Ton Arnlm to tip Cablert. A special from Berlin states tliat the Imperial Government 1 about to for mally cashier Count Von Arnlin trom the public wrviie. ArrcNtiii'ii Ilnllvvii.v Coiitrnrfor. St. Ji:n.itiiuitn, Oct. 23 Dr. Sttns liiirger, a noted mil wiry contractor anil lliitniL'iorcr. Ii:i been itrro-tud licit.' anil jSclit tu Mouniv, ConiproniHtiu docu ments In connection with tliW f.illmc were lound in lil posnu-lnii. llitukrlijitiy In Vloimn. Vli:'N't. Oct. 1'.). ItiiiKrnptcy proceed ing aaliitt Dr. stonsbur li.ivu Imcii .COinim need lit-re. utile 1Imoth;' lrrrenln. J.OSDO?.'. Oct. '.!'.. riii1 c;ies of hoot mid month dUensi- unions entile, ate rap idly ileciLMMiii;. uuil in.ihy pl-ices me en- tnoiy lieu ironi ir. ine woi'i incoiivcii Iriici'S iit now at an end. oiupetillon In llrmimtlr oiii;osIIIoii. l'Aiti. Oct. 'i'.i. Ill a competition an nounced l.i-t Apiil Mr tin; on the American icvulutlon, sixty-'i'vuii matin wriplH of play have boen 'cut to 'i'lit-odoro Vj. MIcliMeN. Scveaal leading French iliiim.iti't'iooiiti Hinted, and a mpiiljer of production niv of lilj;li order and invrl'.. M.lj;iilre Mivcm ii Iteneat for Virginia t'lty Miir.'ivrN. SK KlIANCtM'O. Oct. '.!!. Tlioinus Jin. gillie nimoimcL") tint the entire pioceeds of hi two tlittilvr on llondiy ou-nlii!; will be duvnled to the tellel'of the siifl'cr ui hv the Virginia City (lie. Tlie inana-gcral-o i uplift that a committee of eitl miis may be appointed to sen tint pioper firraiig"tiiriit may buwink'il out and the ro-N iccelpu handed over to the relief coiiimlltee. A KioliuneKt Miil'ti OpcriKor. I. D. I'.iiktT, stock hioker. atreted yi'-tetd.iy on a charge ot ei.ihezlinj; ton 'hie ol ihu Caliloiuli Muck, wmtli .J100. tile pi opei ty ol A. K. r'HtilitT. waived e. andnatiou and w.i held for tiiai, hail bflnir llxcd at SI, ODD. One witnei wih ox:i muit'il. who tctilled to the receipt of stock tiy the piioner ami Ins neglect or lelM'.'il'tn deliver the same. Work of Virgin In Oly mltte. Ilcllel' Cuiu- 'J'he relief fund committee have appoint ed the following collector: U.S. Dodge. ?. T. llrouilcy and I. Gl-iler. They are detailed to eaiiva Montgomery. .Sau'otn. Il.ittery. 1'iue, Calilorni.i, .S.icraineiitoand Uliiy Hni'h. Other appointments have been made, hut the committee ha not yet been advl-ed ol their acceptance. 1. JI. J'lke. projuietnr of the.' IT. o. ieLinittiit, Iia ollered to give the leceipt of hi c--fahllshinunt on Wedue'day next for the heneilt of Virginia City Milliner. Slriutiiiiu Yuniiu: IiiiprlKOU.-Ml. SALT I.aki:. Oct. 2'.). The detilr-ion ot the coutt In the mutter of tho alimony pendente lltu Young v.. Young was de llveicd in Third Dt-trlct Court this morn ing liv Judge Itoicmau. The court pre viously ordered that defenaut hould ap pear pot onally lu court. Wlivii the de cision was iciidi-rcd the a!lld.ilts ot two dryliliiitH were sworn to, stating that the Uei'.'iidaut was scarcely able to he ouu that ll was daugoroti for him to loiirc hi room, and or that reason they a'kedto be oxcu-ed. The court gave a Inlet history of tho case, and at the cloe spoko o fo lou: "The order ofthNcaeo jjmntlng alimony pemlonto llto was not improperly made and sliihd unrevoked and hot obeyed. No good ieaon i given lor its not'belng obeyed. 1 am aked tt cnlorce it. A court." In older to maintain its di!iity, self-iepect and authority, cannot allow its ordtr to bo repudiated, disie gaidcd or denied. It i therefore the 'udginciit o! the coutt that the defendant 'he lmpilourd until thu $.'.1,300 and eo-t of Milt tiro paid, or released by the court, in accordance lilt tho aliovo order. Alan-hall Jlaxwcll avrusted Kngliam Young thii ulU-riioon. at the latter's ie-1-d.icc. where ho now lematus lu custody of the Jlaf-hal. Ilt'clslua III mi l"Jrtiiieut Milt. WlI.Kl.siiAtllii:. Oct. :). In the great oieitmcut Milt of Calhoun M. DoiIiijjit-V'. (.'ox et al, lor coil mini, valued tit i.uui. 000, a votdlct was rcndeicd to-day for Kcrlnger. llrliirl;cJ fur tViuil 1 lliiilonrn. Xkw Yotik. Oct. III). .lohn K. Hall, ar rested lor alleged complicity In forgeries of letter of credit on tho Hank of ltritl-h Not ill Ameilca, was dl'clnrged to-diy on thogiotiud that tho ptoecutlon had tailed to produco any direct cidnnce. ltiillmi) Arclileiil. Cincinnati, Oct. no. The Times Indl anapolU special say: As the lielght tialu on tho Tail'.lu Hallway was ap jnoaching the hi lilge near Camhtldgc, In diana, last night, dining tho terrlllc Morni, the eugluter siwtho btldge totter :tnd fill, lie reveied hi engine, jumped oil' and viyed Id life. Tlni engine tour cats wont tliiongli, carrying the lire man and head biakci'tiith killing both. llmiBitl for MiiMler. llr.i.trN.v, Moil., Oct. 'lO.Stears, col ored, ouo ot the murderer of tut old l.'ieuchmaii list spring, was hinged Iteio at noon last Thursday. lie made no con fession. ltreotery ol Nloleu HouiN. U'tNTiiUOf. .Me., Oct. HO. On the id of hist July, tho ate ot tho National giv ing Hank, hi this city, was robbed by Imrgluri of '.tO.000, mostly government, l.illroad and municipal bond. The bank olllvvr ellected a ivstiliitlon of $.10,000 bonds, Tor which pild the reward adver tised, $10,000. Iliirnliitf of Ihr Mili John I'lmeal Ht Sen 'I'll t'rnr Nuirlitl. Nkw Youk. Oct. HO. A telegram from Maderi.i lo-d.ty states that part of the nrow of the American ship John Pit so I, Captain Toply, which siillwl from Calcutta July 14th lor New York, had landed at Ascension. They rtport that the ship took lire at sea and was totally destroyed, mid that the crew were .mved by taking to tho boat. Klght ot the crew are on luMtd tho steamer Atrlcan, and the Madcrla nii thorittes have telegraphed to arrut them on In Kuglaml, their testimo ny being unsatisfactory. Kxtrnortllunrj Milinirut of lroilliiH to Cubit. ISKW YOKK, Oil. SO Largo nnantltles of provisions are c(tng to Culm. Tho CItv of Vera Crux took out a full load and to-day two extra steamer) Ictt for the same point. In consequence of the re cent arrival In Cuba of 10,000 troops, It is supposed that tho provisions are Intended for them. The cereals taken out include rice and wheat in vast quantities and w hen the '.000 more SpanUli troops laud, it 1 supposed tint the export of bread hill's will bo doubled. All steamers which have recently sailed for Havana, have been picked lip as lar n safety would admit. Tho a mount in steameis hilled to leave within the next two weeks I greater than the cijkicIij of vecl. lu consequence ol which extra ves els will leave. Kciiillni? of I lie lllblp Prohibited lu n e Jerxty School. The Hoard of Kdiic.itlon of Union Hill. New Jerey, voted lat night to prohibit the reading of the ISlble In the public school. .Some clti.ensoK'iily threatene I there would lie iilooUsbeu ueroro the JJtuIe should be teiuoved. I'lri' In San Frnnrtaeo. Sax I''k.Vxcico, Oct. :. tiro broke out this moruhigtabnut two and burned the giocery store on the corner of I'licllio and Howell street, two framo ilwflllngs on Powell street, and a brick dwelling adjacent, on Pacific, wa par tially destroyed. Halt u donm liorses, in the basenient of thogrocoty were burned. Loss abiiut sj.20.000; no Insurance. The funcnii of Mayor Otis will take place at I l M. to-niorrow, from Dr. .StebMn' church. IEfliirn Yrlji of Hie MoHCern Miore. The 'hip Western bhore. built by Simp son l'.io.. Coo Hiy, which, on her lat passage fiom here to Liverpool, made the tilp in 101 day, tho q,uicket of the ea ou, :n lived this morning on the return voyiign in 110 days, tlie shortest pis-age ot tills year, heating the time ot the Three Jirothers 24 day. Wine f'roducl of tut. Auurtcn. Los Anci.U"., Oct. 'JO. The wine ma kers leport an abundance of gripes com ing in, and all arc tunning to their full ca pacity. Ktiinates place tlie crop at fiom 00,000 to 1.000,000 gallons. Tlie Weather nl Yrekn. Yiikka, Oct. 30 It commenced raining haul at 2l'. m. on Tuesday, and came down lively until 8 o'clovk. Since then, we have had light hower. every day iiutl!, last evening, when it coiMiienced pouting, down at (! o'clock and still continues with out tvntIou up to this hour. 4 l M. Jiiomie. San Ki:ANCif.o, Oct. 111. lohn A. Val--lejo, -aid t(i buaue.ii lel.itive toGenetal. Vallejo, was brought to.the station homo yesteiday for tioatiueut. To-day he was hooked as Insane and will go before the Commissioner.-to-tnosrow. !e!l(i liir tha SulRfrem. The relief couunlttoc are meeting with good success in. their canvaslng for menej and supplies. Senator Jones has madv a sngge-tlon tlt an a.sses.iment of two cents per share to ho ievlwl upon all Coinstock stock, tho amount to-be put Into tho hands of siiperintoudents-ot mine, to be paid to worthy anrtueedy mtner during the com ing winter. Gn.ltov, Oct. Mi Mayor FnrlonjE: paid Into Vclls. Kargo.& Co., to-day, $J0L2Sv contributed by ettlcns of Gilrov for tho relief of the Virginia City tuflerers. Los AnGKLKS Oct. :10. An acWItional sum of $l.r0 has been scut to Virginia SBf ferers, luaking Los Angeles' sulcrlptn 4G00. A.Ullotinl Keliel. AusriN, Nev., Oct. ;50. A meating, will he hold at the court home, till evening, to take measure-, for the rellet of surleier.s by tlui tcceiit lire at Virginia City. Col lections will he taken up hi all tlie church es to-morrov for the same put pose. 4 livvrl.ia cs from Tlrslulu Uly. San t-'iiANCisco, Oct. SO. A special from Virginia City ay : ''Gould & Cur iv commenced hoisthur urn to-dav for the Consolidated Virginia and will hoit 200 ton? per day. Wotk Is going on at the Ophlr'c" with great activity, putting timber in. The halt will Ik. ready for machinery by Wednesday next. Cages Inve been i.used from tho C'onsolidited. Virginia shaft and It is believed lu three weeks' lime the mac'itlnoty will be reuly and work going on again. Tho water in the mines, now below the 1,300 foot level. Is steadily going iIoimi. The Ophlr com. pauy hive made iiriaiigcnu-iiU with tho Cho'llar company for the use of the engine and hoisting wmks of the latter, and thev will ho put In position at once. It is confidently expected that the, woik of hoMingoro will continence lu about tlf teeu or twenty days. No caves have oe ..iirrcd in any of tho mines. . .Mining men and stockholders take a cheerful view of the situation. k I'.ilte Alarm- Ittm mi Hie Colli ;miiUniiil 'trust l'tiiutiii A repot t was set afloat this afternoon that the National Gold I! nil; and Tiu-t Company had suspended pivniv'tit. in quiry teve.'iicu ineiiict tun mere wa no tuitli In tho report, hnttheie was qulto a tun on tho Hank. .which wa-bravely with stood, Tho Hank olllcers announced that they would keep open until 3 o'clock one liotir later than usual to reasiiro deposit ors hlld Killed by n Ulast. About noon yesterday a child about ev eu years of ige. sou ot Mrs. Swain. living near the railroad shop oh the Potrero, wa struck on the side of tlie head with a piece of stone hurled from a hlat at the Potreio cut. and had his skull fractured. He was taken home, and at 11 o'clock last night died from the liijuilcs received. UcMh or Major Otlu. San KitANCi, Oct. Ml. Jatue Otis, mavor of this citr. died this morning at It) o'clock, of bronchitis. He had been sick hut a few days, and had not !een consid ered to be in a dangerous condition until shortly before hi death. Mr. Oil' was a member ol the well known 'mercantile tit m of Jlocondray ct Co. The Hoard of Supervisors met thtVovcn lug mid adopted ri'sohttlous of respect to tlie inemoiy of Mayor Otl, and ordered that tho city hill and chamber of tho board bo dtaiied ii mnurulug 30 days, and that ollleei-s of the city and county, and of ficers elect, bo Invited to attend the obe qulc. The city and eountv attorney has been consulted with regard to supplying tho vacancy, being uncertain whether the board can appoint of their own number, under the law. FIRE AT VIRGINIA CITY. THE nir.SIJfE.SS PORTION OF TIIKITT IIVKKKD. Ten Tliounniid 1'eoiilc IIoiucIvm. 1MSS 82,000,000. SAN Kisaxcisco, Oct. 20. The ngent ot Wells, Fargo & Co.. at Vilgbda City, has telegiaped for aid for the people rcndeied homeless and destitute hy the conflagra tion. A circular was telegraphed by Well. L'argo Co., to agents in the priucip il towns on the coi-t, directing them to rend con tributions ol food, clothing, and other lieu-es-ailes to the Virginia agent free of charge. Tlie agent here has telegraphed .1,000 to Virginia City on account of Well, t'argo & Co., Sau'l'Vanei-co. The boaiti of brokers at the cloe of the evening session held a business meeting and $(!,U00 was suh-cribed in a few. mo ments which will be at once transferred by telegraph. The Pacific Stock, lix chauge will take action in the matter to morrow. Hut few details have been received in addition to what has been previously re potted. It was Honored this evening that Ophlr's shaft was on file, but later advlvt repoit that the lire only ex tended a shoit di-tauce down,, being, stopped by a bulkhead. The amount of Insutnucce written in the burnt district Is not yet n'txrlalutil, but It Is supposed to aggregate In tlia ueighboi hood ot a mill ion. No reports of losses are yet rcecelved from agents, and it is impossible to state the proportion ol losses to i ik. A rough e-tiuiatu places the total loss at $2,000,000, No lo of Hie is yet reported. The number ot people repot ted as turned ooc of doors by tho tiro stated at 10,000 is accounted lor by the fact that, owing to to the peculiar' mode of life led by the largo' population engaged in the, minus, who work by shifts day and night, in ma ny instances some lodgings, ire occupied at dillcreut hours by numerous tenants, and at no. time are household accommoda tion equal to tho demand of tho. popula tion. Nearly all the lodging, and. dwel ling occupied by the miners were in the track of tlie contlagiatlou lu Its north easterly coursft. being in tho iiuiondiate neighborhood of tho mining works. Tlie tire hux now burnt out and all daugec-isat 'tin end. Owing to the destitution ot the 'olograph olllces and the press of private dispatche over the line, it has beou dif ficult to obtain any connected Informa tion concerning the Virginia lire. The following, however, U undoubtedly corwet as far as It goos : . The lire broke out about daylight, in a building on A street, near Taylor, a point at about tho southwestern limit of business, and a thickly settled portion of the city. It spread nvpldly, extending, eastward, to wards a ravine, in whlcltvate situated the works and mills ot several rutouiinent luiue, reaching as tar a. F street, north ward. Tlie flames crosul Uniouaud Sut Son strevts, covering a fvioo ot about ten block, comprising, lu the wods ot one dispatch, almost every decent building in -'town. As the tire wo:.ed up,C street the olllces. ot the Terrltoijul hpterprlse and Chronicle were destioyod. Piper's Opeia llouso was next In flames, caul It became evident that the ralhoad depot and hoist ing works ot the Consolidated Virginia were in danger. Tlie water supply was inadequate mid the engines ot little U;c. Kcvourse was had to blowing up build ings. It was too lite, however, and lu a few moments tlie dupotanil hoisting works wete in flames. The latter were recently completed at an expense ot several hun dred thousand dollars am) weie the finest on tho Comtock lode. Continuing to tho north and the partially completed mill of the California mine and Consoli dated Virginia mill were soon In tl.imc, which spread still further north to tlie Ophlr hoisting woiks. destroying them also, which is about the limit of the de struction in that direction, tho lire dying out for want of fuel. Prom Taylor street, near which the tiro originated, It spread southward, against tlie wind, dctioylng tlie blanch Hank of California, and Wells, Fargo iX. Company's express olllce, and everything elo In its line. At this point tho Gould ec Curry works were in Imm' tient danger, but weio fortunately saved. In short, ueailytho entire tin-luess por tion ot tho town is lu ashes hotel, churches, county buildings, newspaper, telegraph nnd express office, are all swept away. Over ten thousand people nrb homeless. The wind Is. piercing, and much suffering is anticipated before tem poiaty shelter can bo prepared, it is Im possible at piesent to conjecturo the amount of los. The destruction ot mill and hoisting works above referred to will piobabiv entail a loss of J-1,000,000 within a i-adlu's of a few hundred feet. Fortun ately the shafts of botti Ophlr and Con. Virginia were bulkhcaded and the tire kept out ot the mines. Ophlr men say posslblv their loss may be less than at lirst supposed, as the building was of a light traiue and might hum without destioytng the machinery. The loss of buildings and machinery must be ery great, although covered to a great extent bv insurance. It Is not known to what extent the mills and holstlu? works were lnuixd oxcent at Ophlr. wheie tho Ios is placed at $150,000 to $200,000. Insured for $-110,000. Several deaths occurred from exposure, excitement and typhoid lever combined. San FitANCtico. Oct. 27. Dispatches received to-dav giving further details of the Virginia 'City conflagration coi.tlrm tlie previous reports as to the extent of the calamity. The scene during the progress of tho "tiro Is beyond description. The wind blew a gale, driving cu.ders and tlames fur In advance of the burning buildings, rendering all attempts to check the progress of the tiro futile. Giant powder was freely used to blow up build ings, and frequent heavy explosions shook tho earth. The roof , ot the Catltolle church was blown a hundred feet into the air. leaving iq bare,, Jjijlis sunning., Hy 8 o'clock ,a. M. the excitement was at its' height, and ' the streets tilled with people. Teamsters strujfg"',K through tho tire, fighting It at presentable points; women shrieking their cries of de spair; the curcs ol enraged men; the roar of the flames; the dull reporu ot ex plosions as building after building took fire; the heavy thud and crash ot falling walls; the snap and bursting of Iron bars and doors; the howl ot tho gale; all went to make up a scene ot Inucsribablo horror. By 10 A. M. the Com Virginia hoisting worlcs building and'mlll were en wrapped In flames and soon fell, ine new California stamp mill then fell a prey to the fire, which swept to within a Jew rods of C. &.C. hoisting works which, veering ofT, the wind turned the tl.imcs and cansfd' them to attack tin- Ophlr works, which soon fell In. Th shall tim bers caught lire, but were extinguished without doing much damigc Hy II A. M. the llimes had spent their fury: the wind died awav, leaving a bed of 'moul dering ruins three-quirters of "a mile long and half a mile wide. The Woailvllle Nlock Imbroglio. A. P. Needles sued out a warrant be foie .Tttdgo Louderback 'o-day, ngiliit Pear-on & Ilelliniu, of Woodville notori ety, for relusing him per ntlon to take trniiscrlnt of'books of the company hi he- Inlf of stockholders. Thev were bound over tinder SsOO ball e.icli, to appear .Mon day, at 9 o'clock. rAVtEXUER LIST. The Oregon. Steamship Company's steamer John Ii. Stephens left Ban Francisco Saturday with the folldning IJH OF PlSSEMQEnS : HLDodso, Fmil Frank, Jos S Cobd. J Fitch and wife, W L Adams, T II OaWliot, II II Kels, XUDlnrtand.'.'wire, J A Wallace, A Heatliaf, Miss A Morlcy, Mrs L Watt.03, Jos Evans, J F Hepburn A son, O V Forbei A family, Iaae Kay, Mrs Butler AS ch'n, O Uundlach, Mrs McElory, P SonhlermMist: fam. n A Trtimtmll A wife. Mod. W Click, E L Whalock, H T Williken. Mrs J A Humphrey & 3 children, E K Taylor, J O Green, Miss F Friaj., Mrs C Bralnbridga, Miss 0 Lev?, 8 LowHisfein, J It Dovennoy, II Hamilton, T Waterman, E G Church, W II Cone, H llrover, J H Wallace, B 8 Weston, J M Deenney A fain, Mrs E O Paisons, J 8 Lvv, G M Dyer, J 8 Delan-y, W T Bherrnck, Miss A 8 JiliiKerBon, J W Weston A family,. Mrs Bcwyfelt, ,T Newman A family, J A Shaw A wife, ne Grandest AcMerfiracnt eTthe igcf The Little Monitor SEWING MACHINE! no sihjttiE i yo BOniUNS! No re-winiUnp of Thread. Makea the L(Ak Stitch, Chain Stitch, nut! Ca ble Stitch, from two commer cial spools, direct. IT IS THE 1 lOUTERT RUNNING. AND MAKES tb. letnoloofBny machine In the worlU. The rw-t slmuiH In conslractlou auil Ihe mAett operated. WUHuwf.ora thotlnttothe heavleft of fabrici without anv ,-ha litre of tenl"ii. HMtl'i, -i& PKtt OK1VT. MSTKH 'JTian any other Maihlne. innklnc 5,V stlUhes to the revtlutlou. The public are united to rail and see thl vrounsnruz, inxtsntion i Satisfaction gnaranteod or money refunded. For further particulars call at 1W Third Street, near Alder, Good Templar' Build- ' ISIIS..A. B. PAXTOrY, Sole Agent for Oregon. W. W. MARTIN, Agent, Salem. 7 Good, responsible Agents wanted to canyan tU parte of the SUie. Portland, April 30tf Fure-Bred Fowl for Sale. LfOTIT AND DARK BRAHM4S. BUFF OO hln, Hnndoiia, Sliver and Gold Spangled Po land. Si ver KpHiurlod ltanibnnr. Blaek-Breaeted tied Game. KnMU DorLinge. White China Gecra, Uirge Bronze Turkey", fleu Beus. $3 per do-cn. White China Oeete Eggi, (6 pet dozen. Pure-Fred Sheep and Goats. NiiAiitnh M.r nn. New nxfnrdohlre and Coteiwold I Or., and Merino Grades, Tliowmi'hbred and roded Aegora Goitn. J.L.FAUUIVIb. hniem pen, i. io. "'" T Bendoro A tamlly, J Cooper wife, L Fowler & wife, J O Taylor, Wm Krins, Miss L, Howard. Mia TAVolfbard, D M Sachs, IA.VEiUEIt U.ST. Siieclal to the Statesman. Tho Oregon Steamship Company's ste.-.tner Ajai sailtifrom Portland yeatenky at 1 o'clock with the following LIST OF PAhSEOERS : C Eatou agent, CjrasDolpli, L Barclay, Mra.M A GoodnougU, Mm G W. Travor, Mr F T Haveu , J Martin it and eh, Clmuncey Wilson W H HitborwHita & ell, J K bliarp, H (f Humuliroy, L Ilosbrool., JWCurran, ATan Dnztn, A 8 Calm, I' Loiveugard. Ed Coffoj-, A;S Congle and ife. jien iicuauay, jr, .i, Miner auu wmr, Wm Ensland, -wf A ch, Mra M Fisk, CEO. IT. SKESIi, Attorney at Law, HALEM, OREGON. Ofllr4, paiu- tJiH Old lnrtFfou WJIIamelteJnJversity. Facult', ot (too Department; ot Medicine. SESSION OF 1S?5 -76. Miss MnUiey, P P Watt, T Brown, I, D .Worley, J Underwood and wf, S Frgon, WnvjMcKibben, Lev Smith, A 1 Latollett, C Lemon. J lt,Y"knra, wf & 5-sh, ChasDeunder, Mia Jolm Wall & cU, UissAunie Wall. Zclia Biibsear and -f, Jlrs Leigh, Ucn iioter, A'Hodgkins, Geo F Moaherc J M Birimiigliam, Prof It R n.iir, Vr W H Taylor, 8 C MaH'ev, J W Skeoii. Mis Bello youslasB, B Kelaey, J N Campbell, wife ami 2 children, MraCrpfWistA dtr, m Jieriiu unci wo-,, And iO in the ateerago. II. OARPKNTER. M. J)., Professor of Civil and Mil itary tSureerv with Clinical hurgery. DANIEL PAVTON, M. U., Protestor of Obfltetrlca and Dlreates ot Women and Children, witti Clinical Midwifery C II. IIALL, M. D., Profcfor of Pathology and Practljo or Mcdlclua. with Clinical "edimne. D. M. JONES, M. U.. L'uirerHir or Mateii Mcdlca and Th-rnpeiitlcs. JAS. W. McAVKK, M. D. Profcsor of Sargicat and Deecviptlyo Anatomy, with Clinical Siucery. L. L. ROWLAND, M. I).. Protestor or Phrsiolojy and Mlrrobtopy. O. D. I10ANK, Ph. D ProfeesorCof Chemistry and Toxica, ogy. O. P. S. PLUMUBR, M. D Professor oT the Sct- cuient Hrjiene, HON. RUFUs MALLORY. U. 8. District Attorney, Prdfeiisor of Medical Jurisprudence. The Tenth Regular Cour e of Lectmes will com mence with tha Public address on the evening of the Tih of December, ISIS. Pur lurther mtorniatlon pee Circular. u. oAin'iiNxiJU,.nr. d oifiral Dean of Faculty. CASK PAID FOR HIDES. The Holiest Market Price PAID FOR Hides, Pelts, Deer-,, and Elk Skins, And nil KlmlH f Furn. JOENW. GILBERT, 0. 1.1S7S, SJUCM. The farnier'a wirelionao at Ail-any enmo acar proving a very unprofitable invcstment.Sntxlay. Tboaillanct tho city split Saturday or Sunday night from the-heavy pressure. bo aring on. tucm fiom the immenke bulk of grain stored in the building, and for a ttmo it was feaied tlie ware house would go to pieces, aud would lwvolonol bo had not sit or se en thouaud lislicls of I grain been removed therefrom. This relieved tho pressure from tho weak part of the waie liouse, aud -avert tho building from caieemng over, becoming a total wieck.aud tho grain stored therein from material damage from tho rain which would have rendered It unfit for use. Tho bnildlng ill not bt repaired until all tho grain lu th3 building la i amoved, and that will be ss boon x other places of storage can be c cured. Captain Hany M. Smith, 21st infantry, is ap pointed to act as inspector on 202V pounds HeacocVs tobacco, at Foit Lapwal, W. T., fur which Second Lkutecunt Edwin II. Shelton, 1st cavalry, post commis.sar) of subsistence, Is accountable. In tho cae of Piivato Henry Copley, band, 21st iuf.mtry, tried by goncral court martial (geneial orders No. 21, current series) and sen tencjd "To forfeit to tho United States S12 per month of his monthly pay for tho period of two mouth," upon the recommcudatioti of tho regimen 'al commander, the nne(cutcel portion of the Mutcuce is remitted. Astoria and ucinitv was visited on Tuesday evoniug by a heavy wind and rain storm, which continued some time and did somo damage. The steamer Dixie Thompson, which was lying at tho wharf theie, was caught and twisted around pretty lively. A pile driver was cap sized ne ar Trullinger's new wharf and the boiler and engbie which were on board, were precipi tated to the tottom of tlie river. For several days past tho steamtug Astoria has been engaged in grappling for the lost machinery and boiler, but lias not succeeded iu recovering them. The little steamer Jane- West had a portion of her cabin blot n off. Fortunately none of theves aelt which wore lying it anohor opposite Fott StrVeiM were damaged by the gale. 1875 COHH'S 1875 DOIXAR STORE! Tha ateuuibip Qusto Telfair, oo her late trip down from Sitka, called in at Clarock, Prince of Wales' Island, the last port which" the ill-fated steamer Geo. S. Wright made during the voy age upon which the was ostf and whi:h baa not since been visited by any steamer eiceut the Telfair. Tlie Telfair bi ought dowu from this port 1.100 pounds of salmon and 100 pounds dog-fish oil. Whilo lying at Clarock the purser of tlie Telfair purchased from the Indians half dollar pieces, which, without doubt, belonged to Mai, Walker, one of tho passengers lost with the ill-fited vessel. Wc are iu receipt or a spleidld stock of FALL & WINTER GOODS, Consitting of Dry Gooiis, Hosiery. Gloves, Hatuiker chk'f'ti, Shiris, Huts, Towels, Table Linen, and a fine assort ment of LADIES1 UNDERWEAR Crockery and Glueswareof all kinds, Vases and Lamps in large varie ty, Silver-plated Ware, Cas tors, Jewelry of all de scriptions and of the latest styles, and Notions of all kinds. Wo have, in connection with the store, a XCXSI.'SaiHE.'Sr SPAa.C35flBWI,, Where we keep a ilrol-eluiia milliner. We have a larco stock of j-'e.uhers, flowers Ribbon., and Hats, of tanlatcrtttjl!, whleh we are ri'celvlns by every Steamer, and our custoaiers always rely en tlioutt't style. Call aud examine our stock and prices, ard we will couviMe vol we will not be undersold by any one. SVe have a lirgo twkof tinman Hair, Turin, 8l ches ilralds. Frlw. and lor price we will com. pito itti auy bouse In the State. CONN'S DOLLAR STOBE, Commercial street, oppote Durbin's oStf . Ltverj Stable. Copartnership. JOHN XINTO. WAlIin A. AD1MS. MINTO & ADAMS. BUKKDEllS Or MERINO SHEEP, TAKE pleasure In efferins; to the Wool-Growers of Oregon and the adlnlnlnir Terrltorl" the chance to purchase THOKOUOUDKED MMtlN'OB, aad as suring pvrtles Interested that they can. and will en deavor to. sell Sheep of the tame quality and value at Ml'CH CUKAPKR HAT KH thau such can possibly be lmKrted. h lamination and comparison with oth er Sheep ottered iu the market are cordially Invited. Address MINTO & ADAM8, Salem, Oretrou. N. B. The Kams and Ram Lambs of tho il'.ck can be oen on the ISLAND PAKM, adjolnlpg Balera. The Ewes can be seen at the same place, cr at the HILL PAKM four ami a hall miles south of the city. Salem, September JO, JtfTJ. " Dividend Notice. A DIVIDEND of twelvo per cent, on assessments .if J on N. W. 8. S. Coin. Co.'s stock was de clared Oct. 1st. payable at the Company's office. 13y order of the Board. T. J. MATLOCK, Sec'y. P. 8. Stock fa arrears on ameisments are expected to make immediate payment. Opportunity to get rev celbts for same will be given at the State Fair. Portland, Oct. 5, 1875. 0G 3 eX2 a o 23 U i ' i tl w O t H t- O .';! : i I I a o mi w a a o wv jyCTJs'R.EJKw $"" , sw ,,Uk-&..t,,i:1J&,ffiji rWssjfii&ilHtl(JW