rrtniuuijugjlia,,,.MBr.LiiiMj-ilVj1MiL;;WiUftlt 1 "" "Tirr, i Tum 7jr WILLAMETTE FARMER. 4-- Jfif Sir , The Belknap Disgrace. The fallowing from tbe -V. 1'. Tribune rrUtrs hntv the villainy of Oeu. lielknap, tho I Aib Secretary of War, was brought to light: During Die month of December lat, II. II I.owii, a member of Couiress from Alabama, being deMious of securing a house In George town for Hie use of his family, wa. referred to Cpt. G A Arms ofSew York, a real estate agent. While Mr. Lett N ami Mr. Arms were ou their way to Georgetown, the latter told tbA former the fact that he hail been at one than In the regular anny, but had been illBiiilttsed Hegae as the reasons for his (iifcuitxsal tLe enmity of the secretary or war toward him, ami at (lie until time exbibhed letters from Gen. W, S. Hancock, Mr. Arms remarked that If he could get the assistance of some member of I'oiifireaa ho could devel op facts, which in less than bO days wou Id force Mr. Hdlknap to reelun. Mr. Lewis said that he would be very glad 10 render him any ansletanre 111 the matter that he could, and made an engagement for a subsequent meet ing. Mr. Arms was ou hand at the appointed time, and after several other interviews, so Impressed was Mr. Lewis with the Import ance of the matter, t hat liHS"-uuht the counsel of Mr. Kandall, with whom he had an inter view by appointment at Mr. Randall's resi dence. Mr. Ka'.uMl advised Mr. Lewis to see Mr. Clyiner, who was Chairman of the Com mittee on Kxpeuditurea in tbe War Depart ment. That committee was the proper one to lnvetiaatn the matter. After seme eflort, Mr. LewU and Mr. Arms succeeded in getting an interview with Mr. Clymer, and laid the natter belore him. Mr. Arms submitted a list of the names of witnesses by whom the charges made by him could be proved, in cluding that of Mr. Marsh. Mr. Clymer undertook the Investigation, but subs queiuly informed Mr. Lewis that be had become suspicious of Mr. Arms, as the matter had in some way reached Mr. lielknap who bad satisfied him, Mr, Clymer Maid, that it was nothing moiethau an effort ou Hie part of Mr. Arms to levy blackmail upon the secretary; that the secretary had informed him that Mr. Amu bad proposed, if he were lestoted to the army and curtain other conditions were complied with, that he would prop the matter, Mr. Iewis said that of dime if Mr. Clymer wb vatisfled that It was an effort for that purpose on the part of Mr. Arms, that neither he nor Mr. Clymer could have anything to do 4lh it. He .suggested, however, that as Mr. Arms had furnished the names of tbe witness there could be no impropriety in sending for thorn, and examine ihem with respect to their knowledge of the alleged facts. Mr. Clymer nurxued this course. The It qulry of Mr. Clymer's committee was car: ted on very secretly and the facts elicited held verv closely by the members. The president knew nothing nl the facts until about 10 o'clock March lid, when he heard by accideut that certain facts had been disclosed belore the War Department Com mittee effecting the credit ot his secretary. He at ouce Rent word to Mr. Bass, a member of the committee, askine him to call, but be fore the message wls delivered, Gen, Belknap .appeared and offered the president his res ignation in writing. He was greatly affected and burst into tears. The president was also greatly agitated after he understood the lac's, and those who have been familiar with him for years say he has never appeared so much overwhelmed at any event before. The interview between the president and his secretary was a most painful and trying one to both. The secretary could hardly speak, and it was with great ditllculty that he explained in a brief and broken manner his awful fall. He said he took upon himself the whole responsibility, and his defense of his wife was very manly. The interview was very. short, and 'the presldenfaccepted his resignation at once, without consultation with any one This action has caused much criticism, and the president says that had be known tbe full measure of the offense of Mr. Bel kntp, he would not have acreptod his resignation. Spavin, Ring Bone, etc. I Ko. Fakmkr: Having seen in the Fahmi.k of the 2oth of l"eb. 1S7!, a request for my ex perience in the matter of curing bone spav ins, ring bone, Ac.-I will here give my ex perience, if It is any beuellt to the readers of tbe Farmer. I was born in Kuglaud; my father was a horse doctor, and from the time Hell school had to practice under hi in structions, aud, after the death of my father, practiced in that profession for more than twenty years, riding day and considerably at night, until my health became very muuh impaired, rldlug so much was too much ex posed, aud also having a fimily to provide for, I concluded to come to America, where I could make a living for my family by firming, aud raising them to ft. which I con sider the most independent life a man can follow. Aud as fir bone spavin and ring bone in Kogland, I will say there was more than rive cases to one that there is in America to the same number of horses; so llint I had a long practice and experience in such dis eases. The bone spavin aud ring bone Is uot an enlargement of the bone or joint, but a callous forming on tbe boue, and if not cared in time will become a hard lony Htibstance, thereby causing a stiff Joint, which p rod u cos tbe lamoue-w. I apply a liniment which penetrates through the callous which is full of small holes Ilka a epouge, aud kills its growth from the bono, so that I have no difficulty in performing a , cure. Miciiakl Lovkkidcik. Molalla, Or., March 12, 187H. Beans. Monroe, Marcb 1 ii, 137(1. Vau Karmkr: I would like to enquire . through your piper how beans yield per acre: bow utnny it tnkns to plant an acre; liow tbey Hliould bn plauted; whether In IiiIIk, or d-ilM; If in hlll, how far apart; when Ih the Iwt time to plant; also on what nun of lnud ? If you cannot Rive me the tiwvswiry In'inrmatlon, perliapo sowi ol your refc'cletu will. A. J. Loomi. Also add, for benefit of our readers, what . holl and locality best suits bean culture. KO. t'ARMKIt. A Question. Kd. Farmer; If one thousand rails will fence one acre, and two thousand will fence four acres, how many acres in a farm, that every time you lay up a rail you fence an acre T Will aome of your readers answer ,, through the Farmer. H. B. M. Oreqon Crrv, March 23d, 1870. Practical Example. Kditoii FAUMtin: la your paper of March 17th, Mr. Porter gives a practical example, which ha states aa follows: "J. M B,t who lives not far from Silverlon, Marlon County, Or., Is seventy years old. He admits that be has spent at least twelve dollars a year, for the list sixty jears, for tobacco. Suppose, Instead of sending his money for tobacco, he bad each year loaned the nionoy at twelve per cent, per annum, com pound interest, what would bo the amount' Or, suppose a man begins at twenty and continues Its use till he Is Mxty, as above; what would be the amount? " He also says that hrt ho put I do not chew or smoke tobacco, and that I will give a so luton of the questiou. Well, 1 do not ut-e tobacco, and as for the solution, I find that twelve dollars, at twelve per cent, jer auutuu, compound Interest, and adding in twelve dollars annually, the amount spent for tobacco tor sixty years, Is $sj) i'm'.i 0."). Or for forty years, according to the second supposition, av.iounts to $!),20o 0.1. H. A, CouNKi.r.. Portland, March 24th, 1S7U. A Wittvic Under date of March Ltl, a correspondent of tho Corvallls Denumrat writes irotn Y.kiiIuh lUy as follows concern ing the wreck ol -choouer: "On or about the '27th day of l-'enruary, or perhaps a few days later, a schooner came ashore on the rocks about '24 uiIIkh north of Nownort. in a small cove. hue was button up, and appear ed to have been dismantled at .sea; bur. who she is, or where from, is mero conjecture. She was loadod, but had about 111 or 12 tons of what seems to be San l-Yaucisco Imllaal; but one mast came naliore; alt her sail,' and much ol her rigging was lorn and worn to shreds, and almost the entire vessel has pounded to pieces on the rocks. There is but little of the veel left now. Her keel was S7 feet long, l'Jvls inches. She was a wide vessel lor tier lengh, very tlat, and had a coutor-board; was iihock.fa-.iened, and, from all that cuii be gathered from carelul search and what i" leit of the hull, she is supKsed to have boen the schooner Umle Nam, but still it may not be, At all oventa, a more total, absolute wieck could not be Imagined." Nakkuw ivi'Ai-i: As Mr. !..!. Holmes was returning homo from Dallas last Mon day lnorniug he met with an accident which occurred as follows: lu crossing a bridge near the residence of Mrs, Itlggs it appears that a portion of the bridge had washed away, or at least thegiouud, leaving a jog a foot and half down. Tie fore wheels ot the hack went down with so much force If caused the Iront spring to break and as Mr. Holmes had his feet braced against the dash board it also gave way throwing him dowu on the tongue. I im horses tiecame trlgutmieu anu run, limning over Mr. Holmes anil throw ing his wife and youugest child to the ground. They were all more or less hurt except tho child which escaped uuiuj tired. The horses run but a short distance when the hack turned over and was completely smashed. Hrmizer. Too Ynusu 'ix) DtK. Thousands of young persons between the ages of It! and -" die of consumption, every one ni wnom intent bate boen saved by using Hale's Honey of Hoieuoutm anil Tar when the cough first set in. Pike'sTootuache Drops cure in one minute. Gi ltON'.V it lilt run.' and pitlii.taklui;, from felccti'il r ettii'hi.. .i.ttAti !! 'Jry mine. Sec mlver-tl-enieut "All About liarilenim.'." . B ItOOT, f.rntver, HiK-kfiinl. III. Jul In 12 EARE OPPORTUNITY FOR Profitable Investment. i OFFER l'OK SALE ALL MY IrtlAL RSTATE . lu Uluwii'Oo'imj, tiuirUilni'id mi original Jiowi. tiontlilin, on l.itvl- mid Clark" ihcr, i'iinltlng of file hundred acre", wo third llde-linrt meaiU.tt, ac knowledged to ho thu bc-t r-toik claim lu the loiiuty, Al-n. a large Interest In the Upper Vow n id AN'A'O Itl , n pmlloa of .lolin Adair'' donation claim. In quire of the. mb-crlber. T. v. 1'uWURS Anuria, tln-cli I, lSTH.tr Dr. H. SMITH, 3Z E! 3NT TIST, Assisted by T. T. Shaw. ! Cllllco oijolti! liri'jtium'f new htoic, SALEM, OREGON. The Hoosac Thornless IXCEl.i ALL OTIIEU III,.14!KIII!UltlI:s li tu II million, (itnlity. ami lrtl-ittliiiif -Nfvcr ttlmor lvlllf. hiiiI fui-i no thnri'i to torturti .ton. Onu p'nif livtaull; .V) cent: :! pluits. Jl; IS iJ.im-. tj. 1'ur riiU'hlttoryaiiil ti"tliuoniHi, Irc-oto nil, nit i'lrc FK.VMt VOItI, Untcntu O. Aenttvaulo(l I.UictjI liilnci-ineiilf. m!i I w. wKiTUinronD. j. w, wBATnEnrofiu. Weatherford & Co.. Wbolcraleand Retail Dcalert In DRU&S, PAINTS, OILS, CLASS, Patent Medicines. CHEMICALS. E errumery TOILET QOODS, Etc, etc PURE WINES and LIQUORS, Por Medicinal porpotei. Medloinei Oomponnded, and Prescriptions Filled. Weatherford & Co.. JanO-j Commtrclal ttreet, SALBH. f W.L ADAMS, M.D., A.I. LLD, Office oa First Street, (Between Taylor and Salmon,) PORTLAND, - - OREGON. TltK Doctor I now curing Chronic Dl-eajen hi h erto considered Incurable, by new and rational method of treatment, on moderate tetm. lie lie lonr to no "school" of medicine, but, admitting there 1 some trulh In Allopathy, Hydropathy, Ho tuiropalhy, and Meamcrltm, he reject them all as n v hole, retaining from each wlateter experience hat Iirmen to be henellclal. lie holds that no man. how ever ell read In science, can cure thofc chronic rtlr-eae-tt hlch uok t-sfllc the klll of all tho school, ho has no other resource thin those obtained by rending all tho mcdl-al books yet published tho 'Ec le:tlo"' authorities not excepted. Hut ho docs hold that l) his system of Medicated Electric VaporlTathr, and by nitltur on the blood, the brain, and spinal nines by counter-irritant and harmless medicines, every diseased organ tu the body can bo restored, i here thero has been no natholofftrsl uv,Oi,ftnn r. smllng in an entire loss of function. Ho ha demon strated this In very many Instances, bv curing even ease hu 1ms lis! of what doctors not unknou n to fame h.ul proiiimnciil Incurable heart dlseise," besides having reached cases of Suihlll-.. Scrjlula, Rhenma tlstn, I'onsuinntlon, Ilrlglit' Kidney, Dmpr. Liver (Miitiiniiu, i lie-, .-iieurisnis, IBpeworill, llllllOrS, womb troubles. Djspepsia. brain diseases. Ac , when sutlerers had spent last ums ot money on " eminent physicians," all to no purpose. The Dr. claims to Iiae mcceeilcil tu moillljlng galanism so as to inke It take the plac'o of animal magnetism, brslti life, vi tal force, or the rU tnnllnililr htihinv which, when assisted, heals all c-imble le-!on In the body. This Is sent throitch the brain, and m cr the elsrlit pairs of nenes to cerypanl-lo or tissue lu thu body, white the patient Is passing through the bath. This bath is the Dr.'s on n Intention, and, comblnlna all tho ad vantfl!.'es the TitrkHb and other baths, and being detnlil of their evils and danger. Is pronounced by those who hate tried the best b.ihs In Kiiroue, the hastern i itles. Calltornla, and Oregon, far superior to .my of them. Out or a boftor certificates as to the result or his treatment which could be published, thu following are oflcrid to sufferers. They do not embrace, how ever, the most remarkable of sis cures: OUKTIFmVTKS. l'oiui.vM), Kcb.n, 1 nth. I surterci lour jears ft-nm Bright' kidney, enlarged pi-ostmte and t ''ronlc catarrh id bladder. I tried set en dmlors, got worse, and gate, up to die. In April last a Irlens. pretatled ou me to call on Dr. v. L. Ad ams. I was soon relieved of sntlerlng In Jul) was able to work ill halt est, mid hate ttotked ever since. Keel unite, well and happ). Dr. Adams certainly saved icy life, Hiliiin Donseii. 1'or four years I was nilsenble suAcrer n-om stph Ills, enlarged pro-trn e gland, and rheumrtlsm. I spent two thousand dollars on doctors In New York and San Francisco, and didn't get much, ITany, relief, I final! concluded to take the advice that. I udge Hum .lennirive me la-t 111, and phcu myself under the caivot Dr. W. L. Adam-. Ills freatment atmilshed me lu Its n-u)t I am tree fiom pain, and hate been since thu third day alter I began treatment. I am, lu tact, anew man. and g'te this statement lor the bene fit of nthei', ihoiiglt. for uasons the public will un do stand, I do not give my lull name. P.O. C. YAvuin.i, I'm tv, Feb. 1(1. lSTii. 1 ormatvjeais I tvasa sutlerer Horn chmnli: rheu matism, dlstroislng piles, and palpitation or the heart, so that life was a burden. I finally went to I'uitland, and wa cured by Dr. W. L. Adams. I am now lreo from pain, and can work hard all day with out being tired Although W, .tears old, I led like a bo.t again. The benefit J got lrom his treatment Is ttoilli more In me lhan all the gold in Nevada O. II. AllAM. I.ITTI.K PAt.f., W T., .Ian. -. 1STH In hammering u piece or steel, a Iragment of it pen etrated nit lelteje. I went to I'ortland, sniVerlng lii Ibat I raunoi describe, fur medical aid. After several dectors examined and cimiHelcd, thej told me that my etn must be taken out, as It was Impossible to save II, and that if I aldn't have it taken out I would lose ihe other et-, n,o On my way to the lintel, a good Mmaritan advised me. belore consenting lobe lmtiheied, lo see fir. Auams. f did o, tlunk Clod aud he soon relieved nieot pain, took tho steel lrom my eye. and cured nieAsjitingiiiyjiiyo, sating ino from gnnt suffering, ftmlsntlnf me several hundred dollii- 1 feel more grateful toward him than lan guage run express ,tv, llr.Mii Hootii. Ci.iitKK l'o., W T Vub. 5, lSlii My youngest babe, tthiih weighed eight and ihiee iiiartr pounds when born, fell oft to seven pounds and half iu three-iiiomh-, as It had uevtr retained a pantile ol muk on Its stomach, nut lived bv sucking i sugar lied ui iu a i loth. It becamu a sutl-rlng skel eton, and dlrtlrultiv set In tint threatened to kill It In. i lew ilijs My neighbors said, "Don't like It to a dot lor: no doctor con saw it; It will only die the , sooner..' One persun. h wvever, adv Ised me in take it i to Dr. Ad im-. of I'ortlanil, Ongon. I did -", and lu I three months It was a tat, bouncing boy, vvilghln;'. fourteen pounds. It began to live on milk from the I time Dr. Adam- began to freat it. 1 luuslderlt al-1 mo-t u mliaeiiloii- euiii. and so do olheis. t make I lids -Ian nu nt lor the benerli of otbet eulb'iers. .Sviitu J. W'a-iiiii i:. I Cum ti.o, Kill. 1, lrti'i, licr Im liic- filkil to si"! iin.t Mil I from iilij-l! i-iu lu rt tor .in uu'winvMi troiililc. 1 ttiotr to l)r AiUin1.. ol I'nrtliuiil. tiii .rem. citing nij itiuiionw, lie .,'iit fill1 llU'lllt ilHI lor II IHJH'-HOIM II 1.IHIJ1 Mll'll'll 1I1U ll Din Imtii) nt tlilrt tci't Imitf. Mi-' II .M 1'IHITI tMI, Mllllll 7, 1flli. I .uu now tiat-i olil-luti miiUhi! h- noiif lint ltl-l'll KllliM. hillCI I 'Ml- 1 I tt -u-lilll. t,fi JutJOfiitut. I iihi, i ii-l'u ui'iior.. ii-iiiu. mirm., iiijii nvimiriii'ii'r. t llil Jl I'l.lllti lit (itiv-li 1 in- l':it il-liu ll me flu vi nil 111 nottiiri' J Ii in. iKitt In i-n utiilrr Dr. AilnihV irral until one in iiiih. mil tul HUu ii in tt niati, UN treat, int'iit Im i i ml fo tin lo nit iiImiom tult.uiiliiii.l.t. Hi ' I ta ti'lli tul of tu'iul.i iMut lurtirli1 or fiiy tm'-ililu I In .i i rv -h, r 1 1 in., nfim f hi .mi I iilmi.til I li.i I ii i tlioii-'lil ttoiilit tiki lo rftoinmi'iiil other -ni'l-ru- to Uu tuicu 1 .ii.tt ituii; i.tlicii. illil iiml cot rclii-f, (Uoi:ilK . SWANK, III! Antii" ttrltfi' tin ;iru-i'ilitliiit', utul rmi'ly ciuil1 out itu'illcltiii, n littlu iflii liu ilriGe tor 'tuli ih iii.uall ti ill lili. alii ntili Fit lit: citn liutu tlio patient ' utiilir hi- iiiiMtaut ttiilcli fltid ittru ai the tu aliiu'fit ' nitt.iiirc-. Only lellir- lont.iliilni; et ninp-, altlnj; , -iiijitni anil akitv tor an (ij.ltiion, tilll lm ati-tter-, nl. ratlintx mi til iiiion luiti'i ileal! lairly and llOIlet) ttlllinoiltiei'tlon, no lalsehoo'l, no hum. liii-.'iflii'.', to j.'it luo'ile'-. miiiii'y. ""Do nufii ntlieiT a int ttoiiKl Imtc them ilotiott,'1 I a rule he 1- trl:n: to lit n up tu. A l.u-1) nlru)ln the Olllie, tu u-lt Iu treulliiK Woiiihu. PtlllTI IMl, Vircli. lfTli, llllllilf 1 rillAVtliii; uliliiliii'ii lu thu V. Slate-., a M MJLm M. ? t'atiada, anil Kiiriipe; Icrtun an low ai tim.e or any oilier reliable houce. C'orru npuuili'iice intlleil lu the Knllfli and Inrel-;!! l.iti-iu.'e-, ttitli liitintori', Mtorueyfat l.atf, and other -iiilcilor., e'peclally with fhore ttho hate lad their rac- ri'Juliitlii tnulniiiil-of oihor nttiirix-ji-. ltl re Jei'teil ta-ri hut Tee- are rtJi-iniahle, utul lm ctiniu 1 inarie uiile,". m itrij i.ii(reii(ut 'i.T'', (Vl'iflWaAS I'"1' want a l-at. 11 WjL M. WM 9 eni.i.eiidii.aiiioi. el or-L.'llh nl d n full ile-i rllitloll of tuur llittlitloll. Wdttlll make an rxHitilnatlnn at the I'atent utllie, atidif ttellilnk It iialentaliit, tilll -.end ou paiierii aud adtiie and tiro.ciiilu jour can'. Our Ho will lie, In ordinary ra-e-. 2.'i. a BTkrairf"ll. onilur tttlHeii, In all inatlerx AM9 W MXjMU Matlna to fat. lAlll fftit. I'fltent Uw. ami Invcntlnn-. JL JLJ-JA4 Itifirreiiie-i! Hon, M. D. '.veU. ex Coinnil.-iloiier of I'atinln. C'leti'latit, Oulo; u. II, Kllej. Ei., face retarv Xational (Jranije, Loui-tille. Ky, Rr-hend a Hatnp Tor our "tliilde for olilaluln-j I.,..,!,- " . iiimb ,ir rji iim'"'.-i. Aildreni': I.OUI.1 ilia.Klt i CO., Solicitor.- of Patent. Waflilnf-t u, D. V. mhl'tt Notice of Final Settlement. In Comity Court, Marion Coiuty, Oregon. K'tata or It. U. Kinney, dii'eawl. AW, KINNEY. admlnUtrator or fald eetatc, t havinj. tiled hi accounta In nald court, praytiii a final nett'craent of thuratne: It U there-lore ordend that ald application lie lic-ird at the t'ourt-hoii.e In Salera on I'rlday. the 1 1th day of April, IriH. at S o' clock p.m.. at ttiilcli time and place all person, lo tcretted ttiUpleate appear and ale oliji-i ilina lo the aame. ir any exit. osl.'io, Marlon county, Orevon, March IS, l6iJ. JOHN V. PSKbLBS. 5w County Judjc. 3 3Ei F mt GARDEN CITY PLOWS, IMPROVED WE HAVE ON IUND. AND AHK RECK1V1NQ. THE LAHOEST STOCK OP THE ABOVE CE cbratcd TIows ever Imnorted to the Taciflc coast. The success of these Plow lt year exceeded tcf thing ever befora known lu this State, Those now on hand are made with new and special Improvements, Warranted Superior to any Plow in the United States ! THE GARDEN CITY SULKY FLOW, Cutting 14 and 16 inches, with 3-horse attachment, and 16-inoft rolling Cutter is without a rival. It has been so thorough ly tested that we warrant its operation in any. soil in the State. These Plows are sold with that guaranty. - SEND FOR CIRCULARS AND PRICE LISTS.- SCHUTTLER WAGONS, AL.L SIZES MONITOR BROAD-CA8T SEEDEES AND CULTIVATORS, AAnncM niTV OULTIVATOES AND HARROWS'. T. CUNNINGHAM & CO. S4E.B3I, October I, lS7f. SEED POTATOES, Ot the following Varlcflcx: EXTRA EARLY, VERMONT, BROWNELL'S BEAUTY, SAVAGE, EARLY ROSE, GAENETT CHILE. A General GROCERIES & FARRAR Commercial Street, - (Sanative Pills) if You Want a Safe Purgative, use lr. Jnynei Hanstlve PUIm. They will relievo tho Stomach and Roweln, without (iripitig, and eleanso tho wholu nlimotitary canal. If You Want a Liver Stimulant, Pso lr. Jnyue'a Hanatlve FUbk Thoy will rcstora tho Action of tho Llvor, mid rctfiovo all obstructioiiH of the lilliary duct. Tlioy may lie relied on Iniill AlTection.s of tho Liver, and :uo eHjioclally helpful In casos of llllions Dyspepsia. If You Want a Mild Laxative, use llr. Jiiyiic'n Nnnatlve PHI. When tukoti lit H,tnall doses, thoy romovo .. ..-., t.,n L.il.lf .1 flu, limlir nnfl it l-ll.i,U HUMI, W. ...V. UW..J, .. Kradnully rliango tho vitiated Hocro- tlons of tho .Stomach and Liver, which If lot alone, often generate Merlons diseases. Dr. Jayne's Sanative Pills are or jrreat holp In removing Skin Dis eases, originating from an Impure Condition of tho Wood. They may lm taken at all tiiuos without danger, and while usiiifr them, you may eat and drink as usual.. T A. DA IS at CO,, Wholei-ale Areata. Portland, OrL'im. IKlStU Administrator's Sale. X'OTIKK Ii hereby ifiven thit. pursuant to an order ' ..r ti.i. f.iiiiitv ivmri nf Marlon ccvontv. Oretron. rwlll otter Tor i-ale at public auctloil on FRIDAY, the .MTU iia ok MARCH, latll, at 11 o'clock a. in., of raid dat. at the Court llotue door In halem. In iald coun ty ot .Marlon, lor yold com in hand, the lollowluir de (crlbedhointuaiiirio', beiouKlnitto tbe vautu or Jo. iiphA.Vrlibt,deceaed, to wit: A iiirtlon of Lot m,. .i -nniii nnw nceiinled hv a bookstore, and being tuMity.tWe feet In Irciit. and runiilng liack the entire, depth of raid L"t No. t, and altiutwl 111 HlljerUiB, Marion i sinity. Oreou. J M. UKOWN, Jan 14. Ifl'ltvl Adminlttrator Oregon Steamship Company's STEAMJOATS. THE STEAMER ALICE WILL LKAVB SALEM for Corrallla and intermediate polnta iw Monday and Tiiurlay of each week about a p. in. XelurnlUK will leat e Salem for I'ortland at a. m. Steamer HUN AM A will leave for tbe lame polnta oTuel.y..ndFfld.r..wI1(McCUU(X(Aswi( Jan.31.tr. 1875. V - - f0tt. mJKim4 vj vllliraVrrtWlitHl& V J Amortmeat of PROVISIONS. BROS. Salem, Oregon. Chanoes. for Good Invest ment. I OFFER KOU S KhE, ON I.ONll CltElU'P, TO rejponnllile pirtles, taluililii ptoperty t.nd later fittfl ae tollon- Lois and Blocks in Portland, Or., With or without hou-ci on thorn 2?'a.Yna.a, favorahl located, tt ltli or with out a lock. 1,000 or morn Heron or Tlmlieri'd, I'rairlu. or Swale LANDS, near river and rallioadj, at Ihih that tiovornment pric&H. An Interest In. a STKAM SAW .MILL, wJilch lm tho bent payins tnslni-i lu the Statu. ValuibloPlacoriiiuHJiiart MINKS In Eastern Or ejron, wltli water bopply and uiodein machinery for milling atUclii'il. Alo, IJuarl. Jtllln, Fi rry Rlubto, and Toll KoailA -nil r tthiih property inu 1: paid for out of the nrocwil r the huelnui. -U."l), Money Imneil and llonotteit on good 8iw curlty, and imin discounted. Aluo. Locntn IlnmoKtead', I.anil Warra-itV, and Col lege Scrip, on select ist (internment I.aniU. Pnmerly lu Finland, ami outililu linda BX UIIANUEIi too pniperly lu oilier htalen. On all aalo-i, time will bo ulicu for nearly tho trholoi amount. O. ZkT. OABcTBR, liuil Kate Dealer, PORTLAND. Or., ilecSltr Cartcr'ii lllock l'ront Street. Pacific University ANII TUALATIN AOAOn;, FovoMt Grove, Ovoffou. FACULTV J. Ret S. II. MARHII, D. D Prcrldtnt, aud Frofeaa or of Intellectual Philosophy. Riv.BOUAC'B LVMAN, A. X, I'toteoaor of Rhet oric aad lllrtorv. OBO. II. COLLIER, A. M I'rofe.nor or Hatb ematlca. Rar. T. CONDON, A. M. Profeaaor of Natural rjlitonr. JOH. W. MARSH, A. M., Profefnor of Latin ami Greek. J. D now. A. M , Prlnt'ual of Academy. Mm, M. e. Bl'ILLKK, J Teceptrean. The nchoiJ year tonalnta of tbreo term. lin;lunloir inrpectlvelry on tint Brat Wednesday of September, December, and March, in ih I7nlv.-r.ltv ihn iililnn la itJS tier vear. and! iu the Academy tllO per year payable per term lov advance. Uoaril can be bail at fnn 3 to i J per week. BxaminaiioiiH roraaaiianon win ou neiu u temlier lit, at M a. m., at the CoIIck". Far further lnionmJIon. addruf tbe 1'rerldeut or any other member ot the Faculty. INFALLIBLE AND FINAI CURE! ALL PERSONS SUFFERINO FROM ASTHMA. UioncMtla. Indiieed 'W'VimSnfntiv umptlon, and wlrblnir to bo FERMANENTLT Iuunail, pieaae luiopn uie, iu jn:irwiii "j .--.. Jt.HWYlClkaocnari.. rl ! M l I r Mr"