CITY -rVIND COUNTRY. TlltrtisPAY, Aug 27. A 1'nr.rr v G I it. Mr. A.J. Monroo show ed us yusterday a beautiful wrenth of tirtlflclnl flowers, buds, leave", etc., comHiscd en tirely ut tho feathers of ordinary birds ami domestic fowls. It In (tho handiwork of his mieo Miss Ail ni9 M. Monroe, a young lady of sixteeu llvlug hi Musklnghatn county, ( )hIo. The wreath came tu a handsome deep walnut frame with a glass front and makes a beautiful parlor ornamnnt. The feathers are colored to represent the various tints In the wieUh.nud tholr exquisltearrangoruent show moro than ordinary artistic taste. Mr. Mon roo Is justly proud of lids pretty token mid thinks thai thoro Is not a "web-foot" girl of sixteen In Oregon that can rqnal this beauti ful Rem made by his pretty "Uuckeyo" uelea of Ohio Di:mhnati:h. Governor O rover yesterday designated tho Pendleton Tribune an tho legal organ for rmntllla county. Tho Mountain Xrnttml of Vnlon county previous to tho starting of tho Tribune did tho litigant printing for both counties. Tho change of proprietorship In the Sentinel lost that paper the franchise and, of course, tho Govornor gavn the litigant printing to the new paper established in Umatilla county. OKr row San .Tost:. Mrs. C. N. Terry left this morning for Portland, expecting to take tho steamer to-morrow for San Francisco. In times past Mrs. Terry has been ono of tho brightest social lights of our city and the center of a circle of friends who will grieve to sco tho family Icavo ns. As it Is, they can only wish that overy happlnes may at tend them In their new homo. HKitiot'Nt.Y Il.i, We regret to loam of the very severe illness of Mr. Joseph Cooke, of tho tlrm of Cooked: Dennis, who ran a sliver into his thumb about a wcok sgo and has slnco experienced very sevorn pain from It, as oryslpllas has not lu and aflected the whole arm. At last accounts ho vvnssuiler lug vory greatly and was considered In a dangorous condition. Caki:i.i:ss Coiiiikm'omuk.nt". Somebody hK dropped a letter into tho 1. O. without any superscription. Thero Is also one direct ed to Win. 1, Houdorsou, Cow lit, Low Is Co,, W. T. without stamp. Also letters directed Mr. Fllghtnor, Williams Center, Williams county, and Mr. Hlly Ointment, West Hafnlow, Williams county, both or vv hlch havo no State on, IlAllVKsTINII AT TIIK l'ltMTKNriAHY. ' Forty-llvo acres of oats and thirty of wheat havo boon cut this weok on the Fonltontlary farm. To-day It is being threshed. Super intendent Watkluds estimates that tho total yield of both crops will bo about 2,T00 bush els. Most all of the work necessary in making and saving the crop has been dono by convict labor. Kaiim 8oi.ii. Mr. J. G. Koch sold yester day tho farm of Mrs. Ill Ira Shepherd, con sisting of 25.1 acres lying oil the upper How oil Prairie road, about three mlleA from tho city. A Mr. H.iwlny, a newcomer from the States is the purchaser and tho prlco pi Id was $1,000 gold cola "cash on the block." AwotXTiin. Mr. D. F. Wagner, who has been the agent ol Wolls Fargo it Company at Idaho City, Idaho during the past six years, this morning took chargo of tho busi ness of thut company, In this city, as tholr Salem agent. Mr. J. I). Smith is 'shingling' tho sides of Ills new house on High street. Mr. A. J. Monroo has tu his yard on I.lburty street a small pear tree lu full bloom. Major M. 1. Berry, Colloctor of Customs, Sitka, Is In tho city. rnniAY, Aug. 2S. I.ancii.i:vs DlUKiTOiiv. Mr. M. M. Hark, turns the agent for Oregon and Washington Territory for Honry G. Langley's Pacific Coast Directory, is In tho city. Ho Is hero to compile' statistics of Salem and Marlon i-ouuty for the Directory ot IS75. This Iilreo-1 tory is not only for the use of tho business houses of San Francisco but will contain much valuable Information to the emigrant, relative to Oregon. Wo trust such of our ouioals and citizens that he may call uon, , will give him all thu Information lu their power. Soon io I.ka :. ltov. William MoPhee-1 tsrs who has,for the pist two years, beeu con nected with tho Oregon Conference, aud the, past year as pastor of the M, K. Church, In I this city, wllltake hU dejiarture In tho course nf a fow days for California, to which State he has beeu transferred. Hon. A. II. lirown, the State Treasurer elect, arrived with his family in the city last evening and Is stopping at the Chemeketa. He Intends going to housekeeping next week lu the residence comer of Capitol and i Chemeketa streets, recently occupied by T.1I. Odeneal. Kiq. i Mr. O.IJ. Cornelius was lu town to-day ith bis little girl who was kicked In the face by a horse fully a month ago. The wounds ap peared to heal, bnt lately tbe face has badly swelled aud the child was brought In to con .suit a physician. Prof, D. W. Prentice will organize his fall and winter singing classes about the middle of the coming month. "The soug Monitor," a new collection, will be used. Miles M. Miller has quit the printing busi ness and Is now oonnected as salesmau with the new house of It. U. Price A Co., on State street. ArroisTKii. Governor Grover yesterday appointed Thomas II. Humphries, of Hills boro, Notary Public for Washington county. Judge li. K. Ilonbam aeautnea the robes of the Chief Justice of Oregon on the 1st Inst. State Womaa Suffrage Aaaacla tlea. A special session of the Oregon State Woman Suffrage Association will convene In Salotn on Tuesday, September 22, at 10 a, h. Mam ban are requested to be promptly on hand the time specified, ready and willing U work. The Vice-Presidents of the Associa tion are requested to be present If possible, and If not, to forward written reports of tho work lu their especial localities, to the Sec retary, Mrs. C. A. Coburn, at Portland, by tho 15th of September. Ay order ol Fxccti tlvo Committee. St. Nicholas koii Skitkmukii Opens with "The Geutlu Augler," a paper on Isaac Waltou, aud upon a story about limiting an telopes In the West. A very fuuny, illus trated poem, called "Tho Cheated Mosqui toes." The serial stories, "Fast Friends," by J. T. Trowbridge, and "What Mlgut Havo Ileen Impeded," by Frnuk It. Stock-1 tou, draw near their cuuclu.slous, "Tho Pony Express" handsomely Illustrated, shows how messages and letters woro carried bo foio railroads and steamboats monopolized tho business. Cella Thaxter has a poem , callod "Tho ICIttlwakes," and Mrs, Dodge, In oiuo llvoly verses, tells how Mother 1'llasv Ullnrht. linr nhllilratl TlKim 1 Hftl.l Dutch Times In New York," by Col. T. W. Higgluson. and tho author or "Itnbinamt ' Crusoe," by Donald U. Mitchell. Lucretla P. Hale has one of her quaint "Peterkln" conceits. Thero Is a lavishly illustrated no-1 count of the adventures of a certain "Jim Ciow," and a poem, curiously lllustratod bv James C. Heard. Sarah O. Jewett contributes a capital story fur girls, and thero Is a ro mantic tain, "Llttlo lien and tho Suiishino," I by Kute llloedo. ' SCIUllNKlt's MoNTlllA fOK SUTKMIIKIt. i Scrlbuer's for September contains an unusu al number of storlos. Tho most striking of nil Is Hrtt llarte's amusing sketch of " Wan Iae, the Pagan." Then there aro stories, by Jules Verne, Miss Tratrtou, James T. McKay, ' Constance t'oulmnre Woolson, Harriet Pres-1 colt Spofford, and Miss Hopkins, Mrs. Davis describes the " Pepper-Pot Womau." Mr. llurroughs wrltos about " Mellow Lngland," Mr. Crosby "Gastrlo Literature," and M.S. S. about uiubrollas. Mr. King's "Great Smith" puper deals with Alabama and Mis-, slsslppl. Mr. lecher relates a striking Phstern Incident, "A Malay Sailor Untitling . a Muck," aud Mr. lllchardsott tells about tho new Normal Cotlcce In New York. Thi poetry Is by llcnjamlu F.Taylor linndsoniolv- Illustrated), Nora Perry, Samuel W. DulUeld I mid J. V. C. Dr. Holland's Tonics aro "Ut-1 orarv Style," ''The Average Prayer-Mod-1 log," Hint American Incivility." Tho old Cabinet has to do with "Knight Errantry," I "Story Making." Social custom, literature, science, anecdotes aud fun are represented lu tho other reirular departments. Saii'iuiay, August 'J1!. CitKiur Dt'K. Mrs. AgusUi Warner, tho widow of Conrad Warner, this morning recelvod through the hands of her nttnruey, Mr. P. G. Koch, the sum of $1,017. The amount of the policy on the life of hor husband who was murdered a short time since. This will enable Mrs. Warner to take up tho small mortgage that Is duo upon tho farm, giving hor a home for herself and children free from eticiimbcranco with the crop of tho prosout year clear for the future. Too much credit can not bo given to tho nliicers aud managers nf thu "Petaliima Mutual Kollef Aasoclatlan " (who waived tho usual time of pay nienl) for their promptutss and to Mr. P. (i. Koch the attor ney tor his otllclont aid lu collecting the amount. I.NCoiusjitATKP. Articles of lou were filed this morning lu the Secretary of State's olllce, lncor)oratlng the "Wlnooskl Wurehnuso Company, of tho Patrons of Hus bandry." Tho purpose for which this com pany Is organized, Is to do business as a warehouse company, and to buy and sell and deal In real estate as may be necessary for the successful prosecution of business." Thu place of busbies Is Wlnooskl, Yamhill county. Capital stock fHKNl, share Ji'i. In corporators David ltamsey, William. Jones, David Kvurot, Peter II. Jliagey and Sebas tian llrutscher. Comimi Homk. The friends of Hon. W. ' 1,. Adams will be pleased to hear that his ' protracted stay at tho List has rosultod bene-1 tlclally to his health. He writes ti a friend lu town that ho Is now belter than he has biH'u for ten years, and feels entirely cured, j Ho expects to leave lljitou about the Hist of! September for Oregon, coming by way of, Salt Luke, llolse City aud The Dalles, reach Ing home about thu first of October. About I tho "great scandal." ho y: "Tlio Wood- ' hullltos aud dirty dogs generally over hem , no with Tiltou, becausu they want HoecUor brought down to their ovmi level." i Sm.i-.m Mimj The (louring mill is now I running thr-e burrs, and early lit thu week hope to have all grltidlug, Thu ditch Is not yet full, but bauds are working on thu dam,, at the Santlsm, under the elllcloiit manage-1 inoiit of our old friend, S. It Scott, and thu water supply will soon be abundant. During the past two days loams havu beeu coming In very lively with wheat. Thursday the ru culptsat the mill wore 5,00 bushels, aud yes-1 teruay slsjut as much more. I I.MiKPKMiKM'K. Mr. A. Asall, the pro prietor of the Salem aud IudeMtuiIuucestage, informs us that there Is now 'Jil.uoo bushels of grnlll stored III the warehouses at tho lattor I place distributed us follows; McCord and ' Smith ll.uiMi CUggett '.',000; aud Mutters! O.OOi. j Tho lieaf-Mute school will ojju tho third Tuesday In September. Freui KlUvrtoa. piece of stnmp land from which ho lias har vested four successive crop of wheat with the following results: First year, l"i bushels to the acre; si-cond year, :W; third 'JSi aud this year 'St. The ground had toriuerly biin covered by a densa tuider-rowth of ilr. It Is so stumpy that It Is impossible to give the piece a thorough plowing. Can any one beat this "raise" In Oregon, If they can would like to have them say so through the llix-oun and Wii.tAMKiTB Paiimi:u. Mai'u. Sketch ot n Veteran. Our fellow cltizon, James Davidson, was born in Barren countyt Kentucky, August I'.O, ITW, and to-morrow will bo his eighty secoud birthday. He was almost entirely self-oducatod, as wore most of the mon of that day, aud his good use of the advantages ho lxwsessed Is shown by the Intelligence ho has always manifested, and has secured for his children. Mr. Davidson was In tho war with Knglaitd l$Vi -and 1S13, when scarce more thiin a boy, and was lu tho battle of tho Thames, where Tecumsoh was kitted. He was married November '-'J t, IS17 and has had nine children, 4 boys aud ," girls. They lived In Nsshneld, Tennesee, from 1&3 to IS-.', in St. I.nuls, Missouri, In l.tti), lu Greene coun ty Illinois, from 1KU to Mil, then moved to thu I Hack Hawk purchase (Iowa) and lived in llurllngton until 1817, when they camn to Oregon. He settled at an early dav In Maleiu and Is now tho oldest man living lu our city, has represented us, In an early dav, In leg islatures aud having passod from tho Held of active ellbrt. Is represented here by his sons Albert and Thomas, who rank with our best citizens and enterprising agriculturists. Wo cannot place his other children, all of luem, nut, wnerever round, mo iiamo is slgnlllcant of truo worth and reliable charac ter. Mr. Davidson has lived a long life and tho wife of his youth remains to hi in after more than half a century of companionship. Many of thu older settlors of Oregon will read of their happy aud prosperous old ago with pleasure and unite with us In the hopti that tin lr last days will be their best days. Kent Ufttute TruiiHl'oiM. The following deeds have boon tiled In tho County Clerk's olllco during tho week ending August Sillt. James Altklu and wlfo to Hannah W. Kves; 11..V2 acres, T. 7S., Jl. :'. W.; con-ldertlon, $11.1. Hannah W. Kves to Parkin Osborne: II..VJ acres, T. 7 S., 11. i V. wnsMoratlon, $700. United Status to J. it. Aublshoii; M;M acres, T. A S., It. t! W.; donation. State of Oregon tu II, K. Harding: 1I7 :M acres, school laud.T, 3.S., 11. 1 W.; consid eration, $2M. li.,r Hardhlg to .Sophia Gywiin; forego ing tract of laud; consideration, 1. Ulepha Waller to Samuel 11. Todd; 'J acres, nnarOrphaus Home; consideration, 1 100. I.. S. Scott, Sheriff to W. It. Muukors; lots 7 and S, in block No. 1, city of Salem; con sideration, &!,000, David Mulkey aud wife to Carllns H. Hlo er; about I acre, near Stavtou; isiusldura tlou, iiV0. A. 1 Davidson to, Mary A. Wagner; 0 acres luT.SS., It.llW,; consideration, love and atltfcttou. o ( ' John Durblu aud wife to John Karrar; lot No. 7, block ill, city of Salem; consideration, JX0. S. J, 1,. Whitman aud wlfo to John IM wards; east half of donation claim or Win. Nordyko; consideration, f.1,500, Andrew Shepherd and wife to I'niSulton; M acres, T. 7 S,,,H. UK.; consideration, 1,.V,0. Milton Uurford and wife to I'lora V.. Greene; lots 1 aud 'J, in block I, town of llrooks; consideration, $1,1000. rito.M Hi issor it i. Al'ofsr.'JT, H7i. Silvertnu was visited by a spunky little shower last ersnlug. Tbe drajs were large and scattering, kicking up the dust but do ing no damage to the crops. The coming State Fair begin to be the principal topic of couversrtlon in these parte. Plums, Peaches aud Apples, are ripe and delicious. ' Threshing machines are humming In al most every direction. A visit down In Clackamas county last week convinced the writer that tbe farmer of that county are on the "ruatle." Mr. Enoch Bklrrln of that county ha a From it Mionri (!riiiintv.n Ktmlm from't nrc Count!, MiA-ourl, lo On on J'roviiilJioom fur thouMiul !,( than Cniiu. llAWKK.NOK Co., Mo,, Aug., 1STI. Mil. Kiiitoii: Through the kindness of my goott friend, W. H. Cooper, Hq., af Ikithel Oregon, I am receiving many uuuiburs of your valuublo paper, the appreciation of which prompts me to write tuls, perhaps un called for epistle. Ho that as It may, I am coiiMralued to say your paier compares mure than lavorahly with older weeklies of tho Ktst; and as an exponent of thu farmers' moemeut certainly has tho ring nf thu true metal. May the proud State of Oregon soon stand with Iowa and Missouri lu the front rank of Patrons of Husbandry. There will be quite au exodus Iroiu.tlils I clnlty to Oregon next spring. Many go by rail, aud some by horso, mule and ox teams. Your correspondent goes by mule and horse team, and hopes to form your acquaintance or at least become a permanent subscriber lo thu Wii.i.AMKTTH Kaiim fcli, as Polk countv Is his objective point. Yours, C. A Correct lou. Kn. KHvmti: Please correct the statement of thu .Stute.iman lu regard lo Mr. Joseph Cooke, That paper was misinformed, ills sickness began with a pslu and swelling lu his right thumb, which rapidly spread over his hand and up to the elbow. The doctor pronounced It local Intlsiiiiuatlou of a very aggravated type. The pain was very acute, entirely preventing a moment's rest. Kryslp. elas has not made it appearance at any time. The hand now resembles Inflammatory rheu matism tint lacks some Important fuatures of that disease. The swelling after poulticing faithfully shows no signs of suppuration, but seems to be under control, and slowly dlsapwarlug. 0 It. W. C. Ash log are being out on Mlntn's Island for the Capital Lumbering Company, to till a contract made with a Portland firm for cabi net lumber. Sheriff T. C. Shaw has rented tbe tmbree property, on Capitol street, and will move hi family Into the city during tbe coming week, S. Friedman ha purchased tbe drug store opposlu the Cbemejtet. Wbat will our enterprising towtianiM Invaat In next! misnomer Calling tlia warfare In Spain a "cWU'ioua. - Monday, Aug. 31. CttF.MKKi:r. Hotim.. As mostof our read ers are a ware, from and aftor to-morrow morning thn Chemekotn Hotel will bo In charge of Mr. Thomas Smith. Mr. Smith comes to us from (lie Dalles with tho reputa tion of knowing "how to keep hotol," and, starting In .it an oppoituno time, ho wilt havo a good solid otf. Mr. Frank llochow will havo charge of tho books and office. Mr. Peter Mann will luaiilpulatothe barhir shop and bath rooms, while the gonial aud gentle inaulr Gporgo HugliAs w 111 preside over and havo In chargo Ihe saloon, liquor and wluo department. Smvss to the new proprlotor and attaches of the tltiost hotel In Oregon. Ohf.oov CtirnoitMvx. llev. J. II, Itib cook, lloctnr of St. Paul's MpNcopal Churoli of this city has bt? appointed editor of tho ()ievim (ViiovimciN. In our opinion a bettor selection uould not well boon mndo. Wo are uot Informed whether the publica tion olllco will bo removed or not. It ought lo bo. Dm fiiArf.s. The following jstsoiis hiiio been elected to represent Silver Lodge, I. O. G. 'P., at the State Tompor.ineo I'nlon, that rumours mi the loth Inst. Orla Divnnport, Kdiia J. llrowu, A. A. Leonard and Hon. W. Cranston. Alternates, Susie Dudlev, FurtioH Wllbor, L. F. Moschor and John Hicks. Situious AivliifM-. Wo learn by the iluw u train tlilsatlornoon that Wm. II. Kiddle, an old settler in DougUs county, was thrown from his homo yesterday, tlioiM'li, mill seri ously lujiimd. Ills thlgli was broken nud It Is teiired that ho was Injured liitoriinlly. Foil Tin: K.vsv. Mr. mid Mm. G. W. Tol ler, who losldothreo miles down tho rUeron tho Polk isiuuty side, will leavo by tho next stoamer, to bo alwent aliout two months on a visit to tho Cist. AmiKsiN, Marshal J. A. linker made but four arrests for tho month of August. One for neglecting to iibato n nutssuco. Two for driinkeuess and ohm for nsssnll m luttory, lU'iiiiuiuilily rinc lcucticN. There Is no fruit morn valuable for all pur posos tliati tho pencil, and Oregon NiilVers a great deprivation lu not being nblo to ralso n delicious peach crop. It has boon dllllcult to aci'llmato tho poach, west or tho Cascades, buttheresre favored spots lu Cistern Oregon nud lu Washington, where tho penoh thrives nnd attains Its gmatost orfoctloii. Ono of tliosn places is on Hood rlvnr, which Hows Into tho Columbia from Mount Hood. Dur ing tho Into slimmer and Fall delicious peaches are shipped down from Mood rlvor and points nhnvo. Ono of tho most success full fruit growers lu all Oregon Is W. P Watson ot Hood river, whose kuccoss lu raising peaches has not merely extended to tho Imported varieties, but has attained tho propagation of llstluct aud, sery valuablo vaaiotlo trnni the aoud Saturday evening a box of ponchos reached ouroruco fro m Mr. Watson' farm wbloh gavn tho strongest jirtsif of his success In that line. Whllo tho bulk of the lot wore luscious rnrn-ripes, thero woro tlvo lots of samples of varieties ho has prnpagatod him self, soedllmrs. which he naval ha Inu Havml as worthy of riltllvatinn.'itutnf two liun.lrikl solcsiod. Ho uousldem those Ave 'varieties worth periwtuatlug and describes thnin ns follows: No. I. Is a rare iwach. which ripens 10 or 12 days earlier than tho early L.rawioni, is very into iroiu in, part vory I'rislv with the pit, which make It vory val uable us a drying peach. Ho thinks nothing like It Is known, for that purpose, and In con- ttdenl that It can lie grown to advnutngo, as tree only two years old Isirn this yoar Ot) or 70 si4'heK of vory largo In fact unusual sle. Nos. i, ;i. I, are also vory linn iMtai'hos and it strikes us that varieties which have originated lu our soil and are therefore insinuated horn aro thn most worthy of cul tlvatlon aud may bo rxpontod to thrive Ixittor in tins auoyas wn as uisi ol tho moun tains. Mr. Watson Intends to nrontsato these varieties, and can till orders at a leas oiiabln price. His address Is Hood rhur, iirogou. l'tiNNcugorN lor 1'ortliiiKl. Tho Oregon Steamship Conipany'steaiuer John L. Stephens, (,'aptaln ;conuor, sailed from San Francisco for Portland on Salur day at tho usual hour, with tho following i'sssi:nhi;iis: Gen N II Davis, US A,i'hoinas Muuies, leroiuo llarpsr. A Friedman ,V wf, J K Hansher, S II Adams, S Neugass, W O llruun, J i: Horns, K W Middle, J A Kuhn, II F llrlggs, Mrs L Atkeson, FGunbrliiiier, A .1 I'ergllHOII, l' li l-oirn A. wf. W Frlndnian, lr li O Smith, S Jaisibs, W M Morton, II Ackemoii, J W llurnhain, J Slnrulierg, J (1 Parker, Mm I) Howard, Miss A Shaw, J OratiM.t fiuy, ): JCIkuls, Mm F M Clark. dau.J Davis. Capt G Johnson ,t wf, Miss liautey, Mm V 1111. A Dupuy ,V wf, Mrs II Green it chn, II Kelsoy ,V fiuy, Jaixib Aleyer, O Ufovage, W P Adams, Sam, MIss.M B Gibson, F an, M Itoseublatt, Otto llllwrt, Mm Yoakum, II D Gibson A sou, t li fiark, It Colin Miss M i: lloduoii. Mm J M llrnnoii,,lch, Mrs K Iiuib, It Itsiley, J F Falling, A II Cnwisiiiau, L Klliio, S Dodlov, MrsM I'Splllau, dan, S Itoennblatt, W I) Cudllll ,t fuiy, Mrs A A Whuelor, J F Yoakum, Dr.S Parker. Mias Anna llruck, The Orogcn City lhter)iie of Friday says; Mis Georgia Greaves, a young girl about 1 1 yistr of axe. who resides with her tisrents nu the Clackamas, step-daughter of .Mr, i-. si. iiineeraon, met witn a sad araii dent lastHuuday. She wa riding on home back In the orchard, and no one knew that there had auy accident befallen her until the horse was obterred In the orchard with out a rider, when search was made tor bar nd she ws found lying on the ground In sensible, In which condition she ha re maliied until last Thursday, consequently we hsve beeu unable to leant positively how the accident occurred. fliirn U tfllala K.. .U r.n., Ikk Multnomah county Jail a few day alnoe b uu voiueu oaar oaisaan nrar. Tuesday, Sopt. 1. To Lkavk Us. Wo regret to loam that Mr. Sol Durblu, who has lived so long In thin j city. Is making nrmiigemonts to tuovo hH . lesldenco to Kisteru Oregou. Mr. I), hasi ! sold out his nntlro Ititorest In tho stable, bulld- Ing and stock to his brothor, Mr. Dan Dtir I bin, but still owns tho coruor store lu tho uioili, unit Ills rami adjacent to tho city. So wo havo tho satisfaction of knowing that his entire Interest in tho Capital City will uot bo eomoletoly souired. Ho anticipated taking his family nnd starting about tho first of the) coming month to his now homo. A Piii-imil)ATTi.K. Two young mon had n pitched battle this morning, on Stale street. about tho setting of somo tiro. Ono hit tho other n welt on tho side of tho head with it monkey wivnch which stunned hlui for tho instant, but recovering ho wont for his ad versary. A clinch and tussle, both down, when tho bystanders Interfered nud sepora ted the combatants, In this city August tilst Mr. llobelt FngliNh of n disease of tho stomach sup pose tu havo been caused by thn prosonco of a sin ill ll.'.nrd which was thrown up a few days Isiforo his itemlso. Mr, 11, Ims been lu poor health lor Hotiin years nnd for tho p.lst , six mouths co nil nod to his bed. Agod M years. Possession Givi:n. On presentation of a perfected deed of couvoyituco to P. G. Koch, l'.-q., Mrs. I'M 1 Shepherd received, yostor- d ly, tho sum of $1,000, gold win, for hor farm utur Salem, sold by herself nud husband to Martin ltovWoy, who takes possession this day. Auiii:ri:n. Arnold Myers wns arrested this forenoon for assault and battery upon tho porsou of Low Is Itoss, nnd brought be fore Kts'ordor Coffey who lined him (sti) nnd costs. The dllllcully originated about somo rent Myers claimed Koss owed him. Kosn w ho apKnrs to bo an ItintVotislvo Gorman lw badly boatoii up. Auoi'i' Ovi:u. Seaside excursions ami iiioiiutalii raiubllug, lu n fow uioio days will bo oiiir lor tho season, Thoy havo Ihhmi abundant this year nnd sis far as wo cm learn ury pleasant to those paithipatlug lutlioiu. StifiiKMi: Ciifiir. lion, II. F. Itouhiiiti this uioriilug took his seat ns Chief Justice of thn Statu of Oregon, III place ol Hon. W, W Upton, whoso term of ollli-n expired last evening. A largu number of our cllleus are getting ready to iittond the annual Conn-ioneo of tho M. K. Ohilrch South, which coiiimencos at Dixie mi tho 10th Instant. Old steamboatinen predict that thn Wll lsiuetto river will havo n gixtd Isjatlng stagit of water by tho Ifithof October as far tipiiM Corvallls. Thn address of Mr. John M. Gearin before tho Supremo Court this morning In thoGer raud case Is ssikou ol as a lino oll'ort. II or ilio Wlllmni'tlK l'iiiiir. toil IIIIIm lii tlic Willamette. IIY A. f. IIAVIpsilN. Thorn Is a great dllleroucii lu thu forms, al tlttidoaiid coiistlluents of tho hills lu thn Wil lamette. The lulls in Yiimhllt enmity uru higher, ollen big, Irregular, round, cone like, lingular, tho tops ol a dark roil, mid tho baso a hluck mid splendid mold. This rich mold, among and around tho hills, is tho best laud In our country. And the hills of Yamhill county are valuable hind for ouiry purpose) needed lu Hgrlcultiiro, for fruits, or gnulng. Thore urn prairies lu Yiunhlll county thine mo generally good, but, lu some plnistw nut. Tho low, mii'fc Itimh, or swnlls, aro not valuable, lu the true seilso of the term, llk thn blacker and uioio i-ollliigliiiiils. In win tor thoy aro too urt, in summer tsi ,(;; but, with ditching, iniiniirlng, and dnnp ttmrtmtjli culture may be reclaimed. And, when till" ' Is done, YniiihlU will bo it county we, or tho WllUinotUi, may bo proud. Tho high hills of Viuulilll aro free from late and early fro-ts, demonstrntlug tho truths of ineteoralogy, oh delineated by Peltier, lliinry, Warring, Har ry, Downing, rt uf that "high hinds uru Istst for fruit Inwis." Thu reasons why I havo given In a former artlcio. Thu Yamhill rher, its trlbutailes, tho llttlit bmuchnH, thu groves of oak and Ilr, thu springs, prairies, rolling lauds, bills, buttes. Coast Chain, widely extended Holds, tint houses, faruis. orchards, mipfrtnr rattle, hor Him, sheep, swlno, fouls, uto., etc., nil pnseut to the eye a sceno tniiiNceudeutly beautiful. Add Ul these thn school-houses, rlliirchoa roads, mills, villages, boys, girls, men, wo men, with faros smiling nud euery beaming; from tholr eyes, rompluto tho nut, thu en chanting view, and lint heart swells up, fnIC nf lore fur mti Iwiiie "lu thu hills" of thu Wil lamette. More anon. ricUNunt slew Sunday .school, Tuiinkii, Aug, Wi:h S7I. Mil. Lpiioii, Pluasu publish thu lollow Ing reKrt of Ploosiuil Vluw Sunday School beginning July 1st, nnd closing Aug. .tth. I. L. Hlllonry, Superintendent; It. It. Lu- banks, Treasurer; J. .N. Wltol, Chorister.. Niunlwr of names eurullwl, M; ToIhI atU'int- ' anco, 30U; average attendance, .'IS1,,; iiumbor"' of verse recited, ,SW. Tho following U a list of tho who are en- " titled to the roll of honor : Lula Hunsaker, Clara Ullleary, Liu urn Cornelius, Cora Hun-'"' aaker, Kber Cornelius, Carrie Cornelius, Nor--lliinsaker, Jasper Htiusuker, Addle Come-' Hue, lr ifuussker, Lycurgiis Hunsaker, Itauiieal Howell, Homer Ullleary, FsnuJu M Miller, Klleu Miller, Jackson Miller, JowpU Mlllsr, WyliidHunsaker,i:iUu Hunsaker, W. M. Ullleary, Ja. N. WItrel, Noma Hun-" saker, Kaonle Hunsaker, Y. II. Hunsaker. Jr Y. IT. Hunsaker, Sr., Ida Ksrns, Husler tern, U, W. Kara, K. it. Lubnks, Win, MUUr. IHXNA L.HlMJSAKV.8ut.