p 6 WHJLAMKTTE FARMER. A Phenomenon at Yosemite. Formatfon ol Hail in the Spray ol Yosemite Fall. Professor Wm. H. Brewer, at the last meet ing of the California Academy of Sciences, described a peculiar phenomenon which occurs in the Yosemite valley, which is interesting, not only in a scientific point of view, bat also to the pnblio generally. On the 19th of this month, in company with Mr. Oalen Clark, Custodian of the valley, Mr. Brewer vidted the foot of the upper Yosemite fall. In the winter a great "ice cone" forms in front of this fall, ? ?' "v PArtZ' UrofTtTw.0 i.a maintained monopolies, who is inter Independence in Politics. The intelligent nse of the ballot is the most important duty which attaches to the rights of citizenship. 'While the exercise of the right of suffrage is common to every American citizen, it is only by a conscientious, independent and intelligent discharge of this dnty that the maintenance of our political system can be perpetuated. To no class of the community is the purity of the ballot box more essential than the work- ingman. It is not the capitalist, the promoter S. p. MiKsT fBrM' estod in keeping the right of suffrage uncon taminated by the polluting influences iucident to the rule of cliques and "rings." The me chanic, he who is dependent on his day's labor for support, is the real sufferer from the much reduced by thawing from what it was a month since. When Professor Brewer saw it the cone extended below the fall several hun dred feet, bridging the chasm to an unknown tbicknoss. The two perrons most familiar with it respectively estimated its thickness that day at "sixty to ono hundred feet, and nearor two Tweeds, the Iloseners and the Buckleys of our nunarea icei. ino onrer siao 01 mis cone later aay pontics. slopes away from the fall; tho inner side rises I It is a singular commentary on the wisdom like a wall in front of the sheet, which falls i of mankind, or rather the want of it, that the mostly behind it, with deep, thundering sound. I worst men are often hoisted into office on the The water flows beneath the mass and emerges shoulders of the laboring classes. This feature from an ioy arch at its foot. Tho stream was j is not new in politics, but has been one of tho so hich from the melting of tho snow that it . attendant evils of noDular Government alwavn. dropped from tho extreme top, not clinging to The republics of the past only ceased to exist DOMESTIC PRODUCE. WHOLESALE. Widkmdat Xf April 31, 1875. Rweet. Mrowt.. a Tomelea. 7 WiSl M ruuiTur 4B UAJMK. Broilers, mall. .4 00 as 00 do Urn 7(0 Oil V) Dotbi, per dozen 7 ftti 00 Duck.ume.dl. 10 00(311 00 Geee, per pair 1 V 141 00 Mare, per doz...l 50 Hens per dz....7 00 i.ire i araeys,iiei BEAKS. JV a 24 ' m A IK h. nr B... 1 (A SU DOM CORK. 8 the rounded crest, as it does when tho water is lower, bnt leaping out bo that the actual leap is perhaps 1,550 feet to the rocky bottom, and to tho top of the ice cone nearly or quito 1,500 feet. Over tho ico cone tho spray is driven nriomly by tho powerlul nir-blait produced. Professor Brewer says that tho day of his visit was a warm and clear one, and the time of observation between 12 m. and 12:30 p. m and tho fall was in its brightest illumination, as it faoes nearly south. As they nearcd tho ice cone certain appearances suecested to Profes- Eor Browor that the spray which drifted over it wa& (in part at least) snow. To examine this when, through profligacy and fraud the worst elements of society had become the most pow erful, and from the very weight of the corrup tion engendered caused their downfall. But wo do not propose to read an essay on political economy, with a text drawn from the example of ancient Rome, but rather endeavor to meet the live issues of the present and point out a remedy for tho disease which threatens our own body politic. It is claimed by partizan journals that indi vidual action outside of party lines amounts to nAltilnn A .. . I Til -.nt.Aa ItiAmanli.nn nM. t.. , UUkUIUJJ. .AU14 JC. UdlUCO kUCUlKMGB IUU UUI i mo congregnuon oi imuviuuiwsj n every cm they ventured on this cono further than strict zen should look upon the candidate for office prudence dictated, and in the tempest which stung their hands and faces like, shot, they found trio spray in part to no liaxi or ice pellets. Tho exact character of theso pellets could not bo studied in the blinding blast to which they were subjected. They appeared to bo hard like, hail-stones, tolerably uniform in size, and Professor Brewer estimated them at about one-tooth of an inch in diameter. They accu mulated in thin sheets on tho rooks which roso through the ico near its edge, and were abun dantly Hurled along on tne loe cono. in the same light that he would upon an appli cant for a position of trust in his employ a man to be the custodian of his funds to nave tho care of his business, he would find himself "scratching" a good many names on the party ticket. This is the true test to apply to tho as pirant for office. To make reformation effect ual, the primary convention as well as the polls should receive more attention. The can didate who receives the endorsement of his party at the caucus, counts upon tho support of that party en masse at the polls. It is to the Tho ico cono, which had been very whito . convention then that our attention should bo during tho winter, had been sullied by sand and dirt oarried over it m tno spiny of tne Heavy storm of tho woek provious to tho visit rofeircd to. Near its lower edge, howevor, wero many depressions filled with what appeared to bo new and puro snow, which they believod to bo in reality freflh accumulations of these ico pellets, but from their position it was impossible to examine them. Mr. Clark and Professor ' Brewer, however, pushed tboir way back to tho rocky wall boside tho fall, and as near the sheet as it was possible to brentho or stand. Professor Brewer says that if any of the pellets occurred there ho could not prove it. lie could not feel them, and the wator so blinded him that nothing conld be distinctly seen. On re turning they kept on tho rocks and noticed no ico pellets there. Thov had no thermometer to test the temperature of tho freezing blast. At Leidig's hotel, which is one and three eighths milos distant and about 1,000 feet lower, the thermometer stood at about 523 F. at 0 a. m., 181," at 2:30 p. m 70 at 3:15 p. m 580 dt 0 p. m and 5(P at G o'clock tho next morning. They had no wet bulb to determine the dryness, but that tho air was vory dry was proved by the rapidity with which their sat urated olotucs dried. first directed. Let every workingman under take to give the time necessary to attend the primary caucus of his district scrutinize every namo offered apply the crucial test first, of honesty, next of competency, and last of all, availability let the latter attribute never over balance in your cboico the two first. It is well for citizens to consider these sub jects in time, if they wait until the heat and smoke incident to an election fires the preju dice or contuses the judgment, it may be too late, Pacific Slates Industrial Quide. Baio. Batter. rea., Pink Hm'l BRl Per 3'i-a COTTOJT. Cat. 1974.W a.... 12!4 BCTTEB. Oat choice .... 2.1 Kirkln U Inferior. Mheese. CaL 14 Eastern 17 , , .EGOS. Cat. fresh 2i Ducts' 23 Eastern Oregon 33 jr jcjsjs. Bran,nertoii...,l a Corn Meal 31 00O14 00 "aj.. 10 0018 00 Middlings ..,.... 27 00 Oil cake meal... 30 00 Straw, V bale. SVB- "0 FX.OUK. Extra SivaiSSO Superfine 4 jya J 00 FJCESII Mm user 1st QUalltrB. 7 un B npuonu ug.i .... D Third do 4 Lamb 8 Mutton 4 Pork, undressed 6J do.dressed.... gu veal s fa BKAM, ETC. Barley, coast.. 1 Viit 1 SS do brewing. 140 & 1 SS Buckwheat. . fed -. Corn. White... IM S - do, Vellow.. 1 iVi'd) 1 SO Oats.chtics... 2 00 SS 2 19 Rra 1 U.-a 1 20 Wheat, com t.. 1 40 1 49 do snipping, 1 6 1 70 do milling . 1 70 b) I M HOPS). California, 1174.. WWa 30 Eait'rn. It ch'ce IS ffi J7,1 Beiwax.perlb.. 25 (dt 2714 uoneyin comb.. IN id 22 doStralned.... H In Pulu - 0 a 10 NUTJt-JOllIllXO. Alm'dsh'rdsh'l. 8 to) 10 do, soft 211 22S UIM.I UU. ...,,, J, (CU ia Oal. Walnuls. .. 10 2i Chile Walnnta., 9 h 10 Cocoanuts, 1000.. 80 003100 00 rilberts 17 an 18 Pecanuts .... If -a 17 POTATOES. Bodega "32 23 Ouflee Cove M II. M. Bay '3 Humboldt 190 32 23 Mission 'dt PliteonlPt m Halloas 2 2HVa 23 2 00 87 50 IS i 21 21 8 m 00 12 is a 15 ft ! 13 13 (3 14 $ U & DF lb.. doirobblera.... do dreFied . Mura uucki.. An mall Pnirie Chickens QaAll.perdoz.... rbhbit 12 do ume tloz .. 10 Kooftera, young Urge 8 SO Rnlns I7(T Anil Ml '. Venison, per lb. . I wna ueese,graj4t ou do white. . ' PROVISION! Cal.BftCun.L'ght 16 ' ao nieaiam ... n;y do Heavv f OaUSmokedBeef tSMtern do Ukst'rn Sbould's ao new nami Hams, Pal .10 WbitUkers doDumeld, ch do Armcnr .... do Boyd's.... do Stewart's Lard srehs. Alfalfa. Chili. ao California, 19 Canary Vi$ biuvsrivaa II do Whits Cotton Flaxseed Hemp ItalianRyeOrass Ferenmado.... Millet Mustard, white, do. Brown Rape ny. cine uras.. ao ju quainy.. doU nnklitv.. Sweet V Grass., urcbaraao.... Red Top do... Hungarian do Lawn do Meiirmit An... Timothv WOUL. ETC. SPRING Fine lona A short 15 jucq luin, gooa con- anion Medium erade Ionic Stable. 23 Burrv 16 Heavy free 15 Uidcs.dry lib uo wei saitea bkco Tallow 6 & do Refined... 6 40 DEWEY & CO. American & Foreign Patent Agents, jjTTTBBBnng$MMMJfe 9 50 3 00 3 00 1 50 161 13 1H 10 16 15,4! ii 15 16 14 17 15 uu 13 65 fa) 73 6 3 10 "5 10 30 SS 40 20 30 '!? i" i!"i ii 60 60 40 50 30 CO) 41 75 Ml 00 30 33 it U 30 8 12 5U S 60 15 20 B la 12 O 18 . - -22 1-25 1- 19 IB 18 9 6S GENERAL MERCHANDISE. wnOLISALCj WEUNrsDilJa., April 21, 1875. New Yoiik, April 17. Continues very dull for nil kinds of clothing and carpet material, but prices show no important chango. The dullness 1b owing to the depressed condition of tho goods market. Manufacturers say the sea son is the dullest in mnuy goods since 1871. During the week tho well known wool house of Walter Brown, Son & Co. subpendod. Tho cause. U attributed to depression in trade, shrinkage in prices, and difficulty in making collections. It was reported that tho creditors had granted an oxtension, and that the firm will continue business. The assets and liabilities are not re ported, tbouch it is understood that tho latter are light. Sales for the week comprise 25 bales nf Mn..tAvi,lii nf aliruif ?li fl (10 ltia Fall Whon this full was visited by tho Stato Goo logical Survey, in Juno, 1803, tho idea was I . . .. . . .., ii . i liuukt fcju.uo n .mu nuvn uwu.u,,aw u Buggcsieamaiiuey examn o mo lemporaturo ot Montevideo, at about 38o. i 3,500 ttis. Fall of tho water above and below tho fnl , to seo California, at 2023io.; 130 do. Spring do., if any actual heating of tho water oo. 223,lo.. 1Q 000 lbs. bucks' Ho.; c'coo lbs! ourred as a result of its conoussion after Iontbs. 25V,o.; 30,000 lbs. scoured. C580.; falling from so vast a hight. Tho dryness of 10,000 lbs. medium Texas, part at 35c ; 2.G0O the air was thon so groat that it was thought j, ' flne a0ii 23k35c; 5.000 lbs. Western do.. tnat ovaporauon wouiu cotimoruniance, or at 28c; 2,500 lbs. Hue do., private; 120 bags super lf,nllir ltaoo.1 mi tn M) I (1 tl 1 nil 1 AMtllvnlnn, tt I K '.. i JA . HAGS, Fne. Stand Wht.. NhvIIIk A Oo'a... Hand Sewrd..,. ll'Vt2 .'iJA II foil,- ixjtt izu'au 21x40 UHtHH .tiacnine ao nxvt. uy " " 22H0. " " 22s36. Flonr Backs Hs... :; '.' " ' 'it Heselaa 60-ln 14 wmii 13 (313S 12313 I, .!!, 6 7 4'ftll 5 (a) 14 K , 9!4 10 tinrt nr 4ii nnri .-., f.. - ---. , ..H heat; so tho expeiimont (which would have i ,loi nna G0 llo. BUpr d0i pfiyate; 15,000 lbs. ai wnui i i nun) uiN, .f" olioco XX. Ohio ileeces 5Cc. ; 2o,000 lbs. flue ooieotlon to iuo experimoni was moao uy rro-! ,.,.i ,i m . 7 nnn , n.n.ii,. CfiAlnm. lAlnAl Mn.ln. kaaicin siuui uiainct n .i do 40-la . .. Kid 11 Wool sok..2Km. i;'iiw do 4". 50 gWH Stand. Dannies. . . 14 (glH single seam do.. 13 (fll3H Bean Hags 8 8's uariey uags 24X3 is wi do aim. 13 11 do 24x10. 14 ih OatBagB,2li40.... 14 gll ao aiM.. . in (($17 Asst'dFlel-rniU nVi beans. 2 IS 3 CO do'l'iblsilo.. .1 so asu Jams i Jellies 3 23 H I 0 I'ICSles a gi.. 3 50 Sardlnn.qr boil 80 1 90 ao ni Doxes 3 20 m CIAI-dobliln. Aastrsllan.VlonlO 00 &10 25 Coot Bay Mil) 00 uelllngnam lisy. ,ffl 8 l Seattle ffilO 50 Oumberl'd, cks.. S19(W ao uuia...in vu wit zu Mt. Diablo ii S8 25 Lehigh 15 00 &16 110 Liverpool IV 50 all 50 Wett Hartley .... a!4 no Scotch 10 is. Scranton ($1J 50 Vancouiar'a Isl.,11 00 ll 50 Charcoal. k... 75 ral Ooke.ttbbl fa) CUFVRE. Sandwich Iiland OentralAmeno'n CoataKlcaper la Ouatemala 5 00 W S - - S 05 - S 80 - Ml 40 1 90 (82 25 iVi 50 ... (d 28 Xliid 31 - (O) 25 26 121 27 do Posset 4 75 faim id Linseed, raw..,, do boiled China nnt In cs.. Sperm, crude..,. do bleached.. Coast Whales... Polar, refined Lard Oleophin. uevoe's urirt... Long Island.... Rnreka Devoe's Petro'm Itarrel kerosene Olire (33 50 uowner e.erose e iu u (las Light Oil ... 23 m 25 S-A.SA'S7I. Pure White Lead 10M lailW nailing ...,,.. Pnttr 4 1 Chalk Paris White 254 Oohre 3 Venetian Red... J' nea aieaa lu Litharge 10 (3 !i ft 21 -2 25 6 7 8 m 7 6if 1 8 if 8 10 & 1012 CO S id is a 114 19 S 20 18 (a) 13t ra vh. i " 1 HI (I 9 m 10 I Jara. lessor Mrower himself, at that time attached to 1 w..i.. ii.'.'nmiV.'..,. ui. ...i f"''l!.." i.Vi .. f. . . . f. IfiOlClll, lllUi, ll,UVU JU3, ;utllOt, -ya.t 1.U11 UIQUOU IOCS. . tho Qeoloiucnl Survtv. .,, ,. .. 'a. "a .... ' , i:hinrv ju.uuu ids, wtiHueu ou priuvu tvriua, FISH. llosTON. April IV. mere nas ueen a lairl ao.Dn cod.new tHi nmnnnt nf liiiuinkii in Wnnl hnr Inn (TAilA rnn. caana......... ,, n u.uuuw w. -...".." .h .. w., . ... w.. do boneleaa. eastern Uod 10 the Qeoloeicnl Survey. On seeing this now phenomenon the hypoth esis whioh immediately suggested itself to him as an explanation waH that it was duo to evap oration; that the fall Is fed by melted snow, muoh of which still lioi near its top; that the great volumo of ico-rold water chills the adja cent air to nearly thirty-two degrees; that tho air-ourrent thus cooled, as it is drawn into and along with this dosoeudinu niasss. is a verv dry current, and that its rapid saturation bv 50wn 1 uew 'crop of the couutry begins M.ck'l.Nol sbiss 00 sti 00 the oyaporiU ion of a portion of the spray is t0 cowe ,Ui Flne fleece-, have been more sought in"i::.2 00 ' S """""J va.iiiiuB in iico uiujm ui wuier up (tcr ,i,0 ,)ftst w0k fta salea uavo i,eeu 3UC.000 ' r;.rn ,u 7 nr ;.,; ::;,r z: ,:." i ". o.s,ly. - u.a. "t. .. and hurled outward with its siirny, such a uni formity of sUe as l'rofessor llrewer obsorvod could not bo expected. Professor John Lo Conte, on Professor urower ueBcrimng mo piienomenou to mm, tins 1 loto, Wool heUl in ,ho intoriori ,ltul wu8 ,aKen suggosted another hypothesis. It s that the i,yOI1Bot theleailiugmills.lleceut transactions air carried down and cooled by the water is I j.: ,,.. ,i 1,," ..,..i...i,ii r,in.i i, . .. "...... . Ill lalaU ULUVl-D LtlllU Ul(ltL44(ll41 4VI4UVVV4 IUU ' now in tuo country is in ' bouses. (Jouiuing ana sought for, Bud com f 10.000 lbs. dome-tio I belling at li7y,c 1 lb. No. 1 is also vory scarce timies nnsatiafnetorv. Holders are disnostd to KastemUod '.... 7W close up stocks as fast as possible, but maim- s d0" '"s bbis4 0 I? io facturers aro quito indifferent about further do 2S J can. uj m supplies, and are purohaslug only for itumodiute JJ fS Su!'.'i so Si 7" uanlH. Tho Spring trada in goods has rather DoOoi. H.sb,..,six (a5t dlfappolnted expeotntions so far. The foeling ,'i0!a-oUoditbg!,t;u iij g Z grows stronger that prices of Wool must settle , Bos .Sm'k'diler'gio S to hi mess. 3 00 33 50 bVv .nAirf La. Yad .all ej Jul olo.; somo , Plo'J llerr'g.bx., 3 Oi. la) 3 50 very olioico XX and No. 1 at 55o.; and a lot of . iiabdwahe. j 15,000 lbs. ohoice No. 1 at 59c. i lb. Included fiiiido unhandieddoiu! - (ol in tun above ore r.io.uuo ids. cnoice 1'euusjiva- aii-iiMwo mmkio". nia and West Virginia fleeces, at about 51o. ' iftSNo if 7 as- No ?. & lb., to iurio. This was tho only considerable I S. ,i.RA ? Al: t'i- nD.i(ai,i3:no.;.o.aui no., ri,.. 1 -.n..r.t;.. .. I; : z .:i:r,v". : ..." ' c J l? Bui'w "" .. "sfli"v. n V B . J. : , I 'ho hands of vei y few fiTT;.' i i-ri i. l'"utuu"' o delaine Ileeces are still he dVps.-iciei.(vic J'ress. ) a fll ricc ,, MiONmraTioN- M. J, Jamin's reeearches point to an important moditlostiou iu the con struction of magnets. Supposo that a great number of plates, which, after being separately magnetized to saturation, aro placed together. The nifrguetistu of tho combination will be seen to increase up to a limit which oauuot be passed, and whioh is reached when the polar surfaces am tilled. Supposo that toil plates are required. If now we recommence the same experiment, applyjug tho satno plates against iwo irou armatures 01 a largo surlaco, tue in and wanted, and continues to command a higher price, a lot of 15,000 lbs. choice Ohio having been taken at otic, I'ulled wool is sun in ae uiand at unchanged prices. The supply for somo weeks past has not exceeded the demand ; INDISPUTABLE EVIDENCE. St. Emo, 111., July 8,1874. It. V. risnca. M. !.. Buffalo. N. Wt-l with to add my testimony to the wonderful curative proimrtleii of your Alt. Kxt., or aoldeii atedtcal Diacoytry. 1 hae tensities will increase mnoh morn ulnwlv W. ! 's"1 K11 Int'rest in this medicine since I first usej ..V.7.T !.... I .1 S WOWiy, IX. , w ujlj iltHcted with iljspepsia, liver deranged Cause the sain o( the magnetism is diBused ,U4 au almuat rrfct proatrstlon of the nervous sis. over 11 more considerable extent, and the limit win not be reached till this extent U full. For this it may bo needful to superposo twenty, thirty or forty plates, aud, generally tptaklug, a number in much the greater an the armature are larger. The total power of the magnet will, therefore, increase with its armatures. WsuJiNO. In weldluglrou, as is well known, the pieces are bad to whiteness. When iron is to be welded to iron this plan answers well enough, but it trots is to be welded to steel the white heat often tkatroys the steel completely. To remedy this evil a patent has recently been taken oat, whioh promises to remove all dim calliae. By this process the surface of the sattal to bo welded is moistened with water, and on the wet surface there is sprinkled a 1 compound consisting of 1 . pulverized oal. cined borax, II). fine iron filings, and4oi. pulverised pruastate of potash, iutini.Uly mixed. The two surfaces are then wired, or otherwise held together, and raised to a red heat, or about 60P to 7003 Fah. WhensuWe qntntly subjected to rolling or hammering the Joint U completed, while the steel is not sum aitntlr raised in tea) pera tare to be at all in jtued cy the operation. tein. Bo raniil and conitilete did the lllsoovrry elfrci a perfect cure that II seemed more like lusiilo and a per fect wonder la myself, ami since thst time we have never breu without a bottle of the Discovery and Pur gative Pellets in the houae. They am a solid, sound family physician lu the house and ready at all times to fly to thtLtvllef of sickness without charge. We bao never aad a doctor in the houae since we nrst began the use of your Pellets and Ulsoovery. I bay recom. mended the use of these medicines In several severe and complicated rases arising from, ss I thought, an lui pur state of the blood, and In no one case have they failed la more than accomplish all they are claimed la do. 1 will only mention one ss remarkable, (Uiough I could glve)ou dozens), Henry Krster, furniture desler of this place, who was on. ot the most pitiful objects ever seen, bis face swollen out of shape, scalea sad eruptions without end, extending la his body which wss completely covered with blotches and scales. Xothiug that he took seemed to effect It a partMe. I Anally induced him to try s few bottles of tbs Golden Vledlcsl Discovery, with dally use of tbs Pellets, assur ing hlui It would surely cur. him. II. commenced Its use Mas six weeks tluce, taking two Pellets sach night for a week, then one Mch night, and the Placovuy ss directed. Tbs result Is, todsy bta skin Is perfectly smooth, and the scaly sruptloua are gone, lis baa taken soma seven or eight bottles in all, and considers him self cured. This csm bad batted tha skill of ou bsst physicians. Messrs. Dunaford 4 Co., Vrogglsta, of this rise-, srs slltsf largely of your medicines, sod tbs demaad steadily Increases, and they give perfect satis t action la svasr csaw. Jtaspectfully, W. U. OUAUPUIt, Ast.Aa.aa.Os. S J5-lflaa IU rrfr ot-nt. Locke. Yale Lock Ml'a Co discount 33'a per tent, frum llat. Planes, Ohio Tool Co.. dis count 30 ner cent, fromliau Am. Tack Co'a Cut Tacka t2S percent, diacount and 5 per cent, extra. Finishing ana L.lont Pisus ,-i on uat; ju noe nana mt iu Dcr arK Ohio llutt Clo's Lcoae Joint lluttsOper cent, snd 5 per eentexra;do doC ast,r3) per ceni on iiai. Machine Bolts. t335 off. hauare Nuts. S3o off llat. Delation Nuis j)3o on llat. rougo iron naauers IMla olf liat. Lag Screws, 15 psr cent off uau XAIIA Assorud sue. a. 4 00 S7 00 OIL. Paclfle Olne 10 Neat V't No. 1 1 CO O 90 Para -aatorOll,No.l tiaaer s A A . (-ocoanuu..,. , Ollrs Plstniol. ail 40 - til 43 55 S SO to Si a Knar. Vermillion KICK. Uhlns No. 1, V B do 2. do. Japan mam uieanea... Patna Hawaiian Carolina Sill. Oal. Bay.per ton 10 00(313 00 do Common.. A OOtoilO 0U Carmen Island. .13 0014 00 Livsrnooi ant. ..a uo&zs oo do coarseiO W& Nil A P. Castile B 10 13 Common brands.. 5 (a) J4 Fancy do .. 7 10 SPICKS. OlOTes 50 a ,M Caasia 25 27 Citron 33 35 Nutmeg. 1 -a fa I IS Whole Pepper... 23 a 25 Pimento S 1511 llr'ndAUspprdx M US oo oaaiiaua., piou do Olovesdo.. Ml 50 do Mnstard do 1 20 do Ginger do.. 1 00 do Pepper do.. Ml 00 do Mac. do . . (a)2 10 NUGAE. RTC. Cal. Cube per B ll'ta) rsriz' fro. unue ddi or ioo b nxs g doin50Bb.. - Mil do in IS St bxa. lot lild Circle A erushed (8 H"4 Powdered & 12 Fine crushed... ilranulatea...,, lloldenU 'lawailan 9 (in California Beet. 10 V uai. Byrupinms. .$ u j in a Die. (oj do In keira.. (in Hawaiian Molaa- se 25 W TEA. Uotong.Canton.lb 19 ao Amoy... et do iDnnoaa 40 Imperial Canton 25 ao ringeuey as do Movnna . 60 Gunpo'der.Cant. 30 do Pingsaey 50 dn Hnrnni. 65 V'ng ilr .Canton ao ringeuey da Movun... Japan, j. cheats, bulk Japan.lacquered bxs.4Xand3Be Japan db,3 B bxs 45 doprnbx.lSB 35 doHaiiBpaper w I-UIIACCO Jnbbloar. tsngnt nsrys,... uara ao .... Paces Tin Foil., nw f Twiat i.lfht Prsssed.,, Hard do Oonn.Wrap'r.... Penn.lrVrappcr.. Ohio do Viwt'AFlmok'aT.. Klnectoh.V.sr.J 50 Fin. cut en.w ln. buo'ta.-rlB..75 ituair n.e cat. a v l(-al Kmokina.... 37 f -K u um. m. -a- aj r mt m.mrm Eastern 33.iie53 25 50 80 9 40 S 80 l 00 tf 90 31 15 JD (3) 40 40 SS 70 65 85 30 75 43 9 67 3 65 m 55 00 an to 50 55 S5 g 73 70 80 SO S U 40 3 t 20 S 45 15 g TO 41 aal M ". 990 100 IWHOirsii.s,) WxDKianav xc., April U, 1815. LEATHER. OIU TudmI L4thr,J ft., Oanitn Utthu. 1 1 , 8tok.ioD Ltmhtjr, V JoativS svii., p-raoi JMOkll W 1311. .Ifvloi HtolKiL. Jasdal. nssfninfi Qbtaiosi. Oot ntilliAa. 11 to It Ho. jorasiiiimji srk is a i Oornflllia KJtnJ. U tol Kll Himon L'Utnft rtnulsM, II to IS, QimOB UIIBU rtlUisH, otoion iimo v , fagBttlS.::: BISBOB. ss sau. v e Wi e. 35M4Z7 ilos ..'.'.'.'.'.' SS0 Oak 540 -Dsrdos...... tscnSTtos o..lltolKlLaos. .".?ifli(0, 10 IS 1 lttol3,Kij SSI 14 to ISJ Kit 701 14 to 11, Kl! T (MI.1U4IIUL trrwsk Kips. B , OalllormlaEp,e rsaah Shs.p. all MlaiaSdu. asisuw uyi lor nssss. wi J?"' C V WM.ali 'soliVs,' V o'es". ipLlalass if.-!2 ami asoaas lor Oahf onia RaasMt ah. iV?J'XSflLtfS. ?. wtjajai rjsw(SMivJW( vsjov tatsWsv Utmssi Vastbsrj SX".". Ill fair HnllLaalhse.VSM t3 0jkA7 00 S3 Ties A73M aa r a. siOOalslso 72 53 14 30MWSSSS iioe i u twSllss iwZ its smIi.m tSZie. ITiS 4M toes it SMS 4 7 a sees - 3SSS SI 3'is i OFFICE, 224 SANSOME STREET, S. F. PATENT8 obtained promptly: Caveats filed expeditiously; Patent reissues taken ont; Assignments made and recorded in legal form; Copies of Patents and Assignment? procured; Examinations of Patents made here and at Washington; Examinations made of Assignments recorded in Washington; Examinations ordered and reported by Tele graph; Rejected cases taken up and Patents obtained; Interferences Prosecuted; Opinions rendered regarding the validity of Patents and Assignments; every legitimate branch of Patent Agency Business promptly, and thoroughly conducted. Our intimate knowledge of the various in ventions of this coast, and Ions practice in patent business, enable us to abundantly satisfy our patrons; and our success and business are constantlv increasinc. The shrewdest and most experienced Inventors are found among our most steadfast friends and patrons, who fully appreciate our advan tages in bringing valuable inventions to the notice of the public through the columns of our widely circulated, first-class journals thereby facilitating their introduction, sale and popularity. Foreign Patents. In addition to American Patents, we secures with the assistance of co-operative agents, claims in all -foreign countries which grant Patents, including Great Britain, France, Belgium, Prussia, Austria, Victoria, Peru, Bussia, Spain, British India, Saxony, British Columbia. Canada. Norwav. Sweden. Mexico. Victoria, Brazil, Bavaria, Holland, Den mark, Italy, Portugal, Cuba, Roman States, Wurtemberg, New Zealand, New South Wales, Queensland, Tasmania, Brazil, New Grenada, Chile, Argentine Republic, AND EVERY COUNTRY IN THE WORLD where Patents are obtainable. No models are required in European coun tries, but th'e drawings and specifications should be prepared with thoroughness, by able persons who are familiar with the re quirements and changes of foreign patent laws agents who are reliable and perma nently established. Our schedule prices for obtaining foreign pat ents, in all cases, will always be as low, and in some instances lower, than those of any other responsible agency. We can and do get foreign patents for inventors in the Pacific States from two to six months (according to the location of the country booneb than any other agents. Home Counsel. Our long experience in obtaining patents for Inventors on this Coast has familiarized us with the character of most of the inventions already patented; hence we are frequently able to save our patrons the cost of a fruitless application by pointing them to the same thing already covered Dy a patent. We are always free to advise applicants of any knowledge we have of previous applications which will interfere with their obtaining a patent. We invite the acquaintance of all parties con nected with inventions and patent right busi ness, believing that the mutual conference of legitimate business and professional men is mutual gain. Parties in doubt in regard to their rights as assignees of patents, or pur chasers of patented articles, can often receive advice of importance to them from a short call at our omce. Remittances of money, made by individual in ventors to the Government, sometimes mis carry, and it has repeatedly happened that applicants have not only lost their money but their inventions also, from this cause and consequent delay. We hold ourselves re sponsible for all fees entrusted to our agenoy. The principal portion of the patent business of this coast has been done, and is still being done, through our agenoy. We are familiar with, and have full records, of all former cases, and can more directly judgo of the value and patentability of inventions discov ered here than any other agents. Situated so remote from the Beat of government, delays are even more dangerous to the invent ors of the Paciflo Coast than to applicants in the Eastern States. Valuable patents may be lost by the extra time consumed in transmit ting specifications from Eastern agencies back to this coast for the signature of the inventor. Confidential, We take great pains to preserve secrecy in all confidential matters, and applicants for pat ents can rest assured that their communi cations and business transactions will be held Btrictly confidential by us. Circulars free. Engravings. We have superior artists in our own office, and all facilities for producing fine and satisfac tory illustrations of inventions and machinery, for newspaper, book, circular and other printed illustrations, and are always ready to assist patrons in bringing their valuable is coveries into practical and profitable use. DEWEY 6c CO., United States and Foreign Patent Agents, pub lishers Mining and Scientific Press and the Pacific Rural Press, 221 Sansome St., S. F, ARE YOU GOING- TO PAINT? THEN USE THE BEST. THE AVERILL CHEMICAL PAINT Will last three tunes as lone as the bcBt Lead and Oil, without Chalking; Is of any desired color. Is prepared (or immedisto application, requiring no OU, Thinner or Drier, and does not spoil by standing any length time. It is equally as good for inside as outside work; over old work as well as sew; in fact where any paint can be used the AVERILL CHEMICAL PAINT will be found supsrior to any other. Any one can ap ply it who can use aSbrush, which truly MAKES IT THE FARMER'S FRIEND. IT IS JUST THE PAINT FOR THE AGE. It is SOLD BY. THE GALLON ONLY. One Gallon COVERS 20 SQUARE YARDS 2 Coals. For further information send for sample card and price list. UAianracrrmED bi i he California Chemical Paint Company,. TILER BEACH, Pres't. M. 0. JEWELL, Sec'y. Office-Corner Fourth Francisco. and Townsend streets, San spl7-ly Superior Fruit Trees TRUE TO NAME. Shade and Ornamental Trees, Cypress Seedlings, Gum and Pine Trees, 1USO, A OXNEIUL V1IUETT OT CD - NURSERY STOCK, 3E At the LoweBt Rates. f -iTees ana Giants securely packed to send jr . , T. COELEY, Nurseryman, i. SIS Washington St., HAN FRANCISCO. srftf n. n. BiLbTON. 1873. B. K. CUKHnKM. 1858. HENRY K. CUMMINGS & CO., Wholesale Fruit and Produce Commis sion House, ESTABLISHED 1858. No. 421 Battery street, southeast corner of Washington Han. Franolaoo, Our business being exclusively Commission, we have no interests that will conflict with those of the pro ducer. 6-3m JEOAXJJS VECETABU SICILIAN HAIR- RENEWER. The Mining & Scientific Press. Started In 1860, is one of the oldest weekly Journals now puDusnoa in san rrancisco, ii nas neen oonauctea bv Its Dreeent nronrletors tor ten Tears, dnrlns which period it hss been repeatedly enlarged and constantly unproved. The active and steadfast efforts of its pub. Ushers have gained for its conduct an amount of practi cal experience greater than any other publishers have accumulated on this coast, of a weekly journal. The sum paid by us for the best editorial talent ob tainable for our special class Journal; for engravings, for Interesting new and correspondence, and 'for print ing a larga-alsed, handsome sheet, is unequalled by that of any other American weekly west of the Mississippi. As a Pucnaax, Jsuraxa Jocmxax, it has no rival on this Continent. It isms only aucxumcix, and the only Bcxnmno Journal of tba Paclno States. Miners. Aaaajers, Mlllman. and MstallurgUt la the United State should taks It. Fadao Coast Mechanics, Engineers, Inventors. Mann f actunra. Professions! Man. and Progressive and Industrlsl undents should patronise) lu columns ot trash and valuable inf onoatlon. Mining Engineer. 8unerutBdants, Metallurgists, Mine Oner and Mtn Worker throughout ths world should proat by it Illustration and description ot Maw Machinery. Prorissss, Discorsrke and Record of Mining Event. Intelligent think throughout th land, la high or hamate situation, who would avoid literary ti r vnuia lajonsaatoa. aaouia bubbcbusb 08CX. tor i AT DIWIX He.i oo., trt,B.r This standard article is compounded with the grest est care. Its effects are as wonderful and satisfactory as ever. It restores grsy or faded hair to Its youthful color. It removes all eruptions, itching and dandruff; and the scalp by its nse becomes white andclean. By its tonic properties it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, preventing baldness, and ma king the hair grow thick and strong. As a dressing nothing has been found so effectual, or desirsble. ' Dr. A. A. Hayes, State Asssyer of Msssachusetts, ssy of It: "I consider it tho best preparation for its in tended purposes." BUCKINGHAM' DYE FOR THE WHISKERS. This elegant preparation may be relied on to chango the color of the beard from gray or any other undesi rable shade, to brown or black, at discretion, It is easily applied, being in one preparation, aod quickly and effectually produces a permanent color which will neither rub nor wash off. MANCFACTDRED BI R. P. HALL & CO., Nashua,. H. Sold by all Drogglsts and Dealers in Medicine Crane k Bbioeuv, Wholesale Aoents, S, F. Cal. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. This compound of the vegetable alteratives, Sana parilla, Dock, Stlllingla and Mandrake with the Iodides of Potsssium and Irou i makes a most effectusl cure of scries of complaints which sre very prevalent and afflicting. It purifies the blood, purges out the lurking humors in the system, thst undermin health and settle 'into troublesome disorders. Eruptions of the skin are the appearance on tbs surface of humors that should be expelled from the blood. Internal de rangements are the determination of these same humors to some internal organ, or organs, whose action they derange, and whose substance they disease and destroy. Aixa'a Babsai-abjlla expel these humors from the blood. When they an gone, th,dlsorders they produce disappear, such as Clceratlonof th Liver, Stomach, Kidneys, Lungs, Eruptions and Eruptive Disesses f th Skin, St. Anthony's Fire. Rose or Erysipelas, Pimples Pustules, Blotches, Bolls, Tumors, Tetter and Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ringworm, Ulcers and Sores Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Pain in th Bones, Bids and Heao. Female Weakness, Sterility, Leucorrbssa srisue from Internal ulceration and uterine disease, Dropsr Dyspepsia. Emaciation and General Debditr. With their departure health return. rxirais bv SB. J. O. ATER CO., Lowell, Kaw., PRACTICAL AND ANALYTICAL CHEMISTS. T Sold by all Druggist and Dealer la Medicine. CRANE BRIOHAX, Wholesale Agent a rmaiicxsoo. Jyll-aa KOUNTZS B&0TEEBS, BaiNZZRS, 12 WALL STREET, NEW YORK, illow laUre.it tt the rata of roar ptr cent, apa daily liUnctt ef Odd ui Currency. StetiTe ccsilguMtiti of Odd, CUrtr tad Lead lln, uA nab Can airaftewthitMa. Invito Cetr)ndftc frem Jankers, Main. CmmtaJeg, Iteckasti aad taskkf Warta. j JiJaftss el .sC. .