2 The Dairy Exhibit at the Institute Fair. Mechanics' From llio rclflc llural I'reta.) J. II. Ileglcr, agent Tor tho dairy produce de partment of tho Cnliforain Stato Urango, has done tho diirylng interests of Californln his consignorH o-peclally good servlco in making fin amnio exhibit of lliclr butter nnd checso nt the great Indiislrlul Fnlr. It would havo been well for other dairymen If they had como and donu likowlxe. Wo do not propose to discuss hero tho question of premiums or no prcuil nmH; bat wo would suggont that If product in nro justified in refusing to exhibit nt Fairs whero no premiums aio awarded, on llio ground that they cannot h fiord to meet thu coitx in cutrcd without hoiiio chanco for direct peciin lary rcmiini'rntion, then Hiich cxhibltorx hk tho Htato Grunge iipent, who coma forward and exhibit In tli foeo of tliU dlscotiragi mont, do servo special critillt. Thin rowaril of moiit should bo iiHslgiml to all tho exhibitors at tho I'avilion. Wo mention it morn oxpr dally In thin case, bccaUKO tho aliovo ineutionud CHtab llHhtnent 1h tho only dairy exhibitor nt tho fair. There In about uno Ion of choHU on exhibi tion; tho wholo amount oiTurod thus far IHii from tho Pelaluma Cheese Factory, Tho proprlitniH ol whiiii are l'aync, Killnm ii Co. This factory ix not on tho co-opeiativo plan, and In not connected with tho order of Patrons of Husbandry, any further than by consigning their cIiccho to tho agency of the ordor in Han Fiuncisco. TIih present hi ason in tho first in which tho l'tliilnma factory Iihh op crated. It Ih i ntln ly on tho Kaslorn principle, and in tho first of llio kind in tho Slnto. Tho factory Ih using thu milk of GOUcowb, mailing about 000 pounds of chin to pi r day. They inako their checHuof illll'erel.t tlztH, varying in weight from H to 81) pounds. One of their largest Hl.ed chrcsci was glvou awiiy to thu vIhIioih at tho 1'avillon on August 2!Hli. One of tho proprietors of tho factory, Mr. I'aynu, who Inn charge of tho exhibit, wax on duty, ehecxo-knifii In hand, dlHpeuHlug "(lulu of ihoi'xo to tho pleased and " appre ciative aiidienci'." The Heme ul out the dairy stand on this occasion presented onool I ho live liest and most satisfactory npiHodin tint has In en witnessed at tho I'avilion. Tho hands thulwtrn eiigi rly reached forth to riceivii a morxel of ihieHiMviro truly ol "allxiittH and sftis," varying fioui the paw of tho llitlo hood lull) cub. In tho jmuled lingers of thu btxt droHHdl itilVs on exhibition, I,lko all other vihu were hungering and thirsting for tl o good things of Caliloriila, wo look our allotted per tlou from llio xliaip point of tho fhciKo-knifo, and, though comparatively IrcHli fioni tho Mo hawk v.illty, which m adiiiitttil to be second In mi dairy district in tlu wen Id, we coi ,cule with tho opinion nf lite uililif in o icHeiiibled on thlH occasion, iiiniml), that the i heexo then and there dispoexiil w.ixeipial to tho " good" grade of llirkiuier county I'lim-so, mid only ncoilcd ago to pirn!" it on nil eipiality with tho "licHt," It wax not dellii'iiit in clarcti i in icgard to moixliiro it was ad right; llio lluxnr wax good, with no gaieoiix xiiggosllvouuss about it; mid th'Molor huh ultiiK'lhe. It luekud, however, HOimwhat In cniiiiiiu'liiexx of gialu, and alsiiiu that "xalvy" quality xongroiuhli tit I ho tongue of the i heexo critic. Wo are, h iwi cr, willing to guamntio I lint th i Iikic ii Hied, on the mv cnxluii alludid to, would gixo a xatixfiutoiy hIio lug In this n sped on licit g kept tho proper length of time. Mr. l'a no Informs nt tlml thochecM! thus ciiKt upon tho uutirx his I rouglit him u loihI re turn niter a few lUyx, in tho form of or ders. Ho has rui cutly iccoixcd onlciN for four IlliicH llio iimoliiil or clici ho cxlnlillcil liy liini. Ho iiunouuccH hlx inleiitlon of giving the vlxi lorH at tho Pavilion an opportunity to pros peet auotlii r of his o'glity pounders. Wo wotltd tsko thix occislou to'xucgust (list tho California Cracker Co havoiillnu di.pluy of tht ir uuri'H nt iliu I'avilion in clexo proximity to tho dairy tleparluu lit, and that It might pox xibly redound to Meirudviuitugo tit cent a bar n I of cracki ih on the waxes of piiMio opinion at the I'.ilr. It is to bo hoped Unit wo will not bo HU-pi'ttfd i f liiiiugiin ax, or any teeth, to grind in IhlH eonneclu n. It ix pally fiom n bunliicHS and social xt indpoiut III il wo view the Mubjcct. Wliitgoex hi for a giaud ciuckcr and ilietso fixtival at thu I'avllioii 1 It would givo Mr. I'ax no tho gruultxt of pleasure to "como down " on xuch a 'olive occasion. Tho Pc liilnma faeloiy iino an laistcrii made vai; aim wo hoiim licit) xuggcxt Unit this ix an articlo thill hIioiiM, hy all means, bo nude at home. It ix extremely cumbi'motnc, mid expen sive in Iriiuxporliitfen. Then. Is no vt at tho l'axt that ix acltiiti4lodgid ax Hit vat. New prim iplex arc being oxolxcd, and iinpiownients uro being imide cutiiiiiiilly, and there is mi morn reason why tho diiry world should sub mil to oiio particular cheese-vat, thin tluit the faru.ing coiiiiuuiilly Hhmild th pnid entirely on one chin n or on ono plow. Let ux hivo Home l.'idifornlii checso-xotx, nixing the cot oft runs Hrliilion, and allowing i.ur own Inventors i.nd uiicliaulos thu credit and protlls gtoniug out of their couxtri cliou. Our IVtulumit tileuds xe tho hemv, bulled tin clu'i'M-hoop, and in making tin ir cheese they ut ihoHau l'raiicixco Union llox I'liclory ohecse-lxix, which ;ivox good talislactlou. Mr. llcglcr uUo exhibits in thix dipiiitmiul Four Boxes ol duller lVom tlio diiiiitx of S. C IVrolval, Alltrl Vox I'.. Herald and II (luld.igcr, nil of Touuilcx Hay. There oro four brnnds of (Ins butter. They are merely nimph x ol tho cotiHigumcuts tint Ml. Heglir ix uentinually rcceUing ux xgtlit lor thu (iraiigu dally pioductdtp.irtuient. T hexo Kixcx ol butter luvo tho warning cardx " hnudsotr ' placed nium them, but thtro ix nothing twill oUmt pockct-lnlvtH, ami visitors, can, und do, Kiunple Ihrm without laving haudx uihiii the inviting, musUii-clad rolls Wo con fcx having liecu Mining thu iaMcix of this but ter, mid of having hud our conthli mo in Culi- irorutx nutter ivutliuusl Ihcirtiy, Tim box containing inn tuitter were mudo by Swan ,V Co., of tho Union I lux Factory, and dm declar l. si to Iw superior In anything of the kind ee net u iu our markets. Mr, II. informa tl that thu bnxlitrix of bis utjtticy ix Htoadtly liicrcasiii).', mid ix now hav ing ax much dairy prolutv ociixigiitsl t it as any lumo in the elty of San Fmucitoo, Theio am now on the xhrlves of Mr Htylcr's etb IMiment four Uige chese from the Oakland factory; J. (J, Kisk, owner. Stiuut WTKutNU.--Au crliuuto fouudtsl on private! Inquiry, UlU us that the cwt lor labor in watering the irtu of Uuidou avtragew attout i.'iai,tKK) pr annum, the eot of water being additional. It is contended thai the whule of this watering call he acooiuplishcd in a far mora eflVeliial and advantageous maunrr, by a Vhtem ol vortuQriitly Uld ple, for an ripenditure of K lhu -lil.OOO prr anuutu In labor; while the iuterct upou the pUu uecea Mrv for the purine would uot exewd r.H),000, making the total yearly csxt of watering (ei elusive of the water itaoll) oulyfir'Ja.CX, Iu ted of A-iaa.lKW. fulfder. Cuau aoap ia made by uaiiw tllow!for the gtt and toda for the alt all The Crab Apple. From thD PtclOc itnril Plena. Homo of our friends aro desirous of popular - izlng the Sibuiiau crab applu in California, This, it soems to us, is injudicious The move- incut has undoubtedly been incited by par- donable Eastern preferences. In many places at the East, whoro the llht of fruits is more contracted than with up, tho Siberian crab apple has bocomo quite a favorito within the lakt few years, Thu misfortunes that havo Dilation tuo plum nlnce tho advent or tno is wlllial alltllo tcai in curcullo have added to the intertst felt In tho Binding his rlpo oldngc crabupplo. Fruit growers hnvo sought in tho ,,, ... i,..tir,. tof latter o Hubstltuto Yor tho former fruit. The,1" ' ,,J 1'HIou last wc hi fallen tho plum nlnce the advent of tho plum, even in its bei-tduyx, was grown at tho East principally for preserving. Certain vari- ply was cut off tht ro was a dooith of material I for Homo (,a)B. nnd has taken it out of his for proFerving, and various other fruits wero picket every night, to sco if it was there. A pun ndly substituted, amoDg which tho Plum friend told him ho mutt not put it in tho box, smat vZ8e,loUsof pear, thtcilL ' tut must get a piece of paper from the driver, on wore also used. Tho yellow and red varlo- iollowing directions, ho astoniBhod himself by tics of tho Siborlan crab apple had recently ring ng tho boll; astouUhod the driver by prc liet n introduced as ornamental treex, tho fruit xtntiug the fivo-cent piece; and tho driver os being coimldorod entirely nsolewi. In tho scar- tonishtd everybody by opeuing tho door uod city of other fruits for prexcrvex, jellies, Jnins, fcoldlng him for not putting the money in th; ilo families began using tho crab apnlo for I uox; ttua procooded to put it thcro liimxolf. I thio purpose h, and found It tho best substltuto 'naJo mnuoiandtim of tho occurrence for tho for tho plum yet discovered. It has no char-1 uenptlt of tho railroad companies generally. It netiiintlo flavor, but ix pleasant to tho taslo 'rc"J "h". Uncivil cur-drivors are honost in when prosorvod, and possesses considerable proportion tp tho squares of their grulTnois." riclmr hs. For beauty tho preserved crub upplo Tho same driver threatened to etop all night citilinllin i.T...llnit l.v nnv Imll Tho mlnlulnr.. Oil tllO traCK to mitke II COUtlle of dolinaUeiltS apple pi xiosses remurkablo uniformity nf bIzu pay up thoir fare for ridlug to tho lair, where and Hbupe, and hax a clear, waxen look. It we now bring up. remains whole, even when fully cooked; and Wp mudo our way to where tho Iaiii Daily. with tho stem adhering. It Ix iiUiijh preherved uh being printed, for p ittrfamllias elcired to in this coiiditiou. It Ix ono of iho meat at- feo his progeny in print, "und I hcern tho cd iractivo and pleasantly caton prexervtH wo ever "" ,H, P''r was going to be iu It pretly soon," pluced upon the table. An addition it claim in ?". "; As hu watched tho "tly" so swiltly lavor l tho crab applo Ix its clcannexx; being , wying down tho manifold thoughts of tho cell freo from woims, even In tLumoxt wormy fruit tor and hix correspondents; as he saw tho rigiousof the East. cards and iidvoitisemenls of tho entorprisiug As uu ornauit-utid treo In door-yards and huslncss men of llio city duplicated so rapiuly; lawns, It Is highly piized in mime of tho and ax ho peered acro-s at tho apparontly btlll Eastern Hlati s. Wo havo never seen its equal more rapid motions of tho folder, ho charged in beauty whin in full blocm, Tho bloxioms u'8 tobacco silently from cno fido of his rcHcmblo thoxu of Iho common at plo in form, mouth to tho other, and htudlcd. I soon found hut aro much larger, moro brilliantly colored, out what ho wax Bpeculutlug upon. Suddonly and cling to tho treo twlco us lmg. Tho icd turning to me, ho xaid, "That pictor in our old and yellow varli ties nro distinguishable by tho book ot old licit 1-rauklin s press was jiibt like color of tho bloBsoiiix; and when tries of i cider press. Ditln t they havo theso kind both colors aro twit fully arranged about a tllt' ? , And I t-xplaincd to hlmns well as I residence, they priseiit, whllo In bloom--tho I f,01lItl tho various iniprovomouts in tho printtug surroundings la lug in kecpiiig-tho most i " fro tLotlrht prexxes that obtainod tht ir beautiful htght tint can lio imaxliud. Tho ' PlVr jromii Bitup.o pcrow worked by a liver, fruit ix also Lc.iiitiful in nil hinges of itsgrowth. "I t tho present xlyla of cylluder presses, as Tho treo is n remarkably uniform and proline , fxeiiililillcd by that now in Uho in tho 1'avillon. bearer, and llio treo rtitalux its fruit into in the Loiild a muro striking exampio of tho world's toaxoii. Even tho tree itxc II Ix oruumoutal and i Pfogrosx bo pluotd belore the eyes of tho poo ix hnrdy ami long lived. , I''',' tl" "i" PJ;Ii tho two presses nt work Still wo would not advise tho Inert used cul- il" '.'' Ht.lo --Irutikllii k oil ptexx nnd your tiviitiou of llu crab annlo in California. It would bo of uu iuo txcint for home couxumi tion, ns other ami le-s favored fruit fcclioux can grow it in abiind nice, and can piohably ixcedo us In the biauly both of tho fruit and tho true. Ah an ornamental treo it might be dtslrah'o for it variety; ax It would add to the htnuty nf any tusti fully laid out place. For Ihlx iiuriiuM) ono of tmeli color would bo fulfil- elent about any rorldeuco. Oriiamculal gar- ilenlug Hi li.illforula is evlilcntly iti fee live lu regard to variety. It ix Inclined to givo us too much of a good thing. Tho red and yel ow Kill, rtuli iir.iM imliliia uinll.1 liitlti t.i r. 1I..L'.. 1 1 la monotony; but iu regard to the fruit, it ix not worthy of our eowdd. ration. '! hero nro miiiio fewaddltioiHlbatwocaiiadvaiitagooiulyniiiko .. . .. ... ." - to our list of fruits, but this is not uiiiuiu! llu iu. Dispute About the Wheat Estimate. From the I'u-Mc Kuril l'rviui ) Alexander I)i liuar has publlkhed in thu Inter- Otrutt another letter on the wheat aubject, cril- icixiii( recently published predlclious on the sumo subject by Kiilu, Jackxou und James Sun- uerso.i, iiriuxu wine rx. .vlr. dackson est i mutes Hint the world, outxido of (Ireat Hritaln, will himiSrt.thKl.lHMIbuxhelx of who it to sell, whllo tho hitter will havo to buy only II 1.00(1.000 to 7'J,OOH,tklO bushels. Ho predicts a serious dc- cliiioln tho price ol wheat, and rcckotix tho amount that will bo saved to (Ireat Hritaln by this decline at $ll."t.0tl0.000. These estimates iiimi I'l.iuiiinuiiin .in. iiiumi i iiuLiBiit iu mi. lows: ' First. Ax to his estimate of the llrilixh mr., wiuiii no juiis in iij.niM.utio 10 j-o,. paiieiicoi lucre iusiiaycii. miner tlio jiic OOO.OlHI bushels, ho giex no quniiiitstivo basis turn reprtscnttd u town iu Spain, a hamlet in of acreagti nor of average yield, as SandeiHou Mexico, or uu ancient l'ueblo Iu California, and I havo done, but quotes vague nnd frag- was a hcen t only known to the educited few. meiitary opinions (mm various local newhpa- If only ono can know tho name of the pet peix in England, and comex to a bold but in- sou or ex cut Miught to bo represented, tliey xiitllcieiilly xuppoilod conclusion ol his own can invest it with their own ideas of tho sar in u lump sum of biuhcls having a range from roundiugxpricr to the time and place, and minimum to maximum of no less than 8,000,- study it much more xitisfactorily totlitmselvex, 000. though not iilwiies with so much credit to tho Second.-llo bases tho consumption of tho (winter. My graudstro putioiiliirly found fault United Kingdom during the ensuing leu est mth the picturo ot an caglo, niirei-ented to year, IK7I ft, tipoii the population of 'ii 000,. have just iiirlvodnt itx next with u Iamb and a 000; whereas, mvoidmg to llritish ollloiul hare, and no eaglets there. "They iluii't do tables it will ho nearly IIJ.f.OO.lHH) in the mid- that,' t-nlil lin'ilmy rton't c irry K'ttuo to tlu iuHt Miminer of ISi I. It will bo considerably moro only when ihey lno xoung ones." Make a iltitiug the xear to come. nolo of this. Mr. Hill, and let tho birds hatch Ihlrd. Ills estimate of tho wheat crops, out a brood for your nxt t xhibit. He wns consumption and siuplus ot the rot of tho hpeeiully delighted ut the specimen of itcu world ix lased iqiou no evldonce which he ad- ilrawingbyF Sercgnl. It rt presents ,i laud duces or refers to, or that Is known to exist, to ipe ncene, wllh quite a bo.lv of water, and HoKiuiply axscttxihst, 'judging from accepted the artn-t'x name, in huge block letters. Ixiug present extlumtex, tho United Slates. Uus-ia, in the foreground m though for stepiiiinrhtoiies llung.irv, (leruiany, lranco mid Turkey will across the outlet of the like, "Tlure, theio 1 have nn aggregate mrplus of 88,000,000 buiih- tee that mouse Hint hax crawled upon that ids ol wheat. ' block." t-aid iho edd man excitedly. And it Mr. Delmar also edijcots to accepling Jack- there hadlvena eat iu Iho houe I veiily bo sou esiiiuaio oi me wncat crop ot tlie United of Aug. Uth. was till raiting, when he talks of the txiortablo wheat surplus ol that country, Dclumr siya tlut, assuming llio crop of bread- ., ii,in.r. -.,.... ,...i iu.? niv. n.u i. "i . r ... .. iv,.., mwuiii uiuimi, .... i lumri ..urn e no uoi know Mini u cannot talk to yon learmtly ortlio many licuutl Is ourselvts, much lesi what the surplus will ful sccues theierepresculeil, but was etcciallv lie, and th nks Hint ho has forgotten the fsm- attuck with that which I suppose reprcentc'l lue iu liiikey, which, iitvordini! to the Ti'iiim h nijlit ..m1.t in tl,.. m.i f ev,n.u-Ln ti... Miiiim in inn i ii i itui pr ki ! mi j tiiii t .i iu i. .. .. .. ........ ................ ...,..,,.. j. , , i,Kv, nun rcBcurcn is inai repreeutiug mo enrono- aihl leaving the conclua on opeu to be detlued logical hl.tory of man. I thought my grand hi the luoveuie'iit of grain crops of Coutineu-. sire would certainly have bl bed and lioard lal Kurope, and 1 stiiuatiug the ciirrent Hrili.h ' brought up in the galery, while be follomsl wheat croit at tJ.l(XUK0 bushes, the deumml iLi!..ir .i.,.ui i,,,, M ....i.... . ' ' . . . '." ' '" m " wuiiei Kiug- wlieio recordisl upon it. Hut tho band strnck .um.V Ir' . l0!? b,VUfU l e;oucluaionu,up 'Home, Swtet Homo," and we qulellv that the Hinted hmgdom would import graiu i submitt d ourselves to the tender mercies o'f uiun iliu iiuimi oiaies uuriugiue emntug taar-1 ttbi jrar iu iuo amouui oi w.uuu.iuju tnniiiew. SuxknrMirriLlloxKs The feature of nor - elty of a ront iuventlou cousiat in making cvitaln parts of thin Hhtet mttxl lioxee, namely tho hiuge and the soling catch Fimt, by Uud - lug the edge ol the back of the box and coxer over a pieco of wire so as to form a hinge, and, MCtuidly, iu tending over the frout edge of the lid or cover aid also beiidlug the top edge ot the frout part of the box, so that when the lid Is forced down it forma a secure eiuiDi! faateu- log. A Nftw Faaaio, Cotton and wool are first euiled separately rn separate carding ugiue. and then mixed by pressing them together through ttlrd oaidlug engine, aud the silver obtained U subaeqaeniiy formed into yar. WILLAMETTE FARMER. A Farmer at the Institute Fair. From the Ficltlc Rural Fre.) ' EoiTonsPnKss: Inm pleased to rccolvo your kind invitation to continue my remniks up- on the Fair nnd its attending experiences, Grandfather sayx ho is " right down glad to f eo ono o' my boys in print, and am sartaiu suro to call on Ihcm printer men afore I have this tro pl.ico." Hut I don't daro to trust tho good old man fur oil In tho busy parts of the city, as ho is getting rather tlow in his motions, and is withal alltllo irccn in city ways, notwitb- age. As wo started out ctrk, in one of Wood- words otic-borsocats.ho had a tolitary live-cent j lece, rind must needs pay his own faro just to eylliulor press Anil llio old man wanted to nao nts iiiimo tinmen uy tuo llitlo job press, but ho wax afraid tho hoy would spell Jcthro with an I, and Hut would havo spoiled his whole visit. Wo tried to get a closer inspection of some of thu machinery, but iho crowd of women around tho-e iu operation was ho great that we were Ion ed to mo vo nil' and tikoatum in tho gallerlus. Wo listumd to tho "mimic" beaten out of tho pianos, and Grandfather "poke- my iiitud wlitti He olnoivod. " I wish tiny weiild quit thntiliuniplngandplayiitune. Tin til fellerx are jest lil 'riox to play Hid fiddle; ln-'x all the '"'""B " "Ul1 ,lt'Vt,r Ki to tho tune." , Iho sewing machines particularly i l.l.. ..It. IllllM. f.lt.l 1... I.I..1....I f..... ..... iw mm nnwycr until mi tluio a attracted his iiltiiiliou. and ho looked from ono to Him either and tiled to understand tho difference, l'atieully li'tenlug let tho oxplaualious given of tho goed qualltiex of each, he rem irked, " I can't Mi-o nitich dill'ereuce iu any on 'tiu, and they all tell me just the tamo; 'pears to me one man could tend 'em all just us well as nut. Efyour grandmother had had one of them, hho needn't to havo gut bo near blind sewing o' nighta to make Jul's clothes to go'to college Ax wo jiusxed thobeiutiful display of furs, I H(W m, ,(, ,, ,, iu ,, ly(i lu,(f ,,,; oftno fn,,c to hlx head, itud was just barely in time to stop him fiom knecking the xhapo out of a hkunk xkiiimull'. Iu his vonriL-er dux on of tlnwn Bwict-hcuntcd deceivers had got tho best of , him, nnd tho sight of his nnciint ODcmyiu any ituiso arouses all his evil missions. He was lo.t In w-ombr as w lunnml nltm, iuo iieiiiiiuui iiimv ol uiiicv work anil iilclurex. but complained that no uamo appcartd upon so ni'iny of the productions ol gtniux (or lieve he would have gone for it the cat I vh;or, grouping, fidelity to nature in posture of the whole iiicce. is a study for a dav. Aud what an extraonlinaiy wotk of iwHence :.".". : -. " ."""-. vi--"uk nuii tue family name of tllaukttii.es some- another holiest 'one-horse" driver, and bade you and the Fair good-night. VtstTOi. 1 DwiamcTAXT iw MotTH-Wisii, A very ' weak eolntiou of prmanganat ol potash will j destroy iuitantly any taint from diseased teeth 1 or imperfectly-cleaned plates, and shonld alwayab nied to rinse the spittoon in hot ! weather tvery time it is made use of. It is .cheap, satisfactory, almost tastele. uot I polaonou, and quite free from smell, It may ' satisfactory to some to know that this will remove the taint of smoking from the breath. ' 1 I ... - .L l. II, . j .. . . if need a a month-wash. il ints for Uu Uxbr- utory. Fixa Macuxxa Oiu To prepare an excel lent machine oil, mix CO parts of oleine with 40 ot olive oil; or 60 of olatae, 10 ol clear par aflse oil and 10 of oUve oU. ,w Cloud Bursts. From the Taclfle llural Prces. Editor3 Pncss: The reoent disastrous local ( minimum qnantlty ol real milir, mixed with a floods that have partially destroyed the towns maximum quantity of water, under tho name , " , . L. . ,i t,.- j.n , of milk, it is somellmes interesting to compare of Eureka and Austin, Nevada, and havo done gamplea oJ guch mjk fo w purPe a vast amount of damage to property in other o( determining tho amount of water added, portions of tho State, havo probably directed English chemists have devotod considerable at publlo attontlon to tho somewhat singular nat- temion to this subject, because thero a law P . , . . ,, i,i exists punishing adulteration in food nnd raed- ural phenomena popularly known as cloud ld)0i j we Ba fre(jUentlv have ocoion m bursts, water spouts, eto. Tho idea seems to i re(er to their observations. The tpeclflo graT bo generally prevalent that tho phenomena are ' Ity of milk, as indicated by hydrometers made nothing moro than very violent thunder show-1 'of tho purpose, does not servo to detect care- , , , . . ,.,, it,,. i,a fully-conducted watering. Tho average don ors, and such indeed they truly are. But the g, 'f gQod Jre mk fg about 1032 causes that precipitate such immense falls of ' milk fat is lighter than water, tho moro cream water over extremely limited areas oro very I tho milk contains tho lower its specific gravity, olosely allied to thono which form water spouts Jjhi'? skimmed milk has a higher speclQo gray ,,J . .,..,. .. ity than unskimmed milk. Uonco it is poss- on tho ocean, or other extended bodies of water, ,b-j0 t0 j,r08etvo the normal density in watered i. e., air thoroughly Baturatt-d with moisture, milk by first removing a portion or all of the meeting with cooler counter currents, and mov - ing in circlos of small radius. Water spots aro caused by currents of air moving in opposite .ILxiIah.. mxIIhi amiI aMfltln) lit tdDinr rho wateUrin the vSrt:' TheV usually form S doublo cono p; the upper pne, with apex .down - ward, consists of a verv dense cloud. The low- ru, consists ot a very uonse ciouu. ine low- ..., ...in. iio ., (,, r ,,nn,r.i nnn.iata nt n column of wator eometimes several hundred foot in hlght. They occur most frequently in regions subject to alternate storms aud calms, and owo tneir origin to miniaturo circular storms or whirlwinds. But to return to our Nevada wator spoutt, for such they really aro, or would be, did a body of water exist for the formation of tho inferior cones. Wo find in tho Novada basin all tho conditions most favorable for their for mation. Duriug the summer aud autumn months, miniaturo sand spouts can bo seen utmost any day on any of tho cand or alkali plains so common in tho Interior basin. Somo times several of them will bo in sight nt the samo tlnio, all moving in different diroctious, sometimes iu right lines, moro frequently in ciiolcs. The ximo rnuses operating in thu up- Iter currents of air form the so-called cloud iitrsts or water spouts. About tho middlo of July, or perhaps in somo seasons as lata as tho first of August, tho rainy season sots iu in Arizona and Northern Moxiio, and llio warm southern current of air, only partially deprived of its vauor. folloainc tho course of tho valleys, is carried to tho i north far Into the 'ilrniit Hindu." Itilln wliot.i courto it passes almost altcgallur over baro T'' solution of fat Is placidiuu larger weighed alkali plains und valleys destitute ot vorduro dish, nnd tho other gently ovuporntod bv pine und intensely heated; consequently, its torn-' ln " 'n warm wator. When, toward the cIojc, per.iture is constantly increased, unit its capao-1 " becomes turbid, the dish is placed on a water Uy for moisturo in a corresponding elegrco, I bath and hoatoil to 100 0. for n shcrt time, until it becomes thoroughly saturated, when, ' until it is dry, when it is weighed. Tho weight meeting with tho cooler currents from tho i of tho fat, subtracted from that of tho total north, it is suddenly condensed nnd precipitated "1"k solids, gives tho amount of milk solidsnot Iu violent showors of rain aud hall, often , '" a very important ditum, ns It Is tho most accompanied by wonderful electrical displays, constant quantity iu milk analysis, and gives, Such storms aro ol almost dally ocenrronco J a vety simple cilculation, tho extont of duriug July aud August. In early morning tho , wntering to which tho milk has hot n subjected, sky is vory clearnot n cloud from zenith to The determination of casoin ix usually un horizoii; about 10 o'clock light, lltccy clouds ' necessary, but may bo mndo to prove that tho bigiu to gather over tho mountain rauges, and roM was adulterated with skim instead of so quick is thu condensation of vapor, that in water. 'Iho portion insoluhlo iu ethor is ex less than DO minutes tho whole heivons will be j traded with strong alcohol, then with boiling oovortdwith dark maestri of thunder clouds water, dried up iu a w at or bath, weighed, ig (cuiuull). nllcd, tho ush weighe el audits wolnht subtracted Most of those storms, however, pass off ' 'rom tho previous wtight of casein anil ash. without doing any damage, but occasionally The rosult is crude caxeiu, including, of tuo conditions nro favorable for tho formation ' course, thu albumen. Tho nse of skimmed of uloud-burxtsorwater-Bpouts. Tho southern milk is slown by tho presence of more casein currents of moisturc-ladt n air meet with Hum the natural quantity, and lots butter or cooler counter currents uud tho storm, instead fat. of paxilug quietly on its course, ix deflected The determination of tho total nsh is mado iuto ii ciroo somellmes less than a mile in ly simply evaporating 5c. o. of milk to dryness diameter, whero it appears toremaiu stationary, i and iguiliug over n spirit lamp or ltunseu bur sometimes for hours, apparently collecting nnd ner. If less ash is found than usual, chalk or condensing all the vapor iu tho air for miles or other minora! adulterant has been employed, arouiid, and in somo cases actually pouring it Journal of Apitltttl Chtmhtry. through tho vortex of the aerial maelstrom in a solid column to tho earth below. Most nsually, ConN Hcsk Fuamkb. - An agricultural ex however, the discharge txkcx place iu tho form chango has tho following : Corn husk frames or hid stones or rather lumps of ice sometimes , way bo mado very prottlly and slnVplv by hxk more than nn inch in diameter, Intermingled ing pasteboard or tfiick paper to seVthe husks with rain drops of wonderful size. on. Then eolect your husks; take fine white Tho sudden condensation ot such immense ones, but not tho tfnet. Tako u husk and cnt quantities ot vapor develops an unusual , into strips three-quarters of an Tineh Vide anil amount of electricity, aud as u coiiioqueuco all threo inchos long. Then double it tn.T,., . a il til krixpiiij iiu nmtitiit (..i .. .i..i..a OUVM muinn IHO uv L.WilillillllCI.1 W1L11 YlIllfllL n twill DO i tnnA fl electrical dUturbances; v vid flushes of light- Ihoso around 'tho'ins del, tho frame10 Nex ii iigqiiloklyfo lowed by loud peals of thunder, cut a piece tho length of the bowanc the same time innumerable electrical spares shoot run t.ou in ciouu in tiiiioK Buccesslon. lit- thftn nn iurh Iu tlfj)th, which, guthoriuR in tho uoitom or somo u arrow c.iuon, moves forwuril ... 10 or even 15 feet in hlght, ttaring up and xweei ing before it giant trees, massive boulders, iu fact, an) thing aud even thiug that happens to be ill its coiirie. Hut Mich ' Inmw 7, ..nJ MJl.illtl.il til tit., i.iiitnil.ilnj f.tl....,. .!... .......... W....M1. ...u UIWHIIM.IU1 -I.IUUU, UIPI 0(.CUI iiiiui' ax irequiiuiy in me valleys, uut tlio cou- Uy lu the valleys, but the cou- lof a'mti, Jflo'od''1' 'r0m U'8 i oi n moxiiig lloo l. unions oi level mm disuxtrnux elleets i The writer xvusuii eve-witucss to a ktorm of tho kind which took place on the 4th of Au- gust, lbi3, in the valley near the south end of rancikomonntiiin. Tor at least four hours d one soot onrincimi 1 a circular .'.' .ft..c.'ri" aJ .uu piuuu vuuiuii io ceuier iirouiui i from till points ol the compass. Tho fall of water, or rather ice, covere ol forests on the mountains. Hamilton, Nevada, Sept. 10th IttmnxB Hoksk Snow. The invention of a ruuuer snoe for nurses promises much. The i.i. i'ivuiiai-1 luutu, Xiie Is designed as a substitute I d as a means of nr.-vn.Im, uew form oi snoe ii for the iron shoe, and mt.v(.'i xwvti uiun nnu Kivat liiDiiiiiv: hi inn wiiitti nf flxu hiub EiilHIOd Willi n uhiirn riiilfliiu tiiiict tilnlnlt iiidible to a rYo-o o LeVv Thn T. uT f, i "" "!. U" lm 0M in W "! Hi ,. I nf ,. . , i n7. i.i; . ,.T. ' l ."' " ' """" V PI"B ?. row ot bows; then n;, h n,,;- -:r. ,;:,: ; x: : ;rr :, son,.c "i"0 ,ltw.s " rk. and .-i.i. Vi Jt i ...i. ,::.r;: r .:'... .""". P. 'cnginwise oi tno irume not crosswi ivitti niivr ui lUVJlllIK WIUl'I. BUIllt'llUJL'S LUUTU IwtrnfA Tim r... . II.. t.t.,. mv. iuiig IU.III II IUIIII 111 lllllllicicr. HUll KOllltlnn nftr. .-l,l..l. .!. .. I . mii.thiive been extriordinary. ux the ground 2 Qreit. remained as white as iu mid-w inter for St least ll in 'few Thourx a ill nmnl,?koS pIace' sixty hours, under a burning August sun. Dur- g Vhleh ix brokr,. c.nipoct mass re- ing the past summer ono ot these storms took fie Those frao',",,,! u ,r?Bmo,?,s wi,1a place iu the vicinity of Currant creek, where, itt&umJSrtlut ' ,,UreBate !rom the tesiimonof reliable eyewitnesses $?! . r.Iarlx"c0ns Z 'm'i 1Uej'ar0 the fall of water must have approximated one! uUj wS cedll.n ie11 tntULe' half inch per minute. Iudeeel so oreitwasie ? reducetl j Ield oxcellent nlloys. The that the rouuTa genUo1 dnq.Tlty was ' ov! '0"t T maaneL"' Uom 20 eredtoatVepthof 10 inches iu le.s than thirtv t femriHrft. SSS.!' "ol ,n tbo "'-''PH"-uS.eof these niuium it ii mcii oi veriuire in ine vainvs. mm A. J. B. .i. .... M..i..nA. . i . . . r . . . i of oue pari ot chloroform to five of petroleum render the latter incapable of combustion nn. - ' ---- -v. iu, luiiiuuQ til the former has evaporated. In an ttwH. I ment. a litre ot burnine netxolum :y V :i over a surface of ten souare cntlmra .. extinguished by throwing upon it fifty cubic centimetre ot chloroform. mi- uiiii wmnuirs io wuicu uorses teet are 7 , "" poisoning aubject, The inveutor cltims that horses suf-' nvin8 "J cansed by astwyshot leftafterthe fenng with cracked or contracted hoof, and I'v0"' M-lordus, in the Compta Jitndw, similar paiulul hurts, are quickly curexl by the aTca,!1i e J o clippings of iron wire In substitmlou of the rubber covering for the nu- J , v lT 8?ot- Tney Me Ms"y got, and jielJiug metal shoe. Tho elasticity of the ,Mn .ttles quicker and tetter than lead lormer alloas the hoof to remain in its natural f?" .fue "on is attacked by oxygen, bat the ahape while protected from abraaion against oxi e ,,8 not clirS ,0 'he g'M and ii easily pavements by the heavy rubber sole beneath remoyeu- bf rinsing. In cases were even the As compared with iron shoes, the cost of the Pm.ut) race c-f iron left behind would ba ot rubber ones is about oue-lhird more, aud their Jec,lonable, clippings of tin may bo used. weight ia some 40 per cent. less. Sixteen sizes " are manufactured, so that accurate fit may be " Wb &hould accustom ourselves to self-denial pbtaiued. With reference to wear the dura- nu" I'atient waiting; for tho blessings God bihty, owing to the flue quality ot rubber used, reserves for his people are like fruit which is very great. will be wholesome when it baa time to ripen bntwill certainly be noxious if greedily and Testing Milk. Since it has bocomo enf tomnry for milk deal ers to endeavor to naliu offon their enstomera a . cream, and toon adding just enough water to bring it back to its original density. To ascer tain the amount of water added, it is necessary to determine, by analysis tho quantity of fat , present in the;milk. ' John Ilorsle joun norsley, t a. s,, . "TV, T'V" ." X",l"l manner: A Bias? moo. ii inencs long nnet tnroe-iptirths of b--- --, - ,. ,-- -o ; .----... U4 an inch in diameter, is 'graduated from ten j inches down, one-fifth of its length, into ten Pcr oont., Lor hundroeltus. A toblespoonful, 15 ? " " toy grains, oi miiK is nrst pourod into the class tube,; a similar hulk of ether is next pourod in, nnd tho tube closed with a thumb or cork, and agitated for four or five minutes. An equal mcasuro of alcohol is next added and tho wholo well shaken for at least flvo minutes moro, when, on placing it in an upright posi tion on a stand, the oily or fatty matter will rise to the surface and can bo easily read off. Each lino will correspond to 4.15 grains of solid butter, as proved by experiment. Milk which has 10 per cent, of cream will show two lines of butter oil, or 8.3 grains, for 250 grains of milk. If desired, the butter may ho drawn off and weighed iu n small platinum capsule. Mr. Wixuklyn prefors to evaporato 5 c. c. of tho milk to dryness in a weighed platinum dish ovor a water bath. Tho operation requires at least three 'honrs. Tho residuo equals tho total milk solids, and averages, with u sample of good couuiry milk, 12.15 per cent. This residue is treated with ethor and heated to boil ing, aud the solution poured through n Bmall uiier, xno operation oi coning and pouring oil I tho etherial solution be lit! relit nteel three limns ' together. Now take ymir needle a, Tm.e very fine throtich the center, an ll,.,.".i" on tho tako turn and so as fruiuo.' mlfin nf in Take n thin pieco of board and mako a fnime iiaeo your glass between your paper your paper frame down smoothly Yon will thus have a nice rustlo frame. Heautif ul liTllo card basket ,m,l !,.,,, ,.;:,." I1!..' L1,l, r""iJ ."""7 """'.' "' ma" ,u8y u0 m'"0 Nkw Alu)ts.-A patent has been recently . 0VinC,, '" 1'ri,nC!for ob,,Uulu . witj, mauganeso. t tanium. tunoxt.n umim n i, ; .Z11 " "' ,"S !,mw' '?"!' etc. According to the lltvut IiulustrUIlt, scrap nionge coustlv mineral coutaiui iron nun iron turnings and filings, or iron rpuugo e-oustiy pulverized, are lulsed with w'D,-rftU ''?, "S "" "muganese, tungsten, '"w" i",m r " llc'um' ,aUo Plre3, in Ml nWa rf'Pnrtions, and moistened uniformly ' completely with an ammoniseal or an anlfl and tungsten, or of all combined, are readily' procurable. The temperature required is Tery Cleinsino Dottles w-mi Vmnuni .v... , . . -- .. w wn. Uu,ha,9 be?n repeateuly called to the danger ?f cleansing bottles with Bhot. as is coinmonlv ilmia manw f.aada ia..j t i f.vuiuiuici, Kuiuerco. Cleaksino Bbonzi. A dilute solution of .""u .?." . f"T ?J'nB , JA Ct A AllBkff. . 1 . t . allows the creen rj&tina to hcnm i.it.u Nhere the metal was not originally oxidised the alkali simply cleanse it, and does not pro mote any formation of green nut. Auuk luiiu) tun uuiur