Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, January 08, 1875, Image 1

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.UML;) 'i, -as l --?. TSi ''rt '.'XX .s-ss. X
, '.&5i?Jnr;Sarw9iS5?i. ? nivr iXsac mxWalK :smf wmsmu am-r-T rl I . c5Sv Y A.. .ttF2eESi rr"-".r?ii2L
$3.00 per Year, in Advance.
From San Francisco.
Merry Christmas in the Golden City
Jtow it was Enjoyed Fire-Crackers
" and Fish Horns Impressive Services
at the Cathedral City News and Gos
sip Etc., Etc.
San Fkakcisco, Deo. 25, 1874.
Mb. Editor: In pursuance of a promise,
long since made, your bumble servant takes
the liberty of troubling you, with pen and
It In Christens day, an you will observe by
the date, and all San Francisco Is enjoying
itself as only San Francisco can. The streets
are thronged with gaily dressed pedestrians,
and smiling faces and happy voices greet
ach other with "Merry Christmas" on every
band. Your correspondent, baving attended
pleasant party In the evening, leaving, of
course, bis latch-key tn his "other pocket,"
and being looked ont of his boarding bouse
in conseqnenoe was forced to seek shelter in
one of our many excellent hotels, and ob
tained thereby an excellent breakfast. He
lias partaken of bis Christmas turkey, wine
nd walnuts; smoked an excellent cigar at
the expense of a friend, It Is needless to say;
baa succeeded In Inducing a particularly
weak-minded and over-sanguine tailor to
famish him with a good suit of clothes, and
now feels in the best of hnmor with himself
ad the other small portion of the world, and
disposed to deal leniently with all mankind.
How gloriously the. sun shines this holy,
bolydayl There was a slight shower during
the night, and now all things in Nature are
bolding np freshly washed faces to be kissed
by bis warm rays. There Is very little of the
suffering and noverty,. common to most large
ities, to belnotloed In our midst. No ragged
dirty children atand on the corners 'with
"Merry Christmas, sir; please, mister, give
as a penny;" but' all, rich and poor, seem to
have enough' and some to spare to the tew
unfortunates who must exist in every com
munity. A few crippled and helpless fel
lows disturb our peace with hand organs or
Tend roasted chestnuts, and to-day seem to
be doing a thriving business. There have
been services at most of the leading oburohes
to-day. This morning, marching to St. Fat
rick's to a merry tune played by its splendid
chimes, we attended
How the magnificent chords eohoed through
the lofty arohes; how softly the chorus of
angels floated down from tbe.nnseen obolr;
bow full of earnestness and feeling was the
face of taoh worshipper, seen in the mellow
light of the waxen tapers. No wouder the
impulsive, muslo-lovlng, impressible Irish
race cling with such love to the beautiful ser
Tices of the Catholic Church.
Why is not some law passed to prevent the
incipient germs of manhood from outraging
ail sense of decency on. this and other festive
days, by their unaccountable love for out
landish noisesT It is eminently proper that
.they should burn powder and singe their
'eye-brows on Fourth of Julys and Washing-
ton's birthdays. We will cheerfully accord
tbera the privilege "of "exterminating half
their own number, by practical jokes, on
April Fool's day, even though we ourselves
are occasionally Victimized; even on St. Fat
rick's day we can forgive their exuberanco
of spirits, but on this, of all the festive days
f the year, why can't they let us have our
enjoyment in peace and tranquility? This
time It's flsh horns. Some budding flower
of genius has discovered that this is the most
outrageous and preposterous instrument' of
torture known' to civilization; and now not
an individual male under the years of .dis
cretion, capable of exhaling aoublc inch of
breath, but has one of these diabolical carica
tures of Gabriel's trumpet.
Of course all Oregon has heard and mar
veled at the divorce suit between Judge O.
C. Pratt and his wife. It is a. vsd thing to
aee people who nave grown grey fighting
life's battles together, parting la nger jat
before they cross the silent river, and Is ter
ribly dleooaraginjr' to' ns young fellows who
would be mora than half Inclined to accept
(mm handsome damsel with, a margin of
m few tboasmrt , down and behave
And now eoeses a veiled lady In blaek, we
bave forgotten bar name and don't want to
remember Jt,d(iBp, to jnnrder, one of
oar beat aad rnost i aotd eJtiaeae in cold
blood. It was about a lead salt, brpugbt In
bar Interest by 0w. Cobb. It baa been drag -inr
its nu'r length through r the Unlukl
states Courts foxaveral years, and yesterday,
aoralsg aba asteatsied. loiant a end to it
aad bar mniy ! swat Ham, by
lying la atabaaa for, bjas. at tba Oakland
A Four-Page Supplement with the Farmer eaeuWeek-
ferry. This is the second case of the kind
which has been attempted within a week or
two; and we may expect to hear of similar
things frequently "unless the dear doves as
certain that they can be punlfbed for crime
as well as the men. The General is better
to-day, and strong hopes are entertained of
bis ultimate recovery.
But my time and probably the patience of
your readers are nearly exhausted; and as It
is too late for greeting you a merry Christ
mas, will wish you all a happy New Year,
and very many others to follow. M. M. II.
Woman's Suffrage Meeting.
The first annual meeeting of the Marlon
County Woman's Suffrage Association, took
place yesterday afternoon at the Opera
The meeting was called to order by the
President, Mrs. Minto.
The minutes of the proceeding meeting
were read and accepted.
The Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. B. W.
Cooke, gave a short verbal report, which
was adopted, and the Seoretary was author
ized to draw money from the treasury in her
It was then moved that the Society pro
ceed to elect officrrs for the ensuing year.
After discussion the motion was carried
by a small vote.
It was moved to reconside the motion,
which motion prevailed.
The original question was then pnt and
Moved, that we proceed to elect .delegates
to the State Convention; carried. The fol
lowing persons were then nominated and
elected separately ;' Mrs. . Nellie J. Curl,
Mrs. R. Mallory, Mr. B. T. Hawley, Mrs. A.
Bowman, Miss Clara A. Watt, Mr. C. A.
Reed, Mr. Dennlck, Mrs. Dennlck, Mrs. P.
L. Price, Mrs B. W.- Cooke, Mr. E. Strong,
Mrs. M. Minto, Mrs. E. Strong, Mrs. Eddy,
Mr.S. Price.MsJor Geo. William's, Mrs. Win.
Moved that the election of effioers be post
poned till the next regular meeting; carried.
Moved that Mrs. B. W. Cooke be Invited
to prepare an address for the next regular
meeting; carried.
Moved and carried that Mrs. P. L. Price,
Mrs. B. W. Cooke, Mrs. R. Mallory and Mrs.
Dennlck, be appointed a committee to ar
range literary exercises fos the next meeting
that will wake up the people on this impor
tant subjeot.
On motion, the meeting adjourned.
Adionrned Relief Sleeting.
An adjourned meeting of the Kansas and
Nebraska Relief Committee was held in the
Council Chamber this morning at 10 o'clock.
The Committee was called by Mayor J. G.
Wright to order.
The following telegraphic correspondence
was read.
Salem, Jan. 4th 1S74.
To the Governor of Kansas, Topeka :
Where and to whom shall donation of flour
for Kansas sufferers be sent.
Joiin G. Weight,
Mayor ot Salem, Oregon.
Tofeka, Kansas, Jan. 5th, 1875.
To John Q. Wright : Send to Hon. E. S.
Stone, President James Central Relief Com
mute, Topeka, Kansas.
Taos. A. Osborne,
On motion members of the Committee
were Instructed to report when It was found
that 121. barrels of flour bad been' donated.
A Committee was appointed to aend 121
barrels (a car load) by the Orlflamme to
morrow. Committee then adjourned to meet on
Thursday 7th at 10 o'clock.
Geo. P. HoutAN, J. G. Wright,
. Seoretary. Chairman.
Board of Education. The Board of Ed
ucation, consitting of Governor I. V, Grover,
Hon. S. F. Chad wick, Secretary of State, and
Dr. Li. L. Rowland, Superintendent of
Pnbllo Instruction, met this moraine.
The time was moaUy take a with
Informal disease tons of several matters.
Mr. Joba Gray wan epaotetad Vlaaadal
ageatof the Deaf-Mute Iastttate aad Mrs.
K. J. Dawne was added to the Board ef Ex-
We bava it nom goad authority that
Breyman .Broa. business baa Increased V
iac they bare occapled their' new palace
Duo. At Ms rraldeuer.lt attlea eaatef
atom, Deeaaaber SI,'le7J,af mraiyale, Mr,
Carta CM vtr, efd aaaat years.
L3vV 7 -C -l
Supreme Court.
Tuesday. Jan. 5.
Cheneworth ; appeal with-
The balance1 'of the forenoon session was
taken up with the cause entitled "The Can
yonvllle and Galesburg Road Company vs.
the county of Douglas.
Jan. 0.
Stato vs. Thomas Gen-arid; judgment of
the Court below affirmed. Opinion by Bur
nett, A. J.
E felt, et si., vs. Illrecb; motion to str,
out statement for various reps ,aa, overruled.
Musgrove, appellant, vs. Bonser, respond
ent; on motion of It. Williams, ordered that
mandate Issue.
The Canyonville Road case was then re
sumed, and was pending upon adjournment.
State Library.
Mr. W, D. Fenton, the Assistant State
Librarian, hands us the following memoran
dum. The State Library received during the
month of December of the, year now passed,
187 volumns, classed as follows :
Reports and Digests, 32 volumes.
Laws and Official Reports,' 111 Volumes.
Miscellaneous works and text-books, 44
Of these 71 were furnished by Hon. B. F.
Bonham, Chief Justice, and consist In ele
mentary works principally. The remainder
has been received from the States and the
State of Oregon.
Congressional Record .from Hon. J. W.
Neamith, Representattreuua
There are five young lady typos in the
Olympla printing offices.
The Port Blakely mill is running on full
time, and. employing double sets of hands.
The lumber shipments from Puget Sound
were larger last year than ever before in the
same length of time.
The Transcript says Rev. Mr. Sloan, of the
Puyallnp reservation, whose wife died a few
weeks ago, Is said to have become Insane.
The Grangers ot Washington Territory are
called upon for contributions to relieve the
sufferers by the grasshopper plague in Ne
braska. The Messenger, the organ of the Reorgan
ized Church In Salt Lake, tells us "polyga
my, aoder monogamlo laws, is the loftiest
kind of nest-biding."
The young man, Edmund Ferrault, who
tell into the shaft of the Revenue mine, near
Silver City, week before last, died from the
Injuries received at the time.
Mr. Bagley has ceased to Issue the Daily
Courier at Olympla, but will continue the
weekly. Devoting all his energies to It, be
will make it an excellent Journal.
The submarine cable between San Juan
and Lopez Island Is again broken near the
center, which will cause a long and anxious
aeiay, oosis win oe put on to carry mes
ftVATS xr.tjwa.
Prof. Aberiiethy has resigned. Prof. Sox
will take his place in the Albany Collegiate
Corvalliabaa a shingle machine in opera
tion with a capacity to turn out 75,000 shin
gles per day,
. The citizens of Cornelius bave raised $10
and sent for a new bell for the Cornelius
A yonng man named Shanks' is In Jail at
Eugene. Stealing boots is 'what was the trou
ble with Shauks. 1
Nine marrUgn licenses were isrund In De
cember for Washington county, by A.C. Lu
elliug, County Clerk. -'
The Champions of the Red. Cross had su
perb festivities at. McMinvllle and Sheridan
on Christmas.
Two or three of dlir Oregon exchanges were
on the half-sheet plan last week.- Cause, too
tnnob holiday,
Notwltnstanding the low price of wheal,
farmers are busy lu putting in large fields of
grain in Lane county.
Cm Mkacham's Lecture. Owing to
(here being services in several of the
churches last evening and other meetings,
the audience In attendance at Col. Meaobam's
lecture was small. Those 'howevsr who were
there enjoyed a rich treat. Col; Mescbam
spoke one hour and fifty-live ailnuteaand
not a single sign of weariness on the part of
tne audience was visible. The speaker's
aaxration of the scenes (OBtbe day of the a
aaaataatloa w the lava baaa was terribly
graphic aad thrilling. We bona that Col.
Meaefaam will bare an opportaauy to repeat,
ale leetare before bis departure or the East.
Rock.Poiat Grange, No. asneei Hobllnilty
in Ins r-f-nniy, ha contribute sbut SO for
the rttltf of I lie Ksnsa sutlersrs.
Mammd. January ttbat, the residence
ot Mrs. Johnson, by Rr. 7. M. Starr, Mr,
Robert Wiseman and Miss Martha Ann Gofl.
1 '
8, 1875.
retorted roil TUB "farmer."
tVashougal Grange, No. 32, IV. T.
James A. Keams, Master; Wason Gibbons,
Overseer; UUnrles T. Stiles. Secretary; C. 1".
Bedell, Lecturer; Bvrou B. DeNtire, Stew
ard; Henry R. Capita, Astistar, Steward;
Miss Rosa Caples, Lmiy A,stRnt Steward;
Mrs. R. M. Stiles, Uh, , ain , Edward Gib
bona, Treasurer; M, ri0tilsa Stlce, Ceres;
Emily VV right. monR. Mrs. Llllie Stiles
llor: Jojib. eJeii, Gate Keeprr; OharlesT.
Sillfsland, Byron B. DeNure, Delegates to
Beaver Grange, No, 41.
At a regular meeting of Beaver' Grango,
No. 44, held Dec. 5th, the following olllcera
were eleotwl: W. U. Faren, Master; D. P.
Crabtree, Overseer; F. M. Smith, Lecturer;
D. L.'Crab'rse, Chaplain; J. Watklns', Stew
ard; Wm. Crabtree, Assistant Steward; John
Beard, Treasurer; C. L. Morris Secretary;
John R. Beard, Gate Keeper; Mrs. Catharine
Morris, Ceres; Mrs, Elizabeth Beard, Pomo
na; Mrs. Catharine Riley, Flora; Mrs. Mary
Smith, Lady Assistant Steward.
Alta Grange, No. 00.
Pilot Rock, Jackson Co., Deo. 28.
The annual election of otllcors for Alta
Grange. No. SKJ, was held Deo. 26th. Master,
Lewis P. Davidson; Secretary, E. Gilliam.
Our Grange is now prospering finely, initia
ted 7 in the' 41b ' degree, last meeting, will
commence another class of nine at our next
regular meeting.
Mount Vrnon Grange, No. 134.
,, Dgo fl. g7
Mount Vernon .Grange, No.. 134, met at
regular meeting, and elected officers as fol
lows: Master, Jesso Kadley; Overseer, E. S.
Kennington; Steward, Joseph Moser; Assis
tant Steward, P. Prncmr; Chaplain, Wm. 11.
Glbbs; Secretary, N. Scott; Treaiurer, Peter
Rausb: Gate Keeper. Thos Welch: Lecturer,
M. D. Remington; Ceres, Mrs. Helen Rem-'
ington; Pomona, Mrs. L. C. Weloh; Flora,
Miss Irena Remington ; Lady Assistant
Sieward, Miss Sophia Mitchell.
Pali-view Grange No. 111.
Election ol officers of Falrview Grange,
No. 131, Santiam bottom, Saturday, Deo. 2(3,
1874: H. E. Ankeny, Master; G. G. Glenn,
Overseers F. Bagley, Lecturer; P. Nye,
Steward; John Jory, Assistant Steward; J.
Jory, Chaplain; Mrs. O.L.Ankeny, Treas; T.
C. Jory, Secretary; T. P. Watson, Gate Keep
er; Mrs. H. Bagley, Ceres; Mrs. M. Gloun,
Pomona; Miss B. Hoover, Flora.
Howell Fralrle ran go.
Howell Prairie Grange of P, of H., held
their election in their new hall which is sit
uated on Howell Prairie near the Central
Howell Prairie school house, Marlon county.
The following officers were elected for the
coming year: Master, Wm. Sapplngfleld;
Overseer, Wright Fosbay; Leoturer, H. D.
Mount; Chaplain, Jacob Boughman; Treas
urer; G. F. MoCorkle; Secretary, J.G, Moore;
Steward, 0. O. Lyon; Assistant Steward, J.
H. McCorkle; Gate Keeper, Harvey Nowsom;
Ceres, Mrs. A. A. Sears; Pomona, Mrs. Mary
Greenwood; Flora, Mrs. Dinnab Foshuy;
Lady Assistant Steward, Mrs. Mary Lewis.
Uutte Grange No. US.
Tualatik, Washington Co.. )
Decern bor 28. '74. J
Mn. Kditoh: At the annual election of
Butte Grange No.. 118. The following oOlcers
were duly elected for the ensuing year:
Master, J. A. Richardson ; Overseer, V.
Woodj Leoturer, Thomas Fnisenf Steward,
J. W. Davies; Asilslant Steward, George W
Smith; Chaplain, A. U. Heath; Treasuror, J
D. Flck ;. Secretary, -8. D, Powell; Gato
Keeper, J. H. Nelson; Ceres, Mrs, E. B.
Heath; Pouiona, Mrs. A. M. Wood; Flora,
Mrs. M, A. Powell; Lady Assistant Steward,
Mis J. G.Tigau'i.
Postolflce address of Master and Secretary,
Tualatin, Washington county, Oregon.
M. Riouaiidsox,
' Secretary.
Bakkb Cirr Grakok. The following ofli
cers were eltcttd for the onsulngyear: C.
M. Foster, Master; J, M. Swift, Overseer;
Tbos. Smith, Lecturer; John Stewart, Stew
ard; M. J. Hlndman, Assistant Steward;
Wm. Baldock, Chaplain; J, J. Campbell,
Treasurer: C. H. t'loiuent. Gate Keeper; Mrs.
L. Clement, Cores; Mist Florence Hlndmsn,
Pomona: Mrs. P. E. Small. Flnra: Miss E.
Stewart, Lady Assistant Steward. ,
Palk County Cenncll. i
Dallas, Jan. 1, 1875.
' Mb. Editor: I would respectfully tk a
place In your columns for the foHwlng, At
angular meeting of the Polk County Couik
cU bald at Dallas this date the following per-J
mtum wro eisCTfu ro ervo) omcera lor we
ensuing year: W. M., R. Clow; W. 0,0.
rBentlfy; W.L., J. W. Klrt lands W.' 8.,
Ira I'tiMCeiul; . a. N.,0.'hUurtllfi; W.C.,
T. K. UUIr; W. T., H. Meyer; W. Si, Thos.
Pierce) Ceres, Mrs. J. W, KJrkUad; Porno,
m, Mrs'. J. M. BewleyJ Flora, Mrs! Ira
Towneend ; Trustee, A D. Uabsnck, S. SuaU,
J3"lO 3Npj t
rtvW tWitt A
, i j t.
iM V .
it j r.-
,i -.i.
.'rt 9-i
f if.Ui
rt i-
Volume VI. Number 47.
J It. Sears. The Council is.ln a most( flour
ishing state of activity' as well'ns all tho sub
ordinate Grarges throughout the county.
M. M. Ki.i.is, Seo'y.,
Shcdil GraiiKu No. 9.
The following officers wre elected for iS'c.
W. M. Powers, Master; A. Oliu, Ovexseei ;
Jk W. Pogh, Lecturer; J. C. Sumner, Chap
lain; John McBrlde, Ast. Steward;" H. B.
Springer, Seoretary; Ai F. McBrlde, Gats
Keeper; Mrs. Mary ,Molstrom, Ceres;' Mrs.
Lizzie Lyringer, Pomona; Mrs.'D. P. Porter,
Flora; Mies Lizzie Nelson, L. A. .
91111 Creek Grange No. 01.
Ei.ic HonN, Polk Co., T
Jan. 4, 1875:
Mn Editor: The officers or Mill Creekr
Grange No. Oi, P. of H., "were Installed on
Friday, Jan. 1, by Wm. Savage, Master of
Sheridan Grange No. OS., We had publio In
stallation, plenty to eat and a good tlmo
generally, a collection was taken, up for the
bonedt of destitute Talrons of tli.e Stateof
Nebraska, amountlug to the . sum of $35 60
coin. The followingis a list nf officers ln-f
stalled for the year 1875: Master, B. B. Bratf- '
son; Overseer, A. D, IHbcook; Lecturer, H.
C. Howell; Steward, I. L Guttry; Assistant?
Steward, J. W. Banes; Chaplain, P. A.
Syron; Treasurer, T. R. Blair; Secretary, W.'
Kuyknndall, Gate Keeper, H.Depugh; Ceres,
Sue Ellis;, Pomona, M. J. Blair; Flora, Mary
Kuykendall; Lady Assistant Seward,' Lydia,
Installation of officers of Sheridan Grange
took place on Saturday, Jan. 2, Installation
pnbllo, about 200 persons present, plenty to
eat, secret session before and after Installation
a number of propositions reoelved for mem
bership, a collection taken up for the desti
tute Patrons of Nebraska amounting to $31 75,
no whisky at Granges meetings. Everything
quiet; grain growing fine; everybody plow
ing; weather warm, M.
Fall Creek Grange No. 140.
Deckmukh, 2d, 1874.
Mr. Editor: As you are In the interests of
the farmers and Grangers I herewith send
you the names of officers elected and Install
ed in Grange 140, at Fall Creek, for, the year
W. L. Wllmot, Master; W. E. Wllraot,
Overseer; W. H. Lucky, Lecturer; S. Drury,
Steward; D. Vaughau, Chaplain; I. Drury,
Treasurer; W. U. Eaton, Seoretary; C. O. Bur
ble, Ast. Steward; F. Warner, Gate Keeper;
Mrs. E. P. Noble, Ceres; Mrs. E. A. Eaton',
Pomona; Mrs. R. V. Drury, L. A. 8,
Postoffice address, Butte Disappointment,
Lane county, Oregon,
' i
in Meinorlum.
At a meeting of the Amity Grange, Mo. 102,
Doc. 5tb 1874. the following preamble feud
resolutions were unanimously adopted In re
lation to tho event of the death of our Wor
thy Chaplain, Brother John Vanbuskirk.
Wiikiikas, It has pleasod an All-wise
Providence to removo from our midst, by
death, iirothor John Vanbuskirk a worthy
mBinbQrpf OMrordQran.4 WQrtby Chaplain,
fr Our Orange; therefore
Jtciiolvcd, that by his doatb our Order ties'
lost an honored memhor of Society, and, an,
upright citizen, and we hereby tender to tli
family 6ur sympathy. '
Itesolvcd, that a copy of tllO 'above resolu
tions bo tendered tl)o bereaved family, Also
one to the following papers, Wiixamuttk
Faiuier (be JhUUtin and Oreyonian for pub
lication; C. II. BUKCir,
Chairman of Committee.
J. II. Klncade was examlnod yesterday be
fore Recorder Coney upon the charge of!
making an assault with a dangerous wesponi.
After a lengthy examination he was dl-
charged from custody.) ' . -
A, farmer sent Into L. H. Bates this morning
a bushel of white beans to forward to thei
grasshopper coi,ntry, ,
lion. Samtiel Parker has leased for agrl
eulturallpurposejf the State fair grounds for
the present year. ,' ' s
Over 100 barrels of flour has already beem
subscribed for the Kansas and Nebraska suf
'". .' '"- w
' An Indiaa chief committed tulcids on the
GussieTelfalr, when that, steamer'was a short,
distance this side of Cape Flattery.
An attempt was made to blow up' the aus
sle Teltijr.'by throwing, a can of powdsr into
the'fftTfsce, . , ,, ,
. Mr,, Jj .U.i Msii.tifclil, living r-e'Uirrls-J
burg, waa killed several days since by a fall
lng'tr'es.1 jr.'"
Klgbt thousand dollars In gold dust snrlv
cd by the Uut-.lu Tilfolr.