v"'TOrSp.T.f5.'r1j).pr ,- JT'JTi r- 7S(1 WK" -'? -iwr-TsrjWpnr WHJLAMETTE FARMER. 3 f - L' Qood HBV-TH- Prevention and Cure. It is astonishing, to say the Iest, that every, where ''cure ' is recognized before prevention. The old adage "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure," seems to have been forgotten, or at least disregarded by the mass of humanity. Men will search throughout the range of the whole pharmaoopcro, and cast about them all their lifetimes for some ohemical or veaetahlA compound which shall be an effectual cure for some of the "ills which flesh is heir to," while if they should spend halt the time in looking ur mo rause ana prevention or tots disease, the sufferings of humanity would be mitigated to an incomparably greater degree. And when such a medicine is found, it very seldom affects a cure. Even when the cause and prevention are known, men seem to overlook the fact that the suffering consequent upon the exertion and self-denial necessary for prevention of disease is less then that which follows the neglect to apply the preventive. This substitution of cure for prevention seems to hold precedence where civilization is highest to a greater degree than among less enlightened nations. And why is this? Among barbarous nations more attention is paid to prevention, and the few remedial agents used are simple, and seldom effectual in themselves; whereas, in civilized countries the greater knowledge of science in duces men to search more extensively for new and better curatives, and as more and more icientiflo discoveries are made, the medical field becomes wider and wider. And thus, in this rush after new medical discoveries, the laws of prevention of disease have been over looked, and left far behind. Now, viewirg this matter as one of the greatest importance to the human family, the next step is to consider how it may be brought to the attention of the mass of the people. The medical men, as a class, do not do it, although it is tneir legitimate ousiness, because It would not be for their pecuniary interest. But there is one other resource, and one which is ade quate to the task. Let the press take hold of tne worE, ana aner clearing its pages of an medical advertisements, in their place let it elucidate the common rules and principles of ueauu, huu pumb uut me causes 01 sicKuess ana disease and the methods of prevention, and by so doing it would lose nothing, pecuniarily or otherwise. Let tlds be done, and the day is not very distant when the swindling practice of the multitude of quacks with which the country is swarming will be at an end, and the people, stronger, both physically and mentally, will adopt for their motto, "moderation in all things." Cor. Phrenological Journal. Bobax in Colds. A writer in the Medical Record cites a number of cases in which borax has proved a moat effective remedy in certain forms of coldc. He states for a sudden hoarse ness or loss of voice in publio speakers or sing ers, from colds, relief for an hour or so, as by magio, may be often obtained by Blowly dis solving and partially swallowing a lnmp of borax, the size of a garden pea, or about three or four grains held in the mouth for ten minutes before speakiLg or singing. This produces a profuse secretion of saliva, or "watering" of the mouth and throat probably restoring the voice or tone to the dried vocal cords, just the same as "wetting" brings back the missing notes to the flute, when it is too dry. To Obscdbe Scabs. To obsonre, boil in three quarts of water one pint horseradish, four ounces pulverized alum, and four ounces rook salt. When cold, wet pieces of thick lint therewith, and apply frequently. This will harden and thicken the skin. Persevere for some time, and the effect is certain. On going among fi lends, dull the shiny appearance by bathing it with a little spirits of hartshorn in water. The first named preparation is best when made newly; it gradually loses pungency and effectiveness, and so when weak must be renewed. With time and care, as above, the redness and peculiar appearance of scars will largely diminish. The person should carefully avoid all irritation of the parts. BtnLDiNa Gbound. We want more of a dry earth By stem. Ferfeot under-drainage is the first great need of most cities and large towns. Regulations of cellar?, and of all other holes below the surface, is the next great study. The proper airing of all sub-structure, because of its proximity to the ground, comes in next for consideration. What can we do to sweeten or purify surface-roll already formed, is another point". The great question of what to do with all refuse so as to keep it out of city soil is the J large ana xuoiueuiuuts Buujeut wuicu uiuai ever present itself to our attention. PuWic Health Association. A Fatal Kiss The Albany Argus says that Miss Kate Noyes, of Lansingburg, is in a criti cal condition from poison, arising from kissing her deceased niece, who died of diphtheria. The young lady bad a slight sore on her lip at the time. A swelling commenced in her lip, which soon extended to the nose, and it is feared the difficulty will reach the brain. Mb. Geobqe R. Libau, 111 years old, as distinctly shown by the records of his christen ing, attended the State fair at Easton, Fa., last week. Theoldmanis talkative and intelligent, has a fine chest, shows little emaciation, and can do considerable work without fatigue. Domestic Eco-topy The Art of Frying Fish. Several kinds of fish are fried when small, suoh as small trout or troutlets, carps, tench, sun' fish, pike, pickerel, flounders, white-fish, black and blue fisb, perch, porgy, weak-fish, herring, bass, and the like, and smeltK, whiob never grow above the frying size. When fish or anything else is oooktd in a frying-pan with just fat enough to prevent it from burning, it is not filed bntsaufd, there be ing two very distinct ways of frying. To fry means lo cook fish or something else immersed in boiling fat. To saute means to cook fish or something else with just fat enough to merely cover the bottom of the pan; for instance, small fishes are fried, but omelets are sauted; potatoes are fried, bnt parsnips are sauted. Many inexperienced cooks make mistakes on that account; they read in some cook-book that such an article of food is good fried, and set to frying it when it should be sauttd, and vice 9CTSQ The fat skimmed from the surface of broth, which Ik beef-suet, the trimmings of steaks or routing picceB of beef melted aa directed be low, are better for frying purposes than lard, sot flying all over aa lard does. The fat skimmed from trimmings or from around the kidneys of beef U cut in small pieoes, put in an iron pot, and set on a rather alow fixe. As soon as it begins to melt, ladle off the melted part and turn it into a stone or crockery jar. which you cover when cold. Put it awav In cool, dry, and dark place. A oarefnl cook never needs laid for frying purposes, but has awsvs more fat than is neoessary out of boil ing or roasting pieces, and that skimmed on the top of broth, sauce, and gravies. Some cooks will not take the trouble to melt it when the mistress allows as much lard and butter as is asked for. It is an error to believe that by using much fat to fry, the articles fried will taste greasy; il there is not fat enough in the pan to completely immerse the objects filed, they will certainly taste greasy. It will be the same if the fat is not heated enough. It is heated enough when jets of smoke ooze out of it, or when, on throw ing drops of water on it, it makes a crackling noise. When the fat is hot enough, the artiole that is to be fried is dropped into it, and stirred gently now and then with a skimmer. When done, it is taken off the pan with a skimmer and turned into a colander, wmen snouia rest on a dish or bowl to receive the fat that may drop frcm it. If the article to be fried is not completely immersed in the fat, the part not immersed will absoib fat, and, as stated above, will be greasy: but if there is fat enough to cover it entirely, the intensity of the heat closes the pores, car bonizing the exterior of the article, as it were, and preventing it from absorbing any fat. If the articles to be frifd be tender and some what brittle, they are put in a wire basket or perforated double bottom made for that pur pose, and the basket is plunged into the fat The basket is raised when the articles are fried, and held over the pan to let the fat drop; they are then taken carefully out of it, placed on a dish, sprinkled with salt, and served hot. When the frying is done, the pan is put away for a few minutes, to allow the particles of solid matter that may be in to fall to tee Bot tom of the frjing-pan; then it is turned into the jar, gently and slowly, so as to retain those particles in the bottom nod it is put away for another time. Prof. Blot. To Preserve Bbgad ran Long Pebiods. Cut the bread into thin slices and bake it in an oven, so as to render it perfectly dry. In this condition it will keep cood for anv length of time required, and without turning moldy or sour, like ordinary bread. The bread thus pre pared must, however, be carefully pre-ervrd from pressure, otherwise, owing to its btittle ness, it will soon fall to pieces. When required for use it will only be nec.ssary to dip the bread for an instant into warm water, and then hold it before the fire till dry, after which bnlter it, when it will taste like toast. This is a useful way of preserving bread for sea voyages, and also any bread that may be made too stale to be eaten in the usual way. Fbekcii Pakcakes. Half a pint of milk, two ounces of butter, two ounces of loaf sugar, two ounces of flour, two eggs. Put milk, butter and sugar into a saucepan to dissolve (not boil), beat eggs ard flour together till quite smooth, then add the other! ingredients and mix well. Divide th's quantity and put it in four saucers to bake for twenty minutes; liy two pancakes on a dish, spread preserves over, and cover with the other two pancakes. Serve hot. Oxfobd Dumplings. Mix well together the following ingredients: Two ounces of grated bread, four ounces of currants, four ounces of shred suet, a tablespoonfnl of sifted sugar, a little allspice, and plenty of grated lemon peel. Beat up well two eggs; add a little milk and divide the mixture into five dumplings. Fry them in butter a light brown color and serve them with sauce. Cbisp Mufitns, One pint of sifted Indian meal, one pint of milk or cream, two eggs, a teaspoonful of salt, a spoonful of butter or lard. Drop the batter in a hot, greased pan or oven, by spoonfuls, taking care that your mnffins do not touch. Let them bake till crisp and brown. Prizes in Industry and Agriculture. The Societe d'Encouragement of Paris has recently published its list of prizes offered from 187C to 1881, both inclusive. It may be mentioned tbat tms society Destows annually a gold medal bearing the likeness of some man who has achieved a high reputation in art or science, or is the originator, whether French or foreign, of works which have exercised the greatest influence on French Industry during the six preceding years; in 1873 this grand medal was awarded to our own countryman, Sir Charles Wheatstone. Although all the subjects are open to for eigners as well as natives of France, many would of necessity be confined to the latter. The following items from the long list are likely to have an interest in this country: A prize of 200 fracos is offered in 1880 to the author of the most important improvements in the material and processes employed in civil engineering, architecture and publio works. A prize of 2,000 francs is offered in 1879 to the inventor of a machine for combing sboit staple cotton which has been biought into prac tical use. A prize of the Fame amount is offered for 1880, for u machinerfor cutting files of all kinds automatically, and which shall have worked for at least three months. A prize of the same amount is proposed to be awarded in 1877 for the invention of any efficient means of stopping the vibrations caused by steam hammers, and other tools acting by percussion, from being propagated beyond the works in which they are em ployed. Prizes of the same amount are offered in 1878 and 1879 for the industrial application of oxygenated water, and for the economio prep aration and application of ozone; and in 1870 for fixing the nitrogen of the atmosphere in the form of nitric acid, ammonia, or cyanogen, the object being to obtain practically some compound of nitrogen cheap enough to use in making manure from the nitrogen of the at mosphere, to the exclusion of animal matter. A prize of C.000 francs Is proposed for 1878. for a theory respecting steel, founded on actual experiments, and resulting in improved means of directing the mannfacture of steel. A prize of 3,000 francs, set down for 1880, for the disinfection of the residue from gas works. One thousand francs are offered in 1880, for an apparatus capable of producing high tem perature in home workshops rapidly and eco nomically. A prize of 2,000 francs is announced for a method of preventing soot adhering to chim neys so that they may be completely and easily cleaned. All memoir?, models, etc., must be lodged with the secretary of the society before the 1st of January of the year in which the prize is to be awarded. Full particulars will be found in the August number of the Bulletin of the soci ety, which is in the reading room of the society of arts. Journal Society of Arts. Tbi long sought (or Planchas de la Plata mine, worked a century or two sgo by the early Spanish explorers, is said to have been found about ninety miles southeast of Tucson, nesr the Sonora line. This is the mine which Spanish history says yielded pure silver in sneb large pieoes tbat the government confis cated it for the use of the crown. A uabkid improvement has been made In the ventilation of the Ohio coal mines during the year. The number of serious and fatal accidents have been reduced thirty-three per cent, since last year. Agriculture in the Public Schools. We can best perform that which we test un derstand. Knowledge and skill should be united in the came person. It is as important that the mind be familiar with mental processes as that the hand be skilled in manual performances. In every system of mental culture, the pupil should not only be taught the truth ; he should be able to repeat also the logical processes by which the truth has been established. So in the work of practical life; it is not enough that we, know the fact, we should know also the reason. It is not enough that we be familiar with daily phenomena, we should know also their causes and consequences. It is as im portant to the agriculturist that he understand the philosophy of the various operations on the farm, and the causes of the natural phe nomena there exhibited, ns it is to the mathe matician that he be familiar with the principles from which have been deduced his theorems and formularies. In either cae, ignorance pro duces only routine, not likely to be followed with eminent results. I agree that much has already been done for the education of the whole people. Popular education is, indeed, the distinguishing achieve ment of modern civilization , It is the patriot's trust for the permanency of free institutions. It is the philanthropist's hope for the future well-being of the race. Of all the inventiors of the ages that of univer-al education is the grandest in its conception and promises the most varied and beneficent results. It marks at onoe the era of free gov rnment?, the moral development and the physical well-being of the race. With nations, as with individuals, the! o is always a better beyond a higher and still higher for the achievements of tbe future. In seeking this higher tbis better beyond for the nation, many (four ideas of government, and laws and popular institutions are doubtless to undergo chang. s; and I am persuaded that on no other subject are thee changes to be more radical than on that of education. Industiial Advancement. The next great educational step is to be, in my opinion, an industrial one. The publio sobools, in addition to the general training which they are to furnish, will be required to give also special instrcdiou on such subjects as may relate to and illustrate the prospective vocation of the pupil. The time, in mv opinion, has alreaiy come, when the initiatory steps in this direeti n should betaken, when the opportunity tor this practical education should be given. All capital is the product of labor; and so ciety itself rests on the broad shoulders of laboring man anil laboring woman. Any effort, therefore, to inci- -e the educational or other opportunities of the industrial classes, I shall feel to be a movement in the right direction; and tbat, in the advocacy of agriculture! as a study in the publio schools, I am standing on firm ground, sustained by sound reason, and, as I believe also, so far as honestly tried by practical experience. But the policy of the movement is not generally accepted; and it must succeed, if at all, against the active oppo sition of some, and the silent protests of many others. The first thing with which a novel movement has to contend, is always objection. Perhaps, therefore, it will be proper, in the argument, first to consider these: After having removed the obstacles a forward movement may be less difficult. It surged that asthe design of educa tion is mental and moral development; and that, as the mind is superior to the body and knowledge better than riches, that system of oulture should be adopted, and that course of study pursued which will produoe the greatest mental and moral growth. This objection comes from the educators of youth themselves, and is indeed the only one ot sufficient conse quence to merit answer. But although it is dressed in the guise of an objection, and is in tended as a strong one, I acoept every word of it as truth, regarding it, when properly in terpreted, as the strongest possible admission of the study of the industrial sciences, if I may so style them, in the publio schools; ,1 do not propose, therefore, to spike this cannon, but to take possession of it, only reversing the direc tion of its discharge. Doubtless, if we could penetrate the designs of the Infinite, we should find that life's labors and duties are intended as disciplinarians to prepare us for the labors and duties of tbat higher and better state tor which tbis is only probationary ; md it Bhould reason ably follow that' the acquisition and application of the requisite knowledge and skill should form the best possible mental and moral gymnasia. He who supposes that the course of study thus indicated is too limited, must himself have exceedingly limited notions of the length, breadth and depth of these obliga tions. Culture Combined With Utility. If it can be shown tbat the study of the sciences with reference to, and illustrative of, the industries, is equally as well adapted for I mental culture and discipline as tbo study of them in the abstract, or with no such reference, then the value of suoh a courso as a disciplin arian is equal to that of the course now adopted in the schools. If it can be shown tbat such a course is better adapted for mental training, then the argument in its favor preponderates; and in either case, the fact that the student is thereby better fitted for life's duties, power fully reinforces the argument. "Use strengthens powers," says the good I ttpurznelm. Tbe lacmties of tne mind, like those of the body, become active, vigorous and strong, each by its appropriate exercise. Now, which is the most favorable to mental activity, tbe study of science with, or without an object, with or without reference to its practical application. In both cases the same theorems and formularies must be demon strated, the same ecientifio principles exem plified by experiment, and by facts in nature. Tbe difference will be tbat in the study of science with reference to its uses, a greater number of experiments will be made, and a greater number of familiar phenomena ex plained. Another difference will be in the course of study pursued. Tbe industrial student, for example, who may not have time or means to complete the usual course of study, will elect from it such branches as will best assist him in bis vocation. He will leave out perhaps from the currionlum all languages but his own, and if his prospected vocation be agriculture, will give the more time to chemistry, geology, botany, zoology, etc. It is hardly neoessary to say tbat these scienoes, in tbe amount of mental discipline which tbeir ac quisition will produce, in the habit and taste tor study which they inspire, and in the sub jects for future thought and investigation which tney supply, are greatiy superior to any course of merely linguistic study. It must not be supposed that tbe study of science with reference to its practical applica tion is not a thorough study of it, or that tbe agricultural student must necessarily be super flcial. To explain a fact by referenoe to its cause, implies a knowledge of the cause itself, acd the illustration ot a principle by its legiti mate phenomena Impresses it the more deeply on the mind, it is by the frequent applications of seienoe, that the Bind learns to use prin ciples, formularies and theorems as the skillful mechanic does his tools, and ttis frequent ap plication the agricultural stuient must neces sarily have. That education is best which, in addition to the knowledge it Imparts, lays the best founda tion for future growth, enabling the student at the end of life's pilgrimage to graduate bighi st in the scale of human development. What studies, I ask, more enlarge one s conceptions of nature, or more extend the oircuit of thought, or lay a broader and deeper founda tion for reflection, than those whioh illnstiate the peratiocs on the farm hemistry, geology, zoology and botany sciences whose terms are to become as tne vernacular oi tne iuire agri cultural student. They lay a broad and solid foundation on which the student is to build his future intellectual edifice. The farm is to be. come to him a field for scientific experiment, a laboratorv whoe rosults will constantly sor. Best further investigation. The student of these sciences soon learns, by h's love for them, to investigate on his own account, and the mind, growing by what it feeds upon, becomes better acd greater bv its achievements. Agricultural studies, therefore, as a means of development, are vatnauie in me laot mat tney appeal to and teach the reasoning faculties not alone during the school days, but during the whole life. The farmer employs practically nearly all the physical sciences, and very wide therefore, is his the field if research. Accord ingly we find that agricultural science has com manded the attention of the most scientific minds. The cultivators of the soil will long hold in grattfnl remernb-ance the nanus of Davy, Liebig, Johnston, Mapes, Draper, Buell and other colaborers in the field of researoh. The results of the labors ot these scientists show that they wrought in fertile fields, their discoveiii s having added great and valu ab'e accessions to human knowledge. He who denounces such studies as supeificial is in danger of proclaiming his shallowness. Objections Answered. It is true that the elementary works whiob must be employed for a time, at least, may not contain a great amount of theoretical science. They will nevertheless contain much of practi cal and usefnl knowledge. Bat it is true also that tbeir manifest usefulness will be n great incentive to study; end many a student who would otherwise have been satisfied with only moderate attainments will be tempted into wider fields of research. Teachers of youth will universally bear wit ness that one of tho obstacles in the way of in troducing the more advanced sciences in their schools, is the belief too prevalent with both parents and pupils, that there is no nraotioil use in them. But the utility of agriculture, as a study, is so apparent that this objection will not be nrged; or, if made at all, will be easily overcome. The objeolion that there are no suitab'e text books is without reasonable snpport, and can be urged only by those who are not familiar with agricultural literature or the progress of agricultural soience. Several very valuable works have been written, some of whioh are designed as text bosks in schools and colleges. In this connection, the works of Johnston are especially to be commended. Besides, in this, as in other things, the demand will bring the supply. Only let the want of such text books become a foot and a hundred pens will contest the honor of meeting the demand, and every oonsiderable publishing house will have a new book on agriculture designed for the use of schools. Tbeir agents will visit the scbool teachers' conventions, the agricultural and hor ticultural meetings, and your association will be waited upon with distinguished consideration. Competition will elevate the standard of these works, and the agricultural text book will soon equal in learning, thoroughness, adaptation for tho sohool room and in every other excel lence, the best works in other departments of science. Another objection sometimes urged, is the want of qualified teachers. But this, not many years ago, would have been equally applicable to the study of grammar, geography and in deed all branches now taught in the schools other than reading, writing and the rudiments of arithmet'o. Teachers, as a rule, are an intel ligent and enterprif ing class of oltizens. Let it bo a fact that agriculture is to bo taught and they will not be slow in adding this to their certified qualifications to teach. Education with a Purpose. Again, it is objected that tho pupil does not know what his future vocation is to be, and that he should educate himself therefore with out special reference to any. This objection is not true in fact. Praotically, the future calling of the child is very early determined and whatever eduoational theories there may be, whatever educators or others may advocate to the contrary, the prospective professional man is 'always educated with referenoe to bis future calling. In regard to the professions, the sturdiest opponents to practical educa tion are false to their own theories. If the boy is to be a civil engineer, whatever else be may be taught, be is certainly trained in mathemat ical science, as well in theory as in its practical application. If he is to be u doctor of divinity he is certainly to be taught Latin, Greek and iieorew, and caremny instructed in tne opin ions of authoiitative theological writers. The States themselves, recognizing this general principle long ago, added departments of law and medicine to the State universities; and we have normal sobools for the education of teachers. This then being the rule, with not an admitted exception, that tho child should be educated with special reference to bis pros pective life occupation, provided that occupa tion be one of tbe learnel professions, is it just that it should stop here Is it right and proper tbat the rule should be exolusive in its application, and that laboring people alone should be deprived of its benefits? They who bear tbe brunt and burden of the day, and without whom society could not have advanced a single step from the barbarous state. The Extent of the Field. It is again urged that agriculture is bo exten sive a subject that it is diffioult to know what amount of knowledge is necessary to fit one to teach. Properly considered, this objection puts away some others that have been per tinaciously nrged. If the subject is thus ex tensive tbe pupil who masters it will have the general education so often set up in opposition to special education; and the argument so plausibly urged that it is better to make a man of the pupil tban a farmer, or mechanic, a lawyer, doctor or preacher, finds itself com pletely refuted in this objection itself. And it might not be astonishing if even those who use tbis plausible sophism with so much fluency and confidence should be compelled to recog nize in the student who has mastered the agri cultural sciences a man, or maybap a woman, in the highest sense of the word. But is the extent of a science an objection to its study in tbe schools? People do not reason thus foolishly on other subjects. Who has been able to tell where the seienoe of chemistry, astronomy or mathematics ends? The scienoes in general, like their author, are infinite; tbe profoundest philosopher has not the wisdom, norths shallowest pedsnt the asturanoe, to prescribe bound to them. But srs they on this account excluded from the schools? The role on this subjeot will adjust itself, just as with tbe other scienoes. It is not required tbat one should be a Billimtn or a Draper in order to teach chemhtry, or a Lyell or a Dans in order to teach geology; neither is it abso lutely necessary that one should be a Liebig in order to give instruction in agricnltural science, though in this, as in other subjects, the more knowledge one pos-esses, other things being equal, the better teaoher he will be. Tho Way and tho Result. In tbo several sciences as taught in tho schools, certain unliable text books have been prepared. Precisely so will it be with agricul ture, and the teaoher wilt be required to pass a reasonably good examination on the matters therein tieated. As on other subjects, so in this, whatever experience, observation or read ing may add will only increase tne qualification to teach. Observation, invesiigation and dis cussion would, from year to year, add to the teacher's knowledge, and correspondingly ele vate the standard of qualification. The knowl edge which would have procured a certificate to teach English grammar ten years ago, might not enable an applicant to pass mus'er to-day. Here, too, would be progression. The stand ard of qualification would be fixed to such an adjustable scale as always to meet the publio demands. One other objection, acd I shill have done with this side of the argument, whioh I fear I have already pnri-ued to tedlousness. This is the vague, ill defined, seeming-wise, and often foolish objection that always opposes itself to innovation. It is said to be impracticable. But why impracticable? If the introduction of agriculture as a study in the publio sohools will rf suit in nntold good to the State, for sur passing all additional costs and inconveniences, this progressive, utilitarian, go-ahead age will demand other evidences of impracticability tban that of merely looking wise and ominously shaking the head. Before the single word utility, theee flimsy objections will be swept away; and we shall live to see, not only agriculture, but the scienoes illustrative of tho industries generally, taught in tho publio sohools. In that "good time coming" labor will be honored, and labor- Ifg men and laboring women will take their places in publio opinion, as they are now in rut, as the real aristocracy of the State. Prof Isaac Kinley in Rural Press. Carp Culture, A little more than throe years ago J, A. Poppo arrived in this State from Rbinefeldt, Holstein. A part of his baggage waa a lot of small carp, five in number and six inches long. He began at once a system of carp culture, fol lowing the expei ience of the German carp farmer?. Ho put his fivo small carp in the water at Sonoma, in August, 1872; one dying and four surviving in the new halitat. In the following May tho fish had grown to sixteen inches in length and had given life to three thousand young fish. Since tbat time these fish have grown rapidly, and Mr. Poppe as sures us that he finds sale for all his market ab'e fish at one dollar a pound. Mr. Poppe is at present desirous of extending the business ot carp culturo among those who have facili ties for it, and is prepared to furnish the stock for beginning. He sends us the following items concerning the praotice: In Oermany thousands of pounds of this favorite fish are raised and sold every year. The farmers there who are engaged in piscicul ture have from five to seven ponds. The smallest is the breeding pond, from which the others are stocked. The contents of one pond are sold every year. Numbers of fish are floated down the rivers and canals in large boxes pierced with holes, through which the water passes in and out, thus delivering tho carp to tho consumer alive and fresh. They are a fish that need but little attention, aro hardy, proliflo, and do excellently on this con tinen'. Their food may consist of wheat, bar ley, corn, peas, bran, blood, sour milk, or in fact almost anything. When well fed they will grow one inch per week for the first two or three months, after which they will grow slower in length but increase rapidly in weight. It will not do to breed them in ponds where any game fish are kept, as they will eat the young carp. Farmers who have natural facilities on their plaoes for making ponds, and who have access to canals or rivers communicating with large cities, can greatly increase their Income with but small trouble and expense. There ought to be one person in every county who would raise choice carp as stock fish to sell to others to fatten for their own tables. It wculd be a dfieap but sumptuous food, and at the same time very convenient, as they are ready to bo eatenat all times of the year, Rural Press. New Mininq Bill. Page's mining land bill introduced in Congress provides that no placer mineral land shall bo excludod from homestead and pre emption unless bona fide mining claims exist thereon, or it bo shown to bo necessary for outlet or other mining easemont, and that tho price of both agricultural and plaoer lands out of railway grants shall be $1.25 per acre. The bill alo provides for joint ontrles, tho right to obtain a pa'ent for the smallest legal subdivision containing mining claims, and authority to tako proofs before officers author ized to administer oaths, other than land of ficers. Tub assay office and bullion department of the Consolidated Virginia mine will have a capacity for assay aud melting bullion to tbe amount of 1.000,000 per month. Like every other part of the works, they aro to be greatly improved. A condensing flue of brickwork 2x5 ft will be inn the entire length of tho building, 100 feet and return, which will give a flue 200 ft in length before cemmencing to as cend the chimney, which will be 88 ft in hight. Tbe bottom of this flue will be sheathed with iron to assist in saving tbe gold and silver drawn off in tbe futne trom the furnace. Save Heat. Our economical readers should remember that the surplus heat wasted from a common stove will, If conducted through a drum into another room, warm the room as much as a small stove would, and will compel the fuel to do double the duty and give doublo results, Tub Secretary of War officially announces that 871-1000 of the weather predictions of tho Signal Service Bureau of last year have been fully and accurately verified. The accu racy of the predictions is increasing fiom year to year. Tub Russians are beginning to turn their at tention to the advantage of connecting Bt. Petersburg with China by means of a telegraph across Siberia. A Tbbbitosxai. wagon road is about to be built from Cheyenne to tbe Black hills. The Legislature of Wyoming recently passed an act for its location. A yen of galena twenty-seven feet thiok has recently been struck in the Yosemlte mine, Bingham canon, Utah. II il I 1