WILLAMETTE FARMER. The Plane. This instrument, when well made, and kept 'In order, surpasses, in accuracy of performance, nil other hand tools. Originally famished with only one iron, the plane now has usually two, -the undermost for cutting the shaving, the up permost for breaking it in Bach a manner ai to prevent it acting as a lever in lifting or tearing -up fibres, in front of the cutting iron. In Eng and the stock or body of the plane is generally made of bsech; but on the continent apple and pear are frequently substituted with happy re sults. Through the stock is a vertical aper ture, of which the lower portion acts as a guide to the outting edge, and forms together with this latter the mouth of the plane. This effect--ually regulates the depth to which the cutting iron can penetrate, but it would not be suffi cient to prevent it from following the inequali ties of the surface to which it might be applied. This would utterly unfit the plane for -the purpose for which it is intended; (hence, this tendency is overcome by giving considerable Knsth to the stock, which causes a plane in operating on a rough piece of wood, to remove successive shavings from the more prominent parts until a enrfaco level with the deepest original de pression is attained. The flatness attainable with a plane is greatly dependent on the skill of the workman He must always try to plane " hollow " rather than round, for if a plane be sufficiently long in the stock, it is impossible for him to give any appreciable concavity to a sur face of moderate size. For this reason rough ing out planes, or "jack planes," are made as long in stock as possible, without raakiug them too heavy and inconvenient, the usual size be ing from fourteen to eighteen inches long. Planes used for ' truing," or " trying planes," a,i they are incorrectly called, are used to cor rect the inequalities left by the former, and are usually from twenty-two to twenty-four inches in length, or even twenty-eight to tbirtv inches, in which case they go by the name of 41 jointers," and are principally used for making long joints. The smoothing plane, which is em ployed to give the finishing strokes to a sur face which has already been flattened, is gen erally about eight inches long. In grinding the edge of the cutting iron care should be taken to use a true faced grindstone, -and a "good flat oilstone. The front iron having once been sharpened will require no further Attention, as it lies against the cutting iron in uoh a position as to protect its edge effectually fiom ever getting blunted. The cutting iron should be ground to a flat cutting edge at an angle of about 25 on the stone, and then fin ished on the oilstone in such a manner bb to t'oim a fresh " facet," or bevel, making a more obtuse angle with the line of the iron, say about 10 more, so that the total inclination edge will be about 35s. In replacing the second iron on the first, the kind of work for which it is to be used must be borne in mind. If the second iron is brought very close to the edge of the cutting iron, the shaving is broken up more effectually, the work is neater and less liable to tear up; but the labor expended will be greater. As a rule, for roughing out, the edges may be somewhat distant, say about 1-16 in. apart; but for finishing, the top iron edge and the cutting iron edge should be almost on the same level. The " bed " of the plane iron is made at dif ferent angles, to suit different kinds of work; the four angles most in use are known an com mon pitch, which denotes that the back of the iron reposes on its bed at an angle of 45 from itlio sole, and this inclination is usually em ployed for all surface or bench planes for soft wood. " York pitch " indicates an angle of GO" and is more adapted to use with mahogany md other hard stringy woods. Middle pitch or C5, and half pitch or 00, are employed with moulding planes, the former being for soft woods and the latter the harder kinds. In the course of time, the mouth of the plane gets en larged, and out of truth. This may be to some extent avoided by keeping the sole greased by rubbing over with of piece of bacon rind; but sooner or later the mouth must be ren dered smaller, which can be done by letting in a piece of box-wood in front of the cutting iron. Some planes, especially those used by cabinet makers, have the sole made either entirely or in great part of brass or iron. With a mouth so fine as it is possible to make these, and by reversing the position of the cutting iron, so as to give it a pitch of about GO", the use of the top iron is not needed at all. Danqeb or Peoteacted Sleep. But here, as in bo many other cases, the evil of deficiency has its connterpart in the evil of excess. Sleep protracted beyond the need of repair, and en croaohing habitually upon the hours of waking action, impairs more or less the functions of the brain, and with them all the vital powers. This observation is as old as the days of Hippoorates and Arete us, who severally and strongly com ment upon it. The sleep of infancy, however, and that of old age, do not come under this category of excess. These are natural condi tions, appertaining to the respective periods of life, and to be dealt with as such. In illness, moreover, all ordinary rule and measure of sleep must be put aside. Distinguishing it from coma, there are very few cases in which it is not an unequivocal good; and even in comatose state the brain, we believe, gains more from reposa than from any artificial at tempts to rouse it into action, Edinburgh He view. " Wbebe did the ore in the iron mountains come from ?" We may as well ask where did , the turpentine, rosin and tar in the pine tree come from ? Can the chemist detect it in the soil from which the tree draws its food, or in the air that surrounds it? The duty of the finite mind is to study effects, not primal causes. You may estimate the tons of iron ores in the iron mountains, or tons of coal in the coal basins, or amount of ores in the lead, copper and sdno fields, and may fuse these in the fu ture and tell the status of the coming popula tions ; you may estimate the number of barrels of tar and gallons of turpentine in the pine flora of a State yet, the origin of the slippery atoms of the iron and turpentine refuse to be located- A Ladt Leottbeb on CnEMtsTar. Scotland has produced something of an anomaly in the person of a lady leoturer on chemistry. Miss Charlotte Napier lately gave a lecture on chemistry, in connection with the Blackfriais Useful Information Society of Aberdeen. There was quite a fall attendance, and the lecture was illustrated by a variety of experiments, pronounced of a highly interesting and in structive character, was listened, to with the closest attention, and an entbusiastio vote of thanks was voted to the lectarer at the close. Miss Napier is quite a young lady, a native of Aberdeen. She studied chemistry at Edin burgh, under the direction of Mr. Falconer King, with the view of assisting her father aa an agricultural chemist, POTTTBT AKD PoBCtXADf It WSS BOppOSed, few vears ainoe, that the ancient kne noth ing of covering earthenware with a vitreous glaze, but recent discoveries have shown the contrary. Egyptian researches have thrown considerable light .upon the subject of glass. Sir O. Wilkinson, Winokebnann, Lyard, sad oibsr astkoritie have proved that glass sad srtkMVkrs wars made 3,500 years ago. Pacific Mail Steamship Co. New York to San Francisco, via Panama. r RATES OF PASSAGE. ' '& I ffiBBMBpBsEBPsBcPBjsWjSEE' IQJSliiBBitKBKBE&KlFiFrBt t v Jg-9 a W a !2j k a jtj' Y3rgThe Rates include the transit of the Isthmus of Panama via Panama Railroad. Also, Bed ding, Board and all necessaries for the voyage. An experienced Surgeon is on each ship, and no charge is made foi medicines or medical attendance. Steamers leave New York every Saturday at 12 o'clock, Noon, A.nd Make the Trip to San Francisco in Three Weeks. This Route offers Special Inducements to EMIGRANTS, who will avoid the delays, discomfort and expense of the tedions trip overland hi rail. THE STEAMEKS OF THIS LINE 00NNE0T AT NEW Y0BK WITH ALL THE TRANS-ATLANTIO LINES FROM EUROPE Also at the Isthmus of Panama with Steamers of the Hamburg American Packet Company, from Hamburg and Havre, The Royal Mail Steam Packet Company, from Southampton, The West India and Pacific Steamship Company, from Liverpool, And the General Trans-Atlantic Company, from St. Nazaire. All information regarding Through Rates of Passage, can be obtained from the Agents of the above Lines at any, port iu Europe, from whom Through Passage Tickets can be purchased. THE OFFICE OF TIIE PACIFIC JIAIL STEAMSITIP COMPANY, IN NEW YORK, IS ON THE AVHAKF, :pie:r 42 nortec river, foot of ca.:n".a:l street. t mBbhbBbMWstskujsB v.i tiiirn9HBv9sBBBsB 1 1 va3sUbWVbPbT NDki B BBiWsnln 1 1 nTsWr R. J. Trumbull, Dealer in and Grower of SEEDS mt&i&&5)!mQ&&, FLOWERS. Shrubs, Vegetables, TREES, -lv---v s WQsmmmmm IIBBibS Published Quarterly. January Number Just lued, and contains over 100 Pauks,500 Enckavings, descriptions of more thin 500 of our best Flowers and Vegetables, with Directions for Culture, Colorbp Platr, etc. The most useful and elegint work o the kind in the world. Only 5 cents for the yea. Published In English and German. Address, JAMES VICK, Rochester, N. V. XcXfC0$ BULBS, Ktu., For tlui G--A.IIDEN, ITA-IIM, and MANSION, 4SJT Saneome Street, San Francisco. 7"Dea rlptIveCataVgueson application. $& ' ISBSSBSSSSlSBSSSSBSSSSSSSSSSSrBBSSSSSSSSSSsHi' ' anaossa Street, 'FLOWER G Voa. 327, 2 a4 881 AX IBAltOtBCO. IT1IK NEW IMPROVED HOME SHUTTLE Sewing Machine. FlrHOE, - - S43.00. WE ALSO SELL The Homfi Sewing Machine. These machines us a shuttle, straight needle, and make the Lock Stitch. They are surpassed by none. TAry art tt ttmphit and UgUttUnmnlng m chintl in (At world. Bend (or circulars. Mme. Demorest Reliable Patterns. SEND FOR A CATALOGUE. Boyal Charts, iJ.50. E. W. HAWKS, Agent, 17 New Montgomery Street (Qrand Hotel BaUding), Baa Iranetaca. I will send 12 Flowering Plants for One Dollar yourcnoice rrom too sorts, by HAIL OB EXPBE88. MY ILLUSTRATED CATALOOUE, ileKriteithcuitur,of Plaits A Seeds, In eurtomtra frett ithn. lte. Addict, ITCH, 646 Warns St., Bostea, Mess. WI. E. VOWD (IN PRESS.) Manual of Jurisprudence and Co-Operation OF THE Patrons of Husbandry. By A. D. SMEDLET, Master of Iowa Stats Orange. Published by Geo. M. JONES, Office or PATItON'S HELPER, Des Moines, Iowa. 200 pares, bound In cloth. By mall, postago prepaid f 1.25 per copy. By express or freight, In packages of five or mora 1 1.00 per copy. CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION. The Origin of tho Ordor. Its ObJectBi To Educate, Elevato and Strengthen the Farmers as a class. PART I-JUR1SPRUDENOE. I Tho Orange. II Oranfro Room. Ill Quallfl. rations of Candidates. IV Applications for Member, ship. V Balloting for Candidates. VI- Rights and Duties of Members. VII Qualifications and Duties of Deputies. VIII Qualifications and Duties of Mas ters. IX Qualifications and Duties of Secretaries. X Charges. XI Trials. XII-Appeals. XIII With, rirawals and Demits. XIV Consolidations. XV The Degrees of the Order Symbolized. XVI Pomona Granges. PART II-CO-OI'ERATION, I Co operation In Oeneral Business. II Co-operative Insurance. Ill Co-operative Banking. APPENDIX. Forms for : Certificate of Membership Petition of Membership Commission of Deputies Anuual Report ofDoputlcH on Business Visiting Card Withdrawal Card Demit Card-Certificate ot Election Certificate to bo used at Representative Election. Constitution of Pomona Oranges. Forms for: Petition for Member shipCertificate of Election Certificate of Organisa tionPetition for Charter By-Laws of Orangers'Bank in California. Constitution and By-Laws of Co-Opera-tlve Council. Articles of Association, Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company. Certificate of Insurance. Deputies and Misters are earnestly requested to call the attention of their respective Oranges to this book, to the end, thst by Its geucrsl uso each officer and each member of our Order may better understand bis rights and duties, and the Order everywhere may thereby be strengthened and built up, and enabled to perfcrm Its whole work and attain unto penect success. Address, DEWEY A CO., Paclno Rural Press Office, S. F, ,20 FINE VERBENA8 FOR $1. Any of I he folio lmr named plants tent by mill. positive iuM, lit utiiiiiiatli Any ttmowruior 25 cpula. nr flilMii tur SI. Kourdfr reLC-linl for lets than AmiU Km In Its, Utruiituin; (tfcmblr Zonak, S(tiiHl tun ljj, lii-wmlm, Caniuiloua, Pink. OiU'Uretisi, JUliM Planl, Atcratiim Atniiliou, A ill ruhilit . 0leii Caiinm, Chr mu tlsCiimni II nit i'lil.. CupUta. Knjuturtums. HitM.s, lunu., HiIloiM.KH, nvttjo t.itrurn, Lit-. tU, MaUi n.l i. Pili ii.huiiUv, R.uU J'HimU. &oUrum('jiil uinttii,( huiUu Oiiu ibuUlA ler. iJalai.i. I fimln. IMil tunl WrUu tt.r 21 cent Mt Ululr;iH'l I'alnloaut of Kr Hints bwu ior in.i. ami any two patKiu or luu ue Be4i aot ou niflut ot in 1 1 nu. AMri O. A. BKtbEtt CO.. me, Pa, Heald1S( 'BUSINESS COLLEGE SANi2NClSCfjj The Mining and Scientific Press. KsTAiiuineu in 8a Foancisoo, 18C0. Is the lesdlng mining Journal In America, and enjoys a large circulation among the more Intelligent open, tors and workers In the gold fields of the world. As a sctontlflc and mechanical representative of the Pacific Coast, It la decidedly popular and a standard Journal with the most thrifty Industrial people of the Pacific Htatea and Territories. Its authority is of the highest order, and Its usefulness In Its special sphere unrivalled. ' Every public library, mining engineer, metallurgist, mining operator and Intelligent mechanic and manafao urer will find profit by Us reading. Subscription, I! a year, in advance. Sample copies post psld, 10 cents. As an ADVERTISING Medium for the Pacific Coast, it la superior to any otu. er Journal for all kinds of mining and hydraulic ma- . chlnery and other mechanical work, building materials new manufactures and Inventions, Our rates art very reasonable compared with those of other artt nlsss Journals. DZWEY at 00., Publishers. m Banaome street. Ban Francisco.