:- i xmu -u,m.t-v r-J : A Four-Page Supplement Tjdth.the Farmer this Week, r&'a-..M51J-il 3hMfcS5s.' ' V.QH C - oa..cEEn - - - - . -- -- r . -. 1 yNaiJ j&? cs jli1 y'? l' ''J ' 'iss'KfeS& H ) -r. .. -M Mlii iHs&fwid & 6nH Wnr iFvV7-!1 i n i i i j $3.00 per Year, in Advance. SALE AT, OREGON, JULY 23, 1875. Volumo VII. Number 23. 3 School Talk Papefs-Xo. 2. t Mr. Editor: Do not understand that I am (opposed to teaching ln-Qtit,'''trtiWlo schools higher thanthoetomeutoryoi'aiiehes. Indoed 1 am very tunes, lu favor of high schools supported by the public where our youth can obtain the highest and finest possible cultivation mS education. Btit we want the elementary 'tost, thoroughly, and all the time spent in attempting more until that Is accomplisuct la surely wastod. rne course j ot study lnour publlo scboels should com prise reading, arithmetic, through the practi cal, together with mental 'arithmetic, spell ing and 'defining, writing, book-keeping, geography, practical grammar, history and'; government of our country, physiology, music anj drawing. Kvcrystudy here nnm sd Ia.df ralue, practically-speaking, and pu pils carefully taken over these subjects dur ing n-period of seven orsiight years of school work,".ie prepared to meet every requlre ruenfflt a business life 'education. If mere 1s desired by any they have a substantial foundation already commenced and can"cn ter tho high schools or '"University and build upont to any altitude they may desire. In all cakes where elornerttary and high school .stndk-3 are taught 'by the same teacher promiscuously in the esme room all in the same day Jor a week, tenth, quarter oryear there is unquestionably a waste of time and labor. The waste arises from Imported teaching. Young men and ladies fresh'from College like to teacu'hlgh branches. They taketnore Interest In -those than they do in tho"Crst branches and tbo most Important. When I hear a teacher soy "I have Classes In reading, elocution, rhetoric, philosophy, lgei,ra and geometry, lam teaching 'U the cmin'.ry, have about thirty scholar. My school is very ictereotiug." 1 always feel sorry. It may be Interesting to hlm-nnd a fewcf the largest pupils, but I pity iho little fellows. Those in tin? first, second and third readers. If be bestwa equal alteration to all lio is spreading out his teaching until it Is so tbinvhat a sheet of tfeouo paper is a'blankut compared to it. He Is wasting the valuable time of both the Inrgor and smaller pupils. He cannot advance thorn permanently. It is a' literal iinpossibity. If this meets tbo eye of any teacher in a mixed school in tho oouutry who has clssscs In those studies, or any of the blither mien, I ask him to please talio them back twenty pages in rboir book, and see how much tbsy know In an off hand examination. I recommend teachers to try this. Here is a qealiou I wihh to ask.: It a boy 01 girl knows nothing about grammir, is a poor rader and speller, can scarcely wri'e'a letter of tho simplest kind, and N studying alyebra, what earthly object can he haio for studying algebra under thoe circuicatancps? It uould seem propoa'eious to a fanner for a maffCo say he could plow Hilton acres of land iu a day with a single team and plow, whon it is a well known fact that ouellfth oj that amount mall that could be done well in that time. The farmer would at once bay, "Impowiblt ! it can't bedonp. Il he attempts finch a thing hh plowing iw ill be shallow, a gnat deal of the ground will bo enthely itilsst d, the roods of tho weeds will not be cui, arid the tnt-IV .planted -elfer suUi culltxii tion will 1 1 chutied by drou h aud thr." Tiio saie,v iruitul ttiluculnu. In our pub liuiHhoolu, and nmnv of I no pr'Mvte intuitu tl.tn, ao RiucU Is undertaken; a great deal ol the ground Is skipped ovor, shallow vork ii dono to Bt through, t.a.ily iuiierffA;t torching IK par (ornod, and the need hOiMi are choked to dentil by error, Pi pi a slujy with system, reolto without 8.VbU:ii, andeolnlobiiiuei.s with no delloiu plan if aotiou in their minds, const qtiently perforoi their life labors unnywieumtloally school boards. Teachers are not i ways com petent Judges of what should be, and what should not be omitted. Tiny often have hobbles which they ride to the lastinglnjury of their classes. One tmoheir loves arrtthme- tio, thinks it the most Important eludy in school, devoting his nest energies to th it subject, carrying bin classes over It like a whirlwind, diving d.own to Che very bottom of very principle, no matter Ufc deep It may be or bow until the minds of tils pupils are to grasp it, spooding roluaWe'Sme on a Honseless problem. In compound iproportion, square or cube reel, alligation alternate, stock Investments, or tpeometrieal progression, that perhaps not one iu ten of his class will ever llnd any use for, wore theyable to understand it, while he negjtects 'grammar, scarcely no tices geography, ullgbw reading, motions at spelling, shuns defining, lets writing and composition paoannhemied by, never dreams of oral lessons, pormlte morals and manners, history and government, together with gen eral itiformattau pass uniieaded to the fu ture Inr bit pupils to nd after years of prac tical lite have taught them what they most need. The fifctue can bo said of other teachers in reference to all the other branches taught In our schools. This 'wHEtn is far more prev alent than (a generally supposed, needing careiui auootion ana prompt correction. Mere anon. TiiEoiiAtn. jind wastel half tbelr days In caiting abum Jrom;o3 thiqgilo another. The other day I heardja jrouug aiau nay, "I bate dropped my ducatiou and eons to farming." 1h had ispent several years a- hard Htudout in east .ern coIIoko. What a lamentable waste! To drop his education when ho vnt to fanning! As though a bmier .should have no edueitton! Ifolwol; Miss Mary J, Jory, Awistant South MUSIXCS. Theymiy rati atrhin life- Irom tho honr I began It. 1 mniKllta life fnlWif klndncratind bllsr; Ant, until they show 01" bhiiio litpplur plaurt. Mure social and bright, I'll content roe with tblr. This is a beautiful world! Overflowing with goodnosp, fall of joy, and abounding lu the richest blessings of'Ood, if we would hut make it such. It is a sal truth that ma ny human beings are so constituted that they cannot either comprehend or appreciate the merits of the world in whloh they exist. How admirably and fitly is everything adapted to its own peculiar circumstances in liio. from the supreme outline of tho hu man form to tho minutest insect. Uow noble! how iinmemet how inimitable, are the works of the great Creator! Man in his GOon.Nusa is a being of God-like attrac tions; and yet almost as wq come into tho world we depart, leaving our lessons half U'llearned, Whon tho genu oi life oxpands aud we leap Into existence, and the morning which gladdens the sunny days of childhood opens tip that grand vista through which wo are to trael in life, ere our sun has reached its zenith we ollun taslo tho bitter fruits of disappointment. Am we advance, leaping ravines, crossing parched deerl, clambering rocky declivi ties, too soon, alas! we find that our day is far xpent, as the Iengthoniug shadows show that tho sun is declining, and tho twilight already dims the sienes around us. We soo ambillouu youths developing Into manhood; who ex pi ct to glide liko a beautiful doam through tho ruu'ged paths of lite. What if they will not lake our advice or eperibticoT Let us wish thim suecom and all the pleasure they can ilml. We know that many of their-prnndost f ebonies and highest ambition will 'never, nover, be re ul'td; that their loudest hopes will be blasted; their hearts will he sickened by ialsa (re-jilsbip, and many of 'them will find premature kxuvo ouihl tha bursting bub b es of tbelr eager desirsn. I!ui let us cheer ibem out into tho open saa of llf-, and pot miko 'thoni unhappy by foreshadow Imr tho future, for If they only hive pure motives and honont hearts they will outridu the storms ot life, vvheu they will hear a weicolnu voico saytDg, " Poao?, bo still." GAiiiutu Milveiton, Oregpn, July 18 h., 1S75. From Umatilla County. Birch CHkkk, July 10th, 1875. Mn. Kditok: Seeing that my subscription to the Farmer has expired, and not feeling willing to be deprived of the valuable Infor mation contained in the paper, you will find enclosed money for another year's subscription. This is a mild climato, much good soil, and a fine grazing country with abundant oppor tunities for engaging in many profitable enterprises. And yet wo don't find more tban one man in ten that seemi to bo se'ttled, and content, but who are anxious to sell out, tako other claims, rr leave tbe country. They aro be coming impationt to got rich, by sharp trad ing, and stock raising. Indeed, this stock btisinosa, though rather pleasant aud profit able, has u demoralizing influence ovor both youug and old. Wo carao hore, however, to advance the cause of education, and good moral.", and tlud plenty of hard work to do, yet we do not complain, aswo havo a good .school at the forks of the' Creek, and second to none in the county, and preaching th:oe Sabbaths in each month. We desire and ex I pect a large immigration of good citizens to sottlo up the couutry and help to make socie ty what it should be. There is but one drawback to tbo prosperity of the county, and that is tbe presence of Indians. They are a nuitiance, and hold tho best part of the county from settlement, and any man iu Congress, or out of it, that oould be instru mental in removing thorn, would havo the lasting gratitude of all good citizens. Wo hod a spirited celobration at Pendleton, on tho 5th; oraliou by Prof. Ayiold, and the pluguulies were out In full unttorm. Mer cury W) to 10J. S. Simpson, Pilot llock. Wanderers Come Back. The Walla Walla Union of last Sttnrday Bays; "uu last Wednesday a tram or nail a dozen wagous, containing (anilllos, passed tlirogh town on their way to Ibe neighbor hood of Dayton in this county. Some of these familew havo lived in that neighbor ticoi, but, becoming dissatisfied with tbo country, started in search of a better ono last fall, about the time Mr. Kyger and othnrs left horH tor Los Aniieles. The v wont through .Southern Idaho, Nevada, and traveled nil over Aiizona. Finding noibing to suit them, they turned in the dlieutlou ot Califorult, urospetnod that Slate quite thor oughly os lar hi uth San Luis. Not finding tbe p'aca tboy were hunting for. and when fboy did find a placo that suited Ilium, lind being irntn $."0 to JlflO por acre, thoy conclu ded that a man h,d no business there unless he already had a fortune, so thoy turned northward again. They oainethroituh North ern California thiough Kast'irn Oregon, by nay of Klamath f.akoand the Upper John D.iy'sronnlry. and tiimllv concluded that tbo lst ilce 'Jiev know nnvthinir about wuh their old home Walla Wn'lia valley." PASSENQSR LI3T. STATS NEWS. The Albany Democrat will soon be printed by water power. The enterprising citizens of Amity have organlznd a military company called the Yamhill Guard. The clerk of Clackamas county has made Ins annual exhibit, showing receipts from all sources during the past year 810,343-11; amount disbursed, $3Q,4M DO. Sheriff Rice, of Linn county, oilers f 300 re ward tor tho apprehension of the thief and tbe recovery of all the money stolen from the sale of the county clerk on the 22d of June- last. ' ; Two of Alvin Rrown's childreu, at Forost Grove, one five years old and the other four teen months old, died of dinlheria ou Sun day night within an hour of each other 'after a week's illness. The Hlllsboro Indtltpendcnt of tho 15th says: T. H. Tongue's barn, on theS.P. Taylor osrale, which ho had lately bought, burnotl down on Wednesday the 7th Insst. just alter noon, -Tho barn was worth about 300. The cause of the tiro Is not kuown. Tho Albany Jewoci-otsays: A young man named Welger, ot Harrlstmrt: nroclnct. this county, met with qulto a severe loss last weeK. a nouse wblcli he had just built and furnished for the occupancy of his young onoH 10 wnnm no was to navo Deen manled in a low days, took fire iu ootno way and was totally destroyed, together w ith lis' contents. The number of marriages soleinnl.od in Yamhill couuty since February 12, 1837, is Xine county treasury receipts during the last fUcal voir, wero 133,013 11, disburse ments, $4S,7!i7 02. Clatsop county has W nohool ohlldron en rolled entitled to $2:17 15 eoln, and J3 70 currenoy, of the State school fund. Tho Courier thinks that, now tho water iu the Yamhill is very low, it would be a good idea to try the blasting process ou soino or the'rocka which obstruct navigation. Farmers from up White anif nuwnmlsli rivers, Puget Sound, report that the potato crop will be very light by reason of blight and worms. The Meascvycr says: The spring wheat in Polk couuty, sown late, is sull'arimr for want of rain. The fall and early spring sowlnL; Is very good. Tho wool market at Tho Utiles, says tho Joiotfaiucrr, is rather heavy, the prices rang ing troui 17 to I0i cents per pound. We fear someot the wool buyers will baldly get oven on their purchases. At a mooting ot insslois of Granges for ThiuAtun county, hsldon the loth, Master U 0. Abbott, ot Ulympia Orango, was oloc'ed lo represent that counlv tu ilio State Grui ce, lu bt, help hi forilaud, Oregon, lu September The O. S. S. Co.V stf.amer AJax sailed from Sau Frauoisuo for Portland Saturday afternoon at the usual hour with tho iollow ing list of vahsunoKiis: Oapf Jocelyn, U S A, Mrs A ft njgorton&ch. JVrn t;arson, Joseph Field, S WnllrlentlMlcr, W N Ilortou, H A Abbey. Count PnrdsllnB, J I) Ali-fully, A K QuImi. Dr P I) Oiltner, w L'tiiver, Sallin Woodwnrlh, N H Allen & wifn, iv auson, A J Anderson, Mrs U K f'arponfor, W V (!oeiiia:), W K Mould, Wui Jill ksOtl, U UiKStnv, Dr J t Gilmer, N C Martin. S If Jolmson it wl', Public Schools of Salem. Anuther wisteisiu IcAobing unimportant ihinga. Most of our text-books contain too much natter that Is not practical, lumbering the child's memory vrith unimportant matter to the exclusion of that w bleb la beneficial and useful. They should be cut down, many of thtm, lo half Oieir size, oiJly the -yry esetice reUlned and taught. TtHithtjre should uso great caro in th!a tllscrlmlnalion, waking uaeof good couiinot. kt'isa aud Judg ment, in wiltc'iug that which U irost linjror tint. In ditr"ts containing n')?rsf."ininb6r or sclllil ntit!dr-r, II.im ruttltifc "'rii 'iimvms in Ma ou: u iaielLytut aitii titcuh Tho Directors have decided to havo the Public Schools of this city properly graded for auolhor year, aud have devoted consid erable time to the sut'not this week. The appointments oi teachers fortbe vearto come luivo brt'ii inado as follows: J, T. Gregg, Priuclpil K-tntUalom school; II. G. Morris, Priucipal North Salem school; A. W. Lock hart, Principal South Salem school: Mish Clara A. Watt, Assistant East Salem school; miss Ida uutton, Assistant north Salem ;hrtu) Salem school: Mrs. L. G. Adair. HIsherDa paruueut Central school; Mrs. Nellie Curl, AasUtant Central school; Miss M. E. Smith, Primary Department Central school; Misa Zllphi Raymond, Asalstant aat Salem school. Ti,EAfANT Hiw. Sfiioot The following persons are entitled to tbo roll of honor who j.lwi bcibool at Pleasant ilfll during the iti "in liouluulng April llHh, und ending July 9.h, JS7J Mary" L, Humphreys, Mry C. Hunt, Julia Clymsr, Kugono Clymer, Kriima Miller, Fraucis P.'lon, ,Ltir Perin, Chaw. ,Vsrrfl,nVilJIfti,iTi.omaSKidTl)qmas Jones. Niimlyrn.' puiilU ca-'Wlw!, -1,1; averugeat lt,Ui.U'ib,3i. " CilAI V7. SllAXT. J W HCarhonk wt.Vcb, Mr M Haines Aich, MrShr.riiiitn .fJolin, KF Smith te wile, Mrs-It MthtliiYiiuliD. Lnke WlllmrnH. Mth S Plmr &. oh, Win NwhIhv ,t wife, Miss Al Xicliolan, fa pi Gwi I'opeA party. Crazy Doinos M. J. A. Pruott, SherlO of Umatilla, was, iu Icmn Monday, having come down with Geo, W. Moore, an insane palient, who behaved very well nil tho way down until this side tho Dilles he hpcarno il luminated with an Idea and threw over board tbe valise of Sheriff Pruett, and also the baggage of Ir. J, C. Andrews, who was also along as guard. Both were thrown off tbelr guard by tbo peaceable conduct of Moore, and at the moment were not looking at him. It was done In an instant, and tbe madman's apology was most poliudy render' ed that he knew tbe valise bad Ibesmall-pox and tbe only way to save the passengers' was to throw them overboard. They were not recovered, as me uoat am not slop to pick them up. ' Amputation Ni-ckssauv, Dr. Chapman of Portland has been summoned to Albany to amputato the Jg of Mr, E Freeland, long time postmaster of Albany, who removed a year or so ago to O.hoco, and wuh tbero ho afflicted vilth rheuinqtlsm that it has; cMised tho amputation of this) limb to bo noces&ary. Mr. I'reeland Is a wosi e!iiuib!e man, and lias Le9ii t great auflVrer, G II. Churchll, of Shoo Fly vh1Io3', elttMt od in tliu eastern portion of Wawo ciitlntv, iiriivml III Tub Dalles oil Weduesriiv uli.1i. 000 pounds of wool, 'lilnti tiosolil for'JO cell's per pound. Uln suuop averaged six pountis of wool per htad. One luimhc dond ninety sboei) weresldp ,)ed iiLOlympia for Victoria on Sunday night last wnik, and 101) on W'ednmibiv. Th.. stoomers also took 31 head of cattle at l'aoon a lor the same noil, on Siindavniiht. and t,i ca-loads (tboiit'JOO head) on Wednesday. The Jacksonville Tonics or lnt Sitnrday say: " A regular youug hurricane, hccoiii paiiiod bv thunder and lightning prevailed infbis legion ou ihb 8ih. The JJeinvuul wivt tho now Farmers' war,. Ihhi.iii ii, t) built aliuigoldo owned bv thi'tii in Albany, will soon l ui.dor way. Messis. lU-icau it Mills havo itio coiiImi'I torthe carpuuler work. Tho building will ho 5081 feet, will contain V2 bins, hiiiJ is siws a s'orsfco capacity oi 150 000 biialu.ls. Froii tho JSultctin: 1), 11, Moore, oi tin) Orciron Ilrass WnriiH Is iHCoioliig lamoiis ijn a MI'foiindor. A lo'v viiHka sb co li cant a Ibui bell ulc the Iliplist Churyu at Tho Da(f, mid now ho iihn jiih jnistioit one ;i,r tho AleihodM Wiur.ui at Union City, Heluhhij; oi(jhl, hun dred jiounds. Thn J)efiocifit says that Mr. Sam, Mo. Mfoltnn, of llafrisbiirg preuiric., has tbrto hitudpd acres hi whiat, oats, und barley, and expn-iH lo hm vest iroui that area six ih'iiisioid bushels of wheat, two thousand five hiiiitlircl of oats, and ono thousand live hundred of barley, iu all ton thousand Lush els. From Ihe Corvallls (iruetlc, ot tho ldlnsl., wo learn of the following nccidenta: On tho 0th of July Mr. KM T. Honkio had his J,tt arm broken, besides receiving othsr Injuries, caused by bis team running away. SohooHng, Oeo. Wool burg, Katie Curtis, Floreuoe llumpbiey and Hurry Macy in' the higher department, and John Cunls, Mary Woolburg, Annie Hon It, Howard Dram well ad Willie Douglas, in the primary, wero placed on tbe roll ot honor. The Jacksonville Heulmel says: Mnssrs, Win. ily boo and John lillgor returned from Oalice creek last Sunday evening, where they nave oeen attending to uusiness m connection with their quartz leads Mr. Dilger's on the Yank ledgo aud Mr. By bee's somo two miles belovv. We uuderstaud thut Mr. Dllger ef fected a consolidation of his and the rlvef cldlin,Hud will commenco taking out ore im mediately to havo woikod In San Frauclsoo, On Friday, the 9th Inst., says tho Poudloton Tribune, the dv oiling house of a Mr, Shep herd living ou or near Wild Horse creek, caught tiro while Mr?. Shrpatd was asleep ami uiis entirely consumed. Sho had been at work qulto hard, and HUn" laid down on u bid t lest n little. How long she slept iff not kuown. btitshq wuh awakened by tlm heat fiom the lire.' Shu sprang up, halt" "sleep as It were, and rnn out ; but as soon as she reached tho open air sho romoiu bered that her littlu child, :t babe about iilnii months old, u.n Inanoltit r rou maalcopalso; und sho was ou the point ol rushing jack In to tho burning building to recuo her little one, when the honsu lull whli lUenibUi cri'sh. The house hor babe otorytLlng was untiro ly consumed. Tho llttlleh'ii says that a Chiuttimn work ing Im the barrel tacloiy six miles below Portland hod one arui literally chopped to pieces by being caught In tho machinery. That paper cays tho Poitlaud merchants have bocoino so excited over the advance on wheat that they keep tho telegraph Hues busy asking questions. Tho town of Jeflnrnou has a whisky shop for the llrsi time in sown yeaia. So tho SlateatautCiniya, tho rate charged for city II ceiisH has been prohibitory, but now tho li cense is lemoved. Tho, hotels at Itosebnrg havo closed on ac count ol heavy city taxes. Tho damsgehv tho Materspont In Umatilla county last week Is estimated at ?lfi,000, The Hosehurg Jnckov Club Is porlVotlng iti nrganistiuou, Tho sum ol fbW nun oeeil sub scribed, Nicholas S. Snyder, son of A- M. Snydor, of Portland, has received Hieappoiulintmlof Xaval cadet at Annapolis, Irom Oregon. Ofllcor Mluto of Salom took dovv n ou Tiles lav fivo porsons arroted for uulling liquor lo Indians. Tho prospects for abundant grain was never bom,r iu I) ml n counl, . Tho Union county lair Is uilvi iiUed In tho S'oifmt, and Irom ibo prograiiuuti it appears that arrntijeiueiiisam pir oo ui by wnioh U will bu made u uiaml succo-s, txx:g TXJiLx Ioir s. crops Tnu hushjeis tnu-Kiiied In ibolsud rilllce ,tt V.iui'iuivi r iu i hit imuiiii ni .liiiie, 187.ri,. was us follovs: l.iud od, iuiacio-; I unit slt-iiil euiiiHs, 70 autis; tiulliuiiwltMi( tti tiles, 1,'J'I untrius, A gcutloiiiaiJ frooi Sitolioinish siys tbit llient art) liUion 1oJ;iiik uiinp-i in tiiatioiin ly, employing an n,-r,igit of iw.dve num ami fno yokn of oxen nusli, and putting into tho u-iitir dully "Cl),( U0 frut ( sa Jogs. On Tuesday, tbe 13th. Mr. Charles Do. brulll. at work In a saw mill, bad a flntitr sawed oil' The next d'y.'at the same mill. Wm. Klefer had an arm nainfullv lacrii.ii by Its comlna in contact with a saw. and to ail probability It will have to be amputated utrai mo oiuuw, Mr. Overton, living near Monroe, Benton county, while chopping wood, accidentally cut oil nearly all the toes on, one foot. , The Oreaonian tells of tho attempt of a man named Win. Garret to commit soluble last Wednesday, near Aurora, Hit was ar rested, taken to Oregon City, when he was adjudged Insane by tiio, authorities, and sent to the Asyluii'. t Two englues for tiio steamer Alice will soon bjtast at thi Vt'll!nint) Iron Works, 1)1. meiisious: b.rokt, six iuij horo, tuciitenn Inches, In tho HnrrlMmrg school, for tho quarhr ending Julv id. O. H. Porter, nrinclr.il tinl John lUndcf hon nularaut, Iho uamos of Jerry t Ntattletho const Miction (il'a linuk build. lug Is lo be c,oiiuij( in td on iho Klor August, and it's to ho liuisln-d liy the 1st of Dtctiui btir. Iim fouuUHtlun will b-ipt Ttone, il up jior valla ( t l.rn k und Its Ironr t,i lion. It will be (,U ieet lmgiiiid 30 lent wlie, two sto ilii high wllb basoiiiuiit bonealli, '1 ho w hail' and wsntboii'-o building at La rouner lor the Oaclns Jims. Uonl.fiy liiitn dftl lolscllliaio Hie slilpiuiiiitol hrnlti. Last ?ejr tin llrnt ctrgi, ovu M,nt Ipmu lint leni toiv vent fiom Lit oi.iji i. Tills iwj llieio will liHtiireu Mich ctrgo'-, lo ,pm. Wheat, ot s iiiki barlej an) tho ceieals mli-ul. Tho leportnaclied Walln Wel.'a on Wid. iiPHduy nl last ., that Jo eph nun IU bund hud uipruid t tho Wulmun iai,y and were ihtcnioi-ing tiio etllers. Tho lams wero utiii 6y criniiiiiutcaled to headqiunus, Wlien ordels dio i,sii(i for tuo o.njipiilts ol cavalry lo repir to (he fciminl distiir bai.cii Ctinipiuv L Col. WilppiiiiiiUnm'. lug, und iniupaiiy II, .MsJ .r Iritiible, v i ro at oiioo placed iiiidnr inaiolilog nrdsix, and me piobably at nut smuio of iinubt , Ci..vihi;i Coun rv. I'he . I iiomm, Ju ly 17, has tiiu follows: A gentleman Iromat) .Tosocvnoh) Ivnajip ton to loitl at lumber wanted or li uli basket maillifrtctiiro.' He was so gre'aflv astonished at wliat he found hero that bo ordered vory largely lu exeAsa of hla previous Intuition, and shipped somool his purchase by s.W)amor. Tho btisy snuiul of tho hammer aud saw is heaid on every hand, and laborers as well as skilled mechanic are constantly employed iu large nil in burs. It Is nrobablo that thorn are al least one hundred carpenters alons en. guged at this time on building In Astoria. No land was ever furnished with a greater variu'y of summer resorts than Clatsop county. You can "floe as a bird to jour mountain," or can droum away Uellulotia mornings on tho sands, Horning lo the mono tones of the "sad. sad sea." Vdu can cultf vitto jour lacultln-i ol wonder in our forests, and without exhausting tbe ways mid means of pleasure, havo a good ilino generally any where i ou like. i DlKD-Iii Clsckatius I'uuuly, July 17i, ls7), Orra I.(jplH, ioUUHlst V.'ldd Oi 11. V. and Muo'Sburt, ugod ouo ytar, two mouths, and six dsyb, Dnin-AtLafijettr, July 11, Mrs, Perltint, HvU3 ycurs, U uouihs, und 7'dnys. t