morning. Gen. UimUey, commanding ll.e dittrlut of tho Ulack 'Hills, -ent a detaehuiciit of cival ly and an ambulance to bring them in. j;xtiidi:itiit'ic'Uu tiu Hiiiciiicd. WAtHI.NGTOK,April 22. No reply flOIU Loudon lias yet hern tecrlved to Fish's note, earnestly protesting against tho course of the English government in i din ing to rcttiin Wluslow. The Canadian government,however,ral scs no question as to Its power under IMt sh I iw and leturiis fugitive ; this proba bly w III be a valuable precedent. U'ltlieitic-tt Miiuauourd far the Iinpench went Trli L The Impeachment mantgers of tho House hive directed subpoenas to be Issued tor Mr. and Mr. March to appear Thurs day before the Court impeachment. This indicates that the manager Indulge iu a belief that the Senate will overrule llei knap's plea of a want of jurisdiction. HuauiiKU by the Ilrt-iik lu Iho Ilnnulbiil lA'tre. Ql'incv, April 20. The break In the Haiiuib il levee 1 more serious than ever. A vast iimouutof furniiiig land has been Inundated and the crops destroyed. The water is falling now, but It will be many days befoie tliu lauds can bo cultivated and tho people can return to their deserted lion -es. Exhibitor Crowriluir to FhlMdelphlH. l'llll.ADKl.rillA, April 20. Kadi day brings redoubled activity on tlie part of exhibitors. Tins morning jh carioaus ot goods were on the tracks about the en closure. The Chilian commission will erect a spa cious building to exhibit it machine for amalgamating metal. The Report About I in pro r I'aeorMonry MlaUiideratsMMl . Tlie Tribune's Washington special says the report winch startled wasiungiou yes lerdav turns out to have been mlsunder stood. The money was scut as stated, but extended to prevent Illegal voting. The only Irregularity wa In using the secret fervlco funds. Mr. Grant and Divenport are to tctlfy. Tho latter declared ho paid $23,000 out of his pocket for registration ot voters. The committee, however, are not quite satisfied. llrlitow Adhere lo l,l Method. Sco-etary ISristow adheres to the old method of sale ot bonds to meet Alabama claims, notwithstanding tho suggestion ot many to sell iu miiii of $1,000 or mul tiples. VUillclJ has not 1'it Told All HeKnoin. The oilii'pceiil say: It Is certain that Whlirly l.a not . t told all he know1 about tliu -ecret service fluid. Money was not only u(d tocmyXow Yoik; but thousand upon llioii-ands wero used in the south, wheie buroom and corner groceiies weie bought up. Tliu President " teirlbly woriled about tho downfall ot , Ids friends nml the evidence criminating hluwlf; but be Is tlmioitglily aroused aitu excited, ilenoiuiclng Williams' statement as untrue. SISO,UJJ lMM to Mhllely ultlilnTno Yeiirt. It 1 known iii goveiuiiKiit circles that when Pleriepont liiino Into oilico as At torney Genei il he found that within two- yrirs SloO.UlH) nnl been pain to v.oi. vnitpiv oy ins pivuece-ors, .iciciiuii and Williams. Fifty tlum-aiid dollirsof this amount. It Is xiild, was p'lid to Da venport. 1'o-day oai eh was madu tor voucher, but none could bo found. This statement cieates much comment lu olllcial drclos, and It pioliablo that the Cabinet meeting, which is called an hour earlier than usual for to-innnow, will consider this and kindled subjects. rnsiiiuo of the Iiidlnn Hill. r.w York, Apill 20 Tho Herald's Washington special says that there 1 a fair pi ospeet that tho Indian bill will bo pas-od by a fair majority. His oxpected that tho bill will save $10,000 yearly. Mr. Aiery Tells All Miv Kiiohh About Iil-1 y I'niiKlt Waiiingion, Apiil 21. Mrs, Avery, wlte of tho trciisiucr'scleik just sentenced at St. Louis, a icpoi ted on good iiithorlty went before Pleiiepont to-day and con fessed all ho knew about tlm whliky fiaud. Thicontcsion allects tho Presi dent and implicates Bibcock and her hus band. The interview was lengt' " ,tc- rious and painful. 4 & n - Iinnnclintl I'rorlir ... Xi-.w York, Apill 21. The colored people of KIchmoiid and tho Mil rounding: towtu celebrated rniancliatinn and tho adoption of constitutional amendment.. Display very ci editable. Tin: wim:ml''a haii.way rnoro- MIUIS. Wo nro enabled this morning to prosout our rcadeu wltli a complcto Bt.Ueinont of tho prop oslijon of tho Central Pnclllo 1'iilnay Company to eousttuct tlio l'oillatul and WInncinucca Railway. This van bu done by giving an nb stmct of tlio bill prcparod by that company, to bo adopted by tho pcuplu of Oregon tluongU their Logislutino. Bectlou 1. Crottcs a compiny to bo called tho "Oregon and Contiul P.iclilo Railroad Com pany. Sec. 2. Dollnos tho proposed lino from with in 100 rnilos of Wliuicmueca to a point of In tersection with O. & C. 11. 11., not fuitlicr north than Engciio City, ami tlicuco to tlio city of Portland, by such ronto as may bo (loomed prajtlcablo with brunches and extensions, to rV.ltmil.l . rlvKV - TTtu. 1J7 Qivo4 power to accjulrv tlifia.cti ol Oregon Coulral l'aeitio Iluilnay aiiil V; It. R., If ducined necessary, and hoimft"' ngiood upon by tlieso companies. i'. 8io. i. Gives right of way of 109 foot a$ neccosarj grounds for stations, depot and si tucks, etc., not LXCwiduig 10 tieics at any cui, placo, and l'Ulit to t.ilo tiuibor, stouo and wutcr to colibtiuct Iho load. Bio. 5. Right to piitcliasopnlilia md unoc citpicd lands for put po-id ot coinpuny at rates cstablUlicil by law. Bcc. U. Exemption from taxes, " State, county, niimlclpd or loeil cliar.ictcr" until ntt earnings remaining (uiur pivmout ofixpousis, etc., od interest piyinontO shall oxoenl tlio bum ot '0 rsr cent, per annum oil tapital stock of company, (Vri alter otimpaiiy to pay taxis by gonoialUws nppiIeUo, to roal iuidpiii.oii.il. pioportY, Lieu. 7. (living raihnail coniny pawcrto imuu its own bonds an 1 pay lutciest '''Ctton Hot oxcoeillng S ixir rent, per jear. neu. o. uiiiiie;!!!!,; "irom mi'i .11 lor uee-opi, alien of this act," to tmii;p'iit mul (oney1 orrtlio lallroid comp.my' loul, ull publio inc'iseniiOir'i cwnicts priioacis, lunatics anU"'" public oniors, and nil ailiolcs for ll.o Btatf Fait at Hali-m, mid to bo ictnrncd tliercfiomj tlio tioops and iuuuIIoiih of war, etc., etc., fur a Mini equivalent to SJ10.0.0 por oar for 30 yeais luynicnt to Iw maUo pro rata on cich for ty miles' of tlio io.ul when built; this suction concludes thus : " And said (IntJiest) pay tnunts shall bu dii mi d to bu fall and ttulUclJfcut ouinponsatinii for said soivicet, and no other or further liability shall necruo to tlio Btato with ' iu tbo period uiunlioue-d fur or on account cf any interest payments, nor at any tiuio on m,. count of tbo primilpal sum of said bonds, wiiV-fc,. htia.ll bu paid by sain rallro.ul company at luatu. rity." (fhiHiiois away with tlio asseilioii in,4 last ovening's Join nal that tliu Hhitu pjjs the. piinclpal sum ot tlirco mllllnn dulliiiHi) Hoc. 0. Authorizes tlio city ol l'ortland.jo tbo county ot Multnomuli, to Ktibscrihu or l-'uc Its bonds to an airoiint not uxcoedlug ouojiul hou doll.ua at 8 per cent inteiest, and to liv ' i tax for sumo. Hut tlio Central I'aelllo d eompanv do not, however, ask the eltv ub-. scribo that sum. Thoy say that it Is aft',et)ier , lllolvjtbat they may bavo to orpctlmpmlu) Btiuctures on tlio liv'cr at I'oiiland u) r tlio lino is completed, and expct tbo city would as sist thorn in making those struuiuios and rivtr improvements, but Ihev add. nossib r not un til after tlio city lias begun to feel tliu benefits. of tlio ridhoad." Nor do tlmy say tlmtlluiy asl; a million ouuars lur iiiesu purposes, it Hio the ncopiooi l'oruaiid to vuie a sumuolex ceeuing one million uonars. Hec. 10. Hpecille-H that tho surveys are to bo commenced immediately, and the road built within 10 years. Bee. 11, (Htcs tlio company power as to faros sud freights, and tolls to bo collected, uh tll tlio company earns interest on its bonds and capital Invented, but provides that tho compa ny cannot at any timo chaigo higher ratos per milo than may bo charged for tho time being by the Central 1'aciflo Railroad main line iu Utah and Nevada, and uoniiwls tho company to Uuu through bills of lading to and from Port land aim Atlantic coast aim Mississippi valley at rates never oxoocdlng those ohargod to and from nan irrancisco, Willi tneocran cuarga from rtsn v rauciso") wi i oi uauci auuea mere w. oi gOUUU. ty A r1 i M an- 1 V; r -tctfGmm M-