. tiUmnett 'Sarmer. 'fit U 'JbJbXjdEH&CEIEi3T. 8AJLKM, FRIDAY, JAN. 1, 1875. TELEGRAPHIC. WAtHiKarow, D-c. 28 Tbe Secretary of tbe luteriof received to-day fntin tbe State Depart ineut-olhcUl letters annouuclnir the acceptance by ilbe British Government of the invitation of the United States to participate In the Centennial. 'Chicago, Deo. 22 A Washington special maym "Senator Scb lira being asked whether1 there wari any truth in ibe su,ry!o'ibe news papers lo the eifdotthat he had announced, or caused, to be announced, that he would uub umv "y, uuiiiiumiiuu lur re election iu tbe senate irom oiusouri bj Democrat -,,nd Chat his flrlends.'WAra iirirlnn him fur th rrtls. lOri'to Rusl,-atisered that he bad iniW.r' thought or going aa minister to 'Kussle. Both lories, so tar as they referred to auy declar ation or Intimation or asplratlousou UU part, Were ultervrunfuund d. St.' rjJTEBSBtrno, Dec. 22 All the Towers having' accepted the in vltation to an Inter national Code Conference, Russia' has issued a circular asking theni to present reouoinen dailona as to tbe time nt' meeting. iC'rrv. w Mexico, Deo. 21. It is reported that tbe Mormons of the United States pro pose lb found colonies Iu Mexico, with tho intention of emigrating en. masse from Utah. SaN'FiIaNOIbco, Deo. 2 The P. M. S. 8. Co. 's steamship Vascrt'de Gams arrived this atternoouiwith dales from HongkonirtoNov. 2.h, Shanghai 27tb and Yokohama Dee. Sths Chuiai I'be contract for removing, the Pacific Mal,steatner Alaska frotn tbe rocks in iipngkonir harbor has been taken by Mr. Robert", of Shanghai. Success la 'expected. OMeku'were given to destroy tbe pr eta of the telegraph from Amor to Foo Chow, Mo v. 19th. Tbe furelirn workmen roasted and con tinued wo.k without interruption. Tbe Pekm government, It is said, Is about to make ureal efforts to reasserttbesUprema- 4jy of tbe western provinces. It la confident ly asserted 'lb at tbe Eruperor'has been Iguor jtttt of tbe negotiations between China and Japan. ' ' Tbrmi. officers of tbe Russian army have jnst passed itbrouvh Peklu on their way to exaudnelhe state of political affairs lu, tbe western provinces. Great inundations of tbe rver Tongue,! ear fiachao;"nnd several hundred miles tub' .merged. iGreat Iosb and distress. JApak. Lieutenant Commanding Cswel did 'not return to Formosa as Intended. He arrived 'at Nagaski loo late to loin tbe Jspani ereifleet, i, , , The departments education reports 8,000 pnbllo and, 6,000 private schools. Pupils 1, 000,000 Ttoys and' 300.000 glrlsl Aftei January 1st Yeddo will be lighted by jiae-.- - - . - . Tbe great banking bouse "of Ope, second In importance,, (n Japan, has suspended., rThe Tbe report of tbe contract made between lha arovarnaaeht kttd tbe Paclflo Mail Comu- .soy to carry the malls between Yokohama and HtisrJahl weekly. Is substantially correct. Washington; l)eo. 22 Mr. Mitchell, of Oregon, presented a 'petition from tbe citizens of bis State-ashing for the passage of the bill granting aid tolbePoriland, Dalles and Salt Lake Railroad, laid on table and consid ered I rtntedji " ' ''' On motfou of Mr Sherman the Senate pro ceeded to'couslder the bill to provide, for tbe .resumption ,of specie paymeut. Mr. Sber man disclaimed any purpose to open the ' fi nancial debate of last year, butaesurred the Senate that every word and line of the bill tendered,, tbward the announcement in its title. i . ludlan Inspector Van Dever, on tbeadvloe of Representative Luttrell and B. J, Pengra, will recommend that tbe Ochoco, Indians be removed troui Warner's Valley and confined on Klamath or another reservation. Tbe President has nominated M. C. Hams ter lor Chief J ustice of Idaho, and John Clark mm Associate Justice of Idaho; J. M. Coruyn s Indian Hgeut lor Papago Agenoy,Arizonla. Washington, Dec. 23 Representatives of 8,0W colored 'men in Richmond arrivtd here to-day wiih a petition, asking Congress tb take early measures to have a dividend de clared to th depositors of tbe Freedman's Sayings1 Banks. Tbe Secretary of tbe Treas ury has directed that the payment of interest due January 1st be commenced to-morrow -without rebate. No appeal hits reached herefrom Justloe field's decision against the constitutionality of California's antl-Cblnesn law. Chicago, Deo. 23. A Washington special ays Parsons, of Ohio, will appear voluntari ly aud make a statement ut his connection with tbe Pacific Mail Company. He will admit be received between f 10.000 and 815, OO0 obit fly for legal services. Another dis patch srys Irwin has taken measures to have .the loom where he expects to be confined fur -contempt fitted up comfortably. He declares ibe will die In confinement before he will say nj thing more. Ruins Hatch says it Is more .probable that Jay Gould has raised 760 000 3o if peal the existing subsidy lor the Pacific .Mull Steamship Company than that Irwlu .originally spent that sum to secure it. ' a'ulUUJEUHlA, udk- ZJ. "e juuer ui KJhurley Hoss otters $5,C00 reward for the boy, fond no quevtions aked. New Yonir, Dec. 22, The New Englapd Society of this city to-night celebrated the nl.inururvuf ihelandiuu of the Pilgrims. JSpeeobesweredellvored by Ikaao B Bailey, OPhidont of tbb society, H. Ward, Beecber, tolfae'njr dfllertrf ; bat Myr she Is from Del Norte county, where she ownsd k tract 'of land;' that Cobb has robbed ' and j rumen ner ana her children; and that she uopes sne nasHcuiM him.' a maunatiiHd lairlck lawless was found dead tu hK room, Ni. 233 Fell street, this morning. Deceased came to this city from Missouri five mhntli am. Lnt nlshc Ha purchased a quantity nt strychnine, telling nywM-wrj- ub wisnea to poisou raw. Los AKOKLBS. rVn.'2-i A nimot- rAarhait this city to day that a tight had taken place at trsnaiuini a rew aays 'ago In a saloon, In Which six men were killed. No particulars are given, except that tbe saloon-keeper was one Ofibe killed. San LuisOunro, D 23 ConMderabln nneualn.ss is nianlfenuvi tbronxhnnt this section on account or lh continued ilntuubt. Grain, which it everv where. kope.hluh. lit coinniencinK to look verv el low and sickly. Ua'iison, Deo. 33 Tbo'jury to Inquire Into tbb sanity of John Murphy returned the fol lowing verdict to-davt ''We. the lurv tin mm lel B(sn Inqulsltoii to determine hs to the -Roily of Jotin M. urphv, now tinder sen nce of death, find that he It mnn. A stv or (proceedings was, granted until tbe .29.ii InaC Nmy Oni.KANs, Dec. 23 The rettirnlnK board announo jheTollowiiiK results of tbelr Work: Four Conservative and two Repub llcan Congret-smen are elected; Moncure is elected S'ale Treasurer, by 4,081 msorltv; there are 71 Conservatives and 37 Repubit cans In, the I.OKislature. Carroll Parish is excludfd Horn tbe count. Ojiaiia, Dec! 23 Attlrgram to Gen. Ord from Col. Brxdlov fj an ludlan came to Spotted Tail yesterday, who says a party ol 21 whites are entering tbe eastern part of the Black Hills country. They came from Mis souri. Jen. Ord telegraphed Instructions that tbe party must be expelled by a mili tary force to 08 sent from tbe nearest; point. New York, Dec. 23. Tbe drv goods fail ure reported this afternoon is of Rice, Good win & Walker. Tbe firm intended to ko out of business tbe close of the year, but went to protest yesterday. They now ask an exten sion. ' 'In the Tilton-Beecher case to-day Judce McCue, of tbe Brooklyn court, on motion of counsel for defendant, granted an order for rllalntirl to Wi6wrjau-e'by'an order requir ing a o,n -oi particulars snonia not ne en forced. Saturday next was appointed fur ar gument. Nbw Yotfic, Dec. 21 Two new suits, grow log out ot old operations, has been begun to recover $325,000 for tbe city. Keyser's stave works were bnrned this morning. Loss 'estimated at f 100,000. WAsaiNOi-ONi Dec. 23. In the House, Mr. Bradley, from tbe Publio Lands Committee, introduoed a bill for tbe sale of timber lands in California, Oregon aud tbe Territories at a miuitnutn price of 1 50 per acre, lu limited Quantities) excluding lands containing gold, sliver, copjier or coal, Mr. Hernderi,' from' tbe same eotnmltleej reported back' the Senate bill to oreate an 'ad ditional land dlstriot In 'Oregon to ba called tbe uaues utna tint not., 1 2-sssea, . The finance bill., alter considerable fill busterlud,, was .made .the, special order lor riBUi (til. i, , .. , ,, , A bill introduoed by 8e0atbr 'Kely and Representative NesmttbV provides for a u. S. guarantee of 4 per cent, ou bonds Issued by tbe Oregon Central iPsoinoi Railroad, to the extent.oi ai,ouu per, roue oi roaa irpni wiq, ttemucoa wiiPoriiand. The, bfli Introduced last night iu aid of tills road waar simply for right of , way and depot grounds. ., ' , Argunlent .before the Arkansas' in vest Iga tlbg committee1 was concluded today. 'Tbe Indications are that Representatives Poland and Ward, of Illinois, will report id iavor oil Brooks,, Tb4 Other tnember.-of the coin miuee will support, the validity of mediate CiiicA06;,bec,' iiKl Wasbingtop , special says in, regard to the Pacific Mail Investiga tion that a strong sub-committee, consisting the steamer -ArmsHf froiB'Vailejoto DsatcU ran on tnp .outer Island, apout a tbousana yarfls from lueVvhsrfat BeHWIiU'Xt tnetluie ( theact-ldent tb1ftf'wa inteusely thick and It wai lmKw.ibii to make any aocurate oSlc'ulatfons. Thetsteamer Pitrtbennti and Walker passed the Island in- safety, but the j Aruado, ou her way to Sacramento, missed uer courseatid came beading directly lntotne Island in such a way as1 to strike tbe Amelia amldahlp and crush her. The passengers stood horror stricken awaiting the blow, but by tbe skillful msuuvertng ot Capt. Fauratt, oi the Amador, thedlreolposeot tbe blow was avoided and no serious, ao Ueut occ tired to either boat or pj-engrs. Tl.o Amador IU-r landiag her passengers at Benlcla Immediate' ly put back to the relief or the AMieli. Kkw Yohk, Deo. 25. King Kalskua this morning attended imrtida In (H. TbomAs church, aud In the afternoon held an Infoiin al Krfoeption, at which fuany fonnerfresldeuts or uts Kinuuoni aua many promiueut oiiizhls wt-re representt-d. lu the e veuing he attend ed Booth's theater. Tbe Ttltou Rttwher bill of particulars' 'was sent up yestordiiy for argument in tbe Brook Ivu city court. Beech, of oouusel for i'fltou, not being ledy. tbe court set the case .down for Monday next. NjsW Yohk, Deo. 20 Tweed and' his friends ore greatly alarmed by the1 appoint ment of new commissloiiers of charities and correction, whose supreme conirolof Black well's Island Is certain to subject Tweed to the sauie discipline aud restrictions aa lesser rogue. Theru is little hope for hlst o-eapo by means ot future legal proceedings It H believed that unless he Is carefully guarded bo will soon seek relief In flight. His fami ly spent two bours.wlth blru yesterday. New York, Deo. 25. A Times Londqn let ter says Her Msjesty's ship Basilisk return ed tu England alter a commission of nearly, four years. She brings ,w0rd that a large archipelnao has been discovered in tbe re gion oi new uuinea. two mountains in iuiu vicinity which teaoh 11,000 feet hlghibave been named Mount Gladstone aud Mount Disraeli. St. Louis. Deo. 20 The following was rei ceived a1, army headquarters to day : Eight warriors and 30 sqiiaws'Ttud1 children! with 02 pontes, from Medicine Water's 'band of Cbeyennes, surrendered' unconditionally at Oorione agency. Two white men are now with Stonecalt, who la said to, have had 200 lodges on tbe Staked Plains. Two messen gers from Stouecalf arrived, asking, peace. Word has been sent him tbat be can surren der unconditionally', and a demand was made lor the white women. Nhw Yore, Deo. 26. The following dta patch from Governor MoEaery is published bore this morning: , , New OitLKANR, Deo, 25, The wrong, just perpetrated by tho Returning Board against tbe people of Louisiana; Vfhlch' 'virtually threatens the safety and Ihteerltv of republic can Institutions In tbe United States, is tnpro of a drowning Infamy tnan-the action, Of'the Lyooh Returning Board. It surpasses eyen the midnightorder ol'Dure)!, and ould.uot ria'UMai.iiiItsaamSithsl BUka.wantfQmhe.ta n Klm, Washlmtton Territory, eu route Sot BrltUhi'tMbnibiaTOIhlsesltlni? to ex coalite gold notes for coin at that place sus pluioii by thv-'attthorltiss, who weieslnady sppned of the dsfaloation by telegraph, whh aroised, and be was arrested. 'A' defective has been disnatcbedto take charge of bliu. Oh tht 10th lust.. Cant. Lees, of the detec tive force ol this Tjlty," received a telegram from Geo. W. Walling, superintendent ot the polios force of'New Yolk reqntliiB'hlni to arrest two men, Hiram. i.toii un ueo., ney man, foriirand larceny In New York of $15 -000 worth' of diamonds aud Jewelry, and hold tbttn until ah officer shbuld arrive and take them In charge. The, men Were at once arrested, and to-day Lees received a dispatch siatlng,lbat detective, U. S. Walling, biother of tbesUpsrlntendent'of Now York, was iu Sacratnel'lf and lm1 obtained rrqtiisltlnns for tbe pii'OnerHj slid would arrive here this evening wben the, ixitfMier ,wll be turned over io mm. San Dikoo, Dec. 20 -tit' commenced rain ing at 0 o'clock Use evenlug, and we have bad teverat showers dbtlug tl e day. About Lalfsn Ineh has trilleii. anil It 1m still rAlulni-. Cuming at tlils time, tbe raln'almost lusurts a good crop. ' " SAN Louis OnisiM, Dec 20. At a meeting ct Man Aouls unispo Urauxo, held to-day, measures were adopted toward bulldluu a Grange Hall In town. In Salt Louis Obispo the ptltcyof nHtabllsblnga Graugo ttore u discusseo. Further action on thin sul'.lw.t Jienator Conkllnn, Gen. Harcock and others, yikw York," Deo: 23. A petition to tbe Corernorotr Massachusetts lor tue paraon oi hfpeiicer Petters, ibe ftirger, has been signed Jivttie iFresidebts r.f the Stock Excbinge, Krio Railroad JJew "ork Cntral,Cbicagoand ir.i.,M,rr. Railroad. Western Union lele- grsph..;o-Vny..Pdl the ,Fourth iNational Bank, ttnd by nearly all the bankers in, ValJ sireet. a weii. as the pmcers ana many.oi.iue "" . r j . t Daciaii Th talon'. Kkw'Tobjt, Dec. 23,-Extenalve prepira tijnsare'pemg'maiie at the Windsor Hotel WnWnJ DK Kalakau. by thechyauUm-Atos, The KU ha. requested that wbatever-oourUwiea are tendered him in be as much as Hsiblo ln-doora,Bbe raAn rnufcTfromcoTd' weather. To-day if fln fiLVtbe first Lhue lBce'.Frlday, but very dCsVou74:be uulsvorable -5? h arrUaTtereT the Klmr-wiU onlyTe- pan Yjuox. Pfft. HctW-J ""S'" : iTudleir'a suBSBiHaT snop aoa sj UTT'I, " '"- of Kassdu, Niblack, Black t aud Burcbard have'been directed tosit:iu!New York.Iwith full powers.. Que,P' tho first pbjqcta will be to discover t, wpm the 500,t)Oo check; was Kind's evlderico has bpen'takon, hpbn'part of the missing testimony transmitted from Congress. Lang positively 'denied alloon nection with Paclflo Mail attairs. He said he spoke to only one member o iCpDgreis, aud tuatou the lest that, mem ber, voujd agalust subsidy, , ' i i j I I . If tbe I'lieqks passed tbrpugh tbe Park, and Metropolitan, Bauks, such passage Vvas irreg ular,. The original uheok, is' here. It bears thd paVment'stauit) of no bank, which would uotmave been tbe case it it passed either ot these Ijanks, unless paid n,,ai;very,lrreguir way. Rutus Hutch, oi tueiPacific Mall Co.. who has the oueuk bero. doubts the ua mout turougn inese, anu says it was pair oi me Harriot ANoyes transaction. Nkw York, Dto. 24. Application was mad some weeks ago to Judge', of the Su preme Court now iu session iu Brooklyn, to Kraut a bill or particulars in the sun ut the Union Pacific Railroad against the Pacific Mail Steamship Company. 'Ibe Pacific, Mail sued tbu Union Pacific lor damages iu failing to turuisht lielKht to be taken to Sau Fran cisco lu Pacific Mall steamers, as by contract. They claim (100,000 damages. Ibe railroad o nupauy, lu answer, claimed that they fur nished Ireight, but there was no steamer on baud to take iu A couoter suit was begun, asking damages. Tbe steamship company asked for a bill of particulars, cuing tbe de cision iu tbe Btecher-Tilton case. Yester day, Judge Pratt refused to grant an order, holding that tbe case could not 'be Itemized. Honouoko, Deo.-21. An American war yessei has arrived, with addllioual survivors of the steamship J.ipau. , Lo.mxin, Dec. 23. "A- special telegram to tbe Timi-a says' the dlfiiy'Ullies With Turcoman ri-ll.iik'tW 1kllfU Imtyu li&a.t blltlui'TI, A, trak'expeUhionbas IbVurned wllhoUt'Oght In'tr.' 'lbe Turcoui'aua haVetehaipd 30 prist onera.l-m i')l,.(ui i . Inn, , i,, I 8AN'fAl:0OI,Dec, 24-1TheiP.,M.iS.S. iCo.'s stf ainer t dor arri veo ;lron) Panama fW be submitted to by any free people., Resists anceto the national, authority, represented, hero by a large portion 'of the army arid nav al fltpt, sustaining the usurpation and stilling; She1 voice of tbe people, has never been mod ltaiedl' (Signed) i if John MoE.nert.'I NkW.Om.kans, Deo.'28.-rThera was a fight between uaa u,4ivery,manBger orhe.iw ettn,and ex;(3ov,,VYarqiOtbi on.CanaUinMl tons'merubandise'Biid TH,Oo6in ueastiri:' VHan FnAs Cisco,' Dec, &. At about'nbon, Tbesdavl'Jat'inWwas discovered Ifi the bav ollnuine to'a liKhutort' thaMailCo.'s wharf. : He',ttsyieA)utdnnd liuioed. over to oSlrvr I ble irom.exuosure.After he .recovered he staltd.bia uituie to be J, JLawls8.fbreJiian of'tbe'cttixlaKevnd repslr'sbo0'df lrW'O.,1', the .ThbrdHtjhWreJaLdWillsne boat'was nteriDKiibe alli, Jie ws robbed of ills watch And icbsto, ao4,Mnte nipQey.'HustnocJted be wasfiiund. -t He, was- taken. to bis, home. Three Brother f , lylhg ha toe streain, cua on board the vestal and was ordered to go alt by herWatchman. 'He obeyed" tbe order' nod Bnanif du iiik una ' wiu ui uiui.' ikia suptMdheaa4 0Ba,WaBioath)lcM(raft rail and fell ovarboard. ilitel IrM.MMfeoma years with Capt. Cuumlags, at the Three Bverly knocked Wartdoth down with a stlcl and Juuiped'on hint; Warmothdr'ew'B knife and stabbed Byerly several times' In the abi domen. Tbe 'wounds areldangelrous. 'IWar moththas been wrested. . ' t Gov.' Warmoth stated to-day to an agent of tbe Associated Press that he published a card In tbe -Picayune which reflected on,thei5ite (in and one of Its editors, Mr! Jewell This caused the trouble betweon'hlm arid By erly. Mr. Jewett demanded ah7 abject 'apology whloh be(Warmotb)Ueolipsd to make., Jew ett asked him ifhe would.figUt a duel. The matter was referred to their retpeoti re friends who arranged tbat a fight' ihoud take place in Alabama, Monday morning, wlth'plstols at toii,paces. Warmolb aooepted the terms. He believed tbat 'Courtesy between I getnloi men was'a 'rule, and was about to tip bis bat to' Byerly, whom he met 'on s crowded street, when the latter .struck) htm with a heavy stick, Inflioting a,wouiid on, the left temple. He (drew a, knife, wbeu, they, clinched pnd fefl, Warmofh was at once arrestsd arid ntit In prison to aWtMt the reWlt of' Byerly 's "wounds, which s'ro'Very dangembtlttelag in the abdomen but' not necessarily fatal.' Later. Byerly was nged,47 yearn was n printer by trade, and a native ,pl',Pennsy lya ula. He came to New Orleans, tu, 18 17, and served gallantly n Shields' regiment , of Louisiana vplulltecrs lit tbe West during tho war. ooe wound deprived him or tbe use ot his left arm'.' After tbe war he' returned to this city and was elected' clerk of the Third District Court for two term. Some months agolljerly, In company with oiling, com menced the publication ufthe'Bullctm. Nkw York, Deo. 25. The detective ills patched by the Superintendent ol Pollce.yes terday, to ascertain if tbe'ohlld' In the posses slon of an aged couple there here? whs Charley Ross, having returned this after noon and reported having seen the boy, who bore no resemblance to tbe missing child. Washington, Deo. 20. In responding to Luttrell's request iu behalf of Round Valley settlers, tho Commissioner Geueral of the Land Office says the Department's perml-t-slon for them tu remain until they have ptid tbe assessed yalue of tbelr property, will be held to include the right to cut timber from public lands for fuel and uecessury repairs. The committees on Viukyhurg and Ala bama afftirs left fur their deliberations, thl moruinic. That ou New Orleaus affairs will leave to-ninrrow. 'Lleqt. Frederick Collins, of the U. 8. Dsrien surveying expedition, leaves Wash ington to-moimtv iilghti'fbr New York, to muster his forces aud equip thepi fyr tho ex pfilit,Wni lt ,!!!, sail pu tbe;fl,rntrfypl MkUstnsfucr lu January nr'A8pjn'iM.'ai'l iwrarw1 UftM W!WFr?w Pa'ris.'D.'K 2.-tSarlbaldi 'has' wrlttonl a- letter in'reply tn slateinetiW'boniained In the recent report of the invostlfiuion comitteeVif tne rennb assembly.' ouithp,ariny of .tbb eaatvl.GArbaldl blames General IWurluUi for1 f9tunuiicatlng with.bhu, abd.asserls lhat ueopp,Marttetinel to tbe Jast'extrerhity. Id thHainel(ferrW"riiieHi. tilltne iXv on the'Prnl)bhHe4ltUnod.l0) L t i I 11 JLdNDONiDsem'i-iTheishlpHorea, Meln leyi:iiomiru,i'rMt)clsro,,wi"lcli arrived. iat .Queeusjlownl lyrdav, fepp'ISj )avpgpkke(l npUiecpisHandpan pf.ijis i grjwTvl..lhe arlt Carplne,'repprts4fpai;7or the Wage Troni Brisbane to San Franctaoo1 " '- i . 1 St. 'PDrxtttHtURo,' Dee.- ta Grand 'Duke Nicholas, son of Grand .Doke Constkntlas. and nsphewot the Emperor, has been docla was postponed until tbe next reitulsr nieoliuf. VlCToltlA, Dec. 23 Tho lintiih Colonisi oi this morning publlshesjau account of a tear ful marine disaster an the wont coast of Van. oonver Island. r The American baik Edwin, Captain Hughes, with lumber, laden nt Uta alady for Adelaide, tailed from this ort Ds oeinbarlst. During a heavy gale outside ol Cape Flattery, it was observed tbat, she did not obey her rudder, and the pumps being tried she was found to be filling with water. The Captain ordered ibe mizZHumast to be cut away,andin a few minutes the mainmast tell across the deck. Tpe Captain's wire and two small children, who were iu' the hurri cane house, were washed overboard and drowned. The t Chinese cook 'was drowned In tbe Kalley,, ,The Captain. ,,Mrto and bal auce.of the crew managed to' climb up the rlgglrirf arid re'acu'tbe foretop before tbe bark went on her beam' ends." They remained in the rigging three nights and days, without Ipoa or water, sutlerlng horribly Iroui cold and hunger; when at last they drifted ashoro at the' identical etpot where tbe bark John Bright was lost, andiher crew murdered by savages, a few years ago.7, On, the heach was found tbe body of the Captain's wife, wnlch, it Is 8Upposed;had wasbed'into the cabin and remained, there until tbe vessel broke up. The survivors' were brought here yesterday by the schooner' Alert, Captain Cbrlstlanson, and were well oared for by the United States Consul., Captain, Hughes, wassoloowner of the ship and canto, which were valued at 128,000. He saved noWIng but a gold chro nometer. Inscribed: "TheiPresldent of the United jSieteato,Capt.S. R-, .Hughes, for tl)e resoua of the American, shlpAqullla, 1807," BWifuesa mdh are'Uking upva "collectlon'for the immediate wants of tbe Captain and crew, '" ' ' ' ml' t-IOTH t)l!Jtli STATS .JJJ(J ... .,. . . . . nlboifraroe (or the ne,w, flouring mills at Pendlewqasjrajsd Ustweek. ' .The Good, Tampjars f Pendleton are flttlpg up a flne'hMI in whloh to hold their meet- lugs! "" ""-'-' Tjer-1 f ' Baker CIt had an I election to fill the va- raboylnthsrtoordfcrshipion Wednesday of last; week,,, ,a , ,,X good deal of ,frei(tht for eastern .Oregon Is at tbe Dalles and Svill have to be hauled in "wagons to its destination or wait till spring. 6. W.'C. T.', W. R'."Duhbar, on tbe 17 Inst., reorganized SpringUeld Lodge of Good Tem plars aud took Into membership 11 new members. A Dr. Strong, of Pendleton, has Invented a mall-bag fastener. A man killed two grizzly boars, In Douglas county, by mixing ttr)ubhine,pounded glass and mutton, and leaving Uie dose whom tbe bears nent alter sheep uieut. They have lots, of fuulnjbo inocK,Leglsla ture at Pendleton. Iho latest uieasiiro yvas the Impeaohnient of the' temporary ohalrmsn because he appointed the standing commit tees. Congressmen LaDow.wnstbo chairman pro teui. We presume ho. Is drilling for a placo in the next Copgross.' A norse"kIcked M, Wlliis; who llvfiM on Willow creek, In Umatilla county, last week, brouklntr three of the man's ribband other wise injuring him, Pendleton n.ow o.Binors for a woolen fso forv. w hich hone she will tret so in. Unin tllU niinty lurnishrs h vast (In til of the raw material lor such an establishment. Another extensive logging camp has just upon started at lacoinu. Aattn Jrvett, who ItfiLaMolllo valloy Nevada, in October last, Is rtquesttd, if this meets his eye, to write to his distressed mother. An rntllan chief named Snm gavo nwny atmiit 92,:tO0 coin to bis friends uta urand pot latch near Taooma about tho 1st of this mouth There were 700 of his Irlenils. Theodore Ilosmnr, late In charge of thoTa coma town site, Is now secretary and IrraN. iireruf thoTacotna Land Compnnv, with of fire at Hi South'! bird street, i'liiiadelplila. Petitions ero in t-iiculallnn In Silver City and on War Eogle mountain praying for Legislative atd In extud tint teleurapli to lloi.e Cltv, Rocky Bar, Idaho Oily and Quartsburg. Ihe Yamhill correspondent writes that tao cubs are In j 111 stiLfaj-e( forstpuling blnn lttv,,e.;. ,'i;eyi .will board.unUl April next. Taxes Hroi(irb. , J ' ,Corlnlilnu Lodge No. 17, T'. X A. r Al banr. held ttielr'atinnal e)rctlir 'iHHf Kstiir- dayj and cliow the rollnwing. named officers for tbe eiiMiing year:. Jd.V, Brown, W. AJ.; ,J..W. Baldwin, .,W.; E, U. MJ Carter, J. y.j M,R-lnwaJer,T.' h ' ' ' ' Umler ihenew laVpasRotJ bj the last f.og islaturH. road supervisors nro reoiilredi to make their- returns af the January term of i no uoiiiuy.L-ouri, iu.i)jue.oLtll'i eetiruary term, as heretofore. Those Interested will tike noUotj auu ejn thwuslvds according- Tb'T9 are over 1,200 land patents awaiting delivery ffi lhVTT.'S?lantrofflcff tn01ympla. A. C. SlwrW M. D-, writes tbe Jkio that at the last meeting of Wallula 'Lodge, No. 50, seven candidates were initiated. This Is do ing pretty well for a new lodge. A queer rase Is reported at Denver, Colora do. A man got dtuuk, stole his own trunk, aud hid It. He coin plained or the theft, tho property was recovered, and he was made the prosecuting witness. The judge being In a quandary how to treat so novel a case, de cided tbat tbe thief was not accountable for bis acts. Tbe Owyhee Avalanche of the 14th says: Tbe stago bound for lMe City last Saturday morning capxlr.nd near Glpllng's toll gate, on Reynold's creek, slightly bruising Mrs. W. B. BiggerstalTs shoulder, Dan Seaman's leg, aud bruised the leg of the driver. So far aa We can learn, however, nobody was serious ly Injured. The Northerner has several Jokes on tho Marshal orLewUton. One is that while lock ing up a prisoner tho Marshal forgot which one of tho boys he was, nnd wont in himself. Tho Jailor could not distinguish the differ ence In the darkness, but as tho fellrr Inside snpeoro I i tie- "loosest" tin supposed it wum hs it should bo, and fastened the door. The prisoner went on hi ay rejoicing, and feel Iuk rather dluiiitlsil at so sudden n promotion from a oomtiiuu vagabond to City Mivrsbal. Wheat sell for 87 couts per bushel at Col ville, W, T. The roads In Wsila Walla Valley aro ro ported lu excellent condition. Ts not so here. Walla. Walla has n man w ho can eat n bas ket full of provender aud'theu stow himself away in tbe basket. The l'uiet Sound Telegraph Company will hold thelraunual meeting In PortTownsend, January 4, 1875. They have a special election for Joint Rep resentative lu Clallam aud Sau Juau counties, Tuesday next, December 20ih. A bbrglar Infests Walla Walla at thlstlmo. Last week a church and a livery stable were broken iuto by some thievish rascal. ,Ono Broulllett committed an assault and battery on W. I. Mayileld. editor of the Walla, Walla Spirit) last week, hud ag.flued 1)25 aud costs. English iron for the puipose la on tbe way from England to complete 'ho Walla Walltv aud Wallula railroad to within seven miles of the foruter place. Tbe,Pugtt Mill Company's new steamer Yakima has 'made a highly' satisfactory trial trip. She was built; and fitted up at Fort Gamble, ahd is said, to, be a splendid boat. A grand masqiierade ball is to be given In Port Townsend, January 22d, '1B75,'" and two valuable prized evrel promised lor tbe best sustained lady character and gentleman character, r ' Tho Cornier saps' the BewarkentlneS.M. Stitsnn sailed from' Port MftdNnU last Friday, carrying 880,000 fet"of lumber tbe most ever earrled by a tingle deck vessel iroui Puget Sound,, , Pg,r"',;.', ' 'wU' i HERMAN & HffiSCH, ' 1 'i niih j I , ml 0,1 I emswoi.D's block, salem. J (' in,'ll (I'M fl Mr OMino'Tn" "' """ ' , ii ,ij -,i .i i CITY & COUNTRY' TRADE . . " 1 H i' ii n it )i I An lmmcnso f txjk of Goodt, tp ,b , sola at GREATBARGAINS FOR CASH INHAND. ' Heavy Stockof l-vefythin HEAVY STOCK OP Brown nnd Iilcacliptl Cottons, Slieotlnjrs, Sliirilngst, Checks, DonlrrjvStrlneH, K'"-i ic. OF HEAVY STOCK it (best class i llllll ,HrpuiarrrvalwslsJipBC jsjasi t,M7l'MsnDvWteD0Mdtx,wblali W beiongid, li 1 fv it -so , 1 ui. 1 1 M-Asra J - - .- ... a..1 .i . t .. . I . , ... v, .. v -., y, imi -j,, Wj JU0 t-f, U y,y4, K j 0jj jj . VWTJfV PJWMunperHBsinffaisjaiiip Wt . " "-. ' A4 l'l" - ''II I jSRivr&zxsz ?L2ajfflra,"ifr iuu ivit Sax siBoe & NHWf iniiiirwsjj-iuBp up- ugaiiir i town. lAaMtlc into' ersdllore .Wee aeveral , Mr. Ilowlett inrorius us, that strawberry vine were In'bjoobi on Iho hill In EhkIm creek precinct orf tbe 5ih ff thlsniontln We iistb nan no- winter so tar', ana trees seem ready to bloom out on the first warm'day.' Oregon! Is truly the finest climate on the con-' Unset. . -p . A i j 1 -., Tbe wife of a gentleman who works at one rtf'themlllailn Albany, had a, fit about noon, lastTuesdy;and.ln BrMOByJtimpJ Into tue oanuam canai, wnicu Mowed .near their WW, nu wv nave oeen , aro wed fint for rrMkHFarton. who,r fbaucfd, (9 bi jswlng' nerbyatliiUm,,,,1r,T7,7: ? - jTT" .WfrroM.Cbtr.rt.nh.ls tn. the cltjUII ' -1- U. UAi.mmAAttMMM- ' . 1 .... . -r,-,r- rr-w -Tn- -"lllll IU S , ! .&S 10 1fl (, ' t it JJn 1 1 ,Uu in Liulics' Dress Gootls, nowest Htyies; ropllns, Tongoo SllkH(.,DlngonnIs, Jnpanebo Sfllv'rf'yS.liiiicctiiji'- lerliitH, Cashinqrei, DolninuSj'VyurhtertGoofi'f. HEAVt OTOCK OP Fancy Goodi oTtill kinds, Ribbons, IluttoiH, Ktc, Kte. HEAVY il'OCK OF Ladles' nnd Children'; Shawl-, Itoversililo Ottoman filiawls, Cuinel's Hair Sliuwla, l'lald Wool SliawiM, HEAVY STOCK Ofii1 Ladies' nnd Chlltlrcu'd ireilt Slclrtsy And otlier UalniornlH, -, Lqdic.)!, Uildcr,yoaiv heavy s;roqK.oi Gpntlemen'ft nnd Hoys Underwear,i !jl(t'R arid;3oyto Clothing, ' ,' , Awr lIIUOtlf-a i 1 tK 1 I wwmvi$ I..-.J HEAVY' '8TOCK GROCEniES, OF KV !,j'.4' ,, ' OH" li -111.. M ui AXQuVIiti ,, .'j, , , STAPIJW GOODs'. ' ' " l 2 ll (l .li i I '(BSHSPB"S)"fcapaWB aBBNBlBBHpl fBSf jsi TUAT WK OFKKK 'U 1 1 '' " ' I 1 1 I 'Mint) "'IT GREAT BAHGAINS FOR PASS SWre"' UM t) a 111 a Irani, wajion anil tntnuH, trtek;iiTsr laraisrlu. tflVWfil'Mi, - IjlUlVHttt I UlU )I1 ll .B..1U01I V J (..,. V Ol! Wi.' cjUIuuic US oj