Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, July 02, 1875, SUPPLEMENT, Image 9

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tiUentttle Jarmtt.
ITJii JLiS MldN 'X1.
Sisw.Yom, June 128. Specials from the
Clack Hills expedition Hive itetall continu
ing Ouster's fold reports. Tho formation is
late withtquari!! veins, also cotrse itranitn.
rrospectors have foundold everywhere (or
eveu miles nlontr Frnicb creek. The sol
diers have panned it out in their shovels.
The TribtttUks special tsjrtt the highest yieM
is-37 cents pw pan. No'irvpy has vet beeti
made to test the extent)? the old field, but
it is supposed to Include all itulohes runniiur
from Harness Peak.
tCiNClNMa.tr:, June 23 --Postniaster Genera
.Jewell arrived here u day, and at noon woo
on the floor of the Chamber of Commerce;
where be-was Introduced to the members b
Col. HalloweU, thn President. Gen. Jewell;
niula taw remark touehlnir on the Dros-4
jerity and. magnitude of she ureat West, and'
tit. thn dliiA wmw MnthnljuAiiillv aDulauded.l
Nuw iYoBK. June 23. Complaint in the':
suit brought' in the uaute ot tne People
against Peter nB. Sweeney, to recover over
fTWXMXX), alleged to havcteeu fraudulently;
aOHtractoa iron: me xreiwu.y in uo uwumv,
of Tew. York, was filed lathe County Clerk's
office. . I
A 4us.ntlty.0f whisky,. &ipped from the
West and recectly seized as crooked, was
condemned In the United. States Court yes
terday, no claimants for It appearing.
Ht&bacwse.nN.YS.'., June .St .The Prohibi
tion HtntH conveation com Dieted its oreanlza-
tion this forenoon, and nominated part of a
State ticket, as follows: secretary oi state,
G. iD. Dusenberry; Controller, Anson A.
Hopkins; Treasurer, Stephen B. Ayers.
WxBSUNaT08,iJvae 23 Umpire Sir Ed
ward Thornton ibas sent to the Mexican
nlatma commission his final decision award
ing 91 WO gold, .without Interest, to each of
fix the following American minora, wuu put iu-
hi to Lspsz in 1S5U, and were cruelly imprison-
4,'i ed, viz: EvanB, Ba'.hborn, Sattorly, Wallace
gw Bockendorl, Leouard, Munniug, Pettljohu,
km. Hughes, Cullen, Clews, Harper, Watsou,
ftffi Perry, Fletcher, Harkins, Smith, Browning,
Also the following sums: -Crown, $300;
Craig, $.1,603 MeCready, $i 042; -Vray, $2,052;
Carter, -fc:,852; Moray, $2,052; Sauipcon,
S202O; Wolff, $2,270; Ueorge Bnowu, $2 052;
Couob. $2,039; VVilsoc, $2,0JU; Ripley. $2 000
a!so$l.4to with lutorest; King.OOO with
and $2,000 without interest; Baldwin, $500;
JJalleutyne, $1,800 with $1,000 wlthont In
terest; Whitfield, $2,170; Turpln, $2 052;
John Adams, $2,039; jLeaven. tjItfXX); Wei
don, 2,030; JJuseuburg, $2 230. The above
are chiefly Avithout interest. Tito umpire
rejects filty-two other claimants.
Secretary i Delano, having recovered from
his recent illness, arrived here this corning
and resumed his duties at the interior de
partment. The following dispatch has been received
at the Indian Bureau from Prof. xTenny,
dated Camp on French Creek, near Har
ney's Peak, June 17th. To Hou. tC. P.
Smith. I have discovered gold in small
quantities on the north bond of Castle Ureek,
in terraces or oars of quartz gravel. We
arrived here yesterday. Attorn fifteen .mi
ners have located a camp on the creek stove
here, and have commenced -vorkiug. tiold
is found from Castle crook southerly to
French creek at tutu point; and the deposits
are almost wholly in Dakotttk. The roglcn
has not been fullv explored, bst the yield cf
nold thus far has been auite small, and the
tlie reports of richness ot the grr.vel bars arc
h.1u vatrmifulull Hn HYm,1I(2 f-rAfelf tlllU
deposits of gravel are very unlai orably sit-j
uated, water supply isomall and lUlllhg,aud
the graae is too limy to aumn m t&iuugs us
ing carried ofi by the stceam. The prospect
at present is not such as to warrant extended
explorations in mining.
(Signed) W. H. JEHNY.
Iondon, Juno 23 The revival meeting, as
origiually proposed, was not held at Eton,
becauso the local authorities would uoe fur
nish the police force whiou was considered
necessary to keep the peace. In addition to
this, tne oppoers of the movomeut persuad
ed the Mayor or Windsor to withdraw per
mission for the use of the to n hall by Moody
and Sankey, but a meeting was finally held
in a private garner:, in womi .wu siuuouuj
at E-on, 5 misters and 390 cltizons wore
present. The Erl of Cavau, Lord W'riothfts
ly and Eirl Kussell accompanied Moody
and Sanky to E.on. Burlnu the serv.'cs
Moody announced that he hd received a
lelmtratn stutiug that the Oorernnr of E'on
hustalned the bead man and removed all ob
stacles to the proposed meeting, but he
Moody) bad no intention of holding further
oervlres In the neighborhood.
It is officially announced that the King of
EBurmah has given a satisfactory explanation
of his course of action to Sir Douglas Forsyth,
(he British Envoy, and war is now consider
ed improbable
Berlin, June 23. The Gorman Govern
ment is preparing a parliamentary measure
pcohibiting pubtio religious prooeselons
This is aimed at the Catholics,
Man FitAfvCisco, June 24. In the Inde
pendent Convention at Sacramento last ev
ening a platform was adopted taking I he
grounds against monopolies of railway com
munication, gas and water; calliug for ro
lorm In the jury nystem; retrenchment of
public expenditure,; and reduction of sala
ries of office; uniformity in assessment of
taxes; freedom from party discipline, and
In favor of all tnon exeroising the right of
; nutR-aic). Catllu, of Sacramento, Extee, of
: &tn Francisco, and Geneial Bid well were
placed In nomination for Governor; but
without taking a vote thn convention ad
. Jonrned ontill 10 o'clock this morning.
' Sacuauknto. June 23 The Independent
'Convention re-assembled this morning at 10
'clock, and immediately proceeded to bal
lot lor csnairtate for uovernor. un nrsi nai
int, Extpe received 02 votes; Catlin. 80; Bid
well. 100: necessary for a choice, 143 Second
Itwllot, Catlin, 82; Estee, 70; Bidwell, 118.
Liter the announcement or the second vote
stee withdrew from the contest. On the
jird ballot San Francisco gave Bidwell 40
id Catlin 32, from wblob it appeared Bid-
vll was the choice of tbe convention the
rhole vote standing, Catllu, 70, and Bidwell
17. uiaweirs nomination was then made
iianimoua amid much cheering.
Jjatkr Governor Paobeco has been nom-
Bated for Lieutenant Governor.
8ACBAMBKTO, June23. Thexnventlon re
Mambled at 1 :30 r. X.
. The Domination for Secretary of State be-
r In orrter. Ja. C. Carer, of Han Francisco.
Ml W; Bousb, of Placer, were pat in nom-
Controller Lawrence E. Crane was noml-
Jed by aoolamation.
treasurer Ferdinand Baenr, or nnssia,
i oresent incumbent, wasnominateu byao-
Attorney General Pefwr Van CUef, of Yo-
, ftcelvod tht nomination.
, MWHIf,
Soiwoyor General S. E.Twltchell, of Sac
ramento, was nominated.
Clerk or Supreme Court Pant Morrill,
formerly of the Sacramento Union, was
nomiacted by aoclamationt with cheers.
Superintendent of Pobtlo Instruction.
The choice fell on J, 'W. Gnlnn, of Los
Ansele, by acclamation.
Yosr.MlTE. June 23 Thn first stage over
the new road via Merood, Mariposa anfi
Mariposa Big Trees station, directly to tbe
hotel In the vallev, has ut come through.
This makes the third wagon road completed
to Yoemite within the last twelve months,
making the great valley pleasantly noceslblo
on all sides.
Victoria, June 22 --Lieut Sanders anti
pilot, George, left town ypstnrdav I" the Huit
son Bay Company's rte"m-r Otter, whirfi
they chartered to bring rin'vn thewrecke1!
ofilcers wnd crew. Ad mint I Cochrane, of the
British navy, as noon ns he heard of the
Saranan's fate, ordered H. HI. S. Myrmidon,
Capt. Hr, to proceed to tthe scene of toe
diaster, and a few hours later he sailed him
self In the tUtr ship ReptUeo, to render all
tbe assistance in his power.
Nkw YfOiiK, Juuei. Mrs. Tilton will to
morrow pubiioh an affidavit, written in her
own vludioation, in which she sajB no per
son waseciplnyed in laying" carpets at tbe
time HptH'iiied by lees, Luoder and Price,
and to tbe-besl of her knowledge they were
never in her house, and t hoi p narration relat
ing to herself and Beecher is -wholly and ut
terly false. She says: Thore. never was any
Improper relations between Seecber and my
seli, and all charges of adultery or improper
conduct or any attempt on his or my pert to
have or solicit any improper relations or
-acts, are utterly, absolutely ilse. No act ot
word ever passed between Beeober and my
self that could not, with equal propriety,
have passed fcotween lather and daughter.
tin conclusion! dnolare, in presence of Al-
JDignty uoa, tnat i am aosomtoty innocent
of all offenses charged against use with rela
tion to Beecher. except through thelutlnenos
of. my Husband, whloh was imposHible to re
sist. I have made charges agatast Beecher
which were false and entirely-unfounded,
and which I well knew to be 'false. I left
my. husband willingly and wltheut solicita
tion, especially n tbe part of Beeober, but
as ibtr as I have any knowledge to the con
trary to Beeober'a desire. It waeiitnpossible
for me, so long as I lived with my husband,
to resist his demands or to speak 4rath when
he requested me to deny it.
(signed) Elizabeth R.fTnrov.
Sworn to oefore Judge McCue, of the City
Court, Brooklyn.
St. ;Louis, June 3. In an Interview with
the Tunes' reporter, Senator Ingails stated
to-day that he was opposed to Grant as a
candidate for the presidency Hn said he
could cot carry one State in the Union. If
he should run, Kansas was dead setugalnst
him. Uristow, of Kentucky, was the stron
gest, uiic in the Republican party, end in
his opinion, would be tbe next president.
He believes tbe Republicans can elect their
man without difficulty.
New TZcuk, June 2b. French holders of
five million dollars' worth first mortgage
bonds of the New YotJ:, Boston and Mon
treal railroad, have filed a bill in equity in
the U. S. Gourt. pray 104; for a receiver and
such otoer relief as tne court can give,
Plaintiffs cooinlaln that ithev were Induced
to purchase cald bonds on false representa
tions. Omaha. June 24. Pronolnont frontiersmen
aud army officer express he opinion that
there will be trouble with 'tbe Sioux, Chey
enes and Aranohoes this summer aud tail.
At leant five large parties bfcve left the ree
ervatlons iu the last two woeks. The car-,
airy in this depertuient are unable to keep
them on the 4-eservatIous through thir
limited numbere. It will bndmposslblo foi
tbe soldiers to fiuard the Black Hills and
attend to the Indians.
Washington, June 24. Messrs. Post, Nor
cross and Smith, of tbe Commission appoint
ed by the Seoretary-ol the Treasury to exam
ine tbe postofilce building at Chicago, have
made a report to Secretary Bnstow. The
Commission condemn tbe foundation and
atone used in the building, and recommend
that the building be torn down and the stone
abandoned. Secretarv Uristow will immedi
ately give orders that all work be stopped,
and ihat steps be taken to preserve the struc
ture in its present condition until the matter
can be snbmltted to Cougras.
The Piesident, at the roquost of many
prominent politicians of KansHS, ha? recalled
hit letter ot recent date to Internal Ke euue
Collector Anthony of Kansas, asking lor Lin
It is probable that the miners found in the
lll-u-k Hills will not be disturbed at present,
a the Government does not propose to iur
nisli free transportation tack to Cheyenne for
all adventurers found thero.
London, June 24. Lady Franklin is hope
lessly ill. She bid farewell yesterday to the
coinm.tnder of the Pandora, which went in
search of relics of tbe Franklin Expedition
and other exploring voyages.
The Sun has undoubted authority for slat
ing thatafier repealed conferences, Gladstone
has promised to resume the leadership of the
Liberal parly next year.
The Bishop of Cbiches'e, In a speech at
the luncheon which followed the luying of
the corner stone of the cbnpel at Ardingby,
exprefsed regret that Moody and ankey had
been allowed to hold a meeting near E on.
He contrasted tbe weakness of the authorities
thore now with the vigor which had been
shown in former limes. Than Moody and
Sankey might have fallen on (hell kuets be
fore such privilege as that recently ouiamc..
by them won d have been granted.
The revival preachers have closed their
meetings In Liverpool. The eiponsos ex
ceeded the contributions $3,000.
Paris, June 23. Heavy rains have caused
an unprecedented overflow of tbe river Ga
ronnn. Two bridges and many houses have
been carried away. Toulouse is Inundated.
The waters are still rising and the situation
is serious. Tbe hospital is threatened and
lbs patients have bf en removed.
LiVKHroot, June 24 Merchants are sell
ing American iron at Wolverhampton at $35
per ton.
London, June 24. It is reported tbe Mar
quis of Lome and Princess Louise, intend
making a tour of the United Slates.
Bkrlin, June 2-1. Tbe case of Count Von
Arnim was decided by Kaminergericht to
day. He was convicted of abstracting, with
intent, State papers of the character of pub
lic deeds entrusted to hlin, and was sentenced
to nine months Imprisonment, including one
mourn already expirea. The court declares
there is no ground for the charge of embez
zlement or oueoses against pnblio order.
Loudon, June 24. The Carlist committee
have announced a victory over Alfonslst In
Castilonine, and Alfonuiat officers were cap
turnd. Qukbec. Jane 24. The college at 8t.
Theresa village, together with about fifteen
bouses, were destroyed by Are this afternoon.
Victoria, June 23. .The Myrmidon re
turned to Esquimau at 4 r. m. yesterday
with a number of tbe efllcera of tbe lost
U. S. man-of-war Saranao. The Otter ar
rived at this port at 0 o'clock last night
with tbe crew and what was saved from
the sooken vessel. Toe flag-ship Repulse
was at anchor at Deep Bay when the Calt-
.uvuiij uisviuui.it v) :ear, suai t x -
lornia was oomlag towards the scene of the
wreck, there was much speculation when
the blue Jackets on the Sarsnatrwere seen.
Many believed that the sailors and marines
were engaged la a war with 'the Indians.
Tbe O.ter towed down tbe Saranao steam
lannou and the four boats saved.
Jackson vn.r.K, June 24. The trial of Mrs.
Caroline Briggs, indicted for the murder of
John Delamater, in Josephine county, in
June last ended in the circuit court here
yesterday. The jry retired at 6 r. m., and
r-ame into court this morning with a verdict
of man slaughter.
Harry Lockliart was sentencd to-day to
two years in the ponltentlary for burglary.
Nkw York, June 23 The Bepcher oae Is
drawing to a close. Beach concluded bU ar
gument to day.
Abbott theu said they bad a number of re
quests to charge, and axked if his learned
friend desired to make any. '
We have unno to make, said Beaib.
Wo wH lier jour requests now, sld
JuuVe Neilson.
Abbott theu red requests to charge, which
were very voluminous mid 5 iln number,
and of which a copy was handed to the Court.
During the reading of the rt-quests Abbott
quoted from several authorities, to whom
Morris objected on tbe ground that counsel
was using arguments but Jndge Neilson said
tbe readiug of them could be no harm auv
way. Said they ail related to divorce cases,
and I am perfectly familiar with them.
When Abbott had finished reading, Beach
requested tbe Court to appont some time and
pi tee for the hearing of an application to re
open the case on the ground of newly discov
ered evidence.
To this Judge Neilson stated that be would
Jike to bear what the defease had to say about
11, dui ttvans replied mat iney naa notuing
to say in tbe matter
Judge Neilson Bald there was no necessity
for fixing tbe time and place to hear tbe mo
lion, as no objection was raised by the other
side, and if affidavits whieh counsel said he
bad to sustain the application were given
him, he would examine them and give bis
decision to morrow, before he began his
charge to the jury.
Affidavits were then passed up to bis hon
or, aud Court adjourned.
Nkw York, June 24 The Brooklyn court
room was crowded. Beecher and wife .wore
tMsoug the Plymouth throng. Judge Neilson
said, under tbe circumstanoes, he was com
pelled, on examination of tho affidavits, to
deny the application for reopening tbu caso,
and, in accordance with Beach's roquest, tbe
I APers were filed with the Clerk ot tbe court.
Judge Neilson then read his cbaree to tlio
jury at some length. At the conclusion, ho
anKec 11 counsel were content, and Beach re
plied "We are." One of the iurors asked if
taere were any papers relating to tbe easel
wmcu couia ue given to mem wnen in tbe
Jury-room, and Beach said he haa no objec
tions. ISvarts stated there were some papers which
ware not in evidence, aud Judge .Neilson re
pllod that the Jury could have any papers
which Uiey desired relating to the case.
Judge Neilson asked a court officer what
arrangement had been made for the iurors'
dinners, and he was told all neces
sary preparations had been made. The court
officers were then sworn in to take charge of
the )dry aud allow no communication with
them except by permit of tbe court, and
at ono o'clock the jury retired to their delib
erations on the case. After they retired the
spectators remained in the court-room dis
cussing the merits aud demerits of the charge,
and it was agreed on all hands that It was
very favorable to defendant.
At 10 o'clock nothing has been heard from
the Jury. Judge Neilson adjourned court
till 10 o'clock to morrow morning.
New Yobk, June 25. A letter from Mara
oaibo, May 20, gives an account of au earth
quake at Circuits, 011 the 18th. The first
shock leveled every wall in tbe olty, burry
in pda a single Instant 8,000 people out of a
population of 10,009 Several who weio not
killed, subsequently died from injuries, and
many were plundered by robbers, who
plundered in bands. Shocks contiuned and
fires burned much property. Those saved
find to tho neighboring country and encamp
ed. When tbe news reached Marsciibo two
steamers wnre sent with lood and cloihiug to
the sufffrers by the American consul and
people; also a corps of physicians and n
committee to disburso aid. Tim governor
leutsoldlars 10 protect the people. Reports
Irom San Oarpantiuo, San fJiego, Gr.tmsUte,
Arbnlda, Caculla, aud San Chrlstabel, ag
grecrato a population of 20,000, confirm the
previous account of detraction of lite and
property in these places. The shock was felt
at Bogota aud other places and In Maiacalbo
there have been light qaakts every day
CnicAon, June 23 Dispatches from Wis
consin and Northern Iowa says tliatuectlou
was visited bv a violent worm vestordav.
blowing down bouw and fences, washing
away railroad bridges and datUHging grow
ing crop.
A lengtby report of tho Chicago Cnstom
House Commission Inst published shows
that fraud and incompetency flourished in
tbe constructing of tbo building. 3'bey And
that tbo foundation Is soft and treacherous in
many places; that the layer of concrete was
not of sufficient width to equallzs tho press
ure of the weight above; that the stone In tbe
wHi is of all shades and colors, and that a
Inoit dutraUBJfijcuTor patohing nail been
resorted to in order to conceal demits.
New York, June 25 The Jury sent down
to-day for Mrs. Moulton's testimony, w hioh
the Judge forwarded to them.
At 4 f. m. nothing bad been beard from the
Beecher jury. Rumor stated that tbe fury
stands 7 for Beecher, and 5 for Tilton, but it
can't be traced to any antbentlo source.
Dks Moines, June 25 At the opposition
State Convention to day tbe following nom
inations were made: Governor, Hon. Sliep
pard Leflrere.-.supreme lodge, W. J. Knight;
superintendent of public instruction, A. R.
Tbe following platform was adopted:
Firm adherence to the doctrine of political
government; absolu,e prohibition of milita
ry interference with local Stale elections:
honest administration of nubile affairs, and
strict economy in public lands for actual
sxttlers, and opposition to land grants; th
President's salary $25 000 per annum, and
no third term; resumption of specie pay
ment; opposition to tho present national
uanaing law; repeat 01 me pronmiiory liq
uor law.
Nbw York, June 25. At 12 o'clock to-day
tbe Jury in the Beecher case is still out. The
Judge refuses to send for them. A great
number of people were congregated In and
rpnnd tbe Brooklyn oonrt room room from
an early bonr this morning. Tbe corridor
was thronged with parties anxious to gain
admittance to tbe room, but tbe polios sta
tioned at tbe doors only admitted those hay
ing a right to enter.
At 1 o'clock, tbe hoar appointed tor the
opening of court, tbe room was filled. Mrs.
Beecher came In with ex-Judge Porter, and
resumed ber usual place In front of the Ply
mouth throng. Shearman bustled in and
lng one m'ght bay proved nUmiy"fti!i7
out of the room, while Tilton sat In tbe ante
room leading to the Judge's chamber, In
conversation with friends. When Everts en
tered the room, be was reoelved with demon
strations of applause, whloh were with diffi
culty checked by the officials. Judge Nell
son was In bis private room from an early
hour where he awaited communication from
tb jury. It Is the prevailing belief that a
dlsaureementof the fury Is inevitable, and
bets are freely offred on that result
Dublin. June 25 Tim Irish and Ameri
can lentils shot for practice at Polly Mount,
yesterday. Tbe shooting was very linn and
It is (lillletilt tosav which tsm did best, so
nerlv qual was tho skill oti both sides.
Paiiis, tine 25 Damstre to property and
loss ot lite by the Hood In tho river Garonne
i greater than previously reported. At Tou
louse tbe bodlnsof a hundred persons drown
ed Imve bi-en found In honws which weie
11 oded but left stsnillnK. Many other peo
ple perished and their bodies were carried
oil In hollies that were swept away.
12 p. M The devastation by lnnnndatinn
Is widespread. At Tonlniie nearly all the
houses in the St. Cyprian quarters nr4 des
troyed. At Verdun, In the dopsrtinent of
Arriege over fifty houses have falln and
many persons drowned. From Montsubm
a report comes that all thn crops on ihn bank
of Tame and Garonne are ruined. The Gar
onne In some places Is four miles wide. A
bridge of seven arches, at Taber, has been
carried away. The inundations arognnor
al in the departments of Aube, Haute, Ga
ronne and Tarne. If tbe rain continues an
other day all the wheat crops of these depart
ment will be destroyed, Thn railroads are
interrupted in all directions throughout the
Inundated district.
San Francisco, June 25 The United
States ship Benlcla, having completed coal
ing and preparations, came down from
MRre Island yesterday, and wont to sea
about 10 o'clock p. m , bound for Victoria for
the purpose of bringing to this port the offi
cers and crew of the wrecked frigate Saranao
with tbe property that has been saved from
the late disaster.
Olympia, June 24. Judge McFaddon,
Delegate to Congress from Washington Ter
ritory, died at noon to-day at the residence
of Gen. W. W. Miller, in this city. He re
turned from Washington about a month ago
In a very precarious state of health, caused
by over exertion In his congressional duties,
and gradually grew worse until death snr
pervened. He was an old pioneer, closely
identified with tbe early history of this
coast. He occupied many public positions,
among others that of fudge of tbo supreme
court of Oregon and Washington, the duties
of which be discharged with great ability and
tildellty. His death, although not altogeth
er unexpected, has caused tbe most profound
sorrow in tnis community, wnere ne was De
loved by all for his many noble and generous
New York, June 21. It Is now reported
that Jay Gould Is about to obtain n cnnroll-
ing interest in the Utah Southern railroad,
with a view to extending it through to South
ern California and San Francisco,thus giving
tho Union Pacific an independent lino to the
Paoific. Tbe story gains more attention and
oredonco than tho recent one attributing to
Jay Gould purpose to build a road from
Ogden to Portland.
At the Plymouth church prayer meeting
to-night Rev. H. W. Beecher created a Fen
nation by referring to the trial for the first
tlmo since it went into court. He said be
would continue to aot ya pastor at Plymouth
church because, he felt that no matter what
the verdict of tbe jury in the casa might be,
his oongregation would still have faith lu
him and staud by him.
At 18 o'clock Judge Neilson adjourned
court till 11 o'clock to-morrow aud the jury
are locked up for the night.
Ciiicaoo, June 2tt. The lmca comes out
to-day in a new oostume, printed from new
type, whiih increases Its capacity thirty per
cent. The change is caused by the constant,
Increasing domand on its columns.
Boston, June 20 Six horses purchased
here lor Senator Jones, ot Nevada, wore
shipped to him to-day, among them the
noted trotters Sweetbriar and Lady Otis, for
whloh tbe sum of $15,00u was paid. Others
Include racing saddle horses aud carriago
iNDiANArous, Juno 2(5. K.'erner, tbe no
pro who outraged the wile of Win, A.
Vaughau near Carthago, Hancock county.
early this week, was brought to GreeiilltIU
from Rushville lor safe keeping. This morn
lug h mob of about 100 masked men said to
be from Shelby and Rush countiss, broko
open the jail and hung him in the hall.
Dfciitoir, Juuo27. A destructive tornado
occurred this evening, which passed overtho
northwestern part ot the city from Twenty
first street to Grand river and TweUth, Its
p.ith was about live hundred feet wide.
About SO houses besides outbuildings woro
demolished. Four persons were Killed and
many othcis Injured, some seriously, 'Lobs,
Nkw York, June 20. No vordlot in the I
Beecher case. Shortly before 11 o'clock, to I
which hour tbe court adjourned yesterday, I
Mrs. Boeo er entered the room with Judfl 1
Pnrlor on1 Hi.ra nnru than nmunl oil llT I
. V. , .....a ..va.. .. v. w uu. (. WQt'MV Ml I lig
couusel for tbe defense except Erarls. Nnno
of plaimitTH counsel were present, and Tilton
divided bis time between Judge Morris' of
fice aud the Judgo's chambers. Baechor was
not seen In tbe neighborhood of the 0011 rt
room. One rumor is that tbe jury stand nine
to three for acquittal. Judge Neilson was iu
Ills private room early this morning, but
tliera WAS no communication sent from tho
Jury room, ana Jie ttes. be will not send for
luem, but awnit men picture,
Tho court room is crowded. Many buiUs
are lu waiting to carry the news quickly 10
remote parts of Brooklyn.
Judge Neilson again entered court at 3:35,
aud adjourned court indefinitely, stating that
if the jury would announce an agreement he
wouiu bring tuem in in an noiiraiter.
New York, June 27. There are no signs
of agreement among the Tilton- Beecher jury,
and it is believed they will be discharged.
Judge Nlelson left the court room st 5 o'clock.
Atllr m. the court honse was closed, and
the Jury retired for tbe night. I; Is thought
they will come Into court at 10 to-morrow
and state that they are unable to agree, aud
ask to bo dlscharrnd.
Washington, June CiJ Tbo following
dispatch was received al thn Indian bureau
tblx morning: Red Cloud Avency, June 24.
Hon. E. P. Smith: The Red Cloud and
Spotted Tall Indians have sinned m agree
ment to relinquish their rights in Nebraska.
Thev want $11,000 In horses, $8,000 In cows,
$2,100 In harness, $2,:t0j in wagons. All are
well pleased. Signed, J. W. Daniels, U. S,
Indian Inspector.
Washington, June 27. The Secretary of
the Treasury baa directed tbe Assistant
Treasurer of tbe United States st New York
to sell $1,000,000 gold coin eaob Thursdiy
during the month of July. Total amount to
Paris, June 25. Tbe loss of life by fie
flood at Toulouse Is appalling. At the St.
Cyprian quarter. 215 corpses have aires ly
been found. The violence of tbe torreut
frustrated efforts to rescue the unfortunate
Inmates of bouses. Several men were
drowned In tbe auompt, 20,000 persons are
.aiT"15 lVJokaoaltiindtodrtvdt
deprived of the means of subsistence in Tou
louse alone. The disasters elsewhere are al
most equal in magnitude. The lower part of
the rlty of Morssao, on' tbe Tarne, Is under
water, and at Tremoutlet In tbe department
of Arriege, five houses only remain stand
ing out or 400. In tbe district of Folx in tho
sauie department, two villages are complete
ly submerged, many dead bodies found.
Crops of all kinds, are destroyed. President
MaoMahtin and Minister Bullet have left Pa
ris fir tho scene of destruction.
DunuN, June 20. A grand banquet hasi
beon gnen by Iho Fellows ofTlnlty in honor
of tbo American r'lle tfiim. There were 75
guests at Ihe banquet, which took placo in
Commons Hll. Tim eent Is regarded as a
mark of peculiar honor, being tho first ban
quet of a MinlUr nstuie for twenty ynars.
Students took a tletp interest In tbe a flair,
gath-rii'g around the visitors as they entered
and (limbing on the window sills of the din
ing hull and charing lustily.
Tbo Irish rifle fpsm, In practice at Dolly
Mount to-day, made a muoh smaller score
tlisn the Americans yesterday. There has
bnt-n no iurthtr prm-i ice by tbe Americans
Tim Lord Major of London and party will
arrive Monday.
The LhM ds of London have offered a 50
guinea cup to be roiueMt.d f,r by English,
Iilsti, Nco eii and American teams at the time-
of tliH Eobo challenge shlold match. Al)
tbe teams have accepted.
Paris. June 25 Midnight. Gen. DoCls-
e , Miuister of War, accompanied the Pres
ident and Minister of the Interior to tbe
soeno of the inundation. Tho municipal
louucil of Paris has oted $20,000 for the ri
lief of the siifierers. Eight persons were
drowned in Ve:dun. Eight hundred houses
have fallen In the Toulouse. At Bordeau the
Garrone is much swollen. No serious catas
trophe Is reported. It Is said that over 1,000
lives nave ueen lost aitogetuer.
London Juno 27. The steamer Pandora
sailed trom Portsmouth fortbe Arotlo regions
to day. Esquimaux Joe, who acted as inter
preter to Capt. Hall, in tbe Polaris, goes out
with tbe Parndma. The Parndora will only
touch land once on ber outward yoyage.
xms win oe at jjisco, ureeniina.
Special telegrams to the Times say 000 per
souj perished In the Hood at Toulouse alone,
Tbe outbreak ot an epidemic is feared. It
is believed that 2,600 houses have been swept
away in the town and environs. Tbo dam
age thern is estimated at from 12,000,000 to
15,000,000 sterling. A Paris correspondent
of tbo Tanca makes an appeal to British
charity in behalf of tho sufierurs. A Daily
News' special says the lowest estimate of
deaths In the flooded district Is 2,000. It is
proposed to bombard and destroy tbe St.
Cyprone quarter, Toulouse, to prevent dang
er from crumbling walls of the houses re
maining. Lond'in, June 2S. (1 a. si The Stantlaui
publishes reports of tearful inundations in
Bohemia, Moravia, Corinihla, Tyrol and Bar
iat, with somo lsss of life and great destruc
tion of property. Many bridges were carri
ed sway and thousands ol cattle drowned.
The crops in the toveial districts were total
ly destroyed.
Senator Ktixy. Says the Boise Slater
man of June 22d : Senator James K. Kellv.
ot Oregou, arrived here by yesterday's ovei
land stage from Washington, on his way to
Oregon, and will lay over here until this
afternoon at 4 o'clock. We had a few mo
ment's conversation with him in regard to
railroad and other matters, but as he 001 -eluded
to stop over, we diall be able to sou
him again, and will thou give our leaders
what information ho may onmmunlcatH to
us, in our next issue. Thn Senator is look
ing remarkably well, aud is as bociable as
he used 10 be.
Tbe stock of tho Allien Fruit Drying Com
pany has all been taken aud tho Company
permanently organized. F. A. Cbenowetb,
President; J. R. Bayley, Sup't; E. Allen,
Sec.; Wm. Groves, Treas. Tbe company
has seut East for two drying maohines.
Sheep Growersm
Screw Worm.
Foot Rot,
I Scab,
that infest Sheop.
tt u bj ran duitth, and vastly ciiEAr-
Improves the Health
J3? Ono gillon I" ciioiikIi fr ono liuiulriil to twf"
lmu'trcd WI(.li, uctoiiliiif; toUUr u, Ftrvui;ili, nnd
It it put up Id FIVE-GALLON) CANS-Prlco, (13
per can.
Bind for circular, to
T. A. DAVIS Sl Co..
1Vboeae Agents lr the Mate.
Or to Your neareet Retail DriiKirl't. DiyA
, Cheapest Pump Made,
The Best for all Purposes,
Capital Lumber Mill, Silim, Orcuon. Tlieiu
have bem
Thoroughly Tested
In Oregon, many having been manufar'artdsadmld
laat Ttar that xlvu ptrUct aatlfucil,,n, 1 manufac
ture aud sell
Wood Pumps, Tubing, and Pipe.
Rcnalrlii.' nronin'lr attended to. All work war
ranted. 1'rlieaaa folio wk:
Twelve-tool Well flit
Balcm, June 1 1. lblj. A. l'KEdCOTTV
iBp. mIlunckrodt Mm,
i '
I "
I J IHa . . C ri ' I
trfjSiJ'i.- .
jl.. M
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