Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, February 19, 1875, Image 1

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    T V
A Four-Pago Sulenient with the Faffniertliis Week.
. Ml B ft 1 AssggajMi A Iff M wC
$3.00 per Year, in Advance.
Volnmo V I. Number 1.
Lok at jonr Tag.
All subscribers are requested to note
the date on their tag, which signifies the
time to which they have paid.
Those who discover themselves' to be
in arrears for subscription art respectful
ly requested to pay up. Some have not
paid yet for last year, and wti Have plen
ty of use for what they owe ui.
Any mistakes existing will be imme
diately corrected on our attention being
directed to them, and we shall consider
it a favor to be informed of them.
ilege of eating in th nsmo A the devil. It
s emlraily proper to make hunger the oe-
Synopsis of Rer. P. B. Knlght'n SnndCaion for entlDg and home tbe place., Ho-
Cottage Grove Orange, No. 75.
Cottaob Orove, Lane Co .
February 14tb, 187B.
Mb. Kditob: Cottage Grovo Cringe, No.
75, P. of H., met In the hall of tbe Good Tem
plars on tbe 0th Inst., xhen the following of
icers wrre inBtalled for the onsntnt year:
A. H. Spore, Master; N. Martin, Overseer;
8. It. DIHard, Chaplain; A. Taylor, Lectur
er; B. M. Shields, Steward; O. P.i Adams,
Asahtant Steward; Jas. II . SUortrldge, 8eo
rotary; Miss Pamella Perkins, Ladj) Assist
ant Steward; Mrs. Ballada Masterson, Po
mona; Mrs. DUen Hazleton, Ceres; Flora
and the Gate Keeper, from Inability, were
not in attendance. After the installation of
officers, the Slaters of tbe .Grange brought
forth a bountiful supply or yellow-legged
chickens, cakes, pies, etc, and had a good
time generally. J. H. S.
Spring Valley Orange.
Officers Installed the 23d of January i W.
JV. Henry, Matter j T, H, Sferbnek, Oreneeri
J. K. Sears, Lecturer; Harry Watson, Stew
ard; John Higglns, Assistant Steward:
Clark, Chaplain; Wesley R. Craven, Treas
urer; T. Pierce, Secretary; Miss S M Biggins,
Iiady Assistant Htenard; Miss Nancy Wal
ker, Ceres; Miss Alice Watson, Pomona;
Mrs. Louisa Walker; Flora.
Salem Grange has forwarded $S7 currency
to the sufferers from the grasshopper plague
in Nebraska.
IIow dear to tbe heart is the sympathy of
loving friends. When losses and alillc
tions gather thickly as a dark cloud shutting
out tbe light of hope and leaving the euirr.
Jug one enveloped hi impenetrable gjoom.
then bow cheering, how like a sudden ray of
light gleaming through tbe dark clouds, is
tbe word or look ef sympathy, and the warm
clasp of the friendly band.
These thoughts were fore bly impressed
upon my mind by an incident which came
under my observation not long ago. This as
the inlrtbfulness excited In the uiindof a
thoughtless young lady at what seemed to
her the grotesque appearance of some per
sons upon whom the hand of 8 miction
-weighs .heavily. She did not realize that
youth, and beauty, and wealth, and friend
were no protection against the ravages of
time, or that sickness and suffering respect
neither age nor rank.
When her llm to suffer shall oome and
come it surely will may kind friends sur
round her and tho raoe of tbe loving
Heavenly Father be her support.
O toy friends be kind to the t JUicted.
evening Lecture. Feb. 14th, 1675 1
Every banian want marks a llne'of Ind
try and Invention. Man's natural wants
few and simple, but they become more cq
plez and more numerous as be progrese
civilization and refinement. Tho 8 ret
mand of nature is for food, and tbe lead
struggle of human life is an answer to
demand. Tbe great mass of men toll and!
bor simply for their bread. It will be In
eating to note some of tbe phases of this strl
gle. How would
eru hotel have astonished Abraham or j
zled Plato, or disgusted that old cynic,
ogenesl I
Ak any housewife among us, what I
consiuers me necessaries or we in toe Jit
food. She will likely say, bread, meat,
ter, eggs, poultry, milk, salt, sugar, lea,
fee, fruits, vegetablts, etc., etc. And u
of tbee are generlo terms that imply a
list of specitio articles say a half a d i
kinds of bread, as many varieties of A
and poultry; seven or eight kinds of ve
bles and a dozen kinds of frnit. Now, A
bam ate mtat only on special ocoasj.
Gen. ISiO, He never heard of tea, coffeir
sugar. Two or three of tbe coarsest varjs
of bread, as many kinds ot truit, and peris
a less number of vegetables comlelods
list. Butter was unknown to tbe GrB.
Sugar was Introduced into Eogland lie
fourteenth century. What we call Irisb
tatoes wore unknown to the civilized ud
before America was discovered. Teaas
first used in Europe in the sixteenth cla
ry, and cofl'oe not until tbe middle die
feyemeenth, .yt we count these:'' WB8
uinong tbe necessaries of life. I
Simplicity in tbe art of preparing fooiso
passes away as civilztlon advances, Jhe
first bread was simply tbe ripe train riled
out by bana and eaen. This was coilon
in the days of Christ. Luke, 0:1. PefP
by accident men learned to prerer tlxbm
or wheat parched, lhen some "Invebt"
conceived the idea of bruising It batweelwo
stones and mixing It with water and bung
it In the ashes. Then the two stone ae
place to, a mortar; tbe tnorlar loiahan ill);
the hard mill to a pair of ugh
burrs. Then a coarce 'sieve was lade
of reeds, then a liner one ot hair or wii At
last, to make a long story short, tbe prgress
of evolution developed from thete beitifiings
a modern grist mill with all Iih bnrnl bolts
smut machines and other mHchineryjcapa
ble of turnlngout'a thousand barrels ojwhlt6
flour In a day. At the stiuie time thepritn'-
tlve modes of baking have been soloiroved
tels are good Institutions for travelers, but
people who have no other "home" are to be
pitied. '
But after all it, is bad to have the home en-
finely dedicated to eating; to have tbe purse
constantly drained aud ibf energies of tho
faml)yentlrely detoted to tbe furnishing of
J sumptuous table while the wants of mind
are forgotten. "Better "Is a dinner of herbs
twher;e love Is, than a stalled ox nnd hatred
therewith." "Grace before meal" is a good
seasoning and tbanktjlness and cheerful
ness are tbe best condiments. Let Intelli
gence sparkle at the table like the glass ware,
and.vtltrlng like tbe silver spoons, and let
people understand that their stomachs re
neither swill tubs nor sausage machines,
and eating may become' a means orgraco to
anv household.
I am mindful of the fact that with many
whom (I address tbe means of subsistence is
a dally problem that taxes the energies of
mind and muscle. And if any. doubt tbe
propriety of recognizing the paramount im-j
portante or this struggle, or if any suppese
it to be unimportant in the sight of Heaven,
I refer them to tbe striking fact, that the first
direct petition In our Lord's prayor'is, "Oivo
us this day our dally bread," But af.eivli
have given to this struggle all the Import-''
anoe it deserves, after I have Bhown Its bear
log on the worthy enterprises of the world,
after I have duly weighed tho moral and re
ligious points In tbe great food problem, I
am still profoundly impressed with the
Superior importance) of Ibat higher nature
which In a normal1 state "hungers and'thlrsts
after righteousness.' '
I bear the tramn or hurrying Teet as the
crowd coes bj i' I'bear the noise ofmwibln.
6ry, ILe clang of hammers, the thunder of
freight trains, tho low rustle of then wind
over the ripening haiceit 'fields, tbo steady,
ruruble'of tbe mills that gf lull bread for tb6
world. But aboye the nolsoatid" turtn6l
begotten byHiatuR,e W food, I hear the
oaltn, low volce,of Him who says; 'Labor
not for the meatthat perished), hut for that
which onduret unto everlasting life. My
Father give you t-'ie true bread from
He&veu. F 'bo bread of God Is he which
coineth do'n from Heaven, and giveth life
unto the ror,,h Iauj 'be bread of life: he
tbatcorn' me shall never hunger, and
h tha"u,vetu n me suau never tnirst."
jfciped convicts are becoming very sharp
ted. It must have Joeen Wm. Simpson,
Wjsst Umon, Feb. 12th, 187B.
MR Epitob: There has ben contiiderable
excitement in onr neighborhood about wheat
being frzn, out. We are now satisfied thsf,
tbe pnly damage that has been done has
been in tbe last week. We have examined
closely and find that but little of It is dead in
these psrts. We hear of other places where
It is frozen out, but we hopo tbey will be as
happily disappointed as we were,
We bave a Society which meets every Sat
urday night; we also publish a paper trery
two weeks.
Tbe coming summer we intend to cultivate
jome crops better than heretofore, and give
more attention to vegetables; thus showing
renewed energy ana strict attention to bus!
sand people with the staff of life,
It is especially Interesting to note ho
many of the important enterprises of t'
world arise front Its slmploit wants. ;
world must have bread, hence thousand;
acres mu'.t be tilled, there must be me,
UOrrtHS to fin llm wnrk iIiva ..., KVP'"
nifTifn Irt rl Ir u. Ill, !,... .... . 1 iSl Of
..- .u u , .,.,.., Iuc, D luust uv III
upon that a slnglB oven may supply I thou-bo escaped Friday afternoon, that called
sand Deonle with ih tiri,i nru I i... i .v.. ., . .,j,..,. ,. .
tjuuunr iku'i nuuub luiuuii;ui, luiipinj; anu
pretenuing tu be tore, on Andrew Kaliler,
which to make them, there must uBlorli'
6s, aod
of coal
veil, and
uvlls and
set we, and
nidles ar
oild with dust
11 uiaau lueiu in, anu steam e:
water power, and thousands
Bending Its black snioko u
skilled workmen, and ring
clinging hammers nnd bu
and all the dealciilng n ar
ray or machinery tilling tj
ind noisfl.
We must have mt .""r bread, hence,
tuere must be cattl 0M''ouind hills, aud
bay to feed them, Jmn berd lbeu,
aud others to hm.-l..,'""" "" "" '"" '
to slices and cartm "boul ,own' We
must have tuuar rour'8 ' ""1 fruIt. hence,
there must be Mlou' d '. d
refineries, and r btol' and blK blps,
and rinj ""b the Sandwich
Minds T we find that the simplest
wants f ar"1 aa little seeds that
spring up braocn ont ln d 1m
po ltat Jrprlses. Thousands of engines
are B4 otloD' tbousanda of streams ae
totnrm ,b,,,r n,k,"rl channels, and
thoiiV" m "! pna oui meir wnue
winl.f r the " ' wer to the slm
on, "rpasaan we eat, and what
drink f
8, A. Hoummb. I most be remembered that
Ibchtt at GWVAIS.-P, K. MnrpbV.l'l!'""0' 'oodib? no " ndeJ
.MW.bof0tW.;enmgbroSbrf'b Both Pby.loal and
..-.j.rm, win reauiwa iroanma eat
ing biUs. The aboiuiDatleiaa in this line
re eoiiuraerone H te Impossible lo name
them, Md so rtrmr rorxeil J U bor;l to
attack iein, P461 ay 'Ifay un
hungry ei bun.wu at bcMf'aad laaylfhe
la not Upgry let kin set eat at all, vJa
tooogn id at ChurcH aeeiabla where be
tbe Marshal of Gsrvals, last evening broua
sp a asaa earned uaManxer, who was cor'
siloed before Squire J.'D. Taylor for Isrc
of a watcb, rold pen, a razor and aoinr'"
bacon from Ur. Bonner, who lives nes"1
jlcf.t He w(U await the action oft"1
The 0.8-. Coaspany'e new be w ul
who lives about a mile and a half from
town, fast, In the original and decidedly
cool costume of hat, shoes and tlilrt, and
uone too much of the latter, aud told him 11
movlmr tale of how ho came lately from
.Minnesota and wssjodglpg at theJCbflmek
eta.but was prospecting out In that"dlrectl(.n
towards evening when a highwayman assail-
od b!m, beat hlin with a tllidoii or an axe
until he was 1. Iplcsq and tlien stripped oil
bis clothes and left, Mr. 'Kaliler camo the
good Samaritan over Mr. John Boon of Min
nesota, gave him fuis) and furnished him
with clothing thst Answered his purpose
and then Mr. John Uon went 0(1
to hunt a policeman to g'i In search of bis an
Milltut, who, by the by, he dettrlbes as an
ewcapetl (onvictoladiln stripes, who wanted
to shed his oM skin to escape detection. Mr.
Kaliler called at the Cliemeketa to day to see
his' friend B xn, with a suspicion thst It
might be Just barely poK.ille thst It was the
escaped con'yjct hlmselt tbey had fyd and
elsd, and as no suoh man as "John Boon
from Mlnnesoia'' has been at (he Chetnekela,
tbe snrmise nas doubtless conect. The
clothes furnlslmd him were a brown and
white checked shirt, a; dark judr of well
worn pants pslcued on tbe knee and one old
fadsd beaver overcoat, the lining of which
was lorn or burned ont from the left side of
C. Tuksday, Feb. 16.
Dearborne continues the saddlery and har
ness busluess at tbe old stand of W. H.
Watktnds its Co., and haling purchased f ho
business formerly conduoted by Jordan
Bros, lie proposes to keep a full stock of
harness ito., for the retail trade and a good
assortnientofiAndlnga, leather &a , lor the
supplv of, dealers through tbe upper coun
try. Long experience in the business quali
fies him (o conduct it successfully and he is
determined to sell goods to as good advan
tage 'as thoy can be purchased In this State.
Commission Rkokivkd Mr. O. A. Brown
Informs us last evening that he had ust re
ceived bis commission from Washiugton aw
special Indian Agent for OreKon, We oan
hardly imagine an Indian department in our
State vlthoutBrown,and we certainly oannot
imagine him without tho Indian department
as they are 'o'ne arid Inseparable." j.'tre
never was a more faithful and competent
man employed In tho service and wu have
no doubt tlmt'he will do well all that Is re-
auirvd of hlin. His commission defines his
utyto be to send 'all Indians found from
baok lo their reservations,
Tin; Wooly IIonsK Found This morn
ing a Mr. Babb drove in from Marlon Sta-.
tion with a pair (fpnnios, one of which ex
cited considerable attention, being as wooly
as a Southdown sbepp, with a curly mane to
match. It Is small, well formed and almost
wblto. Mr. Babb brought her from Califor
nia, where she' bad a colt, three years old,
also wooly. Ue says she is of the Arabian
breed and eets-tbe wool from U at source.
but,e hardly think that can bs correct. He
has frequent oHprs to purchase but is attached
to the animal aud "-ou't Bell. a f
Cocrt House SquAnn. The County Com
missioners have coutraoted wllli G, B. Wag
nod to set out, 112 maple trees around Marlon
tquare, 22 on each side and 12 to line ocb
walk' to the main entrance, fl'dgnon has
ttouJ success with irees, but it strikes us that
Air'. J. L. Parrlsh cou)il furnish the bostlreca
for oil such purposes, as he son ed the seed
four years ago and now lias one thousand
trees from 8, to II feet high, ready to trans-'
plant, wblcbtonst be much preferable to
those dug from the woods.
Assistant Pastoii. Bev. Jamos Camp
bell, of Harrisburg, Oregon, is employed as
assistant pastor, for, the year to come,
of the Christian Church In this olty as the
pastor. Rev, Dr. L. L, Itiwland will havo to
be atisent mucli of the time In discharfieof
uin,iiuiuini uuiies hs ouwe ouperiiiiouueiu 01
ruonc instruQuou, , , ,
ORi.ooNiAtrHFAiht From. -Mr. Leo Fox,
who was for1 a lone tlrnna slincnssfnl 'rrlnr.
chant in .tlbany,(where his brothers still re
tilde, has reoently returned from a visit to
Europe aud a private letter says hn has pur
rthaSHil an Interest In woolen mills at Laporto,
Indiana, where he will n'side and coudyt-t
buslnets,for the future,
Citos Wat.kh. Street Cptntnlssloncr Hpw
ell lias oideted lumber to Jay a number of
now cross wsiks. rut so a ic, ni tno iiet
kind, oo-t tbo city twenty Iho dollars oaoh
and aerai;o lo last flrn voars only, which
makes mi expense bt $100 for em-h street,
crofsintr with Its four walks. jTIiIm Is an Im-'
porlaut Iteiu'of our city t xpendlturus.
iN'o rr.ourtTon, KajiAas; T-'Uventy barrels
of flour, remain uid(spaid pf, an,d as (lie
Word from Kansas, Is to "keep your (lour and
end us money." the Belief Commit ton will
proceed;!" wy the lnnainiiH Usokt pro rftta
o tne nonnrs.f 1 lie Kansas lienor moil are
altogetbor too hungry for "money,"
UrTirnWiWAMOTTj.' -The mailing snovs
are uiiixlng tli river to r)se and tho lioutin?
will soon be good to all points. Wdarein-
Iformnd that a groat psrt of (he w lient stored
hi, i.iil'i iih, iiHrrisourf, nionron aim on the
Lout; loin, still awaits slilpment.
Tuosn Boto4f Gov; arorer snl .Sjoro-J
iary uuauwjut nave tue Mouou war bonds
andooqpoiis to sgni with ten Ihoutand signal
tnres. Tbv inllit nay with Panl that "save
those boudo'.' thev have no irreat uresaurn nt
The MJMInn Hie 'llook A ladder Com
panyareto havo a grand Cotillion party on
M.,uday eveniug, Feb. 22d, and we are In'ro
culptof an Invitation thersto whloh is a very
handsome specimen of Iho typographical
Salkm, Feb. 17, 1S75.
The State Temperance Alliance met In
Fourth AuuuaL. Session at Reed's Opera
House, this morning, at 10 Ji o'clock, and waa,
called iff order by Prof. L. J. Powell, Presl'
Prayer was offered by Rev. N. A. Starr.
The following olDoers were present: L; J.
J. Powell, President; Mrs. M, A. Coburn,
Secretary; WR. Dunbar, Assistant Secreta
ry; G. A. Peebles, Corresponding Secretary.
On motion of W. R. IJuuW, a Committee
of Three was appointed on credentials. Tha
Chair appointed Messrs. G, W, Blmlck, 0.
W. Shaw aud A. G. Walling.
Ouinotlonof Mr. Q. W. Dlmlck, at Com
mittee of Throe was appointed on Order (5f
Quslnesi, as( follows: ItoV. jtj'Parrlsb,Vl(r ,
Carrie M. FolfRand W. R. Duubsr,
Then tho Altluuce took a reo'ess uutll 1
Pilot IIoJimismiUmjus. The lOretfoiifan
says a Tew uajs gd' a trieeduft was held at
Astoria by the Board of' Pilot' Comuileslori
eretomposed of Messrs'NYui. Waaha.nS,
A, yapdusuu, and Warren., t Tlieio were
but two applications lor commissions as bar
pilots Errlck Johnson and Ell till ton.' To
th'ese applicants commissions were grauted,
to expire on tbo 1st of November, 1876, The,
following persons made applications for .
oomlsslous to set es river pilots: Phil. Johnson,-P.
El Forcben, H. A. Snow, G. Reed, M".
Gllnan, drying Siemens, Hiram,, Brown and
Richard Hoyt. The commissions granted
these pilots will not expire until Nov; 1, 1870.
No other biHneis of Importance' was trans
acted by tho Board,
I'r,vx Sked. Mr. Joseph Hohnan has Just
relumed from Doughuf county where he has
contracted for. Jinx seed and has been-- clean
ing seed for farmers to sow, The Pioneer1
Oil Company of Sslem, havo contracted for '
UjisOO a'jrps of JUx jn r?,utfUs couotyij.dOT
uuies 11 iuu if iiiniiiuio Aiuy, iiyvu aci.l'T
east of tho Cascades, In all about 111,000 acrcv
and expect the jlold will range" from 100,000
to l'JOOOiiushels in tho dggrogate, -in,000 of
which IU,bo maniifn.cturj.il a( the Pioneer
Mill and the rest shipped, to California, as
tbey bave a contract to supply tho mill there
with seed. Ji
We have received from
FaoM HnxBinA. Mr. B, )j. Branson
writes us as follows under date of Feb. 8tb:
if 111 Creek Grange is in a flourishing condi
tion, uonsiqerabiu money in Treasury and
wd expect tobolid a ball nextsummer. Onr
next meet'ng will be on tbe 90. h of Feb , at
which time we wl initiate Jacob Doran. an
bjiiilgrutj.fl3J3,ai;d&'i Tie Ml lat ,
auppnsed to bu alllkilWt iu ibis viciolly.
Stock U doing well, as farmers are generally
provided with Plenty of feed. If I'taa be of
fiere be ! any servfne (o j ou in any way p'eate a ty so,
CpsiMihsioNKii ok Dkkds Gov. Grover
has sppointed iAbe II. Holeberg, of New
York City, a Commissioner of Deeds far Or.
gon, to reside iu Nw York City,
The Brll.h barlt, Nabob, whjch sailed from
Portland 7tb or March 7t, bound for Cork,
is evidently lost aa 4he has never been beard
from j Hhe was under charter to Salem Mills
Cpt. Asron Vlckers died at his homo Iri
Orrirnn City on Hatiirdsv. ExiKisura at the
I tlluu tfit AJIwuy uuk0i aalj-to Uvucaussd
Tbe msll carrier for tbe Dalle aaydtbe
prospect for1 the early1 clearing u.r of the'
TitK Jai'Hn Pk v.-
li. L. Osment, Cleveland, Tenn.. sample
packages of this nmy vegetable, that )u ap,
ponrancu is small and dldirs from tlio unilri
ary pea, but is said lo be eqtrilly good fur
table use and Invaluable for stock food, as it
ghes a product of COO bushels lotheecrd,
Ono pea is plumed In a bill aud forms a bqsh.
from II to 6 feet high. Those desiring Iq pto
ctiro it can obtain thrvo pnrkngos for Jl rur-
reuoy by addressing Mr. Omiwiit, as-f.bovo.'
i ,. 1 : 1, -J, '
Souritnns Ouikion l)iht,'v.nii,s.-W6
Uurn froui tlie'Jicksnnvlllo pHiem t Iih t tho
Interest In the new'tillues coiitlruies anil new
dUcvefiea arc cnutuuiy bluing made. A
grtut cinnabar hale wnsillscovurodafdwdays,
ago. Silver; copper and Iron, and oven Hn,
are found In ll0 iitniiiilalns. Work has
commenced on the new ledy'es In earnest.
Tlio uiainoutli ledgo that waw disnqerod' not,
long Mine still bolus out IihIiio'uvuIh,
i.' i ,i
Km- Muui. l'ho Prhseciitliij Attorney
Alh Whitney, Is disposed to sayo thtf county'1
all iiiineces-ary expense forcrlminai busl
uess, and o ho discourage a parly living
near here from waking complaint sgalust a
iidlgbbur fjr a harmless afrray that took
plic-j Iq November, The county and its fas'.
u.iyerswlil bo much obliged to him, If ho
will oourtno fcuUi prosecutions within proper
Wow Soaj.1- UfiUn, Farmers oyer ,iii' tlio
vicinity or Bethel and Spring Valley are or.i
gaulzlng a Wolf Scalp Cltio to raise bounty' '
for caplnre or coyotes who are depredating
op sheep flocks, Tho scope ot country q-'
braced is from tbo Hlukreal on (he south to
Salt Creek on the north. Tbo HubsorlDtl'n
is being circulated aud the bounty offer i'd
will be lsrge. ' ' '
" 1 r
Aid for Nkiiramka. From Mr. Thomas
Fearoe, we learu that Spring Valley Grange,
Polk county, of which ha ,ls Sacr scary aaeu
forwsrdsd twenty -five dollar' lo'eurretieyd
tbelufforsrj fro 1(1 thegrasshoppsr raafes'7 "
U Nebfaslci. ,heimoneyasen4'bp fn.iH
B. Porter, Master of tha State UraaM.FlaUii
u 'iIicik iu g 1
L I ,. ,f
mouth, Nebraska;
A bundle of.Mri
'" j " " " p use jjifc
I, I4, 1'srrlshlsseeillintF, k
ioijloi were f rehM u C'Hllfirnla by ttila' a
steamer, to adorn the si j-eots it OJklaud, the '
niost beahtirul of' Paplflo oltlW. vthey weW,,
ordered by ealthy gentleman of that nttf "
adtohlVDila ffwdsrn.
la a few darn, J
t" wk ;- a.. Aioiti i.tt
. ;.n-; i-n,.7uut c.sJ, - -
.vv4uu-a;a i-....u....;.j.
. ,biiA:ui.
1 iu x
I Is
r- mmrntrrT-ti