Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, July 16, 1875, Image 1

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A Four-Page Supplement with tho Farmer this Week.
. o
$3.00 per Year, in Advance.
The Law Encouraging the Growth of
Af Act to "mcfid thi Act entitled "An Act to enconr
ge the growth of timber on neelirn prudes."
Be It enacted by the Senate and House of.
jtepresentativea or tbe united States of
America, In Congress assembled, That the
act entitled "An act to encourage the growth
of timber on western prairies," approved.
March third, eighteen hundred and Beventy
three, be, and the name is hereby, amended
o as to read an follows; That any person who
la the bead of a family or who has arrived at
the age of twenty -one years, and Is a citizen
of the United States', or who shall have filed
his declaration of intention to become such,
as required by the naturalization laws or the
United States, who shall plant, protect, and
.keep in a healthy , growing oondition for eight
years, forty acres of timber, the trees tbereoii
not being more than twelve feet apart each
way. on any quarter section of any of the
public lands ot the United States, or twenty
sores on any legal subdivision of eight;
seres, or ten acres on any legal subdivision
of forty aores, or one-fourth part of any frac
tional subdivision of land loss than forty
Acres, shall be entitled co a patent for the
wbolo of said quarter section, or of such le
gal subdivision ot less than forty acres, as the
case may be, at the expiration of said eight
rears, on making proof of suub fact by not
ioaa than two credible witnesses: Provided,
Tnat not more tnau one quarter of any sec
tion sball be thus granted, and that no per
son shall make more than one eutry under
the provisions of thrs act unless fractional
uDai visions or less loan forty acres are en
tered which, In the aggregate, shall not ex
ceed one quarter-section.
Sec 2. That the person applying for the
benefit of this act shall, upon application to
the register of the land-district in which he
or she is about to make such entry, make af
fidavit before the register, or tbe receiver, or
some officer authorized to administer oaths
in the district where the land laHltuated.who
'is required by law to use u olllcial seal, that
eald entry is made for tbe cultivation of Um
ber, and upon filing said affidavit with said
register and Maid receiver, and on payment
often dollars, he or she shall thereupon be
permitted to enter the quantity of land speci
fied; and the party making au entry oi a
quarter-sretion voder the provisions of this
act shall be required to break ten aores of the
land covered thereby the first year, ton acres
the second year, and twenty acres tbe third
year after dale Of entry, and to plant ten acres
of timber tbe second year, ten acres the third
year, and twenty aores the fourth year alter
late of entry. A party making au entry of
?ignty acres suaii ureaK ana piani ai ine
time herein prescribed; one-half ot the quan
tity required of a puty whoenlors a qurter
eecliou, anda,p.iriy enteriug tony aoies shall
break and plant, at the time uereinbelore
proscribed, one-quarter of the quautliy re
quired of a party who enters a quarter-section,
or a proportlouute quantity for any smaller
fractional subdivision : Riovulcd, Jtoturvtr,
Tnat no Uual certificate sball Oe given or
paunt htued for tbe land m entered until
the expiration of of eight years from the date
of such entry; and, if at the expiration of such
Jime, orat any time within tire years tbeie
Mfter, tbe person making snch entry, or it he
or nhe he dead, his or her legal representa
tives shall prove, bv two preuible witnesses,
that ho, or she, or they have planted, and,
for not less than eight years, have cultivated
and protected much quantity and character of
urn nor as aroresnta, tney Mian receive a pat
ent tor Mich quarter-section, or legal sutidi
vision ot elnhy or ioitv acres of laud, or for
any fractional -quantity of less than forty
acres, as barelu provided. And in cnte ot
tbe death of a person wbo lias complied with
it le provisions of this act for tbe period ot
three years, his. heirs or legul representatives
anal) have the optiou to com ply with tbe pro
visions of (his act, and receive at tbe expira
tion ot eight yearn, a pi'eut for one buuitred
and sixty acres, or receive without delay a
patent for tuny acres, relinquishing all claim
to the remntnuer.
Sic :i Thai if atony timenf rr the tiling ot
said Mtildavitj and piior to I be lMilnu of the
patent lor and luntl, theclalni'inr shall nbin
fion the lands or tail U do the breaking and
-planting inquired by this aot, or any pair
thereof, ot stitill fail lo cultivate, protect, and
lo keep in good condition such timber, thei.
nud in that event, such laudHnall bo sub
ject to eutry under the homestead laws, or by
Jraoe other person under the provisions of
Ibis act: JKuvntcd, Hint the partv making
claim to said land, either ox a houiwtead
settler or under this Act, shall vivo, at the
time of tiling his' application, snob notion to
me original claimant, as snail ne piescrivbu
by the rules established bv tbe Commission
r or the Uenoral Land-Office, arid the rights
flf the purlitf shall be determined as'in other
Sue. 4. That naoh and every person who,
lander tho provisions of the act entitled "Au
' atct to scure borueoteads to rul settlers on
Abe pnbii&doinala,"appnMredt31ay twentieth,
eighteen bundled and niaiy-two, or "any
jMoendmejnt tbezeto, iiaviag a iioowsteoa on
fo.A public donudau who at any time after
sue enoi oi f Be imra year-of cist or uerrean
donee thereon sball, in addition to tbe settle
rut and Itnprovementi now enquired by
tew, hasre bad, under culUvatlsn, for two
asr, one acre oftjmbor. tb tries 'thereon
not being mors than twelve feet 'tpart each
w.tr. and In a rood thrift? conditio v. for eich
and eveiv sixteenth acres of arid hi inestad.
uiU upon due proof of such fact by two
ftredllilt) witntwscM receive his or iter patent
' Hid homeswrid,
tire A lhaf no land acquired tinder thp
pr Uii.us f this ait ahall (n nnyetv.it l.e
anirie lial-lij lo the nulsiact'orr of an."' d-Jt or
ibs ixiuitoothd prior to tho hsuing of vr
tiflcaiss lirfo.
fvc. ti Thai tin CnmruIosIoiT-r oftJ'o Oep-
O'fll La'd-pfil.w i )ir.b) rfii'iirid t-- prfl-
consistent with this act, as shall be necessary
and proper to cary its provisions Into effect;
Mid that the registers and receivers of the
Several land offices shall each be entitled to
receive two dollars at tbe time of tbe entry,
and the samo sum when the claim is finally
established and the final certificate issued.
Seo 7. That the firth section of the aot on
tilled "An act In addition to an act to punish
crimes against the United States, and for
other purposes," approved March third,
eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, shall ex
tend to all oaths, affirmations, and affidavits
required or authorized by this act.
Sec.8. That parties who have already made
entries under tbe act appoved March third
eighteen hundred and sevnnly-three, of
which this is amendatory, shall be nermltted
to complete the same npon full compliance
with provisions of this apt.
Approved, March 13, 1874.
COUNTY HNARCE3-1874, 75.
Exhibit of expenses of Marion county, O.
egon, for tbe Year ending June 30. Is, 1S7-
Warrants have been drawn on the County
Treasurer during the year as follows:
For pauper account $ ,1M 81
' criminal sn-nant a. mo 3S
roail and bridge account tHiiiT IV)
Life in Fox Prairie.
A correspondent says: W. Potterand Wm
Robinson, oi Fox Prairie, the other day went
with dogs and guns to kill a buck. Tho dogs
soon started one which run close to one of
tho men and wns shot down, proving to be a
big buck. The dogs were started again and
in a few minutes roused up a large cougar
which ran about two hundred yards and
took to a tree. In going to the dogs the men
run on a very large buck the cougars had
killed, the dogs rallying them before tbey
had time to eat it. Tbev went on. sbxt the
cougar in the tres aud took him baok to
where he bad killed the deer. In the mean
time the old she cougar had dragged tbo
buck about two hundred yards, torn off tbe
skin and was making her breakfast. The
dogs soon made her take a tre.i aud tbe men
soon came up and shot her. Tbey had now
two cougars aud two bucks, results of a good
hour's hunt on the first day of July.
On tbe third we had a celebration near Fox
Valley School House. We bad a large audi
ence and a nice time. Programme of tbe day
was as follows: Prayer by Rev. A. D. Gard
ner, President of the Day: music by Glee
clubjReadiug of Declaration by H. Williams;
National airs by Professor Williams'
class; Oration by Rev. H. Miller; music, re
freshments and social interchange of thought
uy entire audience, swinging and other
sports. Also there was an exhibition aud
entertainment by the Fox Valley Thespoian
Society. There was a table sitty leet lone
filled with the best of grub, for the ladies of
box valley can't oe excetioa ror nice cook
ine. Yours, etc., A. J, G.
Fox Vaixey, July 10th, 1S75.
In Momoriam.
Conntv pierk'a
Bailltri' '
Jury "
C. Commls'nern' "
Incidental "
Corouer'n inqurtt "
Court-house uja1) "
Stallonery,prlut "
Fuel '
Flection "
Co.Tri;aura'i "
Co. Jiifl-eV '
Co. ABpornor's '
Co. School Sup't "
District Attorn'y's'
Poor farm
:i i00 uii
.T.vi 50
J,'l 0 HO
5('i7 W)
U,ltri Oil
llil 1-0
1.1.')! -S
rati sn
Sill M
ni is
'H)0 Oil
Law no
an oo
to oo
1.S3H -11
Total $,!)! ID
Warrant unpaid June 30, 187l,p"rreport...$4D wt 70
" drawn durln;; year., 3-i i-3it II)
Accmcd interest paid Dy Trcnt-urer J 01b 07
tS!,10l! 33
Warran'spald darlu-; year $47,7J7 Ot
Balance in lreury June 1!0,'75.. l,ll tw 4s,ti'l) 111
Wnrranti! outstandin-; June :!0, 1S75..
State ok Oheoon,
County of Marion,
I hereby certify that tbe foregoing is a true
and correct statement of the affairs of Marlon
county, Oregon, as shown by tbe hooks and
accounts on file in mv office June 30th, 1S75.
D. H. Muhfhy, Clerk,
Annual Report of the County Treasurer.
To the lion. County Court for Jfartoucoitn
tij: I respectfully submit this as the report or
tbo transactions of this office for the year
ending June 00th, 1875:
July 1.
Whekkas, That dreaded enemy of tho hu
man t'annb' (consumption.) has removed
from our midst our bel )ved brother, J, B.
Wallace, therefore bo it
Ilcaolved, That in the death of brother
Wallace tills Grange has lout a trtieand valu
able membnr, and sister Wallace a worthy
and devoted husband, one who in the trials
aud cnnfllPtR of life sho could look to for aid.
Resolved. That while we deeulv mourn the
Iosm of our beloved llrothor wo feel that he
sleeps the uleep that knows no waking only
on tbo morn or the Redemption, and to the
bereaved family and trionds, we extend our
tenderest Nvmpatny.
jicsoivca, i nat in toxin or our respect and
sympathy these resolutions bo entered on
the minutes of onr Grange, and. a. copy of
tbe same be sent to the rami I v of I he decayed
Brother, and alno to the Wrxi.AMF.TTK ffu-
mkk for publication. .1 II. Nhohtiiiihjk,
O. K. Knox,
O. P. Aiiajim,
" 7.
' 10.
Aug :l.
Sep. 9.
- 11.
Balance on hand a per laet rct't
Clackimas Co. order No. 1111 J l.s-JJ 87
:Ul TO! 73
B. V, Drake note UK) 00
Coin l.S.M 81
D. if. Sturphy, trial fees.,..
l.. b. ricou,ia, jtiti..
D. II. Mufphy, trial fetw
" ' road dauiae
r ti. KirrUau, saloon licence...
D. H. Miirnhv. rent o' noor lurui..
Oct.lJ. A. E. Smjtti, valoon license
Jl. Coniior, pedler'a lceuo
' 39. I,, ri Hcott taxes
Nov. 1 Pre. Hamilton. iiiIoon licence...
"13. N. Ilaa, for tali-poor firm l.on-i no
' notO " " !I70 no
T. C. Iliuw, tux, 1871 S.O'K) Ik)
SJ 00
l.fXKI ll
,01.j !lj
'0 45
I.D 80
Ml Oil
300 110
no no
10 01)
2,ftN no
JU 1H)
Tho Minto Pass Party.
Survey of Siletz Eeocrvation.
Mr, Hurlburt has a controct for tho survey
of the SlletK reservation and is already In the
tiled himself with ono party while surveyor
George Mercer, of Corvallls, baa tbe Held
with another. Mr, C. S. Woodworth is pre
paring to take (lie fluid with uoompovs in tbe
s-mie work, and will leavo home cm Thurs
day of this week, evpecllfift fri have a three
months tour of It. Ills sou William will ac
company him. Tun purvey is to be made
over n rather motintaiumii country ami the
work wout bo thet-aaiest kind.
Dec. r
" :).
Fob. 3.
" 4.
" 25.
" II.
" 15.
Apr. 3.
" 1J.
May 5.
" 12.
' lb.
" 2t.
July J.
Apr. 3.
Inn SRI.
Salem Firiy, county lU.eu
T. V, bhaw, tax, 1B71
T. C. Sliaw, tax, 1S74
Claikamaa Co. Ihter't order No. 11.1.
T. C. lla, tax, 1S74
I). H. Alurpliy, toftd
1. II. Kerrigan, ntloon licetiHO
A H Brown, State Titan., In fund.
T. C. tli.iw, tax, 1874 .t
" lrl?3-'J-M
J J It3an, pqloon ilctnee
Alex, npouj;, fenv Ilceuo
T. C. Miaw. tix, 74
A. K. Miillh, filoon liciue
h. I'ettUiil.n. feiry llcenre
J). II. Murphy, trial fee
J. LcNuriinud, pettier' HctW-. ..
W. S. Ilarlter. ftp ily Hlierlll, mon
ey Iroiu Phliklnii....,
I ilan.tito, , saloon llcem-e
T. C Mt.aw, tax. 74
V. II. henou. tttmy
:m to
331 51
11,837 0f
1,1)111) III)
11 If)
noii iii
ro oo
Til) oo
l.fIT IW
20,41.7 II
1,2-V) M
50 00
5 00
l.OSTi Ki
60 00
5 It)
B'l 14
2 50
11 :
CO 00
1,770 IS
. II. Murphy, coil....
" trial fee.,
$17,117 M
:iii oo
T. C.bhav, co t ,..., lil 00
V. It. M-irnh), trUlfi-ee..., 175 ll
I'aio nt;d 'flV-A Well juUh aatl xtuuUtot.', I . im i-ta
Tun Railroad Paiitv Wo le-arn that ox-
Governor Siaufbrd did not come with the
Central Pacino party that paired down the
road yesterday. The party consisted of C. P,
Huntington, Vice Preidenl OP. R R., Mr.
Col burn, I). D. Colton, Director, and Mr,
Montague, Chief Engineer. Tbey came down
to Albany Sunday evening. Their inlomion
to visit Facet (Sound and traverse the miitA
ot tbe Oregon O. P. R R.' front Kugene to
VVinnemuoea, we have already alluded to.
CsixcfAX. illi'TO tjik Hchoo'i, Fvab,-r
The common' aehool Fund of Marion county,
during tbe year thrt ended June 30, reeelred
as tinea collected fn Clrcntt and Justice
Courts on judgment In criminal cases dur
ing that year flltf coin, and lt)l 25 curreooy ,
wuico went (or kupport u common acnoola
ili.llii county, as shown by the Treasurer'
feport. ' -T (
fiARVKsTFEurr. Tho aieiiQUers of Che
hulnaum Graujte, JcO'v'i'if lirdulfted In a
harvest least on Satun'-fy, tLe 10:b inst.
The l.iit'o was covered w,'Ut a bovntifnlsup.
uly r-f cjcTMU.nv, a-i o, rftry .tw;l4 llmo
July 28.
Nor. (i.
Dec. 7.
Feb. 2.
" 4.
" 13.
May 1 if.
Juu 2t.
t2I0 03
County oiuit'spnlil principal $ l,T !
" " lllU-let-t 18 (ill
" ' ' priLClpal 4.U.3 M
State Tread, bal. to mute tax, 1S7
St UoTreafitre', Slate lax In part
" " .lull.
County or.l.-ra paid principal...,
" inures
Apportionment to Scliooi Ktind
County outers paid prluclptl
" " " llilercftj..,..
" ' " i.ilticipal;:..,
' " -Inlernl
ni'ancfniandTrei. Jul 1, 1ST f 1,J lJ
JjratlCt larL-iniiiii -.,. nr-r Wrt -m ral T".
notufi. IIujjj .' j.;, !tti)iu-.
Coin balance ....), . Ilia 15
41 -3 J
. 2I.(i(SkPi1
. '.en, r
. '.Mil 1(1 v
-133 o:
!,.'.') 1 5
18.7V.' Ml
1,41)7 71
10M7 74
J, W!l 111
$fi,-?m Ti
iir.l 75
HKNNKs, Farm, Linn Co , 1
Julyl), lb75. J
Mn. Kditok: Tho oxpodltlon to Mt. Jeller
son, for the pttrposo of making a thorough
examination of the proposed routo for a wag
on road across Ihe Cascade mountains ac
companied by two gentlemen who propose,
if practicable, to give substantial asslstauco,
in the shapo of.mohey left Saloin Thursday
afternoon, July 8th, at 4 o'clock, r. M., and
arrived at Mr. John Hunt's, eleven miles
east of Salem, at 7 o'clock, whoro we weiti
cordially received by that gentleman and his
osllmable lady, who soon mado us feol at
homo, as our ride bad given us a sharp nppo
tlto, which was soon satisfied at their hospit
able board. This morning, at 0 o'llock, wo
were stored aboard of Mr, limit's thorough
brace wagon, behind a good span of horses,
which soon carried us out of sight of tho
place where we had spont a few hours with a
pleasant family. For several miles wo trav
eled through tho verge of the over varying
and picturesque Waldo Uills, the most beau
tiful portion of Oregon. After an hour's ride,
we came to the quiet and rural village ot
Sublimity, where we made a lew neoeaxary
purchases and bandied Jokes with the good
uatured postmaster. Prom this verge of
hills we descended into a southeasterly di
rection into Mill Creek bottom, near Stay tou
yille, and there turned eas". anil up tho San
tiam bottom to Smith's ferry, nine miles dis
tance, which we reached at 12:30, whore we
moored. Rut before we reached the It-rry wo
patsed Messrs Downer & HowoII'h new
(arm, where we halted and Blacked our thirst
Irom one of the finest natural sprloes that
this State can boast of.and were agroeably en
tertained by Mrs. Howell, the hostess of tills
piciuret-que country residence. At Smith's
terry we lunched and doctored up Mr. J. W.
Redlnxtonof the ufrxmnn.wliti liiludiciouR-
ly drank too much cold water, while very
warm, and had a touch of water colic; but
about half a teaspoonilil of Jamaoia ginger
restored heat and order in his stomach, and
t the present writing he Is convalescent.
At 2:30 o'clock; we crossed tho -Santiam and
started for this place, on the Linn county
sldeol tbe river. For tbe first six miles wo
bad to rido through a prairie except the first
mile and wore exceedingly warm, in fact it
was terrific, so we halted tor a short time at
Mr. Patten's and allowed our sweating team
to cool oil"; then in a few minutes weotitered
a dense turent, which continued with scatter
ing openitiKs for ten miles. We found sev
eral plucea where men had attempted the
uen-iueaii lass oi Hiioauing ine torestanU
making larins. The trees on this vtrcam
grew exceedingly tall; in fact there are plen
tyof them which were estimated to bu3-i.
leot high, and I verily believe they will
measure every inch ofthe same. The'ranuos
have gradually crowded, until thoy have
now entirely closed up around up; uutl
when we leave here In the morning wo will
hat ti to take to the mountains in earnest, anil
leave our team and pack our camp equip,
tuent on mules anil foot it to Mt. Jetiursum,
The gmieral Indication of the crop la good,
but uii noticed a fow fields that will not inld
an nver-abutidani harvest, but tbev aro.v
oellen' in this small valley, which is known
us King's I'ralrio.
We arrived at this place at .:f j all In good
spirits, and course very dns y; but after
hathitnr lor a short time In the puro Santiam
'o were ubli to renonni.e ewh oilier. Proi,
fj J. Powell, who lettSilmu Ibis lunrnlmcui
t o'clock, overtook us, or rather we did him.
Mr. .In hi) Downing came on and Is with n
and there is one of our party who has Just
pin. in au appearance, rur. vvm, uuiannv.
From Mr. Charley Thomas, who has 'late
ly returned from tho Quartzvillo mining
c.imps, I learn that tbo miners are evidently
doing well, at least I hoy are makini; prepar
ations for ociiveoperatlotib to extend through
the present hUlutuer aud winter. Wo Joavo
Here lu tbo looming, and will not probably
have an opportunity to(sed you word until
e return, uut it pussiuie i, will t-entf you
"U. fl.UKNHYU,
Volumo Vir. Number 22.
Tho farm belonging to the late Hon. David
Logan, iu Lane county, was recently cold to
the Messrs Nichols, ot Albany, lor$12,t00.
Tho Wqaton people celebrated the Fourth
of July on the 3d, ami as we learn Irom a gen
tleman who was present, had a most unjoya
ble tluio.
Mr. A. M. McKeuzIo, who Is engaged in
the sheep business iu Wasco county, acci
dentally broko ills leg one day last week
while running after a dog that was ohaslng
his sheep.
Aspleudid bridge across Mu ldy, twi and
a halt miles wost of italsoy, la ubout com
pleted. The bridge Is 7$ feet in leugth, cov
ered, with graded and graveled roadway at
each end some thir.y-uvo foet.
The Brown Bros, who were indicted fbrtlje'
killing oi Oliver M. Hurt in Sprague river
valley about a year ngo, and whose trial took
plHno at tbo recent term of tho Circuit Couts
at Linkvillo, wero acquitted.
Mr. M. Caton showed the Jacksonville Sen
tinel a smsll phial containing about a pound
ot quicksilver which had been taken from lo
pounds of cinnabar Irom the Hodges claim,
iu tho Meadows dlsltict. The ledge la now
at tho doph of lil tort three inches vtido.
Thedwelllug-bonsonf Mr. JohnNoWComb,.
about six inllos east of Jacksonville, on Ap
plegate, was, with its entire contents, burner)!
to tho ground on last Saturday, the :id lut.
Tlir Albany Register nay'. ''Mr. Hlndman
brought iu nearly 20(1 deerskins, beside furs,
.such as beaver, ooynte and wild cat. His boy
n lew days ago, killed three deor t ono ahoi ,
A' another time tho sauio boy lassoed aud se
cured another deer allvo.
A Hhooting oll'rav ccourred laBt Sunday af
tonioon belwpHU William Hlnckert, tnmlliar
ly knowu hs "Butcher Bill," and Louts lm
.old, which resulted iu tboHliootlng of Hie
former by u derringer in tho hands of tho
Tbe Mountain "View Orang), Clackamss
county, met at 0 o'clock. July 10th, at the
usual place of meeting, and after coulernug
mo fourth degree oil a class of three, retired
to a luost beautiful grove, looking out on
Oriblil'j'a uralrie, tho natural paradlso ol'tlii
granger, and where the table whs epiojd
with tbe luxuries of tho farm, and llsteii'iil
to an excellent address by Hon, Charles F.
Hood river celebrated by a gathering at
Uncle Peter Neal's Haw mill oil the north
inrk, where Rev. Jos. Harrison made au ox
temporo speech and nil things went along
The people of Looking filas celebrated tho
National iinnlvun-ary in gootl Htle, the orn
tlou was ilellvorel by lion. W. Ojvoux ami
Mart Tavlor read an orhtlouul imniu nulto
The cinnabar letlcn at California Is tunuel
Jul 117 feet and during tho ivetk sixty tons
first class ore had boon taken out uutl plenty
in sight.
.Indue Prim hnNiiiitrncnd Mrs. Bilus to
5 years in the I'eniirntiiry alter lonlug tho
inotiou for a now trn. Her coiiiinhI (.avrt
notlco of appeal to the Supremo Court, hho
gave S 000 bonds on appeal and was releas
ed iioiii liustoUy.
" sumncy oa naiiu...... i f 4;u ju
John B. Bovmtok,'
' Items from flilverton.
A representative of Young Amerio. hail
ing from Howell Prairie, was, brought before
Justice Gi W. Ddlan of Sil'verton this even.
ing, upon the charge oi assault apd battery
upon tbe person of a neighbor boy, and
pleading guilty was lined $5 and costs', l
.W.e yM0 '"formed byi a friend that Mr.
ftllholt is making soma -eonslddrahlo im.
proemiinl8 upon the dwellings and bath
iiousiw ati?oda .Springs antl tlist a lar.e num
ber Oi fiXCUrsionislu anil hdJlth-aiK-hn-x km
campoo Dpou tin grounu,pvironi hundred
CliUtus Htro Lhtjre Hn Sunday. Yours,
T : A Ot J, MoCn.w.
July 12, 1875,
Bass Ball at Silvcrtoa.
oii.vi.ii ion , j n ly i inn , w, , ,,,
.nit j'.nuuii; inn quite it llvel (fame
orbavo lull here yosteraay. The Clli.i.er
Irom CJerv.ils came up to jilav a match gmn
with tbe Stlvorton club. After partaking of
u K'hiu uiunerav tue expense oi me till vorton
club, all hands repalrod to the ball grounds,
At " o'clock tho game was called by the tint
j'lto,' Alpha w4idh IhsSihenon bojuLnv
ing I he but. . ,
Tho dv was Warm And Iheplsyerssufferod
gretillj from beat, lint tbey played as though
life waftftt slake. The Sllrerton boys gained
the victory by four runs, the game -standing
thirty-six runs lor Silvertons. thIHv-two f.ir
Um Clippers. Captain Brown of tbe Silver
ton club run bis men to the beat advantage,
saving their strength until Ihe last Inning,
when he brought them up to their work In
good style, white washing tbe Clippers and
gaining tf)e, victory by four run". ,
The Clippers played well and Captain y4.
drldge rtinhls men well but thoy tailed to
get Jway with the Sllverton bovs. Tliere
tu quite a large crowd of Jadles and gentle
fieii gave the Clippers three hearty chcon,'
quite u large cruwq oi aU)6S SOU gentlf
iiirestiutto wltnesiiin gsmo, aud whvn,
iliverton bovri came out the victor tbey
rod lontl ai-d long.- The Hllvertou'pluu
slid the hnyHH..parali-r in duolltnu with giioif
loeJIiiL- loiiind eoh othilr. linnhnfld Intie n
ciianuu to try It over again at sotno ftilure
tluio. Yotirs. T. R IliuiiAnn. '
Qusria maohl;icry hir ' linker cotta'y to Wullowa Vailey nud i
J wanufacluxid at Portland. T
WiinunvH, It has pleased the Jllvlne Ma,
tor to ruuiove from our midst ami to tale to
Himself our beloved older, Aii0'elino .Miller;
Rewlvnl, That by lit r dr-atll Iter bereaved
husbiinl has lost a loving and ullrttillonalo
tntnpanloii; beronlydaiitrbter. a most noble,
wider unit latently moiher; her psreutH, -t
dinlful and beloved daiu'ln'er; her liro'liHrs
and sinters, an indulgent Mstorj the coininii
Dity at large, and our Urangu in particular, n
beloved and lionoiet) iiietuber.
Rewind, That while e deeply svinpa
thizo wiin our bhreavnd Bniiher, his il tiiu'li
t)r and Ihe rtilaliveM, und vill wo deeply do.
plom their loss, yet wo humbly Mibimt lo
tlie will orhhu wbo dotth all things lor tho
Jiesolvcd. That n conv of IIipso resolnilnnu
bo eprtud upiin the iilintites of tho JratiK, a
copy hil'iiandpd to her hm-baiul, and that iho
Sccretiiry lie liiHtructcd to liiriilnh n nopy to
tho Wtt.iMMiirrK Faiimkii and l.tiftiyaic
V'jutier with a ri-qiiM. lo publish tliu n.uuo.
Mauk Hwvkii,
Ili.'Mtr lihwirr,
i:r,iitUKi'ii Roiikiiiso.v,
Willamntlo Orantro. No. 105. (Whtip.tlrnid.i
Jllly 13, 1K75.
( Old Man Aldrich.
Our oltlzptis all reiiiembor "old man AN
drloh" vho has lived Oiany years al Salem
and has been a stanch MethodUt and bus
hcon a "hewer of wood and drawer of water"
In this-community ever since anybody can
remember. Weill tbe old man Is dead. A
more simple, good hearted and inoffensive
creature orobablv nover lived. So lonir as
he was able to esan money he was ready to
iiiyiuo wtiinuiB unurcu auu n poor, uut tor
mune time past the county baa taken charge
of him, lie was burled yesterday aud his
familiar and patibntold phiz will be seen do
ing no moro chtirua and' odd jobs. During
his thirty years in Oregon, sjuce Mr ho has
probably noer had au enemy. Perhaps tho
old man didn't expect this much tribute to
Jiis inumory, but he shall hai o le.
Tim OicgoHttut pibllli6s tin older i'rotii
flpii, lliiwa-d fur two companion to inaroli'to
OHlahllsuu cainn tlisro
id hltOititid linllitr
nun for tutlUiu.'iiE.
tiufitmt. iM