Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, June 25, 1875, Page 8, Image 8

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r A T TT W
T?3bL lO-ciirvosit of 187S,
VsnHaaMH i
Iamndcc-pccially from OREGON DESIGN, and has nil tlic
Pitt's Laest Improvements.
This Thresher N no longer ndvertl-ed under the narao or Oil VII,HV.K. To
avoid conlnundiug name Mid trade marks, It Is branded with our trademark,
0XtA2aa.:olo.tl- without which nnno are gcnulnu There machine
for lew liuvii .,1,1, the meiit improvements, and are
name, it is the ciiA.wriu. ur i 11 1 nunui,
"With Special Improvements for I HTfJ . WelmvoTwo
.TIiiiIii. I'or Tun or 'IIiilc Hoiscs. with Latest
Mo mueldiic fen tlw runner who does hi- own work.
'hands" hio needed.
Rfiitchell and Schuttler Wagons -Best in UsePrices Reduced.
3-inch Light Two-J Torso $110 00 $123 00 3 1-2 inch Heavy Two-Horse $120 00 $134 00
3 1-4 Inch Medium Two-HorM! 115 00 128 00 3 3-4 inch Medium Four-Horso 133 00 150 00
ray' F.ach Wagon caiiqilcle, with Sprint) Scat and California llrakeWide Track Extra, So.
Hastem Oregon, Washington and Idaho.
Mn. Kdiiou: Tho Uonoral Council of I. of
II. of KHStnin OrORon, Kastern Washington
and Idaho Torrltory met in tho city of Walla
Walln, W. T., on the 7th inst., and adjourn
ed Bfter it four days' session.
On account of the .Subordinate Granges not
liavlng sulUelutit notice of tho meeting, tho
Attendance was not large, nevertheless every
thing was harmonious, and, it is thought by
the members present, that much good will
nsuo, ami that not-only the Patrons but the
whole country will bo benefitted. The Coun
cil adjourned to meet at Weston on the sec
ond Monday in October, unless sooner called
by the Executive Commiltoe.
The following officers were elected for the
ensuing year, viz; J. II. Doutb.it, President;
H. T. Levins, Vice President; Win. M.Shel-
ton, Secretary; John Irvine, Treasurer; M.
M. Cnshiug, lluslnoes Agent; Robert Mays,
John Irvlno and H. T. Levins, Executive
Theollowlng resolutions wore unanimous
ly adopted:
Resolved, That it is the opinion of the rep
resentatives of the uovenU Granges of East
ern Oregon, Kastorn Washington nnd Idaho
Territory In General Council assembled, that
the building of locks around the Cascades
and the Dalles of the Columbia river by the
Oeueial Government Is tho only feasible
means for opening up the Miltlemont and
prolluiblii cultivation of the val and beauti
ful tracts of produetlvo agricultuial country
lying UHtneon the Cascades and ltoclty
uiountaiiib; and tho Order is part'cularly ro
quosted to use all honorable miians consistent
with tlio organization ol tho Patrons ot Hus
bandry to procure tho proper legislation, and
tho President and Kocreiaiy are requested to
.furnish tho Itupresenlhthu and heiiutors of
Oregon, uud tho Dulegalu of Washington
Territory, vv ith n cojy ol this resolution and
retjuest thulr fUvoraliln cm opoiutiou lit tho
Congress of Ihu United States; and al.s. re
quest tho Subordinate Gianges to ask llielr
inoinbersulm'Lta tho LtgNhiluru to inoiimti
nli70 Cougiess on ,tho hiiiiu matter. Alno,
that tho Stnto Giuugc soon to tusumlilo lo
petition Cougresi on the si.mo hiilj"ct; and
request the Masttr thtiol lo bring die sub
ject before lliH Nrtiloaal (irangn, and iiqiutat
that body to petition CoiigrbN to itmWo an
Appropriation lor the work,
iteolvcil, Th.it tlio SmeiBry furnish the
pastors of this city, the WiLHitmu'i; Faumiiii
and the Mountaineer with a copy ot the fore
f;olDg resolution, and irquest them to pub
lish the same.
W. M.. SitHMOK.Sec'y.
VuTOllIA.Jlinn '21 A Utile belmeS o'etloe k
last evening Lleuteuant-iCauuiiauiltir Sanders
and pilot George arrived In town uud reported
the total loss of the Unifd tttittM mn-ol-war
fcSaratnij, In Seymour Narrows, Johnston's
fitralgkt, on Friday nimnhig last. Tlio vessel
truok-voiy bard, asshwt vww going at tho rate
of 'fourteen knots with Mfeweu-kuobourrtiut,
swung etioiind and liuug on a lutlu while,
tike was then headed for tUoVucouver shore.
Water was gaining rapidly, enabling Ike of
ficers an crew to save but little of the stores,
erlecti, olothing, etc. She remained over
water betore sinking Just one hour. A good
deal more.wotild have hewi saved only that
it was not :uowu at what atomeut the kip
would vanish.
Bronze Tnrleys
,M flobblers frunS
toil) mouths old.
W to 40 lbs i arii
fr sale now,
ileus II to
EiMcq Geese
10 to 10 pound
1M.T pair ai nia
turUj. IIlick
;i'Aiut iiwui,
IS lbs. .
CtRits, Uralimas, Lelinrns, Houdans, Ban
tams, tic.
yCfiVSt iresb, pure, trnyt to nime ; w ell packed, to as
to hHtoh after arrhnl.
For Illaitrated Clreultrtiid Pi Ice I.bt, address
3VC. 33Vr.I3, Napa, C'al.
yKiutirr.s. iitumn, imukons.
ridsi stale wherejousaw xklsadertleiuent.
Administrator's Notice.
TajOTlPK I htn.by lMwm tint 0 uiuli'iti.iuil lus.
J. to flnli'r of tl" Hon Count) tVsrt, of ln Counlj
f Marlon, Htnm of Oreeon, nutluti d Ail.vlul-trilor
if thxertalKOf II '. (i'lmi't. iUcnL lale of sU
riiMtitv. Ml iioi da' hi" HIin a,-aln-t ntdis
Moore inpili.d I i'-"jri r them iouih.ii tltetullteiif
Milim 1 louring 1HII l wpi.n in thocliyol'MUin, In
rnll riiuui ulihlu Hx iiiolI)i limn il.ei'iio Linof.
JLilid Ifflltm, OrfLPU JuuoMh, 1n15.
it , Kl N K i
Jelltt I V.dwJljI'-l alor;
JRMw r
all that Id Implied in the
Ascents for
A eheip mddo of harvesting
ACHES per day. We hav e
Ptyles 10 and 12 feet Cut.
linnrovemcnts. A most deslra-
The Strongest and most
VOlvlug 3rt.Alx.OS. Ncllls' Harpoon Horse Fork.
But two horses and three lion
California Crops and Markets.
We gather the following from the San
1'rancisco Comma ciul Herald of late date :
A largo surplus of tonnage remains in
San Franclco and ihreeor fiur ships have
been obtained for i 10s per ton. to load lor
the United Kingdom.
Receipts of new wheat have boen small
and fanners seem in no hurry to forward
their crops
Reports received at the bureau of agricul
ture from different sections, show that
winter and spriug wheat will yield four
tifthH of a full crop. Kte promises better
than wheat but will fall below the usual
average. Oats are in trood condition and
wilt reach nearly a full jleld iu the lar
gest producing States. Barley promises
well. Clover is in fair average condition.
Sou Francisco Market.
San Francisco, June 23.
Flour-$5 005 3".
Wheat-! G5l 11.
Barlcy-f 1 451 SO.
Oats-$2 05; pest Oregon, f 2 12X.
Rye-$1 35.
Portland Markets.
Wheat, pr cental, sacked 1 501 60
Fkinr, Jobbing ut from 8 IS 00
Barley 1 401 SO
Oats, pr lb 2
Bacon )012
Ham 12(g..
Shoulder I7
Lard 121S
Kres 1531S
ChU.kens 3 D04 (X)
Butter brine..
" roll
" -solid
Hides green
" dry
' salted
Leual Tbniiei'.s, buj lu', bTi : selllns, S"ic.
FLOUIt, OlTviN i.c.
Wheat, beat white, 1 bushel 60....
Out",V bu ilia's
Coin M nil, V & ii
Klour, bist, fl suck. (i burrol) 1 25(41 3T
Uuckulicit Flour, V U V& 5
Biau, V ion 10 Wall 0
fchorls, V ton iilMiit ..
OUC.ike Mal, V 'on 25 ln,.,..
FhiTbccil, pn U '. '-iht
liaj, ft ton t..".Gll)
uuled, y ton U'.V
Sugar, 8.U1 Frauctscu lelliied, ) Mil 1151 13
Isluid SiisUX
crushed uU.S;
powdered U& 15
Kriiiiuluied l'-kLo M
hlrup. & gal 1 (Hftl 2"
fea,.l.nuu. V lb Brngl no
liuneilul 1 254M 50
Uoflee, Costu ltlcu, W lb StMa
lth SOSO ..
Kouo 2i ..
Java 85& ..
Bait, Carman Island, per cwt 1 00G$1 25
Liverpool, coarse 1 22&1 CO
dairy 2 00....
Uay Wt&l IX)
Appe, a 67
dried, tf lb & S
readies, dried, W tt im lo
Plums, " " , 11K 12
Beans, V B) & (I
I'otatoes, l bushel (A 75
Ou1ob,VB 4($
Oabbafie, V doi 5(K3 75
Carrots, V bush. 25$ ..
Butter, fresh rolls, HI tt $, 20
packed ua 25
Kegs, V deaeu W 18
Cheeso Oregon prime, fi B 18 ..
Lard,Vt 13X 15
Unseed OU, boiled, V gallon 1 ....
raw, '' 1 16a....
Lard Oil, V (raUon 1 7B$s 00
Coal Oil, n ....- 45$ ..
Nratsfoot OU, at gtX 1 oai 79
Tallow, V SO IU
Corrected by J. W. Gilbert, dealer, Bale m.
names Leather, M B....... K)Q 40
Skirting Leather, " SSffc ..
Bridle Leather, " & f-0
French Calf prdoc t55tf:5
French Kip, lirdor J5itl(H)
Cat. and Ureipin Calf " SUA 4t
Kip " M 7
fi.tnta Cms Sole, pr t ' 2flA S3
tides, dry, " "10 1
irreen, , K 6
Deer Skins, dry, pr t HO SO
" dressed," 1 nrwil M
Bhxp Pelts ina 75
Sillamtttt Smtmtt.
imuxd xvaar siTPBDir, bt
VIIC13 Jto C3TiA.XG,
ri'siujitus and ruoriuxTORs.
, A, cxinuK. p. w, cncia.
Teriin or ubvcrlpllou,
Onocopr, out)iMr(5iuv.'ubers).,
Onnciiy, t month 11 .lumbers)
Due copy, lirco a.ui,llit (IS Humbert)
.. l.SO
... .76
Sole Agents for the
Too well nnd favorably known to need comment. It is the
rilEJUlUM I1AK VJESTJSU or the world. As a sclt-RaKo
Reaper it is uncqualed, and as a Mower it excels them all.
Small Crops. Binders ride, and reap and bind TEN
Han - ester with Header Attachments.
durable Rake In nse. Cost rased In a Season.
fork, zicmsi. runr,ia ai siyies, ".viouiiieu ' or uowu,-
CHAS. H. DEXTER, Lessee.
Dr. L. S. SKIFF,
Assisted bv O. F. Tucker.
Ovor tlio 33axrIsL,
Man Franelsco, containing 150 rooms. In suit or
single, and flltoc np with ail modern Improvements.
Omnibus to and from the Hotel, free.
House open all night.
THOS. SMITH, . Proprietor,
(Formerly of tho Kmplre Hotel. Tho Pallee.)
At Mill Creek Bridge,
All Kinds of
Ami Itlnde to Older.
On tho lowest terms for CASH.
JOi: WOIt It done, and all kinds of 'JTUIJN1N
Ordcs promptly Attended to.
Goods dellend to any pirt of the city, to the rail
road, or wharf, 1'ki:e or ciianuK.
Aiuiiao. law. wtf
w. aATHJiaroao.
Weatherford & Co..
Wholeula and Retail Dealer! In
Patent Medicines.
K errumery
Etc, etc.
For Misliciual pur)".
Medicines Ooruoountled, aud
"Wsatlierford & Co..
Uy o-t CacuacrclaJ trcei. 9L11.C3X.
(hamplon lloapcr and Voir. The BEST
Self Hake comblnid Moclilno In the Word, as evi
denced by the fact or Its naung receivrn me nign
est awards nt Ethibilluns and Field Trial, bolh
In ktirmiH nnd Amerlea in 1SJ4. Mromr. mid suit
ablo for lax as well as Grain 2rT"Setid lor
Champion Circulars before dtcidln.t whatlteaper
to buy.
lodtc's Hcapcr aid lner "Ohio" and
"Buckeye" patents combined, with Dodge's Im
provement; two size-, No-. 1 and 2. Can bu set to
cut higher 'Attn any other Self linker. Prices great
ly reducd for 1375. fSrBend for Circular entitled
"Twenty Keasons why Farmers thould buy the
Mtl'ormlf k' llcaprr aad Mower Hand linkers;
extra ttmiiq aud durable. Prices low.
.Marsh Hanrtcr VestraUe and economical way
of ban estlng grain, nindes ride. Jtadlcal bail
ees aud Improvements lor 187). Many prefer thim
to Headers and Heapeis. Send for DescrlpMu
Halms' Ilcafcr or Harrctcr With Ilodjrcs'
Imnrovemento and other additions for 187i. Two
sles, ten and twelve Teet cut. Our Hcsde's are
made In PMn, Illinois, nnd are the must lpprtncd
stylo aud innke. Look out lor 'Intrim mitlm'
with pretended improvements, that may bo olleiei,
by cailiornia ueaiers or men ugeuis.
rilnnes llimrr. Four sizes Combines all the
desliable leatures that ale found lu any other
Mower. Nos. iau14 are moicpartlcuianj lecom
mended for heaiy uoik Descriptive cirtulais
fiirin-hed. Prices reduced for 1S",5,
!prn''UC Iron )1 cr. A model oftlmphclty an I
verection of mtcianhm, nnd Is TliE Jwctl geaietl
maehiiioyet iutiiHlucil; is ttioti'l and dm tible and
unquestionably TUH MY.iV moilti ale pi Iced Mower
in tne market J3ryScnd for u pragu iiamphlet
and examine into the merits of this Mow er.
Kn'leMlhuIn Threshers. Wheeler, Melll-.ki
Co's twoslzes, with special Improvements not to
be found clsew here.
Home FoHtrs. All sizes and stvles. Including
tho7icimofI,itts, both "Mounted" and "Down."
Taylor's Nulay Itake.-Sunerlor to any other
Itaku yet Introduced. Vtry desirable for gleaning
whmt fields as well as raklnj; hay. Have had
them made expressly "to order," ttionger and
heailer than can bo found elsewhere.
Kcvolvlng Bakes 8 and 10 feet long.
Barnes Hake. Nine feet head, mounted on 'tun
run. new tripping device; Is much THE BEST
devolving Hake made.
"Ilx 3Fd3L33ca.e2rss
Oregon au f asLwtoo Territory
the btalllous kept lor tho
Improvement of Stock
..AT THE..
Polk County, Oregon.
Tho animals offered are selections from the
Best Thoroughbred
Kentucky nnd iliu Eantcrn state).
The public are cordlilly Invited to exnmlne the
"Bplrll of the Times," "Turr, Field, and Farm." and
other leadlmr American Stock Journals for tholr aute-
cedents, as well as evtnilue the animals themselves,
which will lie under the i are of A I. I'll EUS GUILD,
formerly with BUDD DOBLE, of New York.
Service Seaaon, from April 1st to Aug. 1.
Aa a representative of Thoroughbred stock the
Bred by R. A. Alexander, of Kentucky, Is offered; he
wa by the famons raco-horse " Ringgold," ho by
" Boston," out of "FlirtllU.Jr.." by "Sir Arcby."
Delaware was ont of "Ariel," she by Imported "Bar
pedon," who was bronght ont in England, and made,
as Is well known, an unviable repu'ation undir the
ownership of General Urovesnor.
Delaware has perlormed as follows; At Wnodlawn
spring meeting of lsns he won tho stake for three
ynar olds; next, the Produce stakes for three jears old
colts, two-mile heals. (5U0 entrance, $200 fnrfcit, and
1.(100 added by the Club. Next, the "Club Purse,"
fbOO, two-mile beats, all ages : and, three days after,
he beat the famous "Uarry or the West" lor "Club
Purse" of $1,000 three-mile heats, at the Fattersou
Fall Meetlny, A' the Hobokcn Spring Meeting, 18H7,
" Sanford Sweepstakes" purse. 500, mile and half.
At Patterson Spring Meeting, 1SKJ. won lliethr-e-mllc
dash for all ages for fSOO. and the same day he beat
Darrle, three-mile heals, for $700, and at the Patterson
ran weeiing won me -unrtenvoou uuwerse' offaou.
DELAWARE Is a rich bay, 15( hands high ol per
fertly quiet temper, and is a very desirable sire lor
road aud sporting slock.
Dealrlng especially to encourage a class of better
blooded horses, wo have decided to put the services of
Delaw.ro TO INSURE for 25. Provisional cole at
time of service.
Formerly Eonney's Knox,
Is a bay brown, 16 hands high, and weighs lino lb..
Id Aj. .AaJ.li, u,., .. u 1 ..ul k. .. f, .... ., ,' ..
I i.ui jim.iviii.biui .las mm uj ueuer3! iIIOi.
h iiy "i-rn,ort Hem," br "Sberunn Bhck
Hik," by " Vv'puout UUck-Uawk, by Shcrnuu.
' latHilW.Mclln4Bll:s
l'liflnlo W'ts' ImproiC'l lisllcrgir' 'Jlirslier.
Moio tininviemeiilri and adttllloiii lor 1875, In
both Si parators and Powers Want of space lor
bids i nunn-ratliiir. Is now rccognlriil as 77A'"
LtaJlmi Ihrtsiitr, niid tUuds lar ahead ot the
'mudiett of the Jllmietn' In the istlniallcn of
the Threshing public. GUARANTEED to ,
rate faster and clean lettei. without ctatklng or
uaste or grain than AN Y OIHEll '1 hreeher knoun.
Particular attention Is callul to the liloslefs"END
SHAKE" SHOE, and ntw Improvements in the
"Mounted"' Pouere, etc.. i tc. Tlireshcrmcn who
who have not seen the ihanges and lwiroiement
mado In tlio "I'ltts" DulUlo Thicslur during
the last tvvojears, will conmllthelrotcn Intnenthy
looking at the "CHALLENGEIf biloic bujlng
eljcwh re. 1 A'A'IF 1'A'IEST JIIVULE 'or
THRESHING FLAX can ho furnished when
desired. All sizes. from4 tn 12 hone power. Look,
out for "llogu' Vf' Thrctheiv. 1 ho Utmime
are mado only by Jas. Ilrayb y, Buffalo, N.Y , and
can bu haa only through us or our authorized
Hrse liny Forks. "Nclll's" Harpoon, ac
knowledge lo bu the best. AlrO Palmer s
Kan Ullls.-Clark's "Double Shake" Pacific Mill.
Iho only Mill that will u iterate Oats hum Wheat
let' r Ha'rs. Hay, Platform and Mill Scales.
various sizes.
I luiriis "Blinchard's," the oett tn the uorld:
also Ihu Cjlitider and Theruiometer
Wnaonn. Ws have bolh tho "PACiriC" and
Ihr "Bain" w lth " NbW PATTERN" ia.ta i-lrong
and heaiy thlmbhs. Wheels soaked in 1JOILINU
OIL nnd oilier improvements lor lfa7". Guaran
teed to inn lighter and oututaravy other wugoa
In this market.
Ror lite llairons A New three and four Snrlni?
Wngou complete, with two seals, Ac. cheaper
and better and more complete than thoso mado
Han estlng Tools, Mill 8tonc,
lxtrn lor Mai htnes, rimut Machine.
Sickle bcctl'jn, Slcam Engine",
Ituhbcr & Leather belling Planing Machines,
Turbine Water Wheels, Huggles, Cmrlagcs, etc.
We Import only the BEST articles, and 6nr
prices will at all times he ns low as "the lowest,
GrfLlboral terms to tho Trade. Manufacturers'
Descriptive Circulars mailed on application.
Portland, Oregon.
Mnrgai." by "Justin Morgan." Tlio dam of "Win
Ihnip Knnx " was out of tlio well-known Levitt mare.
Mid n.nru was raised by John O. Wing, LVu... of V, in
throp, Maine, and was by "Black Lion," huby tho
North Hoi-mi on Micrinan Illack-Haw k" dam of
Levitt niarobv Old M. Ithcn II, liu by Wlnthwp Mes.cn
gei, by Imp. Mes-engir. T hu granddam ol Wlnllnop
lno wn- by i ling tlfinihli tonlin," he bv "Hams
llambletonlan," who was thoiiMuyhhrid and flood at
Ililslnl ernnmt, mull ho was 27 vuirsold, ptodueing
' f.ny Eagle. " "J ndy oflho Lake." "Gru n Moun
tain Ito)." "Ti no John," "Seutag." "Oie Trouble,"
"Black lnilah," nnd nrmv v I her ecU lull u s.
service of WINTHHOP KNOX tor '10 TO IN
SUltL. Pruvislonal nolo at llmo of service. ,
Wa sired by Unclo "bubo, n large fist Stallion by
General Knox Unclu hhubo (rornieily kiiowii us
Wjer's Knu) Is now owned by Henry It. Iluttirdild,
Esq.. or Watervllle. Mulnti. Is a (liestiint slalllun lhjf
hands high, and weigh. 1250 pounds; was never fitted
for last vvoik, having been kept 111 thu stud, where hu
his proved a getter of fast animals. Hu trots a mill
In 2 "A uud his halves readily In 1:10. Gin i record si
agieen fi.ur jeuisoldof 250. (Sou Thompson's rcc
oid "Mnlno Bred Horse."
Tho dam ot Black Stranger was tho well-known
Reynolds mare, weighing 1250 ponnds, tired by Ho.
man's Messenger, by Stone Messenger, by Wlnthrop
Messenger, by Imported Messenger, nnd her grand
danf (ihe dam of Unclu Shubc) was a Messenger mate
wenching 1 pounds.
BLACK STRANGER 1 lfl hands high, and weigh,
ed when siai ted for Oreion 1147 nonml-i. 111. limlv
are of such extraordinary strength, with knees and.
gambrel Joints low down like sire, and grandslre Gen-ei-ilKnox,
that wuleel that this, added to his close
allUneu to such remarkahlo speed and great size in
both branches of his family for so many generations,,
must make him a valuable stock getter for the fanners.'
of Oregon.
BLACK STRANGER will .land far tin Tn IM-
SUUE. i'rov isional note at time of service.
Three years old, pasf, by "General Knox;" dam by'
Robblns horse, by "Human's Messenger," by "Btono
Messenger," bv" Wlnthrop Messenger." by " Import ed
Messenger:" sho wrlghud 1,: 50 lbs and Is now owned,"
hy thu Bath Strum Mill en.
Scnlces of MAGNUM KNOX, $25 TO INSURK.
Provisional note at time of service.
GOOD PASTURAGE for all marcs, with dally care,
for $1 per week. No risk taken.
The proprietors feel much confidence In oflVrinc:
this stock, as "General Knox." sire or " Wlnthrop'
Knox "and of " Ma.iinm Knox," and grand siro or
"Black Stranger." has won his way through all op
position In New EnUnd. winulng the highest stakes-whll-owned
by Col. Lang, and taking thu highest
awards us a siock horse over all New England' and
now at 20 vears of age stands at tho head of tho "Fash
Ion Stud Farm " stables for $150 season service with
out warrant, with such companions as "J Gould,"
"Socrates," and "Taller," and was selected and con
pled with such celebrities a. " Ij.rt Th,n .. i ...... i.
and many others. " Harris nambletonlan," the grand
Sire Of "Gen. Rnnr" .ml 0r.11 imiul -t... r k.-i.n
Gen. Knox'
' and great grand slro of tho colts
offered for serv Ice. was bv the
9 iubred thoroughbred
norse nam nietonian. See Stud Book, page 187: and
ttaiaoietonian was the produce of Imported Messen
ger to his own daughter.
A Mile Track
n?nvbe,cn..lal(1 "P00 Co1- Neimlth'a estate, wblcli
.I111 Ve, ,u ,r' u?Wt carc' wh0 wlu nan'e and train
the stallions and horses lor other nnrtle. rie-imn. .11
corres.ondence requiring answering will receive
liw-u. aiivuiiuu.
Parties deMron nf trnintntT ).Mp mm Bnini.ta .A
conialh-oUfn'dthHUc of hv track ami any athlco
latnlulnsor bftudllDff, or antitanco lu tbe talu of
ri tt
r, ilr4iktaw
.. 'filuiB&fa i..'.
. .tue.jj&
- $