tillsnitttt jtarmtr. Bm3PIXjE31MEnNrp. HALEM, FRIDAY, SE1T. -1, I87L TELEGRAPHIC. w,'A,)Kw.niA' August 2S.-Wool I quiet bill , tirmand the slock scare. Cahf.nulu.tlni. nil medium, 25(a5; California wurio, 1B& of old miners and others whs held hero to. S.ght timlejr 0,rnn,l'l " expedition to the lilack mils, two hundred and'fclty names were enrolled. The ,nrty w 111 move In mn. junction with otbcm forming it different points ou the frontier. LotiwyiUa.., August 23.-U. S. troops left hero to-day lor tlio scene ul trouble in Owen county. Tbolr Instructions are to arrest In- ...wiiiiiiimiviy wmio mm iuok rioter.. fmi1l(Ml nil.. ! ...lit Iliha till It... I..I...... -'iit.iii anj n uu -.III llin llll llir ir-lltun trintt mid concludes his curd as follow m "X havosnugiit fitr four tr,for thti sakeol $!SX&1!$toutotataii ol Bccchcr'a Committee. 1'lTTIillltllil. Pvn. l,..,..io- . ti.. ... ' V.. V...... . . , .... P.. ,Couv.V"tlou w'inblwl (Ma morn. ' CimroU Com uilitoo submitted In re or ' f ' ye sought r...- tour .r-,for tin. wken '"K'-'d cot.tlumd nominations. Knr Judge, 'honor's c, In Um presence i f nvelTooo ' lu ll.,"",rm(,"lll,rH '" twolatu II,ln-.lm 1. oil hoSupmmtColirt, W..I. Woodwanl nf loi.lo. The rciv.rl review's tl. . t, i ,. .V. I "W "r ,r:,m '.1 exposure ol his crinm o writs county, wss nomliiue.! -.. ft,., .!... and ulru ih... ........... r -ii .i i. :.:..." . . " auunery; mil Mr. II 'ooher. Ills commute! I. "'.. -...... ..n ni.l. - r-- ---...- ...... .v. ... tIU II .l-tlS fix- I ...l I.I.. ..I 1. I I. J 1 ... no louvenilnn tiomiimtnd John auiliied. The former lsiiow l'auiiilurhlsuirv. l.lMlt... llH'li.llni. n. tl... .! I. l.-ll .. nll.l 1 1. -..........1.1 .1.1...- . i. ..- Ul 11 U.Wt lilt) ballot. The ". ', ,, '""rmiiiii uomiiiniiHi John """"en. i lie Kir liter is now it .i.tl?rlj.,.,'u,,"0,.VM',i'oniionfilibllol. aUl the report adds nothing l"... J... H"J0"rnt" U niU'rutinoii. conclusion of thp Commute... Ihev do- in si.T i" ' '. AURtai. The .-eurocrat. ' "ounce niton and Moultou ns conspirators, nnmn,.ijV .T.e"V,V "I"1 b , and "inspiring to ruin Heeolier. The C.numltieo ri.i tv. ., (Vllo".,nK ket: Susretarv - "It I" b.WleVHl that no UK of mimicry i-l.. I ' ..' l,t Jli'B eountvt School '"' i word ian tw proilueed w here mi iiilureU S, iW' V'. S sf. of l'lekiiWHV l'lid, iiikiii Icuiiliur ul I.I, ulti.Mntl. jwiniy, JinlKS of the Supreme Court, M. li. dellty, kept iherVtto liiuineirioralx muuth ! .J a .,,IM- vlirK ni lim SU-I "" " mw ii irivnio will HHlit (o UK tirotnn imim. A-nntri n.-. j ' jii.L.tii... .....i.. . i. .1 ' (tHllltV! nmiip f ,-. 11 '...1 rfi. .. ., uiHil..f I1.!. 11.. ... "iiiiiniji mil iiii ifliri 11m 1 'i 1 1 1 1 1 1 it r- and hl ohiirtili have united to eiiini"! me, for my own aelf pr.iUHiiliin. to reveal him to the worlil us 1 xlmll Hhorlly reveal, In a still wome light than tlmt In wliluli he now Klandt." Mkmi'IUm, AttKtiM 'J7. Tlio city prrs nml public oiiltilou here ilonniii.co tlm inn tiler its of the Tretltotl lieuru uriNoners in nil uionxurHcl leriiin. .iiii'i'kikonvii.m:. Iml.. Aiii!tit an. A ler rlblH otilrrtiiit, noiilllni; In the death ol' tin STATU AXTJD TlinaZTOBXAIi Tivo refrl!prntor cars will bo loaded with Nwf In Denver and dlnpatuhod toau .stoni market iliiriin; the preieut week. I ho Distrivt Court convened t Seattle Iat Mi.mlay, .Tinluo .laoibs presiding. Wo are liiloruied that theio li quite a full docket. At the recent election In tlio Choctaw and ChlckiiHuw NatlotiN, lmllaii Territory, Colo, man Coin waselerml (joxernor of the Chou taw Nation, ami l-'riink Ownim, Ciovernorof tlio CliickMiw Nation, Thli la trlumpli or ll.e pronrcsMvo prlticij lif. (III!. llll IiiIh k. .Ill ki.ll... ill ll.n a.nl.t fl.... HHNliroiiulit down In ,illa Walla Ironi the , ' imii flaiiil If iho uliolo c.im ere imliliolied I "lrow ' '"'dy i-ll llio truck, hli let! leg win . '.' " tl'.'fl "" siorrtary olSiate. (I. I). II nl UMiioirow," mid denied Hie hle.t mm ).. ' ' '" He lay tm-lile the track nil nlk-h'. n.T..B li' '""'""'Misior. I ie; lor l'rtmurcr, W. . McCreerv, of Oen-i ""' rlio lima knowing that Ilium, am ltn'"l'l''Ul1 "" h.v ,l "Hl11 ll"1' brought .o.-tr.. i.V1,A,,Kl,iU-t,-.nocd'8,l:i,,vn- Ym"" "VW'Jl ,or Attorney-Uenenil, ltaln), adulterer in tlio raw, ami comliido till-, bere, bin died mmiii allei. iSI.rnn ? . "''''It'rnoou. Us, f UV.OyOj '.v, ft Uiatlot county; rr Comiullouer ofl branch of the cav) by branding the KrMni. , ?J'W ",,K AtnriiM ;!i).-S,ir I.ts were TWHi?..B.. .o, . htato Kftiid,-OlIli, I..A.Ciipp(re-iiomltinle.l) 'ce Ba m rraml whkh ought lo end ell mn. ''eld nt I'lyimiutli Cliurch I Ml morning ami PlLn lOltK. AllDllnt vltA uia..i .. nr.i. lmNllii4rliifmnl..iit ..f 11..1.H.. .. ... . ..' ihi..... .1... 1 .. .... iiv.tiiliii V. w.i'.n.. .. .. ......1.. ... .i... vi... t. ii .? 7. - "inn i um ,. ti i """" ' "iijiu Jiisiriiciiotl. l. """'; " mo iiiuoceiice o Jir. HeWlier. v. .. ..... v. mi nun inm,,. , nm Jleecbor Inveatigatfng CommUtee was held .rlgg (re nominated ) ' 'Ihey then go on to apeak of Moulton'a "e.iiilal. At the evening nervlco Mra. last tllgut. J wo witnebDea wtiru exainlnl HALIFAX. Alli.Mit '17 A ll.-ni. .,., 11... comiHi-llnii ulili Ui hiIjIp ti... .i,. ... Itoccher hail nil utliick si' lie.irt ilUiiiiki lo ..'.r.B ...... I .. I. . . . ----... -, . .. .. ., ' . .r." - - " .-.. . i. villi niv - -- ........,.... ... ...u v ii ... 11-mi ill ...ii. . . . .---.: -.-.------ , , . .. ,. .u, loov.iuuuy 11. nn ueeuiea advisable. to I'"'-" ,or " "e-t team In tlio cricket loiirna. niutual trleud, mid adiull that lie ooialiiej "icn mik i mifjtvt, mid nail to lo carneil to JsihJiI;-,. ,7 '"B,11"5 '"veatlgatlou. The 'B"t, wHa prejenied on the ground rwmr. alrong hold upon lltccher'a mind l,v hi her mnue. Committee nieetauH n to-tuorrow nlght.wheii '' ,"ernocn by tto Major to the American r'"""'1''" manner Hud hla apparently aluwre ' W,N . Ml N rAIN' August .10. Hot cher it la execle(l, their Ubore will bo elOHed. No cricketer. denlre toaervo lilm. Jleechur kuev that the Protelml hero today to mi midlemvofoxtr Brraugeuient was made during the seoa.oii I'aiiik, JVuuust 27. The Carlljt lendnt accunalion, thougli false, would, If It became K'mK "it wiwilio lili mid riilnetacol ' "'' '"."'"ii ai ii lorro unve liet)! I'nuuv.-, nura great MMIUiai, nmt IliWIliu mi r;i - 'i , nuiumunimin i arrenteil liv ilm T.Vniinii unii..iiii..u M. n... tminnnvii .iii ,f i.iii.n. .m i.iu 1......1.. 1...... nronoiiiiivil to on mitiiit hU miivi mi.n.iiu.iiii "". ....v .-ai.ia.itPii iij ijlllllt. li) foro the Comnnttos, nor Is Itllkely he will he renuoaieil to &Io ki. h..rnru th ii.....ii.M.i.... 1 concluded. " """"""'" New Yonif, August 17. CommauderiFitz. htlgh l ordered lo Mare lnUuil vard as ker vloo aid to tho Comuiamlaut. .,.V"7',V.LIC ABUt ii.-JTIie negroes of l'lckettflvillo, six miles from Humboldt, Ht Saturday and Sunday threetened a rim on account or mnie eupiiosed wrong done llieiu, and maniretited a disposition to kill two or three citizens, snd tiro and sack tho town. Yesterday sixteen of tho ringleaders were arrested and taken to tho Trenlonjall. About 1 o clock thin alternoou between MJ and Kim rnsiked men entered the t:iwn, rude to the ail, demauded and coiuikjIIuiI tho delivery r the keis, and took the klxlceu iiegn.t"!. from fall. (Four were kllle.l and two inoitl ly wouuded at the udgo of towu. They rode .'.r.,1".1 tne oluer '"" u supposed they .killed them also, as nothing has been heard lrom them since. There In considerable excitement among tho negroes there, ami Hit. whites are iHklng defetudva Bteps lu case of ' .nit outbreak. OkfHaniiv Hook, August lid. Tho Paltlc Mail steamer City of lVkln left her anchor. ageatDi.10 thisiforeuoouou-nn excursion trip outside or Long Island lo Newport, Ithode Inland, In celebration of her completion and dedlcaiiou. Three hundred gucMs availed of the Invitation and participated, among whom were U. S. Grant, President 01 tho Unlunl sHatrs; Hecretary or War Belknap, I'muiun. Her-Oeueral -Jewell, and U. F. Conaut, As ltaut Secretary or the Treasury. WAhiiiNiitwv. J niriidr it tiia ij.i.in... than appointed James Scoit, or Ohio, Cousul for Honolulu. Xonikin, AugustSi. The German Govern, uient has formally notified powers that It will not Interfere in Internal affairs in Spain. Saw Kbahciwo, .August iff. The habeas corpus case of the.W Cblnese women from the steamer Japan was not concluded this evening but ouutluued till to-morrow and tho women lakeu back fc) Jail. The steamerMontaua sailed for Panama to da3. carrying 1,700 tons merchandise for New York and Europe, and l&S, pashongers. The Salvadore also sailed fir ranama. IITTAI.UMA. Alliriml. t A rl.t.f ft. I ..M ....-,..., ,.B....V ,. ab uinuiiui alia" away accident occurrad In Potaluma about 4 o'clock this afternoon, by which three per sons wore badly Injured It was thought lAtally. Mr. Johu 'lodd and wire, and Mrs. Iluuday,wldowirthe lalo Hon. ll.lt.Muiiily, had been lo town and were Just slartlng lor home In the country, when tuev wero over Ukcn by a rimi-Aay u-aui, which dashed furiously agaiuht them, overturning their wagon and throwing all violently to tlio ground. Air. Todd's iiurlea aro serioim, a piece or sculp being torn oil ami tho i-kull laid b.iro. There la no hopes of h!s recovery Mrs. JlundAy It aiso hA.lly Injured, one or the horses' fjet havjiig, It U thought, struck her lu lliO'buck. SI.e is sullerlug much pain JntrriiMlly. Mrs. Tcdd's head aud lai'o is cut but she Is not Ihouuhl to Lu In aiivilmiiter. Shasta, August Ul. John E. llahor, aged twenty six years, and Charles Crouch, sgd elghtteu, wero executed hero to-day at one o'clock, tho former for tho murder ofUeorge Clluc, the mall.rider.oullioO.hofDcoiiiher, Ih73, and the latter fur the tuurder ot .Mrs. Jtadlcr, Janiiarv Ulth, 1S7I. laast evening they inanllt i.ln great contrition and jmii. leiico for llioir crimes, and tho rites of hnptlhiu wero adiuliilhterid at their rujiust. On the jiualluld to-day Crouch snld ho had no statu jiiont to make, lUkor, In 11 olenr, tlrm voice, julilre-wil tlio assembly, brlellv remarking Hist ho had ropoiited aud felttimt had for- vri vsiii 11 lis r a ana in uaiiiiuru ni ?. 111 . in .....-...-.,., . agulust any onn ami hopod all pieent would I , "." ot K"'eerH npNiiuted . . a.1. .. i .. !..... 1.. .. 1 .'. . .. lIlltirilVIHl lllllll III iiltHiit at I auii. aiiM. a mHirr iniiu. uiim. jeioro siei. ,i" 1 1. . 1 1 :;.';. . Ping ou the trap he said, I'Hood.by every. ?.. .,',, '', l-ft lor Lump . ami body." Doth exhibited great llnunesH ami I 'J:,''1'?" ' " DahiiIkj and Iho HI.I11 resigtiaUon 011 tho trying occasion. 'Iheir f. H"'nall In-pecl tlnw. rlera, arrested by ihe French nutlmrlil.ui nt t',.n eiiilerra, on the frontier. They sliowml false r"'!""1"; iir.viuive nrcn laKcn to l'erl- kiipiix, wnero ttiey ure now cotitlniHl. The aiiiiiiiriiies Keep cioto watch on tho frontiers, ami the Carll.ts are conMaiuly straitened for provisions. Maiimii'. August --.-Tlio Carllsta carried PlngcenU by assault last night. Three col limns attacked dm MU- nt .)nr.....i ..!... , . : . ---w ...j ... iii.iviuiiv I'liiiiin, but were dr yenback with heavy lrs. Their chief of artillery was killed, and morn than half their caiinoii dismounted. M-. Uifis, !., August l!7-Evenlng.-Tho rolliiwing Democratic SUlo llckel was nominate!, by Iho dnitvirlou at detlsrson tlly: J-orUoeriior,Chas.H. Hiistln; Lleul. Governor, , IWnian J. Coleitmuj Secrelsrv ol State, M. K. McUrnth: Auditor. Thcx. llulla. ilayj ireiiHiirer, .1. W. .Mercer; Heglsler or Lands. (Vaear Kik.IiIIikIf.. ni... - 1...1 . .1 .1 1 .1 .........,,. a iiu ICIunilHlctrUI tho ticket is nouyet reported. Toi'iiiu, Kansas, August 1!7. On reassem bling this morning, tho Kopubllain Slate lonveiitiou completed Its nominations, as follows: i or Secretary or Stale, T. II. Kava liatlirh' fiir Triuu'tit. Ui .1 r...i. r.u Amiltor, 1 1. W. Wlhlerj Tor Attorney Oeiin. r?,.,.A.v!',,.T' lt,'ll'h i for SHierlnteiiilent orPutilialuslrucilon.Julin Frarer; forAso. ste JusUco or tbu Supremo Court, 1). M. Valentine. Nkw- York, August 27,-Tho .riymouth Church .Investigating Committee met In secret session thlsatlernonii. This was their llual meeting, and at its conclusion Ihey an flounced that thoir labors wero finished, ho rr as lbf4r rejiort was oiicerncd, and that It waa re.vly lo ba sufcmlUed at a church meet log tomorrow evening. Nkw Oji.hanm jiihiii.i iit tni.. ti '?.nd .0.n.ncnw """I'Ced (Jen. Davidson on Lm . u. ,Bal' wit-Kelt AKenov.noar Kort Sill. UUt WKrntWlaVtla.miUa.rl .-.I ... .I...--. lug to return to tho Airencv.' LooANsroiiT, Indiana, August 27. The .-,v.vJsv.-. w. i..iMirjvpmu nuKreMiunai iiu Dankiiniit. Tnw9 AuicuBt 27Tha AntU viIOI10IKllV Intllfil.il.'.ii rt il,a i3....l jjresslonal District, at MtHpioketa fo-day! '' 11mm u ij, trriiiwtii. -OAI.KM. jum,, AuuiiNt27. ItUnoiinoM IllHtnnil. ltlltl.tr IVJtlrttn rns. f H-.. l il. lxth Dlstrlrt. """ '" "'" SANUUSK.V, Ohio, August 27. Tim wire or (?. it. Admin of the CIhtiiIuikI i...i,-,.-., was drowned at Put In-IJay this mornltig while rowlnj: out wilts a party of friends. V..,MiN.nN, Del., An gust 2S, Tho Dent ocratlo state Convention met at Middle town yoMerday anil nominated John P. Cochrane lorCovemor, and Jamos Williams for Congress. UuvAfio, aVuRint 28. flMi. Shendau Issunl a i .-" p .-... -..Mi....) mill 11111111U ni tinmnnsfi iliiiil nr l.iliiir mi ltiu ii.m.iu i..v.... .. -.-- .-. .....u. .... ..in lllllllll, 11111111 trusted to Moultontho task of keeping this flllso aiVlltlllilll I rum llui inilill.i u. ....... lauuuago mid tho tenor 01 somo or Mr. BeecherV letters to Moultou lu reference to the matter am Irecly admitted by iho Com mittee, but they say it muni bo reiiiemliered that using strong words ami emotional . urcsslous are characteristic of IMchor. Tim Oonimitteo hero advert to iho possibility that Mrs. Tlllim had come to rcKaril llcrcher with suuh Hll'wtion as under the circumstan ces tellllHli III llliMliilfii liiir Iriim Ii. i lmul......l and a fear that this was so. as nUoL-ed In- tHith Moulioii nnd Tllton, may hmcmnteil to llewher's resisitisiliilUUia. 'i'llM tNlillllllltlMl aiVi.rnud fall nil .it Ii.... ........... 1 . ...... -I'"' "- r".-'.-i. 1 11 11 el 1111 n Into which Heedier lell. One was that In Ills tr.ltllll.1 lli.fllil tint a.a...l ....1.....I r ... .11.. 1 ............,,.. ..... i.i-1'ai 1.111, 1-.1., 1111111 tiiris. tlau mini oriils own brotherhood, rather than rely upon the counsel ot n insti or whom he .nun mi nine, nun whoso cnaracier, as tlm sequel proved, hn so sadly mWJuugtsl. The other was that ho did not xuard inorncloKely his relations with tne family of Tllton, so that there could bono ptsislhillty lor it-ar in his own mind, even or an imilnuallW-tlon bv Mrs. Tllton lurhliii,tlimughanvlhoiighiliiss friendship or agency orhls. "Wo find notli. Ing wlmtoi er in the evidence tlist should Im pair tho pcrlect ooiilldencn of 1'lyinoiilli Church or the world lu thoChrillaii charao ler and Integrity or Henry WbiiI Needier. And now let tho peace or (lod, that put vuh all understanding, rest and ahldo with Ply mouth Church, and Its beloved aud eminent Pastor, so much and so long alllicted." TIlA ainimlflaUa Hiam laL-ui... .!. -.1 ss to the harmony and hspplnesi which Til ton alleges ruled lu hla home until this trou- -"i -- i .... "....".. iiv inn tenii- mouy or Mrs Tllton and Mrs(MlssT) Turner that tho exact reverse waa tho case, ami that Tllton waa constantly guilty of cruelty lo bis wife. The Committee then quote .from legal an- tnO fit I SUM fjt mIMIW 111 A til It-A Mif j... i.i... 6iuiry to prove m ohargb of adultery, and liailai.hial -ml m mwL.1. .1 .... .. . 1 -........,. ..... m -t,-uii7 in iiviutince, sucn as the law requires, baa been produced by tho accusnrol Mr. lleeaher, and that suspicious circumstances even wore not. proved. The Cominlllee oowpare Hn life ami char- aOtSr lf tllll UllllBAr llli.l lhaaniiii..ul ... ... -- - -. . .. ...u imviiii.aiiij I.1I1I- elude from tlm evidence that Jtev. 11. W. lieecber did not commit adultery with Mrs. Tiltou, neither at Ihe llmu orUmes.or plain l)f IiltutftM kjit furrlt t tli tl.t-.l f hiiWivihloim orMrH.-(7) Tilum'a matuiuuut. tint ul aim iiiliniili..n....l ... . i.m . woflitd lrom tho ctvldmico Ihul Air. ISiHicluir hftH nivnr cniiimliioii an ntwtit ....... ... i... proper remark, piofTuror soIIcIihiIou to hur or any kind or description wlmtexor." ntlnrlM Clllr.Mm, August SO -fSov, Taylor of Wis oonMti, nililriw.ed ii mie'lng or llrangnis nt Mniirortyiweiilay. Keferringto tlm Poller 'aw, he salil tlio Cnmmiloncr dhow that rul 1 mails doing tlm p.unn aiunuiii of liusl ness us lnt eir would net not less than .'i percent, of their isms, enroln-s. lie rurthor staled, on tho saiuo sutlioiiiv, that thoM. I'aul Company earned enoUKh last year above e.i-ii..-s rud lutwiest on bonds to pay 7 per cent, on common nnd preferred stock. In conclusion, hn expre sscil (hn bellnf that when theonpio hail establNlieil their power to ri'guhto r.illroaiN, ll inuiiUI bo iim.iI ulth muiloniiloti itml Justice. WasIUMiixi.v, Aliuust .10 Otllcrs e-tali. Ilsheil at .lord, (iriut coiiutv, Dr., J. (I. Abbott, P. M. Naiim ehaugeil Ship Inland, hatooni county, W. T,. toMiip lliirbor. l'ostmsster unpointed -Henry ltust, ol Claiksville, Itakcr i-nuntv, Or. Yikn.na, August :t0. .Tlm turn h'rte l'iv publishes the text ot a circular note from the llusslau (iovernuieiit, dated August in, du clliilng to recognln Spain. The iioiohivn itiinsii-raiiiioi reciigmroaiiiivcrilimuit wiilnh I i"m inn imiiucii llltilH (lowa Is tinieoiiiiiil.iiil In IIm iiw-ii isimiii-ft ih.ii .n.. i wocllntlils ttnin "A dinin ..i has no wlnli tu Inteilero with the liilciu.il "I"1 " fiutu Noillienstern Orei iiMUlm ul' -1. in In mill I.i i..i.. .... ...... .1...... I lull. mi .11- 1 ........ I it 1. .1.1.. .. "" ' - ..ii.i-.nr iiiiiij nil-ill .Uvinu,a-.iiKiisio. i.cn.niienaau issued ' '" nwiuiico 10 .Mrs. iinou's iiiurfi', (ho an order to ltrlgsdler OenersI Tern1, at St, fonimliieu show tlutsho was gieitly miller I aul, saying that imoinclal luformaUnn has I the iuflueiicit ol her husband; lo audi an ex reached his headquarters or the organi.tllou tout. United us in maku her hardly resiMinsI of parties at Sioux City, Yankton nnd Ills. I bio at all tluii-s r.ir whst-shn dlil. marck, toluvailo thoNioux Indian Kuserv.i- Tho Coiiiinltteii then rcl-r to tlio charco tlon with n view of vlslllng the country I that lieociiur paid 2,il tKet tho ulrl llssii. L-.iriiii 11 fibll... 111....1. Inn. ..1 .. . " 'I'. ...... . ......I...... . . . . laiiin, inn ,., um nuy,4:iiu unclsrs til it It Is 100 ansur.i lor Heller, us lliuro wero too many formation bo cornet you will ptoaso notify such parlies that Ihey will not tie permitted lo go unless under authority from the Score- llllV tf I 111. f Sit n-.la-1-ai - J... ' . . . s j vi s-u tutvuut ur vii;rt w, NKW Ionic, Auitust -JS.A bout t!00 Men. H rhl ul all ot them . " "Pin mm iiiiiiv people to whom 'lllliii.lmd publlnheil tlio MlOrV of his Ul.'..'.. ulla.ui.il ...I...1.... 11 Jleechur Ui uisko ll poMblu for the Utter to , .....,,.. ,, 4S ..,.., inrv ai7II noiiltes, nearly all from tho S outhorn jiart of aii.nnin, li-nili IKTO i OSUTO Y. 1110 pilny nearly nil (in to Dakota. Nasiiviixi:, Tenn., August 27. Parlies who hao been scouring the country around Humboldt, ritiiorr. Hint nn ut-.ua. tl ii......u.u ... ... i... r :. -.'.7 ..'"""."" " "'""" in no .. Minn, uuii iiii tears oi uu entertained. Wamiimj.on, August 27. Tlio i-ommls. iluleil to i iport ou an oi ui ins nn nun vi ti ....w l.l... in U ).......- 1.....I I.. . I . .... . . i ..iiiiiaaiuiii. ilia v a. ii.ii i.i. ....... ui... . i y every- :.;:. . ,,:. ;;::,.'.' .':'"..."." " leatl nan almost ImiaiiUUMiiu, their ueuks ioeiug.urui.en m uie tail, crouch lived ten illluutUB, linker elevt-u. Auioug iIkwo pros out wero Sheriff Selelh, pf Tehama, and Sher airPhllbrook.ofTrluUy. Nkw 'Yoiik, August 27. The eleventh an xiusl i-onvetilloi! ot llieicniau llrntlKirl)0iii, ' tchtch opeiud Tuesilay was rcsumod yester day. Mure thau IU0 Jetegatos Mere present i Itutliidliicsomei f tho iiHst prominent Feni Biisin the United Slates, aiieobjcot of tlio Convention. Is to sefk cloer union betwocu i the Kcnl.tiu lu this country and lliot.0 lu Ire- J lsmt. i Itfl'IIMOSltl. Alli-iiaf V Slm-, i. I. -"-- I -.- n. iiauuiriiiin ... C. Walker was nominated yesterday by tho Conservative Coiuentlou. SlKVii-tlls, August 2H. Disfatehs from ie, 111 .....i . . . - ")-- ,iww ii.i-in) niiu obla 111 such iiiroriimllnii m m.n I., .n.i.ii..,.. bio to the .Mississippi, WAsiitxino.s', August 28. Humors cir culated shortly after lirl.tow's appointment that ho would soon resign In order ti ilevoto I.I.. tli.t... .....I n.iii . .1.. .- .. ii in iiiiiti mill n 1 1 vii i ii in iri inn imrn ii inn i. lato ofa recently diceaMs) uncln of Mrs. Ilrlstow, who left to that lady nn e.tatn worth hair a million dollars, and tiainfMllJciier.il llrlstow us exreutor. are again renewed. It Is Hated tlmt Hugh McCulloch will buittllutf iigain to the Treasury Dttsirtuiei)t. Mkmimiis, AiiKlist 29 A largo tnei.fliig was helil hist night to express the imllim tkin of the oninmiiultyattbe barbarous inur der or the colored rrn iW.nt imm 'rn tOU llll. II. .M- 1'slli. Iirrylit-il ultlt ar.O..... I ernor Harris, Judge Archibald Wrfghf. and I Tint ri isirt umm ktniiaul miu.ii.........i. i .,. , : -"is-"-- ..-I....III.UIIII , nun was mi wd wllb grist iipplaiise. Moulliui wiis jircMiil uuii ilurlni, smecli ! fMJ',""",t "''ii was lulled upon, he (It ) spiilio of Moulioii us having irieil In pU'Mlfc tho Clllllls III I1IHII HUhIiii.1 Mr 11. .....I. uprlsliig ure , "J". ThemuiiMl trlimiroso to Ills i,,-,t ltu, I Llifinl.nl a.u..li. .11.. . ..-as .. ... . n.,w...-., i.jiii., ,liy ; ..J Bro H r) hr tt Unut cxcuutnuiit followed ami iht.ro worn ; loud crlisof'-Piit him out! Put film out I" "I'l-T Sllllllllir' ..til Mr- "I....II. .. 1.1.. ... ...,. .... .-". .-ami-, 11 ninu vil Ills feet um I shouted, "I dare any f you lo put um nut it Tho follimlrg resolutions were then uciiiu-Imoiis-ly adunk.nl: llrttflvtil, TliauhoDVldeum before IhoJ.x iiiiilniug Conmiltteo not only dues not altinl uny r.iiinilsr.lon for putting lite jtsninr, Itov Henri Ward ll-eclnir, upon trial, but on the ixmlrary. establishes to the Krlect sstlnr tkin nt UieChiuch his entire Innocence nnd al'Mihiti- srsoiiii puilty with riwi.wit to nil It ! I.I. -1..1I ..a iaa.a.. .fl. ..... . .. a 1 ViT 1 . "'"""" iiiaiafl iigamsi lilm iiv 1 iii-niiiiri 1 iiiuii. LONIKitt. Amiiist Ml 'I'hn in. ii- sliln si.iri.,1 Nevaila, which sailed from l.lverjmol July 2d for Sun l''riiucbi'o, took llro and was do. strujed. Crow saved. The tlrent Castem, up to yestcrdny noon, had paid nut Ui7 nautical miles or cnbTool'tlid Ainorinin isimpsuy's cable. San FitANcisco, August 31. Tlm Mlkailu brought no malls from Honolulu, but there Is news tu August 111. Tlio King prorogued the Assembly August Sth. He congratulated members on tho Introduction or bills in aid lu tho construction or telegraph Hues ami the 'muiirniiiiiiieiit oi sii'ain iisvigaiinu w till lor olgn couutrlest spoke stronglv In favor or reclprocltv I resiles, particularly favoring one with the Culled Stsles. Said no ellortou his part will lis wanting to sei'iirii so desirable a result. Tlio King appointed J. S. Wilder and J. U. Kitwauul Ss-eal Commissioners to collect ami lorwnril to tho Philadelphia International Inhibition objects HIiistiHtivn of llio arts ami manufactures or the Hanali.ui kingdom. Tho llritlsh war ship Scout wasoxpootcd to arrive w lili a parly to observe tho transit of eiius rroin tho Islamls. ThnSvilnsv Jneiiiiiif .-i-n. u.it.M ii... ... nor that the steamer linn lo Sin Krauelsis, had biHin suslMiuileil was without foundation. Tho Melbourne ,lr;in i iplalus that tho mall scrvlcn mi ilm lln.i u t ..... i.ium I- .... .... ii .. .., Il'l-Illll., 'that (.'iilHunilti n Hro niiiMHiulv miUcl patid liy mN Ih Smii y.; hdi) alar as Mi. Mllirilt1 Is I'tJIU' rilt-il till ('.i.ilnrii.it snr I.... I- UisfOnxM. i:v Yimir. A iiiviiu mi .vhiriit) i.. ....... n... Iiaill luiiiira.a sSpnuivh nt tnlti orrcuii !nrH, iHfi Ihrtrity, inking wltli film tlHKi I-1 ii Hirer, mtiMly imtlvt"., anil jhhciI orr t wont approaching tlm illy tho whole tegular Spanish force wasonliireil out loop-msn their advstii'ii. An hhiIiiii.i.i.i.i uu. i. .i.i i... i... Uilbau, Into whli'h the whole .SiiiiuIkIico'iiiiiiii (wlilcli Issliiteil to In 2,0)0 m one) fell, ami "eiiieiiiiercni ill jiimim or lllllllll snlelv In flight. BRITISH CCZ,UiVXi;XA. 'Iho Voters of Ylclorli IIMrlrl nniv iiiiiiiIi... 2.W. I Tho Victoria Acrfeiilliitul mnt ll.irti..niii.. nl Kxlilliillnu will comuieiicM I) tuber I.Mh. Tlm Moores. t.illier nod sons, nrn geltiii j mil timber at Wiaiigell lorn new ste.imhi.ni to run on -SUi-liniin iier. ' The ships 'I ii Ini ami Jeiiu Sands aro loud 'imIsI.MikiiIviV Nelson's mills, anil llio Alba hii.1 . n-i in riwui inr it cargo. Tlm Wii-lnwiu Mi.iIiimIIsI. church, or Now WesiiuliiUicj ami lliirraid Inlet, lisHiloimted i in n-1 i.i.i i .in iiiiinir iirii-es urit Viiry i" lliti nrlces ls-r liushcl lnniKis. Imr. ley iiml wheat, ml 1,11a nig lrom thirty to 1 illy ii-iiin 'iiits Is inn low. A horsu on't uu :;ii ciiiii oats with anything or 11 lelish." A siiowi i- or vhltoto.iilstook place lu l.nri nn t iiiiiiiu, Coioruifo, 0110 d.iy last week. 'l'llll lrl er .Yill.l h,. Ilea this ilsii fuel, nn tlm I iimlmilty ot an iyo-v. miess. The shower otuiiuict 1I11 strip id -Mindly lialfn mile wlilo nnd sevi r.il miles in leimtli. I'roui a dlMaiico tholrogs, as they bouuceil along the gtoitud, lookiil Kr ml tho world like hail stones. Alter the Menu the lltlln UiiligN boppeii nooiit oM'i- the coiiutr) lu diovi-s ol ten tllllllslllii, Henri Spiildlng, Deputy Master nl Die Pa trons of lliihhiiliilrx. oruiiiiiriiil Ntaniii.ii liiaiige, Whitman cnunti, W, T., on Juno -!d, with 2iimeuiliirs: .I.C.Miillieny, Mastir; iiudS. M, Neir, Sivretaiyi mlilr.i-., Lewis, ton' 1. 1'. Piilou-eHiimi,!., Juno l.'iih, with 21 tiiembers; S. II. Ilurllngaiue, Mas, er; ami M. Doitiilug, Secretary; iiiMicsm, I'.iIoum', VMililiiau cnunti, W. I'. CluirltV Oriuige, July l.'ith, ultli 2il uiemberN; Wllllutu C. Pc.irson, Master; and, I, It. Itoblnsoti, S,.ero. lary; aililressx, .Mount Idaho, Noz IVrco county, 1. T, 'I ho Walla Wnlln Hii'mi says: " The steam or "111' has luen securui for Iho purpose, nnd n latKoiiumhiiroi mi 11 imo left lor Col- illn In tier lor a prospecting lour lu tho Ar row lasko couulty, Nliiisti-d up tho Columbia 1U01' Itoni IHO to .00 mills above old Foil t'ovlllo. 'Iho niiu mo to lie ilmppeil along the route nl dlllerent points, nnd ilm steamer will niiilio oci'iislnal trips, up and down lo eairy supplies of provisions ami to bring tho prospettnis lack to Colvlllo wlieti they wish to itliiru lioinn. ! niiu tlm Council llliiil'siluwai Sonmml I .IHI H1IM rnintiH.I.KIMI mlli-N 11w.1v 111H..K1I Iii ..111.1. ilii. .mil .-...I.... day In tho Missouri valley mid siinis oast, lliey will bo tll-pose,! ol' at lust svsihiblo points. TlieilMiiiigucosiol ponies anil colts lu Oregon was about $;il). Tlm original iliovo conslsteil oi'miiiio l.VMIl lu-ail, but between illseanonliil Indians ptlneiially ihe Inltec Iho ilrmo leacheil this ilu iiiiiuerlcitlly 11s staled." Tlio YaqiilnastagatlMet nil last Thursday evening, near Ke.ves' Hill, caused by slip plug oil the guide while the driver was at liimpilnglo pass a wagon ho had overtaken. Several passengera were alsjatd, some of whom ris-elvinl slight lirulmis, Tlm sum or cl.tmorurleli money is In the bunds nl' tho stakeholders 011 tho ram to I hi run on the I'nl.iu county iacn course, Sept. 1st, ,y llueksklii" sud Trltlo." Trout urn wry abiiiiihiulin tlm llltio moun tain stieiiius. Tlio Peiiilletou Tribune says : Wilson Hoiitly and lllshop caught l,Mnl trout lining their short sojourn lu llio mountains; but Hi. Si rong, ol I... Umnde, having miiighi no liss than iiMiiity-threo hundred, may bo considered tho champion trout-Usher or Ore gon. Along tile f. ioIIiIIIh or tlm Itliio mouiitiilns In I'miilllla comity, the brnrslroublu shtep ralt-iirs a good ileal. They si em In liuin 11 very strong ulleeiloii fiir mutioii. They make raids 011 the slit cp corrals III tlio night, when It Is dangerous nnd lonlliardy In tiy to shoot them, lnciiii-oi.t ilm liability onlv lo Mound llieiu, ami eiiragn tin 111 liisti ail of killing llieiu umrlght. lho J'imt.1, or I nloii county, says: "It " 'III", to us tlmt iiiiiiiu with luoiiny iniiiil nut Inn st ll better than be en-i-uiiL- u wnnl.ni mill in this I'liinilv. I On- walir pnuer Is amplolosiiiiv miy iiiiiiiIi,. r of mills with iilmmi mi 1111II111I11 1 11 nut ui' uuii hliiery. ilur liiciliilis lor gmwliig wool ciiuuot bo ex celled in any country, lieuco wn liso no Inilciicy in Inviting or tr lug lolmluco capl IiiIisIn 111 lot me with lis,'1 Tim IiiIIhsi )i,,ui I10111 the Ida I'. Tailor, Ismnj ill-eliingeil al I'IiimiI'h whan, attracts the eyes nl Iho eilliolls. ll Is cnmpOMul ol tlio ileln Is nl a ih imilislii il old building from "sliHi114l1.il, iiml llio quality ami slmsi of the bricks .ii.it Iriigim ills is w hat Is curious. Small ikix Is mi the i,inint;ii 11 1 CoriielliiH again. Asouol .Mr. Shanks, ngid 111, dint i nn ilm ii.iiiitiii in ti.i-i.i ii.i .....I. mi... ..... .... ........,,. ,, mm .ii-v ri. I 111- 1'ithui lint li hlimclf, luit Miry light. Tho ell eiisiil'C'ii'iielliis had to Uneaten htm h-- , nun ho would coiillun himself to Ills own I pri-IUlHM. Hwley grows 011 corn stalks lu I'liiou j county. ILiker City wants an "Incorporation." I.i tlramhi has nun for sslo cheap. Tlm clinches will, between Hut 1st and loth 11 niiiieiiiuer,nu ciiaugod limit llio .Meachuiu (1.00(1 lis lulu, Vm Hi.i K... niihseil lift iiuisi iil.iu.iintli Tlmtlisi 1u1nie.l1.11 under tlio new liulnti iiiiior niw w um made i.tlont Captain Nmi "----"''" I. aiini witiiCB iiuiii - - - - is. '... 'i iikiii. nun 1 iluinboldt and other placosaloiig the line of I Charles ClatlvMiasVice President. srs-ech.j A the !(-. of the meeting the dotoloi'v on .raiiu," miu uuisviiio iiauroaa, in p r'", """" y ""i irri",jeiienion ui.it was iin.c sun tlm iHsvnlti began 10 dlmmrsiT eneortbo disturb. -'"' Jiuiicau .McKay, Ueu. Korrost and 1 Moultou, whooceupleila sestalthorsiiorters' liui a ix.a-u.1 ...I,... others, denoiincliikr Ilm .inwanlli ...Mi.i.n I 1..1.1. ...- 1. .i... ' .. ... . .! '",n - m ..-...., ...--,.,,-- ...... r. ..- 1....,,, ni,itiiii.ri,iiiy inr mi wav tIoiioflijeprioners,HiidcalllMgforapromptliiiit, sud there w..rs lik.ll.Miln.is hat hud h and most enurvrelln .nrnriia.nia.nt ..r ),.. l.i i.- ....i i ,. . '.' . ... Ti.. . . 1. .'....tV.. . 7 . . . . . " " ' "' ' " "-""'" y isiiiit, vnueiitn would Tl Inn. ...in... ii-a -.inn niiiiiii Li-iiirit ISIl'.a III Mlrlll 'jimiHmi. 'I'llsKiliri-oilll t..tl,.a. In an.l l... Illgl.tsf Klok, W'llllll liS I llll,lIS U III l Sulll ll , r.ir .,11 ps.ior, sr lrom Isuug dlmlnis ..,. ' rr .,'"'' '','.'. o,V.if-V.r. '."." "."'"'i . heightnudaiid d.e.K.n.sl byllm iinioer led '. """""f l "' "Hsreweidii In... Nniiiln, , SlUml-LICk wtlli.ll I... I... ?,... . 1...... . ...... '" fTllglOSshll, ukMfiilt.ll V. Coal h.lS lll.ll that ho weUuino him ulth si inpathy , :m,"u "'',", "i," "?."' v'"l"iIV.mi fourlo llxo Under mid n (rust ui.,rHiinl.oiiiii.od llmu wo ' ? ,' u' n lai . , l,,cT '"" '"" .'' 1'iutptuts ever felt Istforn. in his i,i,u ,wl , fll" I 'T" W"L' '".1" ".' I"."1 '"' ' - H 'lit iu -a a... an.....i. . . .. " 1.., ... .mi kiiii-ii, uur i.imuev, our noiuits, 111. 1 111-aii ii-. (.Rt-on toiinlv. near the irrn. Mice on S,itudy, , W to that pcrlect reign i.f terror exists In cnn.rqnonreortheexcllu liif nt glow Ing lit or the ipoh taking six De crees out of the' Trenton Jail last night and killing tin in. The blacks and whites are srmcil, and there la dread ofa conflict. NASHVIU.K,. August 21. The special to ihe .'mwi ami Amm'mu, dated Trenton, (1 p. i., wis; "Armed men are pouring In from the country to And all quiet. Scouts aay they cannot find any aineu negro. Two or the six negroes shot latt night are atitl silver JUcxfclT.-vn.m,7Aiigut 2i, 111', m. Men are rtating on their aa. All reports of, armed negro bands andul fighting in the oouniry. are believed to be false. Nuw YoitK, Apgutt 27. The, iWchtr lu y estimating Commlllf e held a four-bouf t-ta-1 slon In the office of one of lb members here , jesterda;, during' which time a report pre.. viousiy itsd over ami cartiimy revin, it Is now ready In he submitted to Ihe Kxamiu- I n t. .. .! ..I 1 .-.. I. IJ .7 -,--. v. -f a-uiwiiviunit 1,1 1 til-Mil.1. Uii lMiriiailriatir. ttf it... .1....1 . ;.. -.-.-. , 1 ...,--.. vi .iii awiau. sdu. ruuusk ni.iuu mw nesiiKHi reiki IT los'art tq- ttio' assassins 10 piiiiUhuiertt. Itesolulion. Warn Kflillil..1 HTnrii.utllia tliai Viai..... ...! I.. ilignatlon of the community at the foul crimp ilms rirllnav rt t friar. Utssfran. flnfA-au .. .. . .. . '' . u,.ve. r ..vm "vhiw.. ivmiT Kiw'n (Q- km iwor iih u hurrlwi to 4 e-rniiur. Mini tlio akaMIitii 10 MjnUhuifiiit. ItftMilutuMita ttin .n rai.i.iiw ....... -.,,1 .... .'.'., )irfV l)Wil titfnn An hlfn tlti-itt ....iM.. iu.ii. i.fc;.."i "".v: . ... : '" ;.". Ulrl ten rapidly away, and the people dli f''11", .. . f rsuk- ..inuiiiu prliilsaosril to.daysiutlng 1 1 -Ji vt. u.i ,,"' i"eiui iriniQj rrsus ainuiiou prliilsaosril to-day stating d-mandlngof.the State Oovtrnmejnt nromnt. ! that innoililwl mi iu,i,r .,. ...n. ,,.... aiinvrpailli tna..Liitni T.w hn mill,. ll.A ... ll. . ... . .--va tii.aa , ,-,.. i-,, , .,Wu. , , um . m, a. eauy 10 no cross examined at anv ,en to Justice, thus re evlng the Bute as tar lime, but that the Coiuinltlee took no noil i ,as possible from the dlsgrxoe of such h-.rrl-.'ofbU fiffiir. Co!w'tuet.lJr, ho weuttoPlv. bio crimes, atkntr the Governor to nnnln. i inmni, r'l.iiri, I... '.,ii.i l.. i..- " v . .-; be rlleexrrior MetMbpla 6 assi.i In ft there W.a membiifof that Church. After capturing tiNi'MMiwdiiMil && the beaiiogniltrcpresoniatlons lu tlr .port ho ym, legal talent lu he Hmie-toasfiUt the'At tot a note ,ojb, ModuaCor ri'mmliu lo "m Tonvi'.' A t it nut 3(f.--iiAV. IfWiAvtiii ttsfe.r . i.. 1...V i.if,t. - -'. if., i. ..T I. t. lledn,Vrs.I.m of fblirfVlitnmforile - r udemeins tbr thaf the attack on hlmfMnultonj last night knows n.u iv lia.a ..m..M li.r. kn. n h.1. !.. .1 ....... ...... . .. ' ,, . : - I'll .k I lilt nr,i,H llcrlil Hf I'u-.Ul-l, .1 ... It. I. I . -".l . i in n lk J .. giapliciit. k, iHiiiveimn six-fisu Victmlan e.inl a liilln Ion. i. hiniiu. Tlio Vlclnilan wiws-iu to glass tl r. o limes Ju us ninny iiilnuteH wlivti tin put an his ii it sud retln d. The Ugh! tWI-.ll.Ollt II WtllllS.lWM 1,1,-1. .....I. ....... I ..... . . , . , f . - i. iniiu linn- led, and which II. e wjiii,luiaii surrendered stmt tins iMlfU tflllllie IJsty. Crt ek gU. sells lor I.) 21 ier oiinco in Mclorht; Ihifiert Crtek gold for IIil it oiiuni. T ' 'the U..U..M. .jsi ". well known lour. Ilevmaii luker. lal.n I,.m l...... i.. i, ' slricu is.'itf. Is In 13 um h v.. -li... ...u..i... rail III, I i ' ...raa.-i lu.iiiwi, Tlm Llldai Is now fairly ou Imr boam-cmls nnd strong hojrni arv entertained that she will bo sav-d. A i-sep Jnto her cabin showed Tha. l....f.. XJ..a' .' 1 . i.i i ii IIV ir . t '?. 0'", - vry tens . Ills leading article In vocaey of a public iiisrket nlace l.f 'Wyintali&rf tqr, "."k of which tho ,lnttrektV bothliirodiicer ud consumer are suflerlmfl'' V "'"' .... I . .i "-".an aao .uyw ,,WI UUUU grained for Ihe repairs to the Cotton! HolleJ 111 N-W IVatiiilail.lA. ....I ...... - . : ' .: - - -ii. ..i. i, i, .inniiuii .-t.p.s K.. In III.. II.. ..1 I-...I. .... ii i. v.. ...... ...... ...,.., ,, ,,,,, ,,.,,, uu. j, mil. i m .'....i-iiiiM-i,uu iiiiiiugoii iioiii llio .MeucIiUli llll II o I.l'-h the Mreiliiin's iileiiln was htlil load ihruuuh iho lllii.i iiiiiuululns. i,.s,,,., I oiithuumiililaluat thiilieiiilnt WiIIIhm. i.n.i.k mnrvllle iiml U'hII.i mr.1 liivel. 'Il.o iiiiiiiu It. v. Kliiif, whlliiiissNtlmr in nnlllnt- tlm suuiajjcN uu um i;iincop'it i.huicli now' lu onr.'iof isiii.siiueti ii ,t 1,1.111,,. sl.in(!,i ami slid nir t li tt rnnf n dintuncn ol ,( !,-,,( mil tlicnen to Iho (rrnllliil u .ll.iiiiii... ..f lit a-.... . , ..... ...... ...1...U in i, H'l'k. bill broku m, I. ones 'ILo Utluiiilit ,sv,ii,t nf last Saturday, s.iiv; "(iiithiinigiitot Ihursdiv tho vnlf.j was visited liy ii rerrlllt) slorin Kieoiuinuluil by Ihiiiiilerniiil llghlulng ol ikllrstcUss or iler. Al.uuli.liio nVhiek tint whole heat mm wero llliiiuiu.i'.cil by iv lU.li Hihloiu semi. L slriiek a in-.) near l..i Huimtn, shivering por tions of It Int., threads, Jt U et buriiiug -m, uaui.igo M'currtsl,'' Alluslun m,m nudn lu tl.ls paper s. "or. weeks ago o , , .,,,, ,, ll,llJ,(Jl.(lllIlU,ll) ills ipearaiier, t, t.ty of Mr ,, ,. . relded In Yamhill county. llsirViliilh Lm V'.1 Vn ''"r,ll,,l puruhiisusomo ca.tlugs li lar.K." ''"""I" circular saw mil nmr Mc.Mli.nviile), and had y (ix) t. colli. J,, ainve.1 inn..,,, n,.. n,i. .i ..........."'."' .KM,fd outlio inmulng-or o'lfi u'." ," iscerjulned that hn had stnnue.l .tU,; AVuorb can Kxehango Hotel, and m'li.g tiijd'lu bill, li li early In Ihe't.inrnli.g.l,, wl,,H, llmu nothing .m Uen aeeu or neard of Km It IH titiU' liraliu ,Atl, .!...!.. j . . .' 'Jf" sailed tqr ban Kraotdsoo, )JI. ,hL J ? f h. lUfc.L-.tf Bn...a.t. rIltf nf llif-tM uill t.iu iv inta.trrifit iinr, km n ntl.l.... . L ...... . i. .. -i.i . '-"" a a axir n rail li sr riiuiiiiiiri. i ur- tmn niiu - ---. -i -,..- n m-v - - . - - - ts.ai uii'ir iniisi. ..a -- - iifiiiniiii ... i Ccuunfitee o.' the CJ-urch cwt 1'rltiav, destroyed ny Krasiliofr. hlmttll j-ubllclr B'at.l he know all atout U. it?.',. !?. ii'.' ";";",."i, . - I " . ,,, """'M"W HID il ind . Mltl,,,,r,ulr,l'l"linipiriru. i. ;; "- """ ,7T'"uwimt(, t 4 uu(oiu . .- tf 4v iwm-. reganr.;,! as a ' m-Li" m' ""u " ? """. Wat' worthy ofitheiMtMin ai js' "."A"''' rW)"l fellovv, uu u" luT - ,rwn.Rle.,u'0.0' W'' stsi.ce's" i,",Y' ilmr Y'- '" '. rlrCTini hv he slim .- npt'srs lo benonason doiib le.s . a.. '"" '"" tH"""'y a- he n'Min iC e.X 4. J