Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, October 02, 1874, SUPPLEMENT, Image 10

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i:imru tiKtu i,.tit sr.ssiox.
Tliriisliti, hep!. '.'.!.
ttnr roll will, pr.iynr ai uiluruil by ltov.
Ir. Bonersox, dl Salem,
StiitiiiHrd presented pilllinn from 'HI citi
zens of North Iltovt nn lll, ashing fr Hi In.
corporation nl'the town referred to Commit
too i m Iiirnriorntloiis.
Crauslou prosonlud petition from Sllvnrtou
uskliig lor incorporation, rd'timd lo Com in it
lee on liicnrpoin.ions,
I'lillcr pim-edled petition for lhn relocation
it lint liotiniliiry lino loti-uu ,1m ksnu and
loM'phlnn counilus. Iteleiiud to Committee
un Counties,
Reed pri smiled memorlsl with I .Vx) sign
nrs, asking for wntiiii siiH'ragii, and iiiowd
referred to special Commilloo ot three. Alter
onslileriililu iliibulo uml virions motion, tliu '
House n fern d shmiu to spis'lal Coniiiilttee,
Chair appointed Messrs. Hied, I.imo anil
HruiNliiiu, such Committee.
I'iilltir iHlleil iittenllnti to Din fact Unit
motion ni pending Irmii smnIsv to refer
II No '- to (,'oiintilttiiii on lioironohmeiit
hihI Reform, He Hindu hii iirguuiunt against
partisan legislation Mini showed tliHt tlm
Treasurer liml not Milllcli'iit lotiipi'iisulinu,
'I'lio House, no far, Inil lixmi nlniilui ly
I no from partisan action mill ho hoped would
ruinnlii mo.
cnrln tavoroil I ho repeal o( tint law ITO
atlng tho ollk'ii ill' Assistant Treasurer. Mil
luiori'il h reasonable compensation lint reid
stiillstlrs to show Unit tliu lout now usuihlish-
I (I WITOI'VOll.llrtllt.
Ilradslmw Imoieil ropo.il but chi.o1 tlm
iiiloioticii to coiiimlltcu on Retrenchment
ami Itiilorin.
I'loruiiro luwiruil tliu repeal ami quoled
tlm cinistliutinu,
Tli il'lm'o was mitiulalued at lunulh by
.Messrs. kooii, iiHiiinMiy. tJlminlmm unil Inl
It r Hint tliu motion to rt.lur to tlm .iliowioom
llllttlll lulled
On motion of Mr. Mavs tlm l.ll was rend
".''i'"!. ''"''' l-HHawlih only one dls-
sentlng vote, Mr. Hlauinird.
Slump, from ItouiU and Highways ri)xrl
w In luvor of 11 II No II, relating to situs lor
Uiiiglilln, from lloailsand Illgltnuys, re-
lomuuilnd pAssaueiif 11 II No IK,
llliif arson from coniiiilllen mi MlhiHgH re
sirted Mllvago and pcrillem of Ollbert,
Itiiyuolds, eonteslMiit to bo JI'JV. and pre
Miiiled u Joint Itjvilntloii I'or .lUlon, Hppro
priHtliigtlmt siiiii,
Oiilloway moved to amend and Insert Sv'.U.
ChilllllielH said slleh contests went hcctiin
ing monotoiioiis. We hud decided ho lisd
no riuuisauii now wu were askmi. in ii.,,. oin i
that Im had rlghlN, and pay him us If ho hiul.
Matlock lavored tlm payment In lull.
Ilrmlshaw thought we were under no oh
ligation. He came hern nil disown liouk
ol his own volllloii It wniilil set ii bail pie
"I'llont ami i 1 1 r an Inducement lor Irinrn
liliuloiis roniisls. He enniii' here on ,i
Irlviliius pretext, and wo havo- decided ho
has mi right here.
Stolt lliiuiidit we had showed IhticoulCHtant
i outlesy mid wasted valuable tlimi oil lilin.
I In had cost niiough already. Thuru wan uu
spirit of relorm In tlio rewilutluii.
C'raiistuu thinight (iraiit ciiuniy nm Key
Holds had nuhlx here, and that lUivinilils
slioiilil recelvu lulleiiue mid isir dleuu. He
sild Curl only retained thfesout by a baru I
mTu ,y' ii. . . . . .. i. .. I
(lallowiiy said tlio nlo to tutuln CjiiIIii his
M-iii nin I.HMII-.1 iiimiiiiiiuiis. mi in nnineii
tlio dillureiicn lu the en mi of Mr. Jellers of
t'latMip, who was sent hern to represent it
ismiity that toll agurlnvtsl by tlm apiioitiou
ini'iit. 'I he speaker lavurrd pr-,ili'al ro
lieiichiiirut Slid ri form.
Kliiearsou explained that MlleiigeCouiiult- I
tisi fell lhiiuisiihi Iiislruised lux. to report I
nil Hut merits nt the case, but the iiuiiilllit ni I
mileage from llraut isiuuly. llodlit liottuvic 1
thnreMilulloii. I
Ki.l,r,,,M,s...l il,..Ul r il,..,.,,., ii..-i .
to Ills seal, tint laMiteil llni rewiliuloii. lie
,i i.. n .ii.i .... ... I
i ..- ,
..,.,,,, .. ....,,, . tj ,- .,,. ... i,,,iii iiii. ,t.
. latin u leital seat, miieh less liifoulosl mie
Huiiir did not think It was teloiiu lu ilony
Mr. He) Holds tils tulleagii,
.IiiIiiimiii thought It was an advantage lo
(Irani isiutity to send ail illegal ilalliiaut
lioine, and lis cltUiins have no right lu cnui
plMln. Ollbert mined Imltillnllo pnilHiuiuuut of
the tesolllllou, which lulled.
On limit otii tlio res ilntlon was Inst by a
Who ote,
I'l.MiiuIti Imm the cmiimitteu on Mining
telliriied (illberl lle, Holds' uieinorlal, nig
lhn creation of a prninssorshlp nl Mining,
with tlio limitation irom lhn wnnlsof a man
morn illsilugiilsliiHl llimi themselves, "tlm
n Ulcus hiii Hot slilllcclil lor llio wants nl the
.Illilii luiiv iSMilllllllee, lV Nil . ''loll, tiMturt
imI buck II II Null, ID, )'.', Is.
II II No '.I Proxlilis ii'iilslalurns shun isiui
ti'oni'o lu iVliiliei, In filliiin tests. 'I he
lOiiiinltlcli was iigilul the I ill, and nl nrcnii.
sideliible illi usinn a liiollnu to Indiilliiltcly
piiHine lis ciiuslili'iiilloii, ciirrli'd.
II II No lo l!il illm; In iippoltituiciit nl
depullis byCIciks mil Mielitl, mid wss in-
tereil iligliiscd line tesd III liluetii Inoirnw.
'I'lio nimeiicilon was taken ts It Ii reiect to
II II No IJ Keliitlug I" I'M million i f Hnme-'-li
mis, mid II II Nil Is To mill I toll on
lirldges, luteuill'il for tlm litnotlt of tlm imii
leuiplati d brlilno ucrnssllin tlMir at P.irlliiud.
II II Ul This U the bill rcjHsiiliij; the pice
mil usury law lu giealnr luit. The iiiamrilv
nl the .luillclar CiiiiiiiiIIIisi Missis, llruil
slniw, Cliiiintiri, rioreiue, litMiin.t tlm ru
in tlnnnf the bill, while Mcssis. Molt ami
I' Idler were ftvoralihi lo lis ussagn.
Ualloway liuneil the Indnlliilln kitpiun
ineiit or llio bill, which led to an extended
discussion on the merits or the hill and the
sipnUr feeling on thiHiiostlou or iitiiry.
PIviiikIo argued agalimt the liiiletlntin si,t
Isiiieiniiut or an Impnruiit iiieisiirn.
(.'ear In I bought such aoliou would bo lis-ty
and iniestluiieil llio uiil'nlnos ol the prtweut
tixiirj law. He alluded to raliw or Interest
chargiHl in California, itud made a strong nr-
Kiitui'iu ii r rvsil or tlm uMiry luw.
(Vlirornili. l K I
Cliauiinini iki dlristlv to llio isiltit. This
crv for repeal uf tlm llsurv came fro... .,,,..
S s:7a:a asm;
' . 3 .C:,:'jy."."r." .'." "" '
tiallnwav did mil claim to Im so elmiienl
as the honorable gentleman Irom Mullno
insli, who reiireseiitedthacaplullsl or Port
laud nu this door, but lie would try tit rep-
ireiii inn iiiiiiicvis vi (uu misiriiig mail, nit
inatir m iiiiii( aiiissfti in in nttliau Ol (Un
issipla as against the money lenders.
Holler represented the farming community
sthlch has rreiiunntly to Imrniw to carry on
raruilng nieratloua until harvest brnughl
lliein roluriu. lie alluded pertinently to
the existing hard limes.
Kent was nppnaed to the indefinite post
iKiuement of any Important measure, but
knew only oue opinion prevailing through
I the country, which wan against the repeal of I Oregon Central Pacific Railway, was read a
tho bill and Ifany change Marinade to reduce second time by title, and referred to the
lin legal rate ol Interest. ' I Committee on Railroads.
Mott said ho would not pass the bill only i A bill to repeal an act providing for re
Iih thniivht If. nrnnlil tu In tha lniirr nr iiiu i ilemntlnn of escheated estates was read
Jsrinurs to pass It. lie showed the action of,
I brokers ami tlm rriiiimlsslnns tlmv ehnnm
under the present law. This rereal nf the
law would destroy the business ot broker
Tlio motion to Indellnltely nslpnne the
bill repealing the existing usury law pen-all-ed
by the following vote.
Aiiyos Messrs. llradshsw-. Drown, Bruce,
IMrst, Florence, Oalloway, Uilbert, Rajs, I
.ihcksiui, .lewoc, i-iiirerwool, tMatulnu,Mal
McOugln, McClung, Nojor, Heed of
Clnekaimis, Illddle. Hlnoarson. Shndd.Slini
soii,hiannHrd,btiimp, Wassom, Mr.Spoakor.
Noes Mesrs. Illake, Chandler, Cornell,
Dean, Dufur, Dullv, Kldler.Ocarlu, Johnson,
Kelly of Hellion, Kelly ofMullnoumh. liSino,
I-iughlln, le, Mays, Hartlow.i'lymale.ltoed
in .iiariun, iwie, ihiss, ooit,Miellon,Htariis
Sieeu, St.)tt, Van HI per, Wilson, Wright of
I'nloii, Wrlgnt of Jai-kson. '.").
This was not a lest rote on the merits nf
the question of repeal of the usury law, IVir
many opposed the Indefinite postponment ol
id the bill as an Improper way or meeting
the same. The llniii.ii Is considered as
strongly opposed to such a repeal.
II II No (i was reported eorrecily imgroswsl.
I.udgnrwood prosenled n communication
from Institution of tlm llllnil, Inviting a
visit to the llllnil School and proposing to
give an exhibition In Iulslatlv Hull not
sooner thnn nctober 1th. Acceptod.
.lohusoii, from comrulttii) to consider hills
on llio MibJ.H'tol' lliHgainolaw, reported bsck
II IN Nos 1 1 mid 17, recomuMiiidlng paMnagii
of No 1 1.
Allor discussion the llnnsn refnsnil Inarm
ler same engrossed' ttlr read third limn to
morrow, and it wan laid on lhn tahlnanil
made gaum of.
Nil IlllJfWI (if fllit (2iUiillwi'j Muuaann i -
.... ...... .. .,, ( ijiiiniiiwi n iiionwu r? j ?
'" ..moiichi war claims, was referred'to
w "" ' ?"?&, ... .
II J K No II was Introduced appointing
Joint Committee on Immigration; pending
i which, me lions adjourueil to visit the feu
according to previous arrange-
Tlio opening prayer was tillered by ltov.
Addison Junes,
Petition Irom Sell) Bf.'.illli' forilianir In
City I'harter, was rts-elreil, and refeired to
s.h,miu. i.,,,,, i i..
vH t'lvavii iimvinl mmi
liellillllellt tn.riilnw
i governing pnntinir of I, UN, which w.wt lost,
i Uu motion ol Mr. Kudus, cotniullteH to
lo exiiiilim MiisinnlNof latn stato Treasurer,
were aulhorimd lo employ a clerk.
Joint Resolution, Iaiiu Mr. llirsch, was
t adored, iustrtiellng Committees on. Ways
i and Means, or tlmtwi Houses, to :ks4 lo
' getheraud consider that (lortlon or the (lov
i ernor'a message relatlug lo linaniyj.
I It was amended to Include ull UlUcon-
corning fees ol ollluers.
. WaiMiu lntrisluoeJ bill ainendliig y'mlo.
I Also, to enable unotksl women t dispose
or their property,
i vImhiis ipuvn tmili,L ,vr 1,111 rf .iiki.. ..r
I'liuulss rmuitv,
S " No 3-,' lWi (irand Juties; wns I
rHHj sicoail time; and on motion ol Mr.Wat-1
mill, was In elln Inlv imwIihiiiikI.
AlTKlMiOX t.iyslD.v,,
Senatk met at Z o'clock.
PresiJonl Cochran In tiie Chair.
lly iisunlinniiH consent, Mr. Clark Intro,
duct'd a bill Hiiprupiiatlng $IO,Hto pay mil
age ami sr dUm u members.
uu uiniloii of Mr. Watson, the rules were
'"l'"r """' "' ""' n " swiiui
..,,... i, v ,
,. ik,ii.
'' l"l
Nlllilt moviHl that tlu rnlm 1m sua.
peiulvl ami that the bill bo iwt.1 a third time I
now. Tlm iimllou prevalloJ, itul the lull ,
ii.l.mhI bv ii iiIh nf'M in :t I
HI All SJUXIMI ipu:.
'I he bill to resal tlm act to protect RJine I
ami llsh was read a second time.
On linilliinnl' Mr. Illrsoh the bill was. then
lain iisni urn lailllf,
The bill lo rc(s.al the act providing for a I
I Slink Hoard ol i:Ualatloii, was rad u
I second limn.
Mr. Tow usoud moved to rewr totlus Judlc
l.ir.v Committee. Lost,
, Mr. liolpli moed to refer to tho Commit-
lieoi aKtiuii .Means, trfist.
j Mr, lllrsli moved to lay tlm bill upon thai
liable. Iit. '
a. I ii l""Miw "' M ootoiioi Mil ,
' 'fl... rules wJlx, ;heu sUs.s.n.UI. llm hill
nada third lime uo, mid passed by u o.u
i". i In . , . .. .. I
I he bill to ptovido tor the payment el Mo-
..... .,.,, ,..,,.,, v.n mmiii i.,.sniii iinienmi re-
nrie.l In I 'olilmlll, ,, Million. All-n. I
i i i hi . 1 1 Vi -'------ 'j ....-...-.
, i mi ion in ut'iiuti inn iiuiiis nun ux iuo sai
iirv of s,tntn i.eiiloirl-.!, w.is rend n stvond
, 1 1 tut.
i N'uiilliUMi nunml to n lur In Committee
on Mining, l.o-t.
I ltli'liarilioit inoicd to mdolliiltuh' pest-
pone, l.ot.
uu Hiniiuiiol Welisler, the bill was ortlered
enurovit'd aud rivid third time tn-iimrniw
I'lm 1)1.1 lo I ii I Km 1 lhn act crealiinr llio iillliw
of Iteglsleror I. iul lot 1. 1 tlraudu District,
was until sissiml time, aud relerred to Com
I mitten mi Public 1-amtH.
A bill to a. l. mid the ro.d law was read and
relerred to Committee uu lloads aud High
i ways,
'I Ins bill is demanded hy the Senators from
Douglas county aa very nisvry In a ooun-
, ivcnutalulug narrow allies like tlio l"mp-
. 'lhn bill ottering Nmntlea for scalps ou
I ILirilM IllllWIil VVft.iV, iL.tllllU Ulllllil lu. ..w. I
euipieii imm tun operation or bill
". '"' oUII.I In his isiuuly would '
at once ixMiinimusi a war of exteruilnatloii
r.V" "".,.TlV"". '! '""V wo,uu lw
Sl?- -
. IMl -!, !. to CV,ul o,
the whole Setiate. Carrisd,
bill to dlsorgaiilra the cnuuly of TtlU- A communication was rtwd 'from tho Su
isik, and attach It to the counties or Polk, , PerllltcndelitofSutePoiiltentlarTremonslrmr.
Kin ti tit and Clatsop, on moiloii ot
Crystal waa iudetlnlle'.y postponed.
inn in nx unit mr Holding terms or couuty
Courts In CuUm county, waa read, ordered
ena-roMed and read third time to-morrow.
Illll to reieal an act tn empower assessor
to assess bank deposits, read, ordered en
groMMul and rsd a third lime to-morrow.
Hill to repeal au act providing a salary ror
the clerk of the Supreme Court waa read a
ecoud time and refernKl to Judiciary Com
lilllUw. A bill to provide for toe construction of the
second time and referred to Committee on' I
Wars and Means. I
I A bill to provide a State board of Equall-
- 1 zaiiou. to consist or ono member ol tne
County Iloard of each comity, read second
Help, and Was then laid ujsin tlio tabli.
Watson moved that Dr. Hawthorn's uivl
Uillon to visit Ihn Insane asylum be accepted
and make men visit one week from next Sit
urday. Dtecusslnn followed this proposition.
Mr. Coon ran loft, the nhafr and expressed
hlmnlf plainly and lorrlblv about t be Senate
nii'di'iiuK jitvurs ni mi kiiiii iruui a periiou
who was nn applicant for n contract at its
liamls. When he traveled he paid his own
way and should not let Dr. Hawthorne pay
his passage. Thouitht tlm people had enough
occasion tor criticising ntl of their legislators
without putting auoh uauso for crltlclclsms
in inoir iiionins,
i Watson thoimht his onastltuoirts would not
believe he could he bought so ilwiap as for a
rldo to Kast I'orllaiul
Myere rccognfzed that the people accused
public men of corruption and tbouirbt thero
whh nome ground for It. The time had come
when the people were lentous of corporations
and Irse passes, and of all1 favors shown men
in olllce. Didn't thlr.k thero was any harm
in accemlnirlhe Invitation If the Senate want
ed to.
Watson moved to amend; that the Senate
don't iioropt llio ln llutloii for (ear their con
Ntituents will think they am bribed.
(In motion or Mr. Cochran, thuSenalo ad
Joiiruedi jidk.sd:.
Kiiidav Sent. 2.",
Prayer was oll'dred by Kev. A. Jones.
The House rcsmned consideration of Joint
Hesoliitlon, Introduced by Oalloway, fur
Joint Coinmlttoe on liumlxratlon, which fail
ed to carry.
Hood of Marlon Introduced resolution
autliorlr.lng Coimnlltee to Investigate the
condition of loan to linker City Academy to
examine condition and seouilty for loan or
SlO.OOdmiade to A Myers of Salem.
, him mui) rixr til-
I The following bills were Introduced and
read llrst time :
II II. No 20 Iloed of Marlon To provide
lor Slate Hoard ol Initialization.
II M- No Lli Plyuiale To Hx times for
holding Circuit mid County Courts.
H Ilv.No ItO-Jewett Tb doriiie duties and
II x ay or agent of Hoard af State I.amls
II II No HI Iloe To Incorporate Potest
It II No :l'2 Johnson To regulate descent
or property.
11 It No III SleenTu prevent spread of
contagious anil other dlseaevs among domes
tin ejilnials.
HillNoIlS Iloss 'loaiiiMid laws to llcenso
saloofsplrltiioiM llcitiom and provide reme
dy lor evils arising therefrom.
U II No fti-StannariS To lucoriwrato
North Hrow:isvilIe.
H'HNo oTf-ItoHil oti Marion To provide
foMKinstriullon of Oregon Cuutral lUllroad
I'. J It Ni. Ill ailhert To Inoiilro If nv
money has been ild tie last lour yearsj
"" a aimiumy in nivr, aim 10 Wlioni paid,
with powoto send for wltnossbs aud paporu.
OTUIKMi) Htl.t.s.
Itosi pvo niitlco of hill concorulug us.
; Siott Of bill to.lliensethoMlllngof goods
by sample.
I1.H To facilitate rdemptlou of lauds oM
for Uns.
Heed ot Marion To amend criminal Ctulo.
Oalloway Tm abolish otnee or lteglsti of
StaUi UjiiiiIs at Ln (iraude.
j Also,
(Jallowiiy To abolish the onico of State
, (llsllogiht.
Miiinp l o amend Ueueral Ijiw.
llcsiso UllJlHIriltHl.
(dtlloway ottered resolution torJolat Com
nillleooii lukiulgratlou, which wimind.
llymalo gavt noiicoof bill to cieata tho
oUV-e or Asaistaut State Treasurer.
Jewell mm tsl a reconsideration oil the vote
iy which ii is .-sot was ludetliilUtly ikisI
pined, but on motion of Hraifcibaw
HolHO laid the motion to reconskler mi
On motion ol' Cornell, so miieh or the (lov
eruor's iiies-uge relating to a KuglstryUw
was red rred to Commltte on Klsctlous,
better system of n-sessmeiiw.
mi,!,, iiHAli M.coMi n.vi:
riiuviiisi ijsin uoiu'u oi a in u so secure a
H t No IH-Uclatlng to .lltclm for agrl-
""i"i.,LH.!!.l!.".k ,u,0, w" d w"
jj i No'Jil Toaiue
nd mlllllalnw was read '
due on iiillliury stlalrs. I
lid net couceriiing fves I
"I'd referred tocomui
H It No 'JO-Tn amc
,, rk..t(i i, Wasi-u oiinlv win.
. "..,.? " '" " l,l lo"HlJi Was
II'- I
laid ou
11 II NolM-l'or rolleiof Josoitliliincniinlv-
I wus interred lo Judiciary Committee.
11 II No 21 ltelatlng o ImiiuiUry of Jose
phine oniiuij j was rtferred to Coiumllteo on
, Con u lies,
11 II o i"i Punldlng for dUtribiitlon of
. luxlsed I'nde; wiu oidurid t'HKrtMscd. I
II UNn' iciatltig to iinllorin tnodeor'
piibllc liihtriii'iloiit was referred to tho Com-'
mittisuiii II liiia'.km.
II 11 No J7 Relating to Clerk of Supreme
Court: was referred to Judiciary Committee.
II No il To promote htinly of anatomy;
was resdthlnl time and referred to Special i
Coimulitte tor ainoudmeut. I
House loucurred witUSeuato lu authoriz-1
lug Joint Couimlttee on Rtureiicbiiiuut: and
that ou books of lato Statu Treasurer to em-
Hoy a werK. Also, for Wavs and Means
LenUUlUe AssomPlv
ll To rejval act creating SUte lVard of
laiuatlon: were read tint Hum.
Dufur Presented imtltlon from citizens nf
Dlle City, Oregou to amend laoorporallon.
Which was refcrrud to committee ou corpora
tion. Kliller prsMMuti petition from citleus of
Waldo, Josephine county, asking for ehauge
nl boundary line nf thi .sitmtv
tug against ttie delivery of his book aud
papers to T. McF. Pauoti, the Clerk of the
joint vouimiiuss to examine his books aud
acrouuu, whom he repreaenled as his per
sonal enemy, who would not hesitate to do
him an Injury. Ue would obey au order of
bolt, Houses to that vaect, if made, instruct
ing hiiu to do so, but he was under heavy
bonds au J feared that valuable papers would
be lost.
Siannard, Horn Kugroulng Committee, re
ported certalu bills eorrecily engroeaad.
Special Committee vu local option petition
viiiiiiiiiueesiii uioei a-s joini vomii.ittee lor rjou 10 .isaa iiay, irom Aiseaj aiMy: wnivn ' tiiniVs that wu cm vtoll iiflVn-.l tn i.v it
I Mtlaln puriuM-.. . was referred to Itoads and HlJhwavs. . ll .. w. 'm " anorU lo. let It
I i.kmii iiiii.iieiiiniurTi..' Dean, from Special Committee ou-H B No , "'"'W' l"ti A1UIEM has no cause for
u vr: NT .. MU, ' ",,1 T1SU- . . nJti leport including Cooa and Curry I such fovllng, aud conHdeiitlv trusts tli
I S 11 No 41 To aiiiimnr nt,i for imiim m'l ,m,nii.i I., ih.su il,.i ljT,l.lo -.!. t :. . .ssinit,, uuu tuiuiuvilliv (IUn Ilie
jeported-'a-blllonthat subject. On suspen
elon of the rules the bill was read flrjt time.
II n No 3r A bill to provide for the evils
resulting from the sale of intoxicating liquors.
.".(W copies were ordered printed.
Galloway Hhked for any papers that have
passed between the Superintendent of the
I'enlteiiilary and the Joint Committee to ex
amine hls-aucounts.
The House demanded the reading, and the
Clerk read the letter passed between the.Su
neriiiteiidetitand Committee, wherein heof
lared the use of his olllce, which was nicely
fitted UP, but tie Uisimeu lo nave me uuokb
carried euewnere. n niu uu., ......
Committeo have appointed as their Clerk
"One T. MP. Patton, my open ene
mv, whom I have more than nnco pub
lished as bulnif uuderan Indictment for steal
lug In jMckson ounty, and L dont't feel that
my books and papers would be safe In his
liarwla "
The House ordered the- letters, after being
read, to be returned lo Mr. Chambers, tlio
member of the Committee who furnished the
Name to be rend.
t'he communication fcom the Superin
tendent, on motion of Mr. Johnson was laid
ou the table. , ,
Coumtttee on Mileage made report whloh
was read aud relerred to name Committee
ualloway moveu tnai unilliniusa uu ninv
VIIIUlJf IIIU.CI, .un. uirw.iiiu " ,,7,
'"K bo in"ructed lo prepare ana renoiii
' w rrescriue lie uuues ami u .i. w;
satlon of the State Printer, and provide for
dlstiibullonsor.Iaws ana journals, wuicn
was adopted.
I House resolved that the adjournment shall
bo until I! l. f., Monday, Sept. 28.
Florence moved to reconsider tho vote by
I whfah Iteynolds was denied'tnlleage etc., as
contestant from Grant county.
llmdshaw moved to lay the motion on the
table whloh curried.
Mr. Jackson asked and received loavo or
absence until next Tuesday.
Laughlln askdd and received leave or ab
seiKsi until.
House adjoarned.
FninAV, Sept. 23.
Session wu opened with prayer by Kev.
P. S. Knight or Salem.
1eave of absence wa granted Messrs.
Owens, Lee, Haley and Jewell, until Mon
day, and Uanna for the forenoon.
S II Nos 25 aud 27 Were reported properly
Aolph Introduced resolution that the
proper apportionment of representatives lu
the legislature be teferred to the Judiciary
Committee. Carried,
mam nKADtttfctr timk.
The following bills were read the first
tlnio :
llarues Introduced S II No ! Provldlug
Iftraunlfnnn course of publlu Iiistrucllou.
Myers S- II No 41-Pnr coiis'ructlon or
Airtland, Dalles and Salt Lake railroad.
Hlrsch HIl No II To appropriate 1 10,000
per annum. I'or purpoM) of encouraging (in
migration. This bill gave rise to lengthy iIIhciissIouou
matters or public econoiiiv. Tnwnseud ro
furred to great exienses or State Uovornment
and thought the last legislature was mainly
responsible ror the debtor theSta, and the
member from Multnomah (Mr. Dolnh) was
I one of the main Instruments of procuring
net i-.iin fflKsia niiiiriniiuiis,
Dolph reviewed some of the facts concern
ing mat iegisisunn
lion. He thoimht the $100,000 ,
riliK State Capitol, with the
the iM)tniiiandof the Comiuts-1
appropriated lor
other uiaans at ll
sinners, would construct a building In which
urn i.egMiaiureccwn meet the present tloio.
Uo was not responsible, for he was disfran
chised of his right to have n voice in electing
the Couimisslonen. Tho Joint Convention,
to elect Capitol CemmlMlouora, was prevent
ed by the action of aomo members of the
Senato. The appointments were made hy the
Otiveriior, and bo waa responsible. He
(Dolpi) was tuahily Instrumental In prevent
ing the increase ol Statu, debt, by purchase of.
the Canal and Cocks.
Wntsoii thought he bad no right to snecu
lato with the people'si inoney. This scheme
lor oocouraglntf liumlgration is a speculative
Idea that may not succeed. The State cannot
meet Its presoat obligations, or even expect
to reduce the State debt for some years to
co rue.
Hrlstow Introduced S II No : A bill to
aiDoud the charter of Kugeue. Also S U-Xo
111 to divide Douglas county,
Englo S K No 47 conceiving lurlsdlatlou
of Jusihss Courts In regard to railroads.
Van Cleave-9 It No 4S-Proidlng far the
leasing of llm Penitentiary.
Dolph S No 0 Concerning coiuora
lions, all ol which were read a first tluw,
IUIXk kiui hkconu timk.
S 11 No :U Amending incorporation of
Kast Portland, rvfvrred to dolegatlou from
K II No : Relating to ndmlsslon of Attor-
l,0'?; jfefrwlio Judiciary Commltte
'M -.lo '"'ol'H)1r",H "H1M.r LltyVM
r,,,r"rn.'' 'J' Hwl V'V,"m "p0 of x'",- Wis-
''" Webster and M linkers.
W nu... . I.u.. mil......... I ..- l
Senam then adiouruod to Monday, Sept. ..
Ill use met at 2 r. 51., pursuant to adjourn.
iiihih mi r ruiay.
Pmver was ollered by Rev. J. H. liahooek. I
orv'eVV r i. i ,r . v. ,. r .
light of 1'i.lou, otrered H R NoSS A
bill to provIdH for the construction or the P.
1). A S, 1,. it. R.
Van Rlper-H II No :H For an act to nf tlm f.V,i ,,n,n tvf. sT,u
creatn the county of Lake. 0I u, "'. or he.Moti.m(m. TltK
Stauuurd, from Committee, reported II (N a pt'ipottllll Jealousy tllllt troubles
II' No 11), 25 and 27 Correctly engroased. I tlioso Uvn imiinr ulib.h i ...,.i.,.i .
Bruce presented petition Irom cltlxens or" ,. aPetr VUUh K l'nii to
lienton isinnlv asking f.W0. aid to build
ruunlngat large, The bill inoluded only
Clslsop, Tillamook aud Oram, originally.
The bill waa referred.
On motion of Wright of Uulou, a Select
Committee wataiipoluted to confer with the
Superintendent of I he Blind School about the
II., F.. uI-IiIhm .l.n ...--.- 111 !.. , a I
tunc nil uniting mo hiuii, VI riK'll, Iyengar-
wxhi and Lranaton were appointed such
hellyof Ronton introduced U It No 40 f,
That aunual meetings of School District be
ueia uinnrsi aioouay in January.
Mr. Brown gave notice of bill to lucorp
rata tow u of Dallas.
Mr. Introduced H U No H To facili
tate redemption or land sold for taxes.
Cranston Introduced H J R No 11 ltelat
lng to selection of swamp and overflowed
lauds; which, on motion of Stc-tt, was reler
red to Select Commltue of Three. Chair an.
poluted Stolt, Cranston and Chandler.
Stump introduced U U No 42 To amend
Seo 10, Chap 1.2, Title a, tulsosllaneous laws:
relating to mode of making aaaesamsnu
ThU bill provides for asseasmeat of real s-
tate at lbs Ml cash value, and thal-no Indebt
edness be deducted except to exterH-of 16,40
on residence property or the party, assessed,
Thls-ls an Important and much needed law
ami should certainly pass.
Stanuard moved to amend Ilouse Rule Nr
41 To prokle for ameiidmend of bills ou
second roadlng; which was adopted.
Cranston Introduced H B No 43-To Incor
porate Sllvertonj which was read.
He also give notice of a bill.
Slump gave notice of a bill to amend See 1),
Chap 30, miscellaneous laws.
Mv Introduced U IJ No 44 To. provide
State depository for sale keeping of moneys.
Hv this bill some bank Is to be designated a
such depository, which shall receive State,
moneys on deposit, and pay the same ont oa
the order of the Treasurer, In payment of
State warrants, and all moneys remalnlngou
deposit for one year shall draw Interest at
the rate of six per cent, per annuo.
Ross Introduced U 11 No 45 Amending
general 1bwh relating to estrays.
HKtrOND llliAPINO OK !Ur.U4,
On motion or Reed of Marlon, HB No 33
Providing for construction of Oregon Central
Pacific Railroad: was read second time by
title, on suspension of the rules. After
letiglby debato tho bill was laid on the table
until a Joint Committeo on Bailroada shall be
H It No CS To provide for a State Board of
Kquallzation; was read aud referred to Com-,
mutee on Commerce.
U I?.Vi 2! Rotating to times. of, holding
Circuit and County Courts: was read.amend-
ed and ordered engrossed.
it ll Mo 30 delating to Agent or uoard or
Land Commissioners: was read and leferrsd
to Ways and Means Committee.
H n No 31 to incorporate .forest urovet
read and ordered ongrossed.
II II csoilJ Relating to dlscountor proper
ty , relerred to Judiciary.
ll jio;h iteiatingio spread or oiseasea.
among domestic animals was read and order
ed engrossed.
House adjournod.
Monday, Sept. 2S
The Senate met at ' v. M ind prayer was.
otl'ered by Rev. Fathor McCormlck of this,
Alter, reading of Journal, on motion op
Dolph, Senate concurred lu memorial for Im
provement or Cuqullle river.
The Senate, on motion of Watson, concurr
ed with House lu uppolntmont or Joint Cora
mitteenn Kail roads. Messrs. Bradley, En
gle and Jewell were appointed on said com
Ottihls motion Senate ln'.d on table H J
Hesoliitlnii calling for couiinlttee to see If
moueys-have been unlawfully paid out of
the Slate Treasury.
Pioiest or W. H. Watklnds, Superluteo
ilent nf Slate Penitentiary against appoint
ment or T. McP. Patton as Clerk of Com
mittee lo examine his books and account,
was read and laid on the table.
Senate adopted S J It Noll by Hlrscli,.that
all messages from one House to the other be
read os-soon as received.
Van Cleave Introduced S J R No 12, tc
whlch Dolph otl'ered amendment, thatth
mover accepted, and which, as amended,
aulhorlAes the Committee- on Printing toem
pUy an expert and districting Commltte to.
report a bill llxlng the compensation, of the.
laie Printer, and providing that bis supplies
shall be purohsiied by tlw Secretary of State
as other supplies of otSer departments ar
Tlioltosolutlon was aJonted.
Ou motion of Wtson( the resolution bare
Inibre passed, Instructing the Committee oa
Military Affairs to report amount of Modoc
War Claims waa reconnldered, aod.thsaoix
linal vote failed to pass.
Clark Introduced S. Bt No 50, to appropri
ate certain funds to ald-a railroad Irom Port
land to some point on the Central! Pact Be
HaJlroad, was read a f.rst time aad ordered
Watson Introduced lit B. No. 51, providing
for government of foreign corporations,
whloh waa read first thue.
A bill In relation to -corporations,
A bill In rellereuce. to Iusuratx Compa
nies, A bill to Incorporate Gervals.
A bill to amend charter of Pottlaud.
A bill to exempt railroads to bit hereafter
constructed from Isaatlon for twenty jears ;
were severally read Urst time.
The following bUla were road tu second
tluio :
A bill to Incorporate Ashlan.lt.
A bill to anioud law relatlntc- to Justice's
A bill to protect buoys and beaooaa.
A bill to enable, married wwneu to dispose
of property.
A bill to uinoad act relating tocommou
A bill to provide aid for Portland, Dalles
and Salt Lake lUllroad.
The foregoing bills were lead and appro
priately relerred.
A bill to provide for a Stals Board of
Uiualiztliou was read a seoorwl time and
ludetliiltely Htontil.
Seualo adjourned.
Tlio uuiltltiulu of roailr of tho Wjj.-
iAMi:'rri: Kaumiir aro able to ludire
I for tlH'iiicLve f tlio valuo anil Intor-
.. , ,i, i , , - .. ,.
1 0st 0l that '""''r.' JouriUil or tho Stat
lofOrOL'on. without L-linr l, r,Jnn
""! tl fin'uiattou In their col
pooNie to jutigo It for themseh-cs. We
iitIctxl Inst week that tho Granger is
bdng pulilished in tha JiulUtin oftice,
uud most of its. reading matter Is fur
tilslicd from that iaier. U is mostly
a rohrint from the J.nl!sthi.whti-h mv.
(ormiiv not saUl-ia ....i. ... -.
. ',. . .--.:-, no um.
nv.iv iiauwui news, orintlelmiicu:
tttiu'o It is tme, and roirlnt of that
kind is very sui0 hows.
o call attoiitiou of the poople to the
ui t.lml Jh M'PPlwiit published
with tho tARMKit has more reading
than Is contained in the rVrmiirr.whllo
theFAUMEit publishes fully twico as
niuch and twice as valuable reading as
the Statesman. Not only this, but the
aumer has twice as much kma fide
clrcuMlou as oof, the papers referred