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About Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1874)
""1 r 2 THe He Circle. T' r Tom Turner. fcX. A nthermen im bjtradcj II elept am' Ann tnougu 6t rich, In often mule lheljtnk;7V A runu; On Aeh he lltM fro mmmfrya Flili miii iml Anil when hit did not iaiHluviiiunf i' i .1.. ... I.... ..F 'J He did not io iiw iuHf v When ho heft? eeh ahoel of shad, n . K Their ttnwftiea wu vaiiu The nth might top tfoumrUXa a-mT, -, And eoou they wero In.eclne U Henover ihoBgkt.tO'roara; ' And every day he Oalilntf went, , i y And broughtMljiHgaina home. . . t.I U . .. f Tom loved a (in, eo tin end The falreaUnUho trtwri. But Sal woiilSjrtt takijtrp with Ho he w leKMi downi rlth lilml' h Ily pa.alon a ijrr noWrackoil and wornf lie caiieu un ffi nwwv, luiiwiMf Led on by lprfa auKiefUp.nV . , He found t tlialMio w)TrninK eprn, And uahe doenvd III" n,uitrol W " . ' . ..-y Rhe wa the aweeietf lrl IniovrW J ana piBjiuuo aamf j y Kur li( r Tom (lira (ho KiantlcVdowii And alio gave hlui tho mitten. Tbfti Tom wal hiad I lie klcVnl a lad I K And he wnii once nad livid on man Honu faded to a (bidder. T1UiUKfce.w1.roVr;f )' He left that town of woes . , , lie wet iyJ,,WM tuiio o-illol , .Un wetaUmllan Vf ' JJ'' ' '" ,frcJf cblifitWwai iTuf r,r ivfii The tnai.Vl'w the YehWe rftfinll ' I liii-iliTli;Tauhiaaa,wtheMobi ' It ill M,WK)ilvylinwUItieinii-tiro)l " " At once tlioy both fall to, ' ' .'The Indian alHick'a nilht bl6'w) ' lly Tom'a K'k1 luck It iftfiwd tbo1 foe; ,iii TMIiidli'Wafirlom, i , ( , It'll iriqHi(Kpn vi Myvrti , Twin dtiip,e ryek iiuot Jtlaj i, ' ' AnilcrlitUulhll'lDdlauc'iriv. ) i , ' - ' llJ .1 I I IT I i, It Vim tnillait tiailkNH till" Wow 6 rtldo1 Had iwwd 111 m Kroat nulldltlida; , iJJh ttiilal)i'OvllAU'i InorvaiiKnAoi .i I HiUiutuht Ln'Jily, if yimpuMPKill "' ''flln lil7'iaa)i Vit he afyly WeweJ. kci .! And MU'ller.1 r. Tom di-emid all Iil1LI4Vifr.1llfil, ,i ..,!' 1MH tlikt one pruvail yajlof ' ' 3)w'wlwilli''tiuiiak9a,lUni(, ,. ' vlti The Imllaii tan away , i ho ewlirhernthla stick, hf ntnat ., i , IlarnU'Wi ICtilp.away. XiM tlnls waa ouulit and won the I) lil, In which Tm took urtat ltJiiv: . Then hlmlt lm'Vi)t to Aally Ilr kill, 1 OI rtiki .LutM.Y.iftVvJr. ilVir,,,,Mi V f J 'l ,,"i !&;SSf)S! 6bolW' AM do It. and c yl i iW'i vWi. 4r5 yVMt.. 1 1 AtU bf tMiw dlvo no w;uio,HuiirrliiflW'aiaytbittfli Uiatl Iwon't ii i,'v t .-' ....-i,- ......." -. womrin 'to-'iin-yoiir nnM.wofk aniigivoyouj, :,K, ,ii r.vorii nw-it'.iii-iii-- ncUr'aiaZ'T XS2Ffct il cuu dOjt liAr.uuAuo, nil u.i.hi.iw.i.ii.,' TTr'T"" .-..r,.. .;v ....... ........... '.MutaainiwamiaiBOUfceo ibe"r)es'6ra)"fcn HUT.. I. .,u dm in il.ii It liniliill I' .1 ."(ImIaU r'II.,aA..l4ili!t.llLriliL..iniliitlia intltil IL'I llnlil wo were at wuJhm haaeoiu munntf." II... u.... mn. w ILL!. Ihmi ,ll..ul.. .... or 11 em. khv in:. "l'tuW, iiia'iim.iinltUaio'tlH'inncrefrtlly.iyid In tten lnvvy Tho cure- nud "more mill the limL frull, mi i'i''iiMVM 'w in"f IVtw mruHuun MUM ri'ini'iiiberwd : kUiiJiiiif .br tho Ipow er 'of W lllilll UVIMtUlt IV .! .f.ltlal llattvia.l DnAl ntV.i.l . I L. '.rr:ri '..:. ;.r. . .7: ri." : : " .riv c: . v " " " """'J i mi. ......... ,,y .wn ... many m iinu iHinnn in . y..auvr.unii a a. "t. "IrtlW I'lH V"l"Jf " "- " 'T imii-scrt,' jowoiryAwawwiauad HbniWwrr 01111 1 inunausa-.ituidiauit'auaMitaoicmaiM.M ' "SinfWljj( V4nii)yl tiniaveMte'tHitt,' II I dJ,i lug ail iniiiy uW'i wnauiiviuii . wtiutM. (,'OlHl, fSCll in the aha)KHrflUvtWlYthtM)i1 has imixiverlahrd his own aoul, aaAIM' Plow.abare tUrouflj voyt Wt V-tul wartbwurtvovtWtV-ll-iek ' loaaiy 'ii -may lie u many lir.aat Am. ...a. ... ,-, rtf,,fllMM(n,Unv or,j luty MttTtHif naiwiwiotttwwwiitQtti"" : ziT .:::: Mrttl'f Uttllf 'atlll ." iLriU'-.U' l"'.'"". " .: . i i at IHaWMiUlkitU IUfl riVHELnilal. a aCWUH'lU imVlTilT! I)ai,riWiu4Wt.HlJohii.'UdKf(UaS iho understood hqr ,liubiiiV TWSlwS iTT-ilwqrft W1if,,?.?MA,noff ,,,!n ' '-""' "X""1 ",1M" '"' ""' '""", " castfi.Ka.ll-appoii.t,d. bulguUutfula.loe t fhly, Mil ant d..M'imiWaluty'ffo , , , ,j KSMV vi..i I . n vfpiA Into 1.U waon.,at.,b (nn,l ;to Kay wMMt w iVfil ng Si, n nf A SlHi K M kt'f ''TIT "r'btt),ht1, ?0 ?ff , " 'ftN" " 'C'lJ ' AvEZa sawtwiglauco; Ulipiited th.('lt'H1otId) HiH,,w5s VVCTr ., e ot '.. mother as fUo luruMl to the bytnr1lwfilMdntl 'itHllr' or ".leW.Je'.r 'JAUunllH.'Li! ?'WT'Viw&iTOV,iVTSrt,if Mi b". C,,lK. ' " K?U X""" ' 4 XffeV" l' and priugiligMlrunV liiH"Wat h.l kc wty 1 oU , ihuaUiukina-kiWflioWisih'i'iiHlt riifauilv r"el1, HyllMng tbltfycor nftfrit;nr,,he ,tlirnel , rijl I . krZrf , fiuoappla T&.-uUro eafly 'aid Ybf Jttii r HwindicdI-ih" ''VMW'K,",'t lr and made bur a rrtll-ntbf MlViil. ,; L. L1 ia La?..2?.iJ.iQ .. Su2 fli"....i woUd.brie1lk.wmw.vnnehl r!ch'sdiltMt bb ' iNVlf A " AkS" , ava) w " iiiiHiiit'Kii rival ntti .i uiiv iviiimsmi rani nsup a -ii- mr -i i't"- r - - j - s ii jnun juii win lliuvihl liu lovrucil til HI- . fniuiliill AUil iktill rA.litiil,l' nlt,Vr AWI MiW1, I v""j 1"'"1" .t ' f, "NJm" .'" I"1""' ""' . I ri!il,iVi vU ' " l to twenty busb'oU ot Trtitt imr. trou aud i..,i,i.i.,i...rtU..i,.i t.iiilnAfVi.rA.'.... n ,X rdrortlritH thee.A, unti at. lust, in the cp'4ro,of , VtS r . . .. . .1.1... ... ftnlt fttunVuli. t MiV." . ... . kui. i, fhM,)' tlVfAhViA . "Vr'H.HV . . grat'eW ihiinkH iff '0i and 111,1.,1 i.rr.wV; ' NiJ , W? '7'" ' ' Wont Wmau fully cim4)i'uiiia.Hl.hti uiTvr, 1 brL.nixi.J'iWiii.'hi M'-'fiH ilr ifii.Hmvomiytyn!htivfnio ..n . -ViSW.i "" 'Affl1'!)' 116 roiio WbiNllfiii; Nwiiy, fiid(iiKtbtiL mkiwiiiMiihht Miit tltlih'iiiU'tii.i ,r . . .1) rA' " . - 'rA'l 'V-1' v W,yitvlt.liVM thnu (11 reiV'ivt,," ., ItWiw1 i'diioafrfneW:dlt1.'if 1I1U lmi'.i imtiiitlll..uiif u.-, . ..i,.:.u,i.1.tdiij .1.1- 1 .'J !. ;i . . WlY I . ifrrfft 'i 0 tObliU.ri'iJUUWJIJIi llllllUi;lliWlbutU.IU' mK-ielV 1 ii thrlr'il'ionir.1 ulll.Vrnn.irallv wuk it ... .. -1.-. 1 "7 J' .i.V.rPi.:;ii" . u " r"r;V: . . . r ,iiri ,1 .1..1 1 lino gold of human Hympathy. tliU,Mww.irtiJ.Brtl.l,Aftl.irffiia'rf."Srnt " ' ' Y V . . WiuuialiijUulMUiiitrtrHruriiiriui4l.liiMPiinhii.l'-f:j,1i.r ., d-h ,11 v., , v , v,, w .. . , ,llw;M.Mi.lfc-.triHvyrr.woulafliVff . ' .,- -I'M1 " ' ' .rlinin llu umalj u ..wi. I1.1,,.. A..u Mil. I ' wil.l li' V ' .''' i . ' !' . V V "J'UUIV ua ifllM Vf .UVAVMr ,V4. - .lka, . . .... Sliu, IW.mitC trll..s l thl. V.'ll,rV-S,l WW'" f,,i,v ' "UW- 'Vi ?.S!1.60i?rV,, ,0 ltiV0llori." lrhetl'h'irovr- llieVtak bUHlniirowmtt fcjw rhv in til. wllirt, nud (,,w f ytnn oolhgm tbdii'fiin(elf.' JheV.Ve. jJ,. j,,.,. ,wili.vTbv.the iuirhl Mb leAH Hbrf'etfi ... wit hn"t.t Ml .gM'M,.lfe K t tb.l children took itftu'lht'THltiU m lefs? 'W"'W W;Krf ..i II bm '' ' 'i1'01' ia.Th,jl W."ift ftOT' TiaJ;i...u.u mk.M. 'VK.vetty''',j)JiJtton '-f! , ., Ppmp)aJnt.Ajaint..Arfalffl ' their ttti.ul.rul tr,.,.s, l.H,h. .nlnadN- WHn HWtMMI!lffi W t .VrWWObj eiugluotMlq thmh.ttMrW..h,W .hWrkaUwcutandr. iiimMwTOtJinYdK "".nA'irl'ViLn'l WlWierm. il rpWnVilrlii.i Iwpiluiuuibiu.Ulth'aCh' W e?.f Hml Unvoti jn tho . rtelghlnir. u'lul'd Mu Jwu, Jbe,,frm at 1 lor tbi (ixnvi Utu parfnts.bghlR lti''W.m lfltt n f el It uLt njfc hflwew?rete " ''-MtTOTO 4..WiWli' ''iM-M 10 1" lMMt , jstTvi'diiklrar),' 'lairViincea lirrt dMrrfsfbY' thU valuable fqod.,. ye ,bav ,i0.u,iiS'li.LOTrtfV",,V'7U'iV,,w studv.,re.d. nUthsMkW.od'waTiy teaMiiwh .'.", 'liT'MWiV W1iiAMlkHnmaiilli.. AndWpUu.M.ud.Hil ioiry'tnfcU.tfk 'Wwlntd Vattllo. Jiv bein sMidusly MrijUretfuoder 1 ,WSlHS.irtl'rMlktAnuc limiting vhroivh tto'pemra.M'fHefr t-' lJ lidAlaVMItlWIiWIffl IWJtUI UIB1 K lllinrillHll.An.L.1 illli ihtlH.i ilJia'ri K'AVi.o l.:.V unit u ta r.ifl In ma j ulun .Hat alM.l lVS kkAlriVb.riA'1W dti ti.n"-iucnoto A'fiiltmf ,lVliv. ., Vdill rmW twttevwokf ttV iu'.aotaMhlHir'tiiaV quuer UkUiauinatilatul'iMlKlinc lUOaf rtiVK ,Ii..hhM' l .). jiamku.liUHAkor.U HhVewr JohmliUtlMj' .U.I ,.') VivVttULV P'AW iwnnU'of jM ill rill p iiiaraaaSBB ! i Alia 11.11 ihsiiHIII 1 v.aaaaaa 11 initi 11. .. ii.iiii'iiinr i. fiiiiiwaiaaaix. .La rai nar aw hh inn auriaaiiii m nmv -. .. fii-i-viji 'i'--i 1.1.. . r ... ..m. i.ii.iik. !' ' nr a' .1 a . -tb- . a a a u. an .1 n ir vv rrvn .ti - 1 . w mwm watww- n ib- P(faf wv 1 av. m sr wvimm .vu !. - v v aaaij -- rj rv. h ! rannraiinn m.i mi ua vaiii hi. vnn mibt 1VUUII a-wapa 1 bare the ragged sub-stratum of our work-a-day 1 life. Ilo has taken no time t- read, no tlmeto l I think, except o( wya-'swfci ijnost profit otiVMUM Iaupr iT&MI iwcrlntcs demand' nmtfttiobJ can tie regarded 8 a rnl. h kH-thPflO VOSJS. Id leg I. from bJsVdov'S'work'toO-t ibut sUkup, andrlsen In th nivi tonetUnrlUbe vers l 1 hla tsAm ADilJiwdWt of self, , ossi- I - t-t r .t ti. .. ble coil IorTfei)I. wo' en B' me Dly leci as foolish nei ood.'that wai T(4innciV;inn ''1 ntnf iLnt,vrro ret'dier plle,' ducts of Iwmtm, .'or brouciit Afclahcr pric,'!Bcgg. chukeu. batter and choicecuu of ijaMhterW.nfmal, baVo been Beldbm'on 6nr table, ito'that.eompany, as an eicuie'lor table, lhrbrien. has oftdn been a cod-send! Ho "oVWun't afford" un a weekly nowapaperi rill lid' found he had lost $20 ou a slnalo'llp of wool bv bla Isnorance of a rise fit the price.' t which bin nck'bbarA realized throtuh iulormn. MiotTin the pried, eolamw ottite'-'JifCordcr. l'ori 4 know all this, mother, nod- that lie bas ta taken po r,ere.non n boilJM-rurhd in tbo. sbcial reutt flrTi'T i" Tr."..:.- u-iu , d.i...i-u .iaJ ioW that Uivlaorato". bolh.'afiddovelo'p jitio Kindly Kympfttnif d ihatpraejncally establish the brotuerDdrenUuter these, nnfiatural f.nm1Illnnt;.me nn4mrmnntii Ait n. fftmlltf hnvn been volunteer growths, or cultivated by I . -rstcnltlrnnrJ-wttlrB tMintnderHlaKdTng"thano ' aavo thotn from conQscatiqniOrnA tboJeast, I from depreciation, they must- t)o('ftet liifitteV. er'away.' Mother I 1 resolved years ago thai I with God's help my manhood should not, llko niy Ifvybood, be fettered Itii tb logUImrttd'tUd II and enjoyment of Ills gilts; that my, homo " shqud i)o ft home, for. tbebcaut'luJ. the Iqvable, thb enjoyablo; Ih'at t would not bo starved in " rny Hyinpathitis ' or mbeked In' hfy Intellect by 1 the hhaduw of thfe "almighty 'dollar," ncltbbr HUoulil myiwliOTUB witli' my consentr nor' my chiMrcn, jl( lt luivo ,uy totoar and cdtiosto. And I dm,gojug to begiti wh tuy,HiHtors;,vih Vbttr "dbbsenf nud co-bperatlun, I foe) sure,, Mary and Hue mtist attend tho nch'derliy 'a year or two.- Thoy tun boatd 'with' An lit 'Jerusha'. KhesivaltUiJurttitlni thluaiiU round, lor shJ WOUUIIK tlUtt yon and HunilavM. "Bat, John, your father. will tic-vet' eonsentj IJp.Wri," ,iowui)D scUooodnciitioOianlliv WQinau has any ueolor, uHgmciloAlljfhubuHi lies1,' Afid lliu "girl's, you know are up w(tU, their tenbhurs Iti alt the cblnin6A school HtudieH. UMI MIIII.W VWI. ).. CAillltllillil UUIUUlllllU ... .... .... . . t.r . lHUiytuiiC(iuulontliatl'nii.y-crry out my' od"irofes: I 1.. t L. 1 l.l.a..Llk t liLn'j il fc.LjlU f,ou,,"WH,liaBvol,,,"e,w Tn no Timoim cwpan- 'ii .. i , J U i. " ' 9U' lin.iL 11 n 'jxfisaxsasvfl? eana to mnket Djk.clMrti ok, thai iWJPflr.wu aiKntarufMGv: father hascMo enjoy iftunk rnrnlDtKintdEfi) poHHie ouvounti usYIBrtho JteMdn BibmwcValii'.lr IMatttior whdMb i0aj'ltii()y eiftfaexpi nelwiromfor thNu oecf ruing in' bai arlonielx8 M.'-tid anvnnrkriizinff IT Hiarinfcw 'i run o tny grw, company ami wants, our er ami eggs nod otunr .utm proauco, aiul KhbW'we enn havo tbom nt liomo Saturdays m - ' ) n i ' T wupf K'm "; ' cuthiicwh iu Ma,i.roCtori, Cbarlon " JHOl0.i i'TV ,.. ,.,t ., ' ' .,,' Try wplcjfMy wV mrWlaipiV Wr;a,,KW. tuo nroiitrir win uenrcci no in mv ciiurcro: nun SiS?:SSS3S ,ita. nutMlllL . .And ..frAnit Itlin 4nrint iTT l1" "Tl' n-. ...- - g wmwmx$r& . .fll Wy HKIIINI 111 Vllll If' " ' w 'fpm"'aihTnM' alii m ,li.rr,aT.i.ifi .UiiMiif ih.m. muMma vO-Xvitti1111!" r" 1 .TT-i'T-r" '"V. .. . . .r ...'.. yi iny,,- oenuuioo cd.iaQtbr- "I rtMll Uiti'Mi fljixty, )M ago. ot ultin del- -.if Ji. 1" . . . .a ",un v. ju i.h w.uiwe moe-ursv iuij uuoii in rnuimtti't on 'Jnatnniiiriirs hi wasiunfi OU tlm.nsLrtlllwlillllnll' fil'Sfllttot B IWfiaP W.iliMt IPlUn, iiuatLakin ik-nlwilj. niouiwiBfi' i'Uwtil) 1 rr.Tt lea 11 we may baY'iaH'1'klKUf'e' IMSWUimialWV.illlkCI "' i" ""! If... I 1 ' ml ,Jlm 1 .'"", '"''' ','',.. .,.,,. lim.i r. 1 -- - - -.1 j, 'TJ1o,th.mwiiHWuoHt'ttflWornunllirVoly1wH ' -' i'A". ' '--rv'" " "' JJOI lauu.kUUiiiluii ..)ituraiiiiihn nnh-. K.,i ..i.;i 1-iil. .i,--i H.U..,i ' iA-t.i1i'.t, .7. i i l M. ) n ' ' - - '-" "imwiVNriiaillirHlwiiri tKIII. IU(il,unB 1U1ID . M'l .wtlA .IIHIiUMl rFtRM HMfkri Mliuni r-terrjiTOOTW "'Aqdpfcttfr(toefMirW lhfte,wkrhor4.idr cattle1 haWnro1ten iuto ,fUttl'rlr.kx)it"bf .Mn'nfeW'f tiWiiwid tbuir. ri.teiAJ Kiii tWdr ineadbwiil'tre: "It !is "i. '.-.l.. .. 11..I.1 I L'l .a.l W,' - "jiw.nMairWM ...I rt. Jli uillk I a a ." ....... I.. WILLAMETTE FARMER. IS1!!?-! OLKS COLUMN. . - V r, jr.wj 'yjz&i ;c' imtt, ther orfo-. era have mnfilia for tea. And nlna. a whole row. In the cellar! And they are apt (if tbev know It In time) To make chicken pie for a "feller." ('' ' i . And If ho ta bad now'aoM thau) ,.; And make a great racketlol nolae; Shtr only4o: oVtr their apeca,' , . And iay. 'A thoee boya will be boys) . LlfelaonhriHortatt&ebeat, ,.', , Let the children be nappy toiay." I Then thes look for a while at tUe akr.y ,'Xnd IbSliUta that an farrfr away. M-V! V At bulfoftrt,aliwlIliht')mbn,. 3 uf'i r OraniUaotbtraaln hytnna very W j lXo tbeuaeltiM they rdak by the 8n), ' And tUtnJebct-, atoppln f-thlnk. AU;UIWM,U.U n.l, w..Bv...f . BIIU "IITWiUlCJ MN win ana a not lear in ma eye, iTdJfeow.what will come at the last' ear In his eye, I mm. at the 1 t v FvjrntijaerijU.Juta.fe(lle, OCT I with they cotrM al tay"ncro and pray, For a boy neede their prayira every night, lJnoxo-Uian.onunix.'apoae - I neeitiwondcrfnl light. .axc-Uian.otbuiiJU'ai ,ii,U! r n t f r.c 'k ! '.' r. ''f ' '. i .Vheo George foi fiTO -yeare old, his nndle &aye, hinr A It was a Very' large orae, -.almost tdo large for a imall boy; bnt QeoraolikediltlnUithe better for that. ' ' '-' It pleased bint greatly for n while;' bat wberi 1 necoi'io os'eigncyenr om, ana nu ueen on a visit rn ihe dbburryi' ftiid had had, ,rf Hdb on a real 'horse.1 the' tocttin'g.fa'orse' began (6 ldse its charm- for'hltn,"' ''' " ! V ' ,' ,' , ThettfwiU'n'way, tbdngh, fo'laVo fun cut of it still: for George bad Home .young i friends, stnalldr tuan hlweljf, .tp whom such a fnmoua rocklritt-hbtsp dBgreateHgUt. , , , . .Qoorce'took, mucp. ploatnrc in bIiowior 11 to them. Opp day,, ha.-juTitodi.Toai Wilson; Charles Urowm Saip Upward, Willie Thompson and Fred WUkJos. ta come in-and play with it. Georgo roonnt to givo nil a rhl,o; biit ho found ho had invited toor mahy' boys Tor one horse. ThoreiWM,ft:idllprtUi ldhe"nmtttt 'Which should get on first, and, to settlo tbe question, George had ta mount thi home himself. Iben there- was n scrnmblo tor tbo best iWllklns Wnrrd Itrown' seated himself tlio borsp,'vhind'ldgf t,obo put-doue,i o floor, and took I l..i,.J II..IL1.1U'...I.L'L I V iiierYiiitcu'Tinuer ina nanio h iuroiei4. 0 TOivbUco doftl waB'thfc'ftorlUroeker. tho tjturv,. JlbJ M tjn.(t)iei boVMtake'ii,ieh' 1,'lirA! nn. .n ll,,..oll l,.l o.l ., I . .. , .. .1 ' i'"fl "T''rT''A"" I ' rTwvewwi" . Ul M .1 UK TW'.mwi.w ... , ...., oUV.'.lTn IWd'oT'EoytiV, I . .Vll Ik .11 aLIJ.MlJ - .. - ' - -..t"..: .;.:"., .W .WW..i' ". inc eout)Ml "most benHitlful one of I.J.I O .1A1. L..1 li.. 1I.L ul .1.. ' jl an )timjr aiuiiut'Hnt'Hwa jr n swrpi-pa. ,. iiu jiiwj.M,, vuii.u.iwiinwi.mjn. mo pinien uorj (MiiMiuon WHvru4nritiftltlrMl) 'idrfinumer LDfti lueitti minurv rAiii m?tiuv.AUii .Mtiimi Pln remain moral lours iujh jse4 tjeinpUng KrUr-KOyUl llM'lnsetv', inff iutrfriul, as a. fiaqutiviaMrtjrle.,hl4baWTtbe nlaaap wta aui all1 iri - "l : goaA aTd,.a4 DuUaBMtroBtricf-'l umPri.'1 - r . r, " -- . ucaaumuuiBi- WflESVH lOW2ii '72-7 Urnifo Were verjtnfie fow I .Tiefcft ell Me eunta in cmhio TSavlt chpKf he llkeik' SHlii't wofn bout tducMwn I'miiSlctn'tlWltetell, i C WhB-4 Door rldfcw ever couWilo ror efaike. anduMtnlei .'TWaBiAc eiffiJiflk l"-'WlSrmoth nlanea hn'lliB rfrkerM.J Fr I i'nifi vvniini niiuiutit iiivni ui lititiiiii VI iU Ul 1 LMuiKtHi iq tXiUuiue,ivxiiULiu t .. ni r.twiirt 1 1 .ai.iiii i ("'" a.' r ilia ' kim linn invan neuni iiiinid ,ii.iiii . 4WT WlyVar,PMgl aiHuIMrKaoVrl'fdruarl .YV hwi,"' uaaaaaai'a'cisiBTCT.rT ilfaT! MWiqJ0SMItil' Ml 'JUT "I lath an 1 I I S I ll ! .4jlftOl lanU.13 .j'lll .antaTifcOra ia m-u m..i pv-r r . - . , . .v. Coffee Plant vs.Buckthorn. n trroratbe ticlti BWatiNM.) 'S " -vJ-v . s . . iwimrutnvlnoi. ' I ' I.. ,y- iTrry, . .. - , ...,L w-h. r 'ebffei I ttee, HW its upwer ana iruu.w. ;v . Gf$bVr?6$lamecS, fnrnlaheds with fh ttAlrbiM'Af scripUiis fthetwoplft: t-rrv TrT:TPr v. A'HaWnrf'.dbtfrved fl,'4' (..a In tHar. m.w8L stant, tbn. le Springs, ind that cffeV'(l9,ttritWg Afr nAAnt' r)AHftnl fUMl Witb tbe omiture oi A... .. v. . cotfce'planUtlonglicatiea A thence for information, witn a view ai yoiuB iu AriAMAa ni tVia PitntA in thi9trj&rtlealar. M I wish to volunteer information wblelrrliny. set this question at rest. As the RcbaiPss first oave eurrBncy lo the idea that-there la nn indigenoua speoiea of coffee growing In Call. fornM.K ihould be th,s first.' tp,cprreot any ' i l..'l.lnt. m. 'V.OWO ViAnn erroneous luiuroaaiuuq wuiw ". ""'" ----.lerl.l frnm thia announcement.1: The shrub iiAqhestfon beSong8,to.'tho' natural order llkdmtoctco. ot Buekthom triberorwhich there are vthree gentfujound'-ln' California! the 'ifmmntu, the 1or1trttfti)--n4.-tbr(anol'i, Tho shrub supposed by sonle (6 be the coffee nlant. is the Franmla Ctilifornica. It is found "" " "" TjV- i-i 11 1 1 ' , 1 I 'M "1 I ' , , .. .J,.9?ffe8 'TF?V In. utmost every part ot tho Btatot it crows from tto,jaft.bigb,,4hroinK. np numerous atema V ' it. -J .... I...1 .1.1,1.1. !.... l.nA. altoynato,' 6val-6 ilnnfrVi'nn'thVol from'if. to . lii Itmii) ePIowerti rirtcdsb'while in umbreto,iuHdiclHl Vt to .W'in.'loDg., PoUls 5,1BC4o-Jike,.istvlp,,(. cUft,truUJ2 geeded; tho seed enveloped In a, fleshy eadocarp; berrie.j lUl,(lt. VAM' 'Vr'mii1 nnnJlhlr.l In halfnn Inch longest "diartfetbrV an!k',b6wrl,, 'kTmroachlnff'tb' lUaok' wkc ripe.;ipulpijniy,.bf a' bitter sweet PPln WIJ nUsW ii Javw n nttet .1 behig lieniispTierlcal,. aud .when, ripe, nearb i ack. Hviibnme'a'oi'fariuhwoUs'suoIlinfe.amaTl 1' wW.MiltvT'ithi? lehlrih-o'filHbir nfolt'of 'the1 ieabr.llkibti,velopeui tii v 3 m- Jon J.'.t t d T aoe,vtreTiUfirf'rwM.' oerongi. toi waij..blBiti1cttti Wetm,iiibnTei.'"It "bears' cluiiwMiotewerij atithe bfuslqt the'iloaresi tho corolla ynjiejfnuuiar o pariau anai aRreaweg 1I.1 1 a ..iti in. nimiiiiin M ..'ipi i"il t?ln .in! ,iv'!n.l 1 .ImiIi" will fl'.ll 1 d ;ysimrkymKw IH I limbs, 5.tamenfi(,Dnd blttil -with ''bifid it vie mid oval berries, blaak.u hen fullv rinn. .Knnk .lierrj' has Iwo smls,ipclocd.(u n ptrchnienU like Weinbranei tu6 'seeds' are. convex on ope aide. illin'lohfrltirllnarirrioo"oh tllnilift; they.cjonaiat'.mosUy of albiunen,,,ht'one'fnd M whih hilje!ub)cyo: , 1 . . . -1 I ' A fPJHrift(?u..iWUP'fvejoig,RejiexaVde acriptWus wilUnaUlB tU reaU ,Jo., judgo.of the toXal'fAV.R'bndeiitlts .Cclwewj. .ihe. coffee plritnil Btni9kth5rnJ..tM.4tffiew"r'w i no, rc5 iuiiriy,ui ipeif jirpprues; coiLoe,Axri(7 a palnfnble; ' nutritious beverage, imlisrieuhiible at na,iirJlo,,o(,4HHl,,,p.tid'lUe buckthorn an nStivV.,.fiHl'ingiyCtbartle,i 'which ihas-beuo "'t .Pfiiita-'SiiUJ'sd i'Wdioinoifor over, two , centurion,. t$he liVc;ufa"t'ilftrnii "' Jiwlarly. .known -as thei ooflee iberiy.' .tjome yean go two :tochirfen,'-otaervh)H .some riweublance.-ibttweeri it and' 'ceniiine coj&e,- preparetl ibmi'nrAfr'nM,if;aa' wen? Thu pejlmem.1 icorllfrd','H'Wf, bnt' frbtri arjpwIaWpinxIrvVew," thty'did "nrft1 iive ditfelf .1.II.V Ii. I 'I !- !(1 v.l HnMirslse aMM SefSOTe' litween V$i& pr( two sbrtVs'.-W" coftce'lreel-wHh1 1 HI ,hfa b, Us ft TiumnwrsT Qhr.C-A' hitlB'bl tlb'bTvcl to gu8oriw"js"a'Krrar; Itfipfo . . . . . a . ... .la... -1 . .1.11 I'li'tarea menf.'bi'ft ..." .',a.t '4 T'.l !- J-a KUWUini 1U1 tfpru.hivlni .wft.v .WWSPoPJk mri ,i'Vov3iX5iii Hllll.M Jill wlrrqriS'velri uQmmtoikwi)WfWpktitoiyoat.' fvt-uoiuk' wore on tftlroskitxieJBami low AnafteiH wtlflMaM t a it iwWbflvJrAdril "Tb CMW 11 aUflii ,:r"lia lull ol i4 "We fyvo on, tils psgepf the-Rtfiln68 a out'MthiCia-eiilted "wiltt coffa plant. ,Ac- lt issan inusKnuuji vnmo .. .. . . .' fV . ll..NlllkA Imi. m; ft Euinlna "wn ,r:iMs i ."'I 1 ' ' "L i i . ,. ,1i,l Mill r '' - ' .Tn' l.T.Ll ,k. .. wiwihto wn .axine aue-taw inwu ,rrrifWMM,lwTJt'1pW'trbtfi mm iMimWiW KWkcTW'I6iiK '"' nrw?vr WW w - m f-1111. al .H, 1111. IT ftJ IIIH V MM J toe tuicnts to convev the wa. KVAMf VrvW18Vtne 'Lknl's i& lfmLaKiM411.Ul.l -LWJli iltl CI !iii5"r5i!,A?iaSre MMitUtirlW 7f'W.flli'l i1.! AT'".! .itJa ikJiirJ!mx:ttlJtVTWi i ?VVAMt..acvi JJMCIM.n Jl ktUSSle HOai-H'.n. 'SASJ"!"1'' imbltTrnrn un trrnrr aTTTaTTlrUtai 01IT Qood HAlTH An Antidote for-Mercury and Lead Wante Many of our Western and) onthern doctors nourinthe dalomel and bit) bill for almost ofesslon used to so, nnd since tint vat fnr. niahed av;fjractlcai, substitute lor mercury, the HVWV , T . . J "" w. rem oay.DiJwn asona 11 uto ylVno '""" " ' ease.r eui, lUUBb uvip (Iho dqelPrs'd atjll .mo ,o surlerers irom rnercurtniliron,ijiai,oe-,j sslble. Chemists ahd phjslolbgletilcfig tVfonni itrfo, ec lent (tge4its,crifWo of i 'curyiihe lyitam Mnntess; i bund two, nnd only rendering bier and these two lb, IbdJM, and sulphur, hap. penedso W.WlJthefbeit.'iieutralizers of an othor rmmoa,nnulMll poison, lead. But thVdfmdulty vMvandikf cause tho asslmila tidn ol l'o41ne hncVsulphnH or either. Sulphur it nearly .insoluUb in any 9 menstruum capable of lJeinej token into tbftifttomacb. Iodine is very-solulilitn olcohpl.wl, etc, and even in watt to soinevexterit, but largely soluble as iodlddlfpbUsiuuro, a drug now used to excess. Unfortunatelv tbts iodide, also the tincture, are nosta,nces, d .bnt-illghtly jasshnllatgd,-pasBlna -pff-yrtht bladder, ine Bmau amount 01 iouiuo cuuimueu oil, Wonla BeMlktlytcprive more efftclivoasan antidote to lead and mercury than a largo quan tity of iodide of potassium, because, tho organio oil enters Jpto the, blood and (Ubuss. , ,Wi put forthfhe' suftUon' (hat soWrf' vegetatilS may be found wh(ch Ja, rich in, iodine, aUo other filaiits, and hnrmless'ories, may contain sulnhur n an assimilable shape,1 for inlphur'ls latf "ex-' ceedingly common: clement'of orgauiatnt IUguJ eral( If wp could have strong extraots bfieudb snuvnie mcir ii.iicuvn w tucit uciii. d buuiciu. and have them HVothWugH A'dozen'tWrseVW mercury, a matterof pront ana pleasure to every reoular doctor-.. . . ,, i t 1 1 .ti.lif)i of cases of chror4o, ns'weir'ns 'cobsiimption nnd, other fatal, . di-, cases! have be'cb Irhdea to'tho -uso' of 'mercury. Lend poisoning hns'becomo alntmlbgiy prevuv lent of lata, years, producing colic, conitlpitlob;' unrdonpdgiive, neuralgia, .nervous uyspapsui and paralysis. paralysis, which somoflmos. ,n(lack po,9H)& eprlmo'bfllfe'. We will no, , dlscuft tbfe Uotforiend in wntcr pIpV farther S'anW in tbe pr niirtitioli' observe that Bvorv decent 'chemist kildrfi Vh'a rrnra water nets an lead. with astonlsblncfilllok' ncas. Tp liaye water pipe as used nt piemuilj ) conted ii.ternalfy with a ulpbJdo , or, siipuat(e seems to be the bnly1 cdod practical prevetitlvo , ot lead poisoning. But ' in ' tb.6 ' case' of 'lead ' pipes keptitor weeks in hogsheads kmj !baffH( of ale aud clderi there, the aoluWlitvi is otrtaia' ' nn,'l ,1.t.8,P.fl!'l?fS ftJHHTfliWi MWW.itHiWl' JS!! i!ePr. ; . ifid y,n1Ro' ftjHw.. Bh6uliIboTnbatedby law. ' Agau, sodn .fonn. tainsihcrlho whter", hlgKly ch!lfged,wirtV,ca'J', bonic acid. Acts otrload and kmietltaek on1 dbpMJ per in oldfquatains, ax jthiBg.1deBStvru ofjii miiTkft, nad some of tbe.cos.metics.AtevwftlL.r ill1' ,,. ;. ..,l."',....i.. .... ..n.ll lll.lfn Djoamva Powjthsi wn BirtOrt's rWoHtitti!' An . Au)rienn,soilar(,naia(l JabniiOamngsM $& ?.? i 8uS'PHflMrndo;.r,nM dek1 the baro or Dr. ,Currio1.,,Tpft pot.aMrr, temVxiinatlo'v&rlrleTl, hrrf alafements? Wefi tbe ilootbts ctl(lt)efdr, scdrcery1 bolleH'Mt his diieatd wal due to-hh' UrHMtofeiofati W"l swaUoning.kni,yA fj;ppi4Ucffect-df whkhb el had b5onsickfgr.turjjeara,,Tie,ariit uo swauowcu j Knives, i cowrwiaud'connnericied time 4b time Jon Mils biaVMfl a urisoner on .om lEncUsk iWrxn'itf 1805.'hbl'" swallowed 17 knives in two suoettilte kiiysrll um tuts appenrs 1 affeMon'c WffbVrrj krrivirDrelfdbhdl to say. partly '.diuettedr the inin'Mrts1 tbe, npr,n UMu)bB;-uja surer jaounhnDiibow-"!' ever, was Bcarcflly Vnchod,, ,iThe,iitawuob,iraii-M.i .wa hotkUUrniurod; he..lM . aopd)i"W)vtri to he,U3t.Tarla'hiS, slckdeiT'an'doat7rr n iilone. canuwli'by fbl.h4f'orIn'large'k,nlire'be-'''' 'coming fixed acrossihe intesUneBjl TtlWih'ow's,u'1 that, the cast rjo ,ud othen Jticesv of 1 healthy U.-i Syn&,n'''?v''r?n'wd?l "' I 1 t-i' '1 'I .,.-'.. 11 '. - : 1 1 I'lll ll'l iiiuua.TK. p. vuiA)B.,M uuooiriNa,ivpaon;rii of the attack, care always taken to observe 'tiB1 " pvcujiar suacppuDiuy in eacb .ipdTldulilMta-io;.'! OM ROIUU CU1U1 Us action ith ces wit ren are mucn, mora. .usoenUitW to 1 , 1 than others, as niuch so as. is the case opluul'nn'd it. ireDiirAtions -iTe yoiiimJ.'n."" . h.n biilf IcraiBfliPrtlhlM Hri J,'' ,.. 'Hl,' ' " and Increases, half a tBraini.r,'ao1i"iadi1rtlrinhl'ii'U year, endeneats pyery tbweMqarAJOurs.'iiifiKifn f rl AffiW I' JP WJJtf VV( itirom rt bairtd bno grain each day. According ,, toth0 8a-erH.lnrti.ft3!th,.VT'lA, Jl.'A 'ilLJfllW " toieranc, ,otu thoi medicine he,,,civifp(Jilfia,"rt- Hj;run 51 M.napulUJiris a; good-vehlclo fotl4tsii -iw 1Jmin'.JlMmm8'(WrlVlr0nanil.dei, Goon LTisoaMvtidnl 'of fobVi.i libf-Wf'lxl't quauiy, .ip.apmiymen wti.q.8in,WitirAr.1oa.byi rt'JT,hfci!i '1.' -aiafc'lwVeftARSUf "" ;tt,egteam.wpttntris,ithei'bafttfmeTfiiflt,m,'lflt Will nn A.l. ..1.1 . ll j.. -l L .-..I. ..f ..-. ..iFiA, iiMHM.iu9'fiTopea"iaeiiiiiBOTe 'i"" r? tfi ' V1.?''') w B9CTd PJi 'Wiatlliwy..-1 baoou,-brnjtarto WU tffart'ot crifjple,,-i,ma" it U quesiiormhle whether '-'Hebry'Eimoilidf''''-''' "'' .yfr?". G"S'T--4-.a..aPflnl4otflQr ppjson, tMo:v , reti use o miiK pa, n beverage is recommended,. j, b.U&y.lwlea'rJeroifd ,Pu.aeu oy iD!gr bourd 1 brfiwillMcbVeTM1"1 " FJfM this, Miiwilb iani.ordbianr.i.gmi.j'iwjkav!o .freaaany ttMfcj$.t r,,b-e,milft'A,ri('Vo''' ',, U-anibtyy, mI..,.,i ova,l nnj iMilw al J 1; , :i ')J bnu, aua'syTaaVeecomrieWe M" anrt'lliiriaDk)Airlr.Bnwini- l-iah-di-ifm'iiil byhevaddItJJo,oJ (.WiW,Sva.f W V' ntiuioDial wine. 10 i'i um ni-uii. '-.'.l l idJ X'-l i'1 1 'j a a.t-"Tf 1 1Curi-'N: MV, u ThorotSaMCOallBt pr two.-wtth ift'iciWBV'iiTiAM? jewaing -wMii'tm ... ....:.. ... .. 1 r. ...' ig 'rtli'tUkiye,WB,4ir',,fM' fcdfiW ,.ia ikeTe nl J ITT I BTM lalil iasi-is-1 S-iiinl aT iliafin 1 1 T ill I II I ,4Mrjr, ttJMmms-t4ipfiWl i-wVitreta-ji aiMihiltfertsa-. .11 U Jnl'l nut