JflMm Vs i .; 1 , - 8 WILLAMETTE FARMER. STATU NEWS. On Tueiy last, nt McMlunvillo.-John Murray, n lad of about It ytrs, had one or Ms humliMi badly shattered by the discharge of a nhotpun, that It wait rrewwary to ampu tate about halfway to his elbow. The acci dent ncwiriod at Mr. Tftalali Martin's resi dence. It necm tli At. trie lad had been out with the aim, and returned. Ufl laid the arm ilown ori the Image and eat down at the miirlo of It. Itoslring to wove It, he cutuniMiciil ho clnp It along on (ho lounge, wben,Hn tn It; b I. Ikk'o lepn expected by one moreswustoired a hmiilllucftro arms, the liammcr'-auirlit, wvi drawn bnrfk and Nprunjr, Roll of Honor, V,oobura Public School. Jamei Clark, Kllie Hedges, Albert Hall, Maggie O'Brien, William Brown, John Casey, Lizzie Smith, Cora Brown, Annfo Casey, Susie O'Brien, Thlr?a Uovenden, NettWi CofUu, Marv Casev. Wflliaui Hall, Sopbronta Hall, Albert Hedge, Sarah Brown, Chariot Honuey, WUewell Bonuey, .Ihuips Casey, Kfflo Hedges, lvllth Uall, Josephine Casey, IC'mer Uall, Nnttio Settlemior, Mary I'nUlii, lla Id Hovenden, Sarah liovondeu. FLAX i t SEED! in-uLrMLislaoaL :F:ree of Charge CONTRACTORS FOR NOWIXtt Ii SPRING OF 187. w licbrpttiL' I'je contents of tba gun with the The above-named papUs attained a stand fleet ulioie named, jtnwof SO per cent, or more, in deportment Unleti, tliocornly sat of Onion county, Is ad scholarship for the term. Jmrn-crOngTantely. It, now has ono large , ., . , .... WM. hi.Mi-.o.v, Teacher, rrlourintr in ,11. ino mill far ohonDintt feed. ' March 21, lh,b. postofllcp, Stntn Und olUco, Wells, Fargo & Co'h expr s itftlce, telegraph olllce, ollice T. "W. S. Co,., jiw newspaper, one hotel, anG another jowrpldlv being completed, three large sUres, onn tin and stove store, one butcher whitp, ono sadd.er shop, two Boat und shivt Rhopx, two bfrcksmltb shopn, coo "Tagonuialrer shop, two cooper shops, one furniture whop, one furriar, two fancy notion 'ntores, ono saloon, two physicians, one lawyer, cue drug stern, one paint ebon, one livery stable, two churches, the Tl. K. and Entoeopal. The JaHonvllle T:mci of the 2th says: Considerable (zcltement was last wcxft caus ed by tho report that Jacob Slagle emd oth rn, wMCo prospecting for the rktb quartz ledge avpposed to ex'.st in the vicinity ef the 'Tort ha.io initios, had struck tiro-original lold Kill vein. We understand tfcls furore was rained by the discovery of n seam of .quartx-containing wforket of gold;"btit some eem f) think, Irom further developments, that l not tbo ledf. It Is proposed to run , ' tunnel to ascertain the real vrilue of the ' alscof ery. "The Hsknr (lllylliimoctat says: Illy the re 'turns made (u the Secretary of State we see thatCaknr countyisonly credited with pro- ' duclng ."t, 1:; ounces of gold duct last year. This return does not, we are certain, put the mount high enough. If full 'return had ' been given the aeaessor the amount would not fall short at lecst three times tuatamount. The Virtue mine, during last yaar, yielded "more than one-third of the auionnt returned to tho Secretary's olllce. 1 Last Monday week as Mr. William Broils, ' of Chehaleui, was attending tlm'.nfair dinner .f"Mr. John Atkinson, two doge toolcadyan tagennho absence of tbo family and started " irt for some lun. Thev manatrrti to kill twen- ' ty-three full grown chickens, two hogs, and a (aw cats. TJioy wnrn gtiii allor the chickens "hen the family-returned. 'The city of Koaeburg is situated in a beauti ful valley, surrounded by hills, which, to look from the top on the housss below, pre aent a plctnrc'rro appearance indeed. The ' wn appears tc lie a thriving -place, and on all sides are marks of Improvement build ings In course at erection and others just K,1UK IIU11I1UU. MrTjeor(re Uementof Myrtlecreek, Doug i las county, iulurms the I'laiUasulcr that the farmers are generally all through seeding. Mr. U. Weaver being the only one behind band, but as the neighbors are a-sistitig him 'he will s'ion bo'through. TIHt l ono of the 'st agriculture: nelgiiborboodh in the coun ty, and It will not be behind former years iu 'Its productions this time. The nvm wlx recently committed suicide at the depot atvVlbny, end at tho hum sup posed to ho Jolt u Frost of Busna Vista, and afterwards thought to ho O. M. Mitchell ol Xaue county. It appears wui nehherone of these men. Tiiav are both .r.ald in Im hill I Ulve, and the ff.entlty of the suielde is still - mystery. The qutHtlon-ofa dully mall from Drain to uoos riy vn-o-ardliier, making tlie lliroueli time in nine ti.turs, is agitating the jmblio Aiiind or the letter place at piv-out. This route should bo established (niiuedlHtHly, as hebay folks ould Rot their tuaii nun day oooner by this toute than any other Jas. Little's interest In the Bronze ,tnd Cop ifierMln!n(;Co consisting ot 1, lis feet, situ ated In Josoputuo county, two iiiMi.m cast of Waldo, was pitrshased on Marcli Mth by a ptontlemcn nair.ed Fadleroit I'rlte paid. -,000. ' Mr. Gray, the unrortunato man who was so seveioly Irv.ired by tho explosion on board the scow Bt lTiuatilla,eome time ago, is at prcH.nit at St. Vincent's UospltAl Fort land. Ho Is In a very critical condition, his recovery being regarded as doubtlul. Tbo Coos Rnv XriM says: Tho sohonnor wjich was wrwi..od near Cw Foul weather, HSKiiuuuiiceii in isi wbhk'm ucu'tt, Isslip- posed to bo tho Alberto lid ward, which load- d at North limit". II vo weeks ago. The Albauy.i.'tV''i' avs: Some of our fanners have tbo wheat of lastl.arvojt still in their barns, and there they vl keep it until tetter romls orttflvsneo In prices luducothom to haul It.to Ideally. Mr. Beard hasusold his Hue warehouse at Tangent to tho O'nrln0rMi Warehouse Com- jpany of Albany. Tho price p:d was $3,000. 'TheF. W. Co. now have a storage capacity ofrSOO.OOO bushw!4. J J Mr. Mcintosh, .of Coos river, while carry ttngr his gun over 4ils shoulder with his hand .over tho muwto, accldpntly hot himself through tho IimikI,' .using a ling.-, Tlia formers on' t.oguti river, Ourry county, areRolng extonsliely into thorildugof pota-toes-fDr the Sau l"iuolsco market. Between twonuddbreo nilllloa feetor lum ber aro nt Oardlner'C.t the present tlmo await iugsl.lpiiieut. Thta will attract large tlaet DO sooti us the wouthor settles a Itttle. Twe-ity houspH nod a Hour mill of respoota We slio wojh built at-sSMvton, Marion countv. last ye.tr. There Is a population of about 15l) Jn tbovUcn. The titutMirernf iJ'acUson oouuiy has Jnul Paid W,C00 of tho -;utn tsx duo from liU comity to the Stale trcKMirer. Tim di'loicnt (HitippMiice organisations of Tolk county will ii.E.r In regalia at tho ..Ctmtoiiui.U colebratioti. Unlitn Couutv Is pru'JiirliiK to bulM a new C'purt ll'jte the omulug scsion, the e itluiated ch.it of which i!.i $0,:!Stl, Mr. J. B Thorn poe, of La (lrar.de, U thecournctor. Tho Hupiiiitendeut of ijiouglas countv re pirts.M hoh.iol districts in tho county,- num ber of children drawlit iiiodhv, .'1.C05; aiuouut of irioncy aiprii!a(oil, f5,7U0 oil. Tile Tillamook mall carrior on his trip over the tnoiin'jiliw htst week, reported thattliere waslfifeot of snow tn some places. It has been snowing In the iiumiiiIhIjis most of the time for two.orilirco wtoks pu.it. Three hupilred head of fat juuttou hp were ko!1 at vVea,dlitou tho othor day for the "victoria uiarjvvt., at .t ier iiean. MARRIED: At the resldaace of the brides father, on Sund y, March 2d, 1S711. r.v Rv. It A Mc Allister, Mr. V. R. Sears and Lydia Ball all of Polk county. Compllmenis ol the parlies received. In Kngere. March 2Z1, W. X. K?glestou and Miss Marv A. Kmerick. In FortOamble. March LUG. P. McFadden and MIs Alice M'Storv. In Klnpoountv, W. T.. March 14, A. S. Neely and Miss Sarah l-VIsantha. In Snobotnisli City, W. T March 12, John Yreiscblll and Miss Mary Mnvea. In Vancouver, March L'l, Samuel C. Buch anan and Miss Alma I), Ferrln. TIED: At the family residence, five miles south of Salem. March Ufitb, 1870, of typhoid fevpr, Ulysses Miss, sou of Tbrunas and Marv P. Jory, aged 7 years. 8 mouths, and 17 days. near rapppner. uinatnia county, Oregon, March?. 187U. Eva Mav. onlv damrhter ot George W. and Nannie A. Kofi", aged 5 years, I) months, and 7 days. , Of the Bombay, Chile, and Riga varieties. READ WHAT THK FARMERS SAY : XOUOAB COUKTSTT. From S6 acres of In ml sown to Klnx T received 139S1 bti-lielt, nf seed. Average per acre, l(i 1-fl liiislieK-. .1. Kahiikxs'.- SulorriliLMl and sworn to before me. u . 1. Ci.aiiu. .1. I . From 111 acres of land sown to Flux r received 300 bushels or seed. Average per acre, aij liu-h.-.Iosni'ii Cham r.(ixi:. SuliburlL'od and sworn to before mc.-K JsTiUMiiiXf., (.o. Clerk. lAIVI COXTWTV. From 4 -I acres of ltuid sown to Flax, I received JOIS bushels of seed. Avoruirc per acre, 2 (f-44 littsli. Famiis .Snki.unci. Subscribed und sworn to before me. .Tajiks F. JJiiown, tnry Public. ItlXTItr COTTWTV. From 37 acres of land sown to Flax received SIS bushels of sued. A vcrujre l1' a' -:i 4-7 hn. Hour Subscribed and uworu to belore me. K , Mo.vntoMi:isv. TllOMI'SO.V, .1. 1. 1E fIrKETS. The Wheat Macket. Tho'Cgures remain as we gave them last week, a fair demaud at Portland at SI 70 per cec.tril, with report of lU.uoo bushels sold m Independence at rate of $:. 75 per cental de livered at Portland. We bear ot 3,000 biish- elsipurcbased nt Turner attr cents pe bush el, sacked and ready to deliver on railroad, the highest figure reported lor some time. Salem quotations are fHJ cents per bushel atSalem Mills; 87K cento per bushtl at Far mer's Warehouse. We hear of a slight decline iu Liverpool nsofket, altera steady advance for two weeks previous. There is no change in local markets this past week. BENTON COUNTV. From S acres of land sown to Flax r received 250 bushels of seed. A verngo per acre, :H liusli. .1 acoh Hor.o ati:. Subscribed and sworn to before me. B. It. Biddi.k, Justice of the Peace. FOI.K COVNT7. From 3f acres of land sown to Flax I received 7t9 bushels of seed. Averacro per acre, 2.'! 10-:SO bus. C. M. Akmstiminh. Subscribed and sworn to before me. B. II. Bowman, Notary Public. O The Best Crop for Change of Land- Flax Stubble Equal to Summer Fallow For "Wlieat ! Is the Testimony of All tho Flax-Raisers in the State Oil. CJ4.KK ME 4 1, will be furnished to all contractors, to be paid for in Flax Seed, If desired. Sf Printed instructions regarding preparation of laud, sowing, harvesting, and price, furnished to till applicants. Addrcs-, IMO.Ei:it Oil. CO . .vlfiu, Oregon. Or, Piokd Co., Rofdmrc: .Ia. Blam.i.v, BroMinnlllo; J. Thompson fc Son, Ilalacy; AiBi.sv FaiimeiiV Co., Alb,in; Hamilton Biiiw,, Corvalli. The Wheat Question. The vlolslstudes of the foreign market will not1 have much ellect on the Oregon market for broadstufl's the present spring, tor tho reason that the time has passed to make shipments of cargoes to reach Kurope before the next harvest, and It is only In caso that there Is an unfortunate condition of the grooving crops of those countries, on which tn predicate strong fears of a failure and j;e reason for a firm advance, that we can fceatfected at the present or early future bv foreign quotations. It is hardly proDable that any suoh prophecy of failure can take place. Our natural demand lor the next four months, will come Irom the millers of this State aid California, and as tlmv mint evidently depend on being able to purchase ! the'private stocks which forehanded farmers ' JicKl In their own grannrles. it is nrnlubln that wheat will continue at a fair price, and I a demand arise for all the remaining stock our farmers will have to offer. It Is true that ' Oregon does not promise to equal In the next harvest the crop of last year, but we must remonibor that California will more than dotiblo hor surplus of last yfar, so that In any event we may expect active competition ifortonnago and that high freights will rule. Wedoubt if In view of those facts any mancmi afford to hold wheat over the next harvest. European Grain .Markets. i.oiinoN, March iM The Mark Lane IU prens' reviews the grain trade tor the past woek-and says the teudencv to Improvement noticed last week has assumed the shape of a definite advance iu prices and the caution with which buyers operated .lately, has been Kuixruwi iijt ipenug ni greater continence. This knoroveinent Is not con lined to London ; but Is shared by all the large provincial and a majority of tho continental intrkMs. Telo graius from Odebsa report good Inquiry with cousklerablo shipments tor continental ao count. Tho finer weather Ht the cud oil tie week had the effect of quletiug the nearer fnreiiru markets, as well ss Uinvp of London and Liverpool; but wo are Imillnul to think tUat tho lull Is teinporarv. In 'Vie-v of the ttolmbfviortnBss of stocks in .France and lliriuany, our own cotiutry market continue Huiuiuy suppiiea by farmers at from '2 to 4s per muiritr iihrher. A lfrnntlv r,ln,.,l leamitv ol linglNh wheat will apparently benarkoted during tlm next month or ho. Feeding oo: shsrad tho iwldl, and both barlev aud malxe have non. Flour Im pavUkeu of tho Improvement, and both hero audsbroad rvalies higher prices. 1776 1876 Centennial Medals. Albata Plate, lllprlily I'ollsliod. Kqual In lVenr aud Color to Solid Slher. Sire 1 5-11 Indies In diameter. THE otncrtcaml rextrfc prviiitlni; amimprlatc dcxlirntf commcmorarlii the (me tiuudrcdth annl craryol our iittoi lilrtli, THE MOST VAI.UAHLK KOl'VENIHS AND ME MKNTOEo EVEK IShUEU. Agents Wanted. Earsu coraratf!'li)U Exftnrlte flelili' fur i-ntrrpilM, tumplca and full Information rent on ftciipl ol Ml ct", I.S. nedalllon Co., P.O. Box .".270, N.V. HAWIEY, DODD & CO., PORTLAND, ....... OREGON, - OKFKli FOR SALE A FiaL LINE OF A GU1CUL T URAL IMPLEMENTSr .t tlie LicrvvoNt PrlccM. lireato.st stroiiirlli GREAT WINTER BARGAINS 8. FRIEDMAN Executive Block, Snlcm, (Opposite Chtmeketa Hoti1!.) Is Frepa ing for Spring Trade B.v dlfponlng l bis Gnorie uu hand at Lowest Possible Prices, ....run.... CASH IN HAND. He Offers at a Bargain iu'LMtut: htock or GENERAL MERCHANDISE, ConiUtln nf DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, Groceries, CROCKERY & GLASSWARE, Hats mill Cups, , SOLE AGENTS 1'Olt THE CELEIirtATEI) JOHN DEERE MOLINE PLOWS, inch coiiuniie tlit1 .Avith rxtronio lidiiiiL'.vs and iliiiiibili V. EST All tho JOJ1X Di:i:ii: MOIASK PLOWS wro now intidt) with a Patent Bloek and AVoltlcd Frog (a now feature), ami have Extra Hardened Shares, as well a.s Hardened .Mould-boards. 0 .njr tjejtjv. Knav'-' -s-c J 'ftL'm B -StftfUHS O.tM iyWrM1ViillljJTrrJ'?LjTTW EIJN.Hi,.lUU . Beere Nulki L S. Jjl dKtBam 9i 1 Flow, Deere Oanir l'lovc. THE DEERE SUI..KY FAMD GAG PLOWS Are meeting with unlooked-for Success In oyery County of our State and Territory. WE ARE AGENTi FOR THE CELEBRATED ,&&?' i- ffiMwffiSiiV'rCS i I im i 'tiWMiUjy-g-l-a- Schuttler Farm Wagon. AND A FULL ASSORTMENT OP AND J'L'RKST THE BEST Drugs & Medicines, ....Mllll A.... FZKST-DZJASS BKVGOXST To compound prescription. My Dinttii In, "Never fell at iot, but at small rollt;"" s. fkTedjuan. Fell. I lh. im I'iiice 1th Spring beat ami Roller Brake : Cmiu. ruth Inch Lleht 2 liorse Wacon $123 $1 (V ',-i ' Jtedlum ' US 115 SX " Huvy " 184 ISO Meitliiiii4-horsc " 160 IT, 2 ' JIoy ' " 173 lCb Wlde-Tri. k Waani' 5 aildltloral. SAVKIiPSTAKK SPUING WtGON: PRICE, Three Spring 1 14 In. Ha'f Pat. Axles. Lay Back SeatP, Pole, and Brake. Credit $lu; Cah 81 It Agoiita for BUCKEYE GRAIN DRILLS AND SEEDERS, buckeye Cider Mills, Farm Kills, &c, &c. bEXD TOR HPECIAL CIHCL'LARS. UcM. IT, 1S15. W 3Fl1;03.'s 6-fol3L JEHoi&e-Eox7S7me2r C0UNTEEBALAN0EVIBMTING SEPARATOR. 9. A Shipping Iatelligeaco. There tm oiil.T hwn two death at Ijif 5ttedurliiK lh llt winter. Hi Is argues well for the health-of that town. A Kuirono chluciiaii who tmaaneynto bualucMM, the other. Uy xold hl wife to one of hit oomitryinen waldliiK lu AlUniy lor fISO. The lata two-mlle-and-rrpeat ntoe In Call ruU resulted In a victory for Chauoe, a iirM-yejold, Tholinrk Stiatliedeu and the shirs Trnjtn and Ban Khyddlinj havo cleared with wheat for Kagl.uid. The Auerlran ship Ann Mlllicent la load liiK wheat at Portland. Tlioslilp HludJrttau will iltiisli huillugkt a day or two, The bark W, H. Thorndyke, under char ter to the Saloui Fluurlns Mills Co., Is load ing wVeot at I'ortlaud. tun MEW DEPOT GRICULTURAL IMPLE- MBNT8, John Ilrrro AValklns, Rails, mid Sulk) DEXaO-W-S, rOI.MNS 11 O PLOW'S, EXTRA C O SHARES, Kolllus 4onlcrrt scliuttler und P. of II. W A O O N S, P.fE SEWING MACHINES. The Best Portable 13: a y Press l. THE WOKL1I! VAltMEKS, Call on your hrotiirr fanue, be ore jnui rraiim iHhire. CMb laH for UATJI and 1IA'. t-iMMMRlU.'l.L bTRKGT, imJcr tbo fai-iucr ai'C. t-Hleni, Feb. -iimu T. B. WAIT. "T-Iivfjacf V t-r-xc1 &?&S -ri-K r.- v. a -st-sf j i" - -jc ' tn- m$mm iYiffc ". - l--JS;-r'.ACaf Wif '- - w yfcX-!55, 3i5ri,nfi---,t,yrr--vr- . mmm&amsse-A p vi- KraiM-U.ro Itlarkcl. ar rtu-uiuvii. Bin FrencUco, March ts. Wbrat-FIrm t ft l3i ox Rood to prime hlj Plns and nillllust, IWrle)r-F-d Rtde, 11 1 Si; brewing, (1 30 Ot as. Liverpool uheat market to-day-ltb SdtlOa Cd 'or arcnuc CallfornU; 10 SJalli for club. ALL ABOUT GARDENING ForUOMBurtandfor MAUKRT tn ROOT'S OAR DUN MANlL-;nC(l. luUtiU ami Ihfrt'Ugh-conUtnlnirvhe-lmua uiiuti nuiu-r ' (I " lk on tho rabjeit. Ganlenei throUKtout the cnuntrycnni mend lit imctleal laNr- li.' mlbo.j as tnvaliu tile tutlirm, .-rut Tor 111 cent. obicJi will llloed en the ttrn ordir far nwor. J.B. huul , 6-n- iiiu, it. It.Kktirrt JDInot ItllMl WE are prepared to maniiracMire and till all ordow lor tlu.e uiuha II h1w'urn,ld- l-trpartleutar. n.d fur tinnhtt and prlielUt, l.li llohed. Jul reacliiiiCK, All our work IHVlly h Mill U nut bj mull at mo-i u pub- th"l01ilHl.;.ou. Sihc '' ""'I'Poliinr.ent, a. n III jmmufmuie priulpallj on o,dtrt for OPIUM; airi HfornSIn 1 phit fltkattTnVl dml a.n IT j ...i ....... i-. . . ir wui aw n bmiih l Vm ) itn. JK. V. CHASE, TJ REVET U.fAL, 1st BaiKeon U.S. VolasUert. - mj unci, iiortxa ivocb. u suun. mil 8. TELTOX. PELTON & SAVAGE, inuiMiinj Dr. L. 8. SKIFF, DENTIST, Assisted bv G. F. Tucker. Salem, Or. I.EWlB SAVAUK. Over SALEM, - tbo rilutf OREGU.V. $250 A MO.NTIK.AL'MLt -..t..i CUM. rirllflllarai.t " a.i.i"' I 11'ikti'iai m.nW " rtMUreii I i nwttiiivUi,5l, MiUlf.UO I fpillHHttto litrmtr. imuid mnr (awuday. bt CLARKE &, OHA1G, rrsLUHiBa uc i-boi-kiktohi. . A. CLABKK, ut Wf cBAle. Terms or Subscription.. One copy, one yer(5J number).. .7 .T.OO One copy, six month (i number.)..... i!&a Onocopy.UiKe mouths ( nombers) .."...... .5fr U LL zaasaKasmmamaisawptisf JflWJWHIHlW"