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About Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1874)
FPfv H iVfi O A Ali m M OW I $? kOO per Year, in Advance. way-side .iu:jiuiiAnv. KsnouTi:, August 0, 1S7I- Kn. Knrron: leaving F.ugono City tho ' ad enters a broken, hilly country, mil atoning aronnd a mountain spur follows, up jibe valley of tlio Coast Fork of tho WH'iam- tto ilver. This valley Is narrow but con tains qutto a largoquantlty of tine narlo'iltur l laud, mostly undor cultivation. Tailed in by mountain and traversed by tl'io rail -road, It Is very pleasant valley. Cottage Grove Is -22 miles tip tho Coast Fork from 'Eugene. It is In a pretty Rood place, and wilt makoqiiltc a bur); if tho cltfcitis m.iiiAgo It right. This place contain about flft'wu fam ilies, a postofllce, storo or two, flouring mill, tc. Tho Coast Fork valleyo nro spB rsely t tied however, and rosldentH toll mo t.hat thora Is enterable land to bo found lioro that Is do sirable. The road Is very Rood all ths way up this stream, except in a few places. There Is spleridld timber in largo ntt'tHy, nni1 un limltod water power to saw it. Six credit miles above Cttltago Grove, Mr. C. Johnson has found on bis place n voin of coal, a samplo of wbloh I send, but lias nst prospocted It sufficiently to ascertain ltsqu.intlty. Indica tions of coal are said, by the sottlerH, to bo frequont on this stream. I im somo of thorn, and am of tho opinion that there is coal there in plenty. A. COAST rOKKKl; WHO RKAlS TIIK "KAIt JlKr.." Stopping at the houso of well-to-do farm er for dinner, I thought to do n little stroko of business, and so, after dinnor was eaton, ad we were enjoying a -quiet llttlo chat,l brongbtup the subject or the papor. 'Wall,-1' said the farmer,-"I llko tho papor. One ofi-my nabors takes It have seed it lien." "Would he subscribe? ipclco only (3 por year." "Wal,' no; gnesa not. Money is mighty akace, and my nabor takes It and I can got to read hla'n, and it does mo all tho same." Ah! And so this little financial operation came lo grief. Over the mountain two miles of climbing and a eorrospondlng down.prudo, and you are in tho Finr-qua country. It Is not a val ley, but a succession of llttlO'valleys and big bills. Ths hills generally having tho host of it. Some of tho hills are bare of timber and covered with what they coll aros. Tho rest re timbered with tlr and serubby oaks, of the Black Jack persuasion, which do not ap pear to be wcrth much excopt for fuel. There is much good grain laud; and I saw, in the pleasant Yoncalla valley tho home of the celebrated Applogato family as Hue wheat as I vver saw In tuy-llfo. Tho laud ultable for tho plough ia very clean; noth ing on it except the glass beforo-tnentloued, which Is eight Inches to a foot, high, white, .dry, and to all appearance dead. From Yoncalla valley It is ton miles overa big, long hill to Old Oakland. Jt U in its do- cadonce; contains, perhapw, ouo huudred people, a mill, and a store or two. It is situ ated on a bill'Bldo, in a Dlack Jack grovo,and is not particularly' attractive. New Oakland tho oll'sprlnc-of old Oakland ad the railroad town Is a mile further on. It U in a low, but'dry and opon plaoo; has it business aspect, -aud perhaps ono huudred ad tiny people. Its youthfclueus .is very apparent. Most of tho uoumw havo a new look, are guiltless of wcatbor-bourdic),', and xto smell of new ptlnt ervade tho attnos rthore. Ten miles further on is Wllbcr-nn.eJuoa-tlonal Iottu of half a dozen Iioum and an Academy ruu by tho M. K. Church. An ad ditional building Is being erected for their tue, and the facilities of tho school is being greatly Increased. Dr.AVm. Orubb la located Jiere, has quite a nice store, and is prejurbg to bny and ship grain. Across the North Umpqua river and tho "Big Btlckey" to Itoseburr, It is eight tnllus. The famous "sticky" land) or this region .i peculiar black soil, found both in the low land and on the hill-sides. It is Ary now, but in winter would appear capable of miring down a duck. I wtut through Roaeburgat two-forty gait, but looked back at the town from the top of the hill on the other slde.and was favorably im preawd with its appearance. II contains urobablt 00 Inhabitant. Beyond. through more black, stlckv land, for four miles or so, the road is graded around the mountain side, on the east bauk f the Mouth Umiqua. It is nicely graveled and a first rate road. In one place the road ruus around a mouutaln cpur and literally overhangs the river. From Hoseburg to Canvonvllle is ST wile. overa good road and through a tine po.'Mon or country. All Ihe freighting through' to Jacksonulle Koe this ny. Comlnir to the bridge o er the South Unit.- qua river, SO cents waa demanded a toll. The bridge la an old slender, rickety atfalr, od covared rery poorly wttb thin, ahaky I SALEM, plank, and If not positively unsafe, Is a dis graceful nif.dr; ami If llm proprietor Is allow ed to charge iloublo toll, ought nt least lo keep the lirlilKoln 11 condition that astrangor nilttbt fejl sato to venture upon it. I wiw told by people In the vicinity of this brldue, that l hoi deeper was In the lmDlt of charging ono txrioo to people living iu tho neighbor hood,, end another to stramtora pusduii through the emmtrv. It would bolothocrcd- It of Douglas county to take steps to remedy I this condition of rtlUIra on the most public road In tho county. It Is the greatest eye 80 ro tbet 1 saw on my way thrnugh. Citnyouvlllu Is an old mining town of per hapn'103 r)p1o. Somn mining l being duuo yet in tho vicinity, tnoitlv by Chinamen. 1 wasHliown some black gold-bearing qinutz, found In Ijlttlo Cow Creek valley, by J. 11. vlennings, which I wild to bo 'rich and to be had In lar go quantity. s.urm;:uK COUIIT. Jatcrs it. Bailey vs. Win. Clark and Jamos Chauibor n. Cause romanded for a now trial, Opinion by Judge Ii L. McArthur. J. It N ril, District Attornoy of 1-lrst Judi cial 1)1 ttrlct vs. UlliM Wells Jr., Win. F. Slngor nud Olios Wells, Sr., John W Wells Judgement in tho Court below alllmio J. Opinion by Judge B.F.Bonham. K. A. Abrahams and II. Abraham, plain tittls vc . A.H.FIInt nud H.K. Morgan, defend nuts, .ludgement set aside nud causo rn maude 5 for a new trial. Opinion by Chief Justlco W. W. Upton. On i aotion of K. C. Urunagli Ksq., Joseph K, At rater was admitted to practlco as an attorn iy. Utt bias Hagoy (. a'., resntudents vs. Titus Smith. Docreo in tho Court below af tlntiei i. Hon Holladay vs. J. W. P. Uonderson, Ben 1' olladay vs. A. W. Fatterson and O. atxl ( I. II. K. vs. J. J. Comstock. Judge niont below alllrmed. Opinions by Burnett, MoAr thur and I'rlm. And by Upton and Ilonh. im dissenting. Xjoy il Brooks vs. Charles Warren. Judge ment below affirmed with 10 per cent dam agoa. Su-ni:MiiKii, 1st, 1871. 'Con rt met pursuant (nadfoiirniuont. Pres ent II' n. B. F. Konham,'Chler Justico. 1. V. I'rl oi, Ii. h. McArthur and John Burnett, Abjoc! ato Justices "Etato of Oregou respondent vs. Thomas Gorran il appellant. Arguod by John M. Oearin or theappellnut and ItoWoaud Whit noyfor tho State. Caso Hubmlttcd. SicrritMiiKK UJ, '71. Court met purtmant to adjourn iiinnt. UVese ot lions. Jl. F.'llouham Chief Jus tlca, F. I'. I'rlm, L. U. McArthur, John Bur nett ami K. 1). Sliattuck, Associate Justices. Motloi t tiled by It. WilllamM, K-q., for n rohcarlu K Iu tho oaso of ttfagey rt, nl. vs. Tltm Sin itli. Motion tiled by Mallnry, Shaw and 1. C. Kiilllvuu for a rule tn amend tho Htateuient lllnl Iu tliot-avo ori:vellno Smith vs. I). II. Smith by ntlpuUUon in tho particulars stated and 3t forth in the sllldnvlfflled. .KvclliiiiHinltli vs. David II. Smith; causo ponding on adjournment. FIIO.U 1I.M.VOIM. IIkiuiox, Knox Co., III. ) AuKUst ir, KS74. t McKniTon: You will Cml cucloed onu oVillarand a half, fur which HAiid me tho Wjr.iwtur.tTi: Fakmi:u foriitxitiioiitliM. The wheat crop In this vicinity In poor and wlil not averago uiorotlian rv.-i biiHbelH to the acre. Oat from twenty-flve to thirty iiuehuhi. Tho bay crop is fbort. Fotatoe" ar xxir and viy hiiiiill. Apples are poor ana mil oi woriiiH, uruiHippvrx are tery ninueroiKiand Hrdotlrylin;tsrn ami veg etables at a horrid rat. Taklugnll IngAther I'm Ketting hick of this sort of larmliiK and OrORon .Moms to tue, to bn tho ftrmers j:idocado. Yours, J)AVII) Ilt'OHKL. Foil Mtutassifri Judge J. F. Simmons of .Miaslmippl, who Iihb been la Orecoti several weeks Loaves to-uioi-row, to connect with the John I-. 8tevns, en mute to his hone In the valley of the Mississippi. Tho Judgo has been so well pleaved with our young State that he announces his Jiitentlmi to close up als Iwslneaa In Mlstdssippi and return here ooxt spring with hh family. He proposes totakn up bis residence either in AlUtny, CorvallU or Portland, and enter into the practice of hU professton. He has foraied aco-nrinorliip with a prominent member of the btur In this Slate, to take effoct upon his return. A pleasant jip and safe return is the wish of all who ha vn made bis agree able accqualntauce during Jils short tmjourn In our midst. Momnk Wauo.ns. Themlsof Molice wagons by A. J. Dufur, agent Mute Orange, continue, and tbe ivaxona are being rapidly litrlbua as ordrred. OREGON, SEPXEMHEK FKOl JiltAM' COUXTV. -I Destructive ami Unprecedented Hall Storm A Sudden and Ovcrwliclntinu Jttifih of Water Garden and Crop DcttroyedThv Storm Contlntd to a Small Space Katern Orcyun Stock Men Gcttlny Heady fur the State Ihtr liluc Mountain Jloy Julia J-Ue. Canyon Citv, tlratit Co.. Ojn.. 1 August UMi, 1ST I. J Mn. 1'ntToit: It Is not often that wn hnvo ocovilnn to nqvirt ollnntlti ottroines; yet, on Ihe Otli Inst., this vail')' wis vMled with the most dettriicllvo hall Htorm known siucii Its llrst settlement. A dark cloud appeared iu the houihuctt about - o'clock t. m., while slinnltanenuH with this n heavy storm eccm ed approaching from tho uortli9Ast,nciompa uled with lightning and thunder. Carried by two opposite currents of air, tliey csuie together Inim'-illstoly over a certain pottlou of tho Kt'ttlements; nud, fir a miuiient, tho vtorm seemed to nb.ito, only, however, to break forth In groater violence. Hull fell as shot from n tower, vertically, nud In such profusion that In loss than half an hour tho ground wns covered to tho depth of llvo or six Inches. Tho storm hnd passed, tho earth was covered with a heavy carpet of snowy white, and all nature as quiet as midnight, whon, as tho farmer walked forth to view tho destruction ol his beat-Held, he heard unu sual thundering sounds issuing from tho canyons and gulches; and, upon looking around, beheld a rush of waters, ball, rock, drift-wood, etc, coming down llko some foaming cataract, clearing ovorythlng In Its course. Upon reaching the alluvial bottoms, where a half hour before flourished tho veg etable garden, these waters leaped their bauks and burled, with esrth and gravel, tho already demolished plants, drain, vhleh was ripe and roady for Ihn sickle, was thresh ed as completely by tho hall storm as though It had passed through ft threshor. William Luce, three mllos below Canyon City, Is the heaviest loser, having lost tlio greater por tion of his grain and vegelablo crop, which would havo amounted in thoiiggrogit!n,whcii sold, to several thousand dollarx, Other par ties have lost heavily, yet, ns tho hall storm was confined to only a small area of farming laud three or four farms tho dainngolsnot ho great as it might luio been. Hint tho storm loon general throughout tho alley, not enough grain would havo been led for broad and whmI. A great amount or hay on tho meadows was materially Injured, yl not a total loss. I'AlttllWt Aro now ongaged In reaping their crops, which, Ii' tho way, may bj pronounced good. Grain, however, rates low, as buyers nro only offering ono cent per pound for barley, nni) ouo and a quniter cents for oats, nu prlroas yet established for wheat. Some of our stock inoii prnpnso being at our next Stitto Fair, villli muiiu of their line stock hores) and compete lor premiums ami purseM otfurod by the Society, uiiioug others, Is a jnung stallion il juars old, named Utile Mountain Hoy, and owuod by Flsk .v. Itlilno- hart. This horso Is a beautiful dark bay, about. IU hands high, was formerly known im "lion, farant," and fruited, with but little traluiug, In a race, best tno in three, on the Canyon OJty raci oouro two joarNiitm, time, about 3 nilnutoi. Ir properly trained and drlvon at the Suite Fair will doubtless give u warm contest with the bust that will ibe there. Anotlierl rotting anlirnl mined Julia, and owned by J is. Clark, ofthU county, will also be at tho Fair. Tills mice was a contestant against llluo Mountalu J toy two yeurH ago and won the race under strong proliwt. JtotL of ttiese horses will no loubt do credit to thouselves and Ihe Fair. D. B. It. ajavirr 2Ut, '71. 1. S. Another heavy haJl storm vlslled the upoi end of this Valley on the 'M:h Inst., swept across tlx or njen Unnx, ail ilus troyesl a great unoiint of grain hail iu largo a pigeon eggs. Salem Mji.ia. Tho couipauy running thewe mills la at present the heaviest wheat buyers In our. Statu, as it has chartered (ho Alumina 1,000 tons burden, and havo the loading secured to dispatch the vumso! for the United Kingdom next week. They have al so a warehouse nearly fall of wheat, at the mills, taken in mostly ouatorage, with the optlou of price during the season, The ware bcuxe holds GO.OOO bushels, and w III be full in a day or so. Thu company sent down an Inioaente train of forty loaded car, contain in 400 tons of 2.000 Ibj. each. The mill has still a aoant supply of water and ogly two run of bum are at work. 4, 1874. STATE NEWS. Tho latest of tho season i picnic by tho Rind of KopoHl Jacksonville. The Jacksonville l.lleriry Society hns.beeii resurrected. It again moves. Mrs. J. ('. Tolnuin has been sutVerlug from a cry severe attack of lever nt Ash laud. William Kentnor, of Ashland, has In course of construction a veiy neat duelling, uhlch will, when llulsl.ed, be iputo an uriia intuit to tho toii. Mr. B. F. Myer, of Ashlnnd white passing from one room ol his house to another, a tew davs since, bieiime deathly sick, and loll, striking his In co upon the lloor an 1 1 Ii such fori'o as to sustain soino very severe In nines about the face. Tlio Jacksonville Si-utnift takes It upon Itself to say: A noticeable lent lire In tho (Uauger meeting Is tho untold number of handsome young ladles that attend. We doubt whetlier there Is another oruanl.atloil Iu tho Statu of the, sl.u of this Mraugo that can prodiieoso ninny pretty hifsos. A correspondent of tho Jacksonville .sV'ii (iii7, writing from Ashland under dale of August ill h, says : I'lieluSaui Culver eume In Ironi l.lnkvll'lo yesterday evening imd re ported a man lost In the mountain. Ajounft uiiiii by tho iihiiio of llcrtll, from licnlon county, ouo uf Jsmew Miller's uipIoviN, li.lng the fear nt Indians at Ids hcait while encamped at Cold Springs, was frightened Into tlio belief that thoy eru attacked by Indians, nud, to play u Joko on thu timid young limn, they rushed out Into thu Moods, but suou leturued toenmp, ull eeept Her rll, though scaich uusmadeilurltigtlieiilghl and next day, no tiding have el i cached us of tho lost until. Three distinguished gontlomen went guests at the Ashland House one nig it last week. Ueu. Yandever, Inspector of Indiauagcncles, on his way, uo understand to Furl Klamath, on a tour of Inspection; (leu. Whoitcn and family, on their way to Wallla Walla, and Itlshop Merrill, w ho had been attending Con ference In Portland. II. F. Doivell, writing fintu WashiliKton City under dale of August 7lh, says: "The Oregon war debts are In very bail reiule. Tim Treasury has paid Iu I Ml claims filS, .".o;, 7.1. Alioul JJI.OOOor this Is llclious, nud was manufactured since the pussauoof tho act. Nothing will Im psld on the KV-ll war claims mi til the next deficiency bill passes Cougross next winter." THS TERRITORIES. Olympla girls go a-glpsyliig In male attire. Madame l'heliis anil Irnuiw will play iu Ohmplaon the IMth lust. An old fashioned clam lmko will bn Indulged iu by Olyniplniis next Wo. I ins day. Tho innchlnery of tlio Itentou CohI Com pany arrlxdl at Seattle on the Haret Home. An Imporlnut law suit Is Iu piogresH at Slellaisiom alkcllug thu laud titles of hulfthe county, Somn of tho uiaplo trees Iu Olympla have urovtu Iu i lghtetueais,tobollMi Itel iu cli eumlerenee. Tlio trial of youngSej Seattle, for tho miirilerol lilsf.ither.witiiaislisintil until iinAl term ot Louri. Tim liepublicaii Territorial Coiiiiulltisi Is to meet In Olympla on tlio 'J. I ol September. Its niovi incniM a ro -ii-ll ml iin likely lo be or iiiiiru limn onllnary Intcriht to tho Ter ritory. Thu City Council or Klelhicoom havo In structed their ileallh, Flro mid Street Com milKeH lo Isku a cruise about the eliy in. port every house having dolt'Clfvo Huns or ntovo-plptH, unclciiii back J mils ur streets, thonu who obsliucl strtoU mill sidewalks, elu. The Slt Lake Tribune says tho Scatidl. imvlin eleuieiil of the Mormon Church em bracing, lib. in mil. -fourth of the membership is lusti-rlng to ridiellloti ngalnst llrlglmui Young. The il!liuir). Tribune runs Its polities nu tho Kuro) cm plan. People wlio use Its cnliiiiiiis l r flieir hmit'lli are expecled lo ay lor what tliey get, ut legubr ailMrtlsliig rati n. A rancliuiHii In lluiPrhkly Pear lias come totlieeoi)i luslon that grusshopeis cannot bo killed. Ilocdiighloiielheothirday and held it under Ihe Mater sewn hours, but It Has Irl-ky as ever when It chiiio out. llisiuaiek looks forward to a i1,(HX) hotel, a Nkilonal batik, lusvy Iiim luu iiih in town prniK'ity, subxlautial linriiemeulN by the railroad company, and IU,000 popiilstlou in I'Ueyenrs. But now the Iomii situ dlfllcully daui4iiiH their ardor. Work on thud welling for tlio kceisir of the TnKKish light, for which, siuoug other Im-Is-ovementM, an appropriation was made at tho last wssion of Congress, is alioul to com iiitnce. Tim schooner Ixilta will enter umiii the business of transporting the material jortiiwlth. Hkai.tii is Halkm, The hoslth ofNaloiu has never to our knowlcdgo been better In tho Summer season, than during tho one Just closed. There Jias beeu such a remarkable exemption from everything in the shspe of epidt-iniiMllseaM 1, that physicians in general good practice coud leave thtlr buslneas and enjoy themsel ve,by a week or two of needed quiet recreation, w'ltkout aerljusly inoon- venclrg their patients-. Volume VI. Number 2!). .. Word to thu c;rmii;ti'N. Pouii.ANP, Sept., 'J, '71. Ih. l'itti:u: The ball Inlrly opened In Portland by tho arihal last night of to car loads of wheat and the stovcdoics nru jubilant thereat. But this Is by n private nud well know u enter pi Mug llrm, mid all arelpersuaded that they aro beginning this season with (every pros pect or loss nt the start and the grand ques tion, which everyone Is asking Is, what will tho (Irangers do now; as nu their action, evidently depends the market vnltio of wheat, this season, til tho valley? Will thoy stand still, and see men ad cntiiro nt second hand, Into an nrena fir which they aro so much better propand, In asiniicli ns they aro the producers nud llrst holders. Will thoy willingly fritter away their opMirtunlty, and eo day iif,erday,ou( and anot lier.scducod by prospects of Immediate return Into giving iidversnrles llttlo by Utile, the sinews or wealth, tlio bountiful crops which their labor lir.i secured. l,ct them turn lo their brethren In California mill see how Ihey accept tlio sit itiillnn, MO (piolo front tho lUtfjIe Rural '(CM. The Star of Hope, .',00(1 toil", loaded by Dlxoti (Irange; Seaton, I, .MM Inns, loaded by Stocklou (Irange; rt'., 11 (I race, l,:tiHl Ions, loaded by several dlll'orenl Uiiinu'os; Tho Kl Dorado, eouipletiug cargo made up at An IIik'Ii; Cily of Berlin, completing uargn from .Modesto ilrnuge; (.ariln Hied, at Vallijo, loaded by Woodbind aiiilDaMsvllle (Iranges; tiuneilal, lo lie loaded by Solatia (Irange and Yale (Irungn; Triumphant, loading at Oak land, by I. Ivtiriiiiirn Orange; Pornah, load ing at Stockton by (liaugu Co. of Sail Joa quin. These aro stirring facts, especially taken In connection with news by private advice thaloutsldii ships nni lying Idle on demurrago mid doleful accounts that the markets nro paralysed, nnd no ono can sco tho end, etc., etc. Tho enemy fool your power, they shrink back aghast nl tho serried ranks, that am closing In iion them from alt sides, of tho sturday yeomanry, tho hard-handed pro ducers or tho world, pressing forward for a share of their own earnings. Tho lending (Irangers of the S'aln aro in possesion of tho above mentioned facts; as also of tho terms and business relations under which they nro being pushed forward by llm (Irnuger llrm or H. K, Mnrgnu'sSons, In Sail l;ranclsco. Docs It not bolioovo farm ers then, hero hi Oiegon, to net st unco in this matter: livery delay In Ihq matter of personal Hhlpmonls l taken as an evidence or hesitancy nnd distrust or IhcmsolvoM. Already tho (Iranger element isopouly pooh Hohed,iiuil llsdown fall predicted In six months, and on every slilo oilers are eiiiilldoiilliilly madii by out siders flint they will supply wheal to bidders by the 1000 tons. Il is lo bn hoped flint (ho Intelligent fanners of the Order will look ut these facts iu all their bearings, uol only upon the present sllUHllon, but upon Ihn stablllly of the Order; nud so net as shall couvlnm llinlr detractors that they aro will ing as well iin ablo lo help themselves when oppoilunlty is so lllairally. tillered them so to do. Yours truly, "CoVIMUNICATrn." P.S. Wheat oll'erlug hero In small lota for mlllirsal Mo per hushed. (Iin. Jeirc. Davis nud Mrs. D.ivN, will isiiiiii up to Salem, S.i'urdsy evening, on their way overland to California, and con tinue their Journey tlio next day. They will meet friends at this place, lor hero ns else where they have very warm friends who regret flu Ir departure Ironi this Department. I'ho (loners! Informs us that there Is n prob ability thai he will bu stationed at Omaha, wlieio tlio iieaclijuai tern of (Jen. Orel aro lo eated. Woon I'tiMi-a. Mr. Prescott, a vary reli able man and good workman, lias nought out the pump factory at tho Capital I. u mo oting Mills works, and will prepare for mar ket a large number or bevt quality wonl pumps. His advtrellsciiuul Is Iu our paer ami prices aro named. It Is well proved that nu pump Is as cheap or more useful than those or wood. AvroitiA Faiimkiis' Wakkiioumi:, Farm ers will take liitereal in the advertisement or thu Astoria Farmers' Warehouse Wo havo aaid much In favor of thu mouth or the river as tho true shipping point of Oregon, and tho construction of this warehouse adds to the facilities of business at that stint. Als'lIiLNr. Mr. !..(!. I'.silsr. Ill Inn In thu Waldo Hills, loll from a plum tree In Mr. Kllll 1.. Illlitiaril'. iliNir lard vps'urdav mill broke his right legjust ajove the kuee. The broken bone waa skillfully replaced by Mr. Tim W. Davenport, who waa fortunately Mar by.