Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, August 27, 1875, Page 6, Image 6

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Sound Castings.
To obtain good and Bound castings, in all
cases, and tinder all circumstances, is the chief
engrossing care of nil founders. There are of
course, many established rules and forms of
procedure gathered from, the experience of
many years, tbat generally serve the founder
to a, sufficient extent to obtain good castings, as
.a rnle, and to make " wasters" the exception.
If thoroughly practical men were to add a
precise knowledge of what may be supposed to
bo taking place, in nnd out of the mold, the
proportion of bad castings would be much re
duced. It is not only the casting which -broken
or blown in the molds cannot possibly be
used, that ought to be Included under tne neaa
of unsound castings. There ate, throughout
the whole range of castings, delivered apparently
sound and complete from the foundry, a con
siderable portion in which it is only a question
of time as to how long they will hold together.
It is notorious that the greater proportion of
break-downs in fly-wheels, castings in motion,
or castings under pressure, are occasioned by
some inherent defect or liability to break in the
casting itself, since tho broken section is fre
quently of much more than the rtquisito area
to resist any possible strain that can bave oo.
cored. These are the unsound castings of which
we would warn both purchasers and producers.
As to the unsoundness of castings produced
by blow-holes or scum, this is usually patent
tn the eve of the founder, at least, though
not always to tbat of the customer, after
being puttied up, and can be tested by the blows
Of a small Hammer upon any Burmcu wuunu
soundness may be suspected.
The tendency to form blow holes is well un
derstood among founders and may be caused
in two ways : either by the imprisonment of
the air originally contained in the mold, or by
the generation of steam or gases from the sides
of the mold and core. It is surprising how
little power of reasoning from cause to effect
there is as a rule among practical moo, to whom
both the cause and the effect may bo perfectly
plain and patent.
Given a Citfle whoro a casting is produced
covered in places with blow holos, the causes of
the effects may be accurately defined. In the
fll nlAne thoto blow holes are produced by the
Presence 01 a gasoous uouy uiupmciuy lunwcuu
'here are then two possibilities oilher this
gas is the legitimate air which has not been al
lowed to escape, or it is a further accumulation
of steam or gas generated from the mold ; neither
of these possibilities should have existed. In
the first place, any possiblo air pocket in the
mold should be thoroughly ventilated by an es
cape air holo, and whilst the metal is being
poured at one runner, tho air should be allowed
to escape elsewhere. In tho socond placo the
mold and cores should bo so thoroughly dry an to
prevent the formation of steam ; and further,
their composition should bo bo carefully selected
as to preclude tho employment of materials
liable to burn or to generate much gas. The
ventilation from the cores should bo especially
looked to, sb they are generally found to be
come damp after running the inotal, even when
thoroughly dried. In the case of lurge castings
a great deal depends ou the open and porous
nature of the mold bod.
If, then, the following points are always rig
Idly looked to, there should bo little four i.t any
time of a porous or air-blown resting. 1. That
whilst tho metal is being poured at any rtinuor,
there should be free egrehs for the iiuptisnned
air through another exit. 2. That all pookets
or high portions of the mold should have sepa
rate additional air escape 3. That the mold
and ocre be tboronchlv drv. to prevent the ev
olution of steam as much as possiblo. 1. That
the materials forming the mold and core- should
be already burnt, so as not to give off gases
with readiness on coutaot with tne molten rueuu.
5. That whero the casting is long and has a
double surface, one above the other, an infinitely
hotter casting may uioro readily bo obtained by
casting the same with its longth considerably
inclined from the horizontal, and pour on to
the lower face first, or placed verticlly and run
with a head. A very frequent cause of the gen
eration of an exoossivo quantity of gas in a
mold is tho mixture of too muoh coal dust and
slack in tho mold, and Ubiug tho sand too wot
for facility in molding. Iron.
Goods for Exhibition.
The Iron Age makes tbe report that a mow
ing machine manufacturer intends to speed $10,
000 on a tingle machine, to be exhibited at tbe
Centennial, a text for some good advice to in
tending exhibitors generally. The advice i,
tbat the manufacturers shall exhibit the best
goods they can make every day in tbo week in
their own shops. " Nickel plated stoves lth
gold trimming-), carpenters' tools with pearl
handles, Raws with etched blades, and similar
fancy atticles might be well enough in their
proper places, but they should not be shown
among the legitimate products of our foun
dries or tool shop". If visitors look
at mowiDg machines, they want to Bto machines
with which it would be possible to cut grass ;
if they look at stoves, they want to see ttoves
in which it is possible to make a patisfaclory
fire; if at tools, they went to see practical to Is
witn wmen amecnaniocan work." I he Iron
Age does not depreciate all attempts at decora
tive art in tbe manufacture of articles intended
solely for use. but proper. y recommends that
after the article has been perfected the artist
shall be called in to give grace to curves and
beauty to tho whole form. " He may then stop
content u tne ooject do one ot utility only.
Excessive ornamentation is always rjgly, and
ornamentation out of place is barbaric "
Dana on Dabwinism. Professor Dana, o
Yale, is not a Darwinian, or ho is not in full
sympathy with Darwin's views. lie says:
" There is no question, first, that geological
lime has been of vast length : second, tbat tbere
is an historical order in the rocks of the clobe.
and tbat the process of the world's creation
may be, to a large extent, read in the rocks; and
third, that there has been a system of progress
in tho earth's living species from the Bimpler
forms of earlier time to man. But. while adopt
ing these conclusions in common with all geolo
gists, I have no faith in the Darwinian scheme
of deriving man thtough gradual development
upward from the monkey, or of evolving a
system' of life through 'natural selection.' I de
plore the misuse of science in the support of
materialistic views, not uncommon among
those who adopt tbe Darwinian hypothesis. At
the same time I firibvo. for the sake of the bible
and religion, that the discussions relating to
scientific views and men should be so often in
terspertod with abusive epithets, and bo often
presented by those who are isuorant of the
sciences they are attempting to set right."
American & Foreign Patent Agents
WrnrasDxT it., July 28, 1875,
Ciunok op Color in Animals. Certain ani
male(posb09s the power of changing their color
at will, or according to the ciroumstances in
which they are placed. This is convincingly
shown in some recent experiments made by
II. Fouchet, a French inveBtieator, lie cboe
as his subjoct tho Palcemon strratua, a species
of prawn or crab. Thoso prawns, when brought
ashore- by tho fishermen, have a rose or dark
lily color; but if they are put into porcelain
vessols with black or white bottoms, they will
assume colors wholly unlike. Those in. tbe
white dish become yellowish, almost colorless,
as if they had just shed their skin; those in tho
dark colored dish assume a brownish red hue
If they are ohauged, thx pale into the black
vessel, and vice veraa, they again alter their
color, in correspondence with their surround
ings. The change of a pale one to a dark tint
was more rapid than the reverse. Thus, under
favorable circumstances, a yellow, red, or
roso-colored Putwmon can be created.
English Gooseberries.
It is said that once upon a time thore was
nothing grown but smooth-hkinuod goose borrli s.
In thoso days thore were caterpillars which
fed on the lcavos as uow. The horticulturist
however, was more industrious than those of
our time not ns looking for various remodies
in the shupe of potions and powdors, oils,
soaps and poisons but as gathering tho hairy
things by bis fingers uud collecting (bum into
a pan, Finishing his tank, he had a bright
idea. He was a Ytiukuo. Therrt wore Yankees
in those days. Could not tho hairy caterpillar
be put to protltub'ii) u Y Ho could. He
should make manure for the plant; and tho
whole batch was buried near the roots of the
smooth gooseberry bush. But, and hero is tho
great wonder, the smooth-fruited gonbeberry,
at whoso ruoM tho hairy caterpillars were
buried, from that time foi ward boro hairy fruit !
Now, we do not believe a word about this.
We question whether thero is a word of truth
in the whole story, although it is just as good
as scores of "reliable incidents" told incouueo
tlou with remarkable fruits, and wLlch all tho
faithful in the pomological fold are bound tn
beliove, .....
Iu short we have not much faith m goose
berries anyhow', except our uativo Auiericau
sorts, which in ooinparisiu with the ohoice
English kinds, which the books tell us about,
must be very poor iudeed. Still they are de
alt able. Hucli hs they are, no one would care
to be without a few. Hut tbe others, if only
they could be bud, would bo something worth
having. But, hs we have said, we have little
faith in tbe English gooseberry doing well. In
spite of all, the fruit mildews, and tbe plants
winter-kill. We have gieu thin up for lost,
when we note that a wiiter in tbe .Vir4ind
farmer reports Mitiu as growing well enough,
if deep layer of cornsta KS bo p.acoj between
tbe rows, and close up to the gooseberry hteins,
so as to keep the tun entirely trout tbe ground.
We think there is aoinelhiug the more probable
in this, as the mildew .ou tbe English goose
berry hereabouts never appears till tho hot
suns eouio; and ii a bush by any chance finds
itself in a shadier pWce than tbe others, it gen
erally does all the Wter for tbe chance. Our
people keep trying over and over again to grow
plums in spite of all the odds sgainst Ihetn.
They lime and soap, and wbat-uot so as to try
and scare the ourcullo, but without much effect.
Let the English gooseberry have auother
cbanoo, Wwmaitfowii Ttlegraph.
Nw PaovitaTZ or Qltckuink. It. Oodeffroy.
on examining a ohemically pare glvoeriue, found
that when heated to 303 Fan, it took fire, and
burnt with a steady, blue, non-luminous rlauie,
without diffusing any odor or leaving a re.ldue.
The glycerine had the pptoinc gravity 1.2609.
This property enable (rly oertn of lower ipeoiflo
gravity to be buret by aaeau of a lamp wick.
Porcelain. Tho modern porcetain of Chin
compared with the antique wares, shows tbe
art has much declined. Tbe biscuit is not so
wliito and pure, and tbo glaze is rougher. The
oolors, too, aro less bright. The materials em
ployed now ure clay, quartz, steatite and glaze,
Tho whole of the modern Chinese ware is made
at Kiug-teh-Chen, whore the potteries were first
t stablished about QUO years ago. At present
tbere are about 120 furnaces emplojed about
half the original number. Of the enamels, the
cloisonne is still mads at Pokin; and tho
enamels bear comparison with the ancient.
Some of the best designs in effective specimens
cf hand, not molded work, are very artUtic. A
lady, Miss Barlow, in Staffordshire, has excelled
in sgraffito, ornamented designs in gray clay.
The colors of tho designs being turquoise,
violet, blue, olive, green, etc. The mode of
tiring and tbe material adopted rendered the
tints mottled and more artistic. Lavatory fit
tings constitute a branch of pottery formerly
quite unknown. Two kinds are known. The
brown glazed stoneware and quoenswaro.
Tbe blood being tho source from which our
systems are built up aud from whleh we derive
our mental as well us physical capability s, how
important that It should be kept pure. If it
contains vile festeriug poUons all organio
functions are weakened thereby. Settling upon
important organs, as the lungs, liveror kidneys,
tho effect is mo-it disastrous. Honce it behooves
every one to keep their Hood in a petfi-ctly
heal by condition aud more specia'ly does
this apply at this paniculur huuou of tbo year
than a' any other. No matter what tho xciting
cause may br, tho teal eaine of u largo propor
tion o( all discu'-Hs is bad blood. Now Dr.
Tierce doos not wish to placo his Golden Med
ical Discovery iu tho catalogue of quack patent
nostrum-i by recommending it to cine every dm
tase, nor does be so recommend it, on the con
trary thero are huudrids of diseases tbat he ao-kuowledg-
s it will not cure ; but what he does
cltiui is this, that thero is but one form of blunt
disease that it will not cure, uud that disease is
caucer. He do s not recommend his Discovery
for that disease, yet he knows it to bo tho mot
searchiug blood eloamer yet discovered, and
that it will free the blood and system of all
other known blood poison", b they animal,
vegetable or mineral. The Golden DUcovcry
is tiwruiikuj by biui to cure the worst forms of
Skin Diseases, as ull forms of Blotohes. Pimples
uud Eruptious. al.o all Glandular Swellings, and
the worst form of Scrofulous und Ulcerated
Souw of Neck, Legs or other parts, aud all
Scrofulous Diseases, ot the Bonos, as Whit
Swellings, Fever Sores, Hip Joint and Sninal
Diseases, all of which belong to Si rofulous diseases.
W. Gbovk Station, I., July 14, 1872.
Da. Pubce. Buffalo, X. Y.:
Ztoir .Sir My wife first became lame nine
yeurs ago. Swelling would appear anil uts
appear en her hip, and she was gradually be
coming reduced, and her whole system rotten -
with disease. In 1B71, a 'swelling Drone ou ner
hip discharging large quantities, and since that
time tbere are several op. uiugs. Have had live
doctors at an expeuse of $125, who say uothiug
will do auy good but a surgical operatiou.
July 16, 1873, he writes thus : My wife has
certainly received a Rreat beueut from the use
of yonr Discovery, for she was not able to get
off tbe bed and was not expeoted to live a week
wheu hhe ooinuieuctd using it, a year ago. She
has been doing most of her work for about six
months. Has used twenty bottles aud is still
utlug it. Her recovery is considered as almost
a miraole, and we attribute it all to tbe use of
your valuable medicine. I on cheerfully ie
commend it as a blood purifier and strength re
storer. J. M. ROBINSON. '
Discovery is sold by druggist. Com.
En. Stand Wht..
Neville A Go's...
Hand Hewed...
Machine do 24x40.
" Wx.
' " tixto.
" ' KiSs.
Floor Backs is..
Hessian S)-in
do 4-Vln
do 40-in
Wool SackaJXIbs.
do 4-t.
Stand. Onnnies...
Binula ee&m do..
Rcaii tto S
Barley Bags JlxJI. II V'
do 23x40. 114
dO Z4X4U. I
UatBas,24i40.... 12
do isxJK . ,
DeirlckVE W.'.. -
ii aim
9 Sn
Sf. 9
1,f 8
50 BWJl
14 B-
i a jh
ln "K liilO
Asst'dPte Fruiti
In B cans. 2 71 3 (0
do Table do. ..3 SO i 4 2J
Jama4Jelliea3 23 M 4 00
Pickle. X (ft-- - 3 0
8ardines.qr boxl SO 1 90
do taf boxeeS 20
COAI Johblna-.
Auetrallan.lUon 9 9 2.1
Oooa Bar S0 0(1
Belllngham Bar. 8 Ml
S.attl 9 25 Sit 00
Oumberl'd.cka.. mittiM
do bulk...l6 00!l 00
Mt. Diablo ii m 21
Lehifh &2.1 no
Liverpool 9 9 W
Weat Hartley .... 14 C
Scotch am sr.
Soranlon 26 00 27 uu
Vancouver's Ial.,11 00 (311 M
Charcoal. Vak... 76 w
Ooke.fi bbl - 80
Sandwich laland
OentralAmeric'n i
Ooata Kica, per t 20
OnatemaU 18 i
Manilla K4
Ground in ca... 21 I
Chicorv m
ao. Dry Ood.new 4d -A
caani S 71
doboneleea,... SVg) 10
Eastern Cod 7,'iS 8
Salmon in bbla . .9 m g9 40
do X bbIM 50 to5 SO
do 2Hboaua 3 80
do it cant.,2 SO C1 u
do IB cane. I 00 (31 75
Do Ool. H. kb...S 00 6i SO
Pick. Cod, bbla.22 00
do H biilill II) g -
Bos . Sm'k'dHer'40 ffl SO
Maok'I.No.l,Sbl9 00 Sll 00
Kxtra.... Q1J 00
" in kits. ...2 00 2 SO
" Kx meae..3 00 33 SO
" Ex mcM.Hbs-.ai3 oo
Pio'd (lerr'tr.bx.. 3 00 (a) 3 50;
Amoekeag handled Axes
flJI7;do unhandlcd do $13
(914 -lessauoinocaae low.
Amoftkeag llAtcbeta, Shin
fling, Nol,f7.2S; No. 2, t$
nu d,
Oocoannt. A1 a t0
oitve f lajmlol.. no ta-i'a
do Poitael 175 asm
Palms 9 M
unaeed. raw.... vj (to
do boiled D 9.1
China nnt In ca.. - 81
Sperm. crude..,. (o)l 4(1
do bleached..! Ml Ida 21
OoaatWhalej... 47,ya SO
Polar, rennec... w
Lard Si)
Oleophine rol 23
uevoe a urn t... t,am ji
Long laland. ... 2.1
RaHtl 2ft & 27
Devoe'a Petro'm 31 itt Ttli
Karrel kerosene lia
Olive 143 SO
rjnwner Keroaa e 40 fa)
(laaLUbtOtl.... 23 'a 21
J-Jklil ITt.
Pure White Lead 10'-! Ca,l
Whiting Ml 2
putty 'D su
Chalk 3 IX
Parle White 2V) -
Ochre... 3 (3 3
Venetian Ked... IWtA A
Bed Lead 10 II
Litharge 10 9 l
Eng. Vermillion 21
Aveni) unemicai
pant. per gal.
White Atinte.2 00 2 40
Green. Bine A
Ch Yellow.. 3 00 (23 50
Light Red.. ..3 10 3 ro
Metallic Roof.l 30 91 HI
China No. I, ft HV3 7
do 2. do. fM(& DU
Japan fi (a) 7
Biam uieanea... 7 'a
Patna t'ift 7
Hawaiian h tea
Carolina 10 s
Oal. Bay.perton 10 00(313 mi
do Common., fi OTNSillHI
Carmen laland. .13 OtStU ii
Liverpool nne...2J oowu no
do ooanew ww
Uaatlle V Bj 10 13
Common brandi.. 3i
Fancy do .. 7 10
Olovei so (3 M
0nla 4 s
Do do. Claw
No. l.7.75!No.2.8.50l No. 3,
fi).25-leRK 10 per cent,
27 Citron 33
nntmeg. l 20 Cal
wnoie repper... 23 n
Pimento a
Qr'nd Allapprdz foil
no uanBiaao.. ail
do Oloraedo.. ;S1
do MueUrd do l
do Ginger do.. 1
do Pepper do.. (3)1
io Hace do.. , ttfi
mm a ii. rt4-
Oal. Cube per tx.. V,i'a
Panz' Pro. Cube
Cirole A crushed
Powdered w
Fine crushed... fa)
tirannlatea &n
"olden O . 'a)
Hawaiian 9 &
Oal. Syrup in kli 65 to)
Hawaiian Molas-
aea 25
liolong.Canton.Ib 19
qo Amoy... in (n)
do Formosa 40 ta)
Imperial. Canton 2S
ao nngsuey o
do Moynne . 60
Loclci. Vftln Tink Mf'ff Oo.
dlsoount33j per vent, from
Planes, Ohio Tool Co., dis
count 30 percent, from list.
Am. Tack Co' Cut Tacks
721? percent, discount and S
per cent, extra. Finishing
and Clout Nails 7S on list;
3d floe Nails $7.0 per keg.
Ohio Butt Uo'b L.ohp Joint
turns so per cent, do fast,
31 per cent on list.
Machine Holts, ?031oir.
Square Nuta, 2T$3o off list.
Hexagon Nuta 2rd)3e orT list.
Wrought Iron Washers.
JfjUo oil list.
Lag Screws, 13 per cent off
Pulu 0 8
Assorted sle. tb i III
Pacific Olue Co
Neat K't No. 1,1 CO (3 90
Pure (a) -
Oastor Oil, No I.. .(4140
linker's A A 1 45
do Pingsney SO m 90
do Movnne. bS frill 25
Y'ng Hy.,Canton 28 40
ao nngeue) 4U (s 70
An Mn.nn... tA fni V
Japan, X chests,
bulk 30 & 78
bxs.tHanasiDs 4S (a? 07
Japan do,3 lb bxa 45 90
do pl'nbx.4,B 35 S 6.1
do Vila paper 30 (at 55
TOBACeO-.Inhhl nu.
Bright Navya.... .IS (at b5
Dark do .... so M
PacesTin Foil.. (at 75
Dw f Twist.... 65 m 75
Light Pressed... 70 (it 80
Hard do .. SO i Ml
Conn. Wrap'r.... 40 (A 60
Penn. Wrapper.. 20 45
Ohio do .. IS & 20
Vlrgt'abmok'g.. is (a,l 00
Fine ct che'g,gr..8 SO la)9
rine oui cnew-
Ing, buo'u.rllb..75
Banner fine cnr. (3M flu
Cal Smoking.... 37 (81 00
Eastern bl'i'atbS
July 28. 1870.
h. n.rth
2 3
i(,a 43
2s'(B 3a
(3 1
1IM Hi
Cal. 1S74. &.... 123
OaL choice .... Tt'.i'S
Firkin i;ffl
Oregon iO (
Cheese, Oal l'2'-'a
Eastern 14 A
Cal. fresh 3.1 Co)
Ducts' 3i (a)
Eastern Q
Oregon 31XU
Porn Meal 34 00
Hay 13 00
Oil cake meal...
Straw," bile...- 60
Extra tiZVd) 7 00
Superfine 1 2.VOIS 60
Beef 1st quality n. bYd
Seoond do 4S'n)
Third do 3Vd
Lamb 5 (d)
Mutton 4jtt
Pork, undressed 7S.5A
do.dresaed,... 11 ia)
veal . 5
Baner, lied .. i 50 H 1 .11
do brewing. I S,''tW) 1 ,0
Buckwheat. .,
Corn, While... - & -
do, Vellow.. u) 1 SO
Oau. old 2 ! 'St 1W
do new, I 75 14 2 1)0
Rve 1 32'e'e) -
Wheat shipping 40
do milling . $
Oalirornla,1874.. JW S
Bast'rn. -74 ch'ce U fa X
iioxi:y, Krc.
Heeswa-uperlb, J6 (a) 27H
itoney in coinn.. 13 ia) x-i
do Strained-.. 3 W 10
Ilidea.dly 17 '9 13
do wm salted 8vd 9
Alm'.1sh'Mh'l. 8
do. soft ah I Jo
Brail) do 14
Cal. Walnule. 9
Peanuta per lb liijq
uniie vtainuis.. v
Kilbert 17
Pecanuta ... I'
HikI 4 yrllow.ct! -
S20 llo
(flan -M-418
(435 On
Carlv Rose 1 00 'ill 11
Sweet la. 3 50
Bodego Idt
It M Bay. 90 1 15
Broilers, small. ..1 00 vol so
dolarire S 110 &1 50
Doves.perdozen 75 faii 110
Ducks. tame. d. 5 00 ISA 50
Geese, per pair I .V) Wi 00
Hare, per doi...l SO S.2 50
Hens, per dx.. ..8 00 WOO
perm 13 uu v
tin dressed Ith
Mallard Ducks.. (at
Prairie Chickena tat
Quail, per dox... hi
iUbt'ltn. 1 21 frit 0
do same do . 3 00 i ,1 00
Snipe, Eng., dox S
vnieon,poriD.. a 'at iu
Wild Geese,gray
uownite. .. 'iu
Cal.BaCun.L'ght IS J4 17
ao Aieaiuin ... to tat lo-g
do Heavv (u
Oal.SmokedBeet (dt 10
eastern ao.. . n iu
l-.st'rn Should's 9 (at in
Hams. Oal 13 fq) 14
do wnutAKers io w n-
do Arinrur.... la 144
do Boyd's.... 11 ca) lJ
do btewarta. 13 'at 151,
Lard 13 (ft 17
Alfalfa. Chili., . 9 14
do California. 19 a n
Canary 20 (at a
OloverRed 17 '3 l
do White 35 m
Cotton S (4t 10
Flaxaeed (v 4
Hemp 8 (S 10
ludianRyeGrasa 30 J ll
Perenniado.... 20 W 30
Millet 0 (4 Ii
Musurd. white, i (A '.!
do. Brown 3 l 2!4
Rape Sl 10
Ky. Blue Grass., bit (at HI
do id quality.. 40 A 50
dnSdonalitv.. 30 (eu 4
Sweet VUraw.. 73 1 00
urcnaraao.... ju 19 n
Red Top do... 23 30
Hungarian do 8 I
Lawn do Vi (5 Ml
Meaanit do... 13 W 20
Timothy 8 13) 12
Crude..., ". SS4 7
Kennea 9 0) m
Good Shipping,. IS (a) H
Choioe Long.... 21 Eat iS
Hurry 13 8 is
Heavy free 14' W IS
Fall.' 10 (fl 14
Oregon M tl
pATENTS obtained promptly; Caveats filed
expeditiously; Patent reissues taken out;
Assignments made and recorded in legal
form; Copies of Patents nnd Assignment?.
Erocured; Examinations of Patents made
ere and at Washington; Examinations made
of Assignments recorded in Washington;
Examinations ordered and reported by Tele
graph; Rejected cases taken up and Patents
obtained; Interferences Prosecuted; Opinions
rendered regarding tbe validity of Patents
and Assignments; every legitimate branch oi
Patent Agency Business promptly and
thorouchlv conducted.
Our intimate knowledge of - the various in
ventions of this coast, und long practice in
patent business, enable us to abundantly
satisfy our patrons; and our success and
business are constantly increusing.
The shrewdest and most experienced Inventorc
are found among our most steadfast friends
nnd patrons, who fully appreciate oar advan
tages in bringing valuable inventions to the
notice of the public through the columns of
our widely circulated, first-class journals
thereby facilitating their introduction, sale
and popularity.
Foreign Patents.
In addition to American Patents, we secures
with the assistance of co-operative agents,
claims in nil foreign countries which grant
Patents, including ureat .tintain, t ranee,
Belgium, Prussia, Austria, Victoria, Peru,
Russia, Spain, British India, Saxony, British
Columbia, Canada, Norway, Sweden, Mexico,
Victoria, Brazil, Bavaria, Holland, Den
mark, Italy, Portugal, Cuba, Roman States,
Wurtemberg, New Zealand, New South
Wales. Queensland, Tasmania. Brazil, New
Grenada, Chile, Argentine Republic, AND
where Patents are obtainable.
, No models are required in European coun
tries, but the drawings and specifications
should be prepared with thoroughness, by
I able persons who are familiar with the re
quirements and changes of foreign patent
1 laws agents who are reliable and penna-
1 nently established.
Our schedule prices for obtaining foreign pnt-
i ents, in all cases, will always be as low, and
in some instances lower, than those of any
other responsible agency.
We can and do get foreign patents for inventors
in the Pacific States from two to six months
(according to tbe location of the country
sooner than any other agents.
Home Counsel.
Our long experience in obtaining patents for
Inventors on this Coast has familiarized us
with the character of most of the inventions
already patented; hence we are frequently
able to save our patrons the cost of a fruitless
application by pointing them to the same
thing already covered by a patent. We are
always free to advise applicants of any
knowledge we have of previous applications
which will interfere with their obtaining a
We invite the acquaintance of all parties con
nected with inventions and patent right busi
ness, believing that the mutual conference of
legitimate business and professional men is
mutual gain. Parties in doubt in regard to
their rights as assignees of patents, or pur
chasers of patented articles, can often receive
advice of importance to them from a short
call at our office.
Remittances of money, made by individual in
ventors to the Government, sometimes mis
carry, and it has repeatedly happened that
applicants have not only lost their money
but their inventions also, from this cause and
consequent delay. We bold ourselves re
sponsible for all fees entrusted to our agency.
The principal portion of the patent business of
this coast has been done, and is still being
done, through our agency. We are familial
with, and have full records, of all former
cases, and can more directly judge of thf
value and patentability of inventions discov
ered here than any other agents.
Situated so remote from the seat ot government,
delays are even more dangerous to the invent
ors of the Pacifio Coast than to applicants in
the Eastern States. Valuable patents may be
lost by the extra time consumed in transmit
ting specifications from Eastern agencies back
to this coast for the signature of the inventor.
We take great pains to preserve secrecy in all
confidential matters, and applicants for pat
ents can rest assured that their communi
cations and business transactions will be held
strictly confidential by us. Circulars free.
We have superior artists in our own office, and
all facilities for producing fine and satisfac
tory illustrations of inventions and machinery,
for newspaper, book, circular and other
printed illustrations, and are always ready to
assist patrons in bringing their valuable is
ooveries into practical and profitable use.
United States and Foreign Patent Agents, pub
Ushers Mining and Scientific Press and thf
I Pacifio Rural Press, 2'ii Sansome St., S. F
Wuwbumt af .. July 'iS .
Tahiti Or. V M i Watt uo
Lorlta-do -at
(Jl. ilo 8-
lamee, t U 003
eal.Lenions.lt M ai
Australian do . -a)
doSioll Mb'x.lflOMIJiK)
tUuMiiJ, V bnch 2 Sue) 3 5j
O.KjoenuWrUwx'.H) 00-41'W iu
Pineapple.. Vda. uu 57 00
Apples. t box... 73 3l 73
Cherries 9 10 ia) 30
fUaaknerrice.... e 14 10
Fig 3 1$ 3
Black 1-tge. .... 3 6
venue, oo ..... o w)i
Prunes JSr-
do uerman.... Ii i -
Citron S4 3
Zante entrants. IU (2 -
OanbAge. I" vs.,
'Cauliflower, do....
r.'..iw""!" s ' s"""-j:.r
llttV.i.u.,i.M w, urn. . w-. ....... ,
llirwhrriAll.-ri-lA IU41I M r.Mii Corn X doa.
Neourlnea 1 im ISoiu'rHquaah r box.
HupMrnee M
Currents, ch t 00 SIM
Avrloota box.i
r loins... ........
Peacnes. Vbx...
Pears. Vox.
GrapesY ,,...
Apple . .
rears. "..
reaehe. ft..
Fitua.a tlft ...
4a Kxtre. ....
B4SUUW, ft
) UW
3 S
30 vAl 23
I 3
, ).jlit
. itiJu
. 1i
lk Bl
13 1
14) K
aiavra-lal Ho'an.tjl
-.-T -T- . -1 k.
Arucnoxea.es aos.. t
C-iMFO, Ban Dicuo Co., Cal., July 3d, 1874.
McasBS. Dkwkx A Co. Gentlemen; To-dav I reccivsd
the patent and other papora ol toy aalmal U ap, that you
so successfully worked through the patent fflco forme,
for which please accept my beat wishes. The chances
art) that I will have another application for you to
make for me before long. I am well utlaned with your
manner ot doing business, and I think inventors of
this coast stand in their own light when they do not
pat their bueiness int-i your nanus,
I remain yours truly, A. M. OASS.
.Superior Fruit Trees
Stria Beaa,ft s.
tama oeaxui.,
PeDoere. creaa. bx,
Okrs.UrMn.... 7
Ouearabere. Udox ..73
Tomatoes,. doi......
An BIm I 3A ;
Ecc Plant, bx ISO
Khubart.. J"s
LAtUMS..... B
fruraipa.PrVia..... -
IsrsierMrilnns aenn 4
CaatalMDea, dea.,,,73
Shade and Ornamental Trees,
Cypres Seedlings, a
Gum and Pint Trees, S
also, a aurauL vxxitt ojr
. At the lowest Kates.
ri Trees and Plants securely packed to send
' any Ansxanrsi. y
to Pimp
Will last three times as long as the best Lead and Oil
without Chalking; is of any desired color. Ie prepared fc
immediate application, requiring no Oil, Thinner or
Drier, and does not Bpoil by standing any length
time. It is equally as good for inside as outside work;
over old work sb well as new; in fact where any paint
will be found superior to any other. Any one can ap
ply it who can use a brush, which truly MAKER IT
One Gallon COVERS 20 SQUARE YARDS 2 Coats..
For further information send for sample cant and
price list.
i he California Chemical Paint Company,
TYLER BEACH, Pres't. ' M. O. JEWELL, Bee'y.
Office and Depot 117 Pine street, near Frost, Ben
Francisco. splT-ly
T. COjUJET, MorsMryBkaut,
Mo aitWi
Ayer's Hair VigorJ
Advancing years, sick
ness, care, disappoint
ment, and hereditary
predisposition, all turn
the hair gray, and either'
of them incline it to shed
Avzn's Hatb Vioob, by
long and extensive use,
has proven that it etopfc
tbe falling of the hair
immediately, often re
news the growth, and always surely restores its color,
when faded or gray. It stimulates the nutritive organt
to healthy activity, and preserves both the hair and its
beauty. Thus brasby, weak or sickly hair beoomet.
glossy, pliable and strengthened; lost hair regrow9 with
lively expression; falling hair is checked and stablished:
thin hair thickens; and faded or gray hair resume their
original color. Its operation is suro and harmlett. It
cures dandruff, heals all humors, and keeps the scalp
cool, clean and soft under which conditions, disease
of tbe scalp are impossible.
As a dreslng for ladles' hair, the Vioon is praised for
its grateful and agreeable perfume, and valued for trw
soft luiler and richness of tone it imparts.
DR. J. C. AVER & CO., Lowell, Mass.,
7" Sold by all Druggists and Dealers in Medicine.
CRANE 6c BRIQHAM, Wholesale Agrents,
esCBby j
AaK YnWjff R
Hb afEaVj'cjg;
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
For Diseases of the Throat and Lungs, such
as Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bron
chitis, Asthma and Consumption. '
The few compositions,
which have won the confi
dence of mankind and be
come household words,
among not only one, hut
many nations, must havi
extraordinary virtues. Per
haps no one ever securedlu
wide a reputation, or main
tained it so long, as Aykb'&
Cherry Pectoral It has
been known to tho public
about forty years, by a lone
Ci ntlnued series of marvel
lous cures, that bavo won.
for it a confidence in ita vir
tues, never equalled bv any other medicine. It still
makes tho most effectual cures of Voughs, Colds, Cm
sumption, tbat tan be made by medical skill. Indeed
the Cherry Plctorai. has really robbed these danger
ous diseases of their terrors, to a great extent, and given
a feeling of Immunity from their fatal effects, that it
well founded, if the remedy be taken in season. Bvery
f amlly should bave it in their closet for the remedy and
prompt relief of its members. Sickness, suffering and
nven life ia saved bv this tlmelv Drotection. The pru
dent should not neglect It, and the wise will not. Keep
it by you for the protection it arrows Dy lis usneiy tw
in sudden attacks.
DR. J. C. AVER & CO., Lowell, ICeum.,.
Sold by all Druggists and dealers in Medicine.
CRANE t BRIOHAM, Wholtaic Agents,
V9-ly iN VR1XO sco, ou..
Real Estate -. Agency,
900 Broadway, OAKLAND,
BY ,
Fartles seeking homes or looking for property far
investment in this rapidly-growing city, noted ft r rt
educational and many other advantages, are invited to
call on the above agents, who have a large list of vary
choice Improved and unimproved property for sale.
and invite correspondence from any who rxay to xraib
buy or sell this kind ot property.
B. K, crMHD.ua.
e, B. aaUKJai.
Wholesale Fruit and Produce Coxumla
alon House,
No. itt Battery street, soothoast corner of
San) Fronolioo,
Our buiix being exehudvely Commiaaiot., w taaaw
o lnttraau that will ooautlct with the oi tb .
dateer. iC
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