Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, March 31, 1876, SUPPLEMENT, Image 9

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    -rriyTiirjnr'j-i'W'nwTiriu n Hi ijj1' rroWpCTa3aiMfeWff
tilknuffe Manner.
8ALEM. FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 1870.
Sngnr Beets, etc.
The cultivation of sugar beets litis
nover been carried on in the State to
-uuy great extent. So fur as we can
learn, Mr. R. 11. Thompson anil Col.
Cornelius are tlio only parties that
have devoted any attention to it, and
that has been of a limited character,
!ut. sufficient to show that they can be
successfully grown and the yield large.
The amount of saccharine matter in
the beets grown we are unable to learn
owing to no analysis being returned by
parties to whom samples were sent to
experiment with. The return .said:
"Of mo-it excellent quality for manu
facturing sugar." The climate in the
western division of Oregon is similar to
the climate of the older settled coun
tries of Kur,opp, where the most suc
ivasful cultivation of sugar beet is had.
The yield to the acre in this State
" varies; all depending upon the soil,
omc grown on the beaver land re-
turned at the rate of from twenty to
forty tons to the acre, while on the
average good land, tho yield is about
fifteen tons to the acre. Messrs. Dekuin
!t Uickel, of Portland, are in receipt of
ii smau nox oi sugar weei sueus, which
Ahey propose distributing among far
mers to experiment with so as to learn
demiitely about tho adaptability of the
different soils to its cultivation. It is
claimed by many that the eastern
division of the State is admirably fitted
to tho cultivation of sugar beet; of this
we are not in a position to know; and,
us for that, wo are inclined to think no
one else is, f.r no experiments, so far
its we can learn, have been made in its
cultivation in the eastern division. It
is said the alkaline soil of the eastern
division is the kind of soil peculiarly
titled to the most thorough propagation
of the root. Aside from this, it is also
asserted that tho sugar beet will absorb
the alkaline properties of tho soil. If
this he so, then as an auxiliary in re
claiming vast areas of land now lying
in waste they will prove invaluable.
The future cultivation of tho sugar
heet iu this State for manufacturing
into sugar will depend very much upon
the fate of the Hawaiian treaty now
tiuder consideration at "Washington.
Since writing the above, in convcrsa
fion with Mr. It. 11. Thompson, we
,Jcnrn tiiat Mr. Wait, of Waitsburg,
cast of the Cascades, put in a small plat
tf land with sugar beet seed and that
the yield was astonishingly large, and
the quality is thought to be most ex
cellent for the manufacture of sugar.
In that section they grow sugar beet
for feeding stock, for which ithas no
superior. Our experience has shown
us that hornes, cattle, hogs, etc., will
, leave nil other kinds of feed for sugar
lieet, mid they thrive upon it too.
"Thore is one thing it is us well to touch
iipon in this.artUle, viz: sugar beets of
not over one pound iu weight produce
V the most .saccharine matter.aud are also
e- better for feeding stock; and to procure
I this size they must be planted closer
together in rich soil. If planted from
, eighteen to twenty-five inches apart
they will obtain too large ft growth.
Of other roots, beets, turnips, carrots,
parsnip, etc., the beaver land is most
admirably lltted to their cultivation.
We have seen beets all of a foot in
diameter and from two to throe feet in
length grown in the beaverland. We
have seen white carroti (they are not
considered us good as the yellow) sev
eral inches in diameter and from
twenty to forty inches in length. Tur
nips and other roolri do equally as well
in beaverland. In what is known as
' ' -"swale Jand" we have seen very largo
root crops. Dut to insure uniformity of
crops, manuring is resorted to. This
in beaverland is unnecessary, for all
that is required in this kind of land is
; -deeper plowing to insure thrifty
Vegetables of all descriptions are cul-
iivateu; but at times the heavy wintor
frosts kill them out duiing the winter
months. During these months Cali-
fbrnia supplied us with vegetable-. The
vegetables cultivated in this State can
not bo excelled by tho-e grown in any
tate iu the Union. High cultivation
is essential to insure a large crop and
excellent quality.
In parts of the Eastern Division of the
Htato (ICastern WnshingtonTerritory is
if the same character), sorghum grows
to great luxuriance, in walla w una
county, Washington Territory, it lias
Oeeti cultivated to much advantage for
-some years past. Ueside.s giving u
sood quality of molasses or sirup, it is
most oxcelleut feed for stock. Never
having seen sorghum under cultiva
tion, wo cannot speak from personal
knowledge. It is claimed that in Rogue
itiver and Umpqua Valleys the
-toil and climate are as well fitted for its
cultivation as parts of Eastern Oregon
and Washington Territory. We seo no
reason why in time, with increased
transportation facilities, sorghum
should not become extensively culti--vated
in this State. Com. Reporter.
Our happiness is not dependent on
rwircumstauces, but on hearts. There
is many a rich grumbler, sour aud full
-af wretchedness, aud many a poor saint
-whose every breath is an exhilaration.
If the heart is kept right there need no
ear that life will be aught elso than
Sk&gU Vallay, W. T., U almdy ap and at it
iu too matter of aowlac grain and laying
tha foundation for a rtoh barraat this yaar.
CukssWKIjL, Mnrch 17,1370.
Ed. Fakmkr: I hereby give a solu
tion of the tobacco questlou, but in a
different shape, ns tho cattle would be
come too numerous for one man to at
tend to, and all tobacco chewers means
and capacity to take earo of. I will
put $20.01) at interest at ton per cent,
per annum, and add $20.00 and com
pound tho interest each year for thirty
years. This leaves two j.er cent, to pay
taxes each year, and as money can bo
readily loaned at twelve per cent., at
the end of thirty years, wo have the
sum of $3,27!). 11 besides perhaps, sav
ing more than this in sullering and
great inconvenience caused by the ue
of the filthy weed, and the annoyance
to tho fair sex iu seeing their best
rooms and furniture besmeared with
amber, and the gentleman's shirt
bosom unfit to go into decent company,
If we can call one a gentleman that is
so filthy.
And now, Mr. Editor, if any of your
numerous readers wish to try the ex
periment " of quitting the noxious
practice, and have not the moral cour
age, I will give a recipe to assist them.
Go to tho drug store and get one or two
bit's worth of gentian root, and take a
little iu your mouth when you crave
tobacco, and chew, and swallow tho
juice, it is not particular as to amount
about ti teaspoonful at a time and
bo sure nnd not use tobacco for threo
weeks, and you will llnd that the to
bacco will make you as sick ns when
you first began to use it.
From an ex-tobacco chewer.
J. K Wai.jcku.
Xatolkox's Loss of Powr.it. The
Memoirs of the Count de Segur, just
published, give some interesting facts
in the life of Napoleon not generally
known, The Count was on the lhnper
or's stall' for many years, saw him daily
and knew him intimately, and is there
fore a trustworthy witness. He attri
butes Napoleon's waning fortunes to a
disease which impaired lxth physical
and mental forces. The Emperor's
power of endurance were prodigious
during his early career, but afterwards
ho could not ride even a few miles
without fatigue.
Count Segur does not toll the nature
of this secret malady. Ho cays, "He
was obliged to be eonstnutlv on his
guard against a p-iinful malady, nn nc
coss of which might prostrate him at
any moment when ho required the
unimpaired energies of mind antl body.
There are four or five occasions on
which the destiuies of the empire, of
the world, were more or less influenced
bv this complaint. The most intimate
of his chief olueers knew its nature,
nnd have kept it secret. Three of these
attacks wereafter the Iwttloof Dresden,
at llorodino, and at "Wnterlro. At
these times ho was overpowered by
physical woakness and paino. and in
capable, at intervals, of directing tho
movements of the army.
Poisonous PotaItoij5. The "sprouts
of tho potato when analyzed, are found
to contain a vegetable alkaloid, called
by chemists golanine, which is very
poisonous. .Solanino is obtained from
various .species of solanumugenus of
plants, comprehending the potato, to
mato, nightshade, etc. This alkaloid
does not exist in tho tubers unless they
are exposed to the light anil air. If
potatoes remain for any length of time
alter having been dug, in too bright a
light, or if the earth is accidentlly re
moved from them in cultivation, they
arc changed by the chemical action of
light and become green in color, which
is owing to the presence of .solnnine.
Potatoes of a blackish -greon tint are
good for need, and it is claimed by
oome that tho poison they contain is a
sure preventive of decay, but they
should never be cooked for the table.
If they are Ixnled in a large quantity of
water aud the water carefull drained
off, they may lo fed to stock. ;'.r.
Cacskanii ErptXT. The cause of
the recent dreadful railway accident
which took place near Huntington,
England, is attributed to the fact that
during u very heavy snowstorm tho
red danger lights became so coated
with snow that although they appear
ed red to the signal-man clone by tnoin,
at a few yards distance they emitted
an apparently white light. Tho effect
of this unprecedented peculiarity was
most disastrous; two express trains
dashed in full fury into a number of
coal cars, 10 pas-engers were killed on
the snot and manv others seriously if
not mortally wounded. A nuiribor of
those who escaped injury from the
collision of the first train were con
gratulating themselves and fellow pas
sengers when the second train, unlook
od for in tho confusion, swept them
into eternity.
ATexuspupcr furnishes an account
of tho trlat of Charles Miller on the
charge.'of having murdered Wm.Nahan
a former resident of Walla Walla valley.
Miller was convicted of murder in the
first degree, and sentenced to impris
onment for life. The wife and chil
dren of Xahan are living in Walla
Walla, nnd are generally respected.
Tho Democratic Executive Com
mittee selected tit Louis as the placo
for holding tho Democratic Nomina
ting Convention, and named the 27th
of June tor tho day of its assembling.
Bishop Iluntinrton, of Central New
York, thinks the exclusion of the Bible
from the publk.Bchoobi "is foredoomed
by circumstances that are to be de-plored."
The vnluo of Cnba, even when torn bv
tedious and cteblllifttlnK civil war, may be
computed from tha8 facts. The annual Im
portations of suotr Into the United States
Hroliout l,5lll,300,S54 pound, of wliluli we
get from Ciioa 1 tt;,(l2,5 I piuml', besides
molasses and tnelado. brom these threo
wo collected In 1871 a revonue or $27,ftU,Gj!).
We also collected from tobacco and cigars
imported from Cuba $G,'J99,-I5S. Besides
theo, are fr nils and some lesser Items; and
these products paid Into tbe U. S. Treasury
dining lS7t, import duty amounting to over
531,000,000. ThU was nearly one-fourth of
the entire customs reveuue. Reflecting on
these statistics, one unit but realize the im
mense tmpoilnnce of Ibat rich and distracted
Island. Il'her products were added to those
of our States, our national budget might I
have a dill'oreut aspect, aud so might the
assessors' books. And then house-keepers
could get tbeir "sweetening," and tb clubs
their cigars, minus the duty-Increase on
tboir teal value.
UitANT County, We have received tbe
(liant Comity J!jjc8s, a small weekly just
issued at Canyon City. It is well printed,
and full of local Items. We clip the follow
ing from its columns:
The new school-house building at Canyon
City is under way, and the carpenters are at
work. It is to ba a one-story building, 32 by
.VJ feet, and 111 loot high.
The tanners iu John l)y valley are busy
plowing and sowing. The indications aro
chat tbev will have splendid crops.
Near Prairie City is a copper and eolnlt
mlno. It has been hilly and sttisfactorily
tested, and all that is now uecessary is cap
ital to work it.
Not long since, CapUtin Lewis, who resides
on tbe Middle Fork, had the misfortune to
lose his house by lire. The Capt. had just
cnmruetu'ud tbe iinprovementof anew place
Dr. y. O. Uorsley it Co., owners of the
cinnabar mine, thirteen miles below town,
lutend soon to put a force of men to work In
tbe iniue. This is a rich deposit of cinnabar,
and luis been thoroughly prospected, and
worked on u limited scale. Abundance of
rich ore is there, but it takes an outlay of
quite a um of money to successfully work
a ciunabar mine.
Goosk Lake Countky. The Jacksonville
Sentinel has the following Information from
tho Goose Like region:
The winter has been very cold. Snow from
teu to twelve inches deep, on an average,
and badly drifted. The shallow places en
able the stock to get t.ome grass, but many
are getting very poor. Capt. Barmvi has lost
40 head out. of 70U or T.'K) head. Mr. Stone has
lost To head out of SOU or U00 head, and Dow
ell one cow and three calves out of L'JS head,
aud many others in the same proportion.
This winter has been much -worse on stock
than last year. Tho stook-rana;er will soon
have to feuca their hay laud, or move their
stock to where tho winter range is better and
tho .settlements are not no thick.
YAfjuiVA. Bay. Tne Benton Democrat of
March 24th says:
Through the exertions of Capt. Wynant
tbe Oueatta mills have at last got a vessel to
run their lumber. The Caroline Medan.
which arrived at tbe Bay on the 17th, will
load, and, if she can make a profitable trip,
will leturn lor tbe second liad. She will
carry about 100,000 feet.
Work will be commenced on tbe M..le iu
a few days, aud pushed to tlie'utuiost, until
she is again uiloat. D. M. Titus, the former
builder of the vessel, has tha" contract , to
move arid-repair Iter. "As soon as siio can be
Ifol ready for sea, Capt. Wynant will again
try to take a load or oysters to Sau b'rauclsco.
Quito a serious accident occurred near La
Grande, Union county, wesk before last. As
a young man by the name of Miller was dri
ving a span of horses attached to a wagou
uji a hill, tbe day being cold, he got out to
walk, and, wishing the horses to go a little
faster, he struck them witli the wnlp, when
oue of them kicked him in the lower jaw,
fracturlug It very badly, knocking out sev
eral ot his teeth in the upper J4W, precipita
ting him down tbe hill, severely Injuring
his shoulder, aud bruising him up generally.
Dr. Diggers dressed his wounds, aud tbe pa
tient is doing a well as could be expected.
ltev. Done Goug, principal of the Chinese
mission in Portland, was attacked by one ol
his countrymen last week at the court-house
entrance, and had it not been lor the timely
assistance of some bystanders, might liavn
been killed. Ills course in the recent sup
pression of the (!hliiei, Imusos of prostitu
tion has brought on him the enmity of all
"Chinatown," and it Is said that at 'a meot
lug of lhaso celestials a reward was olVareil
to the Mongolian who would assassinate
him. Stuiuluiil,
EriKcirior K-iitasrsoN v Aiu.sui'i'i.v.
The effects ol the denudation of forests, on
tbe water supply of a conulry was thus
sUted by Councilor We, at the late yearly
meeting of the Geographical Hoolety at
Vienna, In a paper ou the dituluntlou of the
water volume iu rivers and springs. From
the data adduced by llorr Wet, there was
shown a fall iu the level, since 50 years, of 17
IncheH in the KILw, 21-H inches in the Hliine,
17 Inches iu the Odor, 3J Inches In the Vistula,
aud In the Danube, at Orsova, as mucin as -V,
Inches. Accompanying this fall in the
.level, which correspond with the decrease
In the voluiriH nf these rivers, thure has been
a constantly i creasing diminution of the
discharge from springs.
How TO 1'ilVsic a iiu. At a .recent lec
ture Iwtoro the Kingscote farmers' Club,
Prof. Mcliride is stauid to have Kiveu the
following uie'bod of dosliw a piu: To dost
a pigi which you are sure to choke if you at
tempt to administer a driuk to him while
squealing, bailer him as you would tor exe
cution, aud tie the rope-eud to a stake. 11 f
will, as we all know well, pull back until
the cable is tightly strained. When be ha
ceased his uproar and Logins to reflect, ap
proach, and between the back part of hit
jaws Insert au old sho from whloh you have
cut the toe leather. This he will at ouoo be
ein, from whatever oute, to suck aud anew.
Through It you pour your medicine, and h
willowallow mv quantity vou please,
J, M. IWu, rq., post uaur at Oregon
City, having enjiytd a quarter of a century
of matrimonial life, was called ou bv a lane
number of his frlenda ou tbe evenlug of
March 16th. aud be and nil win were pre
sented with a fine lot nf silverware.
Mr. 9. a. isav.er, an old resident of Port
land, died last week In San Vranci-oo. wbf re
be had gone fur Medical aid. Mr. Harler
came to Portlaud at an earl day, sad w a
prominent buslnea man, of thai city. 'He
inavee a ramuy auu many inenue to mourn
. -A.. JSixxltla., Krtitp
Salem, Oregon, dealer In Stereoscopes and Stereo
scopic Views, and Scene of Salem and the snrronnd
lus country. Llfc.slzo Photographs, la India Ink, Oil
or Water Color, poll
How to Obtain Patent.
Any person desiring Information as to the mode vJ
taking o-it patents, cm rend a request to the Fahxi
office, accompanied by a one-ceut stamp, and will
ceivc by mall a copy of tho revised, Patent laws and
pamphlet containing full Information as to how Invei
tlons can bo patented.
Agents for (lie Willamette Partner.
llucna Vtt i
.IK Dannon
Lit Frarcr
...Wui Wells, J Wlloiwit
Butte Disappointment.
...n it imisattcr
Ilnmntille W K Kirk
I W llarhiMrr
Canyon City....
Ctiunnllk ...
CoEV Vnllo...
(1 W CVlvii;
WH Clarke
1 1! SroruWv-u
.F Shot-maker, 11 1' Kendall
ltoroe Knox
W A Mills
O It Uaminernley
II) Leu. n M Hntlirie
Cottage Ur.tc,
Cm c
Camp t'lcok....
Oralh'p ... kiewtttiii Dialu
l,iiiiann K Foibea
Dayton Kl' H.iilauny
Italic S L nruok
Kist l'ortlim! Jacob Joliuaon
KmplreCity T 1) Winchester
Eucene C'!t F M Dnnn
Elktou 1 V Htearnj
Fo VMIo A II Onnlner
1'alilloUI J.I lllevnna
Knrent (Inne S llit'be. W I. Curtis
On'hen J Ilanrioaker
Ucrtal sheppant A Oalue
Orcein llle .T K Pierce
llaley ; T.I Black
Hood Hiker W I" Watmn
II irrlslmt,: Ulrara Smith
Illholioro A I.tielllng
Hcpnei .Morrow & llerron
InUeneinletii-e W I. llotlirin
Junction Smith. l!ratfleld & Co., W L Lemon
.Tark'onvllle M lVteiTOn
.leflorson W F West
Kello,'i' Ml Krllog!;
Lunlskllle J M llewlcy
l.il Oiniidc 8 KU'worlh
Lafayette Dr Pouplctnu, A 11 llmry
Lebanon S II Claunhton
MeaUowkllle It K Lanmlale
McMnimllle A Keld
.Mitchell AHUrejman
Monmouth W Waterhonsc
Needy Wm Moreland
'(.- vllrillp PF Castlcmaa
North Vamhlll DO Stewart
Oakland J ASterllns
O'wejrc All Shipley
Olt J II Sehroeder
Oregon City .: II llacon
Othnet J II Doulhlt
lVn Helen W A Whitman
l'eorla SI) Haley
Spriugatar J II Lewellon
I'oitland S 1' Lee, Agent HtatB Orange
I'rlnretllle OMriliiRle
Pel rydnle McGrcwV store
ltlekreal FA Patterson
Kixebiir Tho Smith
cli lrklno &, Morris, Thoa MnnWrra
Sllvertun Alvah Brown
SheddV W M Powers
SprlmiHeld A O Ilovcy
Hibllinity John Downing
sweet Home Don Marks
Sheridin JB Morris
Pilot Hnck K GUllam
Ten Mile RM Onrnev
Tomer B AWiUel
Vanconvcr S W Brown, BBDeuure
Wheatland LU Forrest
Willam-lte Fork II Wllklsa
Walla Walla JF Brewer
Woodbnrn Matlhlot Bros
Waldo JO Elder
Willow Fork ACPetteys
Yoncalla JKKIlleon, KHApnlcsate
Zona D J Cooper
S Oofl', tieneral Atientfor Eastern Oregon.
1 874. ,
.Dekftted to the Intercuts of thoPatroaaof Husbandry
A a Faiimeu' Par-Kit Iteplcto with practical In
fonnttlon lor k orkluir farmer.
A a Comveiiciai. I'At'Kit Teaches nliere. when,
and how to huy; kvht'ru, when, and how to sell.
As av AmntTii'ivi I'aveii-Eclu'Jes everything
which Is of doubtful ntillty, and every sdrertlser who
i of doubtful re'pon-dblllly.
Asa Familt PAi-Mi-Pnre and chaste, free from
scandal and low wit, but full of the choicest and
brii;ht(-.t thoughts of the best wiitera of tho day.
A a Neh iU'sn Full and complete; carelnlly ga
thers fi om all sources, whatek er Is of I mportance, and
present-' It In a l'reh, bright, Intelligent form.
As a tlutviiB TAt-Bn tllvea all rramre news: freelv
aud lully ill-iueF. all questions of Interest to Pat
rons, Y,iiein.-r inMue or ouisme me uruer, ami tear
less!) proclaim the -'oaud political nd eeonumlc
principles on which our reform is bated.
Subscription price, post paid, $1 SO a jear in ad
vauce. Specimen (nines tree.
Address all cjm-miulcatlou to
I)es Moines. Iowa riibiUh-rs.
Greatest Variety
Bn Oregon !
Apple, I'ear, IVtioh, J'lnin, Prune, Cher-
ly, (Iropc, Gooseberry, Currant,
Strawberry, Wttekberry,
Haspborry, Mul-
Ixrry, Ac;
Also. Butternut, Chestnni. Black and Carlton la Wal.
nnt. Silver Leaf Maple, Loinbardy Poplar, Jtc;
Alio' which r, 111 he sold low I'oreash. Please send
for price list or call at the .lllltvaukle Murserj
and examine for yourselves.
SETH LUELLINU, Proprietor,
diTml MUwaakle C'las-kauus co Or.
Farm for Sale.
270 of wlildi are kooa prairie, under "'"! eultl
valinu, wlthood fencer, pi luclpally cedar rails, tno
irraln barns, one lurge hure haru and , house, a
food Uttellln house, vthlch cost (4.&tO, a itood or
Uiard, aud allthe nocesstry Improvements fiirai'oud
home, aud In as healthy a locality as there Is ou the
coast. My inaraei is only oue and a half inlles, school
housion thlmor a mile, two stores and postofUre
three and a half inlles, from uy house: church, two
and a half inlles. The farm rould be divided to ad
vantage, nnd make two xood fartus.
Tho (arm Is situated near the center of WIIIUIIY
ISLAND. Island county, WasMn-rtou Territory. The
Island is forty niUes low; and live or lv miles wide.
jci-Hf P.O. address. C'oapevIKe. Island to. W T.
Trost Investment Company
fltlllACompanr Is prepared to onotUU toons lu
X sufns Irom t SUB to ttu.uuo euros ovsr IMPHO
filed periods rf yeais, or repayable by half-yearly In.
slaUueutf. for terms, apply to
WltXlAM HBID, ManaKer,
First BtrMt Portland.
a. w, liwson. u.a. turriso,
SAWsoar a oTTTTiar,
JLUorueyu at Imw, aa4 Keal Es
tate aimu.
BALKM, ..... QBtilOH.
;Offlco In tho cW Com Hlooe. Jaa. l.Utt-tf
Fine Poultry
M. EYRE, Jr.,
' IVuin, Cnl.
each. TlmdOM O-ocsio, wetfih
Intr 'Mm W to no lbs. per pair. IlIiAIlMAS,
I.ralioriiN, !iiim. etc. I'ckln Duclti, ar-
ent;lna 18 to -20 lbs , and best of all Ducks as layer.
Also, atlnc I'Bsortment of Ph-cons, Rabbits, (lulneiv
Fowl, and Ferrets. Any variety of Fowls dedred
Imported. Xlgrgiai trne to name, fresh and welt
packed for sale at Moderate prices. Send stamp for
Illu-rtttcH Circular nnd Vrlce List, to 1TI. BIKE,
NAl'A, Cal.
On lecoiptof 10 cents In lamps. I kklU furnish sp
clmei copy of the I'OUlTUY BULLF.rliN. an lllns
trated SJ pie monthly, the rccosnli-,1 minority lit
pmiltiy mailers In tlie II. S.; nnd del Ide ll Iho l)est
iVnltrsJnnrual published. Subscription only fl.Ss
a year.
i'Jcase tatn where you saw this advertisement. Or
ders inaj be lift tt this ofllic. rnhfrmS
Internet of 31esrs. Ycalon A Lom;hary In
tho Furniture Storo on the west side of
Commercial street, Salem,
and shall keep on hand a GENERAL AS
BORTMKNT of goods for tho reull trade.
rnrlur &. Cbambor SctH,
By the st or single piece.
Repairing and Jobbing
Aud at reasonable prtco, ns I am a practical workman
Salem, July IS, lb75.y
Dealer In
Crockery and Glassware,
Wooden and Willow Ware,
Tobacco and Cigars,
Salem, April 20, ltd. dftwtf
Willamette Nurserv,
Oswego, Clackamas co., Oregoa.
Growers of the Choicest Varieties of
Pattlcnlar attention (riven to Cherry, I'rnne and Plna
trees. U)t
.Mr. Watklnds 111 thuold nstsbllshnil hons In thn
above line, the attention of the community Is called
l tho slock of
on hand, which la offered at greatly reduced rates.
At lowest Grander prices.
Hardware, Whips, Robes, etc.,
To snlt everybody.
Salem. Feb. U. 1612.
Salem Flouring Millt.
OonMtHutly on Iluud.
HltrhoMt Prloo in GASH
Paid for Wheat
Aaent H. K. M. Co
Kept IStf
For Sale !
tTIfE FINE RESIDENCE corner or Conj-ner-rial
aud Division streets, In desirable situation,
with house larite. well finished, and convenient
i Hired, aud grounds tastefully ornamented. Will
ha sold Toi'y lovtr arul ou aceoinmodatlu
terms. Apply tu
.... , l,Er WH.LIS,
iu'uM I'atlon's Illock tjtato St.. Hai.au.
Comer of Fourth and A Streets, Portlaud, Or.
J dren's Suits, (after Mrs. Cnrtls's Models.) Also.
HTAMVINoWDIMirjNINO In all Us branches!-:
INI HAW madotn order. PATTERNS of all kind
cut by measurement. Persons llvlnir at a dlstaneu
nan hava the Uteat lylea In Suit Material bouabt.
aud madiiUp ou receipt of butt and waist measure.
Other shopping done on a reasonable commission.
Mourning made no In -II hours' Mil Ice. ul
Singer Sewing Machine Agency.
I:UOM and after this date, Mr. J". U. GOODRICH
.' will eondul tho Acency for this Company lu
HaLEM. OH , and la lolly authorized ta receive and
receipt for isoneya due the Company,
Tbe Mlnger manufacturing Co.,
DOYl9ai3 W M. PARSONS; Ajfeut.
. A J. V. Isl
Dealer lu
Goueral IdEoroliuudiMu,
cy Ootda, Clotblns, Hardware, Qrvcerltf , VMk
BiMlonerr, etc., BALLAS, Or.