.- OrnltbologlcismH. The Crest Eyrie Bird Tbe eagle. Tlie Great English Bird The crow. Tbe Great Bpreeisl'H Bird The lark. The Great Hportlnc Bird The pigeon. The Great Feeding Bird The pelican. The Great Christmas Bird The goose. The Great Toper's Bird The swallow. The Great Hwlromor's Bird Tbe duck. The Great Agricultural Bird Tbe ben. Tbe Great Pedestrian Bird. The stork. The Great Digesting Bird Tbe ostrich. The Great Gov ernor'n Bird The stilpe. The Gre.it Lovo Bird Tbe turtle dot e. The Great Political Bird The buzzard. The Great Vaukoo Bird Tho early bird. The Great Nocturnaliet's Bird Tbe owl. The Great Newspaper Bird '1 lie canard, TbeOreat Thanksgiving Bird -Tho turkey. The Great Cockney's Bird Tho guinea hen. The Great Boardlng-IIoute Bird The old bird. Tho Great American Bird The bird In the iaud. Tho Great Australian Bird Tho bird in tho 1)UhIi. The Great Austrian Bird The bird that thinks two IikhIh are boiler than one. .11 a i mil ll.llf"!! Hill Mill I HI a sa W. W. MARTIN. PRACTICAL Watchmaker & Jeweler. M'A'ICIIKS, Clocks, and Jewelry, Solid Silver mid Plated Ware. A(li.IT ron Accommodation Spectacles, Which uiii liu Midi toun eye. SOLI! A.I'.N'J' I'OU Xtor-Uopf'V X'ntoiit FARMERS' WATCH! Ot Wllldl lit llllK Mllll llUMlltLDs.) AOI.N'T ron Home Shuttle M A G H I N Sewing E S. Halcni. Sclil H, 1ST) W MARTIN. SALEM FOUNDRY, & Mucliiuo Hlio, ALEM. OltEGON. B. F. DRAKE, Prop'r. fifTEAM ENGINES. HAW MILLS, (1HIST MILLS, "J Rcapus, I'mnpx, mill all klucln mid cljlos or Ma chinery made to order. .Machinery repaired Hi a abort tiolicu. Pullerii inakiuu; done lu all in various loruia, And all klnda or Jlriu-e aim Hun uisiiukb lurnisiicuat hurt imtut. Also, mannlatturtr ol K.N'l KIU'KIHK I'LANhlt and HHAPhltS. MAIUHKR, and bllCKKUS and Mav4wtt KKTAHLIMIUD 1855. Willamette Nursery G. W. WALLING & SON, ritui'Jtih'iuiis, Oswego, Clackamas co., Oregon. Growers of tho ''holiest Vnrlillcsof TM.V1T TREES dt 8H&VBBBKV l'urtknlar attention p;tcn tn Churj, Prune and Hum tutu 1M DE. Of H. PRODUCE HOUSE, LowuEdale's Building, 4JN THE LKVEE, HKTW WASHINGTON AND ALDKH STREETS, Portland, - - Oregon. nuiK AltOVi: NAMKl) Hl'lLDINU HAS 11EKN JL leased, and will be opened to the' tilth r or P. nt 11. 4U0rnlniut the Urst ut May, Arrancvuients have bruiniaio to SHIP GRAIN ...,d alt other Produce to San Francisco, whendtwlrvd itf toustucea. CoiiMlifiimtmtM OF ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE SOLICITED, Mark A. J. B. and send Shipplug Receipt to the nderslgiuxl. Fatrous, Fatronizo House. your own T. J. ZVIATIX)OS. Cli. I'eiural Union Com. I" 1 will transact the business of my department tinituih this house. ' , A. J. DUFU1L, April it. 1T-t-lf stale AirenL MARBLE WORKS. MONKOE & STAIGEU, Dealer In Monuments, ....AMP.,.. Head and Foot Stones. ALSO, MANTELS. ..AMD.. " X'ui-ultiurelvlHrblo to Order i addrbm; , -il h laiUli Arrival of New Goods AT- BRETMAN BR0.S'! We arc now opening our New Good for tho Fall and Winter Trade, Comprising all of the Lattt Stjles, such at Dingnols, Cusimcres (all wool), Black and Colored Silks, Japanese Silks, all colors, Iilack and Colored Al puras, Orientals, Reps, Em press, Etc., Etc. Also, a full line uf Lndlcn' ClonklnpM, Ladies' Undenvear and Corsets. Also, a largo lot of NEW STYLE SHAWLS, iVneolos Xlc3. Ct-lo-coa, In new colon) and at old prices, Particular. attention Is tailed to our Mock or GENTS' AKD BOYS' CLOTHIKTO, AX I) Furnishing Goods, Which Is larger than ever bclurr, and made to ordei especial!) tor uc. Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Crockery and Groceries. CARPETS. Also, a complete stock of Ingrain Car pets, Three-Ply Carpets, Body Brussels Carpets, OH Cloth and Matting, Which we make a specialty. Tweeds, Flannels, Oasimeres, BLANKETS, &c, Ac. t3J Country Produce taken in Exchange lor Qooda. Special Notice. ItltEYMAN UROS. will n move to their now store, corner ol Court and Coinmirtlal Struts, ou or aboul the J6th of NoM'iubcr, (lurhin wnlcb time they wllf uuer tueir uoous at me low est oossiuie urites iieivu Clianoe .TO,. INSURE AGAINST LOSS BY 1 IKE! The Phoenix of Hartford IS AMONU THE OLDEST AND MOST SUCCESSFUL INSURANCE COMPANIES IN TII10 WORLD I 4ND HAS DEPOSITKI) WITH THE STATE $50,000 as Security For Oreron patrons. Also, for further security, all policies issued in Oret'ou are ro-tiisured, two thirds in the HtiMi:. or New ork. and the M'itl II llltlT- tsil and MfaliCAMILE Insurance Lompanlea, of London and hdin tin ri:, wtlh comhlucd assets of over W,UUU,UUU( tiolel, the Strongest Fire Insurance Guild in America ! Now is the Timetolnsure MAOH.L PENNIES', Oeno-al Apents, 806 Miumuic ftnet. bau Fraiulaco, UT Policies Issued mid re tic" (Id, direct, by C. A. REED, Agent, elJiMw Salem Orwnn. JOHN O. MORRISON & OO.'S OAIilFOHNLiV Club-House Whisky. 3O0BTM BIlKXrAKDX, Haleat, Urru;oB. IS SOI E AdKNT FOR THIb SVI'ERIOR BRAND ckuowledevct to be the i Best Liquor on the Coait. A LAItOK SHIPMENT B. T. BXLT. COX & BELT, Druggists and Apothecaries COMMERCIAL STREET, SALEM, - - - . . - OltEGON, DZALER8JIN Chemicals, Perfumery, PATENT MEDICINES, Pure Wines Sc Liquors, .Sic. In Moore' Block, formerly occupied by J.W. Souther. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY FILLED. Mavl wt' ASTORIA Farmers' Warehouse Co. milE 1UOVE COMPANY IS NOW PREPARED JL to rtttlve Grain on Storugrc, In their t plcndld and substaiilialiy built Warehouse, which baa a btoiagu capacity of 8,000 Tons ! It Is perfectl trie from rats and mice. Vessels can load alongside at all seasons ol the jeni. '1 he Com pany hare made arrane,eineulB lot liberal adiaucts on ail Oruln sloicd with them. ... Fitltht ehaiyes lo Asloiin bj the W R. T. Co.' boats not robe paid lint Ithu Oiaiu is sold, without any Interest bciuc: charged. ...... .. For particular, address II KOLDSMITH, Port land, or S. U. ADAllt, hecictary und Audit, al As toria. " I'141' . W. HIKIUITH. N. U. BULIY. XUSREDXTK & BOLEY, butctseors to Smith A. Mtrtdlth ENTISTS, DhNTAL ROOMS AT 'illE OLD STAND, betoiid Floor, Urlswolel's.lllock, Opposite tlio Hank. .VL,l.:'l. Ii;.N. ST. CHARLES HOTEL, Corner Front and Morrison Sts., .POR'X'IVTS X. I. FLEUItOT, ... rroprlt'tor. millS FIRST-CLASS HOUSE HAS RECENTLY JL etianged proprietors. and oilers the huts accoiu uiudatlous to be lound in the clU. and the best labks. at the tallowing; low scale ol prices. Board and Room per day flfiO Meals CHI lied 60 Bullet of Rooms will be chart id extra. Free coacn to and lrom Ihe cars and boats. tery attention paid to com lor t ol gutata. A lair shale ol patroi.ugc so- ncueu. lcl Salem Flouring Mills. BEST FAMILY FLOUR, BAKER'S EXTRA, XXX. SUPERFINE AND GRAHAM, MIDDLINGS, BRAN, AND SHORTS, Conattuntly on Huud, Hln-hest Price in CASH Paid for Wheat JLTAIO, TIMES. R. C KINNEY, Sept lStf Ailent 8. F. M. Co B00THB7 & STAPLETON, Mauulacturem and Dealers In Sash, Doors, Blinds, and 3tioica.irLe,s, E1C. hTO. BRACKETS, And all Kinds of Scroll-Sawing. HAVING THE REST FACILITIES AND THE latest lmpreived wnod.workiu;; machinery to luanufacture the aboe atllcles, will odcr inducements to cnctouiera. Also, WOOD-TUKMNG, In all Its varieties. Orders from the Country Promptly attended to. Office and Manufactory, cor, of Front and State streets MiuiW SALKM. dwtl JOHN B. PILKINGTON, M.D OCULIST AND AURIST, KOvrici-Dekum'a Block, PORTLAND. Treat, aa epeclaltlea all Diseases of ttie Head, and parties, larly llioae ol the K)e, bar, Nose and Ihrtut. Cross bYcshinnefctennL Art'tlclni n. s usur'ed NEAR and FAR-MUHTEDNEsb and IMPER JEtT MSION nl every Wild, sc entirleall trenled Dr, PliklUKUiu hereby Inloruisthu mauvpeisous who haw duriUK ihe past two vears cojisulleii him tor re lief of Imperfect vision, that he has at lem:ih terctt cu iuji set oi MiuAi, t.iLir'.o( anu is prcpareel lo piesiribethe proper classes to correct the arious defects of vision. mu'.S Best and Cheapest Pump mad:. The most Durable, and the most Easily kept in Repair, IS TUE o COMMON WOOD PUMP. E" A VINO purchised of J. W. Fisher hi. Shop at I. ihe Caplul Lumbering Co.'a MIU, I am prepared lu manufcnuw aud sell Pumps, Tubing. &c. Bapalrtng promptly attended to. All work war ranted. Pump put la it the rollcrwinc price. . ISfMt Wall 13 ITJ t fi each additional Jciot. j "WooU XMpo, Of rtf alxM, for cun eying water. Mid cheap, .atlata MW j-i - ,A. WUHmCTT. MONEY TO LOAN -o.v- Farm TsLXi.L&y IN SUMS FROM $500 to $15,000. BT Till OREGON AND WASHINGTON TRUST INVESTMENT COMPANY (Limited) OF SCOTLAND. Capital, - - rSo,OOO.Golcl rilE'IllEKT, Rlcht Hon. THE EAHL UV AIM IE, K. T. Oreson local lli.urcl. n r.nr."SMllll. Lau IViilanii JOHN MccRAKhNi fcsq .r'nltialii! Applicants should state the Ani.nt t "I 5li;i J .1. ,i o.wi ,h.. n in,.. I..r vehlrli It in Hill ll. I he Dt liinu oflertd as stcurlty should also lie I imbl) liscillid. elinc subuHlsions, section, township ai " lai ;.e lu lull, clestrlutnj; lis general cl.arm.ier. Mhillm Lplaiiu or bottom piarle, or tlmbii, Willi Jr nil Suiun iuioi allthelmprmemtnts thereon, also Ike owners tsll mate or Its Cash alue. lurluriherpaiticularBappl lo ILLln Ji JlLlD, JlanaKtr. 11 r'irst strttt, l'otlland. Direct Importation IN THE SHOE TRADE! I AM IMPORTING, FROM THE MANUFACTO rj of Gray llrothtrs, Ntw loik", a line of goods, consisting ol Ladies' Soots and Shoes, Also, from fa. D. boilers, u lu!ne lot ol manufacture, Philadelphia, infants' and Children's SHOES. These arc considered two of the best manufacturing establishments, lu their separate branches, to be luuuu lu the United stuti . JOHN W. GILBERT. Snlem. Si pt. 4, n'.i. di-wtl Saw Mill for Sale. milE DUENA VISTA SAW MILL COMPANY JL oiler lor sale their Steuiu Saw and PlanliiK Mills. All complete, and In good running order. This prop erty Is also an excellent slie lor a i LoUKLNU MILL,, auu is well situated lor both Lumber anu (araiu trade. t or particulars, apply to WILLIAM. WELLS, declStl President butua Vista baw Mill Co J. O. SHE1TON. TO. D.. PHYSICIAN AMU SUHGliON, bALEM Oregon. Onlce, trout room on second door o, the N, V. Parrish brick, Commercial street. Rtai deuce, northeast corner i ront and Division streets. Belu a grauuate ol the Physio-Medical, or Lurtlt Colli ge, Clntiunatl, Ohio, we are pjrely rtloim luom practice, dlscartlUg alike both mineral and vegetable polsona Jj3y ARTIFICIAL LIMBS. Patronize Home Talent ! TUB undeiguud irives notice to persons n ending Artitliiul Limb6 ot other buricdi appliances liut Liu ie prtpart-a to Jurutvh tueiu to order, tuuac lu Ha ltJiu, urLguu. liiBurticlttf aru warranted to be equal iu wurkuiuuehip, durability, purlcctluu uf Ut, auu lu eery oiher rteLiuct, to tnu Ufpi Kaiiem made, aud at pcrtuua purcliaflLiL; lure aru saved au txpcuplvt trip meiiuKcuieu toou ui, uiucu money ulu exauuur. ditappolDtUiCUt are wived. Alniot every day cum plana t are LtarU ut parties uwulug .haeteru uiudt iinibti that tluy do nui tit, aud coneniULUtly are al mopt it uui quiiu uttJend lu tuem. 1 Uo maker tiunda tte tht jtron ami JU lie luiid to htm, m will take pltttbure lu ubowiug our Umbe now in ueutoaii) one cuiiLcinul, aud chttiriuUy answer let ters oi lutjuirj uuiLtrulUL; iLttu. Do not tall to t'tvt Ue a uill beioie ieudiu hut. E. Y. 0HA6B, XKL X. Salem. June 11. lh,, Uiutl MILLINERY. New Firm! New Goods! MES. 0. J. BEARDSLEY, successor to Mrs. 31. VlliltANI, Corner of Stale and Liberty alitels, bALEM, has a NtW b'lOCK OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS, DIRECT FROM New York and tan Francisco. Latest Styles atEastern Prices. si'lldiVwJui THOMAS CROSS. Xxuportor and Brooder Long Wool and Southdown ..ir.. Full - Blooded Berkshiit SWINE. WILL SHIP PI0 AT I10 EACH, DELtVER wl at tho Depot, and warrant them to jrlre good atlsfacilon. A FEW CHOICE YOUNG SOWS In pic to full blooded Boar, which I will !! for (30 each. Grain or Pork will be uken Inpayment, delivered after harvest. Those receiving them who may not be satisfied can return them at my expense. TnOMAS CROSS. BVin..Innfl74 , lit nOO RINGER. i.eMLa. m .600 -fUcVICaU. Mra DMlart S.ll Tb.m, Uarar, it, Uf IT 100 Wets W itf. a nail, om ym. tlinlMtni, AUitm . W3 BSU , Ambw, 111, A JOHN G. WEIGHT, DEALER IN Crockery, Glassware, Tobaooo, Cigari' Family Groceries, Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Salt, Candles, Soap, Notions Agent for imperial Fire Insurance Comp'y" OF LONDON. FLORENCE. Special attention is culled lo tlioirrcnl Improvements iiiimIo rocfiill.v In till excellent Mnclilno, nml to the n' Mini elcKiuit Htyles of t'liscs ndilnl lo our IlHt.' FLORENCE. Ior those m ho prcfci; n M " cIiInere-Mlliitln'HorKiniaj In : n Mn- 10:11 the oiirrutor. ho now lime one ol tlintIPMTl)lloii,llil'li'nj-riiiiiiliiar mill hat tlllill theolliprpi-eulliii't'v fcJIi'iirieH il trie oilier sty lc. FLORENCE Is k:iic to pJt'.Tse. If there ii one ulllilii ii tlioiixiiiKl mill's ot hitEi i'riiiiri44 o not uorkiii Hell, I III nt:ei)ilto fltili!:oiit iiiivei;'i:iu to tlieouner. hA1Il'i:L IIII.I Ast, FLORENCE Is the only Machine flint cnn how In moro llimi one illrvc tlon liiilllC n rovprsililu Iced it Krc-nt ndvHiilnjrp In liiNteuiuic cuI orNenniH, In qiilltluyr, rlr. FLORENCE? Examine the Florence, or Mend fur Circular mid huuiiIvm or Work before yon purchase a hew liiff Mncbluo. BV rilK URST! Machines sold on liberal terras. FLORENCE SEWING MACHINES. SAMUEL. HILL, Agent, Xo. ID iNew Jioiitavouiery Mreei, Grand HoteWulldlnff, San JrancUce, FLORENCE, JAMES B. LOOM IS, General Aicent, 113 Third Street. PORTLAND. OREGON. Furniture Manufactory. D. W. PRENTICE. IN CONNECTION WITH TOE SASH et BLIND Factory of Coolo, Dcnnlf A Co . at the Agricnltn ral Works, Salem, ia prepared to MANUFACTURE OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, For the Jobbing Trade. Office Furniture a Specialty ORDERS FILLED FROM Black Walnut, Mahogany, or Spanish Cedar. All wood used la acaeoncd by the Buckley fy.tem ol drying by euper-htatud steam, and warranted not to shrink after leaving the shop. Orders Solicited. Salem. Mar 13. 1S74. diwtl WOOL BAGS .AND.. Grrain Sacks AT THE SALEM BAG FAOTOEr, AND T. Cunningham & Co.'s, AT SAN FAVCISC0PBIC8. Salm May 14. 1874. dwtf . 8heep Cured of the Scab -, Disease,!., 'iJ. waiaMjiafiBujav urun'ArPUCJ- " DuliASk'f?' W e"T' 8,WW MTi? ' .ill ' - i Wood HfjintMH- ,.' .! i.) . .J lNHOE,! Vitm, Orecvu. i wta. MrAiom, Albany, Orvwvn- 1 u Abo, K. V. CHMB,'' f G .ODD OAK AND TTR, IN KXCHANGE 70R A t . Vai;WjWI 6ft.!.- i - AnnllaBt1nn i lt t ! au.-H -jm v . m. B RKT1T U. CW , lata Saivroo U.S. Yciialw. rr'-- " mh vi im mrvu will iwniCDOfV to prorop'lj. n. v.OTW. mijJlf AsmirvrCabturt a4Bouqnct WkUhtM1 vaaw rwi'fi -ai few IHUIM !? .u iiJU.i. tltlJli ilV, ; W bV., W.bA. v.-xi TrT"rllTfii1a1rtfc1rll1lrTtlT",1"'