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About Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1874)
i.y. $3.00. per Year, in Advance, MKTIIOIUST CONKKUKXCK-lg,!. LIST or Al'POIXTMI'.XTS. Portland District Win. Roberts, -.'residing KIIer. Portland, Taylor Street, to iHsuupplled, (I. Dillon, temporary niipjily.) rortlmul, Hull Street and North Port land, W. C. Chuttlii. East .Cortland "X. Donne Eil Portland circuit ..J. lloborg Oregon City N. A. Starr Clear Creek J.H.ll. ltoyal ltockCreek Titos. L. snlls Sheridan J. It. Admin Tillamook,.... V. Hurlliurt Dnytoii V. I. Nichols IMcMlniivllle W. Hutt Jllllsboro J. V. Miller .Kntrt Tualatin 0. C. Itoo Astoria To be supplied T. V. Royal, l'tliielnal of Portland Academy, meiulicr of Hull street and .North Portland Quarterly Conference. G. W. Rootk, Agent State Jllblo Socie ty, member of Kast Tualatin tjuarterly Conference. I. Dillon, edltorof the PmljlcChrMlan uldeoeatc, member of Taylor street Quar terly Conference. ' Salem District I. D. Driver, P. K. -Snlem P. M. Starr Howell Prairie ....., J. Fllnn JeH'orson C. Derrick Albany..., I. Wilson Sliedd X. Clark Brownsville S. H. Mann Cresswell 11. Don th Monroe D. L. Spauldlug CorvallU O. W. Day Dallas...... H. C.Jenkins Eugene City A. C. Kalrehlld S'.rliigtleld To be supplied L. J. Powell, Professor ln Willamette University, member of Salem Quarterly Conference. C. W. Shaw, Agent Willamette Uni versity, member of Salem Quarterly Con- 3CT011CC. L. M. Kickcrsou, Prinnlpnl of Santinm Acndoniy, member of Shedd Quarterly Conference. J. II. Roork, Financial Agent Confer ence Lnnip.Mcelliig Association, member t Cnlnin i tlm tAill Pun ihiiinn -impqtm Dlstrlct-S, II. Todd, P. E. Wilbur -.11. Patterson 3toobiirg ..J. Howard Gardner.... S. II. Todd Umpire City -.lames Matthews Jacksonville J. S. McCain i-i.un's Valley -...To be supplied Coqullle .( Ahterson Yoncallo C. W. Todd J'i D. Curtis, Principal Umpqtta Acad emy, member of Wilbur Quarterly Con ference. riigetSound Dlst. L.T. Woodward, P.E. Olympia ..J. T. Wolfe Stellacoom C. H. Hoxle Seattle A. At wood Skagit J. X. Dennlson WhMuy'H Island M. Judy Tumwuter....... T. M. Reeco Cla(iuato Tims. MeOlll ChcluUls W. I. Copper J)uugetU'ss ..To be supplied Oyctervillc... To be supplied Cowlitz. 11. J. Sharp Vancouver .J. P. DeVore .Lewis Oliver. S. Matthew G. H. Greer, Agent Rlble Society for W .vshiiigton Territory, member of a-cuttlo Quarterly Conference. G. W. liter, transferred to Central Xew York ConfereiK'e. W. MuWieoter, transferred loiCnllfor jjla Conference. J. W. Turner, transferred to Eastern Oregon and Washington Conference'. J. W. Vaii Cleave, transferred ito tho "joiiinern jmnoistjoiirereiuv. After readinc the nDDointuients. tho i Bishop pronounced tho AjKwtolle JJont- they vlhlted. Hut nobody comes from Oro dictloii, and 1lle Tivcnly-Secoud Sejtlon , gon. We Infer they nro either so poor they of the Oregon Conference of the M Church came to nn-end. FltOM 8POKAVK FALLS. JL Letter from J. X. MathcnyAn JJn countcr with a McarXitrrow Etvapc A Lucky ShotMe JCta SroKANE Fau.s, Aug. 3d, lh74. A. Ii. Mathent Dear lloy: Your letter of the 7th Inst, la at hand. I am glad (o hear from yon. Sorry to bear ttat Halt' nine was beaten do better jiext time. I am booming the river; will got done next week, and then or borne. I killed a very Jarge black bear up at the lake las', week. Ueoame very near ge'.t'n; the heat of me. The pistol that At. F. Berry gave me, awed me flxvn a hand to limnd fight with the ol I racal. lie rushed on me, after I had shot him with a borrowed rifle (not such a one as mine), and before I cou d re-bad, and Just as be was ak ng ho d ' .'""full be nuny of uiy neigh . '"""--. irniin. l"rs are geltl.'jg enough of our Mnni-oli of me, I shot him In tho eye. Ho fill like aIHut(rtf " " (j D Mcllwrv beer, and notanyoouer tun I wautetl iilm to. This was more ol a bear tight than I want every day. Give tnyregtrds to all the persons yon named In your letter. I will be .home soon. Yours, J. X M at u en y. fJ.,v. efySr rtsttLStirfs.& ,. SALEM, Oregon StuteTcmnernncc Union., Ogn., Aug. 22, 1STI. To all whom it may concerns Tlio Third Uvular Session of tlio Oregon Slnto TemiHjranco Union will bo bold At the CltyofS,ilom, on Tuosday, tlio lftth day of Septouibor, 1S74, nt 'J o'clock p.m. The fol lowing article of the Constitution indicates wlint Societies nre entitled to representation hi tlio Union, nud how tho delegates nro to be chosen and nccrodlted. Ai'.r. 2. "Tlio Union sbnll bo componnl of delegates duly elected imhI nccrodlted from nil Tompnrnuca Societies, Churches and Ito llglous bodies within tho Slato of Oregon which oiiolu and on force tho duty of to in iter ance upon their members ns a rulo of faith nud practice; J'i-unktl, Thnt no tlon shall bo untitled to representation in tho Union unless It lms a total abstinence provision In Its constitution; l'rnvitlcil, fur ther, that each organization represented shall furnish its delegate with propor credentials, certified by Its chief ofllcor aud containing a copy of its total abstlnonco provision." Iu addition to tho delegates chosen In nccordanco with tho foregoing provision, all contributing and llfe-mombers of the Union In good standing, will bo entitled to paitlcl pato in tbo proceedings of tho coming sosslon. All temperance societies and other organ cations entitled to representation In tho Union will havoarlghttochoosoonodolegate for ovcry twenty inoinbers In good standing, and for ovory fraction of twenty over ton. It Is earnestly requested that nil such societies and organizations send full dolo Rations. liualnesa of utmost Importance to tho temperance causo In Oregon, will be brought before tho Union at this session. This meeting was appointed to be hold dur ing tho session of tin, legislature Assembly tho member of tho Union desire to do some thing effective towards securing the enact mentor laws to protect the roorleacalnst the evils of tho liquor tralttc. They "mean busi ness." Tho Oregon and California llallroad Com pany, tho Oregon Steamship Company and lheOregou Steam Navigation Company have kindly consented to carry delegates and members to mid from tho sosslon at reduced rates. Delegates cau purchase tickets for the "round trip" at any ticket olllco of tho O. AC. Co., by exhibiting to them certlticatosof election nud pajlngfull fare one way. Thnso who eomo on tho boats of either of Ihocom. pantos nboio mentioned nud iuv lull turn will bo returned free upon presentation of proiKjr curiincaKM, irom tho presiding olllrnr oi inu union, xuo reuucei rates allow.xl by thod. iH. N. Co., donotupplyto boats plying between Portland and Astoria as those boats aru already carrying passengors cheaply enough. jiio various newspapers or the tstato will jonfera great fa or UHnthoiuouibersoftho Union by copying this announcement. Six. C. Simi-ho.v, W.It. Du.siuu, l'resldont. Hecretary. FltOM JHI.VI'l'SOTA. JIUTCitiNMiN, Minn., Aug. IS, 1871. Mr. Kihtou : Heading In au old "Patent Onion Iteport" that the WiixajikttkKak mkh was published at Salem,Oregon,nnd Iki lug anxious to learn something about that State, aud supposing that If the Kaumku was yet In existence it had an elltor,7encloed ono of "Uncle Sams" promises to pay, In a loiter, and directed It to that rather ubiquitous, personag-s. In due time, tho Wi'.lami.tti. Faiimku made Its appearance, aud uclikc it. e knew but little about Oregon, Persons remove from our part of tho world, to Texas, Kansas, California, and other States and move back and tell us about tbo country cannot got away, or that they like the country. Which is (t? I propose to tell your farmer readers how we winter stock lu Minnesota, or how we did last winter, at loast. The 'JOth of October. wlntor set iu, and from that day on for 'M consecutlvo days we foddered all our stock, and those that had much stock to whiter did but little else than ft-ed stock and clean stalls. Yet there might be a worso state of things. To havo dairy cows out in slush, sleet, and mud, It-king a bare living the btt they can, it seems to me, would not be ery conduolve to profit, and it is on this point I wish to gain information; and If it Is favorable and I can gat enough to get away with, I am coming to Oregon, to make butler and cheese. Will some of your Kaioikii readers tell me how you winter riulry rows T How much bay do they eat, and how much ought they to eat T doou stable your cohh ? etc., etc., any In formation ou this jKiini (uniterlnrrst.-.ek) will In tho llbld of Mr. 'Ilmmuri I'luanli. In the forks aboie Springfield, a bunch of oats was cut consisting of tt) stalks Krowii rout one grain, which produced 7.tiV7 xrainr, meamrlng ntirly hal.' a gillon. Xt I OREGON, AUGUST Aniitinl Rt'ttort ol (lie Oregon CliilcIrcn'H Altl boclL'ty. M tho close of this, tho eighth yonr of tho Society's eslslonco, I have tho honor of sub mitting such statements In regard to its work ns nro duo to tho Hoard of Munsgors aud the ccnoral public. Viewing In retrospect .tho eight years that hnvo elapsed since Its organization, para mount to all others, l the feeling of grntl tudo to Illm who Is a "father to tho father less," In that Ho has not withheld His bless ing on tho labors lu behalf of the destitute waifs thro vmi from time totltuo upon its o ire. These year.i havo not filled to bring with them changes sad not only to tho Socie ty, but to tlio entire community. Wo refer to tlio departure lionco of threo of its most devoted members, In tho porsoiH of Mrs. I'arrlsh, the first President, Mrs, Cross nud Mrs. Woodard, Tlioso were pioneers In the work, and though they havo passed away to be no more soon In our midst, they havo left behind them n mouumont more enduring than that of marble, nil unfading remem brance In tho hearts of their eo-workers and tlio orphans on whom tlinlr .Indness was bestowed. They bravely born their part In tho burden nud heat of tho day, mid their memory will bo ever green. Only two of the original members remain on tho Hoard, but tho vacauclos in ado by removals, rest);, nations or othor causes, have boon llllod by others of equal Interest In the work. Tho first six years nro n record of tho closest economy, nud unthlng less than tho most prudont and careful management of tho limited resources at command, kopt tho Home supplied with the common necessities of main tenance, and at times It was les a home than a refuge from actual want. During tho years mentioned, the entire pecuniary do peudonco was Uwm proceeds of membership fees, sociables, fairs, and contributions. It Is but Just to remark that calls made upon mil. ..1 I ....... 1. ...... a. . l.t.a. ...... I.. .. ............ U Vlll.iriin (!, IID1 111 UUI'll IllUb 111 II lll'.llllll- slvo manner. Iu but few Instances has assistance been received from other places. During ono year boxes wore received from iiregnn 'regnn City, Dalles, and from tho ladles or Illinois, who Is only a your lu tho country. ,'iiYrS:U,l,eri,oT!I-.,-,aJo to tho I,Bls- !" d "--"P'-- - " ituro, as the only menus by which this "orc' and tho wife stated that they "inado a T latur Society could bat-o Its future continuance, r.V.' i-"X?? -"J'-y "" PI'ropriatl(in was On the road again. What nu n-,ful dust; mado of?l,000yoar y fortwnyears todefriy ...., , ,.., . w. ..,,.. , , ., , current exemis of tho hniislmld, clothing Jot r,'u,"1 "arrlsburg during tho fore anil matron's salary, also J.W0 yearly, for tlio i noon. This place is pleasantly situated on Improvement of buildhnrs anil ifriiunds ' the east hunk nr Hm viii.ii,.ii.. -i....... ...... Tho nrecont tlmo llnds tlio Treasury ill a reduced slain of ll.mnens. I... I il.T. many Improvements on tho premises benr testimony to tho mostjudlelousoxpend-1 riesuiiioiiy to too mosijuuieioiisoxpenil- ' is a meo looKing pinen; is lu tlio midst of e. The ten acres tsnnprlslng tho grounds a rich, well Improvod ngrlciiltiiml country. e been cleared of tlio thick undergrowth; ' , .'.., ' , .,,.., ,"""rJri s cut down, which were ni-ded neither."", "'" ouiuiuiilc.itleu by both river llll'C hsv trees for ornament nor simile, ami siilllelmit nlnw lug mid grubbliiK done for garden purMses. More of the latter work is to ho accomplished this (l, and a largo number of fruit treos have been ongacod for planting. The house has been thoroughly repaired, tlio walls knl homlneil, and tho wood-work newly painted without and within a substantial porcli has been built u-vm the east, or front side. Somn changes dainandfld by tho wants of the Insti tution have bpon tiudo In tlio lutrlor nr rangemniits, a bath-room, a new kitchen, (tint old ouo being tieoited forndlnlng-rooin), and a largo stnvo, render tho domestlo lt partuient complete a now Ingrain oarpot andlluiiu window-shades. Increase tlio home- iiaoapearaiiceortlio parlor. A goml sizuil niece of ground has been enclosed with a high paling added to a building of suitable dimensions for the raising of poultry, Tho Home Is at present In charge of Mr. and Mrs. James Thompson, and the Iloanl of Mauagera have no reason to feel otherwise thansatl-fled with their mansKornent. A well regulated oeonomy anil neatness pervades the household, and to them Is nwlnir In a great measure the present attractive appear ance of the entire establishment. Thirlv live children Iihv.i nt illll'.irnnt iui. rlods been received and provided for.inany of meiii iiMnun arrived in a most nssutiiio con dllloii. Tho y renter numlier of thcu have bien adopted by excellent fjinllles or claim ed by relatli es. Only one lias been removed by (loath. Henrietta l.edwcll died Kb. l, ol this ear, and was interred In the Mission Cemetery, aged six years. The prexonl numlwrnf Inniatrs Is seven applications have Just been received for tho admission of five more. The averago num lier In the family varies from seven to tw el vo. The society is prspsred to receive homeless, friendless or orphan children from Hiiy part of the Slate, and letters of application or In quiry, addressed to the Stcrewry will com mand prompt attention. All are cordially Invited to visit the Home, which Is open lo visitors every day in the week, Thursday la named, however, as a special day for visits or Inspection. For the furtherance of this benevolent work an application for aid will be made to tbe legislative body about to assemble. The appeal will beoxtendod In full confidence and belief that a recognition of the Socletv's needs will secure an appropriation sulIloJent fortbouxpensea or the two ensuing years. Mux. C. H. WoonwoiiTii, Secretary. A Chavok. The proprietorship of the Weekly Meicury was transferred this morn ing from Mu.fcrs Thompson ii Cornell to Mr. E. L. Ilrlstow of J.iigene, Mr. I), is one of the present Capital Commissioners, and la well known to the people of Oregon. We wish him all the success that he m'jy deserve In his new enterprise. 28, 1S74. WAY-fsIDI. .Hi:.1IOItAl i. COITAUK UllOVl., AllltllsfJI. Mu. KniTOiii The most uotlcoiblo feature of Albany, as tho travoler passes through, Is two or three duals of Mry muddy waier running thiough it and pnurhu: over the bank Into tho Willamette rher. doing south from this place, tho road to tho Culapoola river Is tine the dust d!tto,niidlu largoqniui- lit. Tho brrcro "drawing aft," os a sailor would say, brought It up around mo lu dense clouds, throiiKh whfeli oblects appeared In distinctly, lllto "tho misty shadow of a dream." This condition of atlalrs was not altogothor desirable, and I can't suy that 1 enjoyed it. On reaching tho Calapooia river and pro ceeding across on an old slinky looking bridge, whon nbout halfway ncross, where I could not turn around, an.l going forward was a necessity, I dlscnveiod a board milled up on a post bearing this Inscription: "Phis bridge Is n condemned bridge, and anyone thnt passes over it does so el their own risk," Tho Idea was suggested to mo that If this no tlco had been placed In snch n position Hint it could lime Iveon rend before going on tho bridge, the Information it contained would have been of more beuulU to a passing struu gor. Irom this river to Hiirrlsburg tho country Is Hit, aud tho soil Is principally a white clay, and does not seem very produc tive. The grain (mostly spring) Is small and abort, but may yield better than It looks. Heading seems to Ik the preferred mode of harvesting, and lu somn places sheep shears might bo used to advantage. Away nut lu the prairie Iwlwoen llm Calapooln river mid Muddy creel., stand the lllago of llnlsey. It Is a noil looking place at n distance, but as tlio road does not pass through It, I was un able to ascertain ir, or not, "dlslauco lout en chantment to tho viow." I stoppod over lllulit with a farmer from living" easier hero than there, i,,iu ui., r....- i ,.... ,.. .....' ""-'.' " wi.i.., nun home "ty odd business places of dlll'orent kinds, Ills a nlctt looking plnen; Is lu tho midst of and railroad, would scorn lo have a future In store for It. Tlio Christian denomination havo a church house lioro. Crossing tho rltor at this point, tlio road rims through a wide bottom, wooded with splendid cottonwool! (or balm) treos, mid rising Into the pralrln and passing through tho dllapltated little village or I.niuuslor. At n distance of four miles from llarrlsburgiiii arrive nt Junction, This place is supjiosed to bo tho metropolis of I.anocoiinly. It Is a new town, full ol young and vigorous life. It Is yet building; hammers and saws are hoard on every hand ami tho whole town smells of new paint. This place Is bolng built hero lu niHIclpallon of tint wost side railroad connection. "Tho best laid schemes of mice and man, gang aft aglee." J miction has a plo-isnut site, mid contains about three hundred people. There are soiuu thirty odd business places, a church, and n llrst-rntu school house. There uro seerai grain warehouses, and another one on a large scale is being built. Dr. Norm in I.., a young physician of Ural-class ability, Is located here, Huhusau enviable reputation in tlio community, and a corresponding business. "Whom the Iird lovoth ho uliiistuuetli, and soourgelu oery eon whom he recelv eth," saith the scripture. Could It bo taken for an evidence or Dlvlm, favor for n traveler to bo onvt IujmkI iu clouds of stilling cliut all day T If so, Providence frowns upon mo to day, for tho wind Is from the south, it is oloudy and cool, and the driving Is corres pondlngly pleasant. From Junction south to Kugeun City tho road Is through a splendid agricultural country. "Deep fields of grain the realtor mows "In pastures green the heifer lows." And the passerby on this road knows, by these tokens that this Is an enterprising, thrifty community. Hartcstliig snd threshing Is hi full blast, and eieryone is as busy as tho oft-quoted bee. I did not stop to Interview the town of lin gerie CHy It Is a beautiful ploo nt the ex triiiiiii southern i ud ol ihu Willamette Val ! I Ulook-i tin, lutws like, has water rfiwert mills aud iiisclnery, and will "mako a place." The State University building Is Just on the south edge of the town, on a raised and very line site. The building i L'kdl.Able to luuW al flow the road. M. ''Of 4 afT-" Volume VI. Nuinbor 2S. ruo.n oiiio. .In old Hiihwrilicr of the Willamette ltrnri' in Ohio JVi iiirini totturtj'or the Willunutte Wtldy-J.'tc. Nkw ItiriiMoNP, Ohio, Aug. 10, 1S7I. Mr. Ihitioii: 1 have lung since contem plated writing to you, mid (inclosing with tho sumo money enough to pay one year's subscription, but have not done so from neg Irct mid partly fi out the ciortd of business. Your valuable piper lias been n regular and welcnmo Islinr, uiilll the last two or tlirou weeks, and hero lot mo say that for tho last two yeirsl luvo been trying to sell my farm In Ohio, with n llxed determination to iiinl.o my homo In tlio Willamette valley, Oregon, if possible. I liavn made tho sale tho licit muvo Is to muster courage to mako tint Journoy, t wish you would request some one of jour responsible Ileal I 'state Agents to i-er.d to my address a list of their ind. quality, etc. All nrcess.iry Infarnm Hon, I suppose, s islven lu their circulars. If I can mako my arr.tugeiiis.ntN to suit, nud nothing iiiiloreseeu Internum, I expect lo ho In yourclty as turly lu tlio Spring ns tho Hit turn or tho weather will permit, ninl ix.rlmrw sonioofiny family will bo In Salem this ran. You will please llud enclosed threo llnlsh up tlio present year's subscription to tho Wiu.ami.iti. I''aiimi:ii. Vonrs, (!, J. llAltrMAN. II tO. II 4IIKl.SiS. .1 l.( tier to Oiw( riuir (frorir atUiij u'r lnj'itrtiuttlimOrer three hmulntl j'tiui llle leant In eimie to Orejnn. Ilnlow wo gl none of tho many loiters Hint mo dally coming to tho (Jovernor, of lito character.all ofwhleli nro promptly iinswored by him, giving such Information ns lays lu In Ills Hiwur, It Is evident, with little en coiirngeiiienl mid by tho circulation of proper nud correct Information among tho southern and southwestern States that next soasim tho emigration from thovu States lo Oregon wilt bo ory largo. (lllKCNWOOl), AllltANSAH, Jnlvai, I-.7I. j 7V thi i:rcrlleim,tl,c(nrrri)iiritie .Suite nfOreytm:'H'iim Niu- I by this, wlli Information as to your country. There nro isiiiiiii threo or four hundred Vanillins hero that want lo nuilitralu next spring, aud talk or your State. Tho most nr those families nro by occupation farmers nud ineohiiiilos. Thuy want Hgrlculliirnl lands. These lamllles are coining by laud hi n train or wagons, H.i plo io give us by mall all llioadi Iceas to tlio In si panto Incite lu nud whom land suitable can be purchased cheapest, and all other Infor iii itloii or lulcrost Tills train on peels to start nbout the lt of April, IN".', from near Foit Smith, Arkaiioa. Send stailstlcsofyour ag. iriiiuirni iixperieni'ii in yourninie, I'leasu let us luvir Irom you nt earliest con- veleiien as the sooner w n bear from you tho butler Tor us. Addriss, (Ireeiiwooil, Sebistlan county, Arkansas, Very respectfully vours, J. "It. I'llA-IT. ft nt.n. Ni;iiti:.Mi: coiikt. ninth n.vv. rouiiNtwN hixsio.v. Aimi-n-r until, It. Court met pursuant to adjournment. 1'resont sumo as yesterday. State ol Oregon vs. Thirim (iurrnnd; motion heretoforo tiled by counsel for tho Stnto to strike out tho bill of exceptions. Overruled. Henj.Stnrk plalutlir, vs. Jacob ICninn de fendant! ordered that a mandate bo Issued for pluliitlfl. Hen llolladay is. J, II. 1). Iloudsrson, and Hun llolladay vs. A. W. I'atlorson, and tho 0. it O. It, It. vs. J. J, Comstouk. Cause ar gued and submitted. Ordered that tint Court stand adjournod untl to-moirow morning nt U o'clock. Tho various orgauUatlons are requosted to send the names ( the delegates elected to attend the "State Temperance Union," to bo held lu this city next uiiuith. Wo note hi the proceedings of the Kooky Mountain conference, that Hev. C. C.St ration, formely of this city, has again been stationed at Salt I-ako city. C. W, Thomas brought lu yesterday from the footer llm mountains on tho QuarUvlllo road, a load or venison. He disposed or his eirgo In short mitre, Herman V lllrch are having their store kslsomliiisl nud palide I up ready to receive their new stis k. The Wii.i.wiK-m: Faiiuch is undoubtedly the best weekly newspaper lu Oregon, The 8 nileluker wagon iiianiifactory at SouthUmd, lud., was bunted AuguitUlth.