Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, October 02, 1874, Image 1

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    $3.00 per Year, in Advance.
Met at 1) a. M.
Trayer by ltov. Father McCormlck.
The bills to regulate the I In nor IrafTtc'Crmo
up on second reading ll It No -Co On
Ibis subject, Introduced by Hots, was cm bin
motion, indefinitely postponed, belngslmllar
to ono introduced by C. A. Herd.
Hill lo incorporate. North Hrowirsvllle,
Dun county; whs rend second time and re
ferred to Corporation.
11 It No 87 To pro Wo for fvils resulting
from intemperance mas rend. It provides
for local option and rrqulres tlmt liquor
seler shall obtnln the actual signature. of h
mfjorlly of tb legal voters In hia prlclnct,
town, city -or ward, praying for sulci license
to bo granted. After dlscusslona, and vari
ous niollous to refer, tlio bill was mado tbu
special order for Friday next at 2 r ..
II li No 40 To amend school law so-as to
have, district annual meetings held on thu
let of January: was reud-atul relerred to
Coinmlttcomi Education.
Hill to incorporate Sllvortau; was read and
referred to'Jucorporattons.
11 II No -16 To amend General Laws relat
ing to Kstravs: was read, considered en
grossed, and ordered to to read thirdtluio
lo morrow.
8 H No 17 To repeal Hoard of Kiiiulizu
tlon; was road second tlino, and under the
suspension of the rules waawad third time
and passed.
S li No 41 .Making appropriation for the
expenses of LeglslallM Assembly; as
pasted to third reading.
11 B No 15 Providing for appointment -of
more than one deputy by County Clerks,
Sheriffs, and Clerks of Supreme Court; was
read and passed.
11 B No llGranllng the U-S right tosub.
marine sites for lighthouses, etc.; read aud
u u no 1- loeirmjn iiomesieims in cer
italu cases, wasTe-retorred to Committee of
-three. Chair appointed Messrs. Btolt, Chan
dler, Fldler.
H 11 No 14 To amend game law; was read.
The present bill permits any persona to kill
ijeoti at any time for their own use. but not
to kill promiscuously to tell meat and to
merely save the skins and horns,
Bradsbaw showed (he Inconsistency of this
provision, as all could claim they woio kill
log fur their own use.
Older gentlemen showed up the bill.
FUller claimed that public sentiment de
mands sotno law to pruvent tho utoless de
struction of game.
The argument for and against the bill was
continued tor some time, aud thou tho bill
waa referred to the Judli lary.
11 It No 10 Relating to dues or Itond Su
pervisors and providing modo fur keeping
name In repair; was read.
Fldler moved to Indefinitely postpone.
IJiuuhlln, who Introduced thu bill, ex
plained tho Intention of doing nway with the
Injustice of msklnir poor iiihii do extra work
on their poll tax, which w an sometimes done,
causing hardship. Young men who ouno i
into bin district to work bv tho day had been
Hindu to work twolvuduye on the highways.
After lengthy discussion, without action,
The House adjourned.
The motion to imUlliiltcly postpone H. iJ.
No 10 was ''' clu' tho same wax referred to
..'...., 1 1 1. .o.m Roads and Highways.
H II No IS To Hineiid law relating lo toll I
ou bridges ; was road third tlino. Slott os-1
nlalned tne Dill as aiiiuoniiiiK cuiuciio"
j:. from foot passenger. In " ol
fcndgo ficro II i a ' ,ko river at i'ort
laliil be built, n .10 bill paired fit to i).
II 11 No lf-Holatlng to.dlichfNaiid Humes:
was read i And on motion was rtfuind to
11 11 No i'v-Itelallng to dMrlbntlon of ro
vised Code ; was read, and gave rlo to con
siderable debate, and was referred to Select
Committee: Qeariu, Matlock aud Cornell.
IX it u iiuiaiuiK in niiiMMiiiiiieiu fll .
Clerk of Supreme Court, by Judges thereor;
was referred to Select Committee of Throe:
Chambers, Oallowa aud bhedd.
II II Nn 4. ltUllii In V.lrva nrnill
Ibo adiertlelng of liutiaya 111 county pairs 1
instead of State Prluttra organ. Hill passed
..... .....,.,. i.i.w.i , n.....!, ......i....... .i .
-- --. -- ----"- - --"-"' i""
1 1
" .,., 1 , !..;.,'". 1 .
! JllAiUKIUCIVU U JJUlll amniiuiueut BUI!
m ll,Ml reforrrd In Cnmmltln nn CnunllM.
as lbn referred to'Commllle on Counties.
Cbanibeis asked lo take from the Uble!
ouse Resolution relative to Insane, ,lmt
be let to the lowest
CLamber. said the the resolution oclv ox-.
pressed the sense of the House, and express-
La . IhAnrv lli.t nn mn ran trains. th.l I
uMlnmii atsnll . tnt.t I A1 In rtllfilln f .
Garln and Fldler thought the Intention
was to wait for the report of Committee of
investigation. Motion waa lost. House re
j used to take from the table.
Cranston asked to take from the table mo
tion to reconsldsr vote In rate of mileage to
Gilbert Reynolds of Grant county; rejecting
proposition to pay him mileage.
OU Pert Reynolds, cooleetant, In the gallery
asked leave of the whole House lo make a
few remarks. Didn't get leave.
Riddle thought we never could net rid of
tills centeatant without paying him and the
sooner be Is paid off the sooner we get shut
of Oil lien Reynolds, contestant.
Steen thought we should not ha ptrtlsl.
oU tbn-eht GllWrt Remolds hadn't be.
haved well and deserved to be Heated with
The Boose Toted to take from the table.
The motion to reennalder prevailed.
GaJlowar moved to ansand to substitute
Iniuad of lilts.
A Four-Page Supplement with the Farmer each Week.
rjL f . JfcWFIW
fyr 5? va Kff QT
Crirnston moved to Insert $100.
Stott said If ho wits entitled to anything, he
wa entitled to the whole amount.
l.ounhlln thotiglit, to Iw conslxtent, thu
Houbh should pay Reynold same as Jellurt.
(Islloway bad got tired of seeing him about
and wanted lo pav him f."0, or whatever it
would cot to fend him home.
Tho couKstaul. trnm the nailery. Jawed
baeJt at tlicigenlloinen front Yamhill.
Oearln moved lo Indellnltely KwtHine tho
whole matter, which was Iom i" to 31.
Hoe m ule a calm argument against paying
the contestant anything.
Heed of Marlon thought lime enough had
been watted; wanted to oto the sum paid
and done with tt; thought ptople had the
right to come hero and contest.
Ooarln thniiKht'bi cuu-o the man had staid
atniind and purNiiaded meiubora to bring lit)
this matter agaln,rhW HoiihohIioiiUI no, sltil
tlfy Itself. Thought every member must
feci uhamed of having oxteuded to him thu
eoiirtesles they did. lie had Insulted tho
House In a moat disgraceful mannor.
Galloway said he waa willing to pay Rey
nolds enough to take him homeandnomoro.
He should otu against the resolution.
Sleen thought men from distant counties
would bo discouraged from making a con
teat In fair cases, If no pay was received by
this contestant,
Utntt thought 'tinder tho rulings of the Su
preme Court, Reynolds was not entitled to 11
seat, even if Mr. Curl was not fairly elected.
Tim nnl Vfitn un,t fl.inllv renplinl. A fnw
Impressive remarks were inndo that seemed
locnango tun tuteuiiona or some, very lor
tuuately, and thu resolution failed to carry
by a tie vote; 29 to U.1. It would have been a
great mistake to have paid that man f 1-D.
II I! Nn 4tl-Rldd!e For rollef of Douglas
county asking remittance of Stato tax, 81,iS7
paid by that county ui a warrant of It, It.;
on leavo waa read tlmt time.
H 15 No 47 Riddle To amend school law.
Heed of Marlon on leave Introduced U It
No 48 Ameudlnir act for construction of
State Capitol ; which were read tlrst time.
uonimitienon Mileage nuuo their report
which was adopted.
House adjourned.
Tukmiav, Sept. ath, 1874.
Prayer was offered by Klder 1 1. Row
land, Alter reading of Journal, tho Chair an
nounced the Seuato mnmbera of Committee
on Unrolled Kills to bu Messrs. Wisdom,
Webster and Jewell.
Kuulo presented petltlou asking for incor
poration of (Jervals.
Savage, from Military A Hairs, reported
back bill concerning Modou War Claims
with amendments, and n commended Its
passage Ou motion of Polpli, tho bill was
laid oil the table.
Special Committees recommended pnsstgo
of bill to Incorporate lUker Clt : bill to In
corporate .Solo : bill to amend (lamo Law,
with some amendments.
Certain amendment were mado to rules,
I'lltST IlKAPINO 01' 1III.I.N.
S R No 67 To incorporate Solo; was read.
S II No SS-I.ee To provide for iuiiciig
S II NnSn-Relating to Doar-Miiles; waslu
I rod need by Richiirdsoii; ou suspension of
rules, read second tlmo and referred to Com
inillee on IMucatlon.
S 11 NnMi-MjeiN AutliorizlKg sialo cm
voth to convert ciirroucy Into coin, and pro
vldlng lor Canal and Iiks bonds.
S M No (11 'low tiMitidTo create " "'
, u ,i
Immliiration; l,,.ld. imi- .11.
jm - .v ami AiiKiiey in
.111; ou motion or Watson, wls le
ocled- l.')to 10.
S II Noi,-J 'luwnseud A mending ucU pro
idlug fur sale of school lauds.
nii.t.s iikai) srcoNi ti.mi:,
S II No l.'i Amutidliig Incorporation
i.iik'eiiH i'iiy.
b II No 10 To create Uinpiua county, pro
vides lur the dlvls'ou of liouglas county;
after considerable dUcusslou thu bill was re
ferred to the commliuo on Counties.
S II No 47 ahln Justicu of the Peace
i...... .,...., ... .. . .1; .,,r
're,.t ra llro da I. t he Mai. .-rd second
"'''$ " r ''",' ..(."j.X 'rv nmfe
SUN,, is -V, v I ml I at I o leas J lit tho
. .. ." O" '? ' f tIlflf r lilt UUMlllg of till)
5ui! l'l nuntlurv hiiiI cinvfrL luluir- fahiI
r : . .; " . . .t . . . ' :.
."V. J" T IK
oIteiKnehnli h
u iieirenciiment a
eirred 10 Joint commiuee
ou iteirciii'iiiiieiH sou iveioriu.
u 11 v-i ftl ll. Ilu-nrr.orio. llm lnn nt fl.r
? " ! ? "' "'lOfporale the tOWn Of Uer
Vals- read ci 1 m I v l.le and rVferred
,"'",,m"m ) ""i LdofStenaio
'i?pi1 Committee coiiijajsed of Senators
The President announced the addition of
it... . . r,.iin !... ii si. i...
""" ? " "Y..'""u lu "," """K "'""'"
rr,.. sunHl ,iio1Mi
J "e tuu adjourned.
Senate met at 2 o'clock.
President Cochran in the Cbalr.
Mr. Hlrtcb rtked further leave of absence
for Cornelius of Washington county.
Objections were raised by several members
but leave was granted him until Monday
S R No M-Tr) exempt certain railways
from taxation; read second time and referred
to Committee nn Railroads.
H H No S3- Amending an act regulatine
foreign corporations.
W 11 No 3 To amend an act lo establish a
uniform system or public ins'rjetion; wis
read a third time and passed by a vote of 21
to 7. '
s D No 24 To repeal ad to define Ihe du
ties aud rU tbe salary of Sisle Geologist; waa
read a third lime and passed by a vota of 21
snN2&-TofixtkMe- boldla Oowaty
Court In Union coiibit: nul thlril tlma
cfyir Q-xtH
vv m r m '
S H No 27 To repeal the act authorizing
assessors to assess bank deposits; was lead
the third time aud failed to pass by a vote of
17 lo 10.
S n No 1 1 To amend the net creating and
organizing the Statn University at Kugeiio
City; was, alter n lengthy dlscu-slon ordered
engrossed for Its third roadlim to-morrow.
Wi:ini:.siav. Sept. tiO.
Morning prayer .was otlerod by li. I,.
Rowland Superintendent I'ublb Instruction,
Hoiiho considered S J It To provide for
reading messages Iromeilher house a soon
us piacllcablu itltt r delivery, and adopted
lliuiso adopted S J R To havo Commit
led on Printing bring inn bill to llx compeu
talloii ot State Printer and employ an expert.
rntsT itKAiitMi of mkn.vti: im.i.s.
The following wero received anil rend.
S II No 20 To llx boldliigorcounty Cotirla
In Union county, was read first limn,
H 11 No .'I Rotating lo public school.
S II No 22 Ropcullngact creating olllcoof
Statu lieologlst.
Memorial was received from Statu (Irangn
favoring the ItalleH And S.ll l.ako railroad.
Petition Inim John Martin ami WO others
of Kasteru Oregon, favoring cluiugn of act ol
1872 lo Hiciiru Interest of bonds of tho D.iIIcm
and Sandy wagon road, which on mollouof
Maya was referred lo Roads and Highways.
iiuller nreseniod Dellltnn 01 vlllrensor in
dependence, Polk county, for Incorporation
of that place; referred to Corporations.
Reed of Marion presented a memorial from
Mrs, V. F. Victor, representing that she has
writtett a book concerning Oregon and Wash
ington, and presenting tho claims of same for
general circulation, to convey very much
needed Information concerning the advanta
ges of our Slate aud to Induce Immigration,
llrodshaw introduced II J M No it Repre
senting the Importance of navigation of Yam
hill river, and asking Congress to grant aid
to remove obstructions, JA,000; which was
Van Riper presented II J M Nn 4 Asking
relief Irom Congress to p.iy spoliation claims
of the Modoc war; which was ndoptod,
Stott, from Judiciary, reported back II lis
Nos 1 and 7 relating lo fees; with a substi
tute, and on his motion the.ssmu were refer
red to tho Committees of Ways and Means.
Committee on Counties reported back II II
Nn 21 ltel.it lug to bounties 011 w lid animals'
scalps; recommending Its passage.
Committee on Roals and Highways ro
porfd back II 11 No 10, with an.emlnienlH.
vhleh worn adopted In 1 art and thu bill or
dered engrossid forthlrd reading.
Clearin, from Committee on Corporations,
revoned n bill to provide for Incorporation ol
Mays, from Committee on Printing, report
ed that tho hue Slate Printer was naily to
measure up the work nftlut revise I Code. 1
Reed, liom Committee ou Woman's Suf
frage, made their re, oil, signed lit id anil
Lame, majority ofsnld Committee. I
llradshaw, fioui samu Committee, said ho 1
hsil never hud anything to do with It, ami
wanlt d lime lo filu minor it v report.
A motion toro-n fiircallcdoul (pillou warm
rllbrt lri-111 llradsliawoiiihniiiiiiiuul of rights !
duo Yamhill county. '
The Hniisoeoiicliidid to re-refer. j
llouto adjourned,
Select Cciiiiiiilt'rf) remirled back bill to pro
vi ut syUiio nniiiliiij n1 lirir" ill Cvr'tiln conn-
.M.I i.
"' ooiintv.
'tv. I
thu I
and that portion or I. inn county south ol tl
South Ssnllaiu rler. Tim counties helb
mm .
Hmllllg v .Ufa..
inuliidtd are Coos, Curry, Tlll111110.it; and,
Wasco. '1 tin bill was nrdcrid engrossed. '
on loan ol jlO.ovu 1.1 Hiker City Academy, 1
that iiolnlere-i had been paid, uud that saino ,
is subject to foiei'losiiru. '
Ctisir HUi1011uc1.1l uiu iippniiiiiuitui in ii'-co
ol MBr.on, MuClung, Mi-eii and (Jallow.iy h.s
Joint Committee oil It.illiuadx.
iiu.iJ-. ui:ai. ii lis r ti.mi:.
Thefnrowlng wero Introduced and read , , lll0MIII,.,iricllf(
IliKilline. Thii suialo iidjotn noil.
II 11 No 40--Mays To annul set iiicorM.
IHtlngDslltsClty; (ami concerulug lire do- AHTKItNOON siiMMoN.
s,rtioeiit). I The ipiestlou recurring mi thu kdopllnu of
11 11 N fiO MetJugln Regulating fees ofj tlie aiuniidiuinds ollered bv tlio Committee
Justice" of the Peace. I on Military A Hairs to S II IH Providing ftir
II 11 No 61 Hron 11 To Incorporate Dallas, , tlio payment or tho MdiIiki war claims a
II It No62 Riddle -To pre unit and punish ( motion' was made to review the rejxirt. Car
gsmblinir. 1 rlel.
11 II No 63 Stott To license selling by. 'Jim various smnndinenta wero then
sample. adopted by siclli.ns and thn bill ordered en-
II It No 51 Partlow Foran art In relation grossed lor its third readlug to-morrow,
to railroads pro Idlng tor fencing the same j S II 10 'la repeal the a el prolti'itug game
when near to and parallel lo county road. fandlUU; an illort was mado 10 take It from
H II No M-lteed of Marlon Amending , the table, but without suectsM.
criminal law relating to dluilsl of Indict-' S 112s 'lo lnmirKirt the town of Ash
menu. ' laud; order.Hl engrutil fuf iUUtlrd rvadluu
ir 1. Va Kit Ulnnrfl Tn Amend Ills, t tn ,r
nhmntmr fi. General lawn.
m '' "-' ..-- - '
II II No 67-8:annard-nqolrtncf piJrflJt(
to give security for costs In eertalu oasea.
U U No 68 Cranston To arasnd 10.
section 610, In allow costs trltbout lliul'atlon
of amount of Jiidgui' ,,j
UiB WosJtrn,-r-nP"sJ --uK-olan.
out laws SecPOD,,0 n ,na 12,'iuiel, chsp.
IT 11 No fiO Plymale To create utllco of
Assistant Treavurtr of Slate. (Pays 'salary of
JIOTlCts OK mt-us.
Nsyer pave notice of bill relating to levy
assessment and return of Imm.
Johnson Of bill to tax dogs,
Matlock To regulate fares and freight on
railroad i.
Butler To Incorporate Independence.
Curl For relief of Grant county, caused
b Uieriglng tUua el holding Court la Jt7
w . I i
2, 1S74.
Gilbert Amending law relative to fees of
County School Superintendent.
Mav To amend General Laws,
ltlddln ottered No. ."." that Commlltoo on
Printing tin riqulrml to learn the dlll'erriu'o
between printing 1U0 and 21M ,c iplcs of bill.
Stantiard cavn notice of bill to facilitate
the navigation of Ibo Willamette liver.
Mott ol bill to facilitate registration of
Kl etors.
Ploreiiee, to amend sec. 0, chap. SO, Mia
cellaneous l.nvs.
Heed monl to take It HNoiU from tho
table aud refer to Joint Committee mi Rail
roads; carried. This Is tho Oregon Cent nil
Pacltlo IUMroa.1 bill.
Stott otlVrecl II .1 It No I'.', that an evening
bo set apart and thu Statu Gisiloglst bo In-ltt-d
to state his progress and his plans for
lutiiro work.
Some discussion occurred ou tlim motion,
anil nieiniHirs spoko to llio merits or llio pro
posed repeal of the olllco of Stain UoolouM
a bill for which ptirposo has passed the Sen
ate. Tho Joint Resolution wbh ndoptod. Ayes
M, noos 2.
si:o.mjikaii.N(i ot' lilt.l.s.
Tho foltowiiiK with read second llriin.
II II No .IS To provide for coiistruetlonof
roriianii, imiies aim au ijiko uaiiroaii ;
read and referred to Joint Committee on
II II i!!i To creatn tho County of Lake, out
of tho portion of Jackson count v east of thu
Cascade ; was read and tofurreif to Commit
tee ou Counties.
II II -It To facilitate redemption of lands
sold lor taxes ; ordered engrossed lor third
II II 42 To amond lawn relating to mode
of making assessments ; alter some discus
slim on proposed amendments (lie bill was
rtfrrtd to Judiciary Committee,
11 11 II 'Co provide lor a Statu Depositary
was read and relerrod to Ways and Means.
Tiiiun iiKAin.Mi or nn.i.s.
II 1120 Amending act regulating time for
holding Circuit and County Courts; was read
third tlliioaud passed; Kl lo 4.
II Hill Amending Incorporation of Foiea.
Grove; was read and passr-d,
II II 31 To prevent spread of diseases
among domestic animals; while on llilid
reading, on motion of Kiddle, was reform! to
Committee on Counties,
S II 41 appropriating $.'10,000 to pay ex
peusiM of IrfiglsUto Assembly; was slightly
amended, and passed unanimously,
Ou motion ot Keillor Marlon, i x-Gnv. A.
C. U I libs was ln Ited to occupy a seat within
tho bar.
llollio adjouriiod.
Wkii.nksiiav, Sept. 2:1
'Him opening prayer was iiil'uied by Ruv, I,
D. In her.
Ou motion of Ilirsch, thu Senate rnseluiled
thu Mile by which the liillextelidingthntiiiio
lor completing llio Kt.lo Unhersttyal Fugenn
City was mileriei engros-ed torlls thud lead
Ium; ieii-, 20; noes, ll. It heomsthat tl:u pn
ious Nolo n as 011 a mlsiiiidur.sluudlng ufthu
On motion of Holph, thu bill was refcrrid
lo llio Comuililioiiii IMncilloii, with lio-tiuc-
nun 10 siiii.eiiiil all lluit poitlon iippiupiliii
l"g flo,(KHi fur computing tho Uulwra.'i
Tliii.uialii refused to rrennsldir llio vutv
by hleh it rejected the lull In repeal tho law
iiruWdiug lur Uie assessmeut of bunk de in-
Ilrlsliiw, from Coumtl ten mi IMucition.
leKTid buck llio CnlMTsIfy I III, with ihu
in nMury huji utlinenis, whi- u w uio adopted,
am. tin. ...II onhii ' "wwl1 1,,r ",lra """'
:. ..........
'ilmSciiaiit accepteit uiu uvi immi o .-.
tliu Innliml' 11 lor ll.u iHiim, wuiiui.i ..i.ii
tin motion of Richardson, a ( niiimtttr o ot
Tlirce whs appointed 1" llt tho snl.l iiislltu
Hon, mid ihu senators ppolutid wore Mtssis.
uiari., noipii sun ,ijui
s 11 n 1 ls--l eial Im.' In Mm no ware aims:
. .. .. ... :.... 1 .. 1
was iiiKeu iron n """ ,' ." 'S'V. .V 7,'V " '
falm MtrHatItihiitl. tlifti ii iuut.(m lortrou-
I,l.. ,.. 11I1.1I uml .smillliir I hit lillsal tllttift.
'" ..HIW.
8 Hll'l Td ii.orirporatn HakirCity; order
ed cugro!K)d lor Its third reading to-morrow,
H U lO To amend an act for the protection
of game and tlsh ; re-referred for further
H J M 1, was withdrawn by common con
sent. H 11 ll Repealing tbe act providing for the
foinpoiitaifon of the Supreme Judges came
up fur action.
Dolph moved to postpone further consid
eration of the bill until Out. M:U, Lost, uays
16, sjbi.13.
A motion tn lay It on the table was also
lost hv the samu to'., slid ll was lliuily
oidereu ti.grosied fur tut third readlug to
morrow. S 11 22 Creating a State Hoard of rVuall
ration; wis, on motion, taken from tbe table.
Ann considerable atscussiou toe bin was
finally isistiHiiiHl,
seuate adjuurued.
Volume VI. Number
in.vt ri;in,
Woilnrsilay morning tho clerk ami watch
man of tlio Cheiner.ela Hotel lotttid In room
No. ill, tho dead body of a man w ho had reg
istered his name as Thomas .1, Watson.
Coioner Dr. II. R. l'lsko waa linineillalr-ly
notlllist and upon his appearance 11 Jury was
emp.iuuolcd and thu following uicngiu l.tct-s-el
lei I id.
On Monday evening Ihu deceased en mo In
to tho hotel olllco about half-past eight
o'clock and asked for it rootn enj lug Unit ho
was tired anil wished to 10! Ire. Alter reg
istering mid pajlng for his lodging ho wiu
shown to his room by tlio porter. It wn
noted at tlio tlmo that In acted a little singu
lar but tlio Clerk supposing him to bu slight
ly under tho lutlueiico of llijuor, accounted
for Ills w Idling to retire ut so early an hour.
On Tuesday afternoon about sunset, Mr.
l!nrohow thu ulerk, opened tlio door ol' his
riMiui and saw I1I111 lying on tho bed appar
ently asleep, and tint wishing to disturb him,
Yesterday morning his room was iigaln
euteied mid In endoanring In arouse lilin,
it was found that llio was exllncl. In tint
room was found 11 Isiitlo nearly empty,
l.ibled liudtiitiiii. It was Initio I Wuttliur
lord A- Co., and bn Mr. It. A. Pratt thu clerk
did not sell k lo him, It Is supposed that ho
obtained it of Mr. Wealherfoid who Is at
present alwout from thn city.
A letter was found In ono of his pockets
fro lii his brother 11. J. Watson, and dated
Mount Veinon, 111. It was an iillectloniitu
letter and it was evident that ho had been rot
11 long time looked for at homo and anxlotially
expect! d.
Them nroof cotuso many rumors oulsldo
of the evidence before llio Jury a lo who ho
was, his habits, etc., but nothing rollslili).
Ho evidently waia stranger and hud been
but 11 few d,iy In S.ilein.
A post mortem ex.1111l11.1tl.111 was 111 ulo by
Dr. ll. V. Cham.
Thu luiisii that liiijHillcd him lo lay down
his life voluntary, cm only bu conjectured.
Wc.iry and dlscottragul and peihips a vic
tim to 11 reliinisele-vs habit that rendered him
wretched, homeless and hopeless, and rath
er Hun. sutler lonjjir Mich 1111 caMciko, Iii
resolved to and did end his life.
Thus ho sink Into thogiavn In 11 strango
laud, lur from the homo of his child-
hood mid In 11 lew i'iiyh a mulceUd
uml unknown inoiind In tho church
.Mini will bo all Unit 1 iIiih of 0110
wlui lllio us'-niincil uml hud a li-ilng."
Thn lo! lowing Is tlio Mirilletol' llio Jury as
idtiistid to by Ihu for itier, Dr. II It Pinko:
"We. thn limn isl 111 d. a.lurvnt liwiu.t.1
cnllid tocXHliilmi mm tho cause of the ilejili
of 'llinn.ns J. Watsoe, lv tho C.nnoi r, I',. It,
I'Vke, In tl.o city r silnm, Mai'.on oounl ,
Suite or Oreu'i'ii, do hereby, idler hi si lug tl (
lesllmiey uml sielug tlici xamllistloii or tl u
body by coiupeleiii phislelalis, ri nder Hi t
as our lerdlci, Th'ilsel I ThoiuasJ. Witts 111
'amnio his 1I1 nib by nn OMidosot-f I.iiuIh
imiii lulmiulsli n d by himself
,1, It, is i'I'i.am:, Ion man.
.1. O Dl'.NMs,
J.S I'lll'hV,
It. II. Pun;):,
J.S. llisii.
I'INi: Sioci;. Mr. S. (I. JUnl arilvid by
the John I, .StepheiiH last Tiusday brlugliig
l lll " lot of blooded l.l.rsus as
b.w.s: ''Autocrat," u magiililcunl utilmnl,
cheslintt, eleven yinrs old; by "Oeorgn M,
I'jtchtn:" first dam ''Vermont llamlilo
tonlanj" second dam, "Ah'lall ill." "Peg
gy," biy iiiaro. "Olimn," buy mare. "Got
den Queen," chestnut mare, llvu years old.
"Prunella," bay ihreo-yesr old lllly. "Kilty
Liiwls," steel gray, two years, old, "Spring.
Held Maid," chestnut, ono year old, "Wooit
burn," black stalli..n, onoyearold. "Vouus
Murimls," bay, a Clydesdale, four years old
old, and weighs 1,000 jtindH. "Minnie,"
bay mare, ono year o1,' aud "Marinette," a
chesiimt liny, ono yraro'l.l.
.,., n,. "' '. ""w M ",0 IllHsboro Fair
il1Hl-.?.l,iVi,",,J,rol''ii0 ringing them to
l'Wol'l--7rtalUlmwUU cn have
op,rtunlty of sisilng this lino selection
of thuiiroughtired animals.
AiciliKNTAl.i.v Shot. Wn learn that a
parly or young men from near Wheatland
went out last Monday u the foothills deer
bunting, Yeslcrd&y a young man named
Junes mtstaklug auother one of the party
concealed In the brush, named Goodspeed
for a deer, fire I and shot the latter through
the aim Indicting a dangerous wound.
fTKA.sir.iiOiMo. This gsy steamer' came
In from Albany y.s'erd.y morning having
on al.ou. '.tl toni o( lliur Ailor taking lu iM
tous from Kiimey's A Co., milla aud li tons,
of inUcellantioua freight, aae left for ''dawn,
tbe river." She will uke on 5 ton at Mn
coin aud 26 at Wheatland whluh will be alt
she can getaway wl(U at lbl eiageof watex