Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, March 31, 1876, SUPPLEMENT, Image 11

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    . u. A nMWia-amt-,r rtwr firm -ii ii.m .tiniimw 1 1 nir ir TTlin'linT-inmliSViyayffiAMr.'MgUAiifcVwt wwinnyumMur - - - -- - - - . - l..w
rtiiilDtrttwiii i t wnwiiMiiggi ' ''E''Tre-"'iii'c'iiTrrii TiiiTin-in-r
1770. 1870.
Chicago and North-Western
The 1'oputnr It mi to Ovcrlnml.
IjwmvaKRs for mitcvoo. MiW rails,
. Plnshurg. I'hl'adelnhla, Mnnln.nl. Ijuebce, Niw
ork. Bost.m.vir an) point Kurt, sl-joiild uny their
Vl;i Die Vlonctr Home,
Chicago ami Nor4hwostern Hallway.
rats i- the iikm" routp, kast.
jwkngers for ndicujo.
ItsTraft In of STK"l USItS, itid or'ltlns. Ven
mide the PASTES I' tln-e t h it b i i r neon i ,uB 1
thlscoimtry. By this twite passingirsf tpaliitscastof
Chlcagotiavocboiccofiheiollowlng lino ham Chica
3 THROUGH TRAINS DAILY, with Tillman Pal
Ueu Cars throat: to PhilariLlnmar.it d New York
on uuh train.
1 THROUGH TnAIN. w Ith Pnliman Palace Cars to
Baltimore anrt'Wasbltigton.
I sj lug Kiwm and Silver Palace Slicplng Cats through
3 InNuw York. v
3 THROUGH TRUNS, with Pullman Palace D-nw-Ine
Ron u and SleeBlncr CNss. throm'ii to Tiw
; Yoik, to Macara Falls, BoHiHc, itockistei, or
j Voikrify.
." TltROtMH TKWNs "AlLY, with Jlillmln Pal-
ncoCarf for Newark, anrrtfllle. WLpetint- tt'ssh.
' logtou, and Baltimore, without change.
This t Ire 8H0RTE8T, rT. and omy Hue run
nlntf the Fullnmn cilrbraieil 1 tLACK NLKsI'lKli
OARS AND lOAC'IIK.. conrcctltiL' with Union Pa
i ClftC Kal wad at OMAHA. rd fruin tlm VKST.
ill Uraud Jk icllcin. MaRhall. CVilar Hanidr. Cllntiin
oitrnus, ann uixun, lor U11IUAQU ANU 3
This rnulat rontplsiinW. Dasrd for Smvl. Cjm
Pi fort, anfi hafctr. TVo fnioolh, will lullarted,
porrcct track ofstpil rails, ihe eclehratoa Pullman
PalacoH ccnlni: Car, thorerfect '1 clfirranh HvUpin
of moltc;traiUF, the reirrtl-.rll) with which Thi-j
ti e anm ranie arranprment for mnnluc throiiKli cais
to Chicago from all rylntp'Wept. k cure to naM-cncorH
ailtherjmfort In modern Railway lrael(nir.
chauL of Carp an(? no td'ou uelnj s at Fcrm b,
Pafcnuew will (Ind tM'ir la this Favorite Rorte
at the General Ticket Mce or the Cintml Paaldc
Rallntatl. Haraniento.
Tick 'If for sale lu all the Ticket Oftkc r the Cen
tral Pacific Hal rol.
V II. STBKNKTT, Gcu. Pan. Aneai.
H.l ". STANWOOD," General Agency, JS1 Wnnt
gonwry f trcct, San Fraurifco airKtf
The Grandest Ach'sicnicnt of tlic Age!
' Tho Little Monitor
No re-winding f Thread. Makes
t Lock Stitch, Chain Stitch, and -Gable
Stitch,'f:om two commer
cial spools, direct.
it lean unite of i-iy machine in the work1. The
mod lmple In connrnctton.aud the eaIt oporated.
W 1 sew from the neon to the bea lest of fabrics
witkc ut any change of tension.
slews a rwa. cent, faster
Than iny other Machine, making 5X stitches to the
The public are Invltrd t call and see this
Satl'faction guaranteed or money refunded.
ForJirther particulars call at
1017 bird Street, near Alder, Good Templars' Build
ing. 9TKS. A. II PAXTOK,
Sole Agent for Oregon.
W. 'V. MARTIN, Agent, Ralcm.
CSy 'lood, i espooeicle Agents wanted to ceavase
aij pirj; ni inc state.
Portia od, April .tf
nunr DEits op
fJIAKK p'eoFnro lu oflering to the Wool Growers of
a. Oregon anil tDranJoinine 'I tnUoiiK the chente
topnrcbase VJIOHOL'UUBltED MitRINOs, and as
suring part cs iutirtsud ttiat they can, and will en
di nor to. ell "beep ol 11 o samo qualltj anil uli p at
a.uuii ciiiii ru rtA'i-i,) inin sucu tan pnst-tui)
he lmportoi' Xxamlna'Ucn and couipan u with utli-
eiT-nicpouere lu me hmthpi are foinuuji iunea.
Adduss M1NTO i ADAMS,
-al in, (in eon
N. I! The Rums and Ram Lumbs of the (1 ik .u
heeiiin lie l&L'iND I'ARJt, ndjolulnt; nIen.
The En main bu wen at Hie same place, or at tfn
HILL FARM four and a bell rallts south ofthecit).
talfBi, Sopicinhor 10, IS'l.
Land forjmmigrants.
4,000 ACRES,
Id Quantities to Suit Purchasers
OQA ATtRS,rt.ie south atd a JnInlmj the Rail
AdJ road Depot at Salem, all u&der cultitation,
audriillablefornin or)egctabiPs.
840 ACRES, foar miles soatliPist of Salenuon
the railroad, with Mil: Creek ninnli r throngb It.
This Is the eholceat fanning land lu Varkn coonty,
with line sttrlcxs. conCstln? In turt of the old Koetor
donation c aim, on which I raised the present )(r
fifty bushel of wheat id three ton .it llmothyVr
acre. The first erOD of oats ever -als.d on mk of
this land measured ntnnH.fnnr bushels t racrn. L-raln
k. . . .. . . . .. .. .r,i ...-"
:reipneu anagruciKi cmiueq uy Jnr. Aiiita Mauton.
Q700 ACBR8 ofpralrfeandH'ghf hmshland,
with timber for farming jyurjwses, lunn led by the
Willamette rher for fonr taller, bcauilm) Vibe on the
east, boar Jandlugs all along Ibe river, commencing
four miles' north of talem-.Xl oboloe
(RTCaJUsX lAllcl-the largest ana nt suit
anle budyirf land lo be tonud lu tbe WlUameue ralley
to bo pnrch.red br a colony To be sold rm a 15 to
$Mpcr Acre This land will alt be lmntdUtely re
(orrejed, and can be sold in larger or tmubzr j rcel,
U salt jtorchaivn . It can he subdivided to tlur best
son, or colony of persons, dclrlng to parchaae bomes
In the best part ot tbe Willamette alley, ntaAr tbu
niMinia uian jffcfua i nu onerauT ucttmi vr per
city or uaiem ana wnwn ru.cn or me oeci pjchiw
vaatazes, as well as most farorably located wltli re
prt to markets, greater jdnntages, en more Uror
able terms, than (her can tnrer zpec to realize sgaVn.
Baleca, Hot. 0. 1873.
Ibe Brlknmi InWMIjcntloH,
V.hinoion. Maah 22. Gtii - II.
IVlidlvtun .u U'tniutlio rtlb-CdniinUlec
ol tnchiuklnrv Comrnliti'n tikiiL.iii it,.
tclltlei! Hut Pcitllfr IVlknnn flnp n.,i-
member ol Ills, family lmnUMlittlv or re
motely m rival ruv inonoy b.itt-vcr fro in
V , V; n"!,ltl11" rom the ICi-ntttcl.y Ci-ntr.il
Kallroul. Ollwr jcirn ol hU testimony
weiu almllar to tb.it oivou befoio Hie "ni
mittic on r.ienililiiri'- In tin- V:u le
liaitmpnt, with tbe cilditlon tint oinicol
tbi- $.10.1KI0, tbu Htmiunt ot our- nt tile
(ir.ilts, w s spent by liin In tin- iiivment
of iirlvttutlcbtA mill nnri.li i-e nf '.irlott
:irtlult'. nml tlic biLuiLu w.ts tul.uii b
bliu to Kuiojie.
fn'eli I. Sfnratt
IJriliR sworn, tiMlllcil: In JIonlie.il 1
lookevl over tin' priuteil .iiximmt ot my
tu-iliii.inv. Willi oim InoiiKlcVriblt-iil-illtbm
It UcnritU. Tin- luldltion l lint I
rvinriieil to the Stnetary of Wai alter I
b ul koiip to NVw Yo k ultli Mr. Kvaii".
iiinl n(iiutul tbe Serrctiryto miilte tin
jpiiolntnicnt ot i:aiK.is po"tniMer. I
eami! to AVn-bington In answer to a note
or request of Mr-. Iltlktup. 1 came here
mid wiled on ber lirt. Shr told mo !
bad prevailed on b!m to give mo that ap-
iKMiMiuuiii,. ciiumiu i inn ueiter go ann
m-c him. I did so. I think I produced
lettef ot recommend itlon from .Inclxre
Ifolilinviiin. of Cincinnati, and one poi-
uij Hum uu oii-vuii-uii. r.aii'i mane HIS
first quarterly payment to me a morth or
no alter our contract. The firt remit
Linen I m ide to Mr. lielktnp.
Cli ilnntti Iltitton The reeelit of tbe
escpie compiny Is signed by W. YV.
"VItne eontiiiiilii";. surprised and Mmc
wlnt disconcerted Then I urn ei v iniub
mUt.iken; my triiii.ction wa- with her.
and t iin't explain it It the pickajre went
to Oener.il ISelKnap. .So far as ' I know
.bc a. oiirpri-cd -it the present. I nriv
i.neiiil to Mrs. lteiknap tint hc ml"ht
cvpea .i pre-ent when s-lie spoke of "et
tin; mo the appointment. I sent only
one pijment id -Mrs. uoiKiiip; iiuiiicn a
lew iiioiitbsaltfrwnrd. I nn't s.iy when
the (coml payment was made, eNccpt
tint It was about ttiree month- alter tbe
first; "-cut I) lit uf It to the Sccret.irv of
War; do not remember the correspond
ence uiin uencrai liclkirip, except when
Ijns asked forsoino f.norat KortSill.
In such caes r would send Kvans' letters
to tb.' Nrretary ol War. witness nude
some pivment- to Jlolkn ip in prr-on in
,Nuw Yoik. civilly him b ink notes. He
supposed Hclkimp knew w litre the money
came from without any convcr-ation on
the subject. AVituc-s tuiglit Invu slid to
him, "Here are $!.i00,"' or a pre-ei.t of
money; lie was under the impression that
Belknap knew the money came from I'ort
Sill. In answer to the iptcuion how lie
canio to nuke The present to Mrs. IJcl
kiihp. witnesn replied that Gen. Jielknip
imi-t hive known the arrangement he
made with Kvans, for be hid asked tho
Secretary to appoint Uvans to his pi ice.
and the secretary did -n.
(J. Do j on Ixillewi tint the transmis
sion nf money to Gen. Bi lknap was dis
bonor.iblc? A. 1 felt tint if it should
become known it -would disgrace him.
Q. Was thai the rei-on for destroying
all evidences of tho piyments in your
bands? A. Yes.
Q Why did you. voluutaiily, without
solicitation, oiler to Gen. llolkn ip monev,
eonstitutinp;a traiisaitiou tint would dis
grace him i A I do not know. The
lirst money I sent was to Mr. Iielkuip;
the next wa to Gen. Belkn ip. W'betlier
this w is in lonseipience of ,iny lrnmgi
tucnt with her, I am iiniertain. I bid no
idea the ti-in-aetion would be made pub
lic. I did not consider thun criminal,
though it known, they would dl-grace him.
Q.-C.m j ou state bow you time to p iv
the Secretary the monc i A It must
hive been inconsequence ot soiuenirange-
inent. on the ni,;lit altei the (nner.il ot
Mr-. Jielknip. with Seeretaiy iJulkuan oi
Mis. I'.nwels.
Q. Did not Jlri. liowcrs say -'You
must nut let the Secreraiy know j-ouaic
going to make me a iire-ent." and did not
lb it imply that the ijecietary would he
olleudeil i A. I got some lmpielon
when nt the luner.i), either from her or
him. tint ( could -end the money to him.
lien. IVtlt
W'i reiilb (1 and testified before tbe com
mittee on expenditures, In the V.ir De
i) u tliieut to-d iv tint nost traders weie is.
sc-ed tor political pinpo-cs. and th it dm-
lug the Ii-r president! il c.unns he paiil
Iioiu .Vi t)l!0 lo ..fd,0(lO. ile thought he
remitted mimcv to the chdlriimu ot tho
L'uiiiiuiiti'c at n .isuingioii, anil lie ptc
siuncll they were asked to subscribe be-caii-u
they held post tl.nli r-bip iindei the
adminl-ti.ition. Ho didn't consider Uiev
weiu obliged topu. but were noMtied tha't
coiitilbutiniis would bo iicceptahle. He
tliougbt the ainoiiiit ol oiitiiliutlonsi from
inllllaiy Hst who di-igimfetl in propoi
liuii to the ntinibu of ttoop, there.
J. 4 I'islicr
W'as iccilled and testified tint the firm of
Ihaiis. ,v Co. po-t tnidtr-, contributed
money tor polltli.il purpose-", In piHMwnce
of it reoiie-t nrintiid in eiu'iilar-. Hn
dliln t iiuilui stand contribution as compul
sory, but thought it safer to pay the
amount ayart from political considera
tion. r, Etans
Testified that during the last Presidential
caiias be, in compliance with s circular
rectneu at rnrt &lll, sent ifJOO to the JJc
initi'lcan Committee In IVa-liln.-rnn mil
,1 ,, ?, walllngton, .lllll
""""' ,s0 to "'0 Willie committee
wiiiun mo list six inonths ot Jylncoln s
IVesHency, but was not now jbIm.I np
in politics. He would not wne jmld mo
ney if not callul on to do so. He jenta
check for the money to I'oslmnster Kd
warde. Hu tiejieveil the Secretary ot" IVur
or someiiiiddle man had been selling- post
tradershlps. This was a matter ol com
mon conversation at the Western posts.
E, U. jLtwaanf,
Of Cincinnati, teatlfleil thtt ho na in tbe
narunare wisimgs with tho late Mr. How
em. The entatc of the deceased ws from
M.OOOto 30,000; 15,000 being for lite
insurance. The money he owed to Mr.
Bowers was paid as surviving partner to
Geo. II. Feudleton, the mutual friend of
both parlies, and who was attorney for
Mrs. llowers. Witness never knew what
investment was made of the money; he
knew C 1. Marsh, wlioat'tlnt time wa
in Cincinnati, but hid no connection with
the (lair-action. Maivli said lie was ghd
to hear the evidence emits out so nicely in
her biisines.
Prtiiinjlvniiln Mnto llrmorrntsc Conten
tion. On te-asscmbliiig delegites were elected
to the National Cntwentinii, and Chirle
It. iiuck ilow cbos ii to head tbeeKctoral
ticka ol l'eiinsylv.iiiit.
Tlie plitforin s adopted pledues the
economical iidmiidstiiitiiiii ol oii innn-nt-il
nll'iir-. honest p'i inent of the puMie
debt, and the sound pie-en ltlnu of the
ptililli I'lilli; it clnrges hiibm and Ii uid
in the adniiiil-tr.itloti ol the gnwrmi.ei-it
atVaiis iMiil tint the llnaiuial einbiir.is--inent
is the ilinct result ol ptttml go
ernuii'iit. unwi-e legisl ilhin. iiious liiun
c'.il policy. etraagaiice .t ml mtrtiptloii ot
the Itrpublicaii pairy; lint tbeioriup
tlon in the aduiiiil-tr.itinii ol public af
liirsialls inr Inti'Migitiuii olen braneli
of the public Mrtiu: It billees tint econo
my and ritietichoicnt aie indlspciisHble
In' the IVderal State nnd municipal ad
ministration ; It commends members of
the nou-e for the reduction ot expendi
tures ; favors general amne-ty tn all per
sons implicated in the lite rebellion ; it
opposes appropriation of the svhool fund
or other moneys to sectarian u-es. it s-iys
that the statutes for resumption of sK'clc
payments on tho first ef J .inn iry, 1S70, is
Impossible to execute. It is a deliberate
proclamation that, at that date, tbe United
States will go into bankruptcy ; it pni
l)7cs industry, creates dlstiu-t of the fu
ture, turns the laborer nnd producer out o
emploj inent ; is a standing threit upon
business men, and ought to be repealed
forthwith; that gold and sllvei only are
the true bais for currency of the llepub
lie ; that Congress should take such steps
for the resumption ot specie payments as
will most surely and speedily reach that
result without destroying the business In
terests nt flie (icople.
Itc'soUcd, Tint in common witli the
people ol our sister States, we rejoice in
the opportunity to celebrate the Centenni
al proclam ition of our emamipation from
the government of the Itiitlsb cinwti,
making as it did an epoch of the greatest
event In modern history, and we feel a
ju-t piide thit Its celebration should be
upon tbe soil of our own commonwealth,
and in the city where Independence was
deel ired.
A resolution, declaring that this con
vention present to tho Democratic p'tity
of the United States the inmo of Hon. J.
S. Ill ick :i a candidate lor President, was
hid ou the table. Adjourned.
Terrible Kploolon.
Xuw York. March 2-2. This iltcrnoon
about 400 pounds of .lubiter powder, stor
ed in the mill of the Ilrown I'owder Man
nliicturing company, at Washington, in
the, northern section of the city, exploded
with great violence. Four men were lit
erally blown to atoms and some six or
seven secr.'lv injured, of whom two will
die. The mill was blown to pieces and
buildings in Its immediate lclnity were
considerably shattered. Hardly enough
of the rcmilns of the victims could be col
lected on whicli to hold an inquest. The
sound of the explosion was heard for milt s
around. The explosion is thought to hac
resulted fiom two much friction In rubbing
together solid and fluid components.
A Ketrnne Agent On His Trmels.
Chicago, March 2.1. Hon. D. I,. Phil
lips, who lias spent snme'months In Cali
fornia investigating tho revenue and cus
toms service on the coast, reached this city
from Washington to-day, and leaves foi
Sprmglleld to-night. Col. Phillips lias
made a full report of his observations to
the Secretary ot the Treasury, and this re
port will undoubtedly be made the basis ol
important aition looking for the reforma
tion of abuses ou tho Pacific coa-t. These
abuses are tho inevitable le-ullsot the
villous political system which "Ives to lo
cal politicians tbe control of appolutmi uts
whlih should rest with the Kxeeutive.
It Is moie objectionable on the Pacillc
slope than elsewhere, on account ot the
remoteness of the Slates bom the Xation
al Capital. Tho olllees have bten u-ed by
Senators and Representative to seune
their re-election to and continuance in
olllce, and the responsibility seems to be
to them lu-tead of to the hi ad of govern
ment, it is understood tint Col. Phillips
has not tnide charges agilu-t liidlviduil-,
but Ins pi tied the TreaMu v Depaitiuent
In possession ol facts establishing roirup
tiim of the present sy-fem. all of wlikh are
backed bv reliable testimony.
Itollvr RxjiIiiHlirf.
I.AKUill, Wyoming. Mfieh 2.1 At
about t o'clock litis nioiniii'-a boiler in the
T. I. tolling mill at this plice i xplodid
with tcrrlhio lorce. wrecking the south
hill of the mill. Pour men weie lu-tant
1 killed, and ten woundul severely. Tho
ixplo-lou occurred after the night hands
hid gone home and before tho d ij hinds
came in, so that there were Ils than twen
ty men In the mill at the tlm" IJvcry one
w.i eltht r killed or hurt. 'I bo boiler was
carried tluoiigb the stuuu wall of tho mill
and out a pi liter ol a mile on the prarle.
Pollowlug Is a list of tbu klllul : Kichaid
litem, Jl.ury .viltier. flames rowers.
William Wardell; severely wounded,
.r,ames Craven. CJio. Hhinuissy, Hubert
McLean, uml Wm. A. Thomas. Four
others are slightly wounded. One of the
wounded. Michael Buckley, Ins since
died, and two more will probably die.
Kvery one of the killed had f imllles here
in T.ariinie. The wounded hive been ta
ken to the Sl-tirs' huMilMl here. The
d image Is c-timated at tJlo.OOO. The
cause ol explosion lias not been ascer
tained, Tlir (tilnrae Question,
San Fraxci.-CO, March 2'.'. A meeting
ot the committee of twelve, appointed by
tho boird of supervisors to lake action on
tho Chinee question, was. held yesterday
evening, and a committee ol three appoin
ted to memorable the legislature to au
thorize the city to make an appropriation
to delny the expcnes of n delegation to
Washington to preent to Congress tho
i necessity for tome legislation directly to-
ward the correction of the evils attendant
upon tbe increase ot the Chinese populu
film, and to Influence Its action with re
gard to the modification of the treaty rela
tions. A resolution was adopted request
ing the city legislative delegation to use
all efforts' io procure the pajngt of tbe
bill called for bv the propo'ed memorial.
A commit teo of flvo was nisi appointed to
einvass the, cit for Mibsriition tode
H.iy the expen-cs of the proposed move
ment. The committee appointed to mcmoralUe
the legisl ituro on tho subject t auihorl.
ingan appiopriatlon to dc tray tbe expense-
of a delegation to Washington to rep-re-ent
the public sentiment on tbe qus
tion ol I liliK'se immigration met to day
and adopted ,x le-olutlnn and memoilal
which was s(,nt to Senatui llnieh and As
si mill man Coffee lor inn (vluctlon lu both
houses ol the legl-1 itiire.
trreviiil Cur I'mssIiik (omilerl. It Mono).
Pint wi i Pill v. Maiih 21 l.i-f uioht
Ihe discovery was ni ide that a large imm
T. r of boom s.-, hills, mi the Mt nh nits'
.Vitiouil lluik ol .New Itedlhld. M.lssi-ilm-e'ts.
hid Imiii put Info cirvul illou
iliirlug rli- aOeiiiiion and evening. I'lme
men, ii.imid Xnles. 11 nil-on and P.ittei
sou wi leerre-ted. They Ii id a beirlns
to ili.v. and wtie inininltted foi fuillni ln-ve-llg.illon
IKMIlll OT l'. SI. ( OUSIll.
TIovh-, Maich 21 I-inl Dililgnen,
con-ill general ot tho United Stites to
Italy, and son nt tbe lite Hear Admiral
Dalilgiceii. died lure jctcid.y.
Unite linnoata n 'lax.
Cm oi Ml xico. M.ireh 24. The gov
ernment Ins impo-d an extraordinary
tax ot one-hall per cent. The French
and s.in!h residents obict ted to paylnc
it. Mr. Po-ter, U. S. Minister, declines
tn ait with the other foreign ligations in a
protest against the tax and foreign resl
ilents ab-taln fiom action.
loriH'rt l.aan nt Mittmnrn
Gai.vk.sTOn. Much 2-1. A Hiowi'svlllo
special to flie Xiws says : Yrteixlav af
ternoon Gen. T.ibirra gave the tneiih.ints
and bu-incss mCn of Matamoras n peremp
tory oidtr to meet him at his olllce at I ' 2
o'clock. When they met, they wete in
formed tint the object of the meeting was
to rilse 'WOO.OOO to pay his ttoops and
place the cily in a sfat of defense. He
nflered a premium of .10 per cent in cus
tom house bond. saying It was a fiieudly
offer only, and If not accepted, he would
ral-e the." monrv by foiee and not scruple
to n-e severe mean's If necessary, to e fleet
his object. He s.ild he had the Intel p-ts
of his government in his h mils ami would
serve them at all haards. Tho mer
chants weie then called upon to stib-eribe.
When Scnor Antonio lingoria was called
hes.tld he was tinablo to siibsiriba. He
was immediately confined In artillery
mtatiersandho isthciejct. He can be
released by sub-cilbing $10,000. Ten
thoii-mil dollars have been demanded
from the house of Don Franci-co Armcdi
us. tbe manager nt which is an American
i itlen nnd is in Xew Orleans at present.
Some mcmbeisof the firm aic on this
side. Last nlsbt ij.1.000 were subscribed ;
to-dav. f 14.200. This sum raised tails
.4.17,000 short of w hat is needed now, and
Gen. 1cbirra says he will call foi the bal
ance In lilteen d ivs or so. In addition to
this forced loan, Mexico has levied a tax
of one percent upon capital, propcrty,e'tc.
Also American merchants have sub
scribed to tlm loan ; but In view of ulteri
or mcauics on the part of General Lebir
r.t, they have applied to United Mates
Consul Wilson (or protection. Gen. IX'l-o
is near M itamnras w 1th more than a thou
stnd men. It Is supposed he will attack
soon. The above f uts will aid mateiially
in giving him an easy victoiy.
The nig ItHce 'lo-Sforron.
San ritvxcrsco. Match 20. '1 !.a two
miles and repeat ,;iCe announced by the
15 i.v District Assoc! itlon, tor to-moriow.
bids lair to bo next to tho four miles and
repeat, tho mo-t inteie-tlng tint event of
the season. Golden (Lite. HookhocMug.
iieveniie, Jr., mil Chance will start tor
the nurse of $2,000. A square, i ipid and
well contested run miybo relied upon.
Pool selling, iuaiiguiiitiil at the Lick
House list night, was continued with
much pirit to :t late linui. although as a
rule, the pool, sold were sin ill. Golden
Gate. '?'!3; Itevcnu'-. .fr.; 25; Hoeklioik
in'. s,-2(); Clianre, -?1."
Llli:. PikiI selling to-night ou the
two mile and repeat i.ue tor to-imninvv I
qulto lively. The bitting is mo-tly ion
tliied to srtorting men. Golden G ite re
uniiisthe favorite at il'2"i, l.l.l. 200. 120,
120. Ilevenue. setond. l100. 100. 17.1, 100,
120. Ilockhocking. ipli?1,, 120. lli.1. 100,
102'j. Chance, t42'j, .la, DO, ,17'j, :i7'.,
Klllc' Hnleli.
Tho second monthly rille inatcli between
the ciack shot ol the California Itlilo As
soc! itlon t ikesplac.i to moiroi' ; distance.
1.000 vird-, for the prize of the gold med
al ot the assoi latlou, which is to Income
the propirty of the inarksniau winning
three consecutive m itches.
Tlic (linrso AkiIiinI ISi'vi'iiiii' t'olleeloi
Holunlili Spiiulatlon still loutiiiiies life concern
ing tlie wlii-ky i nig. A statement is pub.
IMied In tlic Cluoniele Ibis morning tint
Collector Nilgvvlik omii time ago, to
iclvnl positive olllelal inloiniatloii tli it a
leilaln stoiekeepir atAutloeli ill-lillei)
hid. lu cnllu-Iou wiih tliu distiller,, bi en
den .Hiding the revenues, but Sedgwhk
took no lurlher action thin to remove llie
turtijor (Jriirml ol 'nllIoriil Over
Tlio examination of the nlbilrs or the
Surveyor General's olllce Is still going on
belorn the mniiorOly land committee. The
t vliluice shows ut lel-t gre.it looseness In
the coudiKt of tho olllccrs under Gard
ner s administration.
Hrnniolilp Wrrckul.
Xi:vv York, March 20. flie steam
ship Grait Western from Mediterranean
ports, went iwhorn near Amlryville. Long
Nland, Lite on Saturday ulaht, and Is like
ly to become a total w reck. The crew
were saved. Vo passengers. The vessel
carried a general cargo. Yesterday's
storm raged over the whole of Xew Kng
laud with disastrous eflccts. Hallroad
travel was Interrupted seriously. There
are fears ola dangerous freshet In the
Merrlmac rlvor. The loss by breakages of
various dams was heavy, destruction
of bridges, mills, dwellings, and by Inun
dation where the property la not swept
away, is immense, and cannot be acurate
ly estimated. At Danlelsonvllle (Conn.)
Galnsbougb's mill Is undermined and is
likely to be carried away. The lost is al
ready estimated at 120,000. Four persons
crossing (ho pom! at Norwich were
drowued. At Burrlllvllle tbeCouuectlcut
mill and manulactiirln property, valued
at over $200,000. was swept away. .Sonio
damage is reported from Xew Jersey.
Foreign Jlnrfucls.
London, Mirch 2.1. The corn frrcfe
since the beginning ol the week ha
rather gained strength and values have
slowly and steadily Increased. The pro
vincial marktts vc-tenhiy reported a shil
ling iidviuiu on w he it, but with tho fine
weather the inquiry is becoming m tiler
In London. since Monday there bis
been 27.1110 quitters of uiiile and l.SWfi
qtnrteis ot wheat. Supplies of foreign
grain during the next lour weeks iucludc
22.000 qii irtirs ot Cilllornii wheat: 210.-
000 quarters of American maize: 41,000
quarters ol (J ilat. m ii,e. The condition
of trade ou the continent is firm and
v dues continue adv. lining. At Pat is and
ollnr markets when is quoted at ten
hillings lour pt nee mil barley seven shil
lings seven p nco below tho December
avi rige and oils uri exietlythe avenge
to-ibiy. At M.uk Line business was
slaik lilt pikes ate fully maintained.
Be ins. j is mid flour .no unchanged.
At tlie Mock IXJiingult Is believed
thai llie more impo: taut home railway
lines Inve tueii pully oveisoW. 3Ioney
is p'euiifiil. Owing to the Suez canil
paymviits discounts are wc ik at the ruling
rates lor best paper and there is little
doing. Con-uls and other Ctoviriimcnt
securities hive been steady. Aiueiican
bonds are quiet.
HHIMrj rvpeilltfon lu Ihe Illncklllll.
C'lIie'Ai'.O, M ircli 2.1. The following tel
egram was u cii i oil at Gen. Mierld tn's.
beadquaiters this moiiiiug:
llixo, M.nch 22, 1870.
Cut loo-o fiom wagon train on the 17th
Scouted Tongue and liosebud river- until
sitislied there were no Indians ou them.
Then stinck across the country towards
I'owder ttver. Gen. Reynolds with part
of eomnnnd was puslieil lorward on tlio
tr.iil leading to the village ot Ciay Horse,
neu the mouth of Little I'owder rivei.
1 Ills beattaekeil and de-stiov i d on tho 17th,
finding it a perlect magiIuc ot ammuni
tion, w ir material and geucril supply.
Cray Horse had with liliii the northern
I'be.vennes and some ot MiiinccoJn. piob
ably in all one-halt the Indians of the res
ervation, l'.very evidence was found to
prove these Indians were in copartnership
with those at the Bed Cloud and Spotted
Tail agencies and that the pioceedsot their
raids upon settlements had been taken to-thc-e
agencies and supplies brought out In
return. In this connection I would again
iCCQuiiiieud the lmiuc.dl.ito transfer
of tho-e Indians (o the Missoiul. I am
s itistied that It Sitting Bull is oil this side
of Yellowstone, he is limped ut the mouth
ot Powder river. W e had terribly severe
weather dining our absence Irom tho wasr-
on ttaliis. It snowed every day but one-.
irrl the merciitial thermometer on several
occi-ions tailed to register.
IMgucm ukn'. ritooi;, mig. ucu.
(Cli. ItrjIIOlMV tJtM!llUiOU.
Poit i Pliiirman, Wy., Mutch 2.1.
'I he expedition which left, beio March 1st,
iindei Gen. llej'uolds to proceed against
the hostile hull ins, has returned to old Pt.
Reno, nnd is expected here lu a lew days
when lull details ol his movements will
be given. Enough is now know to show
it bis met w itli good success and severely
punished t'r.iy Hor-e's band of Sioux,
Cheveuncs ami MimiUniijoes. It is also
renderedieitiiliitli.it the' number of hos
tile Indians now away limn their rescua
tlouliis been greatly ovet estimated, so
that another one of the Indian humbugs
ot tho lioiitlcr has been the le-ultot this
expedition. If the ngeiicli at lied Cloud
ami spotted Tail weie removed to tlie
Missnuii nvei. tho piedatoiy. binds
which bad Info-fed this (rentier would be
obliged to succumb as they get all their
supplies ot war m.iteri il. as well as inhu
mation nt movements ngilnsc tin in, from
these points.
Hills mill IK solutions,
W siiiNi,io. .Much 21. I ' lilll
I'm the pigment ol tlie Moiloe I imIi.iii war
i'ieii-i", lis ii poited from the llou-e com
mittee, pi (li(le only 70.000 lor Oregon
claims, and I,I0() lot Cilltointi. Tbu
Sinateblll lor tho uliniini-liuii'iit ot the
United Slates title lo I nul- in Sin Kl.ili-il-co
war lepoiiid favoribly by the Iloll-tt
lommlttee. Itillie hill 'rel'itliig to the
wdlgi'sliiped portion of the Piesldn, to be
cut oil by l lie piopo-ed extension ol Ly
ons S(C( t.
'Ihe vuit iry ot theTie,iiuy posiilvily
Klu-es to uiinmiiiilcitemivtlilugahout the
PMIiii's lepoir, hiving given tlie strictest
oidei's tint all peiid agents, repoils shall
be kept (titin-lv -eeret, ami tlueitculiig
the sumiiiuy ilhinWsil ol any agent who
talks about them lu au way."
Iteoi'Kiuilsiilloii ,r lliu Aruiy,
Wasihm.ion. Miuh 2.1. Tho l ommlf
leo on MillLirv AU'iiis Inve agienl upon
liepic-culiitlyo BiiiiiIuo'h hill Willi tlm '
eominlttio'saiiiijiidmeiit t,n tliu rcorgiul
ation ol tlie ai my. It does not reduce
the pi-sent tlilctlvo tuno ol llm army,
hut it reduces tlie lulintry iiiinciit- tio'ut
2.1 to 20 aiidiavdii liom 100 In -ll. It
con-olid iles the (hi utei m istci and Com-uii-s.iry
Depirtiin nts and lles tin piy of
llr-t sorgi'iut .it r? 10 per mouth; It uiiikis
Ihe head juirteis of llm Gclienil ol tiiu
inny at Wahliigfoii, lu lime ol poico.
uml provides th it he m ty act as seen l.ny
of War, oi of a temporary v.icincy In
ofiiie. ftiioviiles tint (ho suttleis and
po. frideis slnll hu first ehctid by u
council of admiul'tiatioii, improved bv
ilepirtueut uommiuder ami General of
the army and appointed by tho Seen tiny
nt War. It makes u rediietiou of 200 of-
fuiiMirtnnt lo Holder ol Miutiijr 4 lalru.
Washington, March 20. Congressman
Baker f Indiana, Ins introduced a bill
providing that any mining claim located
atier May 10, 1873, or sets of claims loca
ted together and not exceeding 1,000 feet
In all, imy be held by annual payment In
to the county fund for school purposes ot
dollars, instead of by the annual ex
penditures for labor and Improvement now
required. Tho bill is before the house
mining committee.
Foalal Cbnnajra,
Postmasters appointed lohn A. Smith,
Sprague rlvor, Lake Co., Ogn ; II. Hlggliis,
Friday Harbor Sau Juan Co., W. T.
AasM'ovlle Vajfllanc doaaamlltM.
It Is rumored that an attempt Is being
mado In the city to form an antl-Coollc
vigilance committee.