Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, June 25, 1875, Page 6, Image 6

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Qood Hev-tH'
Typhoid Fever.
If yon knock a man down, ho may rise np
again, but after two or three such snocklr-gs,
he loses the power of rising. In ordinary
fevers Ihe system has a recuperative power, es
pecially when the weight of the malady has
beeb removed by suitable mulicice; but hcn
that recuperative power is loBt, th system ill
not rise lo health, altbongh medicine has d 'nc
all that was rzpccttd from it, aud the patient
dies. Ibis inabi ity may txi-t in all forms of
disease. "Typhoid" means "lite typbuR,"and
typbus itself means 'Mupor," a kind of slenn
or death. There is a growing tendt ncy in ail
dieaes "to takn on tho typhuid typi," which
simply means that the constitutions of the
people are growing weaker and weaker,
less nd less capable of misting the
onsets of disease; hence a less amount of
sickness kills now than formerly; and added to
tfclo ntiisinnnsof eve rv Brad e havo observed
that their patients can't bear as large dos-s
of audit ine aB heretofore; and the tendency ii
to Rivet less and at loneer intervals, ana wan
and seo "what natare will do." The practical
use to be made by tbe reader of these fuels is
to habituate himself to a greater watchfulness
against the causes of all disease, and to a
griater cate of himself when he iB sick; and
this care should be observed in three main
1. In recovering from any form of disease,
keep abundantly and comfortably warm.
2. Studiously avoid taking cold.
8. Watch against over-exercise for several
days or weeks. ...
4. Eat very moderately and at regular inter
vals, of plain, nourishing food.
If these four things are observed, relapses
would be rare, and tho patient would be saved.
The most difficult of the fcur Is to avoid eating
too much; there is special danger of yielding to
a craving for some particular kind of food.
Wo bnnw an estimable lndv who was happily
recovering from an attnek of typhoid fever, but
she bad such a strong desire lor a sweet potato
that it was allowed her; in less than an hour
thosjmptoms became unfa voraDie ana sneaiea
the next day.
The sleepiness or stupor arises from the fact
that tho brain, and thence tho who'e nervous
system, is oppressed by the disease; is wi ighed
down; can't aot; goes to sleep and dies! Hall's
A Man Dies of the Hiccoughs. One of the
most singular cases of death that ever came
within our province to mention, is that of Mil
ton W. Blair, of Louisa county, who died
last week in a town in California, of tbe hic
coughs. Mr. Blair is an old merchant of Louisa
county, but has not been engaged in business
for a number of years. He has been residing
near Morning Sun since retiring from bns ness.
Last fall he wns attacked with a fit of hiccough
ing, which continued for Rome weeks, with
scarcely any intermission. Becoming alarmed
at the long continuance of the epell, Mr. Blair
came to Burlington to oonsult with a doc:or,
who, after treating him awhile, declared he
oould give him no relief. From this city he
proceeded to Chicago, and oonsulted tbe best
medical authorities there, who did all in tbeir
power for him, but could not relieve him. By
their advico he went to California, accompa
nied by his sister, thinking that the change of
climate would help him; remaining in that
Stato to the time of his death, hiccoughing al
most continually, and having but few interval
of rest. Tho continued strain and distre-s
wore him to a mere shadow of his former self,
and laBt week his sister telegraphed to friends
and relatives in this and Louisa oounties that
he was dead, and she was bringing his remains
on for burial. Burlirujlon (Iowa) Ilawkeye,
Walking exerciso, as a means of health, is
tho most praoticol and universally available of
all other forms; it promotos the activity of the
circulation; it enlivens the spiiits; exhilarates
both body and brain, and, not least, it costB
nothing. But to take a lively, ootivo, brisk,
cheerful walk, which infuses a new energy into
tho wholo being, thero should be a well-tUting
shoe, and feot undeformed by corn or bunion,
or other distortion; but, standing at any point
on Broadway, and taking the first hundred
persons over twonty years of age, for oxumiua
tion as to tho rondilion of the feet, wo may
foci very sure of not finding half a dozen
which are n.tuml. It fairly makes oue shivoi
to look at tho oxpood foot of any adult ugly
protuberances, tony exorosconces, tnrned-iti
nails, p!leil-up toes, and skin all mottled and
Bcarieu by oxcessivo binding or ill fitting shoes.
all ino iniug us to pity human nature, it not to
despiso ii, lor unnoorsinnly submitting to the
numeiouB evils arising from tho uunuturul
conditions referred to.
The Duration op Lifk. The following facts
on tho duration of life appear in a Gorman pa
per: In ancient Ilome.during the period between
the years aOO and 300 A. D., the avtrago dura
tion ol life among tho upper ota-ses was 30
years. In the present century, among the
same olassos of people, it amouuts to GO years.
Tn llio sixteenth century the moan duration ot
life in Geneva was 21.21 years, between 18U
and 1833 it was 10.G8. and at the present time as
many pe oplo live to 70 yoars of age us 300 years
ago lived to tho ago of 43.
Sbasoninoj. This is the most difficult part in
the science of cooking. To season is not diffi
cult, bnt to season properly is quite another
thing. It is not only necessary to know well
how to tt-w or roa-t a p'ece of meat or any
thing else, but to know ho to season it, to bo
able to judge what quantity and what kin I of
spires can be UBed to Benson such or such a
dish, to what extent all the spice) used agree
togither, and what taste aid flavor they will
give to the object with which they are cooked;
tor, if not properly used, tboy may just as
likely destroy the taste and flavor of tbe object
as improve it. Some disbi s require high and
mnch seasoning, others just tbe contrary.
With a good fire and a good Bpit it is not neces
sary to be a thorough cook to roaBt a piece well,
but the cok is iudispen-able to mix the gravy
or sauce with the proper seasonii gs.
Simmkbino. Simmering differs from boiling
only iu the amount of heat allowed under the
holier, kettle, or pin. To simmer Is to boil as
gently and slowly as possible.
Stkwino. To sti-w propeily it is necessary
to have a moderate fire and even as possible.
A brisk fire would caueo much steam to evap
orate, wh'oh steam is tbe flavor of the object
stewed. The Jlouseketper.
An emulsion of raw meat is advised as a
nutritious form of diet for convalescents.
Eight ounces of raw meat, with two and a half
ounces each of sweet and bitter almonds and
white sogtr, are beaten together in amortir
until complete y homogeneous, the almonds
having first been blanched. The compound
may be beaten up with egg or milk oxd water
in any consistency.
To Ciiufx Deippino. Put tbe dripping
into a basin; pour over it biling water, iu
which a teaspoonful or salt lias been dissolved,
and keep stirring tbe whole to wash away the
impurities, let it (tand to cool, when the water
and dirty sediment will settle at tne Dottotn.
Repeat this operation at least twioe with fr sh
water. Whn cold, remove the dripping from
the water and melt it into jars.
Shkkp's T.iNotrns in Savobx Jelly. Skin
the loDcues. lard them, and cuok tbim until
they are quite tender in good veal broth, or any
white stock. Take out the tongues, boil "down
the liquor to a stiff, clear jelly, and pour enough
of it over them to cover them. To be eaten
Silver Cake. Two and a half cups of flour;
half a cup of butter; two cups of sugar; three
fourths of a cup of swett mik; white of eight
ogs; two texspoonfuls of baking-powder.
Croquets. Take any cold meat, mince it
fine; put in an onion chopped fine. Moisten
with gravy, make into balls with yolk of an
egg and flour, and fry in hot fat.
S. F- MwT -Wr
Wcdnudit U.t Miy 2C, 1875.
Domestic Ecotfopy
The Art ol Cooking No. 2.
FniiNQ That part of cooking is not as dif
ficult as it is generally believed, aud properly
friod objects are good and do not taste greasy.
To fry requires care, and nothing fried will
taste greasy if it has been dropped in fat prop
erly heated and in enough of it to immerse the
object. When an objoot tastes greasy, it is not
because it baa been fried in grease, but because
there was not enough of it, or because it was
not properly heated, for, if heated enough, it
closes the pores of the object and carbonizes
the exterior, bo that it canuot absorb any.
IIoabtino. When an obieot is placed on the
spit according to directions, reniomb r that it
cannot be basted too often. The time necessary
for roasting a picoa of meat, or anything else,
depends bb muoh upon the fire as upon tne na
ture ot the meat. Meat especially requires to
be placid very near the fire at first, aud then
put back by degrees. There is nearly as muoh
difference between roasted and baki d meat as
there is between broiled and filed meat. It
is generally admitted hero that English roast
beef is so superior to American roast beef that
it cannot be compared to it. It is not in the
quality ot tho meat that the difference lies,
bat In the process of cooking. Meat cannot
be routed In an oven, be It fn an ordinary or
in a patented one. That peculiar flavor in
roasted meat is produoed by the air coming con
stantly in contract with the heated meat while
revolving on the spit. Cold roast meat, when
desired to be served warm, is enveloped in
bntterad paper and plaotd on the spit joat long
sough to warn It,
Fnr. Stand Wht..
Nevllio A Co'i...
Hand Sewed...
Machine do 21x40.
' ' 23x40.
" " "MalO.
" " Zlxig.
Floor Sacks s..
" " !4s ....
". " iit
uessiaa w-in
do 4Vln 8V3 1
An afl.tn
Wool Sacka.Dtlbs,
do 4 '.
Stand. Gannlea...
alnfliA aam An..
Bean Han SH;
uariej cage nxn 13
do 23i. 11
do 24i40. 14
OatBas,J440.... 11
A Freak in the Flower World.
From Pacific Kuril Press.
The flower ot a Calla lily has been sent to the
office of the Rural Fres3 as a ouriosity. To
all appearance, and as far aa a careful investi
gation with good authotities goes, it is a freak
of nature in the veg- table kingdom. It is
kindly sent by W. T. Be illy, assistant assayer
of the mint, and as is understood, this Calla is
from a plant at his house, 1519 Sacramento
That the peculiarity of this flower may be
fully understood, we will explain that the three
principle parts of a flower, like tbe Calla, are
called in botany tbe stem, the spathe and the
spadix. The spadix is tbe yellow, granulated
column that rises from the base of the floral
envelope. This envelope, or white flower leaf,
or bract, is technically called tbe spathe.
Now, acccording to all descriptions and en
gravings of numerous authorities consulted, and
according to tbe exptri-uceof numerous per
sons of whom inquiry has been made, we find
no aocount of any separate species of Calla
which has
A Double Spathe.
Yet such is the case undoubtedly with tho
flower sent us. In the sp cimen under con
sideration there is but one spadix crowning the
stem, but it has a definite and distinct spathe
or white flower leaf, on each side of it, one
curving to tho right and the other to the loft.
Will not any flotists who may have met with
the same peculiarity iu Callas, have sufficient
interest in tbe subject to inform us if it is a
common occurrence?
De Oandolle mrely hinfB at what may be a
solution of the difficulty in his work on the
Philosophy of Plants. In dei-oribing a spathe
in general ho says it m iy consist of one or
more braclece. or bracts, but be does not assert
thore that the Colli lily muy havo the two
bract. Still his aseiton mny give tbe true
solution without making it necessary to call tbe
iloutio form a separate species. To stud ntsof
botany it muy be of inierest to know tl at the
Calla belongs, according to Lindley.to the order
OronJiaceo. or Oroutiads. Its fall botanicul
Calla Aelhlopica,
Or Ethiopian O ilia, aud it was introduced into
England from thouapeoi u ion uopo, iu 1101,
uearly one hundred and fi'ty tears ao. It
Liroos wild on theislaudof St Helena.
May 25th, 1875. JW. A. W.
A Large Cranberry Farm in Wisconsin.
The Baraboo Republic ment'onsthe existence
at that pi a e f auiucirporatolsiock cimpauy,
onmposed of Samuel Klauher, of Madison, aud
Tt-rrel Thomas and G. A. Summer, of liiraboo,
with a capital of $25,000. The onuipany have
purchased 1.4U5 aores of land in Jackson couu
ty, and intend making of it a cranberry farm.
The most ot the tract is a natural cranberry
marsh. About seventy aer. s of tbo margin, to
gether with an island wi bin tbe msish, are
covered with pine timber. They propose erect
ing a building for tbo sorting, oleaning, and
packing of berries, and leadiug to it will build
a railway running diagomlly through thetnet,
with branchi s leading to the distant portions.
For the flooding, a number ot flooding dams
aro to bo provided, which will be supplied from
a neighboring oreek, nudcr a law of the State
which permits tne use ot tne water or streams
for agricultural pnrpos's.
In answer to "Alphabetical," in your last
isoe, for a remedy for consumption in its first
stages, I can recommend Dr. Pierce's "Golden
Medical Discovery," if taken aceordii g to
directions, for it has been thoroughly tried in
my family, and the results were glorious.
"Alphabetical" must not expect one bottle to
do the work my wile took three bottles be'ore
sue could discover any change, but after the
third bottle every dose seemed to strengthen
ths lungs, and now ihe Is well and hearty. It
"Alphabetical" will write to me I will get wit.
nt-ise to the above.
Lawrence, Marion County, Ind.
Cincinnati Tint, Fe6. 4, 1875.
Vor Couh. Odds, rouchiUo sad all aaW
tloej at uJTonjs, takaAy of Uharry Pectoral.
do JKlJH.. . 16 'ail;
Asst'dPle Fruits
In 2.4 tbcans. 11 0 3 10
do Table do.. 3 SO a 4 26
Jama A Jellies 3 25 4 On
Picklct H gl.. - aiNI
8ardine.qr boil 80 (3 1 90
do M boles 3 20 gl
Anatraltan.Vton 9 Oil 'a 9 23
Uooa Bay
Balllngham Bar.
do balk. ..16 0(1
Mt. Diablo S li
Lahlgb 623 Ml
Liverpool iv on 911 w
WeetHartitj .... -514 UO
Scotch MI0 tn.
Soranton 56 00 627 ou
vancoUYtra 111..11 in
Rbarooal.Vtk... ;t
Coke, bbl
Bandwlch Inland
Costa Klca par ft
Ground inca....
ao.Drr Ood.new iX& -o
oaans.... 6 a ;
do boneless... . 8)(g 10
FastarnOod..... 1Ht 8
Salmon In bbls.,9 Ou 9 80
do X bbls4 50 5 SO
do 3XBoans 1 80
do lib cans.. 3 M As to
do IBj cans .150 (fcl 75
DoCol. K. J4D...S W) teoMI
Pick. Cod, bbls.23 00 m
do H bi.UII 00
Bos . 8m'k'dUar'a40 S M
MackNo.l,ibl9 WI jjll 00
" Extra.... (ill 00
" In kits.... 00 2M
" Ex mass. 3 00 S3 SO
" KxmeM.Hb"ai3 00
Pic'd Herr'K.bx.. 3 0t. a) 3 I
Amntkeag bundled Axes
I6I7 ; do nnbandled do S13
814 lensSOo In Scale low.
Amo.keag llHtcbeia Shln-
aiing, iio 1, fj a; no. 1, o
No. 3. ftlift TV, do. Claw
No. l.f.;S;No.2.8.S0; No. 3,
:i.o-iess iu per cent.
I.Alr. V.l.rnrbMrirrn
discount 33)f per cent, from
Planes, Ohio Tool Co- dis
count 30 percent, from list.
Am. Tack Oo'i Cut Tacks
72 percent, discount and a
per cent, extra. Finishing
and Clout Nails Vi on" list;
Jil fine Nails ST.'O per keg.
libio Butt Uo's Loose Joint
ButtaiSper cent, and s per
cent ex rardo do Fast, 3) per
cent oirust.
Machine Bolts, :03S oft.
fnuiM Ntib. IfibSa off lint.
Hexagon Nu's g)3o oft list.
Wrought Iron Washers,
23o off list.
Lag Screws, IS per cent off
Assorted size. tb. 4 00
Pec Ino Qlue Co
Neat F't No. 1.1 00 0) 90
Pure W
na.iorOil, No.l.. 43140
Baker's A A Si 49
Uocoanuu..,..., 55 4 to
Ollie Pla-rniol..o 00 5 2)
do Pouei 4 75 S 00
D. n. a a5
Unieed'.'raw.'.-.! W ) I
da boiled .... (3 OS
ftllMChinanntlnos.. B m
-.perm. crBu.,1,, iu. ,
S bleached. .1 SO 132 2.
Coast Whales... 4J.V9 60
Polar, rennea....
i)ieopblne ........
Devoe'e Brlrt...
Long Island....
Knreka ....
Oeroe's Petro'm
Harrel kero-ene
rtnwniir Rerose 6
ilu I.lsht Oil ...
tire White Lead 10M (3lt!
Whiting io 2
Puttr 4 (3 54
Dbalk (3 IH
Parts White 214(3 -
Ochre 3 a S
Venetian Red... 3H3 5
Red Lead 10 II
Llinarge iu '
! YM
J I I3int
11 (ll'J-t
ij iiuix
6 7
fA L 8),
14 laiii
. (dl 28
27au) 31
& SI
26 O 27
31 27
Cd -
40 -
a a 23
H32 2.5
n in
exf 7,
10 & 10k
Em Vermillion
A'erlll rhemlcsl
l'alnt. per aai.
While Atints.2 00 (32 40
Green. Blue A
Ch YeMow 3 00 (3.3 W
Light Red.. ..3 10 (oil . 0
Metallic Roof.l 30 gl 60
China No. 1, KU
do 2. do. K'aW
Japan ,
Biam cieaneu.i
Patna ,
"lernllna .....
Oal. Bay.perton 10 00(313 00
do Common.. A OO'SllO I'n
Carmen Island. .13 OOali CO
Liverpool one.. i iU4." i"'
do coarsew wt -SOAP.
Castile ta ft 10 fa) 13
Common brands., ft .'(
Fancy ao .. I n
Clorea to ffl M
Cassia 26 's 117
Citron 33 m
Nutmeg. 1 20 fl 15
Whole Pepper... 23 a 2.1
18 49
la) ur'ndAiispprda mi lit
do CUnesdo.. Si SO
do MnsUrd do gl 20
do Ginger do.. l 00
do Pepper do.. l 00
do Mace do . . !S2 10
CaL Cuba per D.. UK4
Parti' Pro. Cube
dpi or iw dxb (9 '
doinMBbxs.. W It's
do In '2.S ft bxs. la 121.
Olrole A crushed !!
rowaerea m
Fine crushed... & 11"
tiranulatea (10 1U
DoldeuO 'at 10
'lawaiian 9 (a 10
California Beet. 104"a UJi
Ual.Bjrapin Is. 5 67i
UJ IU ! D1S. Ol V
do In keffi.. fm IS
Hawaiian Molas
ses 23 (a) 30
uolong.Canton,Ib 19 25
ao Amor... iw ts ou
do Formosa 40 tin 80
Imperial. Canton 25 9 40
uo nngsuox m ou
do Movnna . AO bill 00
uunponer.uant. si
ao nngsuey f
do MoTnne. 65
Y'ng IlT.,anton 38
ao ringsuey su
do Movane.. 65
Japan, a chests,
bulk 30 76
bis,4) sndS lbs 46 (A 67
Japan do,3 Hi bis 46 90
dopl'nbx,4Hlb 35 65
aoi Dpaper w (9
Bright Nstjs.... 55 65
Dark do .... 50 S M
Paces Tin Foil.. S 75
Dw I Twist....
Light Pressed...
Hard do
Conn. Wrap'r....
Pann. Wrapper..
Ohio do
v Hi'ssmore..
Fine ot ehe'g,gr..o 50
irtno cnt onew-
lng, buo'u."AS.,75
Banner fine cuL. fto9 01
Cal Smoking.... 37 1 Oil
'A' u JftA jsh a 1 n as.
Eastern S2as5
m 00
Wzohudat if., May 20, 1878.
Bayo 27ig
Knttr 3 ta
Pea JMg
Pmk ma
Sm'i wh. por St.. SMa)
Per ta irmJ
sju a Aif re.
Cal. lS74.-ft.... I2W
Oat. choice ft.... 27X
Cheese, Cal.
Pal. fresh 25
Oregon. 18
K X.E.S..
Rnn nffr tin. Jtl
.-n u.il M DO nlSA 110
Ua 14 UUlti SO
Middlings '8,30 00
Ull cake meal... tiU 00
Straw, btle. .- Wa- M
Fa-O-JK. q. ..
Extra 5i0 lasso
buperflne 4l0. 4 50
r aa ks w.
Beef 1st quality ft. W
beuond do 4S9
Tbirddo 3Jj
Lamb o '&
Mutton 4 M
Pork, undressed IMS
do.dreased.... 10 id
Veal. ... 5 S
UHA4fli a.ay-
Barley, lout.. I 45
do brewing, I 50
Buekwbeat. ..
Corn. Mhite...
do. Yellow.. 1 50
nt rh lea... 2 00
tin ;s '
Wh.mt .hlnntnff I SO (it) 1 b
do milluig.. I 70 HI 1 1iii
nillfnrnla. IS14.. 27a 30
ta.l'rn. 74 ch'ca i w "l.t
Bee.wax.perlo.. 26 (4 r,H
Hone) in comb.. Is 19 tlH
doBlralned.... 5 fa) H
Pulu - 9
NUTTf-dunninwi '
Alm'rtsn'ra.h'l. B
do, soil 2i
Brazil do 14
Oal. Walnuie. 9
Feanulauar 10.. lia
Chile Walnuts..
Mlberta a... II
Pinii, IS
Droiler., small. .5 00 4 50
do large 6 10 J7 50
Doyes, per dozen 7" 131 00
Dtiflka.tame.da. 7 00 ISIS M
Geene, per pair 1 50 ml 00
i -.- .! 1 in Kn iM
"re, per uui...i . 2y. "v
Hens, ner dz....8 00 9 00
per at ia m t
do dreised to) 22
Mallard Oucka.. (a)
do small a
Praine Chiokena (a)
Quail, peidoz ... hi
lUhhlu I 21. u so
Miia 15
a 7
(m a
o) 21
i I UH
I I Ol
I I 52H1
? a
-.M 10
do ame doz . 3 10
Snipe, Eng., doz
Venison, perlb.. i
wua ueeseray
uo wane. ..
Cal.Bacun.L'ght 16
do Medium... 10
do lleavv. ...
Cal. Smoked Beef
bastern ao
tusl'rn Should's
ao new nams
naina. i'ai i
1o wniuaiers 13 i
do Uutheld, ih i
do Arm ur.... UM
do Boyd's.... IIS
do btewart's. 15 :
Lard 15 I
Alfalfa. Chiii.. . 9 i
00 Udlliorma. iv
rioter Red
do White
Cotton a
Hemp 8
lia'ianRyeGraea 30
Pareunia do,... 20
MlllaL 10
Mustard, white. M4
do. urown. ...
Ky. Blue Grass..
do Id quality..
do 3d Quality..
Swet VUraa...
Red Top do... 25
Hungarian ao o ig
livtn do 5ii (a
Mrsauit do... 15 (4
Timothy......... 8iS
iue 1 mg A short 13
sieaium.gooa cou'
fa4lnm srarie.
lung Staple 21
nrtw 14
Hear? free 13 &
ilidea,aiy. ....... io. w
do wet salted a
rauow a
do stannaa... 3
!? ia
68), a
II 'Ol
50 &
40 (3
so m
75 Si
. - 9-SO
WxomaDAT M., May 26, 187S.
Otty Tanned, father,!)
SasU Orus Laathar, k.
fluniliH I .atml hatP B M.
Btookton Leather, ft
JOdOt, 5 Bwll., peruoa ...'
Jodot 14 to 19 KiL. P'ao.1vVi,"iiM"-
Jodot, eaoond unoiva. 11 to l ail. fA dov
Oornelllan.ll to 16 Ur.
uorneiuaa cemaiva. . .?;-;..
flomell'eu F-rnaiea. 14 to-ia Kit..
Bimon Ullmo Femalae, 11 to IS, Kil
Simon Ulim" Feme es, 1 1 to K Kll
Biuion Ullmo Famalea, 16 WIT, Kil
Simon, 18 Kil.,ttdoa
Simon, 30 Kil. do
Simon. 24 i KU. ltd ...
Robert Cell, lands sUl.
Kranoh Kips. . '
Oalllornla Kip, doa..
(reach Sheep, ail oolore. das
KaaUro Oalf for Backa, .....
Sheep Rous for Toppsacall olora, dag.
Bhaeo Roans tor Uafnga,dos
BMt Jodot Calf -5oetLafa.fi pair..
Oood Vrraeh Oalf.BavnXaaa. Wpair
rraBekOalf Boat tem.fl ca
rarBridlLMiher aa
BklrtSc Laati.r. .
Welt LieUee, doe ,
WUiSaTMlEst.fi tea'..
American A Foreign Patent Agents,
"j;j"Bj"rL'Jp -diF'J . I as -j aes--Jij T --iTeBm
DATENT8 obtained promptly; Caveats filed
expeditiously; Patent reissues taken out;
Assignments made and recorded in legal
form; Copies of Patents and Assignment?
procured; Examinations of Patents made
here and at Washington; Examinations made
of Assignments recorded in Washington;
Examinations ordered and reported by Tele
graph; Rejected cases taken up and Patents
obtained; Interferences Prosecuted; Opinions
rendered regarding the validity of Patents
and Assignments; every legitimate branch of
Patent Agency Business promptly and
thoroughly conducted.
Our intimate knowledge of the various in
ventions of this coast, and long practice in
patent business, enable us to abundantly
satisfy our patrons; and our success and
business are constantly increasing.
The shrewdest and most experienced Inventort
are found among our most steadfast friends
and patrons, who fully appreciate our advan
tages in bringing valuable inventions to the
notice of the public through the columns of
our widely circulated, first-class journals
thereby facilitating their introduction, sale
and popularity.
Foreign Patents.
In addition to American Patents, wo secures
with the assistance 01 co-operauvo agent,
claims in all foreign conntries which grant
Patents, including Great Britain, France,
Belgium, Prussia, Austria, Victoria, Peru,
Russia, Spain, British India, Saxony, Bntisb
Columbia, Canada, Norway, Sweden, Mexico,
Victoria, Brazil, Bavaria, Holland, Den
mark, Italy, Portugal, Cuba, Roman States,
Wurtemberg, New Zealand, New South
Wales, Queensland, Tasmania, Brazil, New
Grenada, Chile, Argentine Republic, AND
where Patents are obtainaDie.
No models are required in European coun
tries, but the drawings and specifications
should bo prepared with thoroughness, by
able persons who are familiar with the re
quirements and changes of foreign patent
law9 agents who are reliable and perma
nently established.
Our schedule prices for obtaining foreign pat
ents, in all caaes, will always be as low, and
in some instances lower, than those of any
other responsible agenoy.
We txin ana do get foreign patents for inventoj
in the Pacifio States from two to six montfll
(according to the location of the country
soonkb than any other agents.
Home Counsel.
Our long experience in obtaining patents for
Inventors on this Coast has familiarized us
with the character of most of the inventions
already patented; hence we are frequently
able to save our patrons the cost of a fruitless
application by pointing them to the game
thing already covered by a patent. We are
always free to advise applicants of any
knowledge we have of previous applications
which will interfere with their obtaining a
We invite the acquaintance of all parties con
nected with inventions and patent right busi
ness, believing that the mutual conference of
legitimate business and professional men is
mutual gain. Parties in doubt in regard to
their rights as assignees of patents, or pur
chasers of patented articles, can often receive
advice of importance to them from a short
call at our office.
Remittances of money, made by individual in
ventors to the Government, sometimes mis
carry, and it has repeatedly happened that
applicants have not only lost their money
but their inventions also, from this cause and
consequent delay. We hold ourselves re
sponsible for all fees entrusted to our agency.
The principal portion of the patent business of
this coast has been done, and is still being
done, through our agency. We are familiar
with, and have full records, of all former
cases, and can more directly judge of the
value and patentability of inventions discov
ered here than any other agents.
Situated so remote from the seat of government,
delays are even more dangerous to the invent
ors of the Pacitlo Coast than to applicants in
the Eastern States. Valuable patents may be
loBt by the extra time consumed in transmit
ting specifications from Eastern agencies back
to this coast for the signature of the inventor.
We take great pains to preserve secrecy in all
confidential matters, and applicants for pat
ents con rest assured that their communi
cations and business transactions will be held
strictly confidential by us. Circulars free.
We have superior artists in our own office, and
all facilities for producing fine and satisfac
tory illustrations of inventions and machinery,
for newspaper, book, circular and other
printed illustrations, and are always ready to
assist patrons in bringing their valuable is
coveries into practical and profitable use.
United States and Foreign Patent Agents, pub
lishers Mining and Scientific Press and tbe
Pacifio Rural Press, 221 Sansome St., S. F.
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The Mining & Scientific Press.
Started tn 1860. is one of tbe oldest weekly journals now
gubllshed In San Francisco. It haa been conducted
7 IU present proprietors for ten years, daring which
period it haa been repeatedly enlarged and constantly
Improved. Tbe active and steadfast efforts of Its pub.
Ushers have gained for its conduct tn amount of practi
cal experience greater than any other puollsners nave
accumulated on tbla coast, of a weekly journal.
Tbe gum paid by us for tbe beet editorial talent ob
tainable for our special claaa journal; for engravings,
for Interesting news and correspondence, and for print
ing a large-aized, handsome sheet, Is unequalled by tbat
at any other American weekly west of the Mississippi.
As a Pbaoticai, Mnrmo. Jodbxai, It bat no rival on
this Continent. .
It It tbe only UscBAiacAL, and the only BczDrrrnc
Innraalnf th Padflfi BtatAB.
Miners, Aesajers, Mlllman, and Metallurgist In the
United BUtee should take It.
Pacifio Coast Mechanics, Engineer, Inventors, Mann-
rartnnra. Pro'eaalonal Men. and PTOereeelTe and
Industrial Students thould patronise ltt columns ot
treah and valuable information.
Mining Engineers, Superintendents, MetellurgiaU, Mine
Owners and Mine Workers throughout tbe world
abould profit by ltt Illustrations and descriptions
of New Machinery. Freeeeaea, Discoveries tod
Record of Mining Events.
Intelligent thlnkere throughout tbe land, tn high or
humble tttuttloa, who would avoid literary treah
tor ganulne Information, ahould BUBSCBlBr AT
Ho. Hi Bt-teeaM street, B. V
Will last three times as long as the best Lead and Oil,
without Chalking: is of any desired color. It prepared for
Immediate application, requiring no Oil, Thinner or
Drier, and does not spoil by standing any length
time. It is equally as good for Inside aa outside work;
over old work as well as new; In fact where any paint
will be found superior to any other. Any one can ap
ply it who can use a brush, which truly MAKES IT
One Gallon COVERS 20 SQUARE YARDS 2 Coats.
For further Information send for sample card and
price Hat.
the California Chemical Paint Company,
TILER BEACH, Pres't, M. O. JEWELL, Bec'y.
Office-Corner Fourth and Townsend streets, Sao
Frmcisco. aplT-ly
Superior Fruit Trees
Shade and Ornamental Trees,
Cypress Seedlings,
Gum and Pine Trees,
At the Lowest Rates.
Trees and Flanks securely packed to tend
any Distance. j?
T. CORLEY, Nurteryman,
h. x. crmminas.
Wholesale Fruit and Produce Commis
sion House,
No. 434 Battery street, southeast corner of Wa&hingtoni
San Francisco.
Onr business being exclusively Commission, we havo
no interests that will conflict with those of tbe pro
ducer. 6-3m
Ayer's Hair Vigor
Advancing years, sick
ness, care, disappoint
ment, and hereditary
predisposition, all turn
the hair gray, and either
of them incline It to shed
Aran's Haib Vioob, by
long and extensive nee,
hat proven that it stops
the falling of the hair
Immediately, often re-
newt the growth, and always surely restores its color,
when faded or gray. It stimulates the nutritlvo organs
to healthy activity, and preserves both the hair and its
beauty. Thne brashy, weak or sickly hair becomes
glossy, pliable and strengthened; lost bairregrows with
lively expression; falling hair la checked and etablisbed;
thin hair tbickens; and faded or gray hair resume their
original color. Its operation is sure and harmless. It
cures dandruff, heals all humors, and keeps the scalp
cool, clean and soft under which conditions, diseases
of tbe scalp are impossible.
As a dresaiug for ladies' hair, tbe Yioob is praised for
Its grateful and agreeable perfume, and valued for tbe
soft luster and rlchnest of tone it imparts.
DR. J. C. AVER & CO., Lowell, Mass..
aXT Sold by all Druggists and Dealers in Medicine.
CRANE & BHIGHAM, Wholesale Agents,
SAN nuNCisco.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
For "Diseases of the Throat and Lungs, such
as Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bron
chitis, Asthma and Consumption.
The few compositions,
which have won the confi
dence of mankind and be
come household words,
among not only one, but
many nationt, must have
extraordinary virtues. Per.
haps no one ever eeenrrdio
wide a reputation, or main
tained it so long, as Ana's
Cbkbbt PECTOBai. It has
been known to the publlo
about forty yean, by t long
ccntlnued series of marvel
Ions cures, that have won
for It a confidence In lit vir
tues, never equalled by any other medicine. It still
makea the most effectual curat of CougKt, Cold), Con
rumption, that ran be made by medical skill. Indeed
tbeCausT Pa-CTOBAL bat really robbed these danger
out diseases of their terrors, to t great extent, and given
a feeling of Immunity from their fatal effects, that is
well founded, if tbe remedy be taken in aeaaon. Every
family tbould have it in their closet for tbe remedy and
prompt relief of it members. Sickness, suffering and
even life it saved by tbit timely protection. Tbe -prudent
abould not neglect It, and the wise will not. Keep
It by you for the protection It afforda by its timely use
In sudden attacks.
DR. J. O. AYER & CO., Lowell, Kaas.,
8old by all Druggists and dealers tn Medicine.
OaUXI 4 BIISHAV, Waalulo Afttti.
Tr9-ly iah nABCieco, cat.
Formen and. Threshers
wrsHrsa to havb
Straw Burning Engines
For next set ton mutt engage, them soon, as most of
those now buildUg are already sold. Three lng En
gine for Bepairt tbould be sent lo now. A number of
Second-hand Engine takes in exchange for "Straw
Burnart- for sale cheep. Tor particulars and prloee,
addreaw: H. W. BlOk
Baywooa, Ajaauoa -mat?.
iiiii-wa-jai in.'ltr--M &awjjshmww-'. wi