Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, September 25, 1874, Image 1

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    .-?0 'jo i ;
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$3,00 por'Ycar, iu Advanco
Tuksday, Sept. 22.
Session was opened with prayer by Ilev.
Addison Jones or Salem.
Mr. Dully offered 11 J Memorial, asklrg Tor
the Improvomeut of the bar of Cuqulllo rlvur,
by aid from Congress.
Mr. Lauio preseuted a polltlou favoring a
local option law.
Mr. Reed ollered a llosolutlon for a Joint
Commltteeon railroads. Adopted.
Mr. Fid I or moved to take from the Initio
resolution relating 10 Dillon and Sandy Wag
on Road, which csrrl d.
On uiollon of Steeu, tho resolution wax
adopted, and Chair appointed Messrs. Diifur,
Scott and Plymale bs committee on same.
Committer on casoof Mr. Jefinra of Clat
sop, made report, which wan referred loJu
divlary Committee.
mi.H kkap rinsr timk.
Mr. Laughlin Introduced 11 11 No 14 To
amend came Uw.
Mr. JohtiHon II n No 15 To provMo
bounties lor scalps of wild animals,
Mr. Laughlln-H II No IU To amend law
relating to road Supervisors.
Mr. Matlock 11 11 No 17 To repeal game
A motion was made to reject this bill and
ollctod mueli discussion.
Mr, Matlock showed bow the name law
affected those who lived near the mountains,
aa It prevented destruction of wolves that
killed sheep.
Mr. Rlnearson showed how Ineffectual the
game law la down the Columbia.
Mr. Johnson defended the pioneers and
Mountaineers, who were Injured by the game
Jaw, In a vigorous speech.
MsJ. Bruce advocated the repeal of the
game law and showed that It la continually
Mr. Noyer took the same view of tho case.
Mr. Curl said tbst every law shonltt be re
jtealed aa eoou aa It appeared that It could
not be enforced.
Mr. Kldler opposed the relation of Jue bill.
Mr. Reed of Marion was with the pioneers.
On the other baud tbefrlenda of the game
Jaw were:
Mr. Bradsbaw who showed ability as a
speaker, and for the first time addressed the
lioute at length.
Messrs. Slump, Galloway, Loughlln and
Gilbert all took ground in favor of protecting
game, and favoring tho rejecllou -of thin
The House refused to reject the bill.
Mr. Sum Introduced tl I) No IS, amondlng
law to collect toll on bridges.
Mr. Dufur Introduced resolution allowing
Gilbert Reynolds, contestant from Grant
county, miles, go and seven days per-dlem
unit as members. Refered to Joint Com
mittee on uillesge.
Mr. l'lymale gave notice of a bill 'for relief
of Jackson county.
House adjourned.
Mr. McClung offered Resolution -or a
Committee of Tbrt-o to Inquire or the State
Treasurer the condition of the loan male by
the State to Raker City Academy; which was
Were given by gentlemen as follows:
Mr. Riddle To amend school law and
abolish otUceofSuperinteudeutof Publlolu
etruclion. Mr. Mays To provide a State depository
for Slate funds.
Mr. McOugln Itegulatlue; feoa of Justices
of ttie Peaco.
Mr. Wright of Union To tax drummers.
Mr. Dufur To amend act regulatlug fees
of officers.
Mr. Riddle For relief of Douglas county,
Mr. Bradshaw To amend Section lOW of
Code reUtlng to pronste.
Mr. Rows To Hinetid act for compiling acd
printing-laws or Oregon.
Mr. Mava Introduced Resolution to in
atrtu-t Ways and Means Committee in confer
with Governor and Secretary of State as to
clerical work required in tubiromoee, wnicu
was adorrted.
11 R No W Was adopted, referring matter
.of Code.ln uo vernors message, 10 uoainiuiee
on Printing, to aaoertala cost of same.
Mr. Gearln II R No 20 Amending law
oorganlze mllltla.
tlr. Gearln II R No SI To amend oetteral
Jans relating to Interest.
H B No d To promote study of Anatomy
ffefaaved to Cotamlttee of Whole Ifouaa and
jede special order for to-morrow at 1:M r m.
IHINo 7 To amend lawa relating to lees.
eferred to Jndlalary.
HBNoB To prevent exhibition of human
aocittroeotlee, ordered engrossed aud read
UUrd tlane to-morrow.
HBIo 13 Swine not to run at large In
cost t tea of Tillamook, Clatsop and Wasco,
referred to Committee on Claims.
Bi'aiNXaa raoat tiiksewatk.
S J R No 6 For Joist Committee on Re
Ireucnmentand lUform: was read and con
curred In; speaker appointed Measrs. Gallo.
way, Stern, Kiddle, Blake, such committee.
flRST BKAPISO Of skvatk ntu.1.
S B No 1 To repeal UUgant printing act.
S II No 2 To repeal art creating office of
A-ltant Treasinvr of State.
ir it.jHnr.ir i.raaenisd isvi'.lors int favor
of temperance, which were referred to special
jOOBiulUM on that subject. ....
Mr. Reed, on motion, obtained leave of
abseaoe tat Mr. Simpson, his family savin?
Mr. Laughlin obtained leave of absence
for Mr. Doau who Is unwell.
Mr. Slannard offered resolutlona of respect
for memory N. II. Crauor, lnte membertrom
Mun county, now deceased aud moved ad
journment, which curled.
House adjourned.
Tukspay, Sept. 22.
After roll call and reading of Journal,
Mr. Haiina Introduced SB No IK To II x
tlmoH tor holding County Court in Union
Mr. Myers S R No 'JO To amont act gov
erning Assessors.
Mr. Dolph S 11 No 27 To assess bank de
posits. Mr. Wisdom S B No 27 To Incorporate
Mr. Richardson S It No 28 To amend act
relating to compensation of Clerk of Hupromo
Mr. Mvors being In tho chair.
Mr. Cochran Introduced n bill to amend act
to retaliate fees of county oincon: which was
read and rules suspended; and on motion of
Air. uocuraue was reau second timo uy tine,
and roferrod to Commlttoo on Way and
Mr. Brlstow, by consont, Introduced S J
Memorial, asking Congress to assume the
debt, $2,701 84, dne Gwrite Abernethy as
Provisional Governor of Oregon; which was
laid on table until It could be examined into.
S B No 10 To amend game law was read
and referred special cominllteo, Messrs.
Richardson, Bradley, Brlstow.
8 B No 11 To atnend Code, referred to Ju
diciary. SB No 12 To regulate Interest and punish
usury; iudeUnltely postponed; 16 to 14.
(This bill would repeal our present usury
S B No 19 Kelatlng to Code, referred to
'B B No 1 To repeal Litigant Act; passed
by a unanimous vote.
S B No 2 To repeal act creating the olllco
of Assistant Treasurer.
Motion to TClor to special committee for
amendment was rulod out ot order; the bill
patwed on flnal voto, Ayes, 20; Noex, 1).
Tho Senate, on motion of Mr. Dolph, to
reconsider, aud Mr. Watson to Indefinitely
postpone said motion; clinched the passage
of tho bill aud made its action dual aud then
On motion, tho local option petition pro
soutod by Mrs. Dr. Thompson was taken
from the table and referred to Special Com
mltteo: Mesxrs.OwenH, Crystal and Wlndoin,
8 It No S -which appropriates: fl,O00 to lev
el and cover the unfinished walls of theStato
Capitol; whs taken Iroin the table and re
ferred to Commltteo on Public Buildings.
On motion or Mr. Dolph, the Senalo took
from the table the immlKratlon bill passed
at last sesfcleu and vetoed by the Governors
and, on motion, further consideration was
Indefinitely iioifnonml.
8 B No a ditilming to uniform course of
instruction in piiuilucliooln; was taken from
the tablo and ordered to a third reading to
morrow. Tim Senate concurred lu House Joint Res
olution appointing a Joint Committee to ex
amine hooks uud accouuts of the State l'tnl
temUry. She Souate concerned In II J R to appoint
a Joint Ciiinmliuio to examine lino the con
dition of the ruluion llf.tierleofi)ur Slate and
Messrs. Smith and Webster were aunoiuted
to such Committee on the psrt of the
A communication was received from W.II.
WHtkluds Superintendent of State I'uniteil
tlary, Inviting the memlmrn of the Senate to
visit that IiiHttliitlnii, which Invitation was
accepted for to-iuiirmw at 2 I'. M,
An invitation wea also received from the
Womau's Sutlrm) Convention, now In ses
sion In this city, to attend It deliberations
this evening, Mr. Townsend moved to so
c4, after some trouble and a failure to
understand the whereabouts of the Conven
tion, the Senate finally voted unanimously
to accept tbelnvlutiou.
s. W. McDowell, claimant of tbe aeat filled
by Mr. Richardson, waa Invited to come
within the bar and explain hia claims, a res-
uiuuuii ueuiK ueiore ine senate, presaniea
by Senator lilrtcb, declaring that said 9. W.
U oDowell la not so entitled to his seat.
The Sargent at arms was Instructed to fur
nish the contestant wltk a seat Inside Ike bar.
Mr. Dolpb called for reading of all the
papers lu the case. Doctor McDowell in
formed the Senate that he waa taken by sur
prise, not expecting to aee his oaee come up
so suddenly and asked a delay until to-morrow.
The Senate became much interested In
the facet at this Juncture and opuld sol be
Induoed to postpone this very Important case.
Mr, Webster insisted on reading all the
papers lu this case and the Chief Clerk suit
ed In to do so, and the House was electrified
to find this a contest against both Joseph
Koicle and Dr. Richardson, and eaw toe
force of tbe contestant's plea that bis contest
was not based on votes received, bat on high
constitutional grounds.
Mr. Kmrle rose to his feet and remonstrat
ed that he was', not the tnsn, but tbe Senate
Insisted ou lb reading and lUtetied to the
thrilling and graph lo account contained In
the ootutnuakrtlon of ike contestant, which
as a legal argument is unanswerable.
There was a disposition in tbe Senate to
suppress further investigation, but the gen
eral wlcedfeinauUei tho reeding of all lb
. t ) . .
papers tn tho rase, and tho clerk tried hit
best to read the same, but his legal nbllltlos
wcro scaicely equal to tho entnrgeuoy.
Tho contestant was certaluly inodost, for
he only claimed a "seootid class" seat in the
Stato Senato. To make his case stronger, ha
claimed tho seats of all tho Senator; ami It
Is evldeut tbnt If he uusots all throo tho
contestant v,IU fill all tho vacancies with
Tbe contestant la a gentleman of remarka
bly venerable aptmMnca and shows an ear-nosttief-s
of purpose consistent with his high
constitutional Idea of his claims. Am to per
sonal appearanco ho has decidedly the ad
vantage ner anv of the now Hilling Senators
aud as the world judges so often by appc.ir
aiices, wn ronxlder It nu lllKadvantage to Ma
rlon count v, should hn hulvochI to IiIh aspi
rations. We venture to say he had the smo
tators In tho lobby with him to a sctator.
Mr, Dolph Inquired how many votes the
contestant received, and traversed the thread
of bis argument aud tried to weaken Its ef
fect. Mr. McDowell explained, but did not
tell bow many votoaho reoulved. He allud
ed to some indications that ho classed as
hostile demonstrations.
Bolug sharply cross-oxamlned by Senator
Watson, the contestant coufoseed that ho re
ceived olthor ono or two votes, but couldn't
aay certain.
The resolution passed with only two dis
senting votes but tho chair expressed the
opinion that the sitting members ought to
pay mo atieTins tees in tne on.
Wxiwemiiay, Sept. 2i
Tbe session opened this morning with
prayer by the Rev. Mr. llabcock.
After reading of the minutes, a communi
cation was read from W. II. Watklnda. Su
perintendent of tho State I'onltentlary, invit
ing the Uouse to visit that Institution. The
House accepted the Invitation and named to
morrow afternoon (Thursday, Sept. 2t,) for
maaiogaaia visii.
II J Memorial, No 1 Asking aid of Con
arena to Imnrovo barsjf Coouello river, and
showing the Importance of so doing; was
Mr. itlddle, from Committee of Ways and
Means, requested transfer of certain matters
before that Committee to tho Committee on
Retrenchment and Reform. Agreed to.
Mr. Htott. from JUdlolary Committee, re
ported Mr.-Joirrs of Clatsop not entitled to a
seat. Tbn report wax adopted.
Siwne Committee reported a substltiito for
II BNo 2 relating to I'rivato .Secretary of
Governor; providing Himry oi fM per an
num, instead of the abolition of ttioolllcn.
Referred to Committee on Retrenchment aud
Mr. Slannard repflrlod II B No 8 correctly
On motion ot Mr.Gillnwsy. tho Ifouso ro
solved that mileage aud per diem ho allowed
Mr. JeliirsnfCliitscip. 'I ho mover explnlnecl
that Mr. Jellurn uatno lo repro-ont the sup
posed rights of the fieoplo there, not on hoiiio
frivolous Pretext.
Mr, Slump olfemd it Resolution that thn
sense of the Houxu Is to award contract for
keeping the liiNime to thn lowest resitnnslblo
bidder; which, ou motion of Mr. Stott, waa
laid on the table.
Mr. Reed of Marion gave notice of bill to
pro Idea Stale Board of liuulltlon.
Mr. Bradshaw Hill lo rt-qulrn plalutllT. to
glvn undertaking for ooulu courts of record.
Mr. I.aiglilln Hill to iiuixud law relating
to time ol holding county courts.
i-iii.st iu:aiiisi or mi.ix.
H B No 23 Mays Itepoallug act relating
to fisui ot olitcors In V.ih:o county! reail firm
II B No 2:1 l'lymale To relievo Jackson
county by remitting State lax equsl to aMs.s.
inmtontlio Oregon Cnulral Military Road
Comptuy, against whli'h no taxm can I mi
colleoleif, hv order of tho court.
II II No2l-Kidlor--.Viueudingactcroatlug
the ciiunly of Jtweplili'e.
II It No'r IIoms To provide for distribu
tion of revised Code tn county ollli-ers, eta.
II B No lit) I'ltremw To amend a!t lo
provide a iimform coure of pubilo Instruo
lion. 11 HNo27-Stott To amend law and nr
mil Judges of the Supreme Court to appoint
their Clerk.
II R No U Providing legislative sessions
shall coinmonce hereafter tbe Second Mon
day In Ootober; which was referred to the
Judlciarv Committee.
U B No 10 Amending- law relating 10
Clerks and Hherllfti referred lo Judiuiary.
II B No 11 Concerning sites for Ifaht
bouses; waa referred lo Committee-ou fed
eral Relations.
11 B No 12 Kxeinpling homesteads In cer
tain cases from forced aale; referred to Judi
ciary. U B No 14 Amending game law; referred
to Special Committee or three.
11 B No 15-Provldlng bounties on the
oal pa of wild animals; referred to Commit
tee on Counties.
U B No 10 Amending lawa relating to
ibe duties of Supervisors, waa relered lo
Committee on Roads and Highways.
H B No 17 Repealing tbe game law, was
refered lo special Committee: Johnson, Mo
Clung and Wilson,
II B No 18 Amending law relating to col
lection of toll on bridges, refered to Judiciary
II B No 21 Relating to Interest on Judg
ment) rfefered to Judiciary.
II B No 8 To prevent tbe exhibition of
human monstrosities, was read third lime.
On motion of Mr. Maya tbe bill waa made
to no in Immediate itfcct, ao u lo be la
25, 1874.
operation at llmo of holding the State l'alr,
The mil pataeu unuuimoiisiy.
S B No 1 Repealing tho litigant printing
act, was read second time.
On motion of Mr. Rlddle'lho rules were
suspended, tho bill ruad third llmu aud
S 11. No 2 Repealing net fronting ollh.11 "f
Assistant Treasurer uf State was read 2d
Iloujo adjourned.
After roll cull thn llousn took up Iho order
of the day, the bill to promote the study or
Anatomy, thn ol'Jct(il which was to place
tho bodies ol convicts, paupers eto.. who
liiivit no Irieuds lo claim llinm, lu llui haiidi
ofhtudents of Anatomy etc.
Thn nfiernoou was greatly oxponuVd In dls
cus.slug aud burlMullig IIiIm matler, but thn
coin mltteo lltmlly adopted iimnudimmts uud
recommended thn paMxngo of thn hill.
When tho committee rose, Mr. Stott Us
Chairman umdu his report.
Various mollous were mado for tho dispo
sition of tho bill. Thn aiuendmouts went
finally adopted, slid thn bill ordered oii;ro.i
ed and read third tliun to-morrmv.
A communication was riH-elvcd from '111
liett Reynolds, Into contestant, urging I'm
fvsNorshlp of Mining in thn Statu UulverHlly,
Also, a oouimunluatloti was received fioin
the Woiuau'a Sulfrage AoHiKlatlon Inviting
tho mtmtNirs to attend tho meeting of thai
Society this ovenlng, and hear some distin
guished advocotos of the wouiuu stitl'rage
Ik so happcuod that Mrs. Dunlway was
tom)orarlly absent from her seat, aud lu her
ausceucoiiio"iiatorui mam element or socie
ty" had It all Its own way. Tho l-ords ol
Creation hatidlnd tho Imitation without
gloves; and after moving Us reference to thn
committees on muling, llerorm, tnloriial
1 ... ..M....HAa.. V(l...... ..IM . ....xtl... ... lu..
AIIIJ'IU. 1-IMCTMl, .-tilling, III..., n .., .1.1, ... ,nj
on the table finally prevailed. Thn House
had been having Its ghastly Jokes about
corpses ror eissoction ami nati ranter lost us
balance, ao there la some oxciisu to make for
II; but If Mrs. Dunlway hail been liislghtlho
iioiino wouiii moeKiy ami poiueiy uavoau
cepted thn invitation, and then
Wkpnksiiay, Sept. 22.
1'raye r was oll'ered by Rev. Mr. Boweisnx
Mr. Hanna presented pellllnn from m
urauue lo rexal lis ui'v untrler.
Mr. Owens proMintmf a petition from 700
cltlrens of Douglas county tor ihe division of
mat county.
S 11 No 2 was reiNirted correctly engrossed
nkw lill.t.s
Woro Introduced as follow:
Mr. Ilrixtow hill granting aid to a railroad
rrom wtiinomiuva to mo l.olinnbhi.
Mr. Watson Mill for redemption of us
cheated estates.
Mr. Omins To cronto u Stato Board of
Mr. Van Clesvn To amend act lucnrpor
atlng Rust Portland.
Mr. Wisdom Tn IncorixirHln lUkttr Citv
Mr. Webster To regulaln pnsisxIlngH In
jiisiices- uouris.
Mr. Smith To prolent liunvs and beacons
Mr. Van Cleave Relating to admission of
attorneys to practlco In Courts.
SB Tn amend iueclinuli)'s lieu law; was
resit ami rnlerrnil to .Judiciary.
S II -".'o uiiiend tin) set IcHMtlnir lluiStii'n
rnlvcrnUy; was rtMil t-econd time; mid wlillo
a molinii was pundiug to liiilullnlliily post
pone, Tlie Sountn iidourued.
County Ta 1'ur :S7I Ml .Hills
cm lliu Hollar l.cv lfl.
Coiiiiiilaslonrrs Coiirtl
J, !. 1'i-eblcs, Judgei J. A. Iliill'iunii mill
J. t.elsi-), I oiiiiiitsslimtrs.
Skit. .'.', '71.
At ao-illtd session of tho Cnuuly Court,
held this day, thn asuiiieut roll for 1871
was laid before thn Court, examined and
found correct. The following is the
No. of acres, 412,817 f. ',2.1,1170
City lou 1,111,201
MerohaudisH .'!'.,! 1.1
Money I.IM.Idi
Household gistils, etc 'JIS.KIII
No. horses, 4.1KVI 2S7.IIIU
' caltln, II.CIU 110,170
" sheep, :a.VM Ill,6h7
swIue.O.UOO 10,720
Gross valuation,
Nett valuation f.1,7Ji),(i80
No. of Rolls, 101
Ordered that the levy for 1671 be made as
Hi mills for Stale and Military.
3 " " School purposes.
12 " " County purposes.
In Dkmakp. Mr.O. J. Csrr, the Secretary
of tbe Alden fruit Preserving Company, re
ceived a letter from his brother In New York
recently In which he states that the United
sifafeasupplv Deparliuf-nt had Klveu an or
der fijr lllij thniirand dollars worth ol Irml
nreturveil hv the Ahlun uroceas. This Is a
a certain indication that the process Is a suc
cess. The company expect tbelr machinery
soon and expect lo have everything In readi
ngs ro- builuci, souietluit uurlog tho com
lug mouth.
i -'-
Volumo VI . Number 32.
si)iiti:.ii: uuiit.
J. R. Nlnl, District Attornev of tho I'lrst
... 11..1..I ,l. ..I I1II..U V1-..II. a .1. nr.
.I1IIIICINI I'lsirilil, - mn i.vii-., i. ni, ...-
tiered that a inandute do now IsMlo to tho
.. . 1...I t.. .1.1.. n....n
VOUlt I'lOIIW III nun i-niirr.
I. A. Rluhanla plalntlir and appnllant vs.
C. O. Kauulnu dtfiindanl and nspoudout:
motion liert'loiorn men in siriue nu inn
Hiuendnd statemeut, allowed. Oplulon by
Chief Justice B. I'. Ilonlium.
John Southwell, ri'spomieni, vs. unsepu
Ileer.ly, apHllant; nrgned and submlltod,
a ... .1 t, 1... .... , M....I.... VI.... .n. n.i.l
l.lllll riHIIS ! Vlinil'- i,o... ...
Mourn vs. Ilickwood and Virtue. Hubuiltlml
for iiinriuiiiicn of Jiiditumout with ten per
cent liiiuuuns.
Opinion postponed until mo iioxiiorm oi
this Court.
. l ,. ... .l...l..l... nl llin..lnlih
I.IICIHII r.VITI, llllllllllinili.iwi in ...v. ,--.... ir
of Jacob Yortoll, deceased, vs. G. W. Stegor
et. ill. Argued mid niluiillled.
I). A. Richards, appellant vac.o. lannmg,
Aruuuii ami hiioiiuumi.
I). A. Richards appellant vs. P. O. 1-ati-
..!.... . S......I....1 ao.itl.tst 1 1 ai rut i i ti t Fit llliill III
I1IMK H'fSJUmiU'llt , IlllllrlOtl iivim....ini "" '
ilMitiSs tho upiMMil nllowml ami cotn uil-
t. A. HloharilHiipHUntvM. C.O.rnnnliiR
i. .... I. ..I.... ...... ......IIII...I uii.l tnttl.
resHintieiii , juiiKiiirii nn.iii ...... .......
ailjuditfid nun hslftoniteer party.
III. N. Dolph plnlutlir and respondent vs.
Harlow Barney defendant and appnllant .
postponed tiulll tho next term or this Court.
The Stcnin riotv.
Alter consulting with meiijimrs of tho
Hoard of Managers, of thn Suito Agricullural
Socloty, Mr. Waltu tho Hocretary, wrote to
Mr. R. It. Thompson of Portland, tn ascer
tain on what term, If any, he could be In
duced to bring his steam plow and machin
ery to thu Stato Fair, and exhibit It In work
ing conlltlon. Mr. Thompson replies that
tho great weight of tlm machlnory tho two
engine weighing 21 tons renders It Impoa
slhln to bring It to tjio Statu l'lr, as the
bridges between his farm and Salem are not
suiriulentty strong, but that ll'any reasonable
sum could do It, ho would bo pleased to ex
hibit to Iho farmers of Oregon at thn Kalr, a
plow which wilt perform all that Is claimed
for It. This machine was Imported from
Rngland at a great cost, and It Is said It will
plow from 0 Inches to :i feut doop,-aud from 2
to III) acres per day,
Kjulu l'alr Mil lev.
In order to give every opportunity for tho
salo and advertisement of I. Wo Slock at thu
An nu id Pair, October, 1K7I, tho Society will
employ Iho services of a competent miction
cor during Pair wink, whocn charges will I mi
reasonable. Persons brlmilug stock to Iho
Pair, and wishing Indispose of Iho mum at
auction, arn rumenled to notify tho Sect elary,
who will glvn notice nu tho grounds of tho
llmo and place of sale. Thn nhsrues will I ft
tciiMiuabln for shelter and feed of slock
brought expressly for sain at tho Pair; but
IsirsoiiN offering stock for sale, under tho
luniiiigumeulof tho Society, must glvosatls.
factory proof of pedlgrx,
C. P. llPiiitiiAiir, President,
I). M. WAiri:, Secretiirv.
Si nooi.s, Wn Iihmi asked thu County
School Supvrlntiinilunt foveral Hints an In
whether tho tchonli In the country districts
had commenced or not, uud ho answers us
that hn has no menus of telling. I n Califor
nia llii M'hno. directors In inery dlstilot nro
riqulred by law lo notify thu Superintendent
of tho datii of thu coiuiuviu'iiuieiit ol their re
spective school, and to keep him posted lit
legHrd to all changes, holidays, etc Tim)h
ers ate also riniitred to llle their cerlltlnates
with him at thn limn of taking charge of thu
school. Anil uo warrants for thn le.iolier's
I My (Mil ho drawn without hn compiles with
the law. Our legislators might look at tho
California law, and by It Impruve upon our
prencnt Uw In reference to those matters.
I.I vki.V. Matters looked lively about Iho
grocery establishment of R, II Price ,t Co,,
yesterday. They Just .received from below a
largo Invoice of new goods, which having
been purchased at low rates, they cau afford
to sell reasonable to their customers, Tholri
slock of sugars, teas, coffee and syrups la Ullj'
usually larvo for this market, while in the
Hue ot crockery and glassware they can't bo,
beat. Fresh fruits, apples, pears, Oregon
peaches, ett and vegetables received dally.
Give Ihe new firm a call and learn the price
of tbelr goods. New and fresh supplies con
stantly received.
Mr. J. M. John has his new scales for
weighing wheat lu running order. They
are Howe's patent double beam, aud weighs
2,500 pouuda lo the draft.
11 ' r -rr- ' i. . i i.
Apihjistku. Governor U rover appointed
yesterday Mr. Joseph II. Shlnn,of Raker
Cl'y, Notary PupIIo for Maker County,
IHH At the itri.ui.cj of her son, lu
Norlh Salem, ou Ihe 21st ol September 174,
Mrs, Ieah Htittou lu the H3 year of her age.
Oregon has lilO Granges cf the Patrons of
lllC.lMruUy all lQ VSVfl'VBl tuuiilua order.