Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, March 12, 1875, SUPPLEMENT, Image 11

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Tut'itsDAY, March 4.
TiliXaigok and Ci.vrsor IsbfANr Spe
MilIndtanAgont.Ernwn, has respired a
iotier from the IndinnBnrean, Washington,
concerning Indiaus in Chtsop anil.TiUtuook
couutjes who havo jiovcr been, ircaled with,.
Hon. IU Mfllorylbid written on about these
Indians and complaining of their prosenco
there. The .Department Instructs agent
Brown to look them up nnd see that they nro
properly cared for cm touie -reservation.-c So?
tbo prospect l that the people of thoe coun
ties will have their h-idlaus taken oir their
hands in duo time, for Brown in not apt to
lot matters rest longer than is necessary, that
are committed to his care.
Back from Siletz, 6. A.- Brown speoiol.
agent for the Indian Department, returned
from the Siletz yesterday1 affernbon and In
forms us that a number 6f Indians from
that agency will ba'.over to attend as wit
nesses at Judge Doady's Court now In ses
sion. When riding down Siletz river he had
the misfortune to have his horso so injured
in the stifle joint that -he had to leave tho
animal to travel slx-milos to a house, where
he found another mount and secured ths"
services of a person to look alter the iuiured
aniniall . x u f X- i ij.iitL'
Returned. Messrs. Sam Bass. and W. II.
Watklnda' roturoeuV yeslerday frontSan
Francisco, and wo learn from Mr. Bass that
iie has mado all necessary arrangements for.
procuring machluery, etc., for the use of the
-State, Manufacturing Company, if they con
clude to order the same, vhlch will soon bo
decided, as the Campany will hold a meet
ing to morrow.
Pukcuaee. Hon.. C A. Eeed has made a
purchase of tbo property known as the
BIcCauley house, near the slough, opposite
the premises owned bv P. D. Palmer, which
woia leeontly burned. He madoan excel
lent bargain and is now having tho house
put in order, which will be a benelit to that
'Fou the ASYtrjir. Yesterday, Dopuly
Sheriff, Wm. S. Barker, went to Portland
with Mr. K. T. Lemon, an insane pitlont
who was examined by Drs. Payton and Mo
Cauley, and pronounced insane.
Married. In Salom, March 4th, 1S73, by
Ilev.P. S. Knight, Mr. James G. Evans, of
Eugeuo City, and Miss Mngglo L. Pattou, of
An Old SErri.En.-i.Itj3 just 23 years to.
day since Ileury Smith settled on his preent
farm adiolnlug'Aumsville. He Is oho of the
old land claimants.
At eleven 'o'clock to-day, as we had an
nounced, tho remains of II. C. Kinney woro
encased in a largo fiurial casket, which had a
landsome rosewood finish, and wore placed
In the front room of his late residence, where
nil friends could enter and view tbcm, which
privilege was made use of by rrnny citizens.
Tho remains presorved a very natural ap
pearance, and very much sdoh as bo was in
life he"appearcd-'in-death. "Thecaskpt was
surmounted by a wreath of iminortcls, which
surrounded the silver plaie on which was
inscribed: ,
Born near Sumrabrvllle, Illinois, July 41h,
1813 j, j ,
Bled, March 2d,187."i, at Salem, Oregon."
At one o'clock tho pallbearers' were as
sembled, fourteen in number, as follows:
Hon. A. A. McCully,"johuC."Berrv, Esq.,
Charles CiBgc;ett,'Eq.,Hon. S. F. Oba-lwick,
S. K. Scott, E--q., Hqu. I,. L. Rowland,
Jtev. O "Dickinson, Wm. Waldo, E-q..
Hon. Goo. K. Shfel, Warner Broymao,E-q.
Hon. J. W..Grlm Joseph Knott,' K-q,"," f
Hon. W, 'JV Nawby, John M.Pn'gh Eq.,
And soon after haf-pasii ono the funeral
cortege moved for tho Bapljst church.
The flag over (ho State Capital was at half
uaast, as was that of tho steamer E. N. Csoke,
lying at tho a harf. The stores, at tho sug
gestion of Mayor Wright, closed tkelrdoors
through tbo'wholavcity'thls afternoon, as a
mark of re.spect for tho deceased. A very
large alteudanco of citizens and ui8nv,caril-agps-wero
at the church, "but probably'not
more than hall the persons who came could
find accommodations. Tho mornintr had
been stormy, and the rain ooutiuued at In'.er-
als through the afternoon. ' , ,
Theservices at tlia,cluirchcouslr'.teduof
very appropriate muslo bv the excellent
.choir, which consisted ot 'Mrs. J. M.Patter
son at tho organ, Mr. Prentice, Mr. J. E.
Strong, Mrs. Prentice anil Mrs. Idaljabcock
-is vocalists? The pieces" sung 'were tbo&e
which were favorites of the deceased when
living, "AJceu in Jesus," '"Why should we
shake at death's alarms, ect."
After tho blnpluiri a part bf- lYii Slst psslra
was readwhlcb'was ono ho'nihch'' admired.
Tho oponing prayor was bv Rev. P. M.
-Starr, then follh,wenta brlof discourse by the
pastor, Rev.o Addison Joneca synopsis of
which we give elsewhere. Rev. L. L. Row
land made remarks of a biographical char
.acter as be had kuown the deceased from boy
hood. Ho scarce knew one other man who
was so free from personal faults.
The aisles were cleared and an opportunity
offered to seo tho faco of tho departed friend.
The ooftin was theu closed by Mr. Bibcock
and tho tolling ot the boll timed tbo march
-of the Ions; funeral procession through the
theu silent througbfares, to the last resting
-place, among the beautiful hills that look
plaoedly over: the scenes of our present toils
And uncertainties, nnd otter a rest to all
-when life's dream ohall be ended, and life's
last, sad pageant, over.
Extracts from a sermon delivered by Rev.
Addison Jones at the fuueral of Robert C
-Kinney, thin afternoon at the Baptist Church-
Text: "Precious in, the ,slcht of the Lord
is the death of his saints.". Fs. 110:15
There are some passage 'of scripture
which appear more and more 'beautiful, the
longer we look at tbem. Occasionally wo
and a text, which, like ai precious stone doe
-not reveal tu fullest beauties until wa bold
ituptntlm light. .Tfr- rmngi htfttrt " '
one of those rich and luminous texts, which
will bear -to be examined word.Vy word,
Not many things arc ealled prtciaut. 'Maft
nay Taina"hons and land, and their flocks
and herd, and naay other kinds of wealth,
bat Wy 4on't often oall.tbem preoteua.
Evan the allrer and gold U the vaulU.and
the bright eolna from the mint, tbomch val
ued Bttorethan they ought to be, are only oc
rasicnallv callpd. nrsr inni. Ttii lKata nr
Tjw things toAThithv men dospply thfesig
nluciul word. Tbo fanels wtiich a rrineo
rtcuiu give to his bruit j the ggius in tho
urunil, , i
"Which Bcsulv'flfclf miL-lit wear."
and whtth tho wealth of ft'iklogdom could
uiiruiy ouy. ioeto iningjaro caiiert pre
cious. TheJBihlo'Js equally sparing of the
word and tias it only ot tho best things. It
tells ill tPt the ointment which Mary poured
upon our Lord wai precious, that "Wisdom
is more previous than yublei;'', that human
life is precious rjaj"l that iu'.Sion,' chlet cor
nerstone is laid, f'olect, precious," and that
precious cornor stone, as wo very w eli know,
was Christ. And it is not a little significant,
that in connection with this rare ,ist ot pre
cious thing, we are told thatto'Ood tho
death of the samt3 is precious..
Almost every other word In the text Is
equally significant and luminous In tho
sight" of the Lord.USo' then, tSod sees his
people. Ho is not' merely a blind force,
moving cruelly on," and crushing everything
in the w ay; not a steru, cold monarch, too
busy with big government and armies to no
tice the s'oVrows of his people; not a tyrant
so hard that he does not care for the grief of
a enna,' nut a loving fattier who pities his
children when they weep; who sees and
knows, and who, with his own hand, wipes
awaVtbelrteara."' ' " ' A '
But wltnout stopping here to apply the
lens to ovory word, richly as it would ro
ward us, ulBce to say, that it is the Lord
and noS'iilati.to'whom these things aro'dear,
and tha't'even death is bewifiU when'seon
in the clear, daylight of heavou.y It is only,
In tho twillght,'ahTi darknbsg" of this sinful
w orld that deatl ever looks terrible. To the
Lord it has tt very dlflereut aspect, and so it
may to, us, whan onco wo aro tausbt of him.
rP l.o ft tint ilnat li 1.3 rrl tl4nf tt.!..rb.. I.till.'
tho sluiiers tuppose. Tlia puilty concituce'
may woll bo afraid of tho cold grim skele.on
who with his hour-gusi and ssythohasall
thoio years baen mow lug down the nores of
mnn; bat- not so to tho Chii3tian. To him
It is tho opening of tho prKon lioor which
sots tho longing captive free. Tt is tho 10
turn ot tho exile to his own de.tr home; it
Is tho bursting of the chrysalis which eua
blp4 tho sorrowtnl worm to loavn its giovtll
ing 111 thodustandsuar upon golden wings in
the light of heaven. Ay, more, it Is thegith
ering of the Jewels for tho crown of the king,
tno coming ot tho bride to tho palace oi her
lord. Yes, to the Lord the death of tho saint Is
AT?Rl-CIOU3 Tit;so.
'And what insplrat'ou taught the Psyalmisl
long ago, U iutt as true now. Job was not
the last of the saints" who could say, "I
know that my Redeemer liveth." And so,
to our departed Iriend, tho diy of his death,
was tbo most ioyful of his life. While to us
It is ono of saduoss andwoopiug to blm itj is
aseaunuL iiguL, ucu as uu uevcr inaaiucu
of befoie a coronation day, of surpas3luc
glory, and of unutttrablo joy. Weop not
then, yo mourning ones, heaven is nearer
now than It was before, since tho husbaud
and fatner uas nas gone tuero. lie 10V03 you
now more than ever before; moro than even
his great loving spirit could do, even whilo
yet with you, but fpttoied by human flash.
Ho has gond-'to join tho Innumerable com
pany of saints, and be with those angels who
are all ministering- spirits, sent forth to min
ister to themwho shall bo heirs cf salvation.
Who can toll but what as God permitted
one of the old nronhots to come back and
talk John, and as Moses and Ellas cam's back'
and were seen or tne disciples in tuc'trans-
llguration mount, wtio can ten out mat uoa
may in like manner permit his glorified
spirit to stand by your death bed, when that
clad hour shall como, and escort you, as tho
angels did Lazarus, to the bosom of your
T.nrd. - i, ' ' r ' k
Kiuda, March o.
Gor.u DiscovekV in Polk County. A
coirespondent ot the Orego,iian at Indepen
dence writes, ns follows to that paper:; "I"
hafeteh'to die vou information ofthn erpatr
excitomcut in Iildspendence. Gold was dis-
coved within five miles irom this place. Mr.
Kat. Holmau discovered n quartz lend which
is declared to bi riclier than anything ever
seen-on tho Eacidc repast. , Mr.,iHpImsn
nut ot which they took over J107 iu gold.
Now, thisiijTno .humbug I will givo you
moio p-trtlonlift-s In a sho'rt timo. Every
body is !ea ing town to take up claims."
Gas Macitixe Sold. The County Com
missioners have contracted with Mr. W E.
HovrclCtoOpuroifasB n 00-light- Union Gts
Machino to use iu the Court Houb. The con
tract is to pay 5250 dawn whou the urwhino
Is in workiug.nrder. satlsf Cotorily an'd ?o0
inoro at tho oud of six months if jt works to
tbo satisfaction1 oi the Commissioners In tho
j State Pkistixo. Wo give it up as an un
answerabfo.conundruui,when the Stato print
ing is to be finished. Judicial decisions are
still being writton by the Justices of the Su
premo Court, and the forenuu of tho State
ofllco, Wilbur Cornell, Eiqt-, infornn us that
tho volume of laws and decisions will con
tain oue thousand pises f The taTi Printer
has purj sympathies". - ' i ' '
Ei'ibCOi'AL Ciiuncsi at Aliiany. We see
by tho CMt) ciman tliat fSOO has been gener
ously contributed by tho congregation of St.
,PeUjr's Church, Albany, K. Y., nud is now.'
in hand to be usod for tho construction of an
Episcopal Church edltlce for Albany .Oregon.
Lots aro yet to be obtained and a subscrip
tion raised to aid this object In Albany.
CafcMEKETAHoTFt. -Mr.Jame3 Walton and
family aud Mr! John Walton, have broken
up housekeeping and taken rooms at the
Cheraeketa Hotel. As now conducted this
Hotel is rapidly JUllug up withf4uulieri who
prefer to hoard to the trouble and oxpenso of
keeping house. -. r Tf .'
Heard Frov. Mr. John Hughes was at
last adcouts, in Sau Pfanc'hco, purchasing a
stock of groceriis which were partly shipped
on a sailer. He will probably be home with
his family In another month.
Insane. Sheriff Livingstone, of Douglas
coum.y,twaa lu .town this afternoon collecting
Ibis fees for transporting i;u insane patient
usmeu Auurew .rowers 10 lue Afyium.
Maskikd-Iu EastPcrtland, March 3, Mr.
Charles E. Johntou and Miss Ellaltoon. ,
Mr. J. D. Row ell j-of iWaahlaSfem nnntv.
.j t -i .1 v a . '
ioi uuriug iuo imh yiooh. imj uuo uunes,
vM Am elllh bMe W 4AA J&tJB '
hailngr-a mail run Unto bit foot, and the
other, a tine young mare, from being snagged
lntheleg.,bn-,H ioq BJflOJ ujl
The eoanty court of Clackamas county.haa
extended1 thi'tlwe tor paying taxes in that
county torofie Eaontb,"
u Ui Saturday. March C.
Tun Oreoon Pioneers. Wo learn thati
tho KxccutlveBoard of pregon PionvMEaro
authorized J. f. Uacon amfCol. W". of
that city, to oponn register at Oregou City
lor the purposo of.rogi't!Pr'nR all persons
who may iinder thaTrnlos"choo3o to lVJ-
como ineuibors of said association Thoxosf-
hier may, be found si the Orogbn City pc
office, which contains tho orgaple rules
regniatlug the admission of members'.' (The
object of tho association Js, to collect from
living witnesses such facts relating to the
pioneeratid early hltoryof 'the Territory of
Oregon as the organization may be enabled
to obtain through contributions of Its mem
bers or other well authenticated sources. To
promote, . social intercourse , a.mong the
pioneers, 'their children and friends, etc. A
grand retinlon'orploneers Will be bad on the
l5th"of June noxt, at the State Fair ground
,at Salem. '
EstkrtainmrstI. C. R. C Last evening
tho Opera ;Hbuse was literally thronged, by
the' friends or temperance to witness the per
torruauce "of -'the-1 beautiful drama "Ton
Nights in a Bar-Room," which was effectively
rendered by all concerned and held the an
dlonce Interested lor two.hourVand a haTf.
After the performances as over another per
formance commenced in the dining room of
tho Commercial, which1 all' seemod to'talre'
natural interest'in and . show, talont in dis
posing of. Tho, 'feast w as a temperate one.
and tho viands were too good to last long, so
tho play of knife and fork was soou over and
the treat audience want home having spent
a mos.t enjoyable evening. Seldom has tno
Opora Houfo witnessed a greater success In a
financial point of view or gathered a better
pleased audienco.
St.vt.1, Fed Beef. We hear that Hon.
Jos. Chambers tho otber day sold twenty
head of btoer, for 40 a head, after feeding
them lifty days. Another man, also .llviug
iu Kings Valley, had ton steers which he
vainly tried to sell for $17 each when in good
order last fall. When the bad weather came
on he commnuced teeding them, and after
oxpondiug !V worth of feed on each head, he
sold them at (if) a head. Both of these trades
were cash down, for tho Portlaud markot.
This looks very much as If stall feeding
would pay. Our markets yould look bqttor
If there was some stall fed beef for sale.'Iif
stead of tho impoverished artlclo oftored. lis
Alii. l.- ll.l.iu-vivivuiaui
imagine that people 'at thoT.i"st
what wo intend toidoforIlnV
Tbo N.;V.-ei a'rf hasCalready wi
The Centennial, Orogonians most not
nt tlm 1-ac.f Hnnlt An .
soi .twi. w ;o.u
".ready written on to
Honr J. H.Keed, of -Portlaud, to ask Infor
mation as to what the poople intended to do
towards haviug'a representation at Philadel
phia iu 1870, ami the question wo had best
ask ourselves is: What are wo going to do ?
Tho steamer Ajax has been found to be in-
jurod and will havo to be repaired before sho
cau leave. The cargo already in will havo
to bo' removed,"? Sho did not' salivas ran
noiinced.w j.-.r1uJ. w m- . 4
Wasco county to-day forwarded to tho
Stato Treasurer, bv hand3 of Wells, Fargo it
Co., sixteen hundred dollars, on account of
State tax due.
Mi. L. L. Kellogg, a?ant for A. B. Kellugg,
hl3 brother' of ICellogg's, Douglas 'County,1
UUliUU U1J U pUll UlUlUlUllV4Lli UUWJ Vim
oatcd impiovomctt't'on 'plownthat promises
to bo very vuluable and a credit to Oregon
Inventors, though veiy plain and simple In
naiuic. This is not only a new plow, but an
improvement that can bo attached to an old
plow, if desiraV.o, ns veil as constructed us a
now one. It "consists of a point, land-sido,
and sharo on tho land-sldo for cutting uuder
tho land, constructed of one pleco of sheet
metal', cut out lu sulti'.blo form aud bout in
tho shapa requirod." The niodoKshowu us
was made by John Knight, a clever young
bldclvsmith who Wpiksin.tbeJbundry block'
and will contiuuo tho manufacture. Attached
and part of tho invention la an upright cut
ter, curved to tho right, so as to cut tho sod
and gather all stubble or trasVaiid guldo it
oil' to tho right to be ontiroly covoredi up by
tho furrow. ' ' "
This invention has threo distinct advan
tages: lht Iu liciln,; adapted to an old plow
with llttio expense; 21 In iaying the stubblo
iu the lurrow to ha entirely covoredsby tho
earth; 3 Tho bbaro ou the land slde.whlch
prolecls laterally, cuts under the noxt furrow
aud piepsres it hi 'case oE roots or fern for
easy turning as ell as saves the, wingotth
share irom wear, and making tbe dratt'bf the
plo' both steady' and straight. Spcclmtus
can no fiien ut lusxiounury snop anu tue
value of tho invention will bo ovident to all
practical tanners. The Kelloggs aro practi-J
tta rarmnMi nml lioirn ma4n nttil iinnil 4ltu In'
vua miiuvio unu uuig tiiauy cttiu unoti VUIU IU
ventlou and havo proved that it is a perfect
Ths proprietors are not anxious to sell
rights, and Mr. Kellogg Is willing (o allow
good mechanics through Oregon to manu
fauture a limited number without royalty, to
perfectly test Its value. After the pnbliu are
satisfied on this point, theu be will talk bus
iness. He informs us that celebrated plow
manufacturers at tho East are negotiating for
me privilege ip inanumcture anu oner a roy
alty, to turn out titty thousand a plows a
year. ,
The report that tho excellent steamer Wll
Iametto Chief bad sunk last oveulug, near
Buena Vista, with a large cargo of wheat on
(board, was,at false one? Tho Chief pasted
onwrtowurtherfYor this'moruing wltbMlir'oe
hundred aud ten' tone 'of cargo,' bound for
Astoria.. Tho rumor probably arose from
the fact the$twh.fleL!QmIUK dowiitboriver
the boat struck a snag near Buena Vista
whleh toreahdlein the side near the 'bow.
and. aware that the boat was leaking badly)
,i apu uiiiKiiuian, wuu groat preseoce or
mind rau nis boat down alxmt a mile to a
place wlikre the water wai iballpir.and there
stopped arid set the pumps to' work. He aeon
succeeded In stopping tho auag bole, after
which the boat was cleared of extra
water and cameic.4oyrj tberirit without
tbe least damage to, her, large cargo, . The
CapMdwMolaud'nera:eUp through the
whole aflalr and deserve the greatest credit
for bla excellent management. The boats of
that company are remarkably well handled,
cracirrr copet
'February Term-B. F. Bonltam, Judge.''
MAttctt G, 1S7S.
Court met according to tdjourmncut this
morning. rr -
E. T. and A. A.iCllonsonlrs! Jano i:.karl
k",y ot. i,. 8nft fol: partIt,on A. A.McCully,
J. jM. l'ugb, and T. H. Wright appointed as
refweeand rdered to" reporjfprf PdayJ
MarcU19, lSTSTat 1 o'clock' t.'m.
H. F. Drown'w Wells; Farpo Oo.Vjudg-
mont for plalntlfl for $102 26 in gold coin,
r wu wf mv nuu tLSUHnwmrinH. ui ..
CValter jailer vs.'tofSnmoreVevl.'
i'dence closed; and canse to bosnbmltted to
Coprt5upob.l written briefs, to be furnished
the Court by Monday, the 15th of March.
Ordered that the Cointarand'acHoirneii'tIll'
Friday, March,19187o, at 1 1. ai. ' ,
OBnUAEY ofjj4rs. p c.'suuivjk.
''MrsV Sulliyan 'was born at'oasUeton', New!
York, February 0th, 1S24: marrlod n,t Hills
dale Michigan, May MH'ISAt' 'tka bedii h'
member of the Mothodist Episcopal Churoh
for the last'20 years; waa'a'most' e'xifJhplnry
wife and motheWr. nsefiil member'of society,
particularly in fldknessand died as she had
lived witticuMn enemy, jiHer deease vnw
consumption aud tho' long lingering, bor
death Was sudden Arid, lnyixpeoteill $ 3 L ii
rear-ii o ciocx last n:gut sue romarKeii
to her husband and family tint she would'
fool stronger and mora tike (talking in the
morning and sink into agentle, ;nint slum
ber from which without opening ber,eyes
she passed to the lifo1 beyond nud to Iier-ex-1
ceadlng great reward. The funeral will tuke,
place to-morrow at 2 o'clock at the the Meth
odist Churoh, South Salem.iUlfriends aio re
spectively imitod tovattond.
rTho Oregon Stcamshin,Companyf's steamer
Ajax vfas to sail fromTorlland'forSan ii'rn'n-1
cisco Friday aftornoon, at 12 lO'clock,
the following t v,
Capt J O Ainsworth, Mr Prescntt,
Capt wells,
C H Williams, w
Mrs M Lowis,
Em 11 Frank,
Morris Levy,
S G Whitman, v
D L Biggs.
It Brown it wife,
Miss Lena Ach,
Miss JlRobeuhelm,,
H E Mack,
S Fox,
W L Boela,
A C Furnsworth,
W Jackson, J '
A Haven and,fiiond
David Mathew,. U i
ts J.ewis,
Hedry Smith, '
S Franenthal, ,
1' Grey t wife,
, M (Young Johnson,
Mrs K Peonies,
IMftster Kosenholnii I Z
I'Selling, wf& child,
NBaum,'T' if .
A Torges Jr,
Alex Robb,
Mrs L RipKway. bov
Wm Borman,
L N-Gehr,- --- and infanr.,rir trtr
MrsOove'rt,- T N For -
w, !' it co's Mess, . xVuu.Titii; tbo steerage,
(si A'&M.JhhiiDivfMuHh"A.rJ
Last ovcnlng tho M.-E. Sunday School
gave ouo of their monthly concorts whioh
was a very ploasant nff.iir, a,nd tho partici
pants, ospeclally tho littlo girls, did their ro
spectie parts exceedingly well. Tho pro
gramme .included music nnd 'recitations,
commencing with atlne donblo quartetto by
Messrs. Royal, McDowell, Hall andAdair,
and Misses Altb6aand Bertha Moores, Ollio
Chamberlain and Ada May. The School
then sang "Who will bs next to follow
Jesus." Recitations were given by Miss
Llbbio Burrows who acquitted horuolf well,
Littlo Addle Qulmby lisped a very charm
ing piece with nico efleot, Ella Burrows ro
cited a temperance 'song exactly, Mary
Eakeu, Miss Bartha Mopres a;d Miss Nellie
Meacham each racked well. Tho recitations
wore generally vory excellent. Muslo wa
interspersed, a quartette, by' Messrs. Hall and
McDowell and MIssas 3AItboa.'iiB(Jiirtlia
Mooros. a duet bvC.irrle and Libbv Burrows.
a solo by MlssEihi Melson, who liaj a vory
tine voice, a song by little ones, ."Who shall
Him; if not littlo children." which was
at J , '
beautifully Illustrated by the appearance of
tne singers so tti-.it no ouo could doubt tno
aptness of tho song after sealnc aud hearing
thorn, a &ug by the School- and another
qu'arlblUt" couiplatoil the oxorefsea after which
a collectlourof tS 25 was taken up,-which
showed tho Interest fol t In tho causo. Mrs.
S. KfMuv, Mrs. QooTP. HoIniau,cMr,Adalr
and Mr. M. G.jltoyalw era appointed a com
mittee to takd charge of'the'neztnionthly
concert. ,
i , I' i' . ' ft.
, Wo have artlolon, received from Sublim
ity, on each side of tho Haupert case, and we
consider it beat to let the matter go without
further notice. Haupert deserved sevoro
punishment and has rocelved it. We havo
not tbo least excuse to make for blm or 'fault
to find with tbe citizens of Sublimity who In
silgated', the prosecution, but there woro
twelve cases made and nearly as many moro
preparing for tho Circuit Court. Wo, there
fore, hadcommlHSWttJon, 'for tho. (ax-payers
oi our county and wished to save them thou
sands of dollars of expense. Haupert la now
j-eleasod; the county Is free of all costs; the'
man has learned a lesson that mutt prove af
fective, and we wish him all success now In
honest oflorU to support his family,
,. ;-5I-l.--r: A.O.. f.J,
.am. MTonrrne story siartea uy a
faspondent to tbe Orenouian Jtronx, Indepen
dence, about g&ld being found three
holies Wett of here and five miles from In
dependence la all humbug every word of It, J
otner qoaru except quaruj or liquid thunder
and that mDt'MTbeaB abiorbed-somewhat
to have enabled the correspondent to
get.tift i;elt . f., j., yjftWW.W
'at,v.m, March B, 1S75.
Mn. Ehrron: As ovldoncoof tho lucio-islng
popularity hf ar.tl demand for the products
of tho'Alduu Process, I hnvo to report to you
that whilo ou tho cum, returning from Port
land on the 6th lust., 1 rtoltwcd nn applica
tion from u party for a ton ot the preserved
fruit, to ship to tho Stlcklno 'mines, t waM
sorry to have to tell him thathts order could
not bo lllod atpresont in Oregon.
Also, I quote from letter just received from
A.rxDieklnBon.iEsq., Prosidont of the Alder
Fruit jPreserviDjr Company; of Kow York.
i under date of FA,19th, as follows :
.t'Yowr people cannot put up too many an
plos, poaebest plums,' prunes, cherries, rasp
berries, whortleberries, or, in fact, any kind
of , fruit. sWe havo recently rnoslvod an olll
ohd letter from the B-itiah Admiralty (I5ig
land) Invkluir proposala Ac, for supplies to
tbe Cngtish Navy;- i
v"Mr. AMeni has rrcontly received a long
letter fro Mr. Cieo.B.Dais,of Los Angelesr
Cal. Ho is ai gentleman that neither Mr.
AKlen nor myself has over seen or heard of ,
bat it seoste he purchased tho right and
several uxuthlnes of tbo California Company
nou uas neon ruumug tnem tor tno past yean
nta largo profit, he thanks Mr. Alden lor
having dpTolopod one of thu most valuablo
industries, of the generation."
0. P. BeAdslky.
"i '
r i i Silvekton, Maroh 4th, 1874. i
Mr. KwTon:. We road In your columns or
ciultoa number of caes of dog poisoning:
1 owned n very valuablo and intelligent sheo-1
iiuiu uuu jjuuuor wuien was irequentiy senc
to town for the mall and at ono time found a
valuable gold watch whloh whs lost by her1
master whilo out hunting, at another time
,when sent to Mr. Cootoilgos store for n littln
basket tho clork being .too busy to wait ou'
hs canlno otimsomer, she very politely help-'
pd harsolf to a new hat nnd brought It home.
JBeing chastised tor suoh impoliteness and
and sent baok she returned tho hat safely and
got tho basket. This innocent littlo animal
was poisoned a fewidaya ago, also n valuablo
'farm dog belonging to- Vnclo Poter Cox;
whether it wati through carlcssness of somo
ono or down right moauens wo aro unablo to
say. Charles Smith or Silvertoni had n
thorougbbred shephord for whioh he had re
fused J100 in coin, whioh was found lu a dy
ing ooudition last Thursday morning, Mr.
Smith informed mo that thp dog had bean
liod up for over a woek and was soouroly
bhut np iu his burn tho rdght.tbo,;) 0I3011 waa.
glvon. '""
,Mr. Mat Small living a short distauco from
ilvcrton purchased a sack of dirty salt last
fall. And haB boon giving tho saiile' to b'la
ktdok, Hinoo which limo ho has had' sovoral
)ied ofuheerf'jthreoangora'goats, twoca'lvea
end ono colt to dlo. ,Mr, Small mistrusted
a few dayago thatlt was tliq salt. If ihere
firoany mora rases of salt polsonldg In, the
countiy wo would like to hijar through your
columns tho particulars or any pna explain
ing tho cauaoVill confer a favor upon
1 A Rkadek.
Modoc War Bonds.
To-day' the (Sttito Troasnror dollvorod and
todk 'rocolpfs or tho'flisllotpf thoso bouds '
that iiavd yot been dolivorod', as follows: To
S. Marks it Cp., of Rosoburg, 2J bonds of
l',()(l() ojo,of jpu.total to tljom $22,0511 ll,nlso
to Mr, Jaintis Wnltou, of Silomope for $.100.
i fecntAhrnJri To-DaV, A year and a half
agf'aii Indian, lad was scut herp from Uma
tilla for stealing blankots. Ho wprkod well
ind was much liked at the prison, but about
i) year ago ho was, caught lu the machinery
and received Injuries that leave him a cripplo
still. Ills namo Is Ednuinil, at least that '
name 'ho has gono by ot Into and to-day ho
wasdU-marged, his timo holngnp. Edmund,
is a veryt tine looking boy, with intelligent
and evoii Intellectual, fucu and a roally
beantlful eyo and ho doesn't wlsii to go back
to Umatilla, but will probably hava to doi
so. Slnco bbf hurt ho has woikod in tho shoe
sjiop nnd Superintendent Watklnds was
anxious to And him Work In HomdMich es
tablishment, but 'cannot find ah opening.
Agont Brown will And somo way to forward
hlm'to his reservation, "
County 1Uoht Sor.n.-jMr, Beardsley
agont for the Alden Fruit Preserving Com
pany of Now York, whloh owns the paten. J
right for this State and Washington Terri
tory, Informs us that ho has sold tbo right' to
use mo process in xainuiiicouuiy lor $3,uuu
without any machinery. This salo was prob
ably made to the company recently organi
zed at McMlnnvIlle.
Appointments. Governor Grover to-day
re-appointed W. H. Caldwoll, of Portland,
a, Notary Pnbllo for Multnomah county.
N, H. Dodson has boon appointed a com
missioner of Deodw for Oregou to reside In
Ban Diego, California, 1
(Mlnorva waa the Goddess of Wisdom and
wo don't tbiuk she wore corsets or oven "
helped' invont tbom, hut Broyraan Bro'a
bave "Minerva corsets" that thoy say aro
suited to move In the most refined circles.
,W. It. J)unhar, G. W. O. T of tho I.O.G.T.,
roturnod to-day.froma'to'ur around' the Wil
lamette circlet hl laat work having been to
organise Perrydale Lodge, at' Perry'dale,
Polk connty wlthr30 charter rrieniberi. '
Tb wild goose ha cpniraeuoed hl north-'"
ward flight and bis voice tliough not elo
qi eni, sounds ;most cheerful as a harbinger
or spring. Fly on wild goose I we accept-
our 1
though appareaUy -unhurt at tbe tlroe.U now
arerely 111 and physlplans tear he U troubled:
from mum lnUnwl injury. .
iropnecy with tuaniu. ,-. ...
We wrett6Iearn tjftat tiieltUajwn otJ4r.
Wbe was ron'tivef a week- or an Jin.