S WILLAMETTE FARMER. ADAMS A FRENCH The only Biding and Binding Machine which does not use Canvas or Belts, and Cuts and Elevates Grain wet, green, or dry. AWARDED FIRST PREMIUMS CS" Over all Competitors, tBa (it Iowa, Oregon, and Nebraska Stato Fairs, and Dubuque Fair, 1S74. Farmers, do not give your orders for any Harvester, until you have carefully examined this Machine. T. CURNINGIIAM & CO., .Agents, May 14, 1875:tf SALEU, OREGON. , JOHN HUGHES, Stato Stroot, - m - " - - - Balom, Orogon DEALER IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, AND TUBE COLORS, PICTURE CANVAS. Artists' Materials of alt Minds, Wall Paper and Window Shades, Salt, Grain, and Feed. Lime, Hair, 3?ails, and Shingles. Salem, August 25, 1S74. d&wtl imiLL-VKiemJJiiimi-'jf il J'wara PURE - BRED SPANISH MERINO SHeep, DIRECT FB0M THE CELEBRVTED FLOCK OF GEOIUJE HAMMOND. Eq.. of Vermont. Bucks, from 950 to $230. Ewes, from $50 to $150. For sale by JESSE D. OAHR, aSOt. Gabllan P. O., Monterey co., Cal. Grading & Packing House, PORTLAND, OREGON. s. a. sFymour TTILL AGAIN CARRY ON THE BUSINESS OF YV Wool Grading and Packing, and calls the atten tion of Producers and Dealers to the advantages of haung their Wool properly graded, packed, and placed on the Eastern market aB an Orcsou product. AN EXPERIENCED URADEK, who thoroughly understands the Eastern market, HI snpeiintend the woik, and It Is guaranteed that the wool he grades willcommand at the East the highest ma-kot price, a ecordtng to the grade mark. a28tf MOUNTAIN BALM The Great Oregon Rfinieily for CHRONIC COUGHS, COLDS, AMD OTUSB Diseases of the Lunfrs, IS PERFECTLY UARMLESS-CANNOT JN'JUllE the most delicate. The pure syrup-a beautiful article pleasant to the taste prpared with great care can be had at both FRIEDMAN'S aud COX. & UKL.T urm mores saiem. fe!3tf BLACKSMITH SHOP In Salem. I TTAVR nPRNRI) A SIIOP FOR Blacksmith work, In Foundry block, Salem. 1 Vinn ImDlrmeuU Repaired. Eipecclal Attention paid to Plows. April M, 1873mB JOHN KNIGHT. FASHIONABLE .Boots & Shoes. ATTENTION IS AGAIN CALLED TO TnE Ex traordinary opportunities which are Jnst .now be ine afforded for gettlnir mod-utttng BOOTS AND tiUOES of the rcry BEST QUALITY, at the shop ol HENRY DIPPEL, Five doors aouth of .he Bank. Commercial Street, BALEM, OREGON. Hepalrinr Neatly Done. AH Work War- ldi. 4JMMJ epalrlnjc 1 ranted. Bronze Turkeys U Gobblers from 8 to 20 months old. ii to 40 lbs each for sale. now. Jlens it to 18 lbs. 'Hy savBaV EmMen Geese 40 to RO pounds per pair at ma turity. Black 'CAUtia blCaS, Games, Braumas, Leghorns, Houdans, Dan. tarns, etc. EGGS, fresb, pure, true to name : well packed, so as ' to batch after arritaL For Illustrated Circular and Pricc-Llst, address JHT. ETSTXtXtf Napa, Cal. FERRETS. RAUBITS. PIGEONS. Pleise state where yon saw this advertisement. 4Q)iiwlV0-- AUa' v.yf.(iiui.il Imi,V Mrs. Rohrer's New Remedy FOB. THE SUNOS IS MEETINO WITH WOXVEBFUL SUCCESS riiins purkly vegrtable remedy nAS JL no equal In tho relief and euro of Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup, Whooping Cough, Ilea elos, &c. It has produced some remarkable cures, fcolu by druggists generally. Prepaicd only by Ulrn. K. ROIIRER, Monmouth. Or., To whom all letters of business should be addressed. Brooks & McFarland, (Successors to French & Co.) WHOLESALE AND TAIL DEALERS IN General. MerchandisE, Corner of Second and Washington streets, DALLES CITY, OREGON. np21:w JS.lX 33 1-. 33 3L Y, ..AND.. HARNESS. HAVING PURCHASED THE INTEREST OF Mr. Watklnds In the old established bouse in the above line, tho attention of the community Is called to the stock of Harness on hand, whlcb Is offered at greatly reduced rates. SADDLES AND BRIDLES At lowest Granger ptlccs. Hardware, Whips, Robes, etc., To suit everybody. R. H. DEARBORN. Salem. Feb. 12. 18S. wtfd GRADE ANGORA GOATS For Sale. 20 to 30 Grade Ewes, One Pure-Blood Buok. I OFFER FOR SALE THE ABOVE-NAMED animals, on fair terms. For prices and terms, ap ply on the premises, or write, to JOHN M. FTJGH, a7ml Three miles north of Salem, on river road. t Summon. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marlon Juno Term, 1815. W. M. Chambers and II. Hulse. co-partners dolnghnst uess under the firm name of Chambers A uulse, plaintiffs, rt. Frank. D. Dodge and Aujusla Dodge, defendants. Suit to Fortelost a i!nlgage. TO FRANK D. DODGE AND AUGUSTA DODGE, tho said delcndants : In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and an swer the complaint filed against jou In tno above-entitled cause on or before the second Monday of June, a. D 1875. and If you fall so to answer, the. plaintiffs abive named will apply to tho Court f r the relief de manded In said complaint, which Is a foreclosure oj a mortgage bearing date June llith. 1871, and given by you to the taid plalutlfls to securo tbt payment of a note for fi e hundred and twelve and II1-10J dollars In U.S. gold coin, and Inter st thereon, vi en by j ou to the pliiutlfts, and which faortgage is on real property des crlbed as follows: Beginning at a sukeluthe east line of Llbertv street, at theN.W. corner ol land nowowned by J. J. Fatzer, said stake being 1G5 feet N. from the point where theE. line of Liberty street Intersects the N. line of Division street as shown by tho recorded plat ol the City or Salem; tbento running northerly along said E. line 45 feet; thence easterly at right an. glesto said Liberty street 165 feet: thc-ice southerly parallel to said street 25 feet; thence westerly at right angles to said street 1 W feet to the place of beginning, and situate in said City of Salem, In Marion county, Oregon; and for a sale of said premises, and that the proceeds arising therefrom be applied in payment of the sum due ou said note and the cost aud disburse ments of this suit, and for such further relief in the premises as the Court may deem meet and equitable. And you are hereby podded that the order directing service of summons on jou, by publication in the above entitled cause, was made by Hon, II. .Bon hirJudge of said Court. o3 y ' Attorney for Plaintiffs. April JW, lS75-w THE CHALLENGE THRESHER Is made especially from OREGON DESIGN, and has nil tho Pitt's Latest Improvements, And is by far the BEST THRESHER in use. Prr" Send for Special Circulars. HAINES AGENTS FOR GENUINE HEADER! With Special Improvements for 1875. Wc hn c Two Ptjles 10 and 12 feet Cut. SINGLE AND DOUBLE GEAR. WIIEEI.ER, mELLICK fc CO.'S THRESHERS, Entile Cualu. For Two or Three Morses, with Latest Inipro ements. A mostdcslra ble machine for the Fanner w ho does bis ow n w ork. But tw o horses and three 'hands" aro needed Sole Agents for the BUCKEYE MOWER AND REAPER, Too well and favoribly known to noptl comment. It is tho 1uiuu.m. JiAHVJiSiTJHot tno woriti. as a weii-ntuca Reaper it is unequaled, and as a Mower it oxcels them nil. Agents for MARSH HARVESTER, A cheap mode of hnrvrstinc ma11 Crop. Binders ride, mul reap and bind TEW A.IUU3 per uay. c nao jiimmur un uctu.cr iuiacmncme. TAYLOR SLmIkY RAKE. iThe Strongest and most durable Ral,c In use. Cot saml In a Soneon. ,Lto. htr3XT7tlJtXS H.lK.O3. Nellls Ilirpoon Horse Fork. Palmer' iiuigururK. uuu?a i UHJina- u I siyice, .,loiiiilv-u ur ijuuii. Mitchell and Schuttler Wagons 'Best in Use Prices Reduced. CASn. CREDIT. CASH. 3-lnch Light Two-Horse S110 00 S123 00 3 1-2 inch Heavy Two-Horse S1120 00 3 1-4 Inch Medium Two-Horse 115 00 128 00 3 3-4 inch Medium Four-Horse 133 00 Each Wagon complete, with Spring Scat and California JSrahc Wuie umck M.vira, fto. CREDIT, $134 00 150 OU THE FRIST IN THE FIELD ! Spring Trade of 1875! F. LEVY, At MoorcB' Corner, Salem, invites attention to his New Stock of Goods, JUST RECEIVED FROM SAN FRANCISCO, AND suited to this trade, consisting of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Gents' and Youths' Clothing, Fine Suits, Business Suits, Underwear, and Hosiery, BOOTS AND SHOES, Huts and Caps, TRUNKS, VALISES HAND-BAGS, Toweling and Table Linens, Fancy Articles and Notions; In fact, I have a general and select stock of all Staple and Fancy Goods, Exactly suited to this trade, which I have studied and supplied for TWENTY YEARS. Especial attention patd to the wants of our custom ers from the country, and Goods Exchanged lor Produce, on a cash basis. CALL AND SEE ME. F. LEVY. Salem, April 12, lS75:tf C.A. Reed, 1 Salem. f J Geo. Woodward, 1 Portland. Real Estate Agency. REED & WOODWARD, HAVE ASSOCIATED THEMSELVES TOOETII cr for the transaction of a Real Estate business, with principal oOlco at SALE.V, OREO OX. We have, at the present time. Choice Farms for Sale. All persons desirous of making purchases of land or Heal Estate are requested to call and examine the Inducements we cau oiler In the way of Town Property and Farming Land. Parties wishing tn sell land will do well to cive us a call before placing their property in the hands of otner agencies. rkBD & WOODWARD. May 14, 1873. wtf. KTotloe. pnOM THIS DATE, MB. T. O. SMITH, An Experienced Druggist, Will be interested with me in THE SALEM DRUG STORE, Where he will be pleased to wait on all old patrons of mo estauusnmeni. ami as uiuuy ucw uucb as uajr w vor him with a call. 8. FRIEDMAN. Salem, April 21. 1875. d&wtf Executor's Notioe. TVTOTICE is hereby trfven that the undersigned V .l.t.. J 1 a .nnnt.i.c. I.u (hafmlfll (Villrt m.uui.n fm.ii.v riMann If .-...Mitn. nf tli .4tntn nf Georeo Long, lite of said county, deceased. All per. Sons Knowing IIIUIUSCITUS limcunu iu r.iu c.Miw w. requested to make Immediate payment, and all per sous having claims againit the same will present them 10 IIIO Ulmcrsignru m ma ic-biuculc, bcish wjiiud ,., of balem. properly vcrlfled, within six raonthe from thladate. .... ., nuairxiu&i Lunu, Anr!l R. !S71r4 Executor. Notice to Stockholders. THE STOCKHOLDERS or TUB KUHTUWjsaT em Shipping, rttorage, and Commission Compa. ny who baienot yetpaldup rhelr assessment No. I, levied August 15, 1871, are notlfled to remit tho am. omits due for the same to mo Immediately, aud they will rtctlte receipts therefor. ,,, 4, tf, AAIbUlnt Portland, Or., MayC. 1875. Secretary. Mrw. Ir. J. Ford f IVES SPECIAL ATTENTION TO DISEASES VJT known as Female Wcakncu, Offlce, comer o( Cgurt and Capitol tUU, SALEM, Oreiton. tel Tho Grandest Achievement or the Age ! The Little Monitor SEWING MACHINE! NO SHUTTLE! NO BOBBINS ! No re-winding.of Thread. Makes the Lock Stitch, Chain Stitch, and Ca ble Stitch, from two commer cial spools, direct. IT IS THE LIGHTEST RUNNlSo, AND MAKES tho lest lioie nfony machine in the uorhl. The most slmplo In construction, and the easiest operated. Will sew from tho flnesl to tho heaviest of fabrics without any change of tension. SEWS 25 l'GIt CENT. FA ST 1511 Than any other Machine, making 5X stitches to tho rcuilutlon. Tho public nro Invited to call and see this WONDERFUL INVENTION ! Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. For further particulars call at 101 Third Sticct, near Alder, Good Templars' Build "e' ITIRS, A. B. PAXTON, Sole Agent for Oregon. W. W. MARTIN, Agent, Salem. s3T" Good, responsible Agents wanted to camafs all parts of the State. Portland, April CARBOLIC S lieep 33 1 x A SURE CURE FOR Scab, Screw Worm. Foot Rot, AND ALL Parasites that infest Sheep. TT 13 SAFER, BETTER, AND VASTLY CHEAP THAN ANY OTHER EFFECTUAL REMEDY FOR THE TREATMENT OF SHEEP. IT Improves the Health OF THE ANIMAL, AND THE QUALITY OP THE WOOL. C37" One gallon Is enough for una hundred tn two hnn-ired Sheep, according totuclr age, strength, and condition. It is put up in FIVE-GALLON CANS-Prlce, $12 per can. Send for circular, to T. A. DAVIS & Co., PORTLAND, OREGON, Wliole.alo Affeuta for tue Slate. Or to your nearest Retail Druggist, myG Tan BarkJWanted. PROPOSITIONS WILL BE RECEIVED UNTIL tho first day of June next, at the olrlce ol the Stato Mannfacturlng Co. In Salem, lor delivering at the State Penitentiary on or before the lit day of No vember, 1875, Five Hundred Cords of Fir and Hemlook Tan Bark. Propositions will be considered for the whole or any fiart thereof. Cash will bo paid upon the delivery of be bark. STATE MFG. CO. Apll. SO, 1875 w4 Corner Store, Holman's Block, OPPOSITE THE POST-OFFICE. FARRAR BROS. HAVE LEASED THIS POPULAR STAND, AND both hero and at their old store, CORNER OF STARKEY BLOCK. Offer to the public a full assortment of goods In tlillr line, Including G R O C ERI E S Provisions , CROCKERY, CZiuHH and. Stono Ware, ELEGANT CHINA SETS, Table Cutlery, Glass Fruit Jars, Self-Sealers ana wax-seaiers, at Bed-Bock Prices, Tobacco And. Olsara, MILL FEED, OATS, AND WHEAT, Lime, Plaster, and Cement. ALL GOODS DELIVERED. , Salem, May 10. 1873. iltf Removed. DM. J. XV. yicWKK HAH REMOVED HIH rerldence to (lit) liorlhia.t corner of Marlon and Liberty ftavts, o?l'V.lte the UsptUt CUurch. aSlml TO BREEDERS OF Trotting & Draft Horses. fTUm rOLLOWINH STALLIONS WILL MAKE JL tho SEASON OP 1 875 AT FIVE OAKS FARM. Tlxo Trottlarafs 13tn.llJ.oxs. AUTOCRAT, A dark-hi ano chestnut, 12 year old. 15Jf hands high, bred by Clias. S. Dole. Ki,, Crystil Laku. III.; is very hinilsome, goes 111 groat etj In, and Ills gait Is as per iod ns could bo deslrtil. He wn sired bv that ru nownd 'I lotting Stulliim (lEOIIUIl M. PATOHEN, nut nf tho tinted ninro WANDERER, whoo sire was a UAMRLETONIAN horse, ami da;n anABDALLAIl mare. Autocrat has bud but little handling, yet ho has shown A PULL MILE IN 2:30, AND QUAR TERS IN 34 SECONDS. As a eiro ho Is legardeil as hECOND TO NO 110RSU In tho Northwest, his colts hi'lug uniformly ilno sloiipcrs, and a great pro portion or them I irgo and hu'lily formed. Ill thi OltEAT COLT STAKE trotted lit Chicago iu 1871, there were 43 entries, nominated nt yinrllngs, all tlio princli nl sires lining rcpidscutud; vet nnly live starteil. two of which weroslied by Autocrat, ami ono of them got second, nnd tho other fourth place In tho slakes. Also In the UAliDINER HOUSE STAKE for three-year olds, tiotlid nt Dexter Park, Chlcrgo, In 1HT1 with II entries, im.nlnated at tlnuo years old, MOTTO, shed by Autocrat, walked on or for tha purso and forJelts. Tho above, togul her with numerous letters received from owners of colts sited by him, lully establishes his reputation as a trotting stre. Terms, $50 to Insure. TXX33 PTJHB 33XU3XJ Imported Clyesdale Draft Stallion YOUNG MARQUIS. A bright bay, B years old, llljf hands high, nnd weighs 1,9(10 pounds, no Is a horse of great action, and Im mense substance, with remaikably good legs and feet, very compact and powerful, lino tempered, aud sound constitution. Ho made a season near Toronto, Cana da, and proved himself a sure foil-uetter. his colts) showing great uniformity of breeding and style. PBOXOREB. YOUNCI MAROUIS was bred by Mr. John McKclch, Upper Ilallard, llalfron, Stcrllngshlro, Ho was sired by ''Marouls Graham," bred by Mr. Stokes, Drymen, Sterllngshlrc, out of a puro bred Clydosdalo Jiare, which gained Uiu tfrst prfzu at Kinross, also at Clack nananshlre Society's Show lor the best Maro of thu Clydtiidale breed. MARQUIS OF GRAHAM was slrod by Mr. Peter Crawford's bay horse "Lofty" which, when ono year old, gained the 1st prbu at Olasgow, 1st at Kirkin tilloch, 1st at HlghlandHhow held that year at Kelso, and is now sire to a great many prlzotakcrs. YOUNG MAROUIS Is out of Mr. John Mc Kelch's. far-tamed brood Mare, "Nancy," which gained tho 1st prle at Strathendrlck, 1st at Kllearu, 1st at Iluchlyvlc, ar.d 1st at Drymen, for tho best two year old Ally of the Clydesdale breed. When fouryears old shogaiued tno 2nd prize at Drymen. and tho 1st at Iliichly vie. Bhir was dam to two marcs sold to David McGlbbon. In varoran, Linlithgowshire, Iu whose hands thoy gained a great many prizes at local, open and Highland So ciety's Shows. A fllly out of ono these gained thu 1st urUe at Maryhllll. 1st at Midlothian, 1st at Kirk intilloch, and the 2nd at tho Highland Hocloty's Show held that year at Glasgow, and was sold tho following; spring for BO guineas to Mr. Lockhart, Stranraer, Iu whose bauds, as a two year old, sho gained tho 1st price at the Ayrshire Show open to all comers; 1st at Stranraer Socuty's Show, aud unfortunately died, pre vious to which 150 guineas had been oOcreJond rcfus for her. N ANCV Is also dam to a two-year old ally which, la 1M70, gained the 1st prloat thu Sterllngshlro Society's) Show; 1st at Kllearu, and 1st at Uuchlyvlo, and who) aiterwards was purchased at 180 gulneiis by Sir Wil liam Stirling, Maxwell, as a breeding mare. YOUNG MAKtJUIH was never exhibited In Scot land hut once, when he gained tho 2nd prize at the) Paisley Show, open to all comers. Terms, $40 to Insure. tV Marcs served by cither of the abovo Stallions, ami disposed of before fouling time, must bu paid lor as In foal. Good pasturage will bo furnlshid mares from a dis tance, free of charge. Escapes or accidents at owner's risk. Address, 8. C. REED. PORTLAND. Or WM. WATSON, Hlllsboro. .March 5, 1873. OEO. S. OHSITs, Attorney at Law, 8ALEM, OREGON. Office rcu tho Old Cvtm-Ueuev, Vfj