Image provided by: University of Oregon Libraries; Eugene, OR
About Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1874)
.1 During tlio trip liforn last, tliaKinnia liny--ward run Into tlio WIllBinetto Chief, Just bo low Kdlama, tearltix away tlio fonder to tlio wheel, anil dolnj? other dntniiao. Tlio accl dent occnrcd vlillo tlio two boat wero fit tonitlnjr, lo mnkon landlnKRttlioMamotlmo, nnd lint for tlio nklll or tho Captain of tlio Willamette Cblf-r, that boat would uuvo beon cut In two at nildnlilp. John Sllvry, of Iiolso, Is awaltlnp; trial at Ttni.n City on a cimrcro of selling ihihky to JndlaiiM, Jliihiiif'H men my linns aro dullor In SHalt Lake nl tlm rirci-ciiltlmo than they havooer oipcrltncul. It In rKtlmatril (hut $'JO,000,OCO havo boon InuMeiliu Colorado mini'H, ny inow orkorn: tllHt (III) lltlllloll III Oil lift llHM 1)11011 ja.OOO.OOU, nnil llint tlm property now owned hy tlio CouinaiilfMls woilh $.18,600,000. All tho fig- ures limy I m correct, nut wo ticetn too tan lianicil Miiount jiretty laro In J roportlon to tlm hnrmill. TlinlollowliiLcnro tlionppolnttncntH fortlni lilulio iliMrlct, ii'iulo tit bull Luke City, last unit, l,v tlm (. i l,y Moiinluin Cnnforencu of tho M II. MpNcot nl ('Inirrli: J. M. Jainlaon, 1'ri-i.lilliiU Knlir; Holm City, J. A. Van Amlii; Idaho t ily Cm n't, I). U. btroiiKi KHyelto Clrciill, J. 1 1 ii AiMlrcuiirlliu and lloorno V. Alletidi r. Ilnol.y llnrflrriiil, Silver City and port HhII .Mi'hlon to IxiMipiilUil. Tlio V.i'iii'hijn t lilt L tlm wool unit hlilo kIiIihih n's Iiiiiii Vi"-t I.iisAiiImihh, Colorado, for two miOc. fliilliK August 1 1th havo niiiniiiildl in ITI KM) pound. A Mimll pro portion, probul'li oiio ton rt h of till whh jihh -i. I iin i ii i lie 'mini piirlml., 1 10 tioundh of li'iul, mill it). Mr en nil id rattle worn fihliipii1' iiNo, l'. ixtrii, 7W'I worth of unlit, himI 4 1 1,;;.) I do worth nl hllvur hulllon. Tho lllllllllll wiim It Olll I lie lIlllllH ol Now Mm I 'Jim hulldlii); for tlin Omul Saiunrituti mid Orphiiiiii)!!', in. iter Urn Hii'pntN ol IIImIioii MnrrN, approiiclnii con. pit .ion, anil will jirolnihly Im rimly Tor iim i. Dtcciinlitir. Itnv. Dr. f.hiili-lpy , or 1W liuitl, lum hcoii liulttil to (Iclhur Itciiin s In Into tho iilllcoM and htliilc iiIn ol S.m I'ihm. Im d. Seminary, mid will piiilmlily hi 1 1 pt. Mii-hrx. illlniiiM ii V Co , of Alhiiny, ro '(hcil hy tho AJux two p.ttt in Max lircHliIni; HIllt'llllllM. Wo mo lv III" lliilhliii, that tlio Imik Mat- tin Miicli'iiy luis iiiiiMti at I'tirtlaiid with a full citron ol Milma nnil nllii r produco from Ihiihitiiilwicli thhiinN. C'niHil nl Mniioih am llnuiinlliK tho Oro Kou MiiM'liin, which wn liil.e iilcasuro in cor- llljliiK la well woi tli MUiik'. (J IMIicoii ImtpurnlniM'il I r llitwtlinrmi'N lliiinlili louluii Mill lion, mul in ho for a larger hii in thiiu wiisuMir lii'li.ii Kit i it fur uhorHulu Oroiion, AloiintlioNiiuinl Imr est N putty well over. Tint ,) IHil of In intrude, and oat a aro belter tlinn ciiiiiiniiu, 'liniiiciuiKo wiiaiiirgor than licit year. A liiw wi't k tt )4 1 1 1 1 1 1 ilirii'tnryofthn Union J'licltld ihIIhihiI riil-i il tin, height oil coal from Cniilvillii lo (iilmii, a iIIMiiiico ol 17 milcH. t run I $1 MS to J.lhu imr tun. miIuIv with ii view to Irncii oui iipni.ii inn nicoal mining and compel tlio pcopli' of .Ntll l.itku to iimi tho cimI taken Iiiiiii tlio (.ompauy'H own mine. Aia inimiuiKoi inn iiuruiii nepum oftlio Murmurim unncriiiy, nm m inn iiouhh of Itnv. IMnlol IliiKlcy, III i'.ilii', AUKUKt l.lli, Irt'l, Kov. CtiiDiii I''. Wlilmoiiti waanlccled J'rtwliii'iit. M tlic liiilvi'fliy. llerluli ilrown tnndiiicil IiIh icIkiiuIIiiii ii I'leslilmit of tlm Jlonnl ol KcKiulN, wlili'h w '( ni'copted, and K. M. hmllhi'iN i liclcil lo tlm place, (Jiilln it iiiimlmr of counli rlclt flvn-dollar pled'. hiii III clii'lilalioti in Cikim county, (IoimI liiill'iilo mliiw c.iu ho puriilmxod of tlit IiiiIIhiik In II ikt,r City ut In m gilt to f IJ, An unwiphlciitcil ii'icn llnw into Itoiio hnrK tho other day and koi chiikIiI for It jmlim. A illKriicifitl lluht occurrcil near hafav. Hii', hist Miinilii,, between two wotl'lo-do lurnier. Tlm Kro" valiiiitlou of promrly In l.ano Cdlllilv I M -HJ, (il Whloli J.',h7.IlMl7 U luxa Mo. Tnliil iiiiiiiIkt of poll, l,,le!l. On lH-t Miiinliiv Mr. lliuili. IUIiil-nt N'urlli Tiiinlilll, KeilMil it Kct Idliv lilllt liy tftittliiL; Mm li.tinl t'liiifilil on a ini'Hl liimlc On litt 'I liiiiKitiij iiKinilnt:, Mim. ItaniHiloll, of Yhi ilim, shut nnil kllliil n Unci l.iru buck, hint Iih didn't MTt'Hin eltlinr. I.ttii'ilii IoII.h ilreiini In xtriitiis of iiiiihIo fiirnlxlitil liy Urn liiHulliiin tiitnil im tin liiuiw, ill IK' ilildlei, etc. Tlioy nni'i Hiiiirn cliitii It. 'I'lin lunr illvliloiiH nf I'nldii Cllvwlll i, V.tii.ii km I'niiiii, Vti I'm, in, Dixit, itn, M. 1'iinl .l.iiic'N. lliillier lie.iy Inr it ntnull vlllnn. Hiiit'h iimrU mill nt Cdtnuir free); 111 noun l't In iiiiiniii milor inlii. Tlitiluii ki it 1'iiitn will sunn liejuiiliieed liy nenv nm torlnl. Mr. .lacoli Conxi'i- Is iutllnc; eloviitlnn niit flilneO Into tlio l.eiiiiui VMireliiiicn nt ,lnno linn c;ii.. Il will I'd remly to tecehnnralii in ttMl (ii Kh, V. II llynrs, of Wlltmr, hits llitiHiirnv litK tiinlrui't Inr t'niiy emilitv. litis veitr. nnd Ot'iitnitlMiniiMiii linn iiio. i iiiteil j.'i.tHH) tor mm iiirHt.(. Tlm (ptetiil Ciinrt linlil nt I nlun, I'nliui comity, Annxt '.Md, lot tlio cuiitiiiet nf io mm Inn tlm fount j lull to I'nlon to Mrlnlly . ht'lioonnvur loi ?7 id, Tlm riillioiiitt'tiinoiin) is uittinL in it m, MVitl'll I'll llltll'llSt HldlMlf Ulll W.mtl llOIIM) ( .1 unction t'lty. mid otliotwlso preji.nliij; to iHiiilltitlo tlio hfilmiifiit of Kini'i. lion, limber Ucrtiiiinii Ih hIhiiii koIIIiil: tip n i'oinuiny In mivliiiitn tlio UiMinilltt Itlvur villi it Moiunkmt. Tlm ihikiiicik til tint nprer Mtlley nro iiiiiiickiim niul Muled. (Ml Wednesday .neli. Mtmit', of KiiKeno City Mitt iurt!tttl tin iii'Iiuikii of KiippllnK IiiilliillH wlilt uldiky, nnd nu oxiiiniintilon witytKiiind tiur for liU iippcininco In tin. Mini or J HO. 'I'lm (iiiind Uidnt'l MiiMiitM foiiM'tirs In CM.Mnplll tin. tck 'llii . it v t'oiiiivll yf (Hynipln Irtnoro tlm kflltx oftllO fit) ll(ihUIHlH, TlniMiiitU poxM'itio liitNiiKiiintiirntsI Itmso il in tlio U'liiit of V.iiii'onx nr. Vitntsmvor lll utiend it Koltft lull tills Mstk inr inn isinoni in inn l.turnry Tlio r. limn Tiieonu In tlm nt pmlrloli In a t'lintllllnn tlHtiKcrons tu liori s, A iinisifal t'ouccrt with leu c' mvoui. jiitnlnieiit In Uio late-t nt TiUmiiiu. Ol in pin liooillnnta nnnikti themrve nt nielli liy "lli'kliickiiiK" prltnln ncldeiiit's, lino liniuliisl nnil eeitt..evtin llioiiaitiitl lift ol Initit'i'r In eliiMin lump, Iho iv.ty tlioy luMtl kltlps ut I'ort Ontnlilri. On SAtiuday Uat, tlio Um-ei-t oaMIni; vet inado un l'iii;t'l .Sound im I n tint I out nt tin. fouiitlry at Tort .Mndlion. It .i Intuiilior for tho now plletlrhtir thnt ltun Jnat Uvu litilll. v A low tlrf) a no tho nldnat hod of Curt. ,1,0, AliU'X'rtli, with nuiulilo inolruuimitKi ok uinlned tlio poMtlon of lliu AinefU-Km nud tiravrlly Uktw, nnil arrived nf reulii II11U, MllmirirlMi tuany, II ftminl th,V ftirnier eontts.ui fiot LlK'ier ttiau tlia lutterjl'l ' lleporl ha It Unit II U.Sttuvn ltajatx-ured n rtlon Ironi tlio l'rc'ildent ftjr Jila,tler lion from lir army twrnitv j-Mtn rcv. "Hu' U allll M tlio National CuptUI, wn'rktnl' fur1 liU'rehihUli'Uicut to tin) ctUtw of TetrUortal fevrwtwry-. u I. w, MEnistiiTii. N. ii. r.oLcr. IWEHEBITH & BOLEY, Succii-forr to fmlth AMfndltli INTISTS, DENTAL HOOM8 AT TIIK OLD STAND, beconrt floor, GrlfweldV.Illoik, opponitu i lie Hank. NAi.ititi, onr.i;o.. JOHN O. MORRISON & Co.'s OjYUIirOlWVIA. Club-House Whiskv. JOSEPH BEZINAXISZ, Nnleni, Orruon, Is soli: agent roil this sirniion iikand i(rkii(iIc(!i;iil In lie the Best Liquor on the Coast. A LAUGH S1IIPJ1KNT IlKCMWIt II r STEAMKl FOI1 TIIK JOIIMXO T II A UK. Ali.ii, AKt'iit llir Cnlilni't nnil llouqurt lVlilnklr Suliin, Ma) II, IM7I llimln ST. OHAELES HOTEL, Oornor Front and Morrison Sto., roirx'X.A.ivi. V. I'MatKOT, . . rroprlctor. rillllH VIIIHT CLASS IIOl'SH HAS IIECKNTLY X rlniiful propi It lurr. unit nlTi r Ihi' Hihy ntrnni niiiitntlniii' to liulniinil In tlio tin, nnil Hiu Ik.fI utiler. ni iiiiTolloMUii;l(n heulunr iirlur; lloiinl mid ItiKim per day Mi-aIk Ilul.. ..$1NI .. .VI Hnllcii of Itoiniii. u lie (li'ircil e.tni. Fn v conch lo mill Irum Iherarr nnil IkwI. Ilier) nttinllnii paid lo coiiilort oruiuilr. A lair finite el patrolmen co liflted irji Salem Flouring- Mills. DKST FAMILY FLOtH, IIAKKH'H KXTItA, XXX. HUl'KIIFINK AND (111AHAM. MlDDLINdS, IlltAN, AND MltlltTS, OniiNiin(l3 on IIiuul. IIltrlu'Nt lrlce lu CASH Paid for Wheat ATALL TIMES. , C. KINNEV, Affriit S. F SI. Sent fur Co BOOTHBY & STAPLETON, alaiiiitartnrerK and Dealer In Sash. Doors, Blinds, and 3vr3ia.iia.a;s, KTt:., KTC. BRACKET8. And all Kinds of Scroll-Sawing. nAVINO TIIK IIKST FACILITIES AND THE latrt linnrnicd wihhI uorLlin' iniirMn,.Kv ,.. MaiiNiniiiiKi ,11,1 iifi,u nrtieitK, mil ont r iiidiireineniK 111 curioiiicn. A!o, VOOM-XIJKISIlC;, In nil ItntarktU.. Orders from the Country l'romptljr attmided to. Offlf c ud lUniiracliirr, for. of Front ami Mate Urcet JimW HAI.KM iltr JOHN B. PILKDfGTON, M.D OCULIST AND AURIST, IJltOFHSSOlt 01" DISEASES OFTIII". F.VK AND III the .Meilltal liiailniciit of llliinii lie t'n Mtlt) OiriiK lukunrx llliitk. I'otlland. Tr.ati a rpitlalllr all llWennv of llir lliail. ami pirilit. larl) tliopt'nl the Kje, Ear, Noi-e ami 'I lirea. I'riiK l.tii-M'n'illiin! Art litis! rttt'K iimt'cI 111I1V " w u. r i.rLT. COX & BELT, Druggists and Apothecaries 1'O.MllEllflAI. STItEET MI.II.TI, . . . . IIRAI.KII IS ntic.o,. Chemicals, Perfumery, PATENT MEDICINES, lur AVI110N As IIiiui-h, A;c. In Jloor.V tl(s-k, fiinnrtlr ottiiphil h) 3 XT Stnth.-r. I'ltEMltllTIONS DAUKl'l I.I.V FILLED. Mai I wi( M. J. RHAWLT Practical Phunbor. C4IIM IlllCl HtCMIIII K I UPS AIAA. OS IUSII riirnmiil ot iiiior, V LAliriK AS. LII Ml MI IliOX I'll'i:. rol.'OK XN'D LIFT ft illfi. ltlliV.LUClUilh, IIA1HI 't'IM't. hl.NUS. I'll Mlliat! ,i;LOaKT, M.MtlU.K SL.Vll-i, STK.M IllSTLK. WATKII AXnst'KVM ill' At) KM, IIOK 1'11'KS anil OONNKC1IOXS, Gas Fixtures, etc. ,, ltri(Uu); puiup. u4,ollut. JelAInt In lh alsite line voypllt atlt'ndtil to.. AiillioHvett tipper r.r thf Water 'and (tciiinunli' lir-l Mus. In ItOl.MANH lll'll.llIMI t,mmr. rl.tllrvr NtWut. . SotiiniS vtnv TinnT.Q rnu q at p . ..nifo A'i'WKwV'.rrti0. nritx.V'VTA. wux ,Vf har vcUUIMnp HaoM takW lM nrtl,,m ranlisliols' the larw t.tltl). Addiki. cMmiiunka- lit'u ai aism, tv iiitua 1.1a, aui.jaj I3- of PRODUCE HOUSE, IiOwnsdale's Building, ON THE LEVEE. UETW. WASHINGTON' AND ALDEIt STJIEETS, Portland, - - Oregon. WMin AnOVK-NAMED lraiiid. nnil w ill be olicl lliril.ntNO HAH DEEN tram il. mil ulll Im iiiiciifiT lii Hie Order lift', of 11. laorntMiiit the Urtt of Mar. ArianBvnitiitt time r .uay. 1 r.Liiiilu to SHIP GRAIN ...i J all other Trodncc to San I'ranclfco, wlicndcdrcd by coiitlncir. CoiIHlsrilllKMltH Ol' ALL KINDS OF I'llODL'CE SOLICITED, Mark A. J. 1. and fend Shipping Itccrlpt to tho andcrrlgiicd. Patrons, Patronize House. your own T. J. MATLOCK. Ch. Central Union Com. XV I will IrniiMCt the bnttnece of my department hroncli thlr bouto. A. J. DUFUIt. April St, l-tf Blnto Ascnt. MARBLE AVORKS. MONROE X- STAIfiER, Dialerr lu Monuments, Head and Foot Stones. ALSO, MANTELS, ..AND.. ITiii-iiituro lnrllo to Order ADD1IESS, A.J .TIONHOE, baleni, Ori'K'oii. I V?l. STAIUKII, I Albany, Onxon. ninjtur The New American HCTTON HOLE, OVEK-SEAMlNij SEWIiNG 3IACHINE IS GIVING The Fullest Satisfaction. ALL WHO THY IT "Want No Other I Call 113x3. See It R. REID, Agent, Salem, Mav f. lSTIn tf Commercial Street. The New Sewing Machine uauT-uuNXixa Mm pleat, .float Durable, rniiibliilw; Latest Improvements, Positive Movemont, Rapid Motion, Perfect Tension, A Largo anil Improved Shuttle. JlijfliOHt Premium Oll'vi-ed n Fa lull)- Sewing jju- ClllMC'N. Gold Medal awarded tho Homo by American Instituto, Now It'ork. The Hannfactorc of this Popular Macbine Commenced 1873. ovjbjjb-t. Ar, in usf:. ? .S.pOA. . V T l SOtaXTJ-xt VHHlKNt No. 1, $60; No. 2,'M5; No. 3, 70; No. 4, S75; No. 5, $80. i KNCV IIOMKHIIUTTLR cVKWlNU MACHINE t iV In lVrtlttul, inD Thl Faiorite Ma. ritli. KtVENTLV IMlH(tTH, Il the Iktt Loir. i.7,,7,,.",'LJ,,' uji.uiua airkiiuiUM on I North 1'aclttc civttt, 1 No. 1, $30; No. ,,845; No, 3, $59,1 VfT -Tli Airvni ori. fl. at PonUnn, h made ri.i urrviv',Tw to upplr MUlUKlta UF OUASUW In Orotial WArM I Tiory. do1eS.HcieUnrlfti1?r.t,U '7 " CrEO. W, TltAVER? . ".' ". OrWrJlBfBt, '''' Cor. Morriwn and Third 81., POUTLAND. W. W. nAHTIN, Afcut. S.MtM. KS4H BfcWaah ii ii in "'l'g"aS2S?'T'chS$ THE HIBERNIAN SAVINGS ANDL0AN SOCIETY. Incorporated 22d Mny, 1874. Oilloe, Gr Xront Street, I'OItTLAND. niUE OIUEC'TS FORWIIICH THIS AS80C1A A lion Ik formed are that hy It operation the mem-luri- thereof may be enabled to And a teciire nnd pror- ltauiolini.lllil'llliortliiau rawiin-, "; "". i,!,i portiinltyorolitaliiliitlieiifo or moderate capluil in ithlni irood and tutliclent fccnrity for the ame. on Kl,l"K PllJ' OFFICEKS. ELLIS ItE.D .tOHN A. 1IUADLLY II. EVELYN STUIIT Frettdent Vice 1'rcKldent Sliiiiak'er. a ,tV..r.l; JOHN SI. OKAHIN WHECTOItS. FrnnclK Woodbrltlco, W. II. Campbell, JohnDroHii, .!.: Jiaim. Eemittances from the Interior. He mlttanccK from the eotintry may lie Kent throijch Well, raruo A. Co.' Km if or an) reliable IluiiKliiK home. Uutlhe bodily 111 not be retponlble for thtlraredcllnry. The flcnntiiro of tho depo.ltor Khoiildacconipanj hlKilrtdeiiolt. A piopirpafK-lioiik ulll be dtlhend to tho ajicntby nhoiu the ikputlt 1 made. Any pcifon ran liecomo a number of tlila Society on KUbcrri)lii! to Hie Ily Lbk. )epolt recilnd Irum lB0npard. ltnteorilitireKtoiinpillcatloii. Loan made on Approved Security. lliuili Hour Irum 0 n. Illlll.Vl.lMlll ill. to 4 . nt. T. CUNNINGHAM & CO., HAVE FOIt SALE. AT THE LOWEST 1'OSSI bleprlctK, the following MACHINES. W. A. Wood' ImpniMd Mowitk, ExceWor Dropper, lluckcjo ImproM'd Slower, KtlfnllV I'eerleKa Slower, .l.tna Jtimir. liuckeje mkimmkius Iteapcr Comblnid, Ilni'll Silfllaklns Jteapem Comhlned, .Etna SilMtaklii); Itcaper C'omblnul, KKterly Hand- liaklns Iteapcr Ciimlilned, New York Huiii.ItakliiirHeaH' L'niulilniil, New York SilMtakinirlteap. er t'onihlned. Marsh Harvesters. Tho licl praln Kaln tnachlno eu'r lnented i tho binder ride; (ill a hlch a' lltader "lien de. fired ; doe tile u ork hi tier and cheap. er tiuu any itupir in exincnco. Haines' Improved Headers, Ten, t live, anil lirtcen rect cut, with new Im provement for lsiTI. Tailor' Sulky Itake. HeMillnL'HoroIlakej, Wheel er nnd .MtlllckV Lmlle Chain Tlirrvher. Vi brator TJirchcr. nil tle, ttltlt Jloiint cd or Diiun Pnuir; Succprlakc Thrcfher, all le, ulth .Mounted or Down 1'oncr. Schuttler Wagons and Hacks, Thimble Micln it ml Iron Axlca, ALL SIZtX. Giirtlou City CAST -STEEL PLOWS. warranted to no urn iiknt I'lud eicr otlered for ale lu thin State. Header and Thresher Drapers, And other Itepalr. T. CUNNINGHAM A CO. Salem, Juno 37. 1871. Saw Mill for Sale. THE DUENA VISTA SAW MUX COMP.VNY oiler lor ralo their Ntcam Saw and IManliiK 31111a. All complete, and In cood rnnnlnc onler. Thla prop, ertr I alo an excellent rlto Tor a Fl.UUIt!N() MII.L, nnil I uellrltuatetlfor both Lumber and tirulu trado. Kor particular, apply to WILLl.m AVliLLS, deceit Prcldcnl lluetia VI. la rar Mill Co To Immigrants. I HAVE VOn SALE A KMAI.I. KAltSt OF 70 acre. l)lin;nno mile north or Nilein. Tlitro 1 a iiMia Apple, mint, ami 1'tar Urctianl on It, AIo, a rood crop of Wheat, Oat, und pirdoi Vegetables. WIIIh II cheap lorcarh. Jtihliil.V8iii 1'KTEIt llll.YElf J. O. SHELTON. 1VZ. D.. 1)IIYMtlAN AMI M'llliltON, SA1.KV . cire.'oii. OilUe. trout loom ou ricotid itoor 0 the N. O I' iirlik. Conuntrrlal rtrcet. Kaa! deuce, iierll.(ii-t coriiir KroM and Httitlou atreeta, ll.lii'U uiadiutc or tlm rii)liKMullcal, orL'urtlt Colli ee, Cliiclniiatl, Ohio, ue nre purvly refill m Inoni piacllte, tllnanllui; alV.u both inlueral aud n-Kctabk polwui Sly For Independence. 1 "111 nin it Somi-Weekly Stage BETWEEN SALEM AND lNMTENDENl'E, Itatlnj: ludtptiidimeat tt.. .M on W'tHlnedav iiki t-.-mmluy or tuili tteik, and ltatlii,- nlciii ut a I'. M of Mimed j) . A. .s.LI Juh ai. lt-71 iM-tt lilt. 1!. V. OIIASII, TJHEVET I.t.C'ol., lateSurk'eonll.b. Voluntccra.- M-M tiiurc . Iiiirblu' Ineck. up flair. OREGON Brass XVtoritfip 1) Street, between t'rout and Klnt, rOKTLAN!) OltEUON U. .M. rnooiti:, KiiiMrlitlrnilritt. Brass Sell and Composition Castings, IU3APER BOXES, .Vil CSrtuloH ol'UalilitXotul HinilT I'ltlCE Paid tor old .llolml. Copper, UrH, .Inc. hit dttl WONDER ofjhe WORLD, Look here, Weary Women THE . . CLIMAX STEAM WASHER 18 TIIK KEST. CHKA'ST. AND MOtJP' DUK.l-1 We machine eer Interned, and wlUitottnothtuj lo And out Ut it III do. lxxk ont rornnpiiiltlon, tho couuiq la full 0 lVm. Tht' OUMAV can IV m ..j .ailing ui'ou our grain. lr nMH, p. i. JTarSud'a Tluton. AHiaur. The-prte M thf won.' derrul machine rancaa, mun M.W I 04 tlfe worth the attention of rtery family .In Ihe l-iale.-, Dcii'llUltaatoHkffetspaKliMlBtkarWlMT. ' K1I HAXKL, JjlUiwtT Ctucral AiitU for pATIIONIZK IIO.IIC raANUFACTUlti: The Surest way to Prevent Hard Times ! tie capital iwam mm SIANUFACTRE AND SELL Timbers, Joists, Boards, Flank, Dressed Flooring' 033XXJI3XTC-, O.J3I3NTC3-)EJ, 3VTOTJXjXI3rG-JS, PIOKE8T, ALL KINDS OF BOXES, (LAllOE Oil SUAL!.), DHE8SED AND ItOVUII ..ITIIS. Alo a aupcrlor article of Solid Wooden Eave Spouting, VAHIOUS SIZES. PLOWS & CULTIVATORS ! Wo make tho bcrt fttid mo?t convenient Culthator Hardened Mould-land Plows Manufactured In the State. Urlnp the 1atet ratent Double bhlnii C'art-Ftecl Mould. BliVIMfS AND IIVIVrHLiKfef Made of the Det Orison Timber. ploiw xixizk.xxucra'c' Dono ou the Shortest Notice. All Karmcra should rIi c u a call. Wo warrant 1! our work. Olllce and Shop on Front Street, mar Steamboat Landlut;, balem, Oruor.. dell JOHN G. WEIGHT, DEALEK IN Orockory, Glassware, Tobacco, Cigar Family Groceries, Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Salt,, Candles, Soap, Notions Agent for imperial Fire Insurance Comp'y OF LONDON. 'HIE Howe Sewing Machines HAVE BECOME CF.LE1IRATEI) THE WOM.II oter. The u ork domi by theo Marlilnt Uuti iirpared, tenliiK the thltiuet material aud Ibo heat let Rood ltlt eijtial facility, and requlrlut; nn extra adJiKilui; for uiiciiu thlckuc or paxlnc; our eain, TIIK AX TArll.nENTN For Hi'mtnlnjr. Filling, Ilraldlmr, C'onllnc, (Jiillllnj. TticKlni;. Illndini; aud (iathtrlui;, aie ol the Lntet Improiiil rattem, and arvrtiperlor lo thate und on any other mat lilne. The Howe Machines Are the tronset nml tmplet, and teldom or never SUenuy trouble In (iperatlii.-. Tho Howo Sewing Machines Are the oldet e-lalillhtil In tlm world. (Mr. Ilnun being the original luiintnri, ami aro lu adtnnro of all nt her In Iniprtntmeut and perfectlou of mechanlni. Theyhato lutariably uott tho liUliCt liunor. ut tbo :reat exhibition of the world. CANNON & KRAMER, .VOENTSJ FOIt OI1EOON AND WASHINGTON, Commercial l.. oppo.lte Farmer office, Jul) 13 w. r. hittvnt NALi:.-!, Oil. (tAwlf . rANVuv. Sheep Cured of the Scab Disease ! milE I'NDFItblONEI) WILL. VI'ON API-LICA- 1. lion, enlace to euro Mieip Imtlii' the "SCAB DISEASE" lor Ten Cento per Head. Application bv letter or In non will he attended to promptly. . liuff, aMti Utile. Foil, ru . Urecon. Oregon Branch of the Mutual Insurance Company of san i:.Incisco. Fire and Marine Iutmf anbe Directors .in .Oregon : PORTLAND 1. C. 11, Lewi. H. Oo'd anilti,D.ilcieiiy. Lloyd Brooke. r -..-.L, t. Urover, ..IU.n..v..,n..t....J.'A- Orawiont; " SALEM ALHANV WAI.LE GW::::f::;::K:;:!i:::: c Inmi r if!'A'l.r'; 1?i M.fniKl. . Lpwenben;. . wil via . i j HAMILTON VoYD, Manager,' 4w IMOTLANP, ORECOX. B.iail ZZZSZSSSMl