Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, July 23, 1875, Page 2, Image 2

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TJje HtE Circle.
How Will It Be?
The voice of birds and nam of bees.
Cool paths through ahadafl rows of corn,
The wind that linger through the tre
Ana dally through the tweet June morn.
A low browed cot amid the scone,
Ouartled by trees of stately oak,
Whose rich, dark leaven are iillstenlng
Anild the clouda of curliug ainoke.
Bright bloMoma with their varied shades
Ilordcr the path down to the gate.
And just bevoml the fields of grain
Are waving 'Death thtlr gulden weight.
There Is the orchard down the slope:
The vineyard greets the sun of J une;
Behind the barn nnd down the hill
A brook slow sings a dreamy tune. r
Bnt dearer far than aught of these
In this abiding place of earth.
Are the loved forms that dwell therein
Bound by tue tender ties of blith.
The brave companion of my life.
Now scarred by many battle storms;
A maidm and a sturdy youth.
And still two younger childish forms
These are my treasures, they are mine I
My fellow voyagers on life's way;
And this my home, and this my shrine,
Lived o'er, and loved from day to day.
I sometimes ask my doubting soul,.
How will it be in time to come?
'When years their swift events shall roll
And bring their changes to my home?
If wo together then shsll dwell,
And they ny fading years shall bless.
While journeying down life's sunset slope.
With many a smile and fund caress.
0, winds I that murmur through the trees,
And slug your ce iBelees songs to me,
O, breeze I that flits from weBtern seas,
In j cars to come, how villi It bo?
O, foolish heart t I only know
Ttio present, bright'wlth hope, Is mine
The lulure, Iraught with woul or woe,
Is hidden by the veil of tlino.
Then sing, ye winds, amid the trees,
And dwell, loved voices. In my ear;
While home la blest with sweet content
O I doubting heart, we need nut fear.
Mas. Mollis BTarroas.
Berrycssa valley, June litb, 1875.
Professional Training Schools for Girls.
It in do trifling matter to keep up with the
progress of the age in matters of education.
Twenty years ago I could have counted on my
fingers the numbor of eminent names who
favored the admission of practical sciences, as
such, into our higher institutions of learning.
Now I should require a pretty large bog of
beans, bo many of our savans "know beans"
and their ues. Two bonks lie on my table at
this moment, the like of which my eyes have
desired to see, lol these many years; and see
ing which makes mo feel, not as Simeon did,
that I would "depart in peace," but that I
should like to live forever. One of Ihese books
is an Englishman's plea for a great national
institution for the training of teohnical
teachers, for a "Central Technical University,"
or people's normal school,
Another and even better book is "Social
Science and National Economy," by Ilobirt
Bills .Thompson, Professor of Social Science
in the University of Pennsylvania. Hear what
he Bays of the science nnd economy of educa
tion: "Less can be sulci for the duality than
the quantity of tho education given by our
fiublio Bchools. Without disclosing in detail
ho limits and defects of our prtseut systems,
wo shall seek to discover what idea is rightly
conveyed by the tortn "national education."
It 1b one that givts tho schobir cuch general
instruction and oilers him such opportunity to
acquire special training ns will tit him for his
gpocinl profusion, calling or industry, and will
enable liini to pursue it in the uioit effective
manner," lie goes oil to any that "the Sta'e
should give in its public schools such general
and special traiuiug in will nt its members for
the iudubtiial state, especially in tho two gnat
industries, agriculture and manufactures."
Ho Bays "tho present rou ino, especially the
study of geography, should give way to uelgh
boihood knowledge, to intimate acquaintance
with things about us, that the teohnical educa
tion of the farming class should begin in the
public schools, nnd with tho first yoars of
study. Tho useful branches of nutural history,
the nature anil habits of the dumostio animals,
of tho oultiviittd vegetables, and the agricultu
ral geology of tho district should be among its
themes. The child should be taught at once
tho lightful respect for his father's mode of
life as concerned with tho most valuable of the
human sciences, and also to thirst ior a more
oxten-dve acquaintance with these sciences as
beating upon that occupation. In a word, the
school should, be, on this side of its life, a pre
paration for tho agricultural college.
"All this applies with tenfold force to the
loreuiau of the workshop, the non-oommis-sloued
officers of industry." Prof, Thompson
praises the Grangers or Patrons of Uusbaudry
"for tho very excellent results to be expected
from tho Btaud they have taken on this subject."
Hut he does tiot anywhere show the bearing of
these principles ou the tducation of girls.
Probably uniike tbenever to be piaised enough
John Anderson, of the Kansas agricultural
college, he does not sufficiently enjoy the con
templation of "woman as an iuduhtiialist,"
but to show what cau be done, and what has
beeu done, let me translate from the French
the story of ono of these tffoits in Paris.
The schools of Klisa Leiuonnler are profes-
Bloual schools for girls, live in number, die
'tributtd In the different quarters, and are at
this suouunt giving instruction ami business
education to tllH) young girls, who are con
stantly in demand by the Parisian merchauts
for their skill, their busmen aptitude, and
above all for their good characters. The
foundress laid down the principle that re
ligion should be taught iu the family, and all
sects are admitted without distiuotiou or pre
ference. The morning is occupud with gen
eral iustruoiiou not materially different from
that of elementary schools of the seoond
(French) grade. In the alternoou tho pupils
are divided, according to the oalllug whioh they
expect to fallow, into groups repre-eutiug nine
trades cr employments, ai follows: Commerce,
"IhrborUt" or Florist, industrial design, wood
engraving, paluting ou porcelain, or other dec
orative arts, fan making, etc, artificial flower
making, confectionery, Lwgtn or Hue sewing
of all kinds, mending.
This noblo work had a very modest begin
nlog. Iu the year 1H50. under tho prcaideucy
of Eliza Leiuonnler, a society was formed for
the maternal protection of young girls, giving
them gratuitous instruction, and placing them
vital thiy could obtain au honorable live
lihood. Iu 18C'J they enlarged their operations
and the society look its present name. "Society
for the t'roiea.iousl Traiuiug of Women'
Madame Euille Souvestre, CUutue Coiguet,
ll'lla. Julie TouiMiot aud othirs obtaiucd the
tans for ihU tmterpriaa by their owu efforts;
HUle by little subscriptions flowed in, until
gov d-ttlag -ed scholar aud staln are
proud to be enrolled as members of the society,
and its reserve fond amounts to 275,000 francs.
Its management is exilusively confined to
wemen, and Madame Jules Simon is its present
efficient head.
There are schools etabHfh,d in London for
the training of professional cooks, laundresses,
etc. We are a practical people in other re
spects, is it not time for u. to adapt some of
these European models to onr own special cir
cumstances and needs. An easy step in.the
right direction would be the establishment of
vacation schools, where some of these useful
arts could bo acquired in the intervals of intel
lectual study. Jeanne 0. Carr, in Ilural Fress.
Going to Heaven Barefooted.
During the pioneer days of Iona, the town
had an editor who wa3 patient and long suffer
ing. Some of the members of the church got
him to give twenty dollars toward securing a
mlnisier; then they wanted five dollars for the
heathen; then they wanted their religions no
tices inserted free; then he was asked for
twenty-five dollars towards helping to build a
parsonage, and he finally found he was giving
the church more than he give bis family. He
ncverthehss "hung on" lor a time longer, or
until one evening he went to prayer meeting
and was asked to leave his office for a
week and go and help and clear the grounds
for a camp meeting. Thafwas the last straw,
anil no roso up and said:
"Gentlemen, I'd like to go to heaven. I
know you all. You are clever and obliging,
and kind and tender, and it would be nice for
all of us, as a congregation, to go together,
but I've concluded to leave you and dodge in
along with somebody from Detroit, Grand
Itipids, or Lapeer. It's money, money,
money, all the time, and if my wife should die,
she'd have to go to heaven barefooted 1"
The congngation seemed to realize that a
free horse was being rode to death. They let
up on the editor and pacified him. He even
had a special tent assigned him at the camp
meeting, and' all was well. Ex.
Care for Daughters.
Would you Rhow yourself really good to yonr
daughters? Then be generous to them in a
truer sense than that of heaping trinkets ou
their necks. Train them for independence first,
and then labor to give it to them. Let them,
as soon as ever they are grown up, have some
little money, or means of making money, to
be their own, and teach them how to deal with
it, without needing (.very moment somebody to
help them. Calculate what jou give them or
will bequeath to them, not. as is usually done.
on the chances of their making a rich uiur'iage,
but on the probability of their remaining sin
gle, and nocording to the scale of living to
which you have accustomed them. Suppress
their luxury now if need be, but do not leave
them with scarcely bare necessaries hereafter,
in striking contrast to their present home.
Above all, help them to help themselves. Fit
them to be able to add p their own means
rather than to bo forever pinching and econo
mizing tin ineir minus are narrowed ana tnelr
ht aits are sick. Give all the culture you can
to every power which they may posses.'. If
they should n arry alter all, they will be the
huppkr nod the betttr for it. If they should
remain among tho million of the unmarried,
they will bless you iu jour grave, and say of
you, what cannot be said of many a doting
parent by his surviving child, "My father
cared that I should bo happy after his death as
well as while I was his pet and his toy."
Choosino a Mate. Many of our correspond
ents solicit information as to the bo-t way to
ohoose husbauds; and, on the other hand,
many of Uiosm whose destiny it probably is to
be chosen as husbands, anxiously inquire how
they shall ohoose wives. Of one thing the
girls may be sure, and that is, that the young
men who make the bet sons and brothers will
also muko the best husbands. And the young
men may bo equally sure that those girls who are
the best daughters and sisters, will also, as n
rule, be tho btst wives. If a joung man, bo
foru be is married, is destitute of those nftVc
tions and principles which come out of filial
obtdiencoand fraternal oourtrsy and a con
trolling sense of duty, he will be equally desti
tute of them alter ho is marritd. The mere
fact of wedlock will not change the fundamental
principles of his nature. He will be essentially
the same human being after marriage or, at
leist, afler thehonoymoon that he was before
it, Tho same principles bold true in regtrd to
women. She who is selfish, and vain,
aud idle, nnd deceitful, as a girl, will be
pretty apt to be the curse of the man who mar
ries her. While the girl who is dutiful to her
parents, nnd industrious, aud unselfish, aud
truthful, will be utmost certain to be a blessing
to him who gets her for n wife. In addition to
nil this, it is of the first importance that a
proper physiological and mental adaptation be
secured. Herald of Health.
Jealousy is at once the meanest and the
most unacoouutable of vices. What belongs to
us we shall hive inevitable ; and what we want
aud have not, we shall never win by unreason.
If we are lovely, we shall be loved, and if we
are uulovoly, we shall uot bo loved, no matter
whether any other takes our place or not.
Jealousy of tbo wealth, the social importtnee,
or the happiuesa of others is alike unaccount
able aud absurd. Your own house is not lowlier
btcause your neighbor's is two stories highor.
If he should fail, and have to give up his car
riage, it would only crowd the omnibus a little
more, and by no means provide you with a
vehiole. What is it iu human nature that makes
our poor fare seem poorer because our neigh
bor is eating roast duck and drinking cham
pagne? To envy the love bestowtd upon an
other is equally idle. Hearts keep their ao
counts usually with very tolerable fairue-s. We
shall receive that of which we are woithy no
more aud what is our own, by virtue of our
desert, no (ate can take away.
Oahdin Gates. We notice in many parts of
the city that the gates of some of our promi
nent citizens are in such poor repair that it
ollen rt quires a young lady on one side and a
gentlemau on the other to hold them up. We
would euggt at that on these damp evenings it
would be a far better idea to take the gate into
the parlor and hold it up there. Taunton
Ant dog in good condition will easily make
bis five miles in progressing one; the youth
may be equally prodigal, but the time will
come, In every man s life, when he will feel
that henceforward every mile must couut one,
in the straight and dusky pike-road toward the
Boaaow.a. There la a man in Nebraska
who isn't being worried to death by people who
want to borrow his wheelbarrow. Ilia farm is
six mile equate, aud hi house is aet three
miles back from the road.
Yi-tci. Bulphuret of silver is imbedded in
the solid quartz, and the shining uitial is only
brought forth after muoh labor: so the virtue
of people is ouly made apparent by their
struggle w tu auvriy.
Apologies Not Needed.
Everybody knows that window panes will
grow dingy, that dust will accumulate, that the
faces of little children, like their clothes, have
a natural affinity for dirt, that all clothes will
wear out, that paint is sure to be finger
marked, that china will get chipped, and that
it is simply impossible to keep everything in
perfect order ail the time. Nevertheless, we
are all continnn'ly apologizing for omissions,
negligences and errors which cannot be
avoided, and which would not be noticed, per
haps, if attention were not called to them by
ill-timed apologies.
It is refreshing to go into the houses of our
friends and see things a little topsy-turvy, and
be assured by what we see that "we are all
mortal, and only what is common has hap
pened to us;" that just when company comes
our hostess has nothing cooked; that children
usually quiet and orderly, when animated by
the presence of visitors, "show off" to the
greatest possible disadvantage, and thus that
other people have their trials as well as we
ours, and that the difference between these and
thoBe is quite trivial. On the other hand it is
really depres-ing to come across a woman who
always, under all circumstances and on all
occasions, is ready for company, on whose
ceilings spiders never bang their webs, behind
whose furniture dust never bides, whose closets
and drawers and trunks, being thtown wide
open at any moment, show only orderly inte
riors. Let the language be obanged a little;
if such a woman could be found it would be
discouraging to persons of ordinary feelings.
While she had been polishing her silver,
notching her shelf paper, fluting her pillow
shams, adjusting the position of easy chairs
and ottotuons, and brushing away the last sug
gestion of dust from the mantel piece, possibly
it might appear that she had not had time to
glance at the latest discoveries in science, to
enjoy the 1 ist new poems in our leading maga
zines, to kindle her patriotism afresh by read
ing aocouuts of the Centennial celebration,
and that she is by no means a leader in the lit
erary and intellectual world.
Should she apologize for this? By no means.
Let her be happy, if thus it must be, with only
housekeeping, and let her sister, who loves
something else better than painful domestic
neatness, rejoice without envy in that some
thing better. It is much the wiser and nobler
way to pass the little things for which apolo
gies are made in silence, and to lead, if pos
sible, the minds of visitors not toward hut
away from those things which suggest apolo
gies. Tho habitual apologist is invariably
weak in mind or body and frequently in both.
V. r. Tribune.
Marrying Without Love.
Many a young lady writes to say that she has
had an advautageoua offer of marriage. The
man who has made It is of exemplary charac
ter; he is well off in this world's goods, is
engaged in a profitable and reputable business,
and there is no particular reason why she
should not accept his proposal; but she does
not love him. In our judgment that is reason
enough. We do not believe in marriage with
out love. Respect is all very well, and that
one should have anyway; but It does not take
the place of affection. It is said that in Elich
matches love comes after marriage. We have
no doubt that it often does. But we think
love should precede as well as follow matri
mony. It is always liable to happen to one
who has never lovd. But suppose, subse
quent to marriage, it is awakened for the first
time in a wife, and the object happens to be
other than the husband what then? This
is a contingency not pleasant to contempl ite.
No; if you do not love, then do not marry.
Singleness is blessedness compared to marriage
without efftcticn. The connubial yoke sits
easy on the shoulders of love; but it is most
galling without this one and only sufficient
Cobbect Speakino. We advise all young
people to acquire the habit of correct speaking
and writing, and to abandon as early
as possible any use of slang words or phrases.
The longer you live, the more difficult the ac
quirement of correct language will bo; and if
the golden age of youth, tho proper reason for
the acquisition of language, be passed in abuse,
the unfortunate victim, if neglected, is very
properly doomed to talk slang for life. Money
is unnecessary to procure this education.
Every man has it in his power. He has merely
to use the language which he reads, iustead of
the slang which he hears; to form his tastes
from the best speakers and poets in the coun
try; to treasure up choice phrases in his mem
ory and habituate himself to their use, avoid
ing at the same time that podautio precision
and bombast which shows the weakness of
vain Ambition, rather than the polish of an
educated man.
Ideal and Beal. Plato said that ull things
existed in the ideal world before they were
formed iu the material world; that the ideal
was tho real, and the material the transitory,
Aristotle said that if law governed the mass,
it must also exist in the atom that if deduction
showed order and system, the same principle
must prevail to the opposite or indnctive end
of the pole, and on these premises the philos
opher founded his classification of the animal
kingdom in order, genera and species.
Life is made np of little things. The greater
misfortune troubles us least. A man will gen
erally show more of his evil nature at the ab
sence of a button'off his shirt-bosom than at
the loss of bis finest horse, and will probably
endure it less manfully. The field of experience
is broad, and covers the world; but the most
severe tests greet us first, aud happy is he who
can achieve the mastery over the things which
are Bmall, for he then is sure of the mastery
over himself.
No man can do an unmanly thing without
indicting au iujury on the whole human race.
No man can say, "I oan do as I ohoose, nnd it
will be nobody's business 1" Everyman' sin
is everybody's business literally. Every sin
shakes men's confidence in men, and becomes,
whatever its origin, the enemy of mankind;
and all mauktud have a right to make common
causa iu its extermination.
Tbebk is a horrible picturesqueness in the
reported discovery of the body of John
Blackford, the American actor, who lost bis life
three years ago in attempting the ascent of
Mont Blanc. It was found in a huge block of
ice which lately fell from the mouutaiu, per
fectly preserved, like a fly in amber.
As the ships comes aeross the seas from for
eign lauds, bearing their rich freightage of
silks, and sploe and precious things, ao do the
days oome tu us vesnels from heaven's ports,
full of the richest and rarest blessing and
treasure from the heavenly land.
Hand Latum. Thote who use hand lathes
will find that the clattering of the band tool
may be slipped by placing a pleoe of leather
between th tool aud tha real.
Six Milwaukee women agreed to decide by
vote which had the handor-t baby. Each
baby got one vote.
Old Dutch Proverbs.
We must row with the oars we have; and as
wa cannot order the wind we are obliged to sail
with the wind that God gives.
Patience and attention will bring us far. If
the cat watches long enough at the mouse nest,
the mouse shall not escape.
Perseverance will obtain good cabbage and
lettuce where otherwise nothing but thistles
will grow.
The plowman must go np and down, and
whatever else may be done, there is no other
but this long way to do the work well.
Learn to sleep with one eye open. As soon
as the chicken goes to roost, it is a good time
for the fox.
If weary with waking, yonr portion will soon
be meager.
Fools will always aak what time it is, but
wise men know their time.
Grind while the wind is fair, and if you
neglect, do not oomplain of God's providence.
God gives feed to every bird, but he does not
bring it to the nest; in like manner he gives ns
our daily bread, but by means of our daily
Bise early, then the fisherman finds his
The dawn of the day has gold in its mouth.
He that lags behind in a road that many are
driving always will be in a cloud of dust.
Fowls and Vegetables in the Olden Time.
To Asia, and probably India, 'where wild
rhickeos vet abound under the desisraation of
jungle fowl, the English owe their domestic
poul'ry The distribution of thla useful bird
is strangely irregular. Throughout the negro
kingdoms of West Africa, for instance, fowls
are p'eutiful, while in more civilized Abyssinia
and ArnbU they are comparatively scarce.
Persia aboi n Is in poultry, while in Turkey
few domes' io birds, except the sacred pigeons,
ate to hi seen. To Asia, too, belong the fal
low deer aDd the gorgeons peacock, while to
her, also, we owe all our vegetables, with the
brilliant exception of the potato. It is impos
sible to conceive the poverty, bo far as veg
etables were concerned, of the England that
passed nnder the Bway of Norman and Ange
vine kings. Some hardy varieties of the cab
bige did indeed exist, and were supplemented
by long forgotten herbs, which have since been
deemed only suitable to the rabbit hutch. The
peas and beans brought in by returning Cru
saders were presently eked out by oarrots; but
down to the reign of Elizabeth the garden
yielded little tribute to the kitchen in Britain.
Nzws fbom Abroad. Nature, a weekly
journal of science published in London, cen
tal us a lecture delivered at the London Zoolog
ical Gardens, by J, C. Clarke, on sea lions aud
seals, in which the following accurate passage
occurs: Tue next Bpecies is atelier s sea lion
(0. Slelleri), named in honor of its discoverer,
it is much larger than the other species, the
males being as much as sixteen feet long. The
ears are short and pointed, much broader than
those of the fur seal. It is found on the island
of St. Paul, extending dowu the coasts of Kam
echatka and California. At San Francisco it
inhabits an island in the harbor, where Mr
Woodford has built a large hotel, to which
parties resort to dine and look at the sea lions
play. The under fur of this species is so short
as to be useless for clothing purposes.
Gibls, let us tell you a stubborn trnth. No
young worn in ever looked so well to a sensible
man, as when dressed in neat, plain, modest
attire, without a single ornament about her
person. She looks then as though she pos
sessed worth in herself, and needed no arti
ficial rigging to enhance her value. If n
young woman would spend as much time in
cultivating her temper, aud cherishing kind
ness, meekness, gentleness, mercy aud other
qualities, as most of them do iu extra dress
and ornaments to increase their personal
charms, the would, nt a glance, be known
among a thousand. Her character would be
read in her countenance.
Male convicts in our j tils and prisons con
stantly receive lttters and visits from their
wives, but when a female convict receives 'a
letter from her husband, the circumstance is
mentioned as remarkable, it is so rare.
Abtibts. Snsan B. Anthony says that there
ASA fiflfl DUD nrnf. asinnfll ilrnnlriitrla in iha
. , ,-. w.. . .w... ... ......, Bu ...
United States, and that one woman in seven
teen is murrieu to bucu an unisi. one wouta
never do it hersilf, though.
The heart of man is like a garden capable
of producing, under good culture, everything
beautiful in humanity, while if neglected, it is
choked np with every kind of rank and poison
ous weeds.
Death. Tho fear of approaching death,
which in youth we imagine most cause much
inquietnde, to the aged is very seldom the
Bource of uneasiness. Jlaslitt.
Befaibiko Bubbebs. Bubber, or even
leather boots, may be repaired by UBing the
following cement : Take gum shellae three parts,
india rubber one part, by weight. Dissolve
these ingredients in separate vessels, in ether
free from alcohol, applying a gentle heat.
When tho oughly dissolved, mix the two solu
tions, and keep in a bottle tightly stoppered.
This glue resists the action of water, both hot
and cold, and most of the acids and alkalies.
Pieces of wood, leather, or other substances,
joined together by it, will part at any other
poiut than at the joint thns made. If the glue
be thiuned by the admixture of ether, and ap
plied as a varnish to leather, it renders the
joint of seam water tight, and almost impossi
ble to sep irate. By cementing a piece of tbin
leather or tubber over a crack, a neat and dura
ble patch may be made. The soles of leather
boots may be made more durable and perfectly
waterproof by soaking them thoroughly, before
a fire, with common pine tar. Three or four
repeated applications are necessary to saturate
the leather, when it completely absorbs U
tar, and the soles are dry and hard a horn,
but quite flexible.
Disiass Pboof Potatoes. A committee of
the Boyal Society of Englsnd reports that six
varieties of potatoes entered for experiment as
disease proof, and plant-d in twenty ttitl plots
in different parts of the United Kingdom, have
all failed to stand the test. The council bad
reserved the power to enforce n penalty of 20
in each case ol failnre, bnt the committee re
commended that this penally be not enforced.
Professor de Bsry, in a communication to the
eommittee, claims to have ascertained defi
nitely that this disease is not propagated by
infected tuber. He recommends that pota
toes be not planted near or after plants known
to be suitable to the development of
oospores of the Ftronospora intstans Dept
of Ag.
Rapid Wobk. John Adt, an ingenious
inventor of New Haven, Conn,, has invented
and is now manufacturing a machine which
will cut, bend aud finish 500 stsples a minute.
It will take but few inch machiue to make all
tha staples seeded in the country.
Yodfq Polks' CoLilpfl.
Work for it.
Boys want to be rich, great, or good, without
working for it. Tbey think that learned,
wealthy, and influential men are very fortu
natethat they have easily slipped into their
respective spheres. They soarcely ever think
that by hard work and dint of perseverance
most of these men have risen to their present
portions. Idlers never rise in the world. God
does not reward lazioesB by "riches and
honor." God did not make man to be useless
and live at ease and reap withont sowing.
When farmers can cow and reap on the same
day, nnd trees blossom and yield fruit the same
day, and not until then, can boys hope to
become men of marked influence and acquisi
tion without working for it.
A splendid carriage rolls along the street.
Boys look at it, and say to themselves, "He's a
fortunate man: what an easy time he hast
Some day we may have a windfall and not be
obliged to work for a living." Tbey scarcely
dream that the occupant of that costly vehicle
was probably onoe a poor boy, who worked
hard many years, winning the confidence of
all around him-by his industry, integrity and
noble bearing. Had he been as idle and loose
as many boys are, he would not have owned
the carriage nor have been a millionare. Many
years of earnest toil, struggling to overcome
obstacles, practicing the most rigid economy,
and bravely holding out against great discour
agements is the secret of hiB success.
Daniel Webster could make a great speech.
Boys heard him, and said, "What a giftl How
fortunate he is to possess such talents 1" The
thought hardly entered their heads that hard
work enabled him to do it. The first time he
undertook to declaim in a school room he
broke down. But perpevering industry over
came all obstacles. By hard study year after
year, and equally diligent practice, he became
the distinguished orator. Take away a quarter
of a century from his life, in which he carefully
qualified himself for his profession, having no
idle hours, and no "bed of down," and the
world would have not known Daniel Webster.
Boys should not forget this. He conld make, a
great speech becanse he worked for it.
Boys, it is a good inle that nothing valuable
in this world can be had without working for
it. And the time to begin work is now. Ex.
I'll Tar, Sib. We have stood on the frown
ing hights of Chippewa, and viewed, with na
tional pride, the field of that sanguinary con
flict. But moat vivid amidst all the associations
of the place of more grandeur than the roar
ing cannon or the desperate charges of the
contending armies was the reply of the gal
lant Miller when asked if he could tnke a cer
tain battery. "I'll try, sirl" said the brave
young officer. He did try, and his efforts
crowned with success the results of the day.
"I'll try 1" Noble motto, that. Let it be en
graven in letters of gold on every yonns man's
brow. How many need its inspiring influence,
its grand philosophy 1 "I'll try 1" said Simp
son, as he worked at the weaver's loom, and he
brcame the greatest mathematician of the day.
"I, too, will try," said Bobert Bruce, us he lay
despairing on the road to kingly destiny, and
beheld a spider, after repeated failures, at last
attain its desired success. He tried, and the
crown of Scotland was the result. "I'll try I"
is tne motto oi alt otners. Journal of Trade.
A Jolli Game. "Blowing cotton" is a
sitting room game of the jolliest sort. Let as
many aB may be sit around the table with bands
folded and arms extended along the edge of the
table, each person touching eibnws with his
neighbor on each Bide of him. Take a small
piece of common cotton batting, picked up so
as to be made as light and airy as possible.
Put this iu the center of the table. Let some
one count "one, two, three," aud then let each
one blow his best to keep the cotton away from
himself and drive it upon some one else. The
person on whom it alights must pay a forfeit.
No one mu-t take up his arms to o-caD0 the
cotton. When it alights, take it up and start
anew, it win uo u very aouer set inaeea wno
can play two or three rounds without uidultrincr
iu the healthiest sort of uproarious lnugbter.
A Sweet Answeb. A little boy and girl,
each five years old, were playing by the road
side. The little boy became angry at some
thing, and struck his playmate a sharp blow on
the cheek, whereupon she sat down and began
to cry.
The boy stood looking on a minn'e, and then
said, "I didn't mean to hurt you, Katie. I am
The little girl's face brightened instantly.
The sobs were hushed, and she said, "Well, if
you are sorry, it don't hurt me."
Leatherette. This new pateut imitation
of leather, which has already been fully de
scribed, is alluded to in a late number of the
British Trade Journal, as follows:
Specimens of leatherette, a capital imitation
of leather, have been submitted to ns during the
past month, and make evident that some im
provements have been effected in the manu
facture which seem to justify further notice.
Briefly then, this leatheret e is now dyed
throughout, the surface representing with
wonfierful fidelity the natural grain of leather
is more defined, and while the fabrio baa been
strengthened, greater softness and a more
leather-like feeling have been imptried to it
It is thus admirably fitted for use by book
binders, and in many trades which have re
course to what we may term fancy leather,
A T7nvrr.pr tw nnwiutv.!,. C -. t
Munich vaiious objects of art have lately been
displayed which are remarkable for their bril
liant silver hue. It appears that tbey are mere
piaster uicueis covered wiin a tnin cot or mica
powder, which perfectly replaces the ordmary
metallio substances. The mica plates are first
cleaned and bleached by fire, boiled in hydro
chloric acid, and washed and dried. The
mateiial is then finely powdered, sit ed, and
mingled with collodion, which serves as a
vehicle for applying the compound with a paint
brush. The objects thus prepared can be
washed in prater, and are pot liable to be
injured by sulphuretted gases or dust. The
collodion adheres perfectly to glass, porce
lain. vnAit. niAtal nr mnt ni.) mL- ,.
can be easily tinted in different colors, thus
auuiukj u uiu uc-mj oi me ornamentation,
Intebxational Skd Postaoc. For the bene
fit of those who may wish to order or to send
seed through the postoffice to Canada, we
wonld state that our international postal ar
rangements enable the sending of seed parcels
throughout the dominion of Can id a and
United States of America, at the rate of one
cent for two ounces, (8 oents per pound.)
prepaid postage.
Bendino vs. Foaonto. It is now possible by
the aid of hydraulic machinery to bend iron
shafts of twelve inches diameter, when properly
heated, to any required shape. The beut shafts
are said to be better than forged ones, from the
fact that the fibre of the metal runs in one di
rt etion continually, whereas io forged ones it is
often aeross the line of strain.