, i. i tlhmtitt gntmit. " 3V1T-1 IM "J.1. SALEM, FIUDAY, SEPT. Z 1871. .- , A .. Y v . . ' tt present. The others are absent front LvTuAirlllv!""'c"v So far as can be ascertained, no 1 more definite conclusion was resetted tbnn Vcwnnutss. cntl5 Ten thousand tin- armed citizens escorted Lieutenant Governor Penu to the Staio House this alierunnii. Tin sodlers In the United States Cii.loin House gave three cheers for the citizens as General Ogden's uillltla passed thai building tbl afternoon. Tbemllltla responded bnirtlly. The streets are vcrj iilet. the funerals ol those killed yesttrdn.) weiolargely attended A dispatch has been sent to the President re questing blm lo recognize Penu as Governor Nt,vy YtiltK, Sept. 10 A special to lh Times from New Orltsns, -sjs the citizen are lu undisputed possession of all pull c places, except the Custom lloiiso and Mint, uml claim to have fully 8,000 men 'iiiderthelr command. The coloieil force of the Kelloge, party now left only number about oiKl SiKW URLHATfe, sept. Hi. 1 lie i-ienymtc this morning sa.vs the Pit-sideul's prut'lama tlou Mas issued under falso information which has beeu given him. It is addressed to riotous persons, whereas bII rtutous per sons are the adherent of the Kellogg tiaur nation, and the respectable and order luviug citizens are those who liavo tHkeu airt In the present uprising. The principal haukeraaud merchant of this city have telegraphed to the President tne true state 01 me case, tuai all Is now quiet, and that no outbreak or vloinni'd need Le reared. Leading men of the White League say If the pruclauiHiion oontempiatea mo reinstate went ot Kellogg they are prepared lor war and will resist to the end. Acting Governor Penu Is exercising all the functions of his otllce, and has begun the removal of S.ale and prrlsh otllceia. It is understood that he inleuds to call asewlou of the MeEnery Legislature aud Impeach the Supreme Court of Louisiana which austaiued the legality of the Kellogg Uoverumeiit. The city is quiet this morning, and thorols a geneial reeling of relief. The only gather ing In the etieels opposllehe Custom House wLiere Kellogg and Puckard are supposed to be. A crowd ol 300 or 400 moil are watching every window, uiaudy ol tbem declaring their Intention to shoot Kellogg on sight, should he show his bead. Nkw Youk, Sept. 10 G6n. Tracy, counsel for Plymouth Church Investigating Commit tee has put bis promised siatemeut lu the lorm of an interview, and says tlutt out ol lit or 14 times lu which Moulton produces his (Tracy's) name in bis late statement, lu only one or two instances does he approximate the truth lu attempting to state his position and action. Gen. Tracy also aays his firm has been en gaged lu a libel suit Instituted by IMua Dean Proctor agvinst Moulton, lu which damages are laid at 8100.000. Plllt.ADhU'JUA, Sopt. 15. Wood ilrmi fair demand lor Colorado, washed, at 'JS035o; Colorado, unwashed, 'J3'Joc; extra aud Merino pulled, 40(54'.!; No. 1 and superfine pulled 4:i45oi Texas line and medium, 'J7(j. 35cj coarse do., 1MS; California lino nun umlluin, "S(ii35; do. coarse, 'J0(ii33. Wamiiko ion, Sept. 15. Ueueral Kmery, in dispatch dated yesterday, addressed to Gen. McDowell and sent to the War Depart uieiit, aajs he baauottroopsenoughto main tain himself if a contltct occurs between the troops and the Insurgeuis, and further, the mere Dreseuce of troopt has lost Its moral effect lu preventing or suppressing dlsttib auces. The President, before leaving today Issued two orders to General Ktury, commanding troops In Louisiana, but their purport has sot been ascertained. To-day tbe trial of Win. Denton, the al leged safe burglar, was to have taken place. ilenton was not nreseni, ana uis couusei askel for further postioneiuent. The Court J rulused. aud Demon's bond of (2.C00 was or dered forfeited. Theouly course now open Is the rearrest of Uentou, provided be can be fouud. LoMKorr, Sept. 16 Tbe representative of tbe Atlantic steamship lines had another conference In LI verpool yesterday. There Is no prospect of a settlement. The National line heads I ho jarty which demands a mil lorin rate ol 5 tfulnens lor steerage passage to Jlcslon aud the Iuuiaii line leads the op position. Nkw OutKANS, Sept. HI. The following dispatch was seut to President Grant today: "A petition has been forwarded to you to day by express, signed by 500 leading mer chants and business men of this city, as lot- lows: 'We, the undersigned, inercliHiits representing the oomtnenUI IntorestsntNew Orleans, and deetdv Interested In the wellare and prosperity 01 tne Stale, gladly embrace the recent change of government and guar- antce impartial rights to all. Wo resjiert- fully ask the svmpaty and support of tho Ex- ecutlve." The Presidents of the Chamber of Com- merce, the Clearing House, the Cotton Ex- change, telegraphed President Grant to-day u statement that the city ta perftctly quiet nnd )eaceful, that busine-s has been re sumed aud no further trouble Is anticlMted. James !'. Casey, of tbe Custom Hotixi en dorses this statement. The Executive Com mittee ofthe Merchants Exchange telegraph ed a similar message to the Hoards of Trade ol Chleuvo, Si. Iouisaud Cincinnati. Governor Kellogg aud his followers re main lu tbe Custom House. The Governor appears to be In good splrltN aud Is quietly awaiting the expiration of the live days al low ed by the President, when be excts to be restored by tbe military. He Insists he must be put back by tho U. S. troops aud bo maintained by them. HviiAMiMK, N. Y , Sept. 17. The Democrat ic Hutu Cunveutiou resumed its session this morning. The ballot for candidate for Governor re suited: Samuel J. Tilden, tUO; Amasa J. IUrksr. l'itl: scalterlnir. 10. 'i'lldou'a nomi nation was made unanimous. In conasauenoa of rumors In circulation with regards the affairs of the Pacltlo Mall Suuisnp Company and criticisms unou lis management, at HIS request Ol Hums naimi, Maustiltig Director, Messrs. F. S. Alexauder, Wui U. Gulon and H. Taluott are now en gaged In Disking a thorough examination Into tbe assets and liabilities ol tbe Company and will make public their reports on tbe UUi inst. WAS1U310TOW, Sept-16. Mall Superlnten-1 daat Sloauaker telegraphed to the Postmast er GeuBral from New OrleanH to-day that mall mall communication, wblcb had been Interrupted, baa been resumed. A Cabinet meeting to-day resulted In the followlog dispatch from Adjutant General . Townsend to Gen. Emery, commanding Fed Mai toroea lo Louisiana; WAK DaTABTMKST, Wajjui.iotom, D. C September 16, 1871. J Under no circumstances recognize the In surgent Government In Louisiana within five day from date, wben tbe I line given in proa jPf.,i.iw... ... u. lusurgcnU will tApue, ax.d such action will betaken as the emergency uWAeP, ' E. D. Towwrkwd, Ai'jutaul usueral. The Cabinet meeting tills afternoon lasted four and a half hours. Secretary Fish, Brls tow, Attorney-General Williams, and Postmaster-General Jewell were the only mem- "'at already announced in the President's dispatches and the order to General Emery, that Is: not to reenaulze Ibn Insurgent gov ernment and to preserve peace. The President has abandoned fort He pre ent his Intention of returning to lyn Hrahuh. the events in Louisiana detalulug him in Washington. It Is probable that should ths troubles In ereae lu 1Onlslan. that State may be added to Sheridan' lleiiHrimeiit, or Gen. Terry mav t'H nrdettd to New Orleans, 10 rank Gen. Kmeiy In command. TlioitL'h Po vessel iiih lsen onlened to New Orleans, tho-e composing the N irtli Atlantic squadron inny soon nppear 111 that vicinity. These lliiugs have been considered, mill n In rue uiitiiMr ol available irtsips have been order ed to IiOtii-liina. Nasiiv im.k, Sept. Ill llrovet Major Gen eral Peiinvbaekr, regimental slatT and troops u Nashville post, havo been nrdertd to New Orleans to-day to report to Gen. Emery for duty. WAtutiitOTox, Sept. 17. The'Jid regiment of Infantry ban been ordered to New Orleans, and WBr vessels are ordered there from Key West. The excitement here has somewhat subsided and it la now believed the Penn party will not resist ,lho Gorerument forces under any circumstances. Troops at Fort ress Monroe are also ordered to hold them selves In roidiuess. General McDowell is gathering up such forco as ran lie spared Irotu this Department, for service In Loulsi na. Ills supposed that, al out 5,000 troop can bo concentrated there within a week or ten days. The President had A conference to-day with Admiral ltcynolda on tbe subject of war vessels being sent to New Orleaus. New OmxANs, Hept. .17. Tuoro was a consultation to day at State t'otiso betwren the Governor, Lieut. -Gmerunr and other ollleera of the McKuery Government and a number of prominent citizens,, to consider a proposition recehed from General Emoly, deuinndlng tho retirement of all armed men Irom thostrets and tbe return nfpuhlloarms to tho arsenal. The demand waascoedod tn. Wamiimiton, Sept, 17. Tho Treasury De partineiit lias telegraphed to tho Collector of Customs for Sitka District to temporarily tmplov a vessel to proceed to Kodiaoforthe purposo of protecting Government property at that place, formerly occupied as a military garrison. Assistant Mirgenn I). Ij. Ilnntlngtnn Is re lieved from dtliy in tho Department of Col umbia, and has been ordereii to reKirt to the Commanding General, Department of Call lornla,tor duty, lu addition to his duly as mimberofthe Medical Examining Hoard, now In session in San Francisco. McEnnory and Penu this afternoon ad dressed a written protest to General Emory against the position assumed by him toward ihem. und agalust Ida ordors under tho Pres ident's proclamation. They tako tho ground that their Government la tbe only Govern ment In Louisiana, having been dnlv elected In 1ST J, nnd was Installed In 1S73. and that the people of the entire Statu are loyal to It; that no vestlgotiftho Kelloggusurpatlon remains, and that there Is not ami has not been any lnsurectlon against the Government; that there are no Insurgents to disperse and that 1110 people ni tne state are pescsuiy pursu ing their usual vocations. They assert that ir they are compelled' by the military forco ofthu United States which they'havenolther the power or the Inclination to resist to abandon tbe Goverumont and the power rlghttully, and lu fact vested In them, there is no Government of tate to take their place Emory as an alternative of war on tho part ivj s"jr ii-j nt,.c'v IH7 tiumnuu 't VlClirinl ol the United Stales Government aualiut a State exhibiting' no hostility to the United Stales Government, aud then proceeded to arguo tbo legal point of the President's 'proclamation, repeating substantially the ,staUmcuis above made 11s to the lllgnllty of .the Kellogg Government, and the uou-oxls-tsocoef an insurrection 10 be quelled or In surgeuts to be dispersed, and concludes with a pstlikM,ssbe assurance that 110 armed or forclbUiNMMlence would be insdoto the mllitarjrt&iNOior tho United States, hut that they wonld surrender the S'ale ntllees and property to the Goerntucnt of tho United States alone. Eveulug. At 0 o'clock this evenliiir, Mc Euery formally slirrondered Ihtt State Hoil-o anil all other Stale buildlngi to Uiiueml llnsike, at the time reatllug to him n written sdilress, sajing he did so as the lawful und Acting Governor of the Slate, lu ressne to a lorinal demand of Gen. Emery to make such a surrender or accept as an alternative the levying of war upon the Government of the State by the military forces of the United Stales. In tratisleirlng to Gen llrooke the etuardiannhlp of the rights ami liberty ofthe people of Louisiana. McEnerv exprissed the hope aud belle! that he would gle pm tictlon to all classes ol' citizens who had been ruled and ruined by a corrupt usurp. lion, lu conclusion, sa lug : 'I know that us a soldier, J oil obey tlioortleraof the Gov ernment of the United Stales, but hnpo that 3011 will temper military control with mod eration lu all Ihlngs, and exhibit that luteg ri'y ofpurpon which Is characteristic of officers of tiiu Army. Gun. llrooke n quired from l.leut.-Oover-nor Penu a staieuitut of all records which were in the building when they lock tosses- sion. MiEnary and followers then withdrew, leaving the Capitol of Louisiana In po. slou of military officers of tbe Federal Gov ernment. At 7 r. M two companies of tho Third In. fantry marched down and were quartered In the building. Colonel Thomas lioylau, the .Mcr.nery unlet 01 ponce, remains 011 duty with his foroes. Namiimiixk. Spt. 17. The AUoruev.Gen ersl has received many letters from United States olllclals -epresentlng a terrible slate of nnuirs 111 Aiauama, iuuisiaua, Mississippi nuu itfiiuussee. upy mmy tuvre is nv sisy for colored people. It Is ttelleved the White Men's leagues are wide spread, and are formed for aggressive action. . ClltCAOO. Spt. 18. A sis?c!al to tbe Trf tunc tn 111 New Orleans, revived at a late hour last nlgbt, reported that Kellogg and MeEnery have come to an agreement by which an election shall be he) din Louisiana, tbe Government, In the meantime, to devolve u non tbe President of tbe otata senate. Washinotom, sept. 18. Tbara waaaspe. clal Cabinet rseetlnR. tbui morning,- asd an order wss sentitbrnuab Adjulani-General Townsend to General Emory. Ueiadlractad to aay: "Yoor oeta lo this data, so for as tbay have baea reported and received bhbM OsBoiaU ly. are approved, exeajM ao tar m tbaaaaaa Colonel itrooka. Commaodarof the: City of N Orleans. It would Isava basso belter to have named him Commsnrlar of United S'atee 2urss in UmI Ci - i Ji.j. The government existing at the time of the beginning of tbe proseut Insurrectionary movement must be rroognlred as the lawful State Government until some other cau be lawfully supplied. Unou the surrender of the llisurirems you will Inform Governor Kelloggoflhe fact, and give him necessary support to re-establish the authority of tbo State Government. If at the end of five days given In the procluamatiod of tho l.ltti lust., there still exists armed resistance to the authority ofthe State, you will summon a surrender of the Insurgents. Ifthe surrender Is not qu'etly submitted to, It must be en f iVed at all hassrds, this being an Insurrec tion against the State Government of lxittls I ma, and In the suppression of this the Gov ernment baa been called Upon In forma re quired by the Constitution and laws or Con gress thereunder. It la not the province of the United States authorities to make terms with parlies engaged In such Insurrection. (Signed) K. D. Towwsknu." Nkw Oitt.HAMM, Sept. 18 MeEnery snd IV1111 has Is-ued all address to the wople, ad vising an olwdlencetb constituted authori ties There are no new developments this morn Intr. Gen. Ilronke occupies tln Kxecullvn olllco. Ma.vorWIItz has been In consulta tion with 'him relative tn establishing a municipal government, aud a consultation Is now going 011 at the Custom House be tween Gov. Mi-Knery and his partisans, and Gov. Kellogg and others, looking to a com promise, but legal olMtactea present them selves at almost every step. Military oc cupation until CongressdlsjHvsesof the ques tion would doubtless bo cheerfully acquiesc ed in by both paitlee. A dispatch to Gov. MeEnery from Hay 011 Sata, reports that tbe town was attacked last night by negroes. The attack was re pulsed. Geu. Emory has orderod troops to that point. Fall HivuH.Seivt. 10. Granlto Mill No. 1. of this city, was buttled to-day, causing a fearful toss of life. As near aa cau be burn ed under the present exolteuit'Ut, tbo tire originated lu the fourth story. An attempt was made to extinguish It with buckets of water, and tho door leadlmr lo the spool- room, which opens south ou the lower tlltlr case, was closed to keep back employes and prevent a panic; but when the llsmc's gain ed elicli headway it was Impossible, to slay them. The escape of tbo girls In the spool room was cut 01). The territled creatures rushed In a body for the tire escape, but the roaring flames and tbo blinding smuke which poured Into the room forced them to the northeast end of tho apartment, w hero there wsa no means of escape. Many by this time had become Kiitl'ocatcd; others preferring death bv falling to the ground, sprang recklessly from the windows snd weie picked up mangled and bleeding dead nnd dying. Tbe excitement was terri ble. All tbe medical men lu tho clly were promptly on nana. Mattresses, wagoua, and parapbernlla of the hospital were promptly lurulshed, aud the dead dying and suffering were attended lo. It Is certain that nearly Ik) or 40 lives, nearly all girls, have been lost, while the list of wounded is probably aa great. Tho hands went to work as usual, when shortly afterward tho tiro hurst forth with lightning rapidity, cutting nir tbe tiro alarm ami all egress from the building, which con tained some 700 men, womod aud children Many tierlsbed lu tho Haines, and others lumped from the tipper windows and wero killed Instantly. Fall Hivkk, Mass., Sept. Hi. The over seers of Giaullu Mill No. 1 stale that the be haviour of the operatives was such as to ma terially lessen the cbaucea of escape. They Klnutd out tbe tusaua of escape, principally by Iron ladders, but many were so terror stricken as 10 be unable lo use them, As the the frightened them away from these lad ders, lliey rushed lo the windows at the south gible, nearly (10 feet from the ground, but daivd not Jump down. Cotton ropes wero put out lor them to slide down by, but no sooner would a rope be lowered than there was a rush for It, aud too many would tako bold, when It would break, and all clinging to it, would come down lu a bunch. Similar scenes weie going ou In the male spinning room. The Haines bad ascended rapidly to the tower ou the fourth lloor, cutting of this means of escape, but the operatives had two ladders at the south gabje directly before them, and were urged by the overseers and cltlieiis to lakelc tliein. Still many rushed to mo balcony and leaped headlong from the f;tiaids. Every one inlulil have been saved isd tho glrla follownl Instructions, Tim superintendent rushtd to the upper story at the alarm, and did evel thing possible to save Hie. Evory means of escape was tried. It Is reported four firemen lost ihulr lives while rescuing girls. Twenty-(ho dead bodies have been taken from the Central Statioii, mid other tint' utunates were carried home or to hospitals, aud all the medical aid 01 itiecity sumiiioniHi. Tbo number or killed cannot fill short or 40,and thowniinded will probably utimherftl. Ikihlo.N, Sept. 1'J. II10 loss of life by the tiro at Fall lttvcr, as tar us know 11, Is '), The loss 0:1 pro peri is?,nulitiul jshw wiii.kaw. sent IS. Oon. Knlorv nf. Ilclally tiMlllo.. Gov. KoIIocl' to-dav that tho Insuri-cot bad dispetsod, mid that he was directed by the General Government toasst liiin (Kellogg) lu maintaining tho Stale Gov erumiiil. Uov Ivelloi'i;, In rsnlv. said be would order Hll bis nlllierNto lesiiiiio their duties m morrow, and uskul for the main. taimiK-o 01 the pence ot the city till tho old luilli-., t,itfi nmittt lit t-.tlnulnf ...1 A .. n.,.. i., IM-..tr-pi uM.Ml.,ii..iiilir ,,'r.. i i l .... - - '...! "" "S"""s I no mom inn pipers puiiiisii replies ot the i opixi'lllnii Governor's nf Louisiana todl-oit dies asking If ihey would bu w llllng lo nslgn aud abide the result of a new ebclliin, Mc Enerysavs: "I am wlllim; lo resign if iCni log also reslnns, with the understanding , that them will boa pew election." Kellogg, in reply, mjs; First, that MeEnery Is a de-1 tested oiudldate for the ollloti of Governor, and lias nothing In reslun Secondly, thai no . new election is needed, Inasmuch as iho Con- stltiillon ofthe State provides for an election for uiemlHirs of the Legislature early In Da cember next, and the Legislature, theii elected i will have It within It ultlilss . amtsti.as . ... I any or all existing Stale olllclsls, and supply ' their plaisss by men of tbelr own choice, i " ' f--"s v IVIIKTU Kuiiog oouciuiies; ir wo can nave a sco-: able election lu November next, tho result, will show uios,! ooncliislvelv that MeEnery was not elected to tbe office lo which he, makes euoh a erWlnl claim, Nicw. YdMK. SeU. 10. A SIMH-Ial to the Lou. don Tiiir of the 17th says tbe Austrian I'o- isr exiittion ifctt Mromsoe tn the Admiral Tegelb'jtf ou tbe 4th ol July, 1H72. They en countered a compact drift of ice , In 4-Seait loucltude. and workisl tbemselvea lb rough untU lu' IS9 east longitude, they 'reached tbe coast of Nova em bis. Tbey sailed along tbe coast to Beach Island, wbara tbey mat Count Wll'sek's aloop Isbjolnen, .They sail- eu logatoer wun mm to iRcnnts istauu.near tb Promontory of Cape Fasasu, 'where tbey remained at eoebortlll August Slat, l7i,on accoantolsoulaiweaterlyatoriBa. Tbey part ed.wltb Count ,yjltzek'a sloop and Keered northeast the saux da v, and were completely frozen Ini They drlf.ed with tba paek lea inunswn monins, nri nonnaaat to 7.1" east twuguuula, m4 UftKt anrthwn util Octo-1 her, 1873. In Augtitt, 1873, new land was dliHvvered. They drifted with the Ice along this Ispd. Thsy were frozen In and wintered In 7HC 51" north latitude and 51 east lungl. Hide. In March and April, 1874, sledge ixpodl Hops were sent norm and west. Hi" north latitude was passed, and land was seen to 83a. The exlont ofthe laud to the iinrOi ward was apparently considerable. The ship now being unavailable, wssabandoned. Starting the 'JOth of May, 1871, with four ledite, and boats, they met opn water on the 15th of Auguvt; crossed the Nov a .smbla sud went alontr the 1 oast lu siarchol vessels TIim.v met the Husstau schooueron the '.'lib of Auuuat, In PuiiliowaltUv, aud arrived at Wsrdoo on the ,'1, or September. The health of the crtw was excellent. Enitlneer Chlrsh died March, 1874. limn iub-reulous disease. Wasiiinutos. Sept In I he. President lias answered the iiI".hui ol Itbv, Hrown, of Tennessee, seut ve e.il-v, In (fleet that until reports shall have heMi obtained l.oin the District Attorney of iho Western District of Tennessee, no di llnlte answer can bo .-lveii. Ho expresses uraiitlcallou that the .Mate. authorities are taklnit prompt and vigorous 1 measures against omiaws; put reminds the Governor that tho United Sates authorities have Jurisdiction over a pos.e In this, as well as other Slates, In regard to crimes like thai In question, VliuontA, Sept. 10. Tito Dean of Christ's Church Cathedral has been on trial forsouie days on charges of InsuisirdliiRtloii and con tumacy. Tn day the lllshop of Columbia do llveied his Judgement, revoking the Dean's license In preach. A poular agitation at 0uce commenced, the church bell was tolled and the lllshop and his court hissed and hooted from the Church. The Dean was loudly ohoered by the populace of all denominations who charged Ibat the Dean's ntreuso consist In his opposition lo 1 lie ritualistic practices of tbe lllshop. On Monday nlgut, tbo Hlshop's barns were tired and burned lothe ground aud tho Cathedral is guaaded by the police. STATS AWP TPRRXTORIAIi PolyRivmlsts are cMilnded from ncltlng on Juries lu-iiilgo Horeiuan's district In Utah. Clifton, thocopper mining camp In Eastern Arlons, Is to have mall service from Silver CHy.N. M. The Arlrona Miner says every inAit has his forte. Indian Agent Tonner's for to Is tospend 1 10,00 per annuii out of a salary of (1,500. Dr. Hunter, of Walla Walla, was caught out on a dark night last week In it storm, as 1)3 was traveling over tn Wild Horse Creek, and his team fell over a precipice, killing n linn horse and smashing ills buggy badly, ThoPaducali h'aitiickmii, under the title "A Kentucky Millionaire," elves a detailed biographical sketch ol "I-eo Hlaek" Col. I.. M. Ulack, of Montat'H, and his rise lu for tune from a Kentucky carpenter to u Mon tana millionaire. What Is termed as a "blind term" of tho District Court Is being held at Walla Walla this week. No jtirvls lu attendance, and a f;ood portion ol the business will ou the leariiig of divorce cases, and such other business as might be transacted in vacation at ohamlHirs, or on rule davs. Mrs. Hnudersou, telli't of Henry Hender son who wsa lately ktllrd near Itlaho City, died lu Union county last week. A soap factory has been started at LaOrandn. Eddie Dickey, a La Grande lad, attempted tn lump Irom the top of a picket fence, tho other day. His pants caught on one or tho I tickets, aud threw him so that bis leg was iroken. A playmate cut two toea off the foot of Mrs. Huberts' little son at Oregon Clly the other day, Tho dry-linnseof l)r. Hiram Straight, who Uvea about one mile and a half below Oregon City, was destroyed by tiro last Sunday. Last Wednesday, millions upon millions, wo might say acres upon acres, of young sal mon nassod near the Astoria side of tho Co lumbia, going to sea. The Knrit drove Jiulrpoulnil says : "A prominent Granger here savs that he would rather sell his wheat for 75 cents now than lo hold It and get 11) next year, and wo remark that his head Is level." On Saturday last, tho main shaft which runs from the turbine win el, In tho factory at Oregon City broke, which caused u sus pension of operations until Tuesday piorn lug, when work was resumed os usual. The Washington County Fair grounds have been much Improved and the race-track Is mid lo bo in a better condition than ever before. Klvo horses are now In traliilnu there and somo good time Is expesled lit tho races. John W. Welch, of Astoria, has received his commission from Hon. II. II. HrNtow, Secretary of the Treasury. Washington City, apMilntlng him assistant llght-houso Kieper at Sliouhuiter bay, vlcti Capt. H. D.tvN pin- IllOlt'll. The Oregon City V.uttrinse rays: "Wheat Is quoted ut the mills In this city, No. 1, nt sd cents per bushel, In oilier iiitlclea "ve have no chango lo r cord. Ilnttcr Is wotlb, licsli, -1 cents, Hiiill'iKgs aru quoted at -0 cunts per doen," The lldbboro croquet players olialleuui I orest Wrovti to play a iiiateh L'hiiik of cro quet u Iho follnvvlugtsindltlous: That I'or est Grove mav rhnnwi (wo out ill six of Hills I.,, w., i u, ,, i, .., .,,,,1 , i... ... ,,.,. in ..i.. .....' '-''.: :. " :.' '" .i"" aualustall Konst Gruv'M Now, then, throw up tiiu spoug, or lace llio riiusln. flali has mi Immense crop or peaches till J ear, old I'ort Hrldgrr is to bo abandoned as a military smt. Fori Laramie olled 177 votes at Iho late ,'"" """ "' "joining. Tho tickets of Southern Colorado are red and nuride with wild nliims Th.i Territory of New Mexico has u canine population of half a million. - 1 . n"M'"' , """", Siis'le's msjorlty for Delegate in Wyoiiiluj) nieu up ui nearly Mt Enulish sparrows are to be Introduced Into the putiliu park at Greeley, Colorado, A train of Union Pacific list cats was wrecked on the Iliack Hills a few evenings ago. It. M. Yager, the murderer of Pay tin at Flirt Fvlteriiiau, baa bteu lodged lu (all at Laramie, Seven NavaJo Indians are euinloved to do the scouting for Col. Price's expeditlou on lb plains. The Mexican community In Huerfano can yon Is excited over scandal of tbe Heeober Tllton kind. The engine bouse ofthe Wyoming Coal Company at Rock Springs, waa destroyed by fire recently. Five ranchmen, living at the Great Bn,d of the, Arkansas, wsre killed and scalped by Indiana, raotntly. Utah apple Tnil a ready n arket In Mon- un l B niurn, Utah sbfpped last season upwards or a million bushels of choice wheat. Much of tho grain on the Sllotz has been lost on account of wet weather. The best quality of wheat Is selling at eighty cents per bushel at Salt Lako City. It la staled that the olllco of Inspector at Newport, Ysqiilna, so lately abolished, will shortly be re established. White ,V Myilck's qtiar'z mill Is being put up at Connor's creek. This makes the third mill nt that place, aid the sixth In Uaker cotinly. Mr. Samuel Cne Informs the (laztUe thnt alibis Million and older Indian Department accounts vvero sitllsisc orlly adjusted while ho was at Washington, Tho Albany Jliiiiilci'snyf: Wheat still eon lluues to punt lulo Iho warehouse, but wo bear if no salts, sixty vents being the highest oiler we have heard. On Tlntrsdo.v el last week, Capt. E.W.Wll (MX li'slgm d i oipiiihi d id tho steamer Molllo and nipv Capt. I'i U i II, Leabo liiaua tbo wheel ol the fall mi liulo craft. Siiovv iiivirtd iho tops or the mountains on the west ot Powder tlvi r vallev last Friday tiioiulng, and a lia Host made Its appear nine III poilloosol Iho valley. r.oiinisln the Sound country bnvo thus Tar (si aped damage Mom frost, to thuadvau tageol vegetation. Vt (,1'tatlnu has bit n ser iously i llectid lust Marbvloru tins time ol the month, Tho recent rains and vvaini weather on tho Sound are giving signs of an abundance ot lull pasture. The Jttlsrson County ltopiibllcaii Conven tion will meet In PortTowiiselid next Mon day 'Jtst Inst. D.ivld Grahnm has ar-oda spring upon bis place near Seattle that Is attracting some at tention. Poisons who have tried It pro nounce It capital. Captain Hlalr, olio of the ptoprletors of tho Seattle uoal mines, Is up In in Sail Francisco, and has gouo out to tbo coal mines upon a lour of observation. Tai'oma Lodge No. 4 Is In a nourishing condition, having Initialed about 'M candid ates already during tbo current quarter, with 4 moie elected ready lor initiation. 'Iho Western Washington Industrial Asso ciation have extendi d ait Invitation to Hon. EiWood Evnus to deliver the Annual Ad dress nt the ensuing Fitf, which ho has ac cepted. A gcntlcmini from tho Clielinlla country says Iho rain has caused serious loss lu that region. Muuh ol the wheal sown In tho spring, mid I'oiiseqtieiilly was late lu rlpoti itip, and wiissliilioiug lu the Held or laying; lu ihu swath. 'Ibis will ho a severe blow to the lannltig community. Tiiu Port Townsend ,liui gives tho fol lowing as iho total value ul exports from th Customs District of Puget Sound, to forelgit I'oiiutiles, lor the two mouths past, as bil lows: For .Inly, f 10,5:17; tor August, :i, 53'.!. Ol these, lumber consllitiied the sub joined ptopoiiloiis: July, ?-i,175; Aiiuuet, flslO. Circuit Court for Grant county, Judge Mc Arthur presiding, Is In session at Canyon Uiy this week, A little Ik y of P. Fehely, of Jacksonville, was seviiely hilteu one day last week by h dog belonging ut lainls lluliert. The Linn county lluslness Council or tint Patrons nflluslmndry ivlll ineetsl their Hall lu Albany ou 'lueeday, Ihu llth day of Oct ober, An emigrant train or ten wagons, direct from Kansas, "the I'lalna auross" Huied Ihrougu Eugene on 'luesdsy, en rout for Coos Hay, Mr-Callau, who hasn little farm on Hid bills Just esst el l.alajette, hnd a field con taining about 'J5 acles that aveaaged 41 bush els to tho ado. Times aie dull In Joteplilne county, but the many mining discoveries are ex pis led, to relievo tho depression In time, as somo of thim promise well. The Directors ol tho Linn county Agricul tural .Society hallo made arrangements with the Allmni and hanllsm Canal Co. for Ihu coustriii-lliiii of a illtch lioiii tbu canal lo iho Fair ground. Sleani street cars are used In Salt I-akeTcity with SUCCISH. The taxable pios'rly In (Uv.vlieo county, Idaho, this year aiiiiiuuls loSSOOOU. Generiil llriixloii llriigts Is filler Uugl ncer or tllo Guir, Colorado and Miutii Fe Hall road. A publlciic museum Is now llio qmstlou up lot (.onsidiiiiitliiii in Sill LakaCily. Molilalia Cbluameii have taken to feeding Indians with whisk,) , Hum killing and rub bing tllKIII, S. D. Hoe, i:-q., relieves Mr. Flukholiner its lnsM'cior ol customs si Hulliiigliam ll,iy, and has gone lliem In lnko chaign, Ned Weston, who sold u plaier mine In Caiivou Clly, Montauu, riceiilly, loi fJ7, llto, liHNJust struck a itch gold Udu leu liillci hLovoSIImi clly. A party i.t "Nlsqtiully Indians pussul through Olvmpl.i on I'ueaday, on their way luM.i lii.niUb with lour men horsis, whlefi mo cxpi clod to bo iiddttlln tho lull nicen ll.eio. .ludi:o Doiililsoti h.is purcliHscd a llodt of linn sliiep limn Geiieri.Sloviins,olOymplii, 'liny have been grslug nt his ranch on Fldilgo Uliiml, ami will ho brought to Yo'tii pialrlo. OllllS IIIKl lllltls). Miss Julia, daughter nf the Into Pol. Jamrsf Muiitgoiuiiry, the famaiis Jiy-hawkor. has been udjudfed InsKiio, The cotton fuciurlcs of Coluuiblls, Gtf,, havo taken (1,5 IJ nails nf cotton Ihtla lar, an increase ot 1,71'J over last ear, "Ho has It-It a void that cannot easily bo Illicit," as Ihu bank director louuhtugly re marked of tbo almcouded cashier. It Is easy enough for Iho St. I .on Is papers to predict that the new bridge will last 'Jul years, and then say "wait aud see.1' The Jeweler who hasn't a set of expensive Jowolry that bolonged to Eugenie or Isabella is eudly wasting in cuterprltv, The Fourth avelllin luntiel, In S'ew York-, caved In recently, killed one laborer and iiruiMuiy isiaiiy injuring iwo others. A stoui old woman In Detroit got' inad late ly because a plmtogrspher would't let her fu herself until she had ber picture taken, A man In Hoston, lu bin hurry to aaalst m fainting lady, got a bottle of muollaga Instead of camphor and bathed ber far with It. A Norwegian living uear Carl, Iowa, waa bitten on the band a few daya ainca by a rat tlesnsks. Ha died tba same evening' A wicked mn haying cboppVd hfs little boy to plectvs, a VrlckW punster remarked he "oiily'sirted hit heir In tbe hiddU."' ' .gfia: