m vv5w iiyfw i-'i1''' WILLAMETTE FARMER. m Kl M I ?i f i ua 'i FIKST OPENING ..or.. SPRING GOODS ..AT.. The White Corner, ..BY.. BREYMAN BROS. w E ARE NOW PREPAKKn TO .NNOUNCP that we are opcnlug, and still rcccmiig, oneol The Finest and Largest Stocks of Goods Ever Exhibited in Salem! oun Staple & Fancy Dry Goods tiro now complete, and consist In part at follow t : New Silks, in all shades and colors, Pongees, Japanese Silks, plain and Alpacas, brocaded, Piques, Mohair Balernos, Organdies, Bombazine, Grenadines Swiss Brilliants, Nainzooks, Linen and Cotton Lawns, ..AND.. A variety of WhitcGoods. ScarJs, Kuchlngs, Laces, Ribbons, Em broideries, etc., LOVES, In an endless variety, NEW and TASTY, 1,000 Ladle', Imogen', and Children's Pnraol. A full line of Ladies', Misres', and Children's Hosiery, A large assortment of Ladles' and Misses' FINE SHAWLS, NEW AND STYLISH. In onr Gentlemen's Department, we have received a Dill line of Gents' & Boys' Clothing, HATS, CAPS,1l00TS, SHOES, And a complete assortment of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. We call particular attention to our large and new stock of Carpets, Oil Cloths, Matting, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, etc. OUR GROCERY MEPAaTMESTT la al"o full, and in Orooltory cj Grlne-7"vi' e Ciin glc extra inducements. Country Produce taken In HxcHniijjo for Goods at the WHITE COltNER btorj. Come ono, crnne all, And nil 0 ub a call I BREYMAN BROS. Salem April 23. 1875. (Greenbacks at Par ! S. FRIEDMAN, Auctioneer, and Commission Merchant. TUB GRASSHOPPERS HAVE BECOME A HUR den, and hao devastated tho green fields East, and peoplo are now flocking to thlsgoodly land where wheat is plenty and greenbacks seaic. and. In honor of this great immigration, I, S. Friedman, will reccio U.S. Legal Tenders at Par at my salc room In Eccutle Block, for all goods. My stock on hand censlsts of a splendid assortment of ClLOTIIIiM;, Gents' Furnishing Goods. StapIeDry Goo Is, Fancy Goods. Notlo is, Ribbons and Lace, bait and Jewelry, Nail and BtitUr, Hats and Tobacco. just from tho East, and prices to suit all. Boots) and Shoes, Groceries, Crockery and Glassware, Salem Blankets, Flannels, and Cloth, Table Linen, Napkins, Towel. All these goods w ill be sold Cheaper at S. Friedman's FOR GREENBACKS Than at any other bouse in Salem for Gold ! Bring all your Greenbacks. Theyaro worth One Hundred Cents on the Dollar ....AT.... FRIEDMAN'S. In connection with this is The Salem Drug Store, IN CIU1K1E or Mr. T. C. SMITH, A practldl Druggist, who will compound all your difficult prescriptions or pharmaceutical preparations correctly, from the PUREST DRUGS, having Just received a flue and well-selected stock of Drugs, Chemical, and Toilet Articles). If you have anything that vou can't get pnt np any -where else, bring it along. We guarantee satisfaction. Currency wlllbn received at par for eerytnlngex- cepti :ept Book accouuts, which must be coin, as usual. 8. FRKEDMAff, Auction and Commission Merchant, lent T7o Fw,TTXXl.&ir&. Don't Sell your Wool Before you sec the firm of MEYER & COHEN. balcm, June 8, 1S75. dwlm PAINTKIl'SManual-HonscandsIgn painting graining, arnlshing, polishing, kalsonilnlng, pa er ing, lettering, staining, gilding, glszlnz, tlhertng. glass staining, anihsis of colors, harmony, contrast, lc, 50 ct Book of Alphabets, W. Book of Scroll and Ornament, 1. Carpenter's Vanual. &?. , Viuch' maker and Jew tier's Manual M. TaxldermUt's Manu al. 50 boap maker's Manual. 25. Guide to Author--hio, 60. Lightning Calculator, 25. Hunter and Trapper's Guide, 20 Of booksellers, or by mail. lEba'fi HANKl" & CO., U'J NatMU et H. . TO BREEDERS OP Trotting &-Draft Horses. THE FOLLOWING STALLIONS WILL MAKE the SEASON OF 1875 AT FIVE OAKS FARM Tlio Tarottiaxe JStnllloxi AUTOCRAT, A dark-bronze chestnut, 12 years old. 1V hands high, bred by Chas. S Dole. Esq,, Crystil Lake, III ; is very Imiidsumc, goes in great style, and his gait Is as per fect as could bo (Uslnd. Ho a sired by that renown-d lrottinff Malllnn OKOUGE M. TATCHEN, out of the noted mare WAN DEREK, whose sire was a 1IAM1ILETONIAN hsrse, and dam an ABDALLAII mare. Autocrat 1ms had but Utile handling, yet he ha shown A FULL MILE IN 2lJO, AND QUAK TEHS IN 31 SECONDS. As a slro he is regarded a bECOND TO NO HOItbE In the Northwest, hit tolls being Hiilformly lino steppers, and a greit pro portion ot them lnrjo and hi 'lily formed In tht GREAT COLT STAKE trotted at Chicago la 1871, there were 4S entries, nominated at yearlings, all the principal sires bclug represented; jet nnlylUe started, two of which wcie sired by Autocrat, and one of them col second, and the other fohrth place in the stakes. Also In the QAKDINh.lt HOUSE STAKE for three- car olds, trotted at Dexter l'ark, Chlcrgo, in lbA with 14 entries, nominated at threo ears old, MOTTO, Mred by Autocrat, walked oer for the purse and forleits. 1 he above, together with numerous letters recel ed from owners of col,t sired by him, fully establishes his reputation as a trotting sire. Terms, $50 to Insure. THE Jr U -L-tJEJ mV33I3 Imported Clyesdale Draft Stallion YOUNG MARQUIS. A bright bay. 5 vears old, lnjtf hands high, and weighs 1,9U0 pounas. He is a horse of great action, and im mense substance, with remaikably good legs and feet, ery compact and pow erlul, tine tempered, and sound constitution. Ho made a season near Toronto, Cana da, and proed himself a sure foal-getter, his colts snowing great uuuorniity 01 Dreeutng ana style. PEDIGREE. YOUNG MARQUIS was bred by Mr. John McKelch. Upper Ballard, Dalfron. Stcrllngshlre. He was sired by ''Marquis Graham," bred by Mr. Stokes, Drvmen, Stcrllngshlre, out of a pure bred Cljdesdale Mare, which gained the first prize at Kinross, also atClack manaushlro bociety's bhow lor the beet Mare of the iClyd'tdale bleed ' MARiJUIS OF GRAHAM was sired by Mr. Peter Craw fold's bay horse "Loft)" which, when oneycar old. gained the 1st prize at Glasgow, 1st at Kirkin tilloch, ltat lllehlaiidbhow held that car at Kelso, and i3 now situ to a gnat many prietakcr YOL.NG MAROUlb is out of Mr John McKelch's far lamed brood Marc, "Nancv," which gained the 1st priu at btintht ndrick, 1st at Kilcarn, 1st at Bnchlyvle. ai d 1st at Drvmen, for the best two jear old Ally ot the Clydesdale breed. When fouryears old shegalncd tnu 2nd prize at Drjmen, and the 1st at Buddy vie. She was dam to two males sold to DaWd McGlbbon, In varoran. Linlithgowshire, in whose hands they gained a great many prizes at local, open and Highland So ciety's bhous. A filly out ot ono these gained the 1st prize at Maryhllll, 1st at Midlothian, 1st at Kirk intilloch, and the 2nd at the Hlkhland Society's bhow held that year at Glasgow, and was sold the following spring for 80 guineas to Mr. Lockhart, btranraer, In whose hands, as a to year old, she gained the 1st prize at the Ayrshire Show open to allcomers; 1st at Stranraer Society's Show , and unfortunately died, pre vious to w hlch 160 guineas had been offered ond refus for her. NANCY is nlso dam to a two-year old Ally which. In 1870, gained the 1st prize at the btcrllngshire Society's bhow; lstat KUearn, and Istat UucblyUe, and who a'terwards was purchased at ISO guineas by Sir Wil liam Burling, .maxwell, as a breeding mare YOUNG MAHOU1S was never exhibited In Scot land but once, w hen ho gained the 2nd prize at the ruisicy snow, open to an comers. Terms, $40 to Insure. tW Mares sened bv either of tho aboo bullions. and disposed of bcluro 'foaling time, must be paid lor as in pai. Good pasturage v, III be furnished marcs from a die tancu, free of charge. Escapes or accidents at owner's risk. Address, S. C. REED, PORTLAND. Or Wflff. 1VATSON, Uillsboro. March 5. 1875. Summons. In Justice's Court, East Saldm Precinct, County of Marlon, State of Ortgou. 8. A. Clarke S. D. W. Craig, pltffs , r. J. Put. Smith, deft. Action at Law . TO J. PUT. SMITH, the abo e.named defendant; In the tame of the State of Oregon, you aie hero by required to appear beforo the undcrslgi cd, a Just ice ot the Peace lor tho precinct aforesaid, on the 2-th day of June, lb"5, ai 10 o'clock in the foreooou of said day, at the office of said Justice In said precinct, to answer the complaint of the aliowi named plalntlfts 111 achll action. The defendant will take notice that ir be rail to answer the complaint Herein, me piaintms win tuba tiir1i7menturalnst him for thirteen and tO-100 dollars, coin, w I h costs and disbursements, ana that your property attacneu w 11 uesoiu 10 suiisiy mesuiue. Given under my baud this 15th daj of May, 1875. U A. JOHNSON, May 21, 1P75W6 Justice of the Peace. Notice to Stockholders. T HE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE NORTHWEST nrti flhlnnlnir. KLoraire. and Commission Comua- uy who have not je. paid up rholr assessment No. I, levied August 15, 1874, are notified to remit the am ounts due for the same to roe Immediately, and they will receive receipts therefor. T. J. MATLOCK Portland, Or., Mayfl, 1875. Secretary. Presses FOn ITUKB HAY, HOPS, 'OR FLAX, MANUFACTURED TO ORDER BY T. B WAIT, third door south ol the old 11. b. Church. Remember that these Presses hate necr lulled to lakeaFIRoT PREMIUM whereer exhibited. E ery Press w arrautcd. Send for circular. m20m3 Wanted Known, milAT JOSEPH HOYT Is in tho makct TO BUY WOOL ! WOOL ! And will- For the same. Can be fonnd at the office of WELLS, FARGO & CO., eikui. J one 10, 1875. THE FIRST IN THE FIELD ! Spring Trade of 18751 F. LEVY, At Moores' Corner, Salem, invites attention ts his New Stock of Goods, JUST RECEIVED FROM SAN FRANCISCO, AND suited to this trade, consisting of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Gents' and Youths' Clothing, Fine Suits, Business Suits, Underwear, and Hosiery, BOOTS AND SHOES, Hats and Caps, TRUNKS, VALISES HAND-BAGS, Toweling and Table Linens, LACES A! 1I011S. Fanoy Articles and Notions; In fact, I have a general and select stock of all Staple and Fancy Goods, Exactly suited to this trade, which I have studied and supplied for TWE TY YEARS. Especial attention paid to the wants of our custom ers from the country, and Goods Exchanged lor Produce, on a cash basis. CALL AND 8EE MS. F. LEVY. Salem, April 12, 1875:tf THOROUGHBRED BUCKS and EWES. I OFFER FOR SALE. AT MY RANCn, IN LINN, county, se en miles from Harrlsburg, 40 Merino Bucks, 1, 3, and 3 years old; 40 Merino Ewes, 1, 3, 3, and 4 years old ; Which will be sold at reduced reasonable rates for cash, or for good notes, at 12 months' time, bearing Interest. These are the FIRST CHOICE of the Monson & Jewott Importation, brought to Oregon In October. 1873, and proved to have been the best Importation ecr made to onr State. Smentccu of theao Merino bucks last year sheared 33 IX pounds, ranging from 10 to 21 pounds, averaging exactly lOtf Ibn to the fleece. The fleeces of the ewes last jear averaged MJf lbs., and this yeir they average ot er 1 0 lbs. to the lleecc. My burks are not i ct sheared this spring. These sheep aie PERFECTLY HEALTHY and thoroughly acclimated, and show great improvement on our soil, uoth as to size of animals and weight of eCC0, ALSO. FOR SALE, Thoroughbred English Cots wold Bucks and Ewes, AS FINIl AS ARE ON THE COAST. My Cotswold bucks last ear aeraged UX pounds, Ewes 11 pounds, to the llecce. ZST Address me at PORTLAND, or Islt the ranch, whero my agent will show the stock and the sample fleeces. Sample fleeces can also bo seen at L. GOLD bMITU i- CO.'S, Portland. JOSEPH TEAL. MRS. A. A. MILLIOAN HAS OPENED A NEW STOCK OF 3VEII-.I-. IKT3E3 IFL-Sr In Starkcy's Dlock, Salem, (lately occupied by Conn's Dollar Store ) All Goods are Selected with Care FROM OUR BEST MARKETS. Having had six years' experience in this brslness, she hopes to be able to please In style, price and qual ity of goods, and asks a snare of puollc patronage. Salem, April 22 1875 w :F,i-r":E:iiOs, FROM Mammoth Rook Quarry, Polk county, Oregon, Tho rock from this quarry has been used for tho last twelve yeira for nre-places, hearths. Jtc , and lias proven neither to crack nor to crumble In snort, Is absolutely fire-proof. Manufac tured by J. W. C HPENTKR. &T Apply to TO ADAIK. Salem. my21ml)d Tbe Grandest Aclilctemcnt or the Age! The Little Monitor SEWING MACHINE! NO SHUTTLE! NO BOBBINS! No re-winding of Thread. Makes the .LiOCK BUICII, llttlll nencu, uuu ja- blo Stitch, froni two commer cial spools, direct. IT IS THE LIGHTEST RUNNING, AND MAKES the leiet noise of any machluo In the world, 'I he most simple In construction, and the easiest operated. Will sew from tho finest to the heaviest of fubrles without any change of tension. SEWS 25 FEU CENT. FASTEU Than any other Machine, making &X stitches to tho revolution. , ., , The public are Invited to call and see this WONDERFUL INVENTION ! Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. For further particulars call at irt Thud Street, near Alder, Good Templars' Build- lnS' MUS. A. B. FAXTON, Solo Agent for Orogon. W. W. MARTIN, Agent, balera. ST Good, responsible Agents wanted to canvass all parts of the auto. Portland, April SOtf Mr. Xv. .T. ITora GIVES SPECIAL ATTENTION TO DISEASES knon as l'ciimle Weukuean. Offlce, corner ot Court o4 Capitol ItrocU, SALEM, O.-esoa. elu ADAMS & -e3SE: iiaBPiHaRVBia'ffSMLa" The only Hiding and Binding Machine which does not use" Canvas or Belts, and Cuts and Islovates Grain wot. green, or dry. je.-xm,x-coc SiM.T-wt OSx-oaacilxx-pAra fS Otcr ALL competitors, at Ion a, Oregon, and Nehraska stite I airs, mid !)uh,qoriiIrl IS, I. ,yj Farmers, do not give your orders for any Harvester, until you have carefully examined this Machine. X. lmllVIa.J.lTJL Ofy VVFj ..,- J, May 14, 1875:tf PACIFIC RUBBER PVINT COMPANY. THE RUBBER PAINT, Composed of French Zinc, Atlantic Lead, Linseed Oil, and India Rubber, The ONLY PAINT that has Withstood the Climate -OF- Tlx 3E,oiS.o Ooa-s-t. Abundance of Reference, and PRICK LISTS, and SAMPLE CARDS, can bo had by calling on JOHN HUGHES, Salem, Oregon, "Who is Agent for tho Sale of our Goods, by the Quart, Gallon, or Parrel. juncKtr IMPROVED Sewing J33tzi.i 'J he Improved 'MTNA" i a noiseless Shuttle Dock slltcUSflwiiiK Mftcliinp, us ing a Straight Needle. It has been manufactured and extensively used In New York city for over ten years and has always been held In great favor on aecount ot Its extremo simgUclty, du rability, unit wide range of work as a Family Machine, and no person who has be come the owner of one, has yet been found willing to relinquish his :i'NA for any other, where all kinds are so well known. Yet our mechanical expert bavo been able to make soma valuable Improve ments, and we now prnf nt tn tnnpuuuotue uintuv i;D Ai TNA. with the conlt- KSS ft'CJSosr rKpA v. iJhl ASOllta 'SJST'aJO.toc. 'n every ton In tho Stale, to whom n llber.il discount will bo given Mn'liluiM sola on ln'tallmenio or uii i.otes. A JiDeial illseount will ho made for nh rV7 Send lor circulars A-c. '' 1 AHOiVS, Telbtf "rL"" - ,, Tlllri, stroct) pohtLANI), Or., Agent for l'acinc Coast. JOHN HUGHES, tvto Stroot, - - - - Snlom, Orogoii. DEALER IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, AND TUBE COLORS, PICTURE CANVAS Artists' Materials of all Kinds, Wall Paper and Window Shades, Salt, Grain, and Feed Lime, Hair, Nails, and Shingles. Salem. August Mi. lffM. "J mSub PURE - BRED SPANISH MERINO JS2lX, DIUECT rrtOM THE CELEBI14TED FLOCK OF UEOKflE HAMMOND. Eaq., of Vermont. - Bucks, rrom $50 to m. Khcs, rrom 50 to $150. For sale by JESSE D. OAIIH, o,10t. Giv'lsn P. O., Monterey co , Cal. "WOOL Grading & Packing House, PORTLAND, OUEUON. 8. A. SEYMOUR WILL AOAIN CAItHV ON THE UUrilNEbS OF Wool Grading and Packing, and calls the atten tion of Producers and Dealers to the adunta 'e-s of haung their Wool properly graded, picked, and placed on the Eastern market as an Oregon product. AN EXPEUIKNCEI) (IHMJEIt, who thoroughly understands the Eastern market, ulll sup'ilnteud tho woik, and It Is guaranteed that the wool ho grades wllleommand at the East the highest market price, according to tho grade mark, aiMf S25 per Day ftunrantood vmsocr FRENCH fcSAIjEM, OKKGON. 33kCa,o3a.aj3Ls. dutie'ti instilled byoxperl- (Wko that It cntitblnes tho jrood (itiulilles of nil Mo chinps, mid III moot" till wanes of cury lamily, u mutter for what work It 1st required. The construction. Is mjcU Hint it cannot get out of order, and no ma chinist Is required to keep it in order. '1'he operation Is so tdmplo that no lessons nro required by unewop oratoi . With each machine wo deliver prlntod Instruo tloiiH, and uy reading the snmo any exporiencod op erator Is enabled to operate on the Machine. We, there fore, nsk the publto to try tho jKTNA, well knowinp; tint Ihej will decide on Its mer its, which nut. Simplicity, Benn ty, Vtlllly, and Dui.iMllly. m m -e Home Manufacturing Company. NOTICK TO DELINQUENTS. A T a meeting of the Directors of the Homo Mann J. racturlug Company, held at rlalcm May aUi, 1X15. It was ordered that after .Iiiiio 30th, 1S75. all dellniiuent assessments shall be placed In the hands of the proer legal officers for collection. Until that time, parties) In Linn county can pay to Mr. Hlchard Morris, of tho firm of Parker & Morris. A. Y. btanard. Win Cyrus, or David Myers: In I'olk county, to J. V, It. Uiitlor or James Tatnm ; 111 Marlon, to ft W. Bowie, T, Cun ningham, or Hamuel llrowu. Tills action of the Hoard Is necessary In order tn settle the business of the Company and dissolve tha same according' to law, as was ordered at the meeting; of stockholders held at Halom February 91d. VIS. JAMUS TATOM, mvSrtwl Triu'iirer and Collector, S.A.ID DL.E :FL"!5r ,,ANU,. HiVHNESS. HAVING PUItCHAHED THE INTEHEbT OF" Mr. Watklndsliitheold eslabllslied house In tho ahore line, the attention of the community Is called, to the stock of on hand, which Is oflered at greatly rediccd rates. SADDLES AND BRIDLES At lowest Granger pilccs. Hardware, Whipo, Roboo, oto. To unit everybody. R. H. DEARBORN, 8alua,y!i).W,leS. v,ltV to&tmimvm.