Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, February 11, 1876, Page 4, Image 4

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    'r v r,"'"J5i4l?1f,''
Salem, Friday, Fb. 11, 187G.
State Grange Deputies for 1876
Woit Ojjlct. Erprm.
not LAB.
A A Uatiu-w Looking Gla,s Itoscburg
JIIturyHhruidcr Ott
l S nilulck Ashland Jacksonville
Wru Drovin Baker City Dakcr Clly
Wm W Flclfer Applegate Jacksonville
II N 11,11 Junction City. ..Junction City
Gi-o 11 Hannri-lov Camp Creek Eugene Clly
I'oscoe Knox Crecll
Win Cvru Fclo Marlon Station
It A Inlno Lt-lranoB Albany
.7 It Sraitl '. Ilarrli"ljur( liarrlsburg
012 Moot Corvallls CoiMilllH
It WiUul Turner fealcm
IJ F Castie-inou iiulUi Ills.
J.J Charlton Ooofc Lake TackEonv.Ue
tin K.
J 11 Mump Emra Vista.
M' A Henry Zfiia.
Ito'jcri Clou Dallas,
4 J Ilcmlcr-o'i Ainlly
Ho Wlilicunib La hajU'o
T li Hcitni.lir.'y Illllclii.rr Ilillsboio
l. Fannin Cornelius
A It Shipley 0?ue;;o Oregon City
N r Kandall Orcaouiliy
.1 Johion n.it I'oithnd...ki.t 1'orlhnd
John i(oiii " " " "
It Mays Typh The Dalles
JHJJoathlt UppirOdioco "
ant. . ,,
DDIilnelurt CanjonClty Conjon Clly
.1 S While Vicnton Weston
1 LATrfOl'. ...
Allf-'alu -..Astoria Astoria
II I' lloldei Tillamook North lninlilll
(! WMixiw-ll Columbia Clly
NlUlic Coe
WAJ.LAVALtA. ,. ,, , ,, , ,.
WM Mlxlloii Walla Walla Walla Walla
Henry i-paldlng Ilwnrtiwlllo.. . .
i J' blllliaiid Collax
II Y. Uuiidalit .....Limn
SS Mil kliiun.'.' Chchalls l'olnt
1 (3 Abbott OlympU
.OIj rspla
T! Loiynilro ltiui
Julius Norton Hfttlt'o Seattle
T M i'lcrsiiii Claquato .
VAK1M i.
01' Cook.
.lUlcntnurg -
.TnluiH Ilnartli ..
WS Diuthlt
Uuo Miller
Klll.liat City..
.7 SHiwaid .
WOI'Ilmoi ,
7. 1' Cartel)
i: J smith
M lluwll
..lit. Idaho
..IiolsoClty ,
. ..Luwltton
. ...Pajetto
In any county whom Ibo Deputy a, pointed It not
tbu most nsltable, and the Clr iw; of liHMy "i'1
properly indicate to no a choice. I w ill bo idea id, for
In many Initaiiccsl liavuhocn oblUed to mnke np
nuIiitmcntH without knuwUtlca.
Hatter Orocon Statu (Iraii'.-e, 1 of II.
(.'luvltutiiti Comity Counrllt
Tho Clackamns County Council meets on tbo fourth
Friday of eaeb mouth at 11 o'clock n. m. l'laeo ol
meetlns, at J. 0. Trullliii;er's mill, tmirtho center ol
tho county.
Otllccr-N. W. llauilftll, 1'ro'ldent; A. Klcbol., icu
President; W. W. II Damron. Secretary. V.O., Needy;
John Klnir, Tieasurer; Fianl; Vol elm, lt btouiud;
N. II. Darnall, S!dSteaul; Wm 1Hkk, Oatckeeper.
llrethren In Kod Btaiidli' ato Invited to meet with
Jly order or Uio Council.
W. W. II. Paimom, Sec'y.
Notice to I'alroiiN.
Tho Poit Ofllco addrc of S, 1'. Luc, Treasurer of
tho State Granso of Oreeon, Is iliangcd from trei'Oii
City to Portland. Eprcs pa.J.a;e in also bo for
Uiiled to 1'urtland.
Jloucy duo tho riiiMcn cbii bo paid to the Slato
Avrent at Portland, Mr. S. I'. Ltc, lr morocomeulcnt
thin eciitllUK tliu famo to this olllcn.
U pffurod for tho n turn or n StUir Slut,
ofiHii)iI 1'iom Stltmt, aliout tlirco wwKs bro.
SIhi hail n rojo nrottutl hor nook, color whito
mid browu. Word can bo loft at thU olllco.
Wlieu you vUlt Port'.Miil do not TrII to frn
audhoo Wood's Musutmi, with Uh 70,000 cu
rluiltliw. AdmUsIoii only a") cotits.
V.o Faiimiih: Ono of your cortospotulonU
wiititu to uut ft stick of limbor 'Jl foot long,
12 HiobriH Hriuaro tit tho bitso, mid als Inchon
t n,uiiro at tlio top, In htilvAi. I nm a Utile
boy, ntid will iiko tlio libftty of hnlpltiR
liltn, wllliynur pormlsMon. I.st Jilin out It
(I IiOlJi llichnH I'rotll llin lilt.n, mul UH will
luwo It us inutr as 1 utti uottio to It.
N. V. Coo Kit.
St. I'tiul. Marlon County, Jnn. aOth, lS7t)',
tJias-i IN lltK ItOAH. I'orsons lKltiff
across tho river, In Tolk, Inform us that tw
tnlu pHrtloH have throwu window plusa Into
tho roHil, and that n uumlior of hort.oa have
bad tbolr fit ludly cut up In ronvrqupneo,
lVoplo thotild b caroAtl lioro thoy throw
ulius, as It Ih apt to do ilAtnnKO.
Tho unntul Ve?oublo aud Flower Sood
Oitaloguoof Qreirory, tho wnlMcnown s'HhN
tuau of Marblohead, Mast., U adverlWexl In
our columns. We can otidorso Mr, Gregory
(ii both houeat and rolUblo. Tho bare tto
incut of tho fact that he grows ao largo a
nutubor of the varieties of fcooU ho bells, will
lis appreciated brjnarlHit Kardoucirf, and by
nil otlioru who vvant;to hnvo tholr sood both
fresh nnd true. " .
Wnr. Uonklo wld his f.trtu of .IZO aertw,
HOIUO MX or Ativan Jililon wt of (Virvnllls,
Jr tvti'tnl,to;ir P H.l'nn--' 'f ' l'tti,
1 . S I'l
Taxation of Iranioralty.
Dining two months past tit b people of thn
United States bare watci'wl with Jnlonso In
terest tbo progress of tho" crooked whiskey"
trials nt St. Loufe, wberx, during- several
years past tho revonne rffleers of the gov
ernment, in conspiracy v. Ith Ibo distillers of
that city, have robbed the revenue of mill
ions of dollnri), while a nltnllar condition of
corruption nnd fraud has existed throuehout
tho west. One by one tlieno official?, and the
distillers leagued with tbrm. have bean con
victed and sontenced to m O'er the penalties
of the law. Under the efficient measures
tnetltu'ed by (ho Secretary of the Treasury,
Bristow, Justice Peems to Ijrvo found a voice
and government seems to be In a measure
purged of votne of its corruptions, nblle
conspirators In other sections are trembling
withBpprobenslonof t bo fato that Is undoubt
edly In store for them also.
Tuh wook wo hear ol the trial tnd convic
tion of Wm. MeKee, a prominent Journalist
of St. LouK n, man of honorable standing
and great influence, a prominent politician,
also, who won accused of aiding and abetting
theie frAwts for politlcil purposes toraNe
mpnns to be used iu corrupting elections and
securing partisan victories, as this sy.stem ol
coufplraty with distillers sonms to have
been tbo means used to acquiro a political
orruptlon fund.
Weslirill next hearoftho trial of the private
e crutarvof tho Iresldentofthe Untied Stales
who is aacusotl of abusing his olllclal position
and confidential relations in condition with
those mmeir.iud') on tbo revouuo, i.itling the
plans of the cou8prratorn,an(1 sharlngtbelr il
legal pio.tls. We httvo no further remarks to
make upon those trials than to comjratulate
our rollers on tho fact that justlco does not
sloep, and" that tnen guilty of such crimes
can bo th no prosecuted and oonvfo'-ed,a fmrt
that shown honrat determination Jii high
places. V6 only bopo that in tliu remaining
projocutioiii. no guilty ncooiuplioo .shall es
cape and nniuiiO':;it man mll'or harm.
The point to whlob wo draw tho aUeutlon of
our readers is thlsr Tho trnillu in Intoxict-
tltnr lbjuors is the most ahomiuablo known
under tho miu, llU tho csttso of untold evil,
and wo would but Tecapllulato a ciorothan
twice told tale to show its ononnltjywhioh is
attost'd by riilnedlbomos, deported' families
and disracsd mnahvod, and borne witness
to by crowded jtlla, prisons and rMiipHrhou
ses, nnd a criminal iHlandr In ovflry court
on earth that swel'la to a grevlouH burdf-n tho
taxes paid nllko by rich alid poo?. And y At
this cause of crime; this dement of distress;
Ibis curse that bhts whorover it touches,
and so frequently destroys, i-j "iroused by
national atatuto and mado a favuilto means
of natlocRl revue!
Is tboi not sinetbiiig wronjjin a system
of guvemment that license s.nd prolits by
au evil it has not the oournge tb.restjrain 7 Is
it not n, o-iiiso Sxr publluatui oMcial demoral
lation ulmoKtnn nxuttse fcvit when tbo
highost navionul law eitablikbds a partner
ship with uvratUo tint bll-stits wicloty aud
taxes the whole community? We il not, of
course, excuse or pallt.ua rtnuiU thus com
mlttitd, but wo lcao tho ro5ly to ouch mail's
coui'lenco, lor tlw KOvetJiQienLii tbo crea
turoof tbt ttontlniout of ih peoplo, and tbo
only remedy Is a hlgfeur pubtlo moiulity,
puro princlplo, legislation born of ti true
clutetlan civilization, nnd so capable, of n
"higher law" thai;, Ituinau legislation has
hitherto enactel.
It may bo only In tho futuro, but It will
noer bo i cached If we havo no beacous to
to diroot our course.
Interesting Fact.
Mr. J. M. linukiu, or I'olk county, hi
iorma us that ho lifts muilo nu Intaro-iliiiK
discovory while pro3poutluj; In tlio Coast
mountains about fiftoan wle& from D-illas.
In ono placo, In a daop ciuyon, whoro a
group of largo llr trows stands on a bench of
laud, tho fragments of nu aorolito aro imbed
ded In llio trunks. Philosophy explains that
whou a meteor, wandorini; throunU space,
ontors tho Htmosphore of the oartb, tlio re
Histanco and friction induce tho heat that
produces tho light wo soo, aud la also npt to
uauso tho solid tnasa to burst into fraKtnoats.
This has ovldontly been tho cuhu with tho
phenomenon witnessed by Mr. llaukln, but
whllo thesa rr.ii'.inents usually fall with nuoli
f jroo na to bo dooply Imbedded iu tho earth,
In thh Insttuco a nutubor of thorn have
struck against tho bodies ol largo llr trtcs
live or six feet In diameter, with such forco
as to bury themselves doop enough to ro
nialu In that p?jltlon. Uo b.iy.s toine of tho
plooes aro as largo as a water buckot, nrlar
or. Fivo trees bavo those frBtnouts thus
beddud; anothor lia3a ilooo sc.tr oa tho side
whoro ono has p;raMd it, whllo a smaller treo,
about '.'0 luohos or two foot In dlamotur, has
boon struok wlthisuch foroo, by a sharp frap;
tnnnt, that It wout through tho trunk, split
ting oil ono side of tho tioo, whloh hangs
looMi and dead, lor about sixty feet. It would
not bodllUuult from comparison or tho doad
and living par is to determine how loug since
the meteor foil. IUnkln wants to make an
other trip to tho ame place with Mr. Con
den, ourStitogrtilolst, tohavo him gatlior
tho tacts and tuako thorn useful,
Tho stonos aro described as of dark color,
wry heavy, with very sharp and brittle ap
pearing edges, and there Is uo roasou to doubt
tholr ot Iglu. Qalte near to this same place
IWnkltt InfoniH us that he discovered a
largo double cave, tho tlrst room of which U
almost as e-tiuure as If mado so to bo Inhabit
od, biiggcstlus the idea that it had been made
for that purpose A narrow psssago leads to
nu upper room which li not bo regular.
Do not defy Providence by uegleoitng a
chronic cough or cold, w ben tho certain an
tidote to the-o dRuveroustinplaluts.-UaloU
Honey of Hoifthnutid nud Tar U obutnotl
at evcy Urti;; Wtora In Aatorlru,
PiU'i l',l'r'i ,n uialTO er t t .
Articles for the Centennial.
PohTtAND. Fob. r, 1870.
Permit me to notify thp fieopie of Oregon
thatT ha- m tiearlv romtileted the collec
tions of articles fur the LVnionnlal exhibit of
this State, that I have now opened the room
In the St. CiliBrleX' block, one door aoiilb of
the ho'el ofTJcc, on Front ptnwt, where po
nlecan oxainffiotbtf collection free, nf.erthe
morning of tbo Otii list; from the hours of
If) A. M. to 5 P. M., of i itch day, till the 17lh
lost., at which tlttin the exhibit will be
cloed, the material picked, iioxed and
shipped for tho "Exposition in Philadelphia
A cordial Invitation to our citizens, lo ex
amine the collection, is pfren.and whltnwe
bold all articles fcr.e to la -k at. we wfh It
.understood thatHHlcles mu." not be handled
ov visitors, i uavo slso mat o arramromeius
"itb theO. A. 0. R. It., and the Orecon
Central R. II , to bring people from other
parts of tho State, or half ft re rates, who
wish to visit the oxhloft in Pol tland on the
15th Inst. A few articles for the collection,
that have been promlsod, hav nof vet been
rupoivpd. and we hopon'l nucl will be Im
mediately forwarded to ns in tht CiJv.
. J. uvrun, i ominiwioner.
Mr. Dofur 1 in receltitof the fallowing let.
ferfromMr. J. Brandt, Jr., snnt'rlnrrndet't
of the O. it. O. It. It. Company, which will
explain It wolf:
Hon. A. J. Durun Dc.tr -Sir: W wl'Irnn
trains on tho 0egon and'Callf rnin railroad
as follows, for Wh purposeof aptommodatlng
thon who wish to vllt Portland tn ee the
articles intended for the Centennial Kxhibi
tlon: L'avlivi "ftosoburtr on onr-rfgular trairron
the 11' h Inst., which will brlmr all tanen-
gfr south of Albtny. onlv iv. half-farn TMW,
tlckr's to b good to return on the lC'.h.
North of Alhuny the half bsrn rate will orrly
bo cond'on Albany exprostfln,on tb lbFli,
and ttist itay oul v. I lie Oregon wenlral Willi
also make half-fare rate for lht dav.
Youw trulv, J JKbandt, Jr.
letter from Lans County.
Wixlahrttb Fonics, Feb. f). 1S7C.
Ed. Fahmeh: You may tsb tbo Wlllam
ntto valley over, or the world over, and yoc
will find ell gradosof pnople, wieand fool
ish, men and women In it, peoplo that own
great sections o Hand and clo not know how
to use It. If thoy are stock ralsors they will
overstock tholr litid, us you can soo if yoti
loikfbr yourselves, for the stock is mnoh of .
it poor, fuoo fccrfsj, no inef In country Bt to ,
',,,,,.,.. ', .
oat, the fault i3 that too many people do
not know how to farm. They will go around f
thfl cniintiv In Mnv nnrl rpll what Mr rrnn
they pui in. They are going- to got rich
right oil," But when It comes to thresh tho
grain it catnes out rather slltn-to tholr
P? ctations and they siy the season was not
ngnt. urn i te.i yon mey oo not nan put it ,poiblo bhmlld be put irl frorale Inid.
in. Thoy plow In tho mud and-sow In tho , d, . , , to t)0 teth of April.
mud, aud thoy aro a general botch all, '
around. Wellf. There is anotiror class of"
people that are wiser than tboso.. Thoy have
managed to have flno farms amVflne houses;
their IbtwI is drained; they put mas milch as
anybody else aud thsy frequently rnlo twice
as mucii grain to tho acre, corar-ared lo somo
of tholr nolghhors. Thoy ditch tholr land
and do not work In tho mud
For instanco r
Innt: of nli! 'a fArm. nnm- lifts
drftlnetrnnd fixtd fine. Uo has got every
thing that is needed for the LordH and
Dukos of Knglaod, and if every man was in
that condition thorn would bo moro prosiw-
ous and bettor peoplo in ttm country than
tuort Is.
ThW a new country vet, and yon could not
expect umuli better woik than has been
'lone. Tliemmo out a low laon wt,o Know
how to work to heat sdvantaue, end we
should thank God thorn aro that uinny, 01
wo could novor expect to succeoa.
P. of H.
tTho writer of tho foregoing forgot to put
his namo to it, aud next time he must not
fall to do so. Whou he quotes other pooplo'a
namos, ho must glvo his own as security
that ho is tellable. As ho did not, wo omit
names ho gave
Gras333 for Ilaj and Grazing.
IMk. Editok: Tbo WilijAmette
Faumer, novor without that variety
so essential to an enjoyable and read
able Journal, always Instructive and en
tertaining and .sometimes amusing,
having just enough of politics to flavor,
Is an over wclcomo friend to my tablo.
Not only for tho short scientific articles
aud its valuablo suggestions to tho far
mers do I nrizo it, but most as I havo
learned to regard it as tho groat sym
pathetic nervo of tho rural Orogonians.
It will not bo considered obtrusivo,
then, for a subscriber to seek informa
tioo through its columns? If not, will
you, or some of your correspondents, in
form mo what grass is best for making
hay.' What will stand tlio drouth and
bo tho most valuablo for summor pas
turago? What is best adapted to win
ter grazing? Scott Oseoux.
Waltervillo, Fob. 8, 1S70.
Tho bodies of John Cmf s, engineer of tho
n'n"l Dtinond, and Willie P.-att, wu i wore
drowned in Puyallup By three ueuhS a;o,
hive been nickel ua bv tin Indians. The
body of little Harry Ha'ston bus not ytt
been recoverea two 01 tuo guns Deionging id
the boys hud also beou picked up ou the
In the event ot Hie annexation of Wall
Wtdla oouuly to Oregon, it U oouUtupUtPd
that lt-s boundaries will lie extended to Wild
Horse oreok, thus including the whole of the
rioli farming district of which Weston is the
trailing ceuter. This arraugemont or uouu
claries would tniko Walla Walla a prospo
rous county.
A partv of thieo men recently sooured
Middle Park, Colorado, iu search of gsiue.
They spoilt three months nu the trlnand,
wore very succossfcl, having killed 100 elk,
110 antelojie, 309 deer, a wagon load of ducks
and any quantity of ainall game such as
rabbits, grouss, sago hens and gebso.
Notice of Final Settlement.
JJ my conefrn, that tba ULderoIgned ba died m
tho I'cuuty Court of Marlon county, htuto of Oregon,
ht flnal account as AdmtntHrator or tho KUto of
lltnrvMcLau hln. denvmil and tha atd Cwrt baa
tlNtfd'rrlday. the luth d'roi Jlai-cU UfiiJ.nt uuv o'clock
p ta.
is uianu iroijx it.u luenio.
111. K-3.
, 'ai,lUkM.
li-l! H
Vtrietie of Wheat.
Lake Co., Jan. 31st, 187C,
Ed, Parmgii: In tlicl.ist nutiibor of
your v.ilunblo paper I jjirye to the for
mers of Oregon my jiraciicnl f.xppri
ence, ns an agriculturist, on what depth
to plotv for wheat, and the atzo of plows
lo do H with. In this I will give thorn
my long experience and observations
of the best varieties of wheat to raise
in Oregon and tho quality of soil best
adapted for each variety. This is beat
found out by etose observation while
growing, until ripe and thrashed. f for
I really behove that no farmer can be a
very successful one without ho is a
good observer, not of cereals alone,, but
of all tho best kinds of machinery,
wagons, plows, drilts,, cultivators, and
seed sowers, and also- of all tho klnd
of stock-he raises on tho farm.
The best variety or spring whetti I
have observed, to rai.te in Oregon, is
the white Chllo club, nnd I consider it
to bo the finest spring wheat that h8
over been raised In this State. It
thrashes easier, yields as-much or mora
per acre, and makes bettor Hour than
any other variety grown. If drilled in
which I consider the beat;, method, uso
ono bushel and three pecks per acre;
t IF towed broadcast, two bushels; but it
should never bo sown on wet or very
damp laud, cs on such it will not till as
well as other varieties; but does much
better on fern lands than any other,
and in every instanco should bo sown
on high dry land; and should if possi
ble bo sown or put in between New
'Years and tho middlo of March; later
than that it dees not fill as well ns some
Tj,c noxt lje3t variety of spring
w),wU x woul(, ri,L.oimnon(l to raiS)0 ls
,, . , , . , , ,,
called red cliuir, known by tlio name of
,..,,, ... ...
llttle -,lub th's t,0GS ot SW as tall as
the Olliie, neither is tllO grtlill US
swhite and large, but weighs n little
f heavier to tho bushel, makes good Hour
ex-.'and yields well, and will fill better on
('i0W) dp ground than Chile, and if
""", "" ' "" l'
ittcve; broaUcast,,one and tlireo pecks,
r At the present theso two varieties
''should bo tlio only two raised on dry
'bind. Thav vield moro to tho acre.
j and matQ bettor Hour than Atly Other
(; ,,,unnt s nm,m
,.,. , ,.,.,, ?,!i ,, u
""'" ...i.utj- inc ...
""'-'i uio eimu is reii, uui 1110 grain
iIs wl,itei this is the best and only vn-
rioty under my notice that will fill on
wet land. I have raised it on low, wet
land, side by side with the other varie
ties, where it would bo well filled and
the others would not havo a singlo
grtiin iu the heads. It grinds more
ilitity, and dotts not make as good flour
;is tho other two varieties;. Uio straw is
softer and falls down sooner when ripe.
Drill a bushel and a half per acre.
There are sovoral other kinds of spring;
wheat I could mention,, that I have
tried, sent from Washington, but thoy
will not do in Oregon as- well as thoic-
abovo mentioned.
At presont thero aro only three varie
ties of winter wheat in Oregon, under
my notico, that are worth raising. Tho
best vartyty for all purposes Is named
tho old common whito; it yields moro
to the aero than any other, nnd is well
adapted to tho climnto antl to all dry
soils, and makes very good flour. This
variety will do well put in from tho
middlo of October to tho middle of
Tho second variety is tho whito velvet,
and at tlio presont tlmo is the finest
wcoat in Oregon. Tho writor took tho
first proiuium with this at tho last
State Fnlr. It is tho largest whito
wheat In Oregon, makes splendid flour
but does not yield so well to tlio acre as
common. This variety should bo drill
ed in from tho first of October to tho
first of Docomber.
My third variety is called tho whito
horse. It is a beautiful wheat, grinds
soft and makes excellent flour, but
does not yield per aero with tlio other
two. It was first brought into Lano
county by two young men from Eng
land and for ton years was raised qulto
extensively, but on account of its rath
er light yield was finally disponsod
with. It required two bushels per
aero, broadcast and with tho drill ono
bushel and tlireo pecks.
Now. Air. liiutor. ns no ono nas over
written in your paper on tho subject of
raising wneat, nuu it oeing mo main
thing lor export, and at present is
bringing moro money or wealth into
Oregon than nil othor productions to
gother, I thought tho subject n good
ono, nud ouo that would interest somo
of tho farmers of Oregon nnd might bo
tho means of adding n fow dollars in
tholr pockets in tho futuro, aud If so, I
should bo highly pleased and well paid.
I think I havo given a plain and full
description of tho beat varieties, and
tho quantity to tho acre, &c. My noxt
will bo on tlio beit varieties of barley,
oaj, and gra.v;, to nKa in Oregon.
(miu .. rL.r-,-nw.
Tills Itl neantlful Quarterly Jonnul, flndy Illtn"
rate.!, cotiUlulnir nn elwitit eob.r.d Froiiui-piccff
with the flrot nernber. Prtcn only S5 citM fo' t'
rr. Tilt Otft No. for 1R7! Just led. tST Vlcli'
Flower A Veaclfthfe Anrdeu SO cent,; ttlili
cloth cover, Ci ccntK ddrei-s
JAM!! VI K, Uochc-trr, N. Y.
In the County Oinrt of tho Stato ot Oregon for fiitf
Cruuty of Marlon.
In the niattpr of thc'Fetate of Jmcs E. TTstl deceased
Wm. y. Pngn, administrator.
To Mary E. WfJs James C. O-Halland aDinlcnoirU
helm of paid decedent:
Yon and each or yon are hcreVj cltled and require
ed to appear befori the above namtd court at the
Court Ilonf e. In halsm In (aid Marlon county at lu
o'clock a. ra. on the nth day of March a. d. 3ST8. to
then nnd there fhowcsnfo If any erlt why n or
der should not be made by sale, rourt anthorlzlnjr
cald admlnlMiator to cll the real oitato of atd de
cedent for defrayment of the cxpercs of adminis
tration and claim" ajraliwt i!d state, as petitioned
f.ir by raid administrator. Said real estate Is de--crlhed
as Mlmrs to-wlrt
Tun nn'tovlded one half of tho doncfon land cl.fnt
nt fald Janitis K Hall end wi'p. said claim betmr
no4?aU'l bclntrln sertlrns 7 18 ami 1.1 In T. 4 t. It
1 v, of Wllhim tt "leild'cn, In Mn ion comity, uni
son, tald claim containing 4 r,B2-l(Kl u-res.
County ,lnd'C.
ExocnlSvc Rloch, Snlem,
I (Opposite Clumceta Hotel)
Is Prepav ing for Spring Trade
By disposing of blsOoods on hand af
Lowest Possible Prices,
He Offers at a Bargain
Consisting" of
I3Cvt unci CtipH,
Drugs Sz Medicines
-..Willi A....
To compound prescriptions.
TJy motto Is, "Never sell at lo-t, but nt emolT.'
Pel). 4 1870.
Agents wauled.
PccusiiEi'.s or Masonic Works.
fe4wl 711 liroadnay. New Yort
The undersigned la aent for
Oregon and WaHliiiigtoaTer.,.
Tlio Colelratoa XiulTcl
Any Information conctrnliic the samn can be had by
erciuir me. or wrltlcg to me, at SALKM, Or. Oadcrs
prumptiy tided.
3 874.
I)eatcd tolhui'iterebtof thu l'atrous of Husbandry
As a FAn-irns' Pavek Iteplcta with practical in
form itlou for woiklur lurnm-s.
As a CoHtr.ci.vL I'APan Teaches where, when,
au.l how to bay; wheic, when, and how to sell. '
As an AiivEl.TisiNQ PAVEn Rxclu-te evfrythin?
hlch ls of doubtful utility, OLd every advtrtisir who
ls of dnnbtful its ponMbllliy.
As a b"AiLV l'trrn I'uro aud chaste, freo from
scandal j and low wit. but full of int.- choicest and
brightest ttioilKhls of the beet writer" of the dav.
Aba NEsrAFEr, Full aud (omplti; careiully ga
thers trom all sonrc's, whutovtr lof importance, and
presents It In u frMi, bright, inlellli,- nt tonn.
As a UitAKac FAmn (!Ivt nil giaiue news: freely
and fully i'lscusso all questions ot Interest to Pat
rons, whether Instil o or uuttldit thu order, andfear
l.ifsly proclaims the sound political aud economic
piluclples on which our reform is lkued.
Subscription price, poet paid, il 50 a jcar In ad
vance, hpeclratu copits tree.
Audrc-ts all communications to
Dca Moluos. Iowa I'ublisbera.
Administrator's Sale.
NOTICE ls hereby given tbt. pursuant to an oj-Icr
of the County Court of Marlon county. Ort-jon.
I will offer for sale at public anctlod on FltJDAYrthe
3d dat op MAltCH, 1878. at 11 oVlock a in. orsaidl
day. at tho Court llouso donr in balem, in said lonn
ty or Marlon, tor gild coin In band, the following de
scribed boose on I lo', bulonliu: u tho estate of Jo
scah A. Wright, deceased, to wltt A portion or Lot
No. !, aoutb, now occupied by a hooUsuire, and being
tweuty-ilvo feot la Iront. nnd running back tk4 entire
ricpfi or Fald Li t Nu, 2, and situated In Sllverton,
Marlon county. Oregon. J. M. TIKOWH,
Jan. 14. 1STUW4 Administrator.
or.Ur Tor
$7.00 GOSH.
&i73 Ijfo a Call.
-.U'fi' . i.t .ff4-.,
, j.'.iiJCtLaa.-.
' HUiAtUtl
vfttJitktTit v"? .:W Jt
'U -Ui
A hAv J. 1