IjWJW ' WIJ1LAMETTE FARMER. -"TryWfr j r in. O. M. Cross wishes to I of Sale tn and vicinity that Voelved an entirely new and ft good, embracing the latest lets, bats, etc.. also new atvlea lowers, feathers, eta . eta. Her easonable. and she invitna thn "1 and examine her unnria hnfnrn t elsewhere. I, the Temperance randldatA fnr (inv- r California, not 370 votes In thu en ate. pere are 252 Granrs n California, hav- i uieuiDersnip ot u.uuu. TCEE to all ppllcnt. my Wholesale) nnd 'el) tuietftcv. 20 cents. K. K. l'llipylx. Itl.in ninu. Miiuuuaiugnep r our coi uorn-s itue JXyu Nnrscry, UIoouiIdkIou. 111. oSwlU EASTERN NEWS. 2Cr- York Election. Nr.w Yoiik, Nov. 3 Tliu Xcw York Times ctltii:itc3 tliu legislature us follow;: Senate, 22 Ilepitbllciu, 10 Demount; as sembly, 80 Kcptibllo.ins, 4S Democrats nnd claims tliu election ot tliu entire Hepubll Stute ticket by 5.000 or 8.000. Tammany electa 5 of the 10 senators, and G of 21 assemblymen. Total city vote, w'ltli the exception of a lew election di-trlcU In the 21t assembly district, 'hows the following totals : liigu low, 73.515; Sewaid. 48,05!); Olnev, 43, 401; l'lielps. 71,021; Smytlie, 4S,021: Hackee, 71.22S. Two hundred and foi ty-six election dis tricts :lvu Ulgelow 32.758. Seward 21,042, Oiny 22,072. Phelps 32,572. Smy,the 21.- Vii. liacKett ;,U4U, and .100 out or ro7 -election dNtlcU show 14.000 maiorltv for Ulgelow, 12.200 for Phelps and 14,000 tor liacKett. l lie wlioluiut of Tammany is -beaten. Miiftitirliimril (.lection. Botox, Xov. 3. Complete returns from 322 towns of this State, all but IS. . give Rico a majority or 4.S33. These llg .nres will be but slightly varied. The lti liublicans elect all thu Counsellors and 31 .Senators. The Democrats elect eight Sen ators one dUtiict doubtful. T.ie Repub licans gain heavy on Representative, but the ligures are not yet looted up. Ciapo. Republican, i dieted to Congicss fioin thu lt dUtrict by over 4,000 majority. I'i'iuiNjiMiiiiii i:ioitiiii. Pllll.AUin.riliA, Xov. 3. Tliu remit in the Statu at this time, 1:30 a.m., is very doulitlul. Twenty-two countius. includ ing Philadelphia, heard from, give Hur trmifr a majority of 1,427. Ouuldu of tliis city thu vote "will be very cloe. 2:10 a. m. Col. MeChire concedes the State to llurtranrt bv 22,000 maiorltv. 3 a. 51. Forty-seven counties foot up 20,750 majority for Hartrant't. .tliirj lilml I'.IfcIIoii. Bai.timohi:, Nov. 2. Uji to lialf-past ono to-day, the election proceeded in com paratively quiet from what was expected, altlmughbloody fights and knock-downs are fiefpicut and in some wards Iroin one to a dozen shots have been Hied, but with no very serious results. , Two hundred and seventeen wards give Carroll lor Governor 15,270 majority. The majority for balance of the State ticket about the same. The three remaining wards will probably give a small Demo- . cratle majority. Mlniienotn. St. Paul, Xov. 2. Scattering returns Indicate thu election ot the whole "Repub lican State ticket, with the possible excep tion of Treasurer, by majorities ot from 5,000 to 8,000. Xo returns from the large towns. New Jersey. New Yok, Xov. 2 Returns as far as . received from Xew Jersey indicate that both branches of the Legislature are Re publican. Esex county sends one Re publican Senator and eight Assemblymen to one Democratic Assemblyman, a Re publican gain of five. The Republicans caln two Assemblymen in Hudson and two in Mercer counties. The Republicans have elected Senators in Essex and Union .counties, where the Democrats were ex pected to be successful. They have also elected a Senator in Salem. The Demo crats elected Senators In Monmouth and Somerset. The last dispatches show the Republi cans carried 30 members ot the Ilonso of Assembly, with three Republican counties to l-.ear trom, which will swell the number to from 30 to 3S. The House has 00 mem bers, o that the Republicans have a good working majority. Wlaconslii. Mimvaukek. Xov. 2. Returns Irom 35 towu nnd precincts give Taylor, Dcmo . cratle relorni candidate for Governor. 3S0 , majority, a Republican gain of 4,755. Returns (rom Milwaukee and 85 towns 'giva Taylor. Democratic reform, tor Gov ernor. 72 majority, a Republican gain ot 10,017. Hlaalaalppl. New Ow-KAN, Xov. 2. Returns inul eite that the Democrats carry Mississippi by 10,000. They have a decided majority in both Houses, and elect tour Congress men, and perhaps all the Congressional delegation. Knnaas. Leaveswohtii, Nov. 2. The whole Republican county ticket Is probably elect ed by about 300 majority. Xo returns from the State, and nothing can be given to-nlght. Vlrglala, Richmond. Nov. 2. Meager returns from the State show gains lor both Con .wsrvHtivfO hihI Republican, the former having tlio largest. In some counties wheie the Republicans have no candidates, they are supporting the Independent. It l more Him prolublo the genera result will not alter the I.eglslatute greatly. Illinois. CHICAGO, Nov. 2.-Reportstroui 40 pre cincts and nine towns show the following th'tires for county treasurer: Hue.-, !. publican, 11.947; Hesslng. opposition, 8, 900; Keely, Democrat, 3,09, The MATE. Oregonian returns. The returns so fcr rcce-.vea malio Laue a plu rality 218. Union and Baker counties, from which we hue only partial returns, will give alditicnal iraJoiitUs for Lane, but Cu.ry. Grant ni Tillamook aro lUelv to rcauco Us majority. FALL GOODS FOB F.AJLX, TRAJUE. MEYER & COHEN, AT THE 01 D AND POPULAR ORtSWOLD corucr, Commercial Street, Salem, offer an Entirely New Stock ....OF.... GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Epo"lally fclocte.l to titlt the Best Country Trade. Wo hae Everything You Want ! In fact, wo have far to many good to enumerate the varleti'a and describe the rtylc, and cannot fln.l time todn It, Tor our cnsiomer cntwd to. In brief, we say, then, come to us for all article? of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Wear, Youtha' and Children's Wear, ALL FAMILY SUPPLIES, Ai.d, lu fact, for Goods of All Descriptions Of couriM), we receive Country Produce la Exchange, As we always have done. MEYER & COHEN. Salem, Oct. 0. 1ST3. lm Kellogg's Oregon Ljindside Coulter Attachment. TIIES" PLOWS WBHK AWARDED HtOH MEIt It ut I hi- late Mate Fair, imlthe report nf a Com mittee of F.irmer li' tried the drill of the Harden City Plow with d h itluint iha Killis; attachment, w as that plow njrmeii unp then was a Gain of Nineteen Par Cent. In favor of the Landiddc Coulter. Couuty XCljflits lor Sxtlc, A. B. KELLOGG, octKtf Kellngir'a, IIoiiuIkh Co., Or. Woodbum Nursery, WOOSBURN. IVTAtllUN CO., O&EOON. A Choice Selection or Fruit, Shade, Ornamental, ..AND.. Nut-Bearing Trees, Vines and Shrubbery, Plum and Prune Trees, Constantly on hand. Address J. II. SETTLEIttlER, T. B. ALLEN, agent for Sa'ein. Woodbnrn. Circulars sent on application. ociiniS For Sale ! MTU". FINK RESIDENCE corner of Com-ner-ctal and Dlvtuion streets. In desirable situation, with house lime, well finished, and convenient ly arranged, and tro nd tastefully ornamented. Will be sold very loxc and on accommodating terms. Apply to LB1 WILLIS sep-24 ration's Block. State St., Salem. Carminathej For Diarrhoea and Dysentery use r. Jayne'a Carminative Balsam. As changes of climate or water, and in discretions in eating often produco thesecomplaints, travelers andotbers should always keep a bottle of this remedy by them. It never fails to subdue the most violent attacks, and it is equally serviceable for Cramps in the Stomach or Bowols, Griping Fains, &c. For Cholera Morbus, Cholera In fantum and CollC use Dr. Jayne'sj Carminative Balaam. It removes all sorenoss of the abdomen, allays the irritation and calms the action of the Stomach. It may always be relied on to give immediate relief, and besides being effectual, Is a pleasant and safe remedy, easily ad ministered to children. For Asiatic Cholera and all Bowel Affectlon8 use promptly Br. Jayne'a Carminative Balsam. It chocks the Diarrhoea, suppresses tho Cramps which generally accompany attacks of Cholera, and conquers the diseaso in its inclpiency. It has frequently been administered in neighborhoods where the Cholera has been raging epidemically, and it has seldom failed to give immediate and permanent relief. The Carmin ative has maintained its reputation as a Curative for nearly forty yeara, Is equally effective in all latitudes, and as a Standard Household Itonie dy, should bo kept iu every family. T A. DAVIS CO,, Whototlo AjcnU, 1'ortlanl, i n- rjcirinrz cclSm'j urcijo. THE FIRST IN THE FIELD I For the Fall Trade ! F. LEVY, Pioneer Cash Store, MOORES' CORXGR, SALEM, - OREGON. I HAVE JUST OPENED ONE OP TOE T.AItG est Mocks of Good that ever came to Balcm, con sisting of CLOTHING, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hats and Caps, Tailors' Trimmings, Cloths and Cassimeres, Opera Hats, French, English, and German DRY GOODS, Salem Flannels and Blankets, Carpets and Carpet Warp, Oil Cloths and Mattings, Paper Hangings, Trunks and Valises, Table Linens, Notions, Etc., Etc. LADIES' DRESS GOODS, la Variety; Embroideries, Laces, and Hosiery, Sacques, Sbawls, and Furs, Itepollants and Water-proofs, Worsted Trimmings, (ulll kinds,) Ladies' Corsets & Skirts, Silk & Cotton Fringes, Cloak and Dress .Buttons, Ladies' Boots and Shoes. BOOTS AND SHOES, Groceries, CROCKERY & GLASSWARE, CIGARS AITO TOBACCO. All of which an boneht for Cash, and will be sold CIIEAfER THAN EVKtt, as cntomer shall have the benefit of my cash purchasts of Dry Goods und Clothing In a low market. Call and see If I will not offer yon Wonderful Bargains ! F. LEVY, Corner Commercial and State Streets. Salem, Sept. 17, 1873. 8m Steamer OHIO. THE STEAMER OHIO WILL Leave Portland for Salem MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, AND FIIIDiY of each week, at S o'clock a. m. Up XTreigrrit, &3.SO per ton. PASSAGE, ONE DOLLAR. seplOtr U. D. SCOTT, Master. FOR SALE, At the very Lowest Prices, One Hundred Bucks, CONSIST1NO OP Thoroughbred French Merlnoes, CotnwoldN, and New Oxfordshire, And also GRADED DUCKS, from the above-mentioned Backs. They can ha seen anytime by calling at my farm, four miles sonthof Dallas, or address octltf I). M. GUTIHIIB, Dallas. Or. FALL PLANTING ! Flowers for the House ! Tho Autumn No. ofVlck'a Floral Guide, containing descrlntiona of Hyacinth, Tulip, Lilies, and all Bulbs and Meoda for Pall plant lnir In the Garden, and fir Winter Flower In the Honve-jnst pnhllshed. and sent free t all. Add, -' TOSSfr Y. Pacific University AND TUALATIN ACADEMY, Forest Grove, Oregon. FACULTY I Rav. 8. II. MAR8II. D. D., President, and Profess or of Intellectual Philosophy. Uv HORACE LYMAN, A. M., Professor of Rhet orlcand History. HEO. II. COLLIER, A. M., Professor of Math ematics, Rkv. T. CONDON, A. M., Professor of Natural nWrorr. JOS. W. MARSH, A. M., Professor or Latin and J. D ROBB, A. M , Princ'pal of Academy. Mus. M. P. SPILLER, Preceptress. The school year consists of three terms, beginning respectively on the first Wednesday of September, December, and March. lu the University tho tuition Is $45 per year, and In tho Academy t30 per year pjyable per term in advance, ii.h, ...n 1ia h.ri nt frnm 1 tn fct nor week. lixamlnatlous foradinI,slon will be held en Sep tember 1st, at !l a. m., at mo uniicgn. K'.r further lnlormallon. itddrt'st tho President or any other members of tho faculty. ,ts, fi.il !i 2 Si QW ai GARDEN CITY PLOWS IMPROVED For 1875. WE HAVE ON IIANO, AND ARE RKCE1V1NO. THE LARGEST 8TOCK OP THE ABOVE CEL cbrated Plows ever Imixiited to thPacltlc coast. Thn success of theso Plows lsst joar exceeded any thing ever befor- known In this Stat'. Those now on hand are made with new and special Imprmements, , Warranted Superior to any Plow in the United States ! THE GARDEN CITY SULKY PLOW, Cutting 14 and 16 inches, with 3-horse attachment, and 16-inolt rolling Cutter, is without a rival. It has been so thorough- lv tested that we warrant its operation in any soil in the State. These Plows are sold with that guaranty. B-SEND FOR .CIRCULARS AND PRICE LISTS.-tBa SCHUTTLER WAGONS, ALL SIZES, MONITOR BROAD - SEEDERS AND CULTIVATORS, GARDEN CITY CULTIVATORS AND HARROWS. ZZgt T. CVIV1VIXGHAI.I & CO. S4LEM, October 1, lSir,. JOHN HUGHES, JStAtO. StTOOt, a - m m, (SivlOlXl, Ol'OgOQ. DEALER IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, TUBE COLORS, PICTURE CANVAS, Artists' Materials of all Kinds, Wall Paper and Window Shades, Salt, Grain, and Feed Iiime, Hair, Nails, and Shingles. Salem, Aognst SB, 1874. JOHN W. GILBERT, Oommerolal stroot, JBctloiaa., Orocon, MANUFACTURER AND IMPORTER OF OFFERS A SUPERIOR LINE S. Z. Soller's INFANTS' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES, Gray Brothers' Splendid-Fitting 42oods, French ICid, Sergo, atitl Croat BUTTON BOOTS AND BALMORALS, ALEXIS SHOES, FOR MEN AND BOYS, A FULL LINE OF TIRRELL'S BOOTS, The Celebrated Hersome Gaiter for $6.50 other Houses charge $8 ard $9. Also, a magnificent line of Goods from the most celebrated San. Franoisco'Faotories. I olaim to have the LEADING LINES of the WORLD, and oan TOP ALL OTHERS in Style, Quality, and. Frioe. Mv Stock of Leather and Slioe r"lixa.l33L IS COMPLETE, CONSISTING OF Oak and Hemlock Sole, Harness, Skirting, Belting, and Laoe Leathers; INDIAN - TANNED BUCKSKIN, FOR GLOVE-MAKERS". I have tho exclusive sale of tho ing Leather, warranted to bo free from benriing, which I offer nf San Francisco prices, with freight added. Thanking the public for generous patronago in tho past, I hope, by strict at tention to business nnd fair trading, to merit a continuance of custom. jy7 I IMPROVED jgEitxxa- a The ImproTed ETNA" a nolMleaa Bbnttle Dock Utoh Sewing Machine, us ing Straight Needle. It has been manulbotured and exteoalrely uaed la New York city for orer (en years and has always been held in great favor on account ot Us extreme slmglicity, du rability, and wide range of work as a Family Machine, and no person wbo has be come the owner of one, baa yet been fonnd willing to relinquish bis vKTNA. for any other, where all kinds are so well known. Yet our mechanical experts have been able to make some valuable improve ments, and we now present to the public the IMPROV ED yETNA, with the conn- Machiue told ou lndilluenu or on nolvn, fjtr Hencl for Urculars, &c. JelCtf uu. K. V. CHAN!!, TrKEVETLt.Col.. UtePorf.oonU.B. Voluntccrf. - jL UB.cn. Uuibln'i block, i.j eulrf. tali owing CAST SspatS! 'Jltf tM-lAl dAwtf OF GOODS, CONSISTING OF oolebratod Brooklyn Harness and Skirt ?Hb nrniiiisL 7i I (WHTTi 11 ' AND brands and cuts und not to break in- denoe Inspired by experi ence tnac u comDinea ine good qualities of all Ma chines, and will meet the wants of every family. no matter for what work It Ia required. Tbeoonstrnctlott Is such that It cannot get out of order, and no ma chinist Is required to keep It In order. The operation Is so simple that no lostions are required by u now op erator. With each machine) we deliver printed Instruc tion), and by readiug the) name any experienced op erator In enabled to operate) on the Machine. We, there fore, ask the publio to try the yKl'NA, well knowing; that tlicy will decide on lt mer it, which are, Hlmpllcily, lleou ty, Utility, una Durability, every town In thu Stub, to whom a UboraldUcouut will bo given A liberal illecoiint will be made fnr rnh. I.. II. IAItONS, 111) Third Street, POJtTLANl), Or., Aucnt for Poclflc Coat. lTr.!OTJi;i t The "HOYS' OWN" 1 ciH ? iVllilli I FltKU for 0110 lmtnlli. Addrenti I UOVh' 0V," UoxSWJ, IJoilou, &, 1 9 stitat. ,: jai