, i - I.lttCXt ,V(!HS lt!IIIN. Tho Lincoln Htntue, which Is to bo Uodlcut eil wion at Mnrlngfleltl, 111., t.s completed at llhlcopon, Mush., mid n Mjieclal cur ha ar rived to carry It to It destination, Tho Incomplcto rettirriN of tho registration of laxalile piopurty In tho city of I'lilladnU Jihlrt (tour dlvlhlons bcln still unaccounted) show hii Incrraso ot 11, WW nmiicH. Tho total number of registries Is H(.",ii!l. Tho Itev, Arthur Walmn, Chaplain In tho llojal Navj, was In a pit of the Gaiety Tin utre, Dublin, and tlmm persistently ntid frequently ilr-rluitil that tho oiiera perform era wem "danuied Impostors." Arthur was Dned forty kIiIIIIiiks. Julius I. Mendelssohn, who claimed to be a km of tho ureal musical composer of that jiuino, as cnnvlcled on Friday, In New York, rf (orrery and entenced to live jours' Imprisonment In the bliito Prison, llo com mitted suicide on Saturday. All Soil. On thn Ith of July, at (MTotn. Chirk coun ty, Iowa four men worn killed and twelvo woiukIkI by IIhi explosion ot a pilo of cart tldiits Intended for caution. Jlurlrt: tlin lirrillo hall-Morm In Clayton rounly, Iowa, ricenlly, mm hail-slonoa foot In clrc uinfrri n chiiki iTiixliliig through thn roof ol a house, Tlio crops v, ere entirely mined. The yacht I'oam, of thirteen tons htirdeu, which Ii It Toronto the other evening with rlnlit p) remit, on IkiiiiI lor a trip to NlagurH, jias l'i n IoiiihI, but there aro no tldltiHof tho crew. 'Jin to wire no llreworlts In Itenilliii;, l'a., on the r'niiilh ol .Inly, tin Moiiday the boys jmri(il It, ih.n and ynilepiu suits, bear Jiitr a liBiim i n.hcribtil ''Nu Fireworks No Oliiiv." NOTICE. Ttoti( i" is nr.nrii tiiM.N to Tin: mui X Mill.iri- lii Hi, lanital Milk iiHIii- llllMK MAM tS.CH I IMi 1 1 Ml AN Hint Hum will bun Jiiitlli.i. !: mill Mili-iill'timl llm Auiliiillutul llnllit ItiK. Hi il.i tin i i s ' I I M ii' Minimi manly. Mali t Dnvi'ii. in il.i lillli li' "1 IMIolirr, A. U. 1H7 I, hi liii.i li'ik ii in Inr tin! piiiporei.t ilnlliiii untlirrilhhtl.iii' liiiiilin., or mill iniinl.rr ntnnr llm. Ill II In r nr III hll I kl.lillll r pll 1 III Hlhll llllci InlM' "Ml 1. 1 tin liw nullon ol null oilier htirliiirr tr rhnll I'll 1 1 111 ll Mil I'lllilll Hllll .Milling. All till Mil'Milliii- on turner lit Hiil'orted In br prercnt ( lliMII.KH W IIIIWIK, T I, IIAVI1IMIN. T CI .SMMIIIAM. .IIIII.N MINI ll. JOHN llOUNIMi, liitorporiilori.. Hull m. S !! I. IMI. NOKTH SALEM STORE "V. J... WiVOlC, AT THK MUCK HTOItK. HAH .IIIHT Ill'.CItlV oil a full ar.orlmintof General Merohandiso, Dry GoodSj Groceries, Boots & Shoes, Hardware, Clothing, dklmlatril fur thu Cllyand Country Trade. Itoueht at low, anil will (. mt,l at in, MMAl.l. A I'MIKIT. ai Uoaa who NKI.I. AT COST. IWOihmI. dclltcrfd to Mr part ol Urn i Itv ire ol cliaruu. Nutttr Best and Cheapest Pump MAI) 10, The moat Durable, and the moat Easily kept in Repair, in tiii: COMMOIN WOOD PUMP. H AVISO puiilnid nf.l V tho Capital l.nnil'i ilnij In. i luuiauiif.i tine and nil I'UI'er In. Hhop at Mill, Iain pn pared Pumps, Tubing. &c. llrjulrlui! pioiiiplly ulli n.l.-.l in. All woik war tallied. I'linip, put In at the IuIIiimIii.' pilren IJ-loot Well $li U 7 a enta for iai h addlllonnl ti'ot. AVoihI IMpo, Of Mirliuio rli., for lonieylni; watir, Ndd f heap, ri.leni Sipivir A. I'HIlNfOTT. Best OlKlXlOG ..Tt.. I N S II K i: AllAl.NST LOSS 11 V FIK E! The Phu3uix of Hartford In 1MHMI Tilt OLDEST AND MOST SUCCESSFUL INhl'IIANCi: COMl'ANIKS IIS Tl IK AVOIILU ! AND HAS DKI'OSITKII WITH THK HTATK $50,000 as Security FifOnvon paiton, AUo. for futther .veurltr. all iiollcle, iKimt In Orrvou io -Iiiuird, loo llili.l. tlllhr llllMK. of Nr nrW and the MlitTH UltlT IMI aii.1 .MblU'A.N lll.K In.uiun.e Compinli., i. lmdou ami Killni'tiiv' Hit rmuliUivil anil, of oier f ,uuii,ihhi, lima, me Strong?! 1'lrc Iusurniii'o America ! Guild in Now is the Timetolnture MAlilLI. A IIK.N.NIsOS, tiene al Arnl.. ft aiiniiiir rtreil. tau Fraiulrco. M l'olUlr. Irrurtlaud teueMild, diutl, by O. A. REED, Agent, MllJiw tal,-m Ontvu " OBO. X. SSBZZa. A 1 1 ii p n i y at Ln w . . HALKM, OIIKOON. ) near the Old Cuart-llnurv. Dxb. HAUL A REYNOLDa rbjilcliM ind SqrfroM, fUtit-Xwi"' Kick, tnl dei iWit Iva A Dill'., W. W. MARTIN, I'KACTICAL Watchmaker & Jeweler, WATCHES, Clocks, and Jewelry, Solid Silver and Plated "Ware. ACibNT FOU Accommodation Spectacles, Wliltli can lie lltkd tu nn eye. NOI.K AUKNT I'OIl KimlUii"N l'litisiit FARMERS' WATCH! (Of which he li roM llt'MlltKHS.) A'JF.NT FOU Home Shuttle Sewing MACHINES. Halem. Hept fc, 187) W. W. MAIITIN. Salem Business College, IIKKII'H OI'KIIA IIOUSi:, NtMCtl, - - - OIIIHJON. riiim vast new months iiavk vuovhn 1. Hie Mieccre of llm 1-iilmi llitslmrx Colli lie. Tills llirtilinluii Hill lltopcn .Mondit), stilt, ii, is; I, Inr tin' purport! or lit I luir I liu jiumijiiud nililillf-afcid Inr Iliiriuerr, 'ItniiiiiiKh Inrirutlliiii Hill I't'fHui lu nil (lu.'itlinuili-nf IIUOK KEM'I.NO. I'llOMllJltAl'll V Hill iil-i) tKilin imrtlcnl.ir atti-n. linn. Tmiiik: Brliil.lri'hli. Inr Ihv dill inurri-, hIUi Hie nrltl- liv nl rciliH Iiik ill iniy tlnii' flOIKI hiliiiliiirliln In IhuIii1, mui lutiiiii mltilrvii of i li'rio mi n SAO) lVmimii'hlii tHrtitl limr liffon AMI riioiinuniiliy, lulliniirMi I0(l rillllHll.'lllj'll), IhiIvi1 llPPIHll. &IO Fni lull iiirllinhiri nml ilriuliir, mtilruri' HAI.i:.M m'MNKH.i COI.I.EIIK, M'llil.lwtr Hulini. Ori'cmi JOSEP11U8 HOLMES -HAS- Grocories & Notions AT Iilw BOIMH J Halem, Kept 10, 1HTI. dll i. or h. PRODUCE HOUSE, I.ownidale'8 Building, ON TUB I.KVKK, 11KTW. WASHINtlTON AND ALUKU HTUEhTS, Portland, - - Oregon. 1UIK AltOVK-NAMEI) 1IU11.1I1NO HAS KEEN . Icarod, and will IwupeiKil to the (Inter of 1'. of II. q oral wnil Hi. llrrl ol Ma). ArrauKemeuta bate -.nmali)lo SHIP GRAIN .id all other I'roducu to Sail FrancUco, m hen dee Ired oy cou.lneee. OoiimIu:iiiiiiim OF AM. KINDS OF 1'llOUl'CK SOLICITED, Mark A, J, 1. and rend Shlppliu; Hecript to the andenlKnid. Patrons, Patronize Houso. your own T. J. BCAT&OOX. Oi. Central I'lion Com. Iff I will trauract the liurliu'r. of my ilepartintul limuith thl. Ilinirc. A. J. Dl'FClt. April '.'I, lcfTt If Slate AKeuU MAKBLE WOKKS. MONUOK Jc STAU.EK, Dealer. In Monuments Head and Foot Stones. ALSO, MANTELS, MI.. Iiii'iiit tit' IHtiill to Ortlcr ADDUKhS, A.J mONHOkM halem, Onvo". I IW.11. NTAK1KH, I Altwny, Hn'iVD. m)lf The New American IIUTTON IUH.K. OVK1I tiKAkllM. SEWIING MACHINE Id OIVINU The Fullest Satisfaction. ALL WUO TY IT AVnut No Other ! Call .tinea. 8ee Xt R. RBID, Agent, Salem, Mar 9. ItRlwtf Ctuumrnlal Htrrel. If. A J. D. LEE. DKALXR8 IN OKNKHAL MKHCIIAJIDIUI, corner of Mill and Main iln-eta, llaa, er. Ulie uvm ,u,'iu, ami " iWt.kT. COX & BELT, Druggists and Apothecaries COMMERCIAL STREET, 8ALE.1I . OttKUON, DEiLtlUjIN Chemicals, Perfumery, PATENT MEDICINES, Pure "WIhch & LIiiiorM, &c. In Moore' Block, formerly occiiplid by J.W. Souther. rilKSCHHTIONb CAKEFCLLY FILLED. Marl. wtf I. W. MEIIIDITIt. N. It. BOLKY, aSSHSSZTB A. SOX.EY, Huccorori to Smith Mi'rvUlth flDENTISTS, DENTAL HOOMB AT THE OLD KTAND, Second Floor, (IrlfMold'f.lllKk, Oppoallo I hit Hank, NALItfl. OltKIJON. ST. OHAKLES HOTEL, Corner Front and Morrison Sts POKXLAKD. r. FliCI'ROT, - - rroiirlctor. TIIIH FIRST-CLASS HOUSE HAS ItECENTLK tliaiiui'd tironrletnr. nml ofli'ri tho lliii-p accoin niodnllnn. In be fiinnd In ttm city, nml thu lii'rl lablcr, ai wit ioiiohidk low rule or pruiv: Hoard and ltoom per day 1M Mcalr M) lkdi. W Butter of It.Kinii" will be tlinr(;ul extra. Free coach to and from the rarr and Imatp. Kiry iitlentlon paid to comtort of uue.t. A lair rhare of tiatriinni:u ro hcllc-d, r.-il Salem Flouring Mills. DE9T FAMILY FLOUII, IiAKElt'd EXT1IA, XXX. BUI'KItFINK AND (1IIAIIAM, MIDDLINt'.S, 11HAN, AND MIOItTS, CoiiNtiiiitly on IXiiiul. IIlsrliOMt Prloo In CASH Paid for Wheat ATAU TIMES. IL C. KINNKY, HfPtntr Atent 8. F. M. Co BOOTHBY & STAPLETON, Manufacturer, and Dealer. In Sash, Doors, Blinds, and Aolca.lxi.8.a, BTC, ETC. BRACKET8, And all Kinds of Scroll-Sawing. HAVIKO THE DEBT FACILITIES AND THE lateal Improved wrood-wrorlilnir machinery to manufacture the alaive artlclee, will oner Inducement, to cu.umien.. AImi, WOOI-XtJIlISIISG, Inalllt.tarletleii. Orders from the Country l'romptly attended lo. Office and Manufactory, cor, of Front and State rtreetr iiutw , HALKM. dawtr JOHN B. PILKINGTON, M.D OCULIST AND AURIST, )mc-Iekum'a Iltock, FOKTLANI). Treat, a. .peclaltle. all Dl.ea.i. of the llvatl, ami parilci larly thoi-e ol the Kyc, Kar, No.v and Tliroa. Cro.i liven hlK'nI'tenwiL An'Urlil rfirea 'ii.ertinl NKAK ant FAIISIOIITKIINKSS and IMl'KII FKCT IH10.N of etrery kind. c entltlCNll treated. Dr. l'lilliilun hiiili) liifmui. tne maiK ieuoii Mho lime dniliiK ilie part tvio tearr coi'riilted him for re llifot Imp, rfi rl 1 1. Ion, that hehu.al Icucth nreli. ed lull ril ofllllAI. l.kNSKS, aud I. prepared to pnriiuie ihv prvtr eurri in eorriit ine ariou. ucl iliili-of tl.len. niu-.5 The Climax Washer. tULXM,AucuU3, 1S7I. llailnir clirn a thoroush trial tothe Climax Waher. Mkl by K. llarel, mo ihivilulh nrllty that luour miln 1 1 .ii ll I ii IK tiaarf, trttiai lliai u nrL nf iiM.klii a1, hn vtltti little on.o manual labor, and I., lu ptiroplnion! I an luui.pi'uraoiv ariieiv vwtj uourianpir .nouid ioa.er. The riwl U le.a than any other machine ue hate knowu, the work I. beltir done, and there 1. mi perceptible mar aud tear to the machine or to the llolhe. It drain.: Mr. II T Clarke. Mrtl'W llrllenhratd Mi. J A ltichard.oii. Mr. II W Cov. Mr. II K II. if h. Mia A 11 Co.prr. Mr. I. Lounhari, Mr. J liler SlnllW Kouland. Mr tl V Terrell Mm W W Marllu, Mr. V 1 lljde. MnKH btone Mr. r It Jerrlip. Mr.Tlllllcke Mnliw WlllUim.. Mr. JCJohn.on, Mr. J llaker Mi. F A Chimmelh (lmi"U, FARMERS' WAREHOUSE. AT SALEM. IMIALI. IIAVK rOMI'LKTKP AND ItKADV for n.e by the nrrt day of Heplcmb, r, on the rlrer hauk it Mlun, com rnti'iit for a ! tOMU'bOAt XiAUCllllS, A larve Warehouae, where all grain cau be .torn! and general QUI Conducted. 1 reepKlfttUy aollclt th patronag. Fnrmpra ot Marlon I And adj.tatiur countle. an will endrainr to do their ! ea.ia.M in inr moai proaapi auanarr aud ou the moat inHHMni iroui, j J. M. JOHNS. Halem, Aaraat 1. 14. H. B. Y. CHJHR, BRKVIT U.CW , UUStnrroo VS. Veiaatrer.. Vttu, PirHi'i kwiA. av .Lain. M;r DR. B. SZOZTB, DENTIST, SAlh'jr. OllKQOX. IlH. SMITH liuit fitted HP a new office where ho will liu found nMily In wait on lil- old fru'iid and ciirtomerf, r utual. office In Marker's blotk, o er t orrar t .tore, In front of l'ntt OlHcf. atiauir THE Howe Sewing Machines HAVE I1F.COM K CELEIHtATEl) THE WOULD over. 1 he nik done by there Machine" 1 mi juruatud, nwlwr tlio llilnnerl material uiid the heiAlcft u'oodf Hlihc-qiial ficllltj, and requiring tin extru adju!llti for nneen thlcktien" or pa.rliii; er ""' .rE ATTAClIMi:.TS For llfmmlnir, Filllns, Ilraldluir, Cnnlln,'. Qulltlnu TncklUK. Jlliiillint i"l (latlurliiir. lire ol the Laterl improieii riiuiin?. nuu mepiii'vin.i u um ...-vm v.. any other mui hlne. The Howe Machines Aru tlio rtroiiirerl and flmplo-t. and rvldum or nei I glte any tn.ulile In operating. I The Howo Sewing Mnuliiiiea i Arn thn nlilert etnMlfhed In the world. 'Mr. Hohc I belnif the nrlelnal Imeutori, util nro In ailt ann- ol nil ollierr In InipruM-miliU and peril itlon r uieilinnli-'n. Theyhaie Imartalily won thu liliiuvrt honor, at the gnat vxlilbllloiir of the world. CANNON & XRSMSH, AOENTS FOH OltKHON AND WASHINOTOS, Coimneri.lal t., opposite Farmer olllce, Julyl3 NALli.il, Oil. d&H-tf W'. r. KIICMCII A.M. CANNON. Saw Mill for Sale. milK Bl'KKA VISTA SAW MILL COMPANY JL oiror lor rale thilr Nlciini Sun' and IMutilnir .HIIU, All complete, and In pood mnnlnc order. Thla prop, crly l ulro an excillint rile lor a 1- I.OL'II'.MI MILL, ami U w ell rltnatid lor both Lumber and Uralu trade. For particular!., apply to WILLIAM WKLLM, dcclSU I'repldent lluena Vlta haw Mill Co J. O. SHSX.TON. Xa. D.. PHYSICIAN AMI Mll;i:.N, AU'Y Orvk'ou. Olllre, Iri'iit room on .icond floor c the N. U, l'arrl.li brick, Commerclnl tlreet. Heal Utnce, iiorthiiirt cuti.ir 1'runl and IlUUlou rtrccta. Hi lux a Kraduntu nf the l'lorlo-Midlcal, orCurtl. Colli l'o, Cliiiluiiall, Ohio, we ure puiwly rtlotm lunui practice, dl,cardti.i;allliulHitU mlueral and veetabli jmltonn my For Independence. I will run a Semi-Weekly Stage BETWKKN SALEM AN1J INOKl'KNDENCE. lealni;ludepeiideiicat 11 A.M. on Wetlneidav aim Saturday of taih wick, and leialnc Salem at 3 I". M. of rinio day. A. ASALU Julyai. mi. dAr SALEM FOUNDRY. & JHuclilno NIiui, SALEM OltEGON. B. F. DRAKE, Prop'r. iTKAM ENOINEH. HAW MILLS, OIIIST MILLS, heapeu, l'ump., aud all kind, and t)lc of Ma chlner)' made to outer. Machinery rips I red at a abort notliv. I'attcm-niaklnudone In all ll. arlou. form.. and all kind, or lira. and Iron Carting. lurnUhtdat .hort notice. AUo, manulactiirir ot KNTKHI'ltlsK l'LANKH and SlIAI'KHS. MATCUKIt, and ST1CUKHS and MaWwtl OREGON Works 1) Street, between Front and Flrtt, PORTLAND, .... OHEOON D. 31. mooitB, Superintendent. Brass Bell and Composition Castings, HEATER SOXES, Vll GrttduN oiOullle 3Iotul IlUlllbVr 1'ItICB lsld lor old Metal, Copper, lira., Zluc. on iuu ARTIFICIAL LIMBS. Patronize Home Talent ! fllllK uuilerrlcuedultr. tmllcc to perron niv-dlnt JL Artlllclal Limb, or other riirciial appliance, thai lie I. pntiaml In tlirulrli imm lo order, made In Sa Uui, On i;un. 'I he article, aio arrantid lu be toual In orkmaii.hlp, diiruhillty, perleitlon of tit, at.ii II en r) oilier tt.pvri. to the Le.t Ka.ieru made, and a perron, putihuriny lure are ruled an tiipiurhutrli hari turuiireu kihkI tit, muih money and lexatlom illrappoiuluieiil nru mhiI, Aluio.t viery day com. phtu.lr are heard of p.inler oiiulni; Ea.teru-madi 1111111. thai they no not tit, and roiireiiueiilly are al niort If not quite u.ele.. to tin m. The maktr tttil nr Iht '. ln fit l,r limb tu him. We Mill lake pkurtiru tu rhowlu our limb, now It Ure touny olio loiiicuied, and iheerlully anrwer let ter. or iinulry coiiceruliii: them. Do not lall toirlw I.- a call biloiu relidlutf Ka.i. H , E. Y.OHASE.M.D. Sarem. June II, 1st. d&ti THOMAS CROSS. Iruportox- niid Sroodor Long Wool and Southdown FuU Blooded Berkshiri S W IN E, WILL Mill' l'lflt AT rlO EACH. JiELlVKII- .atl.f.citon. '"'"' "a w,rr"" ,htm ,u Kite gooU ,A YW. i'HOWK VOl'Nl. 0WS lu pic to fhli. Mood,,! Hoar. hl, hi Mill rell for Jill each .rurran'ane't" """" '" ,' m'm' ""l l.SSMr.VS.Vfiy ?Z,tto M ""'M I tuyei THOMAS CI10S. Kalcm. June 4, 1:4 in:' BENNETT HOUSE, Opposite the Oourt-Home, Salem Meali 25 cU . at all hour.. Board A Lodging pr week, $5.00 ih. ,.,.. .a-'i 1 ' !'.'" iin the be.t th KitrjtMng new. N ., haJ. Free ViiihIm ibi Tonmitera, f, at, e. JAMES BUCHANAN. JOHN G. WRIGHT, DEALER IN Crockery, Glassware, Tobacco, Cigar3 Family Groceries, Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Salt, Candles, Soap, Notions Agent for imperial Fire Insurance Comp'y OF LONDON. FLORENCE. Special attention In cullcil lu (lip Krrnt luiprot omenta nuiilo rcrpnlly In IliU oxiollont Slnrlilni'. nml lo Hie ni'ii nml rli'icmit xtjli-t or C-iici ndiliil In one INt. FLORENCE. Fur tlioHc who prefer n 31a rlilneliiilliii;ltii'orli tinny IVoiii Hip iiiii'riitiir, mp uuw limp uiip ol Hint lnorlitlnn, quiet, pii).riiiiuliic nml lint Hilt nil Hip oilier lu-putlur p.x rrl Iriu-li-H of I :ip ntlier hIj le. FLORENCE Is sure to please. If there i nno itlllilii n tliotKuiiiil tulles ol Sim I'rniipJ.ro not workluir well, I vllliillriiilloUwlt!iaiitmivfXipiiM lo HiPOHiiPr. S AMi;t:i. IIII.I Al, FLORENCE Ih the only Machine tliaf enn mw In niore Hum one tlriT-' Hon Imitiiir n i-PITrolliln IihiI 1 icrtiit niltnntnirt) In liioli-ulutf i'il vraennm, In iilllluu;,i'lr. FLORENCE? Ijlxamlne the Florence, or U aeiul for Clrculiir mill Multiple or Work brfom yon HirrhiiM a hvw tng Sfnrblnr. BUY TUB HESTt Slncblnrs aolil on llbernl tcrun. FLORENCE SEWING MACHINES. SAMUEL HILL, Agent. So. IB New HoalKOBirrjrKlrtrt, OruMd JlotelJlHUdtng, Ban FrancUca, FLORENCE. JAMKN B. LOO.-T1IN, Ccueral Agent, 113 Third Street. PORTLAND. OUEOON. Furniture Manufactory. D. W. PRENTICE. TN CONNECTION' WITH THE SASII A UMNO F?ctory of Cooke, Dcnnl. A Co.. at the Aprlrultii ral y, ork, rjalem, la pnparid to WANl'FACTUKK OF ALL DESCniPTIONS, For the Jobbing Trade. Office Furniture a Specialty OlUlEItS FILLED FKOM Blaok Walnut, Mahogany, Spanish Cedar. or .Ail' "i?0"5 "' J 'ca.oned by the flncklcy .y of) i'8byuiir.heaui .team, and arrauted ihrluk after Kai nj; thu ahop. "anamea Hem ot not to CJrtlor. Holioltecl. Salem. Mar VI. 1974. diwti WOOL BAGS .AND.... G-r,i-EL Saobs AT THK SALEM BAG FACTORY AND T. Cunningham & Co.'s, AT SAN FEAHCI8C0 PRICES. Salem Mar 14.MP74. dAw Sheep Cured of the Scab Disease T T"58 VNDKRSIGNKD WILL, UTOV PPflPl- Ten Cents per Head. to promptly. j, nopr. Uttle, Folk iv ore r. t' iia. ,ijiawra piU