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About Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 13, 1875)
r 8 "WILLAMETTE FARMER TELEGRAPHIC. llALinnn, August. 8. Tbo not Uvibllcan gain Is , clvltiK CO Republican Mlgaton in tbe Coustltutlotial Convention If tbo coun ties yet So be heard from votn ae in 1874. The Democrats give' up (lie oluctlivi and admit their detent, Hejjisbllcans vfill celebrate on Wednesday night. The Convention meets September Oth. At that tlmo meatures will be takKti to leonraoize llio ltepubllcan party Kir tltR (amnaliTE of 1870. Mkmi'IUs, Jit&ust 8.-s. conflict Is raging betwcion two mrjuotii r mo coioreu popuia tlon ol llils'coauty and city. In a row In a house on lorste street if ist uiirht tureonolored men, natnei BoanlKltV, Watson and Htttkor, were sbot wild killed, and several others Were wdiAliIed by pistol HbotH and c&zoro in the liaufos of oneint s. On tbe West KuU road emtlier frnos occurred, In vtiich two were Irfllod and "win wounded, nml other rowstlro ronort8faH occtminn. Thotreuble apperrs to navorowti out of tbo workings ot a fjocret society, wlilcu tiai tor its oujoot stirring up strKj between Conservative nd Kadicni ncgrom, with tbo end in view of In-, UmldiitliiK tha former. Several rretH linve been made, il mora will lo. Tha trouble will soon be r.djusted If thetooot3"is coiflin- 1 to tliM cattily, but It is Coarefl Ah -more widespread, Niaiiaiu, Aujt. 9. To-day, -ate itlzeus'of this place Wsllecl Me Uavo ottliewiniM wuu out n guldu, ns tbey bad froquoiilSy done'be fore. After passing tbrouRli Che 'cave, two of the MCt Mr. Klliliort I'araoas, Bued'3, and M isB "Lottie U. I'hllipottuvjed io, do scemled'lo an eddy which to aover visited by tlio pridoi. Tbo lady lost her foothold and hi caught by the noiiUeumn, but the current- cairlrd both into the river below, wl'"ri they wero drowned. ' MoS?" OMintv, Ala., Aug. P. Complete ro tun s show that the Convention "was carrlod by lOjS'O majorily. Dulogatca elected 'Dom ocratH, M; Itid(.pciulout Giemot:rat8,iCi 'He publicans, 1'J. Mk'h-iiii, Aug. !) Tlio river at thlsipolnt onntltiu'ts to lino dt-adily, and litta iriscn about an inch hlneo 0 o'clock lust oveuiug. 15ut notwIth.stiUHlirig this the outlook lwore favorable, owing to tiio decline ubovo and report of the olUcern of tbo Memplita and 'Little Kick railroad that thorn is litUo evi dence of Hood along tbo fjt. 'Fronds and ' branches at AlndUon, Arkansas, and the bot tom between Solo and that place, which was ' nearly Hiibinorgcl In April hofore the water had readied its prcwot height, 'Which may be accounted lor by tbe tact that nil the) bay- ' ous and nioht of (lie lakes woroeinpty,while the rank vegntsbles in tbo bottom 'retarded the How of water from orevasKps, and i ranch of It was lost by nbsorpt on and evaporation. UnleftM cl.itiHcr Iron-, tho .St. 1'ranciu increas es materl illy, tlin duniHgo between horo and 'Helena, 'fioni (hat dhectirm, will bo small -cud conlinrd to low plantations. Cjinusu Auk. 10 Genmitl Crook mid Cnlni'tl Mnutnn n turned lino to-day from tho Itlack Ifllli. 11m miners worn preparing to leave, cocilng uj llioricliet.t loads to pre vent Iholr bu oinintjr l.nown until such time as they oin return. The country isconsldered rich in gold, and (ho mountains lull of quartz Capital ami skilled labor will de velop mints which will iqual those of Colo rado or Nevada. Thero wero about tUfieon hundred minors In tho 11 1 11a, and a great i deal of preliminary v,-ork luw been, done iu the wav of ditches and sluices. Thorcworc no Indians In that region, ami tmt'tow had been seen, but tlioMiut, llio agencies tire still demanding that the inlners ha driven out. 'Some gold was panned nut in tho presence of of the party, which veildod soveutylivoeeuts to Iho pun. There is an nbiiiidaiico of wator and gras, also timber iur building, but tho pine lx not ot the lil(;liol lnerclianlabloquBl ity. Allien called b'lonowall lm' been laid out on CiiKtai's ptilch, In the vicinity of which s-onid lich dipunas nr located. 'J'ho whole foun'ry Is well ad j,teIlo gracing and larming,, 'i no troops are now en route in es tablish n'lpinpmaiy post i, riloiiimnll lor the purporo of Leoplntr out millers. I'rol. Jonnny's party woio still oKjiloringtlio Hills, and will probably until tho middle of -October. tSiiKiral Ciook and inily had lino linnling on Hjn intr, lt.ipid, I'M; and 'Jlox flZldnr oMtkt), lakh g a hi! j,o number of led dtor, oik and inuuulalu i-ht-op. (Jcneral Crook leaves tn-moriow for Omaha. their meetings in the. warm disusslon of sub jects of Interest which scarcely attracted a passing notice a fow years since. Tbe edu oa'lanal advait'agoa of the Orange will be felt one hundred yeers since. Gkanukii. Lincoln Warohoiuo. Tbo Board of Directors of tbo Lincoln VrVrehorce and Shipping Company met at Lincoln on August 4th and closed up the business of tbe company for tbe fiscal year which -ended od that day, and declared a dividend of ?2 per share being 20 por cent upon tbe Investment. Tho committee appointed at the recent stockholders' meeting to examine the books and reort to the Board, made the following 'rorrt: LlNroi.N, Aug 4th, 1875. To tho Directors of the Lincoln Warehouse and Shipping Company: Your committee appointed at the stockholders1 meeting to examine the books ot tho company and re port to the directors, beg leavo to report that tbe committee met at Lincoln, on July fitb, 1875, and made a thorough and critical exam ination of tho books oftheconcoruand iound the accounts well and neatly kept. Wo also carefully footed up all the columns of fig ures, and found everything correct, and we have no hesitation in saying that tbe affairs of the company have beou carefully, hon estly and so far as wecati ascertain, entirely satisfactorily conducted by tho warehouse clerk, Mr. J. K. Sean;. Hlgnod, T..PKAHCB, A. Q. Kohk-ith, A. M. Hoi.mks, Committee. Tho new directors wore sworn in and the business turned over to them, and Mr. Seam re-engaged as clerk. T. P. Fruit Dryer at East Portland. Tho Plummer Fruit Dryer was completed this week, and on Thursday commenced drying a large lot of plums. Tho machine is large and wellconstructed. Many persons are wailing to see the quality of work pro duced, with a view to investing. Jackson villk. Auur. 10 Owen Clark. n old resident or this county, was found dead Huuday evening about a mile from town, by a person out hunting. A coroner's jury was empaneled next day, and from evidence ad ducd it appears that the deceased foil from a uauic uuu Ulsiocitou his neck. Aluanv, Aug. 10. llev. 11. W. Stratton, Presbyterian mlriNtor, who was recreating in tho vicinity of Klsh lake, in the Cascade mountain, one hundred miles oat. started out uunuing on L'jlday moining, and up to .- ..v. . uu.i.i u.j ..,.. uwtsu unu iiui lutui li ed to camp. Searching partios wero organizing. age sown, taken as a whole. Is fully upto tbe average, while more bushels to the acre have been realized than was anticipated. Spring wheat will be more than usual iu many places. The chinch bug has destroyed whole fleids, but this Is compensated for by the ex cessive growth in other localities. PuiLADKiruiA, Aug. 10. Wool is steady for nne, dull for medium, combining In lair demand; Texas fine and medium, 2330o: Texas coarse, 212.5; California Ann and medium, 1835cj California coarse, lotSL'-o. The San Francisco Commercial Herald of Aug. 5th has che following : Hops The market on this coast for new has scarcely opened as yet, but may be quot ed at 25(&30o for good to choice. Emmet Wells' New York Circular of July 23d, says: "We have to report a more quiet market. Many brewers have taken advantage of the late decllno In prices, and laid in supplies sufficient to carry tnotn uown to ino new , crop, and only In the event of any unfavora ble Jturn to the growing crop need wo look for more activity. Prices are now about as low ad circumstances would seem to warrant, vet there may be a further slight decline if the crop prospect continues nattering. August Is considered the most critical season for the plant, and in view of the short sup plies of old Hops, much anxiety Is lelt Ht this time. Our reports from the Hop dis tricts continue highly favorable. It is be lieved that tbo stock of '74 Hops In this mar ket Is now reduced to about 0,000 bales price, 22 to 30o , . Wool There Is little business doing for want of stock. Transactions for the past week have been light so far as reported. The receipts or Northern Spring clip have been fair, but very light or Fall. Kastern advices are unfavorable. We note sales of 125,000 lbs spring clip within tho range ot 13K(M0u, up to 22tg,24o. We quote heavy burry and seedy, 1214e; free heavy Wool, 11 17c; bet ter grades, 17(j,20e. A few paiaels of Limbs Wool have itached market, quotable at 12l4c. WILL GUARANTEE THE RUBBER PAINT All other eircum'stnnccs being equnl, To Cover More Surface per Gallon, TWO-COAT 1VOHK, THE ATLANTIC LEAD 4 Liwotuu uil, THAN TCxverL-ty aiffor Per Oeaat- THAN TUB AVERIIJL CHEMICAL PAINT, AND WILL LAST TWICE AS LONG When inoperlv applied, without peeling, cracking, or chalking off. THE 1UBBEI PABTHIS BEEN TESTED! BY LEADING EOUSB AND CARRIAGE PAINTER3 ON THE COAST, TfjE PLKEJS. The Grain Market. Letter from Crcsvell. CltlNWTM., Aug, 7, 1S7.". itEi). K.wiMiiii: Havlni: n lltHe extra time, .. ud thluklug fill' 1 iiilht parlMps. give yon an item of inlerost fiom thH MH'tlou or the . ooutitiy, I Imvo eondudtd, with .your per mission, to i 111 let tho readers of tho Kaumi:u with n short conimuiilculloii. Ali! lor thobenolHef (holiiiiuigiiintiiHvell as fur any other par..ou who Ins beim ho tin foituiulo iim never to Imvo had tho pleasure of a visit In tbo bountiful city ofCii-Mv ell, outho . coast fcik til tho Willamette. 1 am attempt Ing lo-itsrribo to ,mi tho udtanltigoH of IhN locality Cr swell U eltualed on tho linn or tho (U C. it. 11 twelve iiillns south ot JCugonci City, at tl.u foot of r. Utile Ihi:to tin propriaMJy uaniod Mt. I'luvsaut, on ittcxiut of the, bwJtllul and iittrui'llvo appenrniieo. Ono lul dhtaut Irim Croinell on the oautrollntCo rapid Coajt K.irk, tHpjblt of furnishing 'fvtur power privileges nut to .bo excelled scarcely in any enuntrj-. Tho Yl'Py hi tho cenlro of which 'Cres well is Joi'.uol, in limn eiut to veat about seven in lie.-! Iu nb.lili, nnn enuiries ono. of tho bust fat mil.;; sic U'iiis in tho Willamette valley, Niinurout nhat Held luivuig bsn. In cuitlvailoti for two ity years .yielding largo crops iiceiiM,lv!y VJie surroiinHn hills aud iiiiiuiletu'i nao art A nuurcu of wealth to thUhOtittou of country, mlordlncH Mipj. do a bouiidtos-i ranut for t.oe!c mid mm Juox li4iirttibl. supply of timber. Talk ulj-uit theroLsInK no land worth taU- lug In Orefj-ni, when plenlyof Kood pUess may bo Uttl for tl.o lakintr, yof, wi'jeo (X)mpai(Hl with (ho Kti Hslionper IU:riot f KaukaK, MlSJiirl aiidi-'olirHslia ! llutu woiiliJiinil liiiwvomeut and crop, aud 1 will ilel4. In Cnsawell thero two grocery htore"', ctio il tij; .storo, two black Ntulth hlioi)!.. huUd, ai d Jaro warehenk, alx cv wvun rehi3gi:i,os, uuil a large to atorv fcchool Iioukh has iuft oomed UP R the tulJst of all thc. Th realdeut oV Creswoll pr.ixiao to aupport iiool boutoa Instead of anloons. Xow for iho erojn und Gran.V, ud we redone. Pn an verj;o tbo Brain In not bo good an It whs lialyesr or tho yoar bufore, but still wo liuo vtry pood cropi, and HI liavo n lartfo nurphu for t-Mo. Tho pjtalo croji U pfeji' li.tvlnit been ntli'WQ'.l by tho fro.t iu ppiin;; und nlo by iLa hoi wedhoronist UlOlltll. Tin Cliancia am In i:ood spirits Iu this "uvir.iiy, t-avcg wry uucrcv.u nun DurlnB the pabt lew days tho grain market In San Francisco has ranged from til 25(3,2 35 for good average wheat. The higher fignre was reached Tuesday, but a slight decline in Liverpool on that day was reported aud was inado tho text for n decline ot 10 cents n cen tal, and on Wednesday tho San Francisco quotntloim for avciage quality for shipmont to Liverpool wero fc2 25 por cental. Tonnage continues to bo oxccfc-slvo In han Francisco and shippers thero only offer .lS por ton. while .CU 2 (ij i asked. The low freights oporato materially in favor of tho producer thero and cause his market to be more leliablo that It Is boie. Tho tonnage coining to Oreeon is very light and tho sup ply uncertain. Charters will have to be niado at San Francisco or ol&o our vi heat scut thero ub In I'oinier yo,ir, (or transship ment, and this tact hits eliiudy caused nu advance of freights1 between tho Columbia river aud Sail Francisco ot g2 por ton from ?:K.r. At roallaud on Wednesday tho quotations for wheat sacked wero $1 !ij percental. In this city on that day, homo lots wcrodiposed ot at Jl 05 pir bushel, but tho news of slight dtclino in Liverpool caused tho Salem Mllla to fall back to ono dollar per bushel. Iko OtiQ07iitm of Wednesday says tho Liverpool market is quoted in private telo giams at Its 0 1 par cental (for nvorago Cali- lurnm wluat on tho t-pot;we suppose), W hajipen to know that at that very time tho Llverjool llgurtsfor such wheat wero 12s (Id at Unit, Ol course prlvalo telburams are sent In whoat bujers, ami they niNiiot be crpeeUil to tell all tU.ij faiowto their fitrn ilmtitlniutaiie, Lastwibk wo gave Liverpool quotation!) lor soot at one shilling higher than tho i'ortlaud papers, and ibis week it is about tho same. Last wiek Wednesday wo gave Liverpool orders to Sii Fmnoli-co, ior immediate ship, ment at Mi,,aint wobaveto ifjiort anadvhuce durh'g tbe miek to 6S and 50 The decllno luLiverpoot.ou the 11th wasouly sllsht, but tho market Ik- .feverish and excited, and can. (not be consldored settled, though indications .ujo that faruKiis can rely on receiving one dollar per bushel through tho Bcason, so the tvvUeat-bueist,oGm to couccde. -Wo know of nation' but Ueriunuy, of all liiBopeau couiilriis, that has a promise of an average wheat yield. Tho surplus held over ,lu all foreign iinuiw: i very light. In tbo Uuilod States only Wisconsin, Minnesota, ami, Oregon, urthd Uu'm that raUe a surplus or sale, have a prospect of an average bar- vest, ifeiir prospect of clce depends greatly u tbe atuudaiuH) atul low price of tonnage, Ami while the prospeot i that frelghta will uX go over J.M. 6a, still it U poaalble that tbe e,itementiu tbe wheat market may yet in dm a apeoilative uoveaMut la frelgtda. Tbe aklug tatea already (mux Portland to Jjiverpool are .'!, per ton, bat tfiere la uolb tug tu justlty it. We understand (bat AUany wheat buyers are fmylogi dollar for wheat, whioh la cer tainly all tliy can afford. English Harvest Prospects. Nnw York, Aug. 9, A London special says the weather the past week has beeu hue and more encouraging to operators for lower prices, and harvesting will begin next week; but with all this, crops continue unfavorable and favor holders of stocks of wheat. Prices of all grades are well sustained, and quota tions are steady on tbe basis ot 51 shillings per quarter for No. 2 Milwaukee on the spot. Tho Mark Lane crjircsn, lu Its weekly re view or the European grain market, says the woather, though broken, has been en the whole tolerable lino. Crops itro progressing favorably, but it is unreasonable to expoct either tbo quality or abundance of last year, after a nearly sunless July, aud such a hoavy ralnf-tll asthe snason thus far has brought iu Frauce, so that Hour has risen i fiance per S'"ck in rarls. J lie japicbi auus : -iuo bulk of our own harvest is yet uncut. Some of our country markets have hesitated about submitting loony decline, though it lias gou eraily declined 12 shillings per quarter. Largo speculative purcuases nave ueen inauo in London on American account. The Lon don market closed with au improved aspect and an upward tendency, which must be swayed entirely by tbe weather. Cortaluly thero seems quite as much chance for a raieo as lor a fall '' Who Will C0ER0B0RATE, if necessary, by sworn Statements all I claim in the above. This Paint is SOLD ON ITS MERITS ONLY, nor do dealers' in Kubber Paint ask consumers to use tho Rubber only, but SUGGEST THAT YOU TRY the other Mixed Paints now' on the market, and decide for yourselves. We propose to LET' IT STAND ON ITS OWN ELERITS. Salem, July 1, 1873. .JOHN HUGHES. it. Suu Francisco market. BT TKLEUlUl'lI. Snn Fianctaco, An, Flour Extra jobbiDC $7 007 2.5. Wlxut-HoltUrs are ntkiiii; $2 33. Market cir II i in, villi mm mil tiMhiicy. Oate Ntvv t'allfoniiu, $1 75&S; choice old ami Or eoti, higher. Darloy-l6 feed, Jl 27,'rl 37tf; old fct-d, (1 153 1 rytf; lire wine, t Bj. It) i $1 35. 1856. 1875. OFFKH FOIl T71x Harvest THE FOLLOWING or 1873, FaRmImPLEMENTS andlffACHINES. JL JL JLfJL . SALEM J5ARKET. MONETARY. Lk(.ax Tenueiih, bnylnc, uti : nelllu-;. b7Xc. FLOUIt, GUA1N Ac. Wheat, bust hltu, y bushc! 1 otVSt ft", OiU,llbu 4j) -ir, Corn Meul, V B S& 5 Flour, bet, l unck, (i( barrclj oj.1 SU fluckw Ffour, V lb i& B llr.ui, V ton 11 tXXgU U Shuns, V li. li 2.' HXu, .. Oil Caku Mual, I) ton 23 UU.... Ylis bccil, per lb 2J,' .... II y, t ton, nuiv llCil-i halcil, y ton (ft 11 OltOCERlES. Sii','nr, San FrunciKCO reflncil, V bbl 12JJ .. le la lid 8.0tl; cm I'll i'l 4cl3i IKiwdtTt'd VMA Krannlatcd 13 14 Slrup.J pil 73 .. iva, Jiiiuu.y a fiUtiii uo Inilii'riul 1 UMill Ml CiilRi', C'onta Klca, p III -2 tin -"1 Hlo iU '.'.I Ivouo 22U .. Java 2n3! .. Silt, Catnuii Ulaiid.lpercttt ,.... r,i(a. (hj Liverpool, coatee 1 25(&1 M) dairy 731 W Day 87X&1 Uu FJtUITS, VKGETAULES, Ao. Appli 503 .. dried, 13 lb & & Punches, dried, V 1&3 Hi riuum, " " ma 12 l'luai!i, $ lffi-1 (HI rear, 73c r. . . . Beau, 1 m 4d i, liilrttoen, V biuhel, now , Co 20 Oniour, V to ii.i .. Uabbae, t doz Q ,. IUTTTEuTkuOS, Ac. ltutter, rrvh rolln, V .TXa sn packed JtKlt, 23 KiJN V dozen 3C& 3.', CIiei' Orej,im prime, f) tb 1OT ,, LaiJ, V 15'lJ Hi oilsTac. I.lnf.iil Oil, boiled, V pillon 1 l,'.... raw, " 1 Ida..... Lanl Oil, V Kllon ,,. e-JJel 73 Coal Oil, " 43Ct .. NratffiHit OH, V Bl 1 5Xft.... Tallow, V tb ma lu LKATnElt, Ac, Correct rd by J. W. GUberl, dealer, Salem. Hariio Leather. lb S.'Vt in Sklrttnc leather, " SSCj.1T', llrldlo Leather, prWc 1 3njS 3D French t'alf prdoz$75 French Kip, prdox 7.VBIO(l Cal. and Oregon Calf axffc 4i " " Kip " w 79 Santa Crux Bole, pr 33 Hide, dry, 7. sa 14 " JPi t 6 Dw Bkln. dry, pr t Sia SU " dreicd. ' 1 "tliat vi Sheep Pdta jo 73 t'tismpliin Hciper and Vtwfr. The nrST Kulf Hake coniblnirl M iclilno in tlin Word, in evP dencid by Iho fact of lli hailnp; received the liliru. est .iHarilsat KlilbMIiini mid Field TiinK 1 mil In Europe and America lu Mf. strong, and "lt able for I'l.i'c a "ell at Grain. Dv berd for Cfiainpioiii.liiularcbi.loic dccldln,' vilialliciper to buy, 1 udec's reaper nrd Wnwer "Ohio" ami "Dudteve" lutent conibliied. with Dik1su' lm provemeut; uiu ste, No. 1 and 2. Can bo ici to cut hi'hev 'litin iiiii rfli'r .s'J J'akcr. Trltec jriint Jy leiiucdfiir lo"3. fi7"Seiid for Clicu'ar entitled "Twenty Ki'iisuim why KaiiuoH thould buy tuo Dodse.' Mrt'ormltk's Itraprrniil M:er Ilandnakem; extia tttoiirf and duiable. Frlces biw. Marsh Knnesri'r Jitihable and tewouilrul ay of luirv cstliii; jji.iin. Ulndn nde. K.i.llcil ilini gei atidliiiprunu.nti. lor lt73. Many i.ieler flu m to lleadeiB and Hcipe!. bind lor Uiterlptivu Citcii ar. Main's' He.i'er r fane ter With Hodn-s' Intiiroiimentrt nud other addition! fur ls7. 'I wo blxe. tuiiand tnvlvu left cut. Our Heinle-pure. Hindu in 7Ai, li'iftl', aniline llio m tt ipprnicil btyie and n.auj Look out for 'Inj'tih'i imdtS with prctendid lmpinii-iaibt. thati.i.ii buollViei by Ciiiironiia denli-i ui theii a-ei tn. flipper II ifrFonr li- Cnmtiinc nil the fleslr.tbla fcatuiei' that nie lu n othir Mower. Nm. at.d 1 aie uinrcparitculjriy riinin mended lor htury uoilc Un-ulpllte Cuuilau fnriililiid. 1'ilceit u-ducul for 1S73. prat;tie Iron iwr. .1 ualilntlmjilMtjan I 2vjetwn vf inuhiwi hi, ftiid U Till' Jliitnt rdiett niafliltio jtt Inliinlnci ct; N etwrnj auu dunwi'euuil lUHilii'stloniblj THE III- bT muU' late pi tent .Mower Iu tuo market Her fcend lor a r-nraso pamphlet .u.d exjiinuo Into the imilU of this Mower. Kii'llKs bii Trrcdu-rs.-Wheeler, )ti-lll-k. Co' tncipUe-, with epiclul lmproeiuente not to be found chiwhere. Ilor-e Poocr-i. All "Izca and ftvlctf, Ineltidlni; tun iww wo ui mis, uoin "jiuiiuti-u" at,a "uow n." Tujljr's Milk j' ItaKe.-Sutierlor to any other Itakujet Intioduced. Very dflr.ible for deaiilm; Viluat llelilii as will n laklni; hay. HaMi had them midu i'.prcsly "In order," ttiomjtr aud luuihr than can be fouud elsew line. lev oiling lUkc-i Sand lutcct lon. Ifari.l'S I'like. Nine feel he id, monntnJ on 'run- rf. now tripping dc lie; Is much THE 11ET lluMihlni: Itaku made. Ilufiitli) rills' Imprurcii "ballrrKfr' 1lrlirr. JIoio linjiifli'iiieHtt aud addition lor ls73, lu both Sijiarutoimind Toweis Want of t-pju-o lor bids i-uniiieratioi!. Is now rccoiinizi'd at " Till?'' LeaJiiir fhtcsiiir, aid e lands far ahead ol Iho 'jrMim of the DliMtis' in the iftlmatlon ol the Thresliin" public. GUARANTEED tn tia latejubttr and ttttm fatter, without c(tXng or i'-U4f oi giuju man rfi.n i iuiti. jMcsncriiiitun. Paitlcu'arattenlioii Is cillul to the ulocles "END HIIAKE'1 SHOE, and new inipiovoiiients in the "JToiuitit" 1iuiii, etc.. itc. Thrcshermen who wluifitvo not seen the clmiiges and iinjirocfWfitts iii.-ido In the "l'ltti-" llutliilo Tlueslier dtulng flit lait two, will tonti'tt thtli' unit bittiett by luokliiL' at the "CIIiiLLENGEIfbifore liujing jNewh re. .t A'A'IP J'ATUXT 1UDVLK for THItErifllNG FLAX lan bo liirnlehcd when desired. All sizes, Imm 4 to 12 horse power. Zuik t for "Hiisii" J'lth' 'IhiHheis. Tho Cuiuiue aiemudu only by Ja. Itrajl. y, liull'.ilo, N.Y , and on be had out) through us or our aulhoilzid aueuls. 11 r llaj Forks. "NclllV' Itnnionn, ac know ledu fo be the best. Abo Palmers I an vi.ciiik's "DonbIoMiak"l,acincVIH. The only .Mill uIiImjjciic outs from Wheat Ihrjcaiij, H r '(a'li Hay, Platform and SHU Scales. Various tlzes. I Iiarii "fllim hard'"," tho let in the uoild; al'o the i'ylli tier and 'J iHrnioiiuter Wi'iroin. t hmo bo'Ii Iho "PACIFIC" and tin "lliln" Willi " NhW l'ATTEIIN" eltraitioiKi und hi cui tltliMm. Wiuels nuked in UOILINU oil, and oihff Impiow nicnts lor 1&75. (Jiiarnn teed In en Uijh'ii and outwear any other vtnjoa In this maikit. HjT ns llnswiH A New three and four Spring Wa 'in loniplete, with two M'ats, Ac. cheaper and bittir and mine lomplete than thosii m.ido hue. ALSO, IIiive-lliTool, Jlill Stones, I.Mnik for Machine, btniit Mnililnc. Mikla bictl'ins, Steam Engine, lliililier A-l.iather belling Planing Jlnclilnis, Tuiblne Wnti-r Wheels. Dii):gles, Cairiiifjes, itc. We imtin only tho PLST articles, m-cl our puces will at all limes be as low as tbo lowest, ""Liberal trims tothu Trade, Mannlacluiers' Discrlpllte Circnlais uinikd on appiiiallon. KNAt'P, UUnilKl.L, k, CO, JJy 7. Porlland, Ongou. ssscjgLi-'gig FURNITURE FACTORY, Lian 3 filtenuftr Jlarimr. MlLWAl'i:pi:. Ann. 0. Tlio Sentinel to morrow will publl.h i nipirtjMirtKiitiin thirty o.'iln nirn hnoit3iitcoutiiltH in tin Slale. 'iltr vliiut lx nniv lUHrlj" all liurveftril ami b.lob u nileiitllil oroi). lu iluuv nortlons ut I cl U.u t:io tl;p Utii ever know u. TLo aero- Kimn rrn siTfitiuv, r CLAHlOi .v; OttAJt n Mi.ioums .ikn t-HOi'iiiLT'tiis . A.l'l-MIKI. i. .CIU Terms of rtutftrilnttwu. U.iaripv. neynri;.'iiimui'w M.OOi ftlll COW. H ruoDlbs ISA nui-brr.1 . ." I.Kil Oiwu' 3iiwitlUJattubir4) 15 At Mill Creole Bridge, LIBEItTY STltKET, . SAI.EJI, OliEGON. All kind- or pm3JTrTTT)", hat tj a -rr iummu lJ WX( " " I And ."Wtulo to Urtles'. THE TRa.DE SUPPLIED On the lowest terms for CASH. J OH WOIIK done, aid all kinds of TVIIMMi Orders promptly Atlcmlrtl to. OoihIs delivered to any pirt of the city, to tho rail road, ornliuf, vuek iir.nunuii. TAItMENTER X- BABCOCK. April 00, ls75. vuf NOTICE TO Farmers and Wool-Growers. We will lme 2,400 Head or ANGORA GOATS ! IT i m' .PBr"" wIshlujMu pnrcluorseeibeOoals JaiksoiiTilltf, and name tori' pni oBce and tha near. e-1 p., Int on lh mad la Ibelr plar, ir ri" denc" "id ;Vt.,J ' ;" "I'J"! ".' uo,u '" roy 1"" uelred. Farm for Sale. TWILL SELL 3IV FAltU OF C20 ACErS, !i70 or wlilihuregoou prairie, i.imer good ei'.HI vatlon. willi good foncii-, pilnclpnilv dai rails, twi train buns, one largo hori-o linrn mid w'on hou-e, n good dwelling Ik use, which tost (ISUi. a good nr ihatil, and allihenecessiry iinpnirrinenla for a pood home, and in as hiallhy a loutllly n theic is nn thu joast. Sly market Is rnly nnonnd a hall mihs, nhool lii)iiMouetili,ioraiiiile, two stores and postofllio Ihieeaiida half lulle, frnui my hnu-e; churih, two und a half mile. Tho firm could bu divided to ad vantage, and make two good lann. The hum Is situated near the ci liter of WIUD11Y ISLAM). Wind count), Wai-hlnglnn Territory. The Wand is forty miles K ng and ill t or slv miles wide. Ji2.itf P O. address. Coupevillo. Island co. W "Weatlierford & Co., IlEALXUS IX Drugs, Paints, Oils, &c, ARE AdUNTl FOIt AVERILL CHEMICAL PAINT, i for'. f?lrprlc?..?.d for W mooey ,Su' .uTail loT toalil be obfiiiuil from aoj other s'urto. X7- K WILL HiVE ALL GIIADTM rnm, .Writ,, W31 3r. r.ANl)Ki-ir. LASUKUM Jt itOUIIKltS.' Uu-V"' Or July 7, l73!u W atsinvU e, Gil ThU Pnlct is CHEAPEIt, NICEIt, and giies a KSrTEIt FINISH HMD any other Paiot. It Is MIX ED KKVDY FOP, UMK-of ALI, SHADES, or COL "IU. and 1'UllK WilirE, far INSIDE or OUTSIDE work. Forml in any n,usntlty wanted, it is the BEST PAINT In 1180-EASY TO APPLY WILL NOT CRACK. PEEL, or WASH OFF DIMES with a IIAhD' SMOOTH GLOiS, and la Just tho Taint that every body wants. Xlio Genuine Article I for rale by WEATHERFORD & Co., Salom. roit EiTitsn HAY, l!OFif, OR FLX, f ASWFACTl'ltvn 7U CliDKIt DY T II. WAIT, 1'A. IhliUUiMrMiuiliiil Iheold.M, t. cliuiih. ltemeinbrr that Huso I'xenea have n-v or f.ilcd o take a flits r PIIWIJliM wheraier nliibllid. i-vcry 1'n.n 'Aarr u.tiil. Siud lir circular, ruatafr m