""RtV'n 'i?r?'"!--" ii t- - -HT--1 I mmmmmw :MMwtwHaMum&tsxmiasmumjLiJiBanm 'J JW-W f - VjJTfyM'-" V I v--. tf K.y r f t J l N M fc .1 t ft Till: CKNTKNNIAIj IlOItDINOS. it was about this art gallery that most so licltutlo was felt; for it was not until the 'last Fourth of July that ground was broken for it; and as it is to bo a fire proof structure of granite, glass and iron, built in the most substantial stylo and with elaborate ornamentation, few peo plo were found sanguine enough to be lieve that it could bo completed by 180. Tho contractor, however, displayed an onergy that has put tho croakers to con fusion. Ho ran railroad tracks right into the building Inclouro, so that ma terials are delivered upon the very spot where they aro to be uod. He encir cled the walls with a broad-gauge rail way, upon which run steam cranes for raising ponderous blocks of granite to their places. He set to work a mod erate annv of men, and the result is that to-day tho massive interior walls have reached an average height of forty live feet, while the outside granite walls bavo reached tho water-table, and will bo ready in tho early spring to receive tho finer granito ot superstructure which is now being dressed at the quar ries. It is Dobbins' purpose to complete tho inner walls boforo cold weather sets in, to temporarily inclose them, and continue indoor work in brick, wood and stone through the winter. There is littlo doubt that next summer will witness the completion of the exterior of this great building, tho largest de voted to art in the world. As to the main exhibition building, there is now to bo seen little inoro than indications of its future whereabouts. There are tho long rows of stone piers, upon winch tho supporting columns are to stand, and running between them, three long lines of rail, upon which will bo brought in, next spring, thoiron columns, truss es and roofing material, which aro now being constructed in different shops. This building Kofiionand glass, and will be delivered upon tho ground, so to say, all ready to put together, so that when once commenced, it will spring into form with almost magical celerity. Cor. A'. Y. Republic. Tim: Transit or Vi:niw. English observations on the transit of Venus at New Zealand are icportcdas unfortu nate, while those of the Americans were nioasmnbly successful. Tho Lou don Times takes a melancholy view of tho situation, saving that the Ameri cans at both southern and northern sta tions, relying on tho llalleyan method and photography, "have got all they want;" while tho English at east and west stations, depending on tho Delis lean method, will havo nothing very suitable to compare with their observa tions in Egypt (since those in Now Zea land failed; , if they were unsuccessful in the Sandwich Islands. Fortunately this last supposition is not justified by the event, as the transit was well ob served at Honolulu. Hut in any caso it seems probable that the American par ties havo been more successful than thoso of any other nation in tho choice of stations and methods. This is trim not only in respect to the fitness of their observations to bo comp.ired with each other, but also for those international comparisons which will bo needed for final decision. AVie l'orl: Tribune. nwmmmavntnwmMMimnn mwmmmtamwma WOOL WANTED. JOHN W. GILBERT WXXjiXi 33TT"5T "W WXm -AND l'.U THE Highest Market Price. ATTENTION jHEEP GROWERS'! A SLlti: CURE I'OK Scab, Scrow Worm. Foot Hot, AND AM. Parasites that infest Sheop. TT IS BAKER, 1IKTTKK, AND VASTLY CHEAP JilAN ANYOTlir.lt EITKCTUAL REMEDY FOR T11E TREATMENT OK SUEKP. IV Improves the Health 01' T1IK ANIMAL, AND T1IK QUALITY OP THE WOOL. (ST Ono pillon 1 onmixh fur oue hundred to two lniu1rdMu.ep,aiordniK to their Age, tmij.-th, aud condition. It is put up In 1'IVE-OALLON CAN8-X7Ice, f 13 Hr ran. Bend for circular, to T. A. DAVIS & Co.; 1'OItTI.ANI), OREGON, Wholesale Aurula lor the Mate. Or to Tour nearest Retail Dnmrl't. rayd For Steile. n A VltllV ll?il It .1 ltl.lt HKNIIlIINriK 'II for al lunulro ut l U. K31D. $& nSw sAPoftoci&usMm. WARBOLIC SHE ER Dill 'yBO.MALLINCKRODT SCOl VSSjS-TSSjii,) ST.LOUIS.MO.W Op ii i i ii i i iiniii.iiM ii ii i mil iii i in wnmiMiiMiniaiwiii iiiini iiiiiini. mill i i n i m i mi imhii m CONN'S DOLLAR STORE. WE AIIE IN RECEIPT OF ONE OF THE FIN eft selected stocks ever brought to Salem, con sisting or Dry Goods. Fancy Goods, Glassware, Crockery, HATS, NOTIONS, ETC. ETC. We arc uovr Helling l'-2 yds ol print) Spool Cotton, 4 Spools for 25 Cents, And other GOODS in proportion. Wo havo opened In connection with the Dollar Store a FIRST-CLASS Millinery Establishment and would Invite tho ladles of Salem and sur rounding country to call and examine onr HATS, FIOW3RS and 3.3BBOSTS bclore purchasing, for we aro bound to sell Rats and all oilier floods cheaper than ever before sold in Salem. Wc havo In the rear of our DOLLAR STORE a Retail Department, where you ran get mostany kind of roods yon call lor. and at VERY LOW TRICES FOR CASU. Butter nnrt ICeWH taken in ex change for all kinds of goods. Also Agent for fho CELEBRATED WnKKLEI! & WH SU IMPROVED DRAW-FEED FIRST PREMIUM SEWING MACHINE. t37We haic moved the DOLLAR STORE ono block further uptown, second door uclow llreyman Dros. old stand, under Smith's Pnotograph Gallery, Commercial street. Salem, Osn. aplBtf Mri3. Rohrer's New Remedy roil TIZS 1.USTGS IS 3IEETIXO WITH W0XDE11FUL SUCCES3I THIS PURELY VEOSTARLII REMEDY HAS mi ennnl in tho lelluf and rule 01 Couirh, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis Croup, Whooping Cough, Mm slcs, &.c. It has producul some remuil.ablc emes. bold by druggists gi'iiei ally. Pi eput cd only by IUro. H. ItOIIICRU, Monmouth. Or., To uhomalllcttcisol bii'incss thould be addressed. T1LMON POUU, Attorney and Counselor at Law, SALEM, OHEGOX. Ofllco In Patton's brick building, up stairs. apl JOSEPHUS HOLMES -nAS- TO BREYMAN'S OLD STAND. Wholesalo and Retail Dcilcr in Groceries and Provisions, STONE AND WOODEN AVARE, CROCKERY AND GLASS WARE, CANDIES, NUTS, RAISINS, Tohacco, Cignrs, Canned Fruits, S)13 AC., &C. dtf BLACKSMITH SHOP In Salem. I IIAVi: OPENED A SHOP FOR lllacl.Miilth work, In Foundry block, S ilcm. t'arni Iniiili'inciitM Kemilrcd, UUltSE-kllOElXO, AXn OEXfll.IL ItLA VKSiUTiriXG. Esiicccial Altciiiion iialil to April SI, lS73m JOHN KMtiHT. OBEGON CANDY MANUFACTORY, COMMERCIAL STREET, sALEM, Oppoklte lire) inn u llrotlicrt,' New StoiCj American, German, and French Of every Description, nmnufaottired daily Arctic 3oa.t, ..AND.. ICE CREAM. Kellogg's Oregon i) a millS PLOW TS THE INVENTION OF A. B. A Kellogg, of Kellogg's . 0 Douglas county, Or egon and no has rrcclM'd a United States patmt theio for. This is not merely a new plow, but an Improve ment that can be attached to an old plow .if desirable, as well at constructed as a new one. It " consists of a point, huul suie, and share on tho laud-side for cut ting under the Und. constructed of one piece of sheet nutal, cut out In suitable form and beut in tho shape required." Attached, and part if the Imcntloii is all upright cutter cuned so as to cut the sod and gather all stubble or trash and guide it ou to the rUht to be entirely cohered up by the furrow. This ln eutlon has three distinct advantage: 1st In V dug adapted to au old plow ntth littlo expense; 3d In lajlng the stubble in the furrow to bo ei tlrely covered, by the earth: 3d The. share on tho land side, which projects laterally, cuts under tho noxt furrow and prepares It in caso of roots or fern for easy rum lug as well as sa6s the wing of the share from wear, and malting the draft of the plow both steady aud straight. The proprietors Intend to havo a limited number of their plows nude by good mechanics, without charge for royalty, to pnne their value, and those who destro to examine same "can do so at Knight's black smith shop. Foundry Block, Salem, or at L. L. Kel logg's thou, Oakland, Oregon. Our Improvement ou plows will be manufaenred and for sale by Louis Miller, Albany; and by Irwin, Macey, and Schooling, and Woodbury, at Ilarrlsburg; and by Sloan Brothers, and Polndexter A Pugh, at Eugene, Address communications to L. I., KKLLOGG, March 10. 18TS. Smw. Oakltnd. Or. r. a. svitLXVAX. ATTORNEY AT LAW, OPERA HOUSE. SALEM. S. E. corner, at Ueid of it&lri. M!y JOHN G. WEIGHT, Dealer in FAMILY GROCERIES, Crockery and Glassware, Wooden and Willow Ware, Tobacco and Cigars, COaiMERCIAL STREET. Salem, April 20, 1875. "Awrtf LEO WILLIS, (SUCCESSOR TO WALTER JACKSON,) am Wholesale and Retail Dealer in School and Miscellaneous Stationery, and Fancy Goods, MUSIC, and MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, PATTON'S BLOCK, - - STATE STREET, Salem, Oregon. Soopai For Salo: PIANOS, ORGANS, Arion, Tho celebratcu Uhickering, ESTEY, Emerson, find Hnllot, Davis & Co., Mason & Hamlin and other styles, in every style, on hand, and at manufacturers' at lowest prices. prices. Salem. April 0 1875-wly PImm's Patent California Frnit-Dryer. Patented Dec. 20, 1874. niHIS IS THE CHEAPEST AND MOST ECO JL noraical. largee t capacity, and most f pcerly dryer, and elves the fruit a better naor, than any other machine- ever invented. If t It only requires n ehed to work under. Sd It ha holler, engine, and steam pump that can bo med for other purpocs,in connection with tho Dryer, or separately. 3d The cost Is one half lexs than any other of the samo capacity, and there is no dancer of biirnlus tho fruit. A sample machine is in full operation at the factory of Span dln fc Dro . No. 81 Bcalo street, San Francisco, Cal. Bend for Circulars to . A. 'liAllun., paiera, Agent for Oregon and Washington, r. J. MATLOCK, Ascnt at Portland. rotrKtf To Farmers and Others. IMMIGRANTS ARE ARRIVING IN THE STATE bv every t-teamer In search of emploiuent, and tho Board find diftlculty in getting vacancies for them We therefore earnestly request Faimer and otters who rcqniro Ka'm Hands or labor of any kind, to im medlall conimnuicato with us and wo will gladly supply them with such labor freo of chargo, on our part. Plcaso slatclhe wages offircd. the class ntmen you want, and for how lone employment will be given. Tho Assistant Secretary is In daily attendance ut the Board Rooms, Ankcny's Building. I'rrtland, from 10 to 3 p. m each day, to whom all lutcrs should beaddicrsod. W. S. LADD, B. OOLUI-MITII, Jl. W. CORBET T, C. LKINKNWKIIER, WILLIAM RE1D, fitato Commissioners of Immlerutlon. SEVEN BOIXARS BUYS A K.IP ISOO'X0 -AT- JOHNW. GILBERT'S. VEATCH'S NEW GROCERY STORE, OS TUB North sitle of State Street, first door weat of Van Wagner's Fur niture Store, IS THE TLAOK TO PURCHASE FAMILY GRO cories, as I paid cash tor tho entire Stuck, nd con sequently purchased them at tho LOWE&T possible cost. I am prepared to sell Cheap tor Cash and Kcady Pay. My motto Is. "Ready nay, quick sales, and small prorlt8." By this means I can sell goods CIIKAPKK than any other house In Salein. If you have a dollar to spend, call and sot that w hat I tell yon is true. HT 1 also havo omo very nlco and good PRINTS, which I will sell 11 yarl to tlie doIIr. Salem March 13tL J P. VEATCH. WOOL.. WB ARE IN THE MARKET. FARSAE BROTHERS W1U pay tho highest tb itlce for 300,000 lbs. Wool. iuiiilu.3 . .., . WOOL BAGS ....AND.... AT THE SALEM BAG FAOTOEY AND T. Cunningham & Co.'s, AT SAN FRANCISCO PRICES. Salem Mar 14. 1874. l&wtt BOOTHBY & STAPLETOri, MaBufacturers and Dealers In Sash, Doors, Blinds, and Mold-ings, ETC., ETC. BRACKETS, And all Kinds of Scroll-Sawing. HAVING THE BEST FACILITIES AND THE laest Improved wood-workin? machinery to manufacture the abovo articles, will offer inducements to customers. Also, WOOD-TUBNING, In all its varieties. Orders from the Country Promptly attended to. Office and Manufactory, cor. of Front and Stato streets lunS9 BALF.M. diwtf RODGERS. MEYER & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, PORTLAND, OREGON. I FARMERS' LINE TO LIVERPOOL DIRECT. J Freight taken in lots to suits Shippers. Mbpral ndvmiccs mado on Produce shipped to our Liverpool Route. OFFER FOR SALE- 600,000 Grain 3Bag3, 5,000 Wool Bags, 20 Bales Tleeoo Twino. febJ7 l'fcf Sheep Cured of the Scab Disease! THE UNDERSIGNED WILL, UPON APPLICA tlon, engage to care Sheep having tho "faCAJ) DISEASE" for Ten Cents per Head. Application bv letter or In person will beanende to promptly. . . S. GOFP, Rp4t' Dixie. Polk ro.. Oregon. THE NEW AMERICAN SEWisra TRIUMPHED AT TIIB OREOON 8TATE FAIR haviug carried oft" the first premium as a Cloth manufaitiiriuif machine. Call e.uiy, and secure ono of thce excellent ma chines. EU, Aireyt. balem. Oct. 17. 1574. dawtf Successor to J. M. Klelbr & Co., 05 tlborly Rt., - - NEW YORK, ComtnitaMloci Ar'M.t IOR HUY1NO AND FORWAUDINQ FROM 1 New York la lslhrans. Pacific Rkllnwd, am3 Cape Horn, all kinds c.f .Menhandisf, and lor the nle of Products trom the I'acific toatt, lor tho collection of inonnv. tc. ouSlf SALEM FOUNDRY, & XLnaMno feJHop, ?ALEM, .... OREGON. B. T. DRAKE, Prop'r. 1TEAM HNC1INES. SAW MILLS, GRIST MILLS, t Reapers, Pnmps, and all kinds and stjlea ol ila clilnerv mado to order. Machinery repaired at a short notlco. Pattcrn-raakins done In all its various forms, and til kinds of Brass and Iron Castings furnished nt short notice. Also, manufacturer of ENTERPRISE PLANER and MATCHER, and STICKERS aud SIIAPEKS Mav4wtt FLOWER ttlMonerS Prle t oet Ktus Sl'OOXKR'S EOSTOX MARKET YRflETABLE SKKIIS. Descriptive Priced Cat lo!,-up. with over 100 illustrations, mailed fieo to applicant. W. H. SPO0NE2, Boston, Mass SEEDS. VEGETABLE SEEDS, . THE NEW IMPROVED Side Peed and Dack Feed. THE LIGHTEST RUNNING, MOST SIM PLE, AND MOST EASILY OPERATED SEWING MACHINE IN THE MARKET. Always in Order a&d Hedjfor Wo?k. If there 1 a FLORENCE MACHINE within oat thoasud milei of San Fran, dies not working well, I will fix it with, oat uj expense to tie owner SAMUEL HILL.Agsnt, No. 19 New Montgomery Street, GRAND HOTEL BUILDING. f Ait muouoo. T. OUNNXNOHAm & Co., Agents, Salem. , rTnr-r.r r..r1ln... -nr1 .nr-TTT narrmniiiiiT whrnmem TrrrfTrirrTTTMB rirTTrr'T" tit-i 1 rrrrT-T r -wtt t!" "t"s NORTH SALEM STORE. "W. X,. WADE, Jl T THK BRICK STORE. HA8 JUST RECETV ed a full assortment of General Merchandise, Dry U-oodSj Groceries, Boots & Shoes, Hardware, Clothing, CMcnlalnd Tor the Cltynnd r,'u,nt7,TTra?0u1''Sfi!t " ,ow, and will be sold at as SMALL A rROFft', as those who faKLL AT COST. V9 Goods delhered to nv Part id the cltv free of chawe. NnvSv JOKES & PAfTERSOW HAVE FARMS FOR SALE AND Buy and Sell City Property, RENT HOUSES, NEGOTIATE LOANS, AND Make Collections. AGENTS rcn Mutual Life Insurance Company OF NEW YORK.- Union Fire Insurance Comp'y OF 8AN FKANCISCO. KEIJP ON HAND, FOR GRATUITOUS CIRCU latlon, 1helr "Descriptive Land Clrcnlar," and 'l)esciii)tio Clrcnlar and Weather Record of Or eson." . ' Offlco on eronnd floor, OPERA HOUSE BLOCK, SALEM, OREGON. ap!6y Oregon State Fair, 1874- FIRST PREMIUM WHEAT-CLEANER. Tl Oregon Granerei', INVENTED BY SAMUEL DAW, RENTON CO.. Oresron, and patented Nov. 25, 1S13, recehed the prize as foe Best Wheat Cleaner Ever made in tho State, Price, - - - s30. fW Will clean 100 bushels per day to th man. I shall Immediately commence the mannlacturo of Ihlsmachluo at Salem and Consuls: WM. LEAV- ITT, aepnt at Salem ; BALDWIN As CO. at CorvalU. Or address me at CorralUs. taMin SAMUEL DAW. Salem Flouring Hills. BEST FAMILY FLOUR, BAKER'S EXTRA, XXX. SUPERFINE AND GRAHAM; MIDDLINGS, BRAN, AND SHORTS,"' ConHto.irtl.y- on Hftiitl. XXiKrlieiat Prfoe.ln OA.8II Paid for Wheat ATilE.Ii TXTCSS. H. C. KINNEY, ept PStf Acent S. F. M. Co or. c. sxra&vrozT. zvr. s.. PIIYNrOIAPf ANI 8VUGEON, SALEjr.j Oregon OHiie. front room on second floor CI the N. O. Parri-h brick. Commercial street. Heel dene. northea"! comer Front and Division strorts. Pirj;a sradnste of the Physlo-Medlcol, orCnrti!'' Coli'ce, t'ini innatl, Ohio, we aro partly reform in on! p'ai tlte, dlicardin alike both mineral and vtgctabli'-pol-ooB S3y STATE AGENCY, Patrons of Husbandry.- New Market, cor. of Madison and Front Sts., FOU'fIAND, ... OKEGOS'.- AII Kinds of Produce 1ST RECEIVED AND SOLD ON CUalMISKO:?. ARTHUR WARNER, State Agent.- PORTLAND. Dec. 17. 1874. JOHN B. HLKHSTGHOlSr, M.V OCULIST A3STD AURIST. yOi'i'ioE-Deknin's Block, PORTLAND. TieatJ as sptclaltiis all Diseases of the Iliad, and parties, larly those ol tho Eye, Ear, Nose and 1 broai. Cross titesMiiVhtennd Art'fir'il tivfin !nsertd IISXABMSHKD 1S3C. Willamette Nurservi Q-. W. WALLING & SON, PROPRIETORS, Oswego, Clackamas co., Oregon. Growers of tho Choicest Varieties, of Pirticnlar attention given to Cherry, Prune and Plnm trees. ttrt People of the West Side ! W E IlEPBOTFULLY CALL YOUR ATTEN- u on 10 uur Large and Splendidly Assorted hook or GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Wo bny at BOTTOM PJUCES-wiU work CHEAP and can therefore sell at The Lowest Rates! Onr Motto la GIVE TI1B BEST VALUK FOR TIIB MONEY- PAY niOllEST PRICK FOR PRODUCE. Come, take a look through oar store, and bny a trial bllL Uur LOW PRICKS 1 our strongest argument. N. & J. D. LEE. DALLAS, April 0, 1873.tr TIN WIRE RINCS. Will Mt Rt r make U Mra ioe D4res Banlwftr Xealn wH them jnbVfX.1 U'ODfS, 1.SD (7IDU iviiiu virvuiin trvw 1V.11U1 A. Ce. Vccuurjn, v3f ..-. , wv c ',.f,k.-te.:. . IL '-." T I - .VU . Vj &mr x:s gy.: g