Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, October 02, 1874, SUPPLEMENT, Image 9

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    tiHiimtttc Jftirmcr.
St. Louis, Bert. 21. Senator Scburz deliv
ered a long and carefully prepared speech in
an audience tilling tbe Temple, last night, ou
National and Slate Ml'ilrs. His lateral, co on
llnance were a repctittcm of lo pnscuted
by him In the Jennie ami elsewhere. He
poke at considerable ieuir'b on the present
disordered condition ot stfilrslu the South,
particularly In Loulsl.nl.
While commeudlinr. toe notion of the Ad
ministration In Icudiui: ha aid to the iirnuipi
suppression of the ieoi, he goes back, toitie
orlKin of tlio insurrtciloii, which he tinds In
a conspiracy 10 cream .1 Mam government uy
the Federal powers. This ihe nrlidnal
crime which furnished an example iin.l pro
vocation for these that followed it. It was
the vicious outgrowth nl the sstnimtlu tie
liy Federal oUlce-holdera In the South, of the
power tholr oIUcts gavo them to shape Mate
affairs In the Interest of their party. This
high usurpation was virtually sanctioned by
the neglect of Congress lo reprove it and set
aside. While on lue other band It does
not stippiess tho responsibility of the
Southern peoplo for their own tumbles by
their lallure to put dowu Ku-klux outrages
that have 1 rokeu out Irom time to time, and
uulh the lawless rutlaus that have luleaied
the d.lferetit sections.
Bui danger uuw Is something worse than
Ku klux lawlessness or popular anarchy.
It Is tho anarchy or Kwer mid the lawless
ness of authority, llo Insists on the one
liaud that Congress shall undo the wrong
done to Louisiana people under federal sane
lion , and ou the other that Ihe While
Aleii's Leagues In the South shall be dis
banded, as well aj all cliques and combina
tions based ou antagonism of the races, lie
warned tho negroes to take Individual politi
cal action, ranging themselves accordlug to
personal preference or judgment with either
parly, so that they may command respect
and protection from both.
Finally he foresets lu tho passago of the
Civil Ulgbts Dill tho utter annihilation of the
public school system now sustained by the
whiles of the South, and believes this would
be the greatest blow that could bo aimed at
tho progress of tho negro race.
Chicago, Sept. 21. The action of tho Exe
cutive Committee of the National Hoard ol
Underwriters, In recommending the with
drawal of all agencies of Board companies
from Chicago because of the neglect ol the
i-It v authorities to adopt cortalurecouimcuda-
lions aud comply with certain demands of
the Hoard, excites tnucn comment in busi
ness circles hero, though there Is litllo ex
cltement aud less apprehension.
Ni:w Yohk, Sept. 23. A dispatch 'o tho
Tunc says Kelloyg and the Federal olllcers
anticipate further disturbances. Beyond
sloubt, auothor tight will result from any at
tempt made on the part ol the Kel
logg police to search private housos forarms,
or to prosecute the leaders In the recent rev
olution. Ksllogg yesterday telegraphed to
Washington that he thinks the city lu a very
insecne condition, lie thinks rioting may
toe apprehended any moment, and Ihe State
will not remain at peace If the U. 8. troops
are withdraw u. lie bad reason to know
Chat the league movement was spreading In
to adjoining States, and the order waa dally
increasing In Dumber. The U. S. war vessels
arrived In the Mississippi below New Or
leans last evening. The Health oliicer or
dered them to pass up to the city without
jjiiarraullgt Inspection.
Cimcimmati, Sept. 21. A terrible accident
occurred last night on the Baltimore aud
Ohio railroad between Smilblou and West
Union, West Virginia. Two passenger trains
collided and the wreck afterward took tire
and burned. The Postal agent was killed;
how manv others la uot known.
Ski.ma, Oh., 8eit. 24. This morning the
southern bound train on the Selnia, Homo
and Pallon railroad, wtut through a brldgo
over the Waxahatcble, (ailing tio feet. Tho
train Is a total wreck. The engiueer, tlreman
and several passengers were killed. All the
remaining passengers were wounded, many
(latiuerounly. Among the killed was Win.
Jlo.wl, ex-Judge of the Supreme Court of
Nkw Voiik, Sept, 25. II. Kcblemann, Ger
inau cousul lu the District of 1'rince. Porto
Hleo, says of tho report Hbout the cession of
tout islauu to ueruiauy, out must nave orig
inated among the enemies of Bismarck at
Porto Ilico. Some excitement was caused ou
reading North American papers, but vcrj
few attached any credence to it, mil the Gov
vernor-Geneml publicly detutd having re
ceived any Instructions from .Spain in regard
1o the mailer. Local papers also denied any
truth Jn It. There was considerable dissatis
faction en the Island, however, owing to tho
troubled condition of alMrs lu Spain, and
the fsct that all the Important olllcers are
M l'AUlr An explosion of the boiler of
steam thresher lu the Franklin Wright
Company, yesterday, killed or n?alded fatal
ly four persons, and severely scalded several
others. Tbe-cauae of the explosion was a
Jblgh pressureof stesm.
Pajus. Sent. 21 Uambetta Is anuouoced
to dttliver polllical speeches at various places
jn suuiuern ueparioiems.
Andorea, capitol of the neutral country
of that uame.-ha been attacked by Carllsts
because the authorities refused to surrender
a I a nuantlty of ai uis seized lu tiansit across
tba frontier, for tho Insurgents.
an FitNCisco,Sept. 5 In lite pool at
Sacrmnculo to-dav Occident sold at 423,
BUckbird 75 aud Purdy 25 in the race for a
artcial purse of $3,000 mile heats, three In
He-S3,5uO, to first horse, fl.uu) to second
and t-'aM to third. At 1 r. M the grand
stand waa well filled, and everybody was
waiting anxiously fur the bell to strike.
Calling the boisea uj at liW r. M., orders
swerestven to clear the track. At this time
she excitement' was Intense. Positions of
he horses: Blackbird, pole; Purdy, sec
end; Occident outsiae. The corses were
called up after sooriug tfcrea rimes no start.
The bones got away on the tlfibaeoiiujc. Oa
ssideut took the beat In 2rfl, Purdy second.
The result or lb first beat eaused great ex
sxtement aud in pools Occkleat became more
ban ever the favorite. It is estimated over
&fiO0 people were present and more arriving
eWNStautly. For the second' beat Oocldent
old for m, Purdy 10 and Blackbird .'. Tbe
korses Uiog called up for toe second heat,
Occident took the pole, Purdr second, L'lack
Wrd outside.' Occident took tbs beat Jn 2:
34',, Blackbird second. After tbe sevnd
keal Ihere'WMflopooV-siOliDg, and at 10:30
r. m the horse were celled up for the third
'keat, w bleb ttae B0t yat coosi oft.
Later Tlie third i beat was taken by
Turdy; time, 2:21k: OocWsat aecood. Sam
Jfurdy took the fourth beat of tbe treat race;
tlfue, -; ana aiso me enn neat, Deck-ana
euk with Occident, time 2:'S'A. Tremend
ous sidieaitnt ensued upon the announce'
ment of tho result. It Is calculated that over They recently tried to force a Utah girl In
find 000 depended upon the contest. to a polvpnmous marriage, but she kicked
Nkw Yohk, Sept. 2i The City of Pekin tbo'oulclatlng priest's hat off, knocked the
sails to-dv with 2 0011 tons of freight. I bridegroom down, and rode off ou a mule
PlTTslii'KO, Sept. 2(1. IVsnltory tiring was ' with one lov on each sldo of hlta.
VilIa. l uicnt atiinar Miii.uetwetn
uk ng meu and Italians, wlthon serin...
results. A partof the Italians went to work
this morning.
Chkiidmoou, N. Y.. Sept. 2d In the Inter
national Kltle Match here to-dav, nil Amer
ican won the first event of 80.1 yards by 112.1
to 317 tor the Irish team. Foulton, an Ameri
can made oM, and Hamilton made the
snuie for the IrNh team, blng thelwsr slowir
Ing ever witnessed. Betting Is 100 to 75 lu
favor of the Amerli'sn leant
Nkw Yoiik. Sept. 2rt The fnllo'vlmj Is a '
summarvot the shooting at CretMlmo.ir t '
days NX) yards, Irtshmn 317, American; Kit:
(WO yards, lrlshineu ;1I2. Americans ,110; 1,HM
yariN, lrlshiueu BO.', Americans 20t. 'Ui
lilshmen Ull, AiiiHiriui IMI. Tlie nugre
ca'n ciirw m as follows: Amer'.stn team
Fulton IIU, Yale lll2,tlidint.V,nibUMleve
155, llMidilirii Uti, lUkinl.Ml: lolaitUl. lrl-h
team lllhv ltl.1, Hsmllton IttO, VMNnn 1IW. '
L'intitr 151, Johnson 1.0, Walker 144 ; total,
A report is In circulation this afternoon
the ellect that Antigua, In Guatemala, urs
been de-troved bv an earthquake.
St. PAt'uNept 2:t. The threshlnc machine
acclilent at Frauklln, brleflv alluded to yes
terdav, was a dreadful atftlr. The siesm
thresher belonging to Mr, llarko had been at
work threshing, aud had nearly completed a
joo, wueu an nanus stopped lor a lew nun
utes and tho machlnn was slopi.ed also.
wlille the machine was standing still, Just as
tbev were about to start It again, the boiler
exploded with terrlflo forinj throwing the
omtiuoaud holler about three liuudrod feet.
and landing It on a stack of straw ten feet
hli!li. Tbreo Dorsons were lustiintlv kilhd
nud three Injured. One of the Injured has
aluco.lled. The names of those killed are
Mrs. M. Biirnick, Miss Katie Devlnc, Pr. S
O. Grant and Perry ll'trke, The Injured are:
Martin Devlne, shoulder broken and Injured
Internally; Thomas Cunningham, arm nearly
torn off. Perry Borke waa blown four htm
dred feet. The engine lauded In s marsh.
Dr. Grant anil the ladles with him, had ar
rived on the around to witness; the opera
tions of the thresher, Just before'the expl.vd.
on occurred, and were almost Instantly
blown into oterully.
SKATTf.e, Sept. 23 On Tuesday afternqon
an all ray, growing out of a porsonnl misun
derstanding, occurred li this city betweeu J.
W. Kivln mid Alex. Ilalley, wliloh resulted
In tho death of the former. The parties bad
been Intlnmto friends, ami had been doing
business together for several years, when u
misunderstanding In reirird to some business
transaction aroso. Krviti became, much ex
cited, armed himself with n revolver nud
somiht Ballev. threatenlmr to shoot him on
sight. When they met, Krvln was driving u
span oi norsis nuaciicu to a lumber wagon,
He stopped his team and drew his rovolver,
but before he could tiso It, Bailor ouught a
staKP irom tue wagon ana ueuii Uliu b IjIow
In the forehead, which resulted In his death
about six hours afterward. Deceased waa a
native ol UocIk sler, Now York, aud for many
years was a contractor aud builder In Chica
go, iiauey nau au examination to-day and
was honorably discharged.
Fulford and Johnson, residents of IUker
county, Indicted for the robbery of Wells.
Fargo ifcCo's express box last winter, were
arrtsiou a lew days since, and probably, ere
now, are In Jail In Baker county,
Tho quarts mill, that has been so long ex
pected from Colorado by Brooks A Co., ot
Jackson county, bas arrived, and is ready
to start In nterallon next week. They are
well pleased with tbe machine, and tblnk It
far ahead of auytblng of the kind In the
Tbe deficiency In tho Indian service In
Oregon will an.otiut to at least $00,000, some
of which Is of longstanding, running back
to the days of Metcalf and Miller. There
are about i 1 0.000 of these old Touchers. An
effort will be made at tbe coming aesilon of
congress tor au appropriation to recover
these vouchers.
The following levy of tax was made at the
last session of the Union County Court:
Stato tax, 6'j mills; school tax, S mills;
county contiugeut fund, 2 mills; couutv
fund, 14 mills; total, 25 mills. Bills were
allowed nut ol tho county fund to the amount
of I,33l) 32, and out ot the contlnguut fund
to tho amount of f .177 10.
About filly horses have been In training
on the race track near La Grande for the
Union County Fair. The truck Is said to lie
fio best lu tho State, nud mhiio fast tlmo, it Is
tUought, will ho madx. Wo may here state
tiat the track Is said to bo about 100 feet
8'iort ot a mllo.
Tbe Times says: The finances of Jscksnn
comity are In a fair way of being in a healthy
condition again. We learn that the Isuids
men lu the Jos, Wells' case aro making
preiratloiiH for a settlement with the coun
ty, and this amount, lu connection with that
(lue from the Oregon Ceutral Military llosd
Company, which there is every prospect will
bo shortly liquidated, will nisi Jackson
county almost if not tiullo out of debt.
Last Saturday night week, tbe denizens of
Kanaka rial, asumiruoi Jacksonville, Hail
a lively row which resulted in the shooting
of tbe negro wood chopper. Jackson, and
his subsequent death, Tbe coroner's Inquest
showed that the deceased, Jackson, camn to
hit death on Kauska Flat, Jackson oounty,
on Kept, lu her I2lh, by meausofs rifle ball
supposed lu have been fired by Geo. Kph
rsim. Tho last seen of Epb, be was taking
a bee-line for California at double-quick
From .. I. Hsr.eollne, of Grant county,
the -Ucstiifui'irrr leaniH tbe follow Ingitetnsof
news from mat section of our State : "Tbe
Burnt river gold mining district bas turned
out very welt this season. Moasrs. Carpen
ter, Brunsen and Farmer cleared up about
112,000 from their claims for four months'
work. The other claims have also oald well.
The Cabeilmliin isturtilnirniitanliiivtlrilv.anH
bids fair to rival the celebrated mines of
Washoe, Tbe crops of Grant county this
season are reported as excellent. Wheat la
selling at 0 cents per busbel. Businesa of
all kinds at Canyon City was improving, and
money was becoming more 'plenty."
Julius Horton, Ksq , Deputy Master will
visit Squsk Valley on next Saturday, 27th
lost , for tbe purpose of organizing a Orange
in Ural locality.
It Is proposed to start dally morning paper
In the bean of the Black Hills, It wilTbe
called tba Scatit, and is oontideoUy expoted,
that all the Indiana, without regard to party.
willUkelt, ,"
Thai ten ton engine tor the Heat tie Coal
and TranatMirtAthrta f!n. la an vnniji Car th
track", from tbe wharf. Jt is moved l.y self
propulsion, over a temporary trace, mm
down ia movable sections, c j
A gentleman Bring up near Lebanon killed
a large mountain sheep In that vicinity last
A letter from Gray's Harbor tells how a
.'elenehmaii" In that vicinity was seriously
'injured Inconsequence of warm embrace
fn mi a black bear. 11 er clothes were pretty
much stripped from her, aud she received
tuauy severe scratches.
Itlsbnp Pierce dedicated the now Southern
Church at Tangent last Sabbath.
A (Yirvallls tlrm hastJO.OOO btishtlsof wheat
lu their warehouse at that place.
The tnni'litnery fir the new flouring mill
at Corvallls has arrived at Its destination.
At tho dedication of the new M. It. Church
South m Tangent the ballanrx dim on tie
c-is i of erecting the building some 71X ss
subs, rllied.
There are still rlpntv of nntelnpn In tho
ronton about Ciiuiu Polk, about IW miles
irniii Albany, out ou tho Willamette- Vulley
1 and Cascade MoiiiiIhIii road.
j On Sunday last the Coivallls M. V.. Sun-
10 (luctlilll nl J. W. WlllUms. Se.T. Ir-. . mnl
Master; Orvlilo U Carter, Librarian.
The Odd Fellcws at UrownsvllU dedicate
their Hue hall ou the 20:h of next month,
when a grand old time w 111 bo hail. A large
attendance uiay be expected.
Mr. T. II James, of Oehoeo, says I hey nro
gelling along inieiy oer in mat xaney, nav
lug hart estcd large crops of wheal lor which
tuey linn a itiuly maiket at l per uiisiicl
A man conilnc Into Albauv found a con-
by (tie roadside with n thrie-lluid pilchl'ork
sticking in her side. The Instrument was
tsken out, but it whs thought the animal
i unnlil illn. sm-li n tlxmllvli irl.U ilinn..
about ajear In tlioStaUi Pilson.
Tho Corvalll (Jaietla learns that a train of
ten wagons arrived lu llentou county on Fri
day last, from Missouri, coming Into this
valhy by the way of tho Wtllaiuello valley
and Cascade mountain waguu road. There
were about tlilm-lho persons In tlm train.
li is sm 1 that Dr. Tonner refusut a gniw
Ing practice lu bis profession In San Francis
co, that would give him about leu llmtl-iind
doll trait tear, lorlhe agency of tho Colorado
Indian rescmillon, wliotohoonly (jitslllUon
hutidrtd it year.
frtluiey Jones, vhn la tinder n ten years
sentence or Imprhouiuent for tho crime of
murder, and was serving It out lu tho Jail at
Oljmpia, I if wed his h.v to llbeity with a
casr knlra on the tiltht'df September 22.1. A
reward ot $100 is oil. red for his npprehuu
Ion. TI1C Sia'ATi; Ii:.MTi:iTlAllV.
Your correspondent J, II, L , Is nit In
quirer after Information concerning tho fig
ures of tho SiiMirlnteudentof tho Peniten
tiary. Such a disposition Is commendable
and If ho knows no more about tho figures
lhau bis communication shows, It is highly
necessary he should boforo rushing Into type
again, take a lesson lu single entry hn Is
proficient in double. He says the report
errs lu charging tho Slato with tho cost nf
material for brick makiug, aud then charg
ing the brick to the Stato. In this ho him
self Is In error that tho report does any such
thing, and we ask hint for proof.
Tbe prison charges itself with what mats
rial the State by vouchers, furnishes, and lu
turn charges the State with what brick is
dellvored to it at the regular selling rates.
The prison Is entitled to tbe proper credit
whether they bo sold to tho Stato or Individ
uals. Thoro Is no charge to the Stalo for con
vict labor In brick making. In the Quar
terly reports to the Secretary of Stato, pages
40 to (17 Inclusive, of Superlntoiidf nt's report,
is stated tbe number of days works per
formed on the brick yard, In compliance
with the law, but Is has nothing whatever
to do Willi earnings of the prison as set forth
In tho exhibits of earnlngsand expenditures.
These show tint tho earning of thu yard
have been, brick sold, furnished thu Capitol
and on band, about f'.7,000 ; your corres
pondent herein displays bis tloublu entry by
calling It fiM.OOO.
All the earnings nf tho prison nro fooled
up at &7il,02il 77, exhibit II. Thesn comprise
thu gain on meruhaudlsn mvoun', published
in detail In Hoport, consisting of brick sold
and furnished Capitol, keeping U. S. prison
ers at legal rates, Islsir furnished Capitol,
contractors and permanent Improvements
about the prison, In all .'41,075 40; for produce
raised on the farm uvor and abovn what has
been used, brick and material on hand, mak
ing In all tho above total of f 7tl,02il,77. Wo
contend with J. II. L., and are willing to
leave the question to any business account
ant that these are all proper and legitimate
earnings, and aro nut doubled up in any
shape. If these articles were all sold for
cash, (and tbey are all legitimate articles of
merchandise and saleable at the prices put
upon 'hem.) we would ask If thecasb In tho
State Treasury would not show that the
prison had earned that amount T This
amount nf 170,028.77 bas cost the State iwhh
natty In vouchers, faujj.'jil. she not only
has that amount returned to her, but has
f0,20l.5l mom. She has paid It on vou hers
or cash from ths treasury and has It In shape
before described.
In all candor Is not the State that much
richer that, after keeping her convicts she
baa ajust claim against the U. S. forfoyxiO,
125,000 worth of material and
labor In her
Capitol, a debt of 12,000 paid off, supplies on
hand, a water power, aud the grounds cleared,
grubbed and ready foreoltlvatlon 7
On tbe subject of labor are the prices
charged greater than the same would demand
outside, or is It leas valuable T But says J,
H. L., be leases this same labor at 5oc to
podd and others. If a farmer bas a lot. of
potatoes on band that be cannot sell at a fair
price, will be allow t-bem to rot, or get what
be can for tbero T Tbe Superintendent has
mora labor than be can profitably use, tied
op as be Is bribe regulations, and If not sold
Is 'waste. Because be leases a portion at
w a day It dor not follow tbat work done
grabbing Is not worth f I SO per day,
Tais article U alreadT Ions;.1 I may refer
to lbs aublect again and would ask J, II. L.
to study tbe "figures" with fairness.
Yours, Faih Putv,
J. 11. 1., lu Full- lMny.
With many thauks to Fair Play for hl
able and courteous answer to my isuumiiul-
cation nf former date, yet I cannot riceltn
his assurance that the earnings of the Prison
foot up Kt),02l77 without some oondltlnual
wonder. A Just claim against the L'nlttd
States for fil,4S5 Is a tanglblo thing, but will
Fair Play Inform us whether tho United
Stales expects and auree to pay that sum;
whether It Is not fa.icy price the Superlu
tondent places on board, similar to that he
places on labor. There arc eight I . S. con
victs In the prison, who average nbnut 20
mouths each, so the cst to tho I'nltcd Statts
wlllbu Jiistalmiit f.s iivM-k. Taking that
for granted will Fitr I'isv ivo us a better
Idea of tho products of tim ftrin; how iinny
vegetables atid hocsuiidclilekeusilieio were;
how much grain and foil and meats; also.
how much land was ciilllxnlcd. Tho llrt
four quarters show a total of 1.2M ila s plow
Ing, harrowing aud farm and garden work.
Tho last four quarters show only ;W0 days
work, which seems to bo guessed oil' lu
one lump. How camo (hero to be such a
I am not willing to receive that "gain on
merchandise account" at auy such sum as
$55,Mtt.:i7, because the facts stand out boldly
that the $75,000 appropriation has been spent,
and vouchers Issued for 811,127.22 morn.
Whom Is tho f -!,4istJ received for brick ?
Tho tX: for saddle trees? Have they
been paid Into tho Treasury as tho law
directs 7 I am willing to clm'fM tho Capitol
Commissioners with round sum ; Input a
ftlr price n the labor dune, ami Ihe Improve
ments inudo around tho prison, nn.l to allow
that coin ids labor has been made tiso of to
perhaps thu best advantage, but to see It
charged up at from 91 50 to M.P0 per dny,
Instead of 50.'ts, adds nothing to tho vrtluo of
tho report,; and thu fact that tho Stato has
$&1,000 lo pay for the pilson expenses slnen
IH73, stales ouo lu the face uftor all thoSiipcr
iuteudeiil's llgures are learned by heart, As
lo the charge nf Jl 50, J2 00 and $1 (HI per day
not being too much, will Fair Play opIaln
why tho lteMiit ukca so much pains to show
the wages hi which convict labor Is leased In
other Stales, averaging not over ItVts per
day, win u thu Superintendent places such
prices ou It hero In Oregon 7 Tho iiuiouut
of it Is that convicts do not, ou tho nvcragn,
maku as good laborers us the clan of coplo
who labor Industriously and krep out of
prison. All the world over convict lalsjr Is
at a discount, but for all that ll Is tho proper
thing to make a penitentiary self supirtlng.
Couut the actual work of tho convicts In
constructing Improvements at favts a day,
and then tho flginos will be fair play. Were
there no groceries, stores, or garden products
on band two years ago 7
What wo want to arrive at Is the actual
cash value of the necessary Improvements
made about the prison; tho actual cash value
ol tho material and labor furnished to the
State Capitol, In tho aggregato, aud then wo
can credit the prison with Its labors and pro
ducts and strike the balance. Some earnings
nf the penitentiary are reliable, but a large
amount nf the figure pointed loo with pride
by Fair Play, are like tho "chips and whet
stones" we hear mentioned lu metaphor, so
often, as convenient articles for trade. Wu
want more light. J. 11. L.
Choice Lllcrnluro mid I'our Sense .
" Wu tiro disgusted to licnr tlmt sonic
linysecd-liiiiitcr is about to Introduce a
hill to sklu the Kiiprctiiii iiml Disttltt
.IiuIkch, by cutting down their sulnrlcs.
Vl) llOJlt' tilt' H.lpOsll Will III! voted
down by scornful iiccliiiuiitl.in. It is n
disgrace to Oicgiiu civlli.iitiiui und en
lightenment, mid is, wu hope, tlm very
lust resort ot plui.yiiuo economical chip
trap." KtiitcKiiittii.
Tin forcKoliiK Is in tlm usual style with
which tho .Stiitcsinnii iiiccIh tin, ;.ot
lliiioltiiuLqllcstloiiNo' the dny. "Hiiy
hc'i'd'hunlcis" In the encer Hint joiiuml
applies o the iiieu who conic hero Inde
pendent ol all parties to help prncutii re
tieiichuiciit. I'crhnps It icfeia to mem
bers of the .Slate tinnic, hiimheds of
whom nro now in our city, and puylui;
well for what they tiso heie. It Is con
sidered by thu people, and wo have liar
K'ttcd by good lawyers, that the Increase of
Hie Judges' sulary is unconstitutional.
Thu pcoplu wuiil tliu constitution miller
to, iiml evnti lliuHlntesinaii, which Is not
accused of astuteness, must cnnlesa that
tliu constitution ought to be obeyed lin
plicity. It uiay bo iry true that the
salariusof our J tidies aru iiimu too high
Willi llieail.lc.l couipciis.it Ion, hut If this
l.eglslattiie lullcvis thu ciiitltiillun hits
been inlriiiKcd by this, or any other law,
Its lllfliihcrn have unduly h'lt but a spee
dy repeal of nil such legislation. The
last l'KNIiiture is not III us good odor lis
It might be bt cause luuny such Increases
ol expenditure wcic luinlo, und We lltid
the Mote hetivily lu debt us a conse
This Legislature Is composed of men
who scent disposed to do thu fair thill).'
eau generally on all mutters. No majority
bo got to iavor tiny Job, uinl tho general
idea seems in fuvnr ol retrenchment nn.l
cure of abuses, if they conclude that the
extra compensation ot thu Judiciary lit Il
legal, thev will certainly repeal thu act'
in int.. in iiiu men-mine, nil nines arc,
In our opinion, entitled to fair und court
ious trcutuiciit, and Hulcui hustoouiu
liy favors to usk of the Htuto for any of
of its Journals to throw low-Hung und in
Nulling paragraphs at thu repris-untatlves
of thu jaople.
Vfu might have known that Cliluago would
have beeu llie t'rsl city to run Into tbe cornel,
lliutun Vtf.
, In London churches they are giving notice
tbat "five mluules aftar the bells sbsll cease
t ) ring all pens sre free."
The lemon prospect Is rather snur. n m
lsk. Atsllurenf lb crop along the coatt
i ui Spk!u aJBAfncu and i'.m.j u rtponu,
The tilt tt I'lu'ltiQ ttlitt tll'Pits to 1)0
j watcllt'd niltl porllttpn dlitrilstt'il, Is lo-
M'rilu'tt us follows In tho Saorntuunlo
( 'llilHI.
A MHvi.il teloirrsiin tinted Now York.
August oNt,Ut'tclif.l tho pluti of it now
combination in embryo, niUI to he
"coiupo-oil of Kr.iliwh'iiiow, lunkurs
un.1 r.illtiMil iiieu," for the bus-niH of
liutispnrllii'r cr.ilti frotti tho West, lit
cludltiK California, to tiio Atlantic, sett
I hi fd .mil Kitnipe; "and for making
silo-of wheal in Loudon on coininis-
slim," thu iicniitl.uiiius to ho I'llbctcil
! hy tuh'KiMpli. Tin phut of tho comht-
iiatlon tippi'iif- pltiuslblc on nanor. It
sots forth "a popular dotnatHl for siiiiic
int'iiiis to roliou' tho tanner.-- of t Ii
ot by In-iiixiui: them into Inuiicdl-
' lite coilin.'cluill willl
buyors ituti con
Tlipy nn to os-
. "UllliMs in i:tll.iii'."
t.iMNh .sttotii; credits in KiiRlaud nntl
the I'niicil flutes, for tin1 tr.iiisnctloii
of lntiiu'ss on an unlimltotl M-itk'.
t'nntr.icts aro to he iiinde wlllt railroail
anil steamship companies " forcheup
anil tiuironn rules of transpurtatlon."
The main olllco will ho in New York,
with brunch olllces tit Chicago, St.
I.otiis.s.tn Kintifl-t'ci nud other cities or
(lie West, aud also at London and Liv
erpool. The sales will ho itejiotlatetl
us follows; The nirent in any Western
city will inform the main olllco of the
amounts of wheat or other i;raln that
can he purchased; then the olllco in New
York will fonimunlcato hy telcurupli
Willi the London and Liverpool olllco.
The Loudon or Liverpool iigont will
then .sell, sty, IO.ihki tons of wheat, to
deliver in thirty day at tho rullnj;
rates, and will telej.'ratih buck the salt)
to tho main olllce at New York, which
will Instruct sonic, of tho Mili-uueiicies
lu the West to huy and forwuid wheat
to that amount. The mih-ap;cncips will
p.iv the farmers So per cent, of the
juice contracted for, ou delivery, hold
I ii,' hack lo per cent, (ill tho carp;o
leaches its thud destination. Tho com
mission will ho the half of one per
cent., und, in addition to this, thecoui
pauy anticipates laro satins front the
Mile of its evcluiiifje on London. (:
villi) (irimt, the President's brother, U
menlioiieil as one of the leading pro
moters of (Ids (,'riiuil capitalists'
nsx.xoxo.7s xsrssxiSiXonzvoz.
lllshop Janes has iimlti been prostrated
with sudden Illness, Wo are glad to learn
thai he Is convalescent, and ihal the prospect
Is that bis valuable Illn will yet bo spared
to thu church.
Mrs. P. Palmer, who has done moro than
any other person of modern Mines by her
pen ami gifted speech to turn llieatlentlon ol
the Christian woil.l lo llui subject of mitlro
holiness, Is, wu regret to say, ivlng daugei
iiusly III, at her homo lu Nuw York,
Wn hau lust received the following dis
patch Irom illshop Morrill, dated San Krau
Cisco, Sept. 2-kl : "Itev, it, lleutlry ia trans
forred lor Taylor-street 51. K, Church, Port-
laiiu, m arrie nut inuiiiinoi uciooer.
Tho Itev. J. L. Male, who for ten yearn
was a missionary In Una Arch.llocsse, and
w hose memory Is borne lit ur-lelul remain
braiieo by bis parisholiers at Si. Paul, has
been dclemiled lo represent Ills (Irne Arch
bishop lllauchett at the coining Two linn
ilrenlli Aiuilverssrry.il lliHesiabllshmentof
tlioSeoof (uebec.
From a corresimndeiit at IUker City wo r.i
celte the gratlfilug inlelligencu that not only
Ihe Catholln ladles In that city aro working
real. uisly for It, but nearly all the ladles lu
tho xleiiilly'arn m king articles nf nlcganco
and hi iniiy In order to add (mho Fair Mss
Moss, of Oregon Cllv, Mlses Si Is, of Can
jiiii City, ami oth.r ladlns, will lend tho
charm of voice ittiil ineludr to I lie iceun,
The t,i I r I.iiiiiiIIc.
A Legislative ConiniKlee vlsll.il an
ilisano iisyluiu lecelltly. Ouo of the
falhclly Senators stepped up to one of
the youiiK ludy uttoiu lants, and said,
".My poor glil, do you know howlnn
you h a vii I ii here'.'"
The " poor glil" smiled, und replied,
"Nearly a year."
"How long do you think you will
have o stay V" continued the Senator, in
the same sympathetic lone.
"Well, sir," continued tho fair Iiiuatlcv
" I shall piobahly stay till they stop my
wages or I et iiiunfcl;" ami slut wulU
ed away, laughing.
The Miid-licarlfil Senalor lookisl after
her with tears In Ids eyes, and murmur
ed, " Poor thing I poor tiling !" while the
"poor thing" minted the iillittr to tlm
million, and laughed till she cried.
"May Iichvcii'm iwigels whisper gulden
words as (bey may kls your ilsrlmg clonks,"
wrotna La I'rosseo man lo his Idiu-ey niily
last siirlms; and now he wishes linxwui's
angels wuiild wblspcrto him how his breach
ot.promlsii suit Is coining nut, an his lawyer
Is doiibtrul.
Father Chaucer was sound ou the main
ipiestioii. Witness:
What Is butler than gold 7 Jasper.
What is better than Jasper 7 Wisdom,
What Is better than wisdom 7 Woman.
What Is belter than woman 7 Nothing.
Thu Alaska lltrnUI expresses thu belief
that lu 250 years Stka will bo one of tho
ureatMt slip-bti)rig cities In tho West
but that Is a long tlmo lo wait.
When your pocket-book gets empty and
nvorylxidy knows il you cau put all your
friend In It and it won't "bulgs out" worth
a cent.
A man lu Kenluck named Slaughter mado
anolhsr man the victim ef a charade on, hh
AliHstk-faied, humble-lrHiklngliullvldusI,
In attempt lo traverse a bit of banana peel,
the oilier day, sat down violently ou tb
sidewalk, and merely remarked, "(iraoe,
mercy and jwaco."
The ilocbester 'imCf'ilsays; "Mrs Stan
ton wants every cliurch In the land to have
a woinsu preacher. Verjr gs)d, , indeed.
Stay I wlio will, make the pastoral visits 7
Speaking for one. ws do not preposa to un
dergo sny more dsngers."
Neit to iniislo, nothing so powerfully tendw
toso'ilhe the savage Iwsisl as to see the yo'ing
man tar tut iistrtat IiIk litals In il.a. al.l.ll a....
' Jlife LHshy HHgtll, gtj l livitj,