Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, October 09, 1874, Image 1

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    -iScO-r-s 'j-L"t?i j. v . n- ha wt" rwTifr w it "M-fT n-ns, f - - ... ,r asv
'-JtV -JSST ' -ET' N ' V
3.00 per Year, in Advance.
Toksdav. Ocr. Stli.
Tho Senato met at 10 o'olook a. m., nnd
wi called to order by thn President.
Prayer wan ottered by Rev. P.S. Knight
Tho Journal ot yostoiday was read and
II J It 17 Authorizing tlm Joint Com
mlltfo ou ltetronchtnent and Helorm to as
certain at what rates rooms run bo mm' u roil
for the uo nl the Statu Department during
tho ensuing twnyi urn; tho Senate concurred.
11 J M fl Asking Congress to appropriate
$5,000 to Improve the mouth ol' the Xehalem
river: on motion tho Senate concurred.
II BCfl To Incorporate North Brownsville;
read first time by title.
11 B 41 To laclllate tho redemption of
land sold fer taxes. Itad tlriit lime.
11 1) 45 A bill to amend Section 0, Tltlo 1,
Chapter 8 of the General law relation to tho
publication of estray notices In county news
paper. Head first limn.
11 11 411 To amend an act to Incorporate
Dalles City authorizing the levy of a lour
wills tax for tho benefit of tho tiro depart
ment. Head flrtt lime.
11 11 61 To Incorporate the town of Dallas,
Folk county. Head first time by tltlo.
U 1150 To amend Section 1,110, Tltlo (I,
Chajtcr IS of the civil code. Head that
II II 02 To Incorporate the town
of Independence, l'olk county; read tint
lime bv title.
11 118 A bill to prevent any exhibition of
Human monstrosities; reau second nine auu
on moutlon of Watson amended by striking
out the words "tinman monstroaltes" In
eluding only deformed persons. A motion
to indefinitely postpone mads by Lee was
H B10 A bill to amend the Civil Code
empowering clerks and ahcritr to employ
more than one deputy; read socond time and
ordered to Ita third reading to-morrow.
II B 11 Concerning submarine sites for
lighthouses! read second tltuo and pasted to
Jta third reading.
H B 18-To amend Sec. 33, Title I, Chap. 2,
of the General I.awa relating to tolls; read
aeoond time and referred to Judiciary Com
II B SOTo amend an act providing for tho
times of holding County Courta In the sever
al counties; read second time and referred to
tho Judiciary Committee with instructions to
11 B 31 To prevent the spread of any con
tagious or infectious diseases among animals:
read second time, and, on motion, referred
to the Committee on Military Allatrs.
II B3 A bill to repeal an act relating to
the compensation and Incidental expenses of
the Judge of tbeSupreme Court of this Slate.
watson moved iniioiinitH postponement of
innner action on tno dim; iom iays, la;
Yeas, 14.
Watson moved suspension of rules and
the bill put upon Ita final passago now. Car
jied Yeas, 'JO; Nays, 0.
Pending tho question Messrs. Walton and
Owens of Douglas county had a lively lilt
of an argtimentivo tinturo wherein some
strong accusations were tnadti and refilled
Mr. Owens of course favoring the passage of
i lie urn unit .Mr. vtMtou opiating it. i no
ilin'tiNilou drttw a large crowd into tho lobby,
Cornelius was c.illed tothu Cluir and I'rtm.
Jdent Cochrau took a heat ou tho floor hihI
with a lengthy address favored the pasnuue
of the bill.
Tending Ural action ou the bill amotion
made by Mr. Towncend to adjourn tLo ote
Mantling II to 10 In fnor thereof.
The Senate met at 'J r. t. pursuant to ad
journment and was called to order by tho
The question or the final passage or II II 3, 1
relating to I he compensation of the Justices
of the Supreme Court. I
Ttie question snail tno uin passtue ioiiow
lug Senators voted yea:
Messrs. Barnes, Brlstow, Smith, Kngle, I
f loodman, Jewell, Munkers, Ollleld, Owens.
Illchsrdson, Savage, Tow used, William auu
Mr. President. Total 14. i
The Senators votinu- Nay were Messrs. i
llraly, Clsrk, Cornelius, Dulpli. Manna,
llirsob, I-e, Myers, Smith. Toleii, Vau !
Cleave, Watson, Wetnter and Wisdom 15. I
So the bill failed to pas.
Itolpb moved reconsideration of the vote
by wblcn tne bin was lost
111 was lost
I to Indefinitely posltmne the '
ilder; which motion prevail-1
Nsyi 11. i
Hlrsch moved
motion to reconsider
1 AVAfl l Va!
And eotbe bill wis clenched.
II U 13-To prevent awlne from running at '
Urtte in cerulu counties: read second time I
and psaed to lis third time reading to
The hour havlne arrived for the Pedal or
der of business the Senate took up.
II B 14 To amend an act for the protec
tion of game and tisb.
The bill was amended as to allow persons
to kill for their own consumption any sea
son of the year, moose, elk, deer or moun
tain goat It protects small game during
the monLlu of May. June and July.
Van Cleve moved to strike out all after the
enacting clause with the exception of section
3, which prohibits the killing of deer, elk,
etc., foi the hides, tallow and hsms; lost.
I-olpb moved to strike all after the exact
ing clause; lost.
Dnlpu moved to amend by allowing kill
jng of four-footed game out of season only In
land owriMl bv nrlviil elt.7-in. Lost. i
Van ( ltavv'mnrtd that the proviso I so
amended to allow persons to kill all kinds
cf game for tbelr own consumption. Carried.
After various motions to amend, all of
wblcb failed to pass, R.rJ.aMfcn moved to
jj tut uui on tne tauie. .uesi. I
A Four-Page Supplement with the Farmer each Week.
, J,Tjl rT 2 v-rM 8atfT5sJ, . ov
Vho question being shall the bill pats, the
roll was called with thu following result:
yea, 10; nays, 10.
Watson moved to reconsider tho voto by
which the bill failed to pass.
Dristow moved tuindellultelypostpono the
motion to reconsider. Carried.
11 J It lS-InvltliiK tho Slate Geologist lo
address the Legislative Assembly at the Op
era 110UK9, Wednesday eenlng at 7 o'clock.
On motion of Van Cleave tho Senate con
curred lu tho resolution.
A communication was received from H
Koh'er, of Portland, Attorney for the Ovrnihii
bondholders, lu rein ion to the bonds ol tlio
Oregon and Callloruia Railroad. It wn, ou
motion, ukured to tho Committee on Rail
roads. Senate adjourned.
I UKSPAY, Oct. 0.
Prayer was oll'ered by ltev. A. Jones.
Itev. Thomas Condon, State Geologist, was
iuvitod within tho bar.
After transaction of various minor matter
tho order of business becaino:
II 11 78 Ma'lock To regulate transpor
tation by railroads, was read.
11 It ,0 Stott Amending act relating to
oinees of JustlcoH of Tercnand Constables.
II 11 80 For relief of Wasco county, lo
extent lfl,oS5.
II It 81 Dean Relating In pilotage.
II 11 b'J Stunip To uiueud law relating
to examination of Insane and requiring that
wbero they are able the friends of the Insane
shall pay tor the care of lliem.
II II 83 Mays-Relating to Prosecuting
Attorneys; providing fur Prosecution Attor
ney In each county.
11 U84-Hepealtng Sec. Ill, Chap. 12, of
Justices' Code; limiting rights of appeal to
Judgment of over (JO.
u lit
85 Amendlug act relating to holding
oi iircuit ana supreme i.ouris.
11 B8fl Amending Civil Code as to dura
tion of tlmo before commencing actions In
certain cases, eto.
II B 87 To repeal Sec. Pill Civil C-ode; (re
pef.ls the attorney's fro in divorce oases.)
11 B 88 May s Provides for the election of
ouperimonueuioi reuitenuary iy me Legis
lature. Kldler movod to refect.
Chambers argued that It was dangerous to
place too much power In the bauds of one
person, and tho iwonlo had come to that con
1' Idler though thero was political feeling
manifested In the matter that wouldn't bo so
upparrent It the gentleman's friends tilled
toe state omoes.
Mays said ho had no political object In
view: thought no political vlewa wcro appar
ent lu thla House. A stranger could remain
here for days and not discern anv partv
spirit. Ills oljtct waa to have tho enp)o
more Immediately represented in this matter
and to relieve the Governor of a great respon
sibility, which occupies lunch ot his lime, to
the detriment ot other business. In Ills
spteclies during tho late campaign tho Gov
ernor's time was lu a great part Uken up by
explaining and defending the inausgeimi'it
ol tho State Prison, and ho wauled to relieve
him ol that burden and responsibility.
Ajes llradch.iw, 1'idler, Galloway, Mat
lock, Mathlt.i, McGuglu, Noer, Stauuuid,
Wright of I'tilni. -10.
Absent I'hiuule.
Noes 40.
So the motion lo nject was lost.
Chambers tinned to suspend rules and
read bill third tlmu now; which motion was
II 11 Ml Amending Incnrjioratlon act.
II B fO Medium -Relation to Jurlndfu
tlon of Justice Court lu all criminal cus-s not
exceeding $-MM) line.
II B 01 Aiiibiidlng Code relating to Jus.
tlces Corn, lelstiug lo Jurisdiction, In cases
lux oU Ing not over fMtO.
'ltieuuoe bills were severally read first
Being rext In order.
II BU) Relating lo. Stain University; was
read and relet red lo Coininllleon relocation.
1! II 72 Registry law; after reading which,
The House adjourned,
II B 74-Amendlng Sec. 300, Chap.
Criminal code, was read second time.
' " 70 To lax dogs was referred lo Com
""'""V,0' .c'ou,nll , , ,
a. H-Creal"ng end organlilng State
University, was ordered engrossed.
..A J."ln' Hesoluiloi. was adoptwl Inviting
?,r- t-0loa, State Geologist, to address the
A M?U'M to-morrow evening at Heed's
Opera House,
III I.I Ji liKAD Tllllll) TIMK.
The following came up for final action:
11 B 12 Kxeujptlng homestsads in certain
cases when alue does not exceed 2,000
passed 4(1 lo 14.
At 2 i'. M. the Stale Csollol bill, anproprls.
ting 110,000 lo continue the work on State
Capitol, and make It ready for use In 1878, by
constructing rooms lor State ofllcea and
balls for LeDlalaiive assembly, was the ordtr
of the day ,aud House went luto Committee
of the whole lor iu construction. Wright, of
Union. In the Cbalr.
The bill provide for three Commissioners
sr.daCieik. Mr. ltd explslDtd throb-
Jest of the bill, Lb! the amouul lu le expen
ded would mske the building habitable in
The sections of the bill passed until the
section came making tkeappropriation when
Johnson moved lir sassiiU j aiaklng lb
Vrife !?-??' A if IV?1SS-A iMB
rx - 0 -v tyr
I sr . I
rwir wir
' .
Ayes and Noes weio demanded.
Heed was glad the. wero to be on Ihn rec
ord. He thought for tho honor of tho State
tho building should be completed. It would
give employment to ninny men, and the
means coiitd coiuo from tl.u Relief ami
Bounty funds.
Mavsexp 'ed theniiiount asked for would
complete tlm building and was MirprNed lo
find that, when this was spentitwould not Do
over half llulshed.
Various spofe.ie wero inndo.
Bradshaw of Yamhill fauircd tho bill In
an earnest spetch.
Stott of Multnomah county opposed tho
appropriation wo hadn't tho money wo
ouiilit to go slow.
Hied spoke again, very warmly In favor of
the bill and against tho amendment; showed
tlint he was not working lor Marlon county,
but was anxious for thu test Interests of nil
tho State. Portland opposed this bill but
that city wiim looking lor many ndvantnges
to result from legislation beloro Ihls atxem
lily, and had been the recipient of many
benefits'. In the past, at Dm hands of the
Slate, tin I'fOHino quite eloquent lu hU con
cluding remarks.
Johnson said It seemed to him like n man
who bought a pair or boots nnd It wan a ques
tion whether he should buy a suit of clothes
to match tho bio a, and Itt his farm
go unimproved, or throw Ihobootxaway and
go to work on his farm. Ho favored letting
tho State House go and lake earn of tho Stale.
Messrs. Gearln, Brown, Riddle anil Cham
bers severally opposed the bill.
Cranston spoke lu uvor of tho bill at some
The amendment was voted down.
On the adoption of the aoctlon making the
appropriation of f 110,000.
Drain spoke against tlio section, nnd waa
surprised when bo rainn here to find what an
Immense work waa laid out. Thought, rath
er than lo complete the building, It would be
better to buy Itood'a'Oiwra House and move
Into It noxt week. The people were not able
to build such an edifice. II tho Capitol Com
missioners lack f50,000 lo complete as good
building aa Iho Marlon county Court House,
the Legislature) would not hesitate lo ordor
Its rcmpletlon. That Court House would Is
a credit to tno Main anil cost only suu.uuo
completed and furnished.
Iliadshaw thought it was nottriioFconnmy
to let the money Invested go to rulii,ainoiini
Ing to ft&O.OOO.
Stump said the man who was olected to do
a certain thing had no right lo do anything
else. He believed the people of Polk county
would largely oposo this bill, and his duties
wore summed up In that fact. Ho under
stood that ho was Instructed to opposo this
Rlnearson thought If those who went be
fore havo been Hiuud foolish, this Legisla
ture should be eiiuy wise. Thero waa no
money with which lo complete tho building
and It only remained to ootor tho walla and
protect them. All mono) s In tho Treasury
are needed for other purposes.
Lop. of Union, came untrammelled by In
structions and nroiKisfd to net on com moil
seno principles, and ho thought
common sense ri quired iih to Keep nut or
di lit. Slate prhln had nothliit- to do w 1th It.
Tho Slate Ciijiltol made no dlllnrenco tonld
our prosperity hut Ihn question Is: whom
wiiiuie money couitt irour; ir mo money
was lu the Treasury he would willingly otii
for tho bill.
Cu. I sitggrsltd Hint the hill ho reported In
the lloiisu in a common sense slmno ami
gentlemen could mm ml it beloio Its Dual
Tliestctlou making Iho appropriation 1 10.-
000 wiisiht u Hdoptul without Hiueudiiioiit,aH
ere me succct ding sections.
On iiioOun of Siten thnCniiimlttio rowi.
Ton Ho. iso rt sinned, and White, of Union,
reisirletl progress.
The House then adjourned until 7 r. M.
House went Into Coinmhteu of Iho whole
at 7 o'clock, lotsinsldnr
II B ill Providing for female Niiflrngn.
The gallery was crowtltsl with inimbeis of
the "sterner sex," ami the spam rtsiiu tin Ihn
IliMir was illUil with chairs tirotight from
elsewhere, and occupied by the aspirants, ol
the fair six who brought their charming
presence lo ls roil the linortaiit question,
The ladles Hanked the clerks and Wt-rn thick
around thn reamers; their presence graced
the sides ofthe hall and their gay attire ox
tended down thn aisles.
Thn committee voted against the adoption
of thn bill and then rose and made report lo
thn House and then
The House adjourned.
Wkp.nkmiay, Oct. 8;h,
House met at 0 a. m.
Prayer was Ul'ored by Klder L. L. Row
land. On motion of Bradshaw thn House recoil
reconsidered the vote by which II li 12 To
exempt a homestead from forced sale In cer
tain cases, waa passed; ami on motion of
Gearln the bill was referred to a Special corn
mltte of three; Gearin, Chambers and Brad
shaw. Galloway, from Special committee reported
a substitute for II B0 To promote the study
of anatomy rnd alter a discussion In which a
motion to Indefinitely postpone wss voted
down the substitute was accepted by the
House and ordered prluted.
The Senate amendments to the Game Law
bill of the Houte (14) were concurred In.
II II 48 Heed of Marlon Kortheivt s'rui-l
lion ol the Slate Capitol Building ou. up
ou third rtsding ml on motion ol Mtren was
referred lo committee on Publto Buildings.
Ii B til Heed or Marion Kxleudlng the
right of suffrage to woeaan, raue up ou third
reading and waa rrjtcttd by a vote of 13
lu til.
;v .
m v .s-cr. -
laW :srv ,r.A
i, 1874.
Amongst other bills reported fioiu the
Senate as correctly ouiolled and transmitted
for the sUimliiro ot the Simtkcr wnsS B 1
to repeal thu l.lllgnut Law.
ItAIM'.OAK mi l.,
Kced of Marlon, front Joint t'ommllteo on
Railroads, reported it miIimIiiiio lull ir the
construction of UioOngou ontral I'nclllo R
It. and Teh graph Line. Tho i'.ilMltllto illf
Lr Irom the original bill, in Unit It nominates
tho Governor Hiiiiitiiiigontof Die bondholder
as a Board to Mgulalo Irelghla and fares mid
dellnes the provry ot mllroHd. On suspen
sion of llllin the sttb-.tliulii was read first
lime by tltlo and oidered printed,
Inidgerwood from Coiuiuittee on Counties
reported back 11 It 31 lor tho prevention of
dli-iaso among animals, with an amendment
that the minimum penally tor Infringement
ofthe act bo 100 instead of tf'JOO.
Kldler moed to amendment by striking
out the minimum.
Pending action ou tho question Iho House
.M'TI'.ltMION t-KSslON.
Tlie House rt sinned at lioO p. .it.
Fldler's ameiidmoiit lo strike out the min
imum l unity from Iho lioiucstio itiiiiual
disease iretentlou bill was adopted, and tho
bill was urdi red engrossed lor third time.
Laughlln. finin Roads and llluhwavH.ro
(Kirted back 11 11 51 Relating to railroads
Willi a recommendation lo strike out iho sec
tions requiring that rallioads Is) leiuvd at
certain (sjlntsj the rejairl was adopted ami
iuo uin onierrti engrosseu loriuiiii n lining
Stott, Irotn Judiciary, reKirlisl back II B
115 To amend the laws relating tothu collec
tion of taxoej four oftho Committee reporting
against tlie passage of tho bill and ono (l'lor
once) In favor ol tno bill,
Su.tl, from same Committee, reported back
II B ll Kor the coustiuclloii of ditches and
Humes fur agricultural purposes: with mi
iimendmoiit relating to tlie service of notices,
which waa adopted and tho bill ordered en
grossed lor Ihlru reading,
Stott, from same Coinuiltlen, reported back
II 1142 Relating lo Iho assessment of prop
erty, Willi an amendment that Instead of In
debtedness being deducted lo Iho extent of
ilvo thousand dollars, onu-tlilrd of thu in
debtedness ho allowed.
Mays moved to amend ;lio amendment by
making It the duty of jsjrsons claiming In
debtness give the names ol Iheisirsous to
whom the liidebtedmsN is diie.aml no deduc
tion bo allowid lor any Indebtedness outside
the counties wheru persons at o assessed.
Pending action ou Iho amendments, Ihn
House at 2:15 p. i. adjouriiid until 1 o'clock
lo enable the UK iiibeis lo Hltend mi oxhlbi
llon given by the pupils ol the Dcal-Miiu)
Ou resuming, at tho appoluled hour, tlm
debate on Iho sssosun lit lull was continued,
wniioui resini, uio aineuiiuiems ;iumg agiilu
lull pending at 5 o'clock when
Tlie IIoiimi ac'Jouined.
Tho ,ci n.ilo iih t at 10 o'clock a. ,m , and win
calliil to order by rrisldent I ichiau
PiHjer wis olbrcd bj Itev. lather McCor-
nick, ot Hits cltv.
.loiiroalol- M.slerdavreailiiii.liionrovi,,!.
... . . " . . . . .
aison ui -iiiii'ii it lemtii siraiit'o sigiuti
by cillt us of Douglas county iigaliist n illvl
slou ol tho count winch was ou motion m
foi red tothu Coiumltleii on I'oiiiilles.
Goodman present! d a petition Irom tho
Common Council of Iho cliy ol llarrlshurg,
I .III It county, asking that tho dialler lm
Himiuiled; referred lu tho Couiinitleuon Cor
'inn lomiuiiicn on iviuc.iiioii reported
back S B li making It discretionary with
County School Diititors to adopt or njii I
thu It xl looks rccomilH nihil by Ihn .Slate
Superintendent of the Public Schools, with
tin. iccotiimemlHllnii.thst ll do not pass.
Whisoii iiiomiI tliu bill beliidelliittely sist
poiiid. I'eiiillugtheilisciiMslou ou tlm bill,
'1 ho Senate niljntiriied,
Thn Senate met nt 2 p. M. and on mm Ion of
llris'o nark a retess until 8:30 r, M. to
eual hi members to attend Ihu exercises given
by Iho Dvaf-MutbH at thu Congregational
.... ... i-ii .... ii.-i, ..i.i..... -..- 1
S II 11 To amend the at t oroudliiL- for h
liiilfrirm ooursuof luslructloii in our public I
On liiotlou of Brlstow, the bill was ro-re
furred lo thu Coiiitultleo on rMlloalluu fur
further consideration
N B 71 -Iteisirted by the Ciiminllie on Ju
dlclsry as a sutislltuUt for S lt Nos II, 30 ami
s-,?T,,,,'Bi,f,:,,.,.,,r,,.ri,,..,K "" t',,.,," ,,rr'
Civil Pro'-tslure; was, under susjiislon of .
rules, read, the. llrst time by title en'd 100 cop
.ii i"i i.H.J." i . t . .i
h Viri VilL, i..i.!ifemn.i..-,.
S Ii 7.1-V as reponwl by the to mmltlee on
Railroads as a substitute for H H 31 to pro
vide fur the construction of the Oregon and
Central Pacific Railroad; read first time by
The Cem inlttee on Printing reMrted the
cost of printing the new Code, as estimated
by the Hxport, to be f 15,tU7 2h; the reKrt
was laid on tbn table.
The report of the Committee appointed lo
rt.lt Him Inkttllitj. f,i. tt.it lllltiil uimtd lliMd
read, and ll recommended that a suitable s;
pro rlallon Iw made fir llie porpt.se In ro
title lur tlie instruction of aline bill. 4 of
the State; It vsj laid on the table.
The report of the Committee appointed to
visit the School for the Deaf-Mutea was (hen
prtnl-d; H reenuimended sn spprnprlatlon
nl II 1.000 io in.et iheexiensesof IDs Instltu-
, tlou tiurlug the tutulug iwo years.
. -t,-ks t..i
- ;
0KL r
Volume VI. -Number IM.
Roth lepoils were llnally referred to tho
Coiniultie.ion Ivlucatlon, with Instruction-.
to r.qmrl Mils providing for the needed ap
propriations. The icport ol'tlio Inlnt Committee, appoint
od ou Iho part of Ihn Senate In visit tin, In
sane As. linn, wna nail; thn report wa fii
votaliln anil rieoiiiliieuiled that the contniet
bit unaided to Dr.J, I!. llaiMhorni. r.ircarlni
for tho lnitin timing the ensuing four Teats
I't iitlluv Uio adoption of the report
The Selia'e adjourned.
Tlif 1Vlit:it .UniKof.
Wo Im to studied the wlnitt market with
nil tho light to bo gained in Portland and
from oilier sources and learned of no liu
purtaut changes.
l.'p to this time si vessels have clenreil fer
foreign ports currying I20,W) centals, and
rour iitoin aro ou Ihn berth at Portland anil
wilt llul-.Ii loading this week, that will cany
it way as much more. The loading for theo
ships Is already nl hand (hern, so that tho
reclopls of wheat for foreign export, at Pott
laud, up lu this date, amount lo 400,000 btisli
els. Shippers complain bitterly of great losso,
and that wheat Is still nt.mo the rates that
will allow them lo 1111 their charter engage
ment without great loss. Thny aro eompoll
oil to purchase and ship to save duiinaf o
on walling vessels,
San Francisco rates aro given aa fl 40 por
cental for wheat with freights at threo
Portland rales are given as $1 31 per cental
for wheat, and freights threo pounds five
shillings, with no inkers at that figure.
Those llgures nro given us by Mr. Notorji,
agent for Hotlgers, Meyer ,t Co., of London.
Ilu also Informs us that heavy failures aro
reported of houses connected with the l.u
ropcau gram Irade. A vessel that cleared
from Portland last April lately reached Kng
hind and tlm wheat llmi cost $.! percental
only brougiil l 10 ii toss of over forty per
A prominent friend of thn farming Inter
est hums up Ihn situation for us thus :
"It Is understood Hint millers and corn
merchants In Kuropn aro anxious lo jay In
huge sltHiks which iney can tin so at low
prices sod aru wurklug lo keep thn market
at low llguro until their stocks aro full,"
"Iho corn market was morn barn of stocks
ou hand Ihls siiiiiiiiurlhau lor live years pro
vloitsly; iho piospeci Is that Wheal will
slightly mlvillicu within Dm next two weeks;
'I horn Is no good reason why hrrailstuifs
should boso much timer to-day than they
wero a year ago; tho ilill'uroiico Is out n1, pro
portion lo tliesupply,"
llnnlso quotis friilglits by Morgan's Sun,
at 3U 15s lii CI 2s lid mill explains that tlio
lower ralool Insursunt uin t'teil with them.
ihn Ml days ol I advanco wlllu nt
. , ., . ,, ,
'""Ul1" ll.llllssloll f oun mill it
iu.ir in.
. .. ..i ..r ,1 - 1. 1.. i. . . .....
""" " titopur -.. homo moir nrues
chaige, morn ihnii couipeiis.iliw te iho lower
latisothur vessels am iH'rnil at,
ShIiiiii Mills oiler VC , o's per bushel. Purl
litud talis fur u Ileal uiisacked 70 to 72 cts er
TiicOi.ticsr P'aiim in Oiikiion, Mr. K. V.
i'.ldildgo owns thoilounlloii claim of Josejih
Gervats, which His on tlm Willamette rher
ono ami a half miles above I'alrfielil. It was
I llrst settled the saino year the llildsou Uy
Coiiipsiiy iiioM.l irom Ai-lorlalu Vancouver,
about forty years ago, perhaps more, and it
'has Ihcii farmed continuously uver since,
I Tlio II, B, Cu. tsincliided to try thnoxperi
I uient of grain raising and Gervals eamu up
tho Willamette rliur, locattnl there, and com-
iiiunced farming tuidiir their auspices. 'Iho
present year alsnit two liundrwl and seven-ty-llve
acres of this land was under cultlva-
i " '"' H"
raised over ton thousand biishelsof
grain, Ono acre ami a half of oats yielded
one liunuretl and sixty. Ilvo bushels; ono
, i i i .i i....i.i ,.t... ... n,...
-verm... vlt.l ,r n.i. ..n,.s .,rn,,.,'.i ..
sixty-lour bushels. The ground was sum
uier-bllowud. Ills best whest averaged for
ty bushels In thu acre, some of It grown on
. u j itwitad fi7;T.n ; .vV -
... ali Klir.. -...i'iSii wiwinir was tbiriv
SLhii.VoltoJt so e ThreeSlis ol .1 lZ
I land wasjfalluwetl. We have here given re
'"' westoftheltocky Mountains, on whteb,
., tut.iMn have ever len used, even ih
no fertilizers have ever Iwn used, even lha
manure natural to the place was not saved.
Omt'Kiis Ai'itiiMTKii, The following per
sons have Lien selected to oftlclatoat the
Kalr llrounds next week: Ticket sellers
main entrance, John C. Booth ami G, W,
Herrtn; railroad entrance, T. It. Hlbbard;
east entrance, J. Henry I'.rown; gate-keep
ers, iiisln gate, G. P. Kerrell; isllrnad gate,
I ! i. Nixon st.tl Sir ''ar' oulfilng guto,
( W. Miml. 11 i.v sollulk, detVaudS.
Jolly, Charge cf hay burn, D, D. Pretty,
Mrs, Belle W Ciskn "III conteit for tho
I Vivk premium at the I'au.