) 3NJUH .JtjjsH ooc ' . ) ' .. F h ' ' ' III - $300 per Year, in Advance. (For the Willamette Fanner. The Usury Lzv question. Homk Hill, Sept. 1st, 1874. Mb. Kbitor: It appears that a majority of the newspapers of tbe State favor tho repeal of the Usury Jaw by tho Legislature, wliloh will convene this month; and, as Rtllnchor to their argument, which are neither forci ble nor tree, thoy claim that the people de tnand It. Having had somo facilities for as certaining the wantaof tbo people with res pect to leglslatlonIvas nota little surprised to read that tbo pooplo bad expressed a desire for tho repeal of a law which wat'-aot once moutionod by any Convention of envy party during the reform canvass of lat wiatcr and spring. iBankors, brokers, nioner-leudera may desire tho repeal, but the farmers, me cbanlcs and wagoraetvwho constitute threes fourths or seven-eighths of the popn'-atlon ol this State tloiiot, and-tho Xogialatnrt will act without authority In repajullnglbelarv which has given general vittefpctlon foreo many years. TbidJiillctin Uvvralho ropea'rbocauso "the law is a dead IeUeron the Statute book'." This, also,"is an assumption whloh. has no solid foundation. A law whloh lstielthor, obeyed nor enforced u c, generally disre garded la undoubtedly a dead letter; but It Uobeyediby ...great abiding people, and only falls in Jts penalties because some men are. cunning- enesgh tq avoid them, is no morea.dead letter Oban all other laws. .People, generally, obey tho law gainst gambling, although It is wsa3t arid; entirely lnefflalent In It penalties to prevent .gambling. Would the Mullet in c! almdheact a ajdead letter, and therefore fa vocelie' re peal of all law -upon the -subject? The 'truth 'is that onr Uttury late la the basis of snarly1 tall the business transactions throu boat tba country and the entailer towns, and' is onore .generally obeyed than many otl tor law which are admitted to be .practical) yoatera-rtlve-and efficient. During the past rear onr Slate baa i received; large per cent, of population from tb e State east-of the Rocky mountains; porto tuwho have oome among us to stay; eiost o f tkem farmers, who have purchased land, ) taring part dawn and securing the balance by nwt gage and notos at twelve per cent, p u au nam, .In every Instanoe not to eceeed tl in le sal rateof Interest. Maayofonryoungi nei, children of the old settlers, have bought 1 'aid ia the woo way, and expect to pay f. ir it with the protlta of tho farm. But the el foet of the repeal of the Usury law will be to re peal the greater part of theao hopeful, en tf getlo farmers, and sent them homeless out of the State. It la idle la say that' those mortgage note f will remain at twelve per cent. Thoso who want the repeal know better. Of courM there I U a term of years, instalments and all men- 1 tloned in every such transaction; but the at most universal history Is that purchasers do not come to time and are obliged to run double the time before completing the purchase. Creditors are not alow Io take advantage of such failures, to raise the rate per cent. In consideration of more time; and even were they liberally disposed, the prevalence of a high rate of interest will force tbem Into It. The time of many mortgages bat already ex pired, but the mortgagees are satlaued with the annual payment of twelve per cent., to leave the landholders in undisturbed posses sion, laboring for ultimate success. Upon the repeal of the Usury law, the bauka will raise the rate to two per oent. per month, aa it is In California; the wholesale merchants of Portland will have their bills printed In the same figure; the country mer chant will advance his profits to s'ult, and the tendency will be to force creditors ol all de scriptions Into the same channel. Mow, un der each circumstances, who will aay that persons owing for land will be effected ruin ously, aad that they will not be crushed out of existence. I challenge any persona to find an instance where the contracting parties in the sale of land have not been governed by the law, that ia when they have contracted tor a higher rate of Interest than twelve per ecu.; and for every one such, I will find two where the purchaser has been obliged to re linquish the lead on account of Inability to keep op the expense of the farm and family and pay the legal twetvejpereenS,, upon the unpaid balance. .Iknow of one farm that baa twice reverted, each time the purchaser los ing the Bret Instalment of the purchase mon ey; andeveral other lnataaese of reversion where the interest alone wae lost to fee. pur chaser. At present 1 can call to mlad sever al small farms, about tea wiles distent from Salem, purchased by late Immigrants from Jowa, who could pay only $1,000 down and who will alsaoH cnalnly " tkt W" asd all the interest fat the next eve yearn, y the revamp to the preeeeding Mr. 3klak of It Sera la a btlaacaef , 5s vl ifie-v'V! .. . yji A - - -- .JrK- -s"V-H" h SALEM, drawing intercit at twolve percent., amount ing annually to I3G0; about one dollar a day, Including Sunday. Add to this tho coat of living and the exnonses of the farm, and then nay what the prospect Is for the hardworking former becoming the owner nf a farm. Cer tainly it would require mora ability, energy, Industry and oconcmy than'belnngs general ly to mankind, in order to snecood In sirch n case. Bccstso one man, by-a concurreneoof uuusuallyttortunate clrcumstancos, such as proximity to market, high prlco for grain, tlno and cheap preparation of soil, cheap and abundant harvest, baa been ablo by one crop to clear his lnudof Incumbrance, it does not change the common fact that farming does uot pay more than twelve por cent, per an num on tho whole amount Invested. After, an elaborate and careful examination of tho profit of farming In NovYorkStato, by llor aeo Greeley and others, nat boforo tho war, the conolnaloti arrived at was that while some fortunately located farms contiglous to tho groat cities were yleldlng-a line profit, as a general rulo farmi did nofyleld six per cent, on their ccih value. Near to this, It a tine half aecllou of land salablo at 12,000, that has not paid, by the stock and-graln method, ton poroonUon tho value. Thore Is a farm In " ZZ!Z!" bany, .worth $20,000, that baa not, at any time, paid ten per cent, on the money. I 'know of scores of terms on the Atbany prairie that do not pay twelve per cent, on their value. A tract of 300 acres, every rod tillable, five miles from Albany, waa lately sold for7,6J,whlch did not rest for 500 per annum, thus show ing that the owner made 400 a yearby sell ing and -leaning the money at twelve per cent I presume It could be likewise shown that the aaaae la true of the trades and that no frailroad,) telegraph, printing press or menu- fjotery In the Htate la paying more than twelve per -cent, per annum on the whole amount Of money invested. I believe, too, ttiat a vast amount of the business men of the Slate would'deolde that no legitimate busi ness can enn lve and pay more than twelvo pur cent, forthe money. If that bethecaso, why Insist on removing the present legal re striction? (The Hullrtir. says "to make money plenty." 'But what difference wholhermoney is plenty or scarce if pooplo dare not borrow? The uncwor Is, "that people will borrow:" And the-consequence will come that they will also broak, and thus tho condition of the country c in'be plainly .read: Labor and industry will go to tho wall,end everything will bo at tho mercy of the capitalist, as it Is In California. Tlioro the faruKr has his bankacoouiitat two per omit, a mouth, and as every thing de pends upon a spoedy liquidation, bin crop is wlrtllrillv At tllA rilntviiul tt th nwn1atnr , CMC o fUnK or ntro Wu h(jh n a ,ja 10 vroewil, of yrs''kanl labor Is swept away by tbe mer eAesa two per cent., and tbe farmer Is obliged I o .commence the world snow, or sometimes aa-se, ifsces a mortgage upon the future at t wmt dreadful two per cent, a month. Ttio.plea that money Is like any otlior spe ck s -at property and should be allowed to ae. x dta own market, and also the Interroga tive 'argument of Mhow would the farmer like to b e the "Legislature fix tbe price upon his pro KMi w wo irtwHminan upon nis waresT ' seem 'Mime to be very wide of tbe true state ment srftbeae. In M Unit place, tbe Government has en acted how aauch gold or silver shall consti tute a taller, and stamped It as the standard ofvalu es, without regard to tbe quantity In clrciilai fc" Ids not, however, the question, wbetbe. 'that asuountofgoldorsllver la worth more or less than a dollar, any more than It Is wbeth tr slaty pounds should be more or Io than a bushel of wheal, but what per cent, shal t he charged for the use of property, rated by t Vt standard of values. And as tbe standard o rvalues U tbend of tbo law and can be den waded and enforced for Indebted ness, bowe ' arising, the Government has Inflicted a l eaktveinury upon the people In making a 1; P' tender unless it also provides a remedy for theseorciry of the legal tender, coming from fluctuations In production, trade and cominerc . orarialng froan tbe operations of bankers, bi ikera aad the Shylocks who can board, ou ""' nd otherwise Interfere with l ib circuit tlon. This r eased v is accom plished, to a gn t extent, by aaing the rale per cent, for the lime Intervening before ful fillment. Tbe h VJ ff per oeej. ia not only upon money loai. d but upon ell kinds of In debtedness, reatrii ting not alone tbe capital ist who loans his money, but npea the farm er or mechanic who .sells hta products, or the wageman bis labor, and Is In the tatereat of society and good government, preventing ex tortions, frauds, pauperism, and LWafore, crime. ' The effect of the repeal of the law will be to raise the rate per cent, on money aad all in debtedness; and more, to advance the prior) of everything sold upon the usual predlt Prv goods, grooerleeand firming Implement will advance In price Io cover the oVffereeo between the present rate per cent, t,nd that which will follow abort otse Mr cent, aei ESHMith-aBd ibeea-riouUunUceeaaiMKr wfli eaflhr to that extent. The saaaa wTJT take OREGON, SEPTEMKERjJ.1, 1874. place with all other Industry, for all taxet of that kind oome olf the producer. When tho Govern mini t requires the alllxlng of stamps ou lticifor matches, fish or fruit van), or a II conte for the manufacture, of ardent spirits, the ciikt In each case Is carried over to tho consumer, bo It will tie when the merchant Is required to pay two percent. ht month on bis bank account, tho amount It cbarwd, to each debtor and dually paid by the con sumer. I f tho Le irbtlaturn la to ImlUrreet si to repeal the law, there mil bn mi additional Induce ment Torino Industrial olaavi io purrhtt'o directly from the uianufaetnrlea and estab lish Union Ntorei for self protection. T. W. DAVKMroitT. (Tor ttia WllUmrlle Farmer.) PralrlcM ol tbe llluiiiettc. 11V A. V. DAVIDSON. Tho pralrlos and bottom lamia, and espe cially thono lands whloh wero naturally moist, or could bo easily Irrigated, were tbn first occupied by the hardy plonecra; becaueo It waa thought, during our ilry hiiuimors, only such 'lands would bo productive. Kx perlenco has, however, provon that thli early Idea of tho .first settlers wss not wholly true; for any lands ausoeptlble of thorough culti vation can 'bo, and for years has boon, made highly productive, not only of coroals, but also of vegetables. The prairies of the Willamette are wonder fully fertile; deep, mellow and lasting. When, in geological ages long gone by, this volloy was -under water, tbe tiotr prairies were iften the tleep hoiet of the bsy, for it was aueb, and, as a consequence, tho(c&t-M from the various stvers, oreeks, ete., rushed down from tbe Cascades, Coast Chain and Calapoola mountains into this bay and necessarily Bot tled in th lowest places llenoe, logs, leaves, sand, gravel and vast quantities of organic substances .formed these immense deposits. Deposits which, lu after ages, were to become tbe home of men, animals and forests t buty scene of hfe! For ages, Impossible to number, the winds sported with the wild waves of this ancient bay; clouds and storms wsged war; glaciers poured down from the Cascades ; avalanches swept down and abraded the mountain sides, depositing what was then but civile materials for future chem ical action to convert into eitcmlal tracts of rich, level lands. Uere, on this then lonely aud far-off Held of walor, thousands on thou sands or swans, ducks, brunts, pollcuns, cranes, etc., etc, frolicked upon Its bosom or reveled upon It shores. Tlito primitive ages have left their xmjtrcss on the iom Tual atin Plains, Yamhill alleys, 1'olk, Denton, I-ane, Lliiu and Marlon county jiraiucs. Wo mart el at tboorcnAl adaptation and pow er otlioojetslstent mice, used as means to ends. Their convulsions, their war, tho heat the "central jiowor" which lifted tho moun tains, shook tbo ortrtb, and inado tbe ocean boll I How vait I Tho liumeaatirable ages which nave elapsed since old Hood, Jellor son, St. Helens, tbo Throe HlMors, ct ul. were "boloN in the ground." How long did their deep-mouthed bellowlngs roar? How long did molten laud, amoke aud flame pour from tliete "trni holet," through whloh rich mate rials aud surplus power found exit? No an swer can be made to these deep questions. the theory of our greatest geologlste. as Uutlon, Lyell, Hitchcock, .Smith, Miirch). son, Macculloch, 1) la iteche, Webster, lluvk land. Mantel), Itogern, Phillips, Dana, and a hokt of writers of the new school, who havo not altered, but simply modified those fun danitnlal principles advocated by Hutton, I-J ell, rJaralra,etc.,seemstobelhla: Along tbe oteau-llne or continents chains of moun tains are formed. Ihe agencies are these: First, tbe weight or pressure ul the ocean. Secondly, tbe Internal beat combined with external or oceanic pressure. Thirdly, chom- "- -'. .-., w. '.v-w.uiU. .IUITi the Immense weight or ;'rrre of the ocean as tbe Pacldo along tbo water line or this coast, produces beat In tbe molten land be low. This being extra heat, causes, through both chemical and mechanical action, expansion- through this expenslon the earth. alouK the water-line, Is gradually eometimos sud denlyupheaved, This upheaval forms a chain of mountains parallel with the ocean. This pressure continues sogreal, that not on ly ia a chain of mountains formed, but tbe Internal forces burst up through the earth's cruet, forming "vent holes" these become volcanoes. The volcanoes lessen the press are, and hence tbe chain of mountains cease Io become elevated. The Internal aad exter nal forces are In equilibrium. Iurln this volcanic era, the oceanic pressure lessens Immediately uaJer the chain, and ha dmi. ure Imodium ouuventreitd, according to Its Uetb, oat at m. aoiuatlsoae seventy-Ave, aaq some nnjue one nnaorea ana any or aaor allee ob wwie. , aad parallel wttb, the fertsvar chain or mountain. Hence, chela I of mountains aro formed In succession; but not always so. Now let It bo clearly, distinctly under stood, that at the forces coixho lu ouo portloiti they bocfliiio active In another. Ages ago, tho Casvadra losanued in their activity; as a consequence, then, the pressure being from tho Meet, In tho ocean, wherever thoso con cnutratvd a second tlmo, a now chain must arlso. Honco, tho origin ot tho ikhc Coast Chain. Of uourt.0, Imtwoen llio Cascades and Coast Chain thero must bu n biisln or valley. This waa covered by tbn water aud waa a bay, surrounded by the Cascades cast, tho Cala poola south, and west by tho Coast Chain, On the north It was open to tho ocean; fur wboro the Columbia now flows onco rolled tho Pa cific). It was tho (iffi'df proHMirooftlio water whlchproducod thoCulapoolamnuntalntaml those across or north of ihnColnmbl.i, nndat tho now falls or tho Willamette. Wbun, from gradual pressure, tho Coast Chain was olevated to Its present holght, tho prosauro ceased westward and concentrated under the waters of the tiotc Wlll.imotte ami itpluMivcil tho lied Hills of our valley. This upheaval caused tho waters to How over and break through below, at tho Willamette Falls. The gradual elevation of this valley wat a taeaiu ot diainino off its tcater and thus tbe "dry land appeared." For agea this process waa going on: First, tho elevation of the Cas cades and their voloanlo era; second, tho ele vation of the Coast Chain Ita gradual eleva tion and leas voloanlo era; third, the lateral pressure reuniting In tho elevation of tho Calapoola and northern chain at Oregen City; fourth, the later and hut volcanic action nf tbe Cascades and u;Arii'ri( of our Red Hills, In the valley; and, finally, the filling up and drying off ot our now beautiful Willamette. We have thus seen that means haveibeen medio produce riu.i. The end and ultima tum of the means used Is a home for man In the Willamette. The prairies of tho Willamette aro various, rolling, Hat, with low swales, and without; many aro of a dark, rich mold, othors aro whitish, or aluminous; omoslllclous,as lin ker's prairie, north of tho Molalla. Tho pral rlos or Plaint of Clatsop, also, am slllcioiis. All others, so tar as my knowledge extends, are mostly diluvium at folluwa : French l'nilrle. Howell, Ualrm, Mill Creek, Sautlaiii, Chuholpiim (Chuholpiiin nieaim pleasant), Albany (tho Inrguaidu ilio Wlllniu iittiO, I.h Croolo Olio Creole), now called Kick real, l.a Camas (an esculent root), now writ ten I.Ui'klaiuiltii, Noap Creek (mi called be cause tho clay aluminous it miflund miry along ita margins. Tho prnlrlex arn exten sive on the Willamette Imlow and above Cor vallit ;(hoart or tlio valley), on Oak Creek, above tvUry'a river, ou Inug Tom (so (ullml fioin a mountain man of that liamo who, In cnwslng with his companions, rodo a low animal, and hit long legs reached down Into the w ater, so that hu " sdod and rodo" acros tho rlvor, making the crowd qulto merry this was over thlrlv-alx yean nun ) Tho pralriut or Long Tom, in winter, aro "low and miry," with swales, or clay lauds, almost destitute of allies, lime, Hitasa and soda. Nearly all the white, low strips through tbe prairies of the Willamette, sru like Ihn tang Tom4lat orswaleN. Ditching, culture and manure will reclaim them. There are some of lliu prairies slightly gravelly, at the Hautlsm, and the pralrlii south or, and along the Willamette river be low, snd srnund,KugoneClty, eto.,itu. Kx cept tba small portion of gravel and tho clay swales, the prairies of tho Willamette are tho finest agiicullural land known. The prairies are diluvium; and worn made, lu a large measure, during the glaoeous, or ulaceu aqueous iwrlod, sometimes called the drift period. This It demonstrated by tbe iloeii gravelly beds below the surface, by logs and other debris, often found n digging wells, ditclit-t,eto. by erratic MockMof Kranltw.ainl baaalilu holders, gneiss, clay slate, mica slate, greenstone and felspar. Ttio lust are of ill it origin, and decomposing, bave formed our prairie soils. In William J. Horren's field aroerratln nr granite blocks; T. I.. Davidson's farm, near naiom, aim on rauruua Mmltirs, lliere are many urjntsiis oi tue gioceo-aqueous era. Wherever iiraiilte moulilert awav. there fa a strong wheatsull. Tho ellowUb-while soils on iuo norinern skips or our hills are all ill luviiiin ; and were, lu a largo measure, brought down from the great granite otoun tains, north, during the drift era, ou mosses or Ice, which, soourlnglhe mountainsides, rocks, and other dobrls, fell on the Ice, floated south, till the warmth melted it; and when wilted, or broken on by storms, (sidles, strong currents, etc., these wero deposited on our mm prairies, but then submerged valley. Jiow wonderful the means used to sixxim pllsh ends! Matter, motion; causes, etrect ". means, and ends. How vast Intricate) Howell Prairie was once like DabUh is now a bog. Hence it richness. The sur face Is now not a It wu when the "water dried off," smooth, luriy, and muddy-but undulating, picturesque, and dry. It was through corrugation and slight pressure from Iwlow, that ha glvea this prairie ita beauti ful wave-like appearance. I am proud of thn prairies of lha Wlllsm. le; proud nf lu hills; It oopea of oak ; lis groves of nr, pine, haiulook, aad spruce; Ita uaequaled climate; lu eternal aaow-clad main cnains; it vast resources: and lu Jnsi I IIHaaUable graaoear. Voluino Vl.-Xumbcr 30. MIll'lUMIi; COIIKT. Kvnllnn .Smith appellants, vs. David H. Smitiii resHiudent; argument concliidodnud cause siilnullted. Ihe (litttl Hill Quart Mining Co., appell nut, vs. .facob li.li, nss)udent; ordered by tlm Court that a decree bo entered In this cause i ii lie; ro fiittf. Ii. Kleisliuer, Treasurer, vs. S. F. Chad wick. Secretary of Statu, I.. FlolaiMier, Treasurer of tho State ofOro gnu, vs. Stephen F. Chadwlek, at Secretary ofthoStntn of Oregon ;argued and submitted. T. II. Glaro vh. Siikiiii Whtley, exts-ntrlx of tint last will aud testament of A. H. Willi lev. iteccHted; urueii ami suluulttod. D.ivld II. l.invls and Mury Uuvlt, plalntlllt mid appellautt, vs, Delia II. Iiwitand F. (i. Lewis, ilerciulnnts mid rospouduiits; cause armied and Niibmltted, Stato of Oregon reHoudnnt vs. Thnmat (errand appellant; Judgment below reversed aud a new trial onlpred. Opinion bv D. 1.. Mi'Arthur. T. II. (1 Urn respondent vh. Susan Whllhiy appellant; Judgment Itduw reversed aud cause remanded tor a new trial. Opinion by P. P. Prim. Ii. Flelschner. Treasurer of tho State, a )'lnt vs. Stephen F. Chailwiok, Secretary of State, ressnident Jui1guieit In tho Court below stllruied. Opinion by John llurnett. Kiallna Smith npiwllant m. David II. Smith respondent; Judgment below reversed ami divorce granted. I. Delstdiuolder ri, at, appellentt vs. I). Farg Aly '. ul. respondents. Com argued and submitted. James II. llalley rcsHiiidnt vs. Jamee Chambers appellant. Motion heretofore filed for a rehearing. Allowed and eauso continued Until I he next lorni of this Court. M. Hsgsy rT. at, resoudeiit vs. Titus Smith rppotlant. Mo' Inn hnretoforo filed by appellants, counsel fur a rhearlng In thla case. Allowed and cause uontlnuod until the next term of thlt Court. Tho city of Portland appellant vs. O. N. Denny liespondent. Argued and submitted. W. Hi Musgrove plalntlfTand appellant vs. It. M. Hon so r et, nf. defendant and res pondent. Cause endinu on adjournment. COUNTY COUHT. l.ot'ls Allen vs. J. Ii. Adams; demurrer to complaint argued, ieriuled and defendant given until to-morrow. Stale ol Oregon vs. II. A. Wllrd; assail with a dangerous wespon, ilerendsnt walvn oxamlualloii ami waa admitted to ball hi tba sum of fWO, to await tbe action of the grand1 jury. In tho matter of guardianship nfthe heirs of Wm. I. Maschur; ou application f.irNtlu real osiatn, cause continued. In the matter nf Ihe guardianship rf tbn minor heirs of llaivey (loidnu, deceased; P. I. Willis, guardian, remleied tual iiciotiut of his prnceedlit. Ai'isuinl approved aud guardian relcnulfroui farther trust. In tho matter nt guardianship of William i.crwltt, dt'erasod; order giautud forhuloof leal 1'Ntate. In tbn matter or 'he estate of John (J I.lm h a minor! application lor sale of real estato continued. In tho action of M, I). S'wlggetl. deceased; on applicailou lomll real is'ale. Hearing net nir iiiiiiiunjr, ii'(iiurr eui, film "-n ! and that uollee boglven tiy imlil.'"llon. In the lustier of tlm gilardiaiiahlr Of Allen ami J. i:. Malouo. W. It. Magers, guHrulati, llual setlleiuunt of tho sciNiunlHaluwiil, Lewis Allen vs. J. I,. Adams, action at law, CaiiMi hi aril and Judgi uivnt fur pliiliitltr. This suit wat brought iiy surlly on prom Issary nolo iigalnsl tho maker, The Court held that at tho Judgement wat lest than g,0 dollars, tho J'lslutlll was not eulltled to. recover costs and disbursMiieiita. Tho will of Lauder S. Davis, deceased, was admitted to probate. I.cllcr Iroui I'ulk Couiilr. Mil. KtifToti: Thinking you may like to know how filings are over lu i'olk, I venturo to Itll you that farmers are getting along nicely, taking carecf (heir crops, with per haps feu dajs work for their headers to do yoi and then thehantst of seventy-four will be fllnislicd In our vicinity and ready for market. It Is a at range fact to record that snow fell on the night or August aoth, In lha hills at Mr. Hublet nlaoo. five inlhis from Salem, of sullleieiit depth for a rabbit tob ussiiy raoaeti, utii me morning suustiluc caiiiijoutln lullstrengtldisiielledlheclouda- auu a new auu ueaiiumi osy snone out over the hills audube heads of the harvesters so that by ten o'clock all hands were heading at a busy rate. Harvest U not slone work for tho nieu, but brings equal amount of labor for tho wotuuu aa though tbey too were In In tho Holds, for ihey have the harvest hand to provide for. Ho we will ask the due credit for them which they richly deserve, hut do not always get from the fact alone Ihey are and ever must remain Woman. I.oc.w. Oition. We are Informed thai a bill has been prepared and will be '.iTawtsrl to the Legislature, asking that oody to gtvv tbe citizens of each locality 'he nrlvlUffa or voting whether license .1 . bVaTauleU or not, at the m.orty or l rieiUaifts 'ot Vuch A0t'r,,'X.m'y U,"ir,,r.'t. W are ,ii told that tli liquor aell r VottiMi and other T", KS cliu,,b '"h nKHhmt their money, to defeat the l''a" f7uy.such law, by esy. tetnofthnrjugmoijt,,,, Whloh will win freinaln(ob,.ff,a l'n Coot cotiMrvt JuiigM Jolii Burnett left .lost evening for hat ftowe la CorveUkv where ke goes to get ready to leave for Cooa county io astend llreult Courf, whleh con veae next Monday ihe lth AU