Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, January 14, 1876, Page 4, Image 4

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F- . V
tfak'm. Friday. Jan. 14, 187(1.
Scato Granrjc Deputies for 1876
;W f'T'o'. Ilrprtsi.
A A Math-w Looking Ci!if8......ilV"ebur,
.T IbirjMiro-M-r Olt
D 8 I! liiilck AMiland Jickfonvllle
Wm I'.pikii BakerC'lt) 'laLcr C'ltjr
lVw W I'lll.T Apiil.'ifiti! JickeouvlllB
UN' 11,11 Junction C'!fy....Iurction City
ir It llnnMn r-unp rreuk luene City
1'ofcoo K nox C'rcj a uil
W'n Cyni'' Scln Marion Station
U In In- Uhi'ii.r Albnny
i li fciulil Iljrrlibur.: Iluiilnburtf
t'K Moor Conallla Coivallla
It A VllL-l Turner Salem
I: F e'atiinivi uuttuvilic.
.1 JC'hiiltoii Ooose Lalic 7acl.soav.llo
I'.' l k,
.1 11 sin-nu
. .Uittna VUt.i.
W'A 'lemy
JldllLTt I'll! AT
J J Hcmlcron....
St. 'it'lil ij'nl....
T li I'uinohre...
....I.l Li;ci u
..Ilill-born Ilil'.iboro
li h. run in' (.(Mill-line
A 71 hl.lnli-v Otnc-n
N V,' K'UK'all Urcvunt liy...
T .r.ihiisiiu Eat rottl-tad.
dolui Ji((irc ' "
Jt Kir Tjjli
...Olefin City
. I.ist Portland
....Tim Dnllc'i
JlllJoithlt Unneruchoui "
D I '!li u'un Csnjcu City Canyon City
tl.'IATll I.A.
.T S While Weston Weston
t'l Al fUl'.
A II ?ii Atoil Astoria
1 tt I.AlIOOIv.
II F Ho'dcn Tillamook North Yamhill
( ol.l'SHIA.
(1 WMjxwe'.l Columbia City
Will, A WAII.A.
WM riheltnn Walla Walli WaM.1 Walla
(MI UMltll.
lc(ir-c Hunter Illjtlill
Ilonri fiMldliu Kwartaviile Colfax
h 1 Ulllliand Oollai Colfax
)U Unmlnlii fflma
H8 Mil Ithnn Chehall Polut
!, O Ali'iolt f1lymi)la Oljrraiila
K Iiuinilrr Ycliu
K,N"' . a ..I
inllnt II ii Ion Scatt'e Seattle
TMPIr-io.ni Cltijuato
CM' Cool KH'iielmiK
(IO i it..
JolmS, r.oaitli PeUn
( i.itiK.
W9 llintlilt YmiKvivr
(leu Mlllor KHUlt.it C'ly
niAiiii tkhiutubt
NKK Itliri"
.1 SII(UT.tlll
WOI'lfMilll ....
II .1 hmllli
M Itii-ccll
....I'll kIIji' Vllty.
....Ml. M.iUo
....l!ol?o Ci'V
. ..Lulcto:i
....... Wpri-r
. . .. I'au'llo
litny county uliL-ro llio U.'iui'y s, pointed l not
llio nioft n'jltalile, ard tin- (irjiu-"i or lif locillly will
limjii ily Inrticnto to ue .1 cliolce. I w.li bo 11I1.1 ml, for
In ninny liiiliiiicci I l.ai.'liii'ii obiUiu to msko ap
iioii.tint.ut9 ulthout Uuunlcd;o.
iiasici. c:.ah:c,
Mauler Oieeon SiatutJmmjn, V. of 11.
:tni-Uniiina County Counoll.
Tho Clttkamu Cotiuty Council nieott iir tho foiirtli
ViUUy of oael moutli at 11 o'clock v in. l'laco ol
meelliih', at J. U. TriillIiiJicr'a mill, near tUi- cwitr of
tho county.
Olllccu-X. W. ltandall, Pwld'iil; A.Nkkol", Vliu
Proiddi'iit; W. W.I1 Bimaiiii.Spciflaijr. 1 O., Needy:
.lolui lllotf, Treaauii-rj l'rnnk YaiKUt, !t StcwaiJ;
X. II. Iluniall, Sd S'ewanl: Win Itl, tl itekonper.
Uu'llircu lu i;oud Btaudliii Imltod to uuct MltJi
lly order of ttia Couacil
Y. W. II. Han-ok. Scc'y.
Xollio to I'nlrotis.
The l'ot dillco addresi of S. 1'. I.tv, TieJiierof
l!n Statu (han.'fiir Oregon, U duuxed noin Oregon
t'lly to P.iilUul. IUpiOJjp.icUaije. will nl.o li l,r-
waidid to Pntllaiid.
Mom") due tlu' 1'Aiuirn van be piid l the Niste
Ai.'ontr.t l'.inluul, Mi.S. P. I.tr, If UHiK'CCiiieiiUut
llii'.u feuding th lamo to this oltlce
For tho Holidays
Just ro-olvlng, at Conn's Dulltr Stoie, tlm
largest and most llnoly-fplfcisd stock of
Holiday Ooodsevor hr(iughttoalom, which
will be tol I t llio lowest pilws for cah.
Our took of Pauoy Onods aud Vlitul
Wsro will be of tho lim', Musical Instru
ments In good variety, and no end to Toys.
Wo havu a complMe t'.otk of Millinery,
Huts, l'lo era, and Ktalhurs, uhloh w will
hell at coat, lo make room for other goods
also, a tlu stock of Hair Hwliches, from fi
up; Curls, ltralils, and alt kinds of Hair
(Jooda ; Crockery and OIs Ware, of all
kinds; in fact, a general asMOitmoiit of all
kinds of Goods.
Any person or Societies wtlilnjr to jet up
Christmas Tres, or to sail (gain, will fUaaa
call and examine our stork.
Tho Dollar Htore la ths liwadquarlera lor all
kliulHof Gooda, and cannot be uiuUraoJd
Commercial street, Halom.
Mlt.t.rxKKT. Mrs. O. M. Cns wish on to
inform the ladles of Salem aud vicinity that
ha has ut reoelred an entirely now and
elegant atook of goods, ttnbraMng (he lateti
1yles o( bonnots, hats, etc., lo uew stales
ot riobons, flowers, fealbnra, etc , ele. lltr
lirleos are roaaonsblo, and she Invites the
ladles to call and examluo her goods beforo
purchasing elsewhere.
T. B. Allen, of Salem, la agent
for tho Woodburn
Nursery, and can be
found with a tine assortment of fruit, shade,
aud ornamental trees, of all variolic, at
Martin it Allen's store, Commercial street.
Whon you visit Pottltud do not full (o go
and leo Wood's Musoutu, with Its 70,000 on
rioilt.'tt. Adtuitslon only 25 coats.
Railroad and Steamer.
Arrangements aro about completed for the
surreuder by Mr. Ilollatlay or all his inter
ests In Oregon railroad-), as well as in our
ocean and river trati.'poituUon, (o tho Our
msn bonddjlders or llio O. it C. railroad. It
Is asserted ulsa with what (ruth we c.iunot
say that the railroads will soon be trans
fdrred to tho Central Pacific company, or to
tho same peron wlio control that corpora
tion In California. It is to ba hoped that
any change will bo moro satisfactory than
Mr. Uolladay'a administration of our rail
to&d Interest, for while we do not claim
that tlio roads themselves have boon un
rsiksouably managed to the detriment of the
public Interests, since their construction,
Mill it Is beyond doubt that Mr. Uolladay has
thrown discredit on Orogon railroad inter
est", and has Improved or misimproved
his opportunities to control our politics and
establish sundry monopolies. All the peo
plu ask Is that tlio?o great public enterprise!
hhall be LoiH'wtlj' coustructed and fiirly
managed. We liopo their management will
never again bo disgiaced by an attempt to
manipulate legislation and cjntrol partUuu
Another matter of grrat public Interest ro
tates to tho lino Of ocean fcteamers between
Oiegon A California, tho ownership of which
is to be tr.tnsfuned by this same arrange
incut. Tills tr.ilo Is Imii-irtuiuand deserves
to be carried on in staunch sels. Tho prs
sa'jioii of tho railroad almost inskes the
ownnshlpor tho steamer line a monopoly,
ant! renders fair competition diflliMilt. Pub
lic sentimont Is now aroused on the subject
of uusoaworthy ships, and tho tlmo has
come when freight and travel will f-cek
sound vessels if uny undortuko the business.
About Hail Facilities.
The rou'o between Albany and Portland,
Is probably to bo Mvored with utra mail
facilities la the shape of a sooil-duz'y mail.
It has been commenced, and we understand
Is temporarily discontinued until the newly
appointed routu agents can bo properly
sworn iiraud givo bonds. Now it strikes us
that the discontinuance might as well be
permanent, not because we gtudge- the ac
commodation thus rendered to the towns
irom Albany to Portland, for we are our
selves thereby as much accommodated ts
others, and should poruonully inuchlikoto
have the arrangement continue aud b per
manent, but our reasons aro as followm
In tlio lir.it place the postal department does
not much more than half xay expenses, the
dedcienoy lor tho last llitil year btiug over
S9,COO,000, llipreforo economy should bo
studied in this, mid n thousand other ex
penbes that ultimately hr.vo to comuoutof
tho peoples Dockets. In tho next place wo
submit that if the general government has
moro mouoy to oxpond on Orogon mall
routes tlioio nro moro worthy and necessary
objects lo eluitu it thim pl.icltiu two malls a
day within reach of a few finored places,
liet the nut ot llio way places haxowoekly
uvdN beforo p glvq sucli ixlra lavora to tlio
tuwus. Tho :!tl7ens hli-iut Smiili's I''crr.y,
Lou tho iia;.tlain, in this county, v.rtntmail
t'aeilitlCH and no doubt many ot'ior localities
used to be accommodated in thesamoway,
and v,o tipgest thnt all such mako applica
tion and lecelvo needed aid in preferGi.eo
to (.iviug eslra facllitibs to those who al
ready havu huch favors oxtouded theui. .
Oregon Educational Monthly.
We have received tho llrst number of this
new journal, whiuh Is published by W. P.
Kcady, Salem, at $1.T0 per auuu m ,im(J edited
by J. ?. Gregf,', one of tho teachers of our
Salem dUtiict tchools. Mr. Koady is. a
tiiactical printer nud Prof. Gregg Is one of
th'j best rjualllicd and mot t competent totch
his in ourStnte. Tho monthly Is veil priut
od and c.irofully edited. Prof. Orrgi; has
been a ftenuont ami vtlcouio contributor to
tho TATtM i:n. p. i our readers willrrcalltjct; he
is qtudilled to iniikd :i kucccss ot the now tin
deiUklnjj anil iitubltiot's to do so. Wocoi.
moud it to tho public ss de&ci vlu; of a gen
orous biipinrt.
Anotir Pnu.Ni:-). Mr. J. H. Setlleniier, tho
piopriotor of the Wocdburu Xursory, says
that hit exporlowii is thai Gcra'nuor Italian
prums olther do wo 11 nbovo Oregou City
hon planted on upland, either In tho hills
nroii tho higher luuds of I'rench Prairie.
He acrass that they do not succeed when
planted on wnt laud in any locality.
Iloor MA.Ki.Nd As will bo so?: uv his ad
rertUemotit, Win. Armstrong has left Uie
employ of A. N. Gilbert ACo., and opened u
shop lu South Salem, whore thoso of his
ftlends to whom'.bo has "glveu tits" may And
hlui. 1U has benu lu the employ of the
above named Uriu for over four years, aud
Is spoketi well of as a good workman.
Give him a oall.
Gardeners will flud much of Interest and
yalue iu ltoot'a Gardes Manual advertised
lu litis number; nearly three-fourths or its
ooutenU oonaUtiug of Improved and Ubor
saving methods lu uiaiket, private, aud
flower garden. Mr. Root grows most of tho
seeds offered and tnakeB a specialty of Mar
kst Gardeners' supplies.
A Nw Ycar'i Item.
Hcmomber that tlio Wii.i.AMKTn-:
F-Ut.MKK is now only $2.60 a year to
thoso who pay nisli in tulvance. Seo
tlrst artlclo on llrst page.
A subscriber, writing from Seattle, want3
to know If (hero Is uny good government
laud to bo had on tlio Coqutlle river, or
other streams flowing Into the oceau from
tho Coast range in Ort-gon. If any other
subscriber or reader will give the desired
information wo will be gUtf to publish.
The "Big Fleece " of California and oth
er Eig Flsecss.
About sixteen mouths ago the sheep-breed-lug
world of Amend was awakened lo a
considerable degree of Interest by an an
rounc3mcnt of tho shearing of p.n extraordi
narily heavy fleece from a French Merino
ram, tho property of Mrs. Itnbort Blacow of
California. The flcco was of f,uoh n weight
es to stagger tho believing powers of many
breoJors on the Allan ic lde, cotne of whom
openly expressed their incredulity in tho
columns of the National Live Stock Journal.
ilho Editor of that ppucr, with a praisewor
thy desire to have his readers correctly In
formed, proenred the fleece, and submitted
It to the Illinois Wool Grower's Association.
The fleece weighed, when given Into the
hands of a Committee of that Association
no lbs., but nt sneering bad weighed 51K lbs.,
and was cliltncd to be the growths of about
sixteen months. The folio ving is tho report
ol the committee, and the Live Stock Jour
nal's remarks thereon, together with other
to-ited fleeces, which are submitted to Interest
ed readers with only this remark. It is to
be be regretlod that when so much pslns is
taken in the interost ol truth that all the cir
cumstances aro not gien with precision,
for iu3t,'nce, in this case, why could not tho
exact llvo weight of Mrs. Macon 'n sheep
beou given and tho exact tlmo tlio fleece's
growth and that of tlio others in tho tabU",
nud then tho value of the cleansed wool as
set by a disinterested committeo ot manulac-
Hirers? J. Mi.nio.
YourcunmUte appointed to clnnuse and
report upon tlin Califnrni i fleece, beg to re
port: The we'gat of Heeco uetoro scouring
was BOlpnunds. It was put turougn two
selves. The first reduced weight to 13t
pounds. It was not clean. Wo ordered tlio
second, end it is now well scoured. Tlio
present weight is just 12 pound;. .vet the
committeo believe there nre two pounds of
burs in it now. The appearanco of tho wool
is much coarser than before scouring, and is
very uneven not in sny way a desirable
wool In rai'e. Wo do not recommend anv
flock-master to bit id Irom such stock, let
his flock liu line or coarse. The wool, wben
free of burs, not worth over 55 eentsa pound
In a clean state, while a pood Merino wool
would bo worth S." cents. The cost, of keep
is according to weight of carcass. The ram
that cut this tlspce Is very large for a French
ram supposed by thoso who have seen him
to wt.ighner300'pouuds. His flpvco, when
clean, sat ton pounds, at 55 cents per pound
is worth ?5 50. An American Moriuo ram's
fleece, sooured S pounds, atthe sunw place
carcass IbG pounds. Thi, at c5'0&ntti per lb
isguso lilyiug aprerenci lo tlio latter ot
$1.30 iu'tlaece alone. Yet there is moredif-
lereuce iu too keepin-r, and that W an object
hero, but not so union in California
(Signed) DANiiUi.KuLiaJY, Chairman.
Mr. Kelley stated. .when submitting (lie re
port, that ho had been unnbloiogot together
tho committee appointed by the Association
and be' u ooninsdltut tocl! in.tho assistance
of Jonathan TcllV, of Du Pago enmity, Ills.,
who Jiarl wltn Himself slgnoj ine report.
It is to be regretted tbtir.. the committee
wen. not mors careful iu guiiffitig against a
shov of the parl'ality that Illinois breeders
nro Kuown in emertnin m uyor oi ttio Amer
lenu or Improved Spunish Merino over hK
Krfiieh cousin. While we-havo uo doubt tho
coruinitten was perfectly horest In Its con
clusions, it wm una mat uie wording ot tuo
report will prove a bid foi utltielsm thatsonio
friend of tho Vi-etrch Merino is suro to nccej t.
From h pietly rarotnl eHiiiiiiiitlon of t!-ji
Srin'O boforoKcbiiring, wk aror.t opinion that
the comimttsii plces the v.ight of burs too
high, one pound being probably on extreme
We hr.v re quosted samples of th.e flefleo
before aud alter securing both lioai t!i
binrics-t and cleanest porlions and when
theso are rocaived we. may rtforto thosuject
It is proper to stmo that vcbon the fleece
was received by us it weighed 51- pounds
as reported, nud the difference betweon that
weight and the weight reported by the com
mitteo before scouring (50 lbs ) is duo to the
removal of samples; about eleven ounces of
the M'ry best wool having been taken out by
oursolves before surrendering ilia Ueoce to
Ihe committee, and othor sumples were is
moved previously.
The shrinkage shown bj tho report ol the
couunitleo is V(i pir cent, of tho gross
weigh'; und in thU connection it may nut be
uninlere''ng (o reptoduro fiom tho last
Ns'io, tlio fobowltjg leport of tho lcsnlts of
nli'o tarns' lift ets scoured imdar tho super-vi-ion
cf WlsonsIii aeourlnsii may not have
beuu so rigorously executed.
MATtf'lMT or fllUAl'.INO ASU SCOflllSO,
Ml 11k.
lo", '
J8i '
l'.'3,H '
1-J7 '
JU'J-. '
J 5
L'3.K( '
SI lbs.
17 '
I" '
u" '
sr, '
81 '
vrA '
of I os lu
.77 Vi
lid 17
IQ. 1
.M vl
Clean -oil Wool,
5 lbs. ,-i ot
Canal and Locks at tho Bascides.
We publish In tills neck's supplement (ho
cut of tlio Columbia river at tho Caacades,
with the steamboat landings indicated, the
lino of railway noted, and the projected
canal plainly shown.
This sort of a cut Is not so eisy to print
with nowspaper work sn 1 It required some
truublu to use It. This enterprise la a matter
of greaf public importaucn, second to uo oth
or, iu fact. It will bo seen that the river
curves bioadly at tho plaoe where tho caual
Is to be constructed, affording a good route
for tho csnal, aud a isfe lauding both above
aud below.
Tho mouth just iui:-seil, like Its suc
cessor, has boon tlio most stormy for
suverol yours. Tho rain-fall for corres
pnwUnir month of last year, was only
(1.90 inches, while this ono has licen ISO.
Wo havo hail -4J days of rain; however,
a largo portion of tho rain-fall was at
night mill does not show as rainy days.
Thore wero four days on which snow
fell, measuring i3) inches of suow-fall.
Tlio prevailing Minds came from west
ward. The mean temperaturo for tho
month is 10" tho highest toinperature
was on the 21st, at two o'clock p. m.,
indicating (ib in tho shade tho lowest
was on tho 25th, at sovon a. m.. mark
ing '.V.
The Honanzi curled down the river 325
lous of wheat one etay last wcok.
The Gazette snys: Business on Yf qnbm
IJy is looking up. Th oyster tr-de is Hgii
opened. Kifieen oystennMn nr n w priar
lna a load for Capt. Wltntii, who 'will p'ob-i-bly
bo thnrw wllh a sehoonrtr In about lime
weeks. Thoovster trade and mill iiisiiis
combined, will make things lively on the
Bay the coming season.
Mr. EI.DuVallsndhlsaiint, Mrs Fendall,
had a narrow escspe from drowning whil
fording the Willauiiiia In a buggy, not long
since, The occupants were thrown into the
water and the lady, wbo had a babe in her
arms, would evidently have been drowned
but for the heroic efforts of her escort.
Joliu Doran, aged 21 years, formerly of
Yamhill county, was found dead a few days
since iu the field of John Calloway, Wasco
county. He had left Priuevllle on Christmas
day, and wben found bad ffOOon his person.
The cause of his death Is supposed to be from
rupture of a blood vessel.
A good deal of preparation is being made
on the lower Columbia for the coming fish
ing season. Mr. John Fl'zpatrick and as
sociaies are putting up a new cannery of
Urge size, just below Glen Ella, and above
Brook field.
Mr. John McCubbln, of Tvgh valley,
Wasco county, ha gone to San Francico
for the purpnso of receiving surgical aid.
Some teu years eo b wes accidentid y shot
in the head, from the eflVc.s of which he
suffers at limes.
A cutting alfray occurred at ot New Year's
bail, iu King's 'Vallev, Binlnu county, iu
which Amos Hulleck, earHiulormed, msde
a bloody attack on Emmet Wrenu. Several
wounds were inflicted, but none necessarily
fatal, it is supposed.
A letter from Milton, Umatilla connly,
dated the 1st, says: "We are having beauti
ful weather, consequently farmers are getting
an unusual amount of wheat sowed. One
man not f-tr from here (Mr. Broxson) has 200
acres in, and 120 acres of volunteer v. heat; so
he expects to harvest 300 acres next year.
Stock are doing well here running at large
on the prairies."
The freight steamer Occident, twin sister to
the Orient, arrived at Jefferson, Thursday
morning. She was received by asalvo of ar-tllleryfanvil-l
and the entire population of
that bmbryo city. Tnls is tho first steamer
that has arrived at Jelt'ersou since th adveut
ot the Calliope several years sinew.
Mrs. B. II. VanBitren, of Jellbrson, cave
birth lo twins on Nhw Year's morning. Since
that date both ot tho babes have departed
this life, und on Tuesday ths mother was
laid away iu the tomb beside ton little ones
whose stay upon earth was so brief.
On Wednesday Gov. Grover reappointed
Hon. I.. L. MoArlbur a member ot ttib boa-d
ot directors of the university of. Oregon, for
twolva years, to fill Hie vacmioy occasioned
by the expiration of hi former commission.
Any Information concerning J. X, Hoguo
will bo gladly reeaived by his daughter. M rs.
O. Golden, at Looking Glass, Douglas conn-
ty;. Oregon, He was Kst heard from tivo ,
years no, at Chukesvllle, Owyhee county,
Idaho. I
The penplo of 5Vi Joseph have organized a
Sxmdav school with the following; llliur:
li. ii. Williams, superintendent; .Mrs. P. P.
Gates, assistant superintendent! Mijs Dcdlic.
Old, secretary and til usurer.
A man named Slottler borrowed a span of
horses Rud a wagon from James Joues,.
near Eola lust wi .k, nud as ho did not return
them Mr. J. thinks ofssudine. lor him.
Some miners whllo sit work on Fooo's
cieek, Jackson, county, la,t, wtek, found.n
larfo tusk some eight or tyi lent bdlo-v tUfr
surface, which moftsumd ieven incho In
length aud three in width.
Tho fourth annus! meeting of tho Oregon
Statu Woman SuQngi Association will ba
held in tlio city of Salem, biiiinliiu on
TuesiHy the 81h of February, lo70, lo con
tinue thvtn or mare days.
The 1 udepeudfciit conuty central comnyUre
of Pull; county, will laoei at the court houso
in D illas on Satui day, the loth of January,
A. D. 1870, at So'clock p. m of said day.
Oa Friday night of last week the dogs slew
twenty, seven sheep for Mr. It. M. Montgom
ery, on the Luckimute. Mr. D. M. Guthrie
has also lostsov?rl the aame way.
We hear of a youcR ludy In Yonoalla who
hunts, kills deer, takes their pelts and inanu
factuioa gloves, of them. Oregou-iaised at
that 1
E. C. Mason, of I.nko countv, reports the
snow from three to flio feet deep on the
mountain between Ashland and Linkvillo.
Mr. Collins, while atteinnting to ford Deer
creek, some five milts east'uf Pjsnbnr(r, had
the misfortune to drown both his horses.
Daring tho 'ate rise in, ltoguo rler soaie
12,000 or 15,000 t'eot of lumber bolongini to
r-lr. Wm, By bee, was swee-pt away.
Mrs. William Gruvca or Salem, fell and
broko both bqiinsj of her leg jnat fttjovo the
ank'o, lust Suuduy evening.
There wero 12 veisols detained in Cco.s Bay
on the5',h Inst, by rough weather, uoue hav
ing bten iO'le to p3j in or out for a weol:.
MAituiEP. On the littU iust., In Hubbard,
i-t I ho houbo of T. W. White, by Joseph
Siwyor, J. P., Mr, Jvivs Brown aud Mrs
,aic...- NeeiUnim, nil of Marion county,
1 Vil-UU.
t J'li.ii, At me res ilnnen nrhnruin T. A
ByrJ, near Fairfield, Dae. 2!lth, 1875, Mrs!
Mary Millsaps, aged nearly 78 years.
A Vamjaiile Doo Lost. Estrayed from
Mr. F. Zumkeller, In Salem, a valuable farm
Dog, 15 mouths old, yellow, with long silver
hairs all over, especially about the head and
nose about 15 inches high. Leave word at
Mr. Zumkeller's. on the farm of E. Cart
wright, LaBish, or at the Faruer ofnee, and
the finder will be liberally rewarded. 2t
Glad Tidings. Clackamas Co., )
Deo. 28th, 1875. )
Mrs. E KoilRKn: Itakeuneoulynml nlJ.,
sure In Informing you of my success in the
aaie ut .tour uieuicine. in one ease or severe
cough and two cases of croup it gave the
Kicaivsi, musutuiiu imaginauie, npase aeud
me one dozeu more as soon as possible, as X
do not wish to get out.
Yours, truly, E Hkbski.tisi.
A Fake Notick. Free advertUm Is not
common, but Wra. T. Hall, cf Sllverton,
writes: "Ed. Farmer, please publish for
tho bsnefit of suffering humanity that H. M.
Dougherty's process for curing the asthma,
bronchitis, incipient consumption, Ac, lias
cured me of the asthma. His residence is
Needy, Clackamas county, Oregon."
A New Tear's Item.
Romeiubcr that tho WiliiAmketk
Faumeii is now only $2.50 a year to
thoso who pay cash in advance. Seo
llrst article on first page.
Usv.G. II. Atkinson. D I), t cc;P.f"1
tlm invitation of llm executive bo, 'rd or tb
1'lr.ier nud Historical Hoclety of v 'rogon. to
d llei the fifth annual address, at tbo I OU
riiurv --d meeting In Astoria.
1 ItOW wilh rnn and plintaLlnir, from aelpclcff"
JT atntkn .alivats PaiE Try mine. See ndyer-tlm-nient
"Ml .-siwiut llaidtiilng. " J. B ROOT,
llrower, ltoekford. 111 JaUw)2
r T fl TTT V PNponorr,,rli'ilowefSecu
Market Vegetable Seeds
The cbeapcat and beat seeds
In the market. S'tkT- tiro 3
ceot itamps forourlllastrateil
cataloiruo and fee the price ,
seeds; j
Boston, Mass-
Admiuistratriic's Notice.
NOTICB I- herchy (riven that he undprsljjncd has
been duty appointed adinlultriitor of the estate'
of Uald Metton, de-eaaud. All pirsonn-haTlnj;
cliiimeaH"inst nl estatu am required to pro'tnt the
(aiuo, with proper vouchrt.- to meat my rtPHienco In
Marlon county, Oregon, wlfhin six looulhK.froui thc
tlatc of tbla notice.
Jan. 13. I$7fiir4 Admluletratrix.
Soutb. JSHloxaa..
. tinier for
$7.00 COIN.
Give Me a Call..
For HOME Ufe and for 1IARK.KT iu ROOT'S OAH-.
DKN MAXUaL firaclltal. ixitiitfd a.it Itoreugi
conu'ulnz tihe half as mnch.tnatter as $1 60 book on
tho subject. Gardvncis tluoughout the country com-,
inentl It iiractleal labor- ariug method- aa lnvalna-.
ble to them. Sent lor IU cent, which will be allowed
on the urit order for seeds J. B. KOOT, Soed Orow--r.
Itockfonl, Illluola. JallwlS
City of Balem and Ohio;,
AVillniirt-t5 Stoa2aorK
WII.LI.KAVK PORPbAXn. thropgu tub
Lo.k-, forSl!ii, Albiuj', Coriallls. Ilarrisbunr,
KuCCnu Cltr. Ilinl ltw.iv notntM. Ill A unit thrr.n llm,..
a Meek, and reiure.
FliUIDlir li-rwi,Mjlbj-thUllao rtlUrccche quick
dmp itch und ths boct of cine.
uur Meiimir" biv nnrquuledncYinnnolatiniis. bc
Inc prtvloed with cverjtliiug neceisaiv lo.niiiin tru
olrrt conilnriablj.
Hiliigles-id1iliarCIPIO W1IAI1P iKjd WARK
I10U1J itho bi in Portlir-.d, Ixdng all eurloscd). we
aie luepand lo ixceWo on ttnra.'u ij.OOO. Ions of
freight, eay' (.'ILVKaKS REAHNAbhli.
For lurlbtr Ijilonnatlou, Ryp! o- board ?toimers
r to N. ICEltSOt,I,,
,.r t ...., , . Genual Ak-e, rortlund.
W. J. IinKjtKN, Salem, Aguut.
ti. w. uvsiis, u. A, cuirrw.
z, iyvar soth &. cxncTzscro-,
Attorneys at Lew, unU Real Es
tate Agents.
SJLEU, . - , . . OJiEdO.W
One Iu the old Const Hon.-c Jan. tvts78-ir
mm: unohiisi.::gd have itAibED the past
JL year, akdhsti 1im'm.1o
1000 Bushels Dutch Flax E'ecd
A tlisy InioortHd this 'id fown.aniUiiio cultivated
c.iri'fully, tluiytjnwairintthoaauiu to be
Good CSean Sce3 nt Excellcut
The ad'an'acecf thto.ulety i th.it, after aiin
tl o fet-il, tl.e btraw i Mry v.ilual! for uai uractuS
lupiir?OM' rtdrcsi, 1'AJililSII & MILLKH
Jauuary .1. ",t -tl Jeilcrson, 0;ep(in.
V. VBilutiiroilB.
J. 17. WrirUKKTOKO.
Weatherford & Co.,
Waolcula and ReUlt Dsalera Is
Patent Medicines.
Etc, etc
For Medicinal purpoacr.
Medicines Compounded, and
Proscriptions Filled.
Weatherford & Co.,
J6-j CoauacrcUl itrcct. SALKM.