Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, March 31, 1876, SUPPLEMENT, Image 12

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V If
Tor the bonelit of our readers who may bo
contemplating a removal to the l'aclilc co.ist,
v, publish the foil owing Mlntmiiciit iej;ard
lng W'ftiihlnfj'on Territory. Wo tako tto
Kjrus from tlio (Jiyinpia Kl!i.ii :
Wiwlilniftnti Territory lias tinrth of the
fitate of Oregon, nnd Hilenci north to Ilrlt
islj I'oliiiniitu; the f'nclfln oe:i wiiilies its
Hiiorn -in iIih wiwl, wlilli It rciclins out to
ward ttis e"st nlioul .'110 inllix. The l'ft
cades, Count IUnij unci Olvmiilc-ire it prin
cipal olmiiiK of nioun'.dinH. The former
ran go I't oontintiKtioti of the SltirrRni hum
pnrnllo) with the wwl, h bo tit 100 luiltH
trum 1', ami lorm a proiiiiiiKiit feaitirn both
tn the omliiiH ftnil natural Rrivanitye: of the
Territory. This raugo forms the great dl
vidlnc Hue butetu Intern and Wen'ein
WasbluKtnn and ou either H Jo of tliU mljti
tv harrltr N u coun'ry VMi'.ly diirmeut from
the other in dim a r, boil, Koologlcul t'bnran
iw, and v"Cfil,ljl and animal productions.
Riviera V.',u.bliiglou litis a dry climate, with
wiry warm HiMiinvt woa'lier and cold
woatlier In winfor. Jt is nn os
trumtjiy heilthv country, 'ruerc. vestnro. i
duptlve pMiriH invito the herdsman and llift
lirmir; iluro, h1, the lest lurtile plains,
t!oyerd with mge brush the home of the
wonderful s0 bon, e.xteud oer a large
.scope af country,
To Western WA'dilnelon TprrllnrC raili
nro or more IrMiitunt oc urrmire IImii f8!
ol tlio mountains. Thu uvr).'(i amount of
water lulllun liorearmiiully I ahoul ft ! iririifn,
aiCHituMi in New York and 21 In "Sin Krau
iiiK-o. It Is pniierally aohnowlpdued thnt
we have a voiy healthy niiilr. ; but it ia not
so pvxl for weak lungs and consumptive an
ImiIiu bracing atmosphere at a hltflinr altl
udo east of the mountains. In relation to
ton easoni, we will notice that Spilng is
neutrally act-oinpaulod with considerable
rain, with nt)V uud thou a low djs of Mtiri
ddLe. Siimnnr, wi li us, is ilillitfiilly
I'ihiimiii hiiu ury Willi cool cvmiI'iks. Tlio
"MJininur dajs p.ro not so opp.-f isivoly hoi
bilween the Cascade mountains and the
toast at they aro in the couutry lyltu euxt of
thi Missouri rlvbi, and a goodly portion ot
country lyiuit west ot the riv'tr of golden
v.itirs. We have as a general rule, (-pluu-did
wenlhorln the Till, with nwuinmillv a
(poll ot gloomy dainpnes, which is In
Mrauge contrast with the brlghtiicn and
splendor of our loveliest ihiys. Winter is
j;ontlo with us; It rains Ireriuenlly in thl-i
MtiHuon, but the thennometor does "not otien
tail below era.
Among the natural rpiourccs of this coun
try aro the Immentie .orestn ot timber w nlcu
'jer tbecroater nrtxin ot Weaton Wash
ington, whore grow the llr, ci'darPhomloclt,
uiapl, alder, a.sh, Hurub oak, cjtlouwood,
A.C ; extensive ooal mluet, which aro only
itfmiuiitive lepresentatves ot whiv5 wa chii,
with propriety, oxptxt is bwi; vast -i beets of
water, for harborHiind otiniinircn, and wbi'iu
furntth it home for imiuuiiHe nuuiberH ot tht
lluny tribe, Much as halibut, cod, ttjundftra,
ilog Ush f-Hliiion, MbarkH, hornngs ajrdiuef,
&c, and extensive beds ol clams and ovh
tm; tyjinparatlvely Jatr ailn&s ol gold, sil
ver and lead: and rich alloy n tlint will
jittldupa hjuiititul rewatd to'lhe-tiller ol
the toil.
(joveramfmt lauds can be obtainol m this
Territory at Irom $1 iS5 to fclTSO ier aire, l'er
XCn are also privileged to oxerrWi their
liomosleiul rights, and eettle ou agricultural
lauds. There aie notne prairie land to be
ml.en up; but they are geuerally a coulde
ralrlfi dl:nce trout Dettletiieuts auilihehoola.
liottom lanils, where ine maple, alder and
salmnnoorry llrusli grow, are lha 1km on
w liich to make permanent improreineuta.
Although the work ot bringing tew lamb
'Under control Is dlflluult and slow, yet the
iproductlveuess of thexoil will stively repay
toe eftort. Ttie prloa for improved Uud run
gta trum 6 to $11) per acre, aivortiut;( to lo
cality. The native tribe of Indiana which are scat
teied about the country are but tlutrumnantM
of a dying jxiwer and pride, ley aro gradu
ally losing their tribal distinctions, uud soou
tie single w6rd "Indian'' will destaibe their
biitb, parentage, history and late.
Among the productt nature to this ell
liiatti aud our seaioni, we,do not Unci ths
at variety thai is enumerated in soiuoothsr
jiortious ot the country. Timothy bay hvw
agee from 11 to iii-J tons per ci, nud v.111
hrlug trom rt to gl- ler ton, lwled; wheat, 'SO
to&j bushels per acie, Wo to $t; barley jto
duces a Kood crop; oala, M to M) biinheh per
acre, IWi to nO ; p itatoas, "JOG to r.00 bushels
per acre, GO to WH'j turntpM, cArrots, heeiM,
parsuops, cabbages, ,Vi, yliild onornions
crops. Com, in this part of the Tr.miory, is
nolaaample piodnct; but gtwu corn lor it
bin uce, oun lie easily niNeU.
Applea, pears, plums and cheirlcs yield
lioiiutllully in tliolr seaou, (Uiil fruit Is pleu
lul the ear round. tiutp.vi uud peaches do
tint ual u rally piodneegoxl orpsm Ibis cli
mate. In the Miuiiuij- time, the lorcsts
abound with Naltuonberrles, iilaokberries,
rH.pbenies, ailalberrin, bluttHud red buck
ieberries, Ac,
The alock of this, 'fniriltory. from the eas
tern boundary nie lo tha i'aoltic, is sadly
Uelow liar, OaVIo herds ar made
par, I'Aiiln herds urn made up ot
common grades; cay use p'le tiaverse the
iraus now tue uiouiwwui uvna mi? it
v-iIbvs: rtoelts of coiHTiioii shnan titf
tHib ou
lh UntlrlMl (bs few boiM rnUed here are or.
ilnarlly fair; aud the Hiultiy kept U priiicl
ially of the barnyard varlsij. Hut we are
pleased to uollce, a marked improvemnnt iu
lork ha hoguti, and lis lesulis will bo ben
(iauis is plentiful. lUack bear can be
lound acioiiKihe wooded hills and vallev.
duriiiK (he summer time; elk are slain sWut
(Jiav'a ilailur, aud alou the iMt; thu
whole fouutry liirulshes a pasture aud home
for deer, and ktciuso and nheiaaiita inhabit
the lonMM wbudi siitiound the homes ot the
ploucers, Oocaslon'iUly, a couirai, wolf or
wild cat I killed.
Mountain streams and spring ol pure,
ruunliiK water are diuibutod all over the
couutry. During our nildest weather and
dryeotrieawtM Uiaxe louiilalus do uot tail to
iueuch the thirst of man or baast, and mols
leu the earth for the -uinmei'Mcnip.
The bulldliiKS iu this couutry are con
V.rucuM prlnolpally or wn.Hl, and, wo think,
pot wore tuanuua-eUlnh ot them are hard
llulshed. The w luler. wuather does not re
quire plastered walls to stcuro comfort to
(hoinuift's. l'ir lumlwr is worth SID to $PJ
perJM, roudh; c dtr,.-.l lo $ tier M, Urlck,
10 to 118 tier 1000. '
Tba tlnilaftUaniatitsoftUls Territory were
mada in lttH by the Hudson K ty cotnpauv.
The llntt AiueiicanarttJfTs came here lu Ibt;,
tiluoa lhu. them has tieen a slow but teady
ItiortMMMOf population, Owinit to the the re
luoteueaa of till from the uulcklv ixtmilatMl
portions of our oouuiry, the tide of iniml
Kratlon has, as yet, but barely reached us.
Out of thu many Iouk trains or miratlnu
people wl. I hint oroased tuB plains, and
tba peopled ahlp which came hli her by way
of tSpe Horn, but taw adveuturoua eekra
lorhotuea have reached the north. western
ooaat. Tba population ot this Terrl'orv.
now, Ognraa up at aomtthluir near 05,000
A portion ot tba Northern FaciAo railroad
la finished, over which trains pass, dally,
from the Columbia rlvnr to Puget Sound.
Rome grading has been done on the proposed
r mad routes bitween OlyinplaandTenluo,
Hiid botwtui Seattle and Walla Walla.
The Uss ox Tobacco.
Kn. I'litMhii: In the last Issue of yonr
valuable paper 1 notice an article on the
hnbltol using tobacco, but ou did not do
J ustico to the hu bjct ; you d Id not say enough.
I think that the e II ot using tobacco will
uver bo arrested until the press tako hold
of the matter. The use of tobacco is poison
ing our system; noiel wretched without it,
we have got accustomed to the use of the
weed; want our aystem stimulated to sucfh a
pitch that If kept so no man could live but
tor a short time; the blood would clog In the
veius-; the heart will llutter without any reg
ulation, would beat regularly for perhaps
half a dotu strokes, then would jump and
llut'eraudsink away, as though it would
stop entirely. There may ba some who do
not foel as here described, but let me tell you
that you are preparing yourself tor an early
grave. You oannot use tobacco with impu
nity. Why commit sulolde? Secoudlv; the
Use of tobacco makes us poor; no one lists
less lh-n twelve dollars' worth ol tnb-tcco in
a year; tUttputat interest, and the money
used lor the jveed the next year putalinter-
eit, and so on,'there would be more money
iu the little Hah of the land, or, in other
words, money wojld bs where it ought to
be.ong. Too many of tu make money to
spend, that Is, we spend our money too soon
niter nuking it. Thirdly; the use of tobacto
lends to detrude our feelings. (3n to a school-
house, church, hall, or any place where a
le v mini aud boys (shame!) are congregated,
and ym will sea crpat tobacco (iiilds lying
around, to say nothing ubout the mouths of
lho"e thit chow the tllthy Wfed. h. n. si.
Oregon r:ity, .Mann in, ihiO.
V sleep end wake ami sleep, bet all tilings
The sun Hies forward to his brother sun;
The drk erth fallows wheeled In her
Auil human thlngn returtiln;' on themselvos
Moo onward, loading up the fiolden yesr.
Ah, though tho tlmas when some new thought
can tnu
Are-but a poet's seasons- when they llower.
Yet seas that dally gain uron the shore
Have ebb ami llo conditioning their march,
And slow and suro-comea upthe golden year.
The wealth no runre shall rest in moundeJ
liuismit with Ireor light shall slowly melt
In many streams So fatten lower labds,
And light shall 3proid, and mau. be llker
Through all tho lessons of the golden year.
Nhll'eai;lei not b easiest' wrens r.oi wrens?
If all the world were falcon, what of that?
The wonder ot thifceagle were the less,
Jlut he not less th eaiclo. Happy days,
ItnlL onward, le-viiini; up the gol Jen years.
l-'lv, happy, Wappy sails, nd bear the Press; '
i-iy, nappy w-.tti tue luisoion ot tue uross;
Knit land to land., aud blowing heavenward,
With ilk. and fruits, aud spices, clear ol
.Crioh the marUets of the Roklei year.
Zttit we wow old. Ah! when shall all men's
lVenii man's rule, and universal peace
IJe Ilka a shaft of light across the laud,
And Ilka a lans of bearus athwart the sea,
Tltromh all the circle of the golden year.
lieautlful laoes, they that wear,
The light of a pl-asant spirit there;
It matter little If dark or lair.
lieautlful hauds are thev that do,
The work of tho noble, good, ami tiuo,
ltusy lor them the lonu day through.
Iteautilul lest are they that go,
Swiftly to light another's woe,
Through summer's heataud winter's snow
Ileaulitul children of rich or poor,
Whc. walk the pathway sweet and pure,
Tha'- lead lo the mansions stioiiK nud true.
A.NMK L. 11.
lluti'.owiMi Whkvi. The uniform testi
mony of nil those who have tried hanowiug
wheat In the spilnj; is, that It pays. One
aubcrtber says: "I hae acted upon the
advice ijiven by you, and 1 11 ml the result at
Harvest most satlsrsytOl'y, I began the cus
torn by harrcrinjt fiftoja RoreJi Of lvUt 0118' I
Hia nS: mimber 67 Afros that I sow. I
ify neluhbois, who had never een it done, I
Insisted that It would kill it nut. 1 shall
continue the practice, as I have now pro
cured One of the Thomas smoothing bar
rows, which, iu a Kret measure, euables
me to dispense with ths roller, which I
still use, however, when the early sprint; 's
an unusually dry one. I think by using the
harrow that tbe wheat tillers that Is, siools
out better than when it is uot cultivated In
the spring."
Anothei subscriber writes as follows: "I
tind that harrowing wheat lu thu spring
nays well. It uHes ths wheat a sood start.
aud the harrowed portion ripeus as earlv as
the unborrowed part, and heavier seeds,"
luharrowlug wheat, care must be taken
that tha soil Is sufiiolently dry, so that the
harrow will pulverirs it nicely. Iu such
cases, once harrowing la as advantageous to
tua wheat crop as one good working of a
field ot com in the curly stages of its growth,
llxperience aud judgment must determine
the precise lime when this work should be
done. It should uot be doue until the heavy
frosts lu March aie over, which will, how
eer, depeud much upou theaeasou,
Lwicik Mkkd ltkst. Kxperlmonls have
been made at Halle and I.eipslc, showing
the superiority of Urge aled seeds fir Har
den vegetables. Roans and poas were tried
with large and email seeds, side by side.
Tha plains from the large seeds were earlier
aud grew mora rapidly, aad there was about
one-tenth la the dltlerauoe of tbe crops lu
tavorol' the larger seed. The large seeds
also germinated with lunch greater certainty,
la the experiments, an equal unmber of
liUng plauu were taken.
Peaches can be grown In tbe 1'tiget S mud
basin, Tbey grow well and ripen la What
oom county, ou Whidby, Oroa, Fidalgo and
other Islands; In Seattle and various locali
ties In King county; la Puyallup valley .and
In Mason and Thurston counties.
Since John Frost, tho alleged Albany sui
cide, insists that he was not the subject of
tho "crowner'a 'quest," It Is supposed the
unfortunate individual wi O. M. Mitchell,
who left his homo npar CToverdale, I.ano
county, In a demented state of mlnd,;seeral
week since.
The Owyhee piper thinks there Is a well-
irKanizpci ond oi nignwnv roouei", wini
hnadauartorn in Unite Citv. who extend
t telr operations nil over Idaho, and probt
bly In Eastern Oregon.
Dtnn On Hobnit's O ek 8 miles "onth of
Ros'bnrg, March 21th. Mr. Cud In Kinbrle,
aged about 65 years. Mr. Einbrle was one
of Douglua county's Pioneer", and leaves a
large circle of friends to mourn his loss.
The bridge across the Owybee rlvor on the
roaa between Winnwnueca and Cornucopia,
Is to be completed by the 1st of May. It
will cost $1,300.
Hon. J. W. Nesmltb is In dellvor the orr
tlon at the Centennial celebration at Port
laud, on the coming Fourth of July.
East Portland Nursery,
Frnlt and Oruiuieutal Trees. Small Fruit, urape
Vines, -shrubbery, Itoses. treen House and Ueddln
Plants, can ahas bd fonnd at ths Nursery or at my
Where I keen a full sunnlv of KItESIl and reliable
Fluid, arden. and Parin Needt. Also, Pru
nlil" aiul UlldillllE Knives Wire aud Kustlc
Hau 'Ini-UasVcu.; Plant ltods; Plants and Bulb;
!?eeil Potatoes; ami eveiythln' pt,rtalnlu to a first
class btcdBtore. ,
Prices reasonable. Catalogues flee.
Address H. HANSON,
octyinii; Portland or East Portland. Or.
City of Salem and Ohio,
"Willamette Stemnors,
Lo-'ka, forHalem, Albany, t'orxtll, Uarrisbnn;,
lki-iiiu Cltv. and all way points, tno and thrte times
a week, and return.
KHKIGItT forwarded by this tine will receive iulck
lUspatch nud the best of care.
Our steamers hivennequaled acmmmoiatious. be
tu prtvldut with ei ery thins necessary to make tra
clrs corafurtablc.
UavinjIeaseillJiePVCIFIC WHAltK and WAKE
110 USE (the biwt in Portbiud, 'hjIiij; all enclosed) we
are Prepared lo recehe ou norae fi.ODO ton of
For luillior lotormatlun, auly on boanl steamers,
or to N. INUUKSOLI,,
tienerol Airent, Purthind
I' O, bCHWATKA, Salem, Agent.
U. B. SCOTT & CO..
Bo oIsl etULL JoTd
Expotlitioii-Iy Kxcoutod
Coilereial Street, SiLKH.
Always on Uaad.
Jno. W Kediftxtoa. Wood W. Munkers.
X vear, ami bate for talc
1000 Bushels Dutoh Flax Seed
A they Iih ported thecd eovvu. mini he cultivated
cireAillv, th7 can warrant tbe mine to be
Good'Clcan Seed ot Excellent
The advantage of till variety In that, after Mitng
the eed, tbe draw la very VHhialite tor inanuoKtar-
lni par.et AdJrws, 1'AKIUSll , M1LLKK,
uaryS. 'Tti-U
icnvi'on Oreiran.
FT n OT P Hftpnwrttttttomtteta
u U W Xa aklBMinvvBia unornv
,wi vvaa a waiuti
Market Vegetablo seeds
TtM rhnneat and beat Mads
nnntiiunuu market, twuu two 7
VEGETABLE f our Ulaamt 1
I -- " r-"-".
lur 17 enninp
(v a Bcuvajuh
(live special attention to dlaeawa of womtn and
Couaaltluc room with DR. 8HKLTON, In Paniah't
brick. Kaskianc, Conimeftlal tlnMl, South Salem,
on tba bin aurjtf
It Pays ! It Pays !
XT PY i-ren Mumi'i'tirer. Kcrchatit Mc-hinlc
Invrnl'ir, ft r ur l'rik-Mlotial pIuii. in keep
lurcirniuduuall Uit luipn ciucnis nun nn)ioirriF in
thu a.
IT l'Y9thchecI of eierjr rsmlly to Intn-Hici-li'tn
hlnlmii-tliolda tirwlpipe' that l Injim. the, nn
that osier a Uelo tor InvniliratUn and in ,un !
thouuht aud eucouruei" itl'curiljii aiuun i.r men.
which ha been pnlilUh" I wi-ckljr for IIih lit tlilrfj
yeari", doe thli. to an extPtit beyond thit of mi) oth-i-r
piiillcatlon.ln tail it iKthi-only i-iS,ly pipe pub
lished In the United sute. devt d lo M innia.tur
Mechanics. Invention, and New Dlfcivterlc lu Hie
Arta and Sciences.
Every number Is profusely Illustrated and 't rou
tent embrace the latest aud most intrn-silni; Infor
matlon pinalnlngto the Inilustr'al, Vw-hnnical, aurl
Sckwtlflc Pror-ss of the World; Ilecriptioi)s. hIUi
Deantlful lini;ravtnes, of New Inventions, New Iin
nlements. New nroeesses. and Ininroved Inatitrles
of all kinds: Ksefnl No'es. Rec Ipes. Suggestlmis mi
Advice, by Pra"tlcal Writers. Tor Workmen aud fcm.
plovers, lu all the various arts, forming a complete
repertory of New InMlitlons and discoveries; con
tainln a weekly record not onlv of the progress of
the Industrial Arts In cmr own country, but al-o of
allNewDiscoterlesand Iuentlons In every branch
of Eiisineertnz. Mt-chaulcs, and Self nee abroad.
THU 8C1KN1IFIC AMEKICAN has been the fore
moht of all Irdutna1 publications for the pat Thirty
vears. It I' tin; Ulilo't, Largest, Cheapest, and the
Best wepkly Illustrated napt-r deoled to EnKneer
lutr. Mechanic. CliemUtry. New Inventions, Science
and luauHrial Prourtsa. published In the World.
Tht DMctUxil tccelnti are wHl worth ten time tl"c
fnbciiptlnn price. And for the ih p ami houce will
itt e iiiaqy timec the cot of enhru rip'iou
Mcrchanti KarmeM.MetistLiCH, Kiijjineer", Inv ih
tora. Matiafitctareri). Cltenu-ti. Lover of Science
and I'eoplc of all Profr!oiir will An i Hip HOIBNTI-
KlU AMKKIC'A.N tippful to them. It c 1 1 mi id have a
place in oery Family. Librur?. Stunv. Otllc. and
Couutins Knom: In etav Hcailinir hoofn. Collese
nticl Wcho 1 Auev olome commtULCH Iunnar ltr,
A vetr a numrtprs contain k2 imee- and several
lluwlnMl Kiit;r'ifn. I liourand4 of hi e are ini
served for hindiUk aud rtterence. 'lonn- i jOaytar
py man, lnfmning pi'tMi;(. iiiecoui x to ciunj, nt
cial ciroulaM rirlii(rclubratfi(fnt Vnv. SsIiijfVcopW"
mailed on receipt of 10 ttntc. May he liul ot alt
News Dealers.
U A rpTTtTflTpQ In connection nith tin Sci
liilijll XOi CdtlHc Anuricaii, Merf.
.Munu it Co MPHolIc'turuol American and vorciffn
F'atcnte, and hve the largest eMtabliflmieut in the
world More thv S0,000 upp ictlons hac been made
for patditK through theiraj;eucy.
Patents are obtiilueil on the bet terra. Model of
New Invent! 'ii" and Sketches examined and hiI1cb
free A special iimIch ie maitf in tbo bOIKNTIPIC
AMERICAN of all Invention Patented through thu
Agency, with the name and residence of the Pateuttc.
Patents are often sold in part or whole, to persons at
tracted to the invtutlou y such notice, tnd for
Pamphlet, containing full dirtctlonr for ohtaninj
Pattntri A bound volume tontatnlnirthe I'-itt nc Law
Census of the tT. 8 , and 4i Knn'rtu lns of mtchanlt
nl movements Prlcp i3 cents.
Add re Hi fur the Puper, or concennnjr Patent,
MLNN at CO. .J7 Park Kow. New York. ranch ON
lice Cor. PA 7th Ms Wthiiuion, U. C.
Eihteeu hundred anil seventy !x U tlie tViiHnn4al
year. It 1 a!o the year In thlek au Oiitxwltfttn
Hoii'e iflt'.prei'entatl-'', Iho irrt lnce the war. will
belli pnwir at Wwbluirhiu; and thuearol thu twen
ty third rluctioonf a l'reldmt or tlie United tatis
All or theie ev -nta are "are to be of (treat interest
and lmpiiitance, eipe.ially the latter; and all of thi ni
aud oery thlujionuected with ttuui v.l belully aud
fra-dityreportwi audeTtotLiHleUn ThkHln.
The Opposition House of Representative, taklnt;
Ui the line ol Inquiry opened yearn a?o byTiiu M-s,
will diligently and Hlernlr Imrfthrate the corrupticii
aud niii-doed of Uiunt'b admlulKUatlou; and will. It
la to behopvd. lav the fouutlmtou for a irw and 1r.t
ter period is our national hUtory. Of all t!il Ths
Hun vrl.l ccuitaln toniiiletoand aecnrile uccouiit- fir
nlhln?ltreaIerK with urly an tnirtwurlhy Inlor
lualton up'n the-o ubrtirhtui; topics
The twentv-tblrd l'rivldeiitiil election, vlli tho
nrenarattouaforlt. will Intnitinomtilii aiiiteldlip nn
ouUuAr'iaiplratloii8lora third term ot power and
plunder and still more oe dVculln; Vho hall be the
(.andtdale or tbe tart of Hororm and ai. eletlnr that
candidate. Concerning all tbee cuVJt. thne who
read Thi. Ht v will have tbe countant meaiiri ol Klliu'
tnoroQ-!h)yiwtell luformed.
TUeW'ichKL SfN. which ha. attained a circulation
of over elehrv thonand coploe, already lu lt reader
in t,veiv biaic and 'I errltorj, and we tmt that 'he
ear lbTti will fin their number doubled. It will con
tinue tn boa thornuirn umwpaner. All the ircueral
Bewfofthcdi will be lonud in it, condensed when
nulniortant, at full length when ol moment; and al
wa)!, we trust, treated In act ar lntereftlivmanntr.
It la oar aluitii make tho AVbiklt b'rs the ben
family ncwcpap-ir lu the wor d. and we flvallconilnuo
toHoin It olnnn a lare auioantofml.tl1anLnus
readlnj, fHchasriories tle, poemf, Mlcutluc In
telliu! uce and a'riiultnral luformullnu. tor which we
are nor able to ni'tke room In oar rfiill) edition. The
agricultural departuuut especially l one ol tla prom
inent ferture. The tblou" are alan reaularly report
ed In Ht (.ulunui"; aud o are lbs markets of every
IbtWEtkLi scn. cl;ht paw with fllly six broad
( omnna U only tl.iO a year, portage prepaid. As
thN priuo Iwrel) repajv the cott of the paper, no ills
rount i an be made fioin thla rats to clubs, agiuts,
I osiniasitrs, or anyi'ne.
The Da i lt Si's, a larze four paite newspaper ol
tweuvy el'ht column, .rives all tho new for two cents
ainpy. huii'i nation, poslaste iiropald, ntc. a month
or $i, !) a ytar, Kunday iHlItiou ttr, fl.lUper jear.
we naie no iravuui ut.enr'. .aaurtH",
THrf SUN, New York Cit).
Brooks & MoFarland,
(Snccessois to French A Oo.)
General. MerchandisE,
Corner of Second and Washington atreew,
pat w
Hnccessor to 1. M. Khlzb Co.,
S Llbertf m - NEW VOIIK,
ComntlHwiou Ajpeiit
New Yo-k via Isthuus, PadHc HaUroa d, and
run tlnrn. all Vti.d at UerchaodliH'. aud lor tbe uit
Of .P.-odiici from the IVllliC wiat, fur the coJn)C1ip i
Of moWT. iSC, ooi
are tbe best the world produoes, 'IlKy are planted by
a million people, lu Auinnca, and the retail U beauti
ful Flower and spiced d rsreublos. A Priced rau
Wue eni tree to all wno iuckue the postage i itct
Vick'a Floral Uulalo, Quarterly, 'X cents a
Vlrfc'a Flower and Vegetablo Cardea,
US cents; wllh cloth coven 65 cent.
Addrete JME8 VtCK. Kochestcr. N. Y.
v- Stx-,yect.
iQi. Krom Palcm, about ui middle of September
last, a chetnut sorrel .HARE. IS hands hlu-o-a lit
tle white in forehtad saddle marks or her tiirlit side
very little mane bad on a bell at the time of lcavins
bad with her a young colt, two year old. also a
little white lu IU forehead. Wrht hind foot of the
mare a llttl white above lha bonf. A liberal reward
will be paid for any Inbrinatlon that will lead to her
recovery. KoaaaT llAauaavi,
Feb. 18, 1879-ml. Bear T. L . Davidson',.
At Mill Creek Bridge,
All kinds of
And Made to Order.
On the lowvat terms tor fASII.
JOB WOIIK done, and all klndof TIIRXIM
Orders proffljilly Attended to.
Oood delivered toanyptrt of the city, to tlio rati-'
road, or wharf, ranic or chajuix.
April 10. 1873. wtf
and Sell City Property.
Make Collections.
Mutual Life Insurance Company
Union Fire Insurance Comp'y
lstlon, their " Descriptive Land C'lrcnlir," ami
" Descilptlvc Circular and Weather Heconl ol Or
egon." Office on sronnd fior, bPERA HOUSE BLOCK,
DF"03r Sale.
Of mot reliable character, selected bv Georpo Ham
mond from tbe BEST VRMO r FLOCKS. atrlv4
at Portland on tbe Ulh of An jut, nud will l ou"eret
for i-aie by him and Ttun. h I.an' lu that city at d at
the Dalle" upon favorable term Flivk masters wl
ini; siab stock are coidlally intlted to examine.
THUS. S. LlNti,
Portland, Au,'. 12, 1ST!. S7tt
Tlie Great Oregon RfsmeAj for
J3Ikohh of'tllA 3L,iiisr,
the most dehiate. The par? syrat-a beatrtiml
article plea-ant to the tate prtpand wllh itreat
care can be ha.1 at both VUlEUllAN'S aud COX
BELT'S lit ur More Salem. Irtltf
Mrs. Rohrer's New Romedy
for tbe vanas
no equal In the relief and cure of Oousb'. Colds,
Vthma, Bronchitis Croup, Whooping Oouxb, 11 ea
sle, Ac, lt has produced some remarkable cures,
bolu by drn.'ilts onrraUi. Prepared only bv
Mr. K. HOUHEIt, Monmouib. Or..
To whom all letter of btisiue -liould be addressed.
Woodburn Nursery,
A Choice Selection of
Nut-Bearing Trees,
Vines and Shrubbery,
Plum and Prune Trees,
Constantly ou hand.
T. B.-ALl.ltV, acent lor Kalem. WooJUum.
Circulars stnt on app'Uatlou. ocitlaa".
To Potato-Growers,
I have for file set rl
of Potato, which I think luchly worthy of the alien-JIouoreTeTyoneHUoral-e
pontoft. at all. Jlvrxt
i?i,i",?,r1",ou "IJ hsaver-Aiui farm uer Kt'u
S .' M,ll0,, e-wuly.uud my eiperiuci. a wll
Uiat of mni olhen, 1 Uut potatoes from the leaver
itam plsntel ouour wiinronn upland will prodnte froaa
oqa-ttUrd to one-hjlf more than will potatoes rrom luv
uphnl. THepUaiAea tu I wish to lntroluce ar
twouew arletles Just iulroducod In tbe Ea-t. and
CC-tmsouo dollar jvr pound two years avo. I now
ouertuem ai ,u per nunel in Salem.
Extra Early Vermont-Iuappiaruncesnai-wuat
like the barly Itose, but cous'der d luacli ux
rior to it, aud about two ti cells larller, and a splendid
llrot nelPa Beauty A law re I skinned po
tato the handsomest potato growu a splendid crop
per and If there ever was a ptau that rivaled th
Oimlct for all purposes. It is thi one. 1 hae all
kinds tor sale that are du-med worlhv of cu tlvalion.
amont: which is tho EltLY ItOSK KIXH OF TH
Speclinena to be seen at Karrar Bros." and at Jt irllii A
AllenN. Salem. J. B. DiniCK,
docfl Hubbard, Mariou Co , Otrou.
To Trade or to Sell,
A Good Ranch in Wasco Co.,
ON BRIDGE CREEK, with or without Stock, well.
lmproed, t-ood house and outbilldlnirs, well
fenced, about 40 acres good cultivable land, audi
splendid rango for horses, cattle, or sheeo. To ex
chanse for Uud In thla valley. For further Informa
tion apply to Daniel Clark, or BRBYXAN BBO
Salem. octf
t. a. ffTjXaUVjur.
8. Z, coraer, at head of lUira. , ftUr
H itrnl J "