Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, August 21, 1874, SUPPLEMENT, Image 9

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ncrclicr's Statement.
Nmv Yoitif, August 1.1 l'ollonlug !sa
synopsis ul' Heechcr's statement :
Gentlemen of the Committee : In my ta'e-
........ ...Iff f.&nl.ufl In fl... .Illlilln I. .l..t 111, ...
limn, oi.ii.i --ii ii. ..ii.'iii, mini" .iiiii .... . . ., , , :
.Inly lust, IgatePxplfpt,comprehHii.-lxosnd,i1"1" " '"""l--" "'J uiuupmil her iiii.r.liu
.oleum denial to ubarco m id by Tlieoiloie,
Tllton Mcalnst UK-. TtiHtiUnliil I nuw rom-ni
mid iinirin.
Four years njro Tlltnn felt finni onn or dm
jnotit prominent tnlitoriHl p ollinii-. In .viiitU
iii, wlierpliiiroiucAfiilcclllmniu.-dDrrtllion,
htinmnlty anil piirloMMii, icil In a IVw
lnoutbibooanio nn oflatrt ami rfpnvpntn
tire of Victoria Woortlinl), mid a irlmid of
her ttrati(:o cuito. tly his lotlltw 1m una
bankrupt In reputation, tti oociipatlou nud
It ts plain to mo that until Tllton fell Into
dlsitrnca and lo bin aalary, lie navor thoimhl
It iit)P4)sury lo niitt nio. Thu ch.irue. that
tn resonrees,
ho nrotemipil lo lmxtt liml iu bN mind for six "'"" " '"" R" " "'fwii. one miu i iiudi
month, of nn nlli-Ro.l dompMlo otlen.o was j ,,K;' .'"'"V'J.", ,VH1!'"',''l lvot and nIio poiiI.I I
quickly nnit eallv put a-lilp; but vrt It xas 10t l"",r ". "'V',1, '''11 betierth m hlui.ind i
to keep my reellnKtrtlrred npto tlmtl mUbt. t"."i;f,ll lo." '! bllu h' b.v "'ls p'"rp. Mn
tbrouvjli my frlniiil, bo Used toextnet from "" 'l"' lo meall (liii-ei. iiindo b.v 111--Mr.
Itowou ?7,000-the auiouiit clalmod In I ",t,,1 " I'"'"""''' ontiillmi for her act, mid
tbelrdlMillto. I ,,,M',ei l,t iu.viitKPMlnH.ii brief ooiiiiteriilalo-
Motilion emnellrnt nn alioolunto and '"'" "priii.oiiiiii. i no n, m u.iy, moiii
Irlond of Tllton. x ho xiould servo blm with. , "" "formed iiiotlmt Mr. 'Illton had told
outwrouclngnnyotio. IIoHxtdhoKawplear. ! "r "'i'pf what him did in our liilr
lyhoxv thlaixasto bo dona in ns to rotore uw' ""!' .ll!, ("""l'oin .vmtuhii.il mid
poacannd lin-inoiiy to Tilton'a home ami I ,,Il,""lM,.l,mt ' bad tiilMi nilymilupo ot tbo
iiupplly ond all mlsiinderMandlnca. I never i l'r',',',slon ' , i"lt , Mr. Tllton. tin wtn
doubted liltirrltMiiUblp for nio. Whilovurtie "m" oxt'"tl1,' ""J "I'tmuii; hN oxoiowt
wished mo to do I did. nnlpM It M-emed I hh "oui.ieiiiplmilp riiin.irl:. sliouod nu n
wronii. Mycot.tldoncelnhlmvxastnyoulyll,,1Mo1, I'.' ""' blamo Mr. lllton. for
Mvurlty ' i boHepoinlliloii I itiailw tlio uriiittMt iillow
' Wbeniiome ouo of my denr rotations worn ""' ?"i''? i l ,"1', '""t tliN Morx In
HOtBRatost mo. and the tattle nf a prowd of VV1",'! . y hl!'! iMI" "''"-.V"1!"10'1 . V.v. ,"
malicious women, hostile to mo on other I "' n '" I'l lw lnium.luiPly publUli.id.
Bronnrl, was borno to mv mm; when 1 lind i""" J-"'"'1 wh,vl' l ","1'1 '"'b' oppoi u
lout tho Inut remnant of Mtli in Theodore r orlimior; that iINiMpm would i-uli
nmluopofor blm; xxhen 1 board xxlth un- ! fr"1," " mH;IImiIoii, mid tlm cnut luteu-M-.
Mieukablo roiuorse that Hverylhini; I hud ' w""u'i!b ' ai Idpir Itlpdxxould boiiiliipil.
done lmd mado manors wonxe; that ntl nt. Il,(l "'" 'l"11" wn,l'l' ! ,,'1 '"P0 would llx-o
tomptatoavma Hibllo trial only brotiplit ulVir ",0i 1 ""r" f,,r rHprnaoh.
scaudat on mei and that bis uuhappv wlm. ,.' "V""! ,? '" ll ,"""" lltrcHCil pondl
wjw undor his dotation, aleniiiK papers and tl0"' ,'1" "V," r,,,""' '" '' '.' I "I";
lncuuUtlons, aud tbedestriicllnii Iruiil which V"? i '"01y m'.,,",'r,,1?1V,,i,,,,,, lmi '
lliai.lTl.il IntnttrnhU ffunllxr i, r,i.l ' hd iKWIl BlVOIIiplislllllir I 111. ill's ,lovx llfall ill
on other famlllos: that thopliurob and com
. i.i . .i . . .
lnunlly bellevrd me burled tiudor heaps of
rnbbUh from which only mv nrofeHxed
iMnml .a.,1.1 nrl.lnuln mm 1 ...1 IohIum ,!
.i.i .i. .. i i..ii...'.i .i. .i.. ....
111, txiurxi nil, i. iiiniii.iiiiiiju kllfl klllinni Ull
..njolned unlit Tlltou's attempt, tbroub
Frank Carpenter, to raise money from my
Carpenter, to raise money from my
'by V.pnnly auallluir me In a letter to
ion. 'Thereupon I called for an Invoa-1
, '
Dr. Jtanon,
I first knew Til Ion as reporter of my cer
mons. He wastlien a.vouthuorklmron tho
Obaerm Thsnoelio passed to tho JitiUpni'
ilent, and became a favorite with Ho wen. In
iMtl, 1 lievaine odltor of the JiuirpenUenl.
One luduceiueut bold out to rue was that Til
ton should asslst-tuetorellnve mo from rou
tine work. In this way I became much at
tached to him, and we became the most con
lldeuttal i;f friends. While my family en
joyed their vacations, my duties kept mn tn
the city. I took tny meala with the families
of friends, and became so familiar with their
children and houses that I went In and nut
daily almost as If t home, Tllton often urg
ed mo to make his house my bourn, mention-
lug in extravairant terms his wife's esteem
and affection for mo. Finally, I beiran to
visit blatinuse, which he sought tomsknat.
tractive, lie urRcdtue to brlmctny books ami
nailers tliere, andlo my wrltluirst bis study.
In ISI3, durlnfC my absence In KiiRlaud, hn
lx?can)oropoulblttHiltorof the iHilcpcndttA
and later edltor-ln-oliief. In Ifitkl, on account
of my Cleveland letter, ho made a violent as
sault on me tbrouirb the ImtriH-mlcnt, and mv
pomifdlon with tbo paper vhh severed.
ThouRbwfi remained. frfonilly. yet there was
aooolnodsWxxeen iiKlnmsttflrsnf xolltlcs.
I)urlu: tb(o j ears of Intlmnrv In Tlltoil's
family, I was treated as a fatter or elder
niviurii v..i.,iii.. t-,u vji .i.ii,iiiieii llieil. i
Thev learuwl to lovo mo otul frolick with mo
31 I xxas one of themselves. I loved theiu
iirotuer. jiuiiiren werouorn.uhllilrendleil
and liau lor irs. niton true, earnest regard. , ' '" . ""''"'j 7. ".. ...H imnntM unr,
.sho seemed to moaiialTectlonato mother.and '' "'''""" "f ""' unmUhc In thu noto re
devout wife, looking to her husband n 0110 n,"'',,lt; yoiirapiKiliitiiient, I Hiked that yon
lralJOVotllepomlllourceofm.ul,ulldturn.h,K'll,'l ,nH,k? B fl!" lvedlKallon of all
juglome with arlles f.imlliarity and eiillro "."tuT" of liifoniiation. ".ou am wltne.Mis
i-onlldem-e. Clilldlsh iu appearance, slio was . J l'ol" noway lnlluoiiced or Interfered
ualurallv uhildllke In nature, audi would as wtl y""r propiH-dlngs or duties. I huxn
oec have mMcoiipelvedtbePoiilldencool tbo j U1ibu tho Invos igallon to Im so search 1 11 e
littJaglrlsaatteunstudledatlectlonehosbow- t,1Ht "otlilng could uiisottlo Its restilis. I
tilm. Tbo only present of value I ever lmvo ."""''"K l gain by any pollpy of sup-
gave her was on my return from Hurope In I'"" '" or omnpniinlse. tor four years I
1MB, when I Olstrlbuted nouveutr of my "' bouniound siillered enoiigb. and I will
lounwy to some fifty or more persons, audio unt g. 1 a step Inrtber. I will lie free. I will
'her l.Ravo a Muiplo brooch of littlo Intrlstio "ot ,w,uIk ""'ltr """r1 cr V"0; ,f "'.' i'!1?"
value would do um 11 favor, let blm tell all he
Mrs'. Tllton oflen deplored tbo Uxlty or knowa now. It Is not mine to lay down the
herhuKbaml'HiiioralHBnd religious doctrines. 1 " honor Ir. regard to the uso ol other
She implied to me that Jie dented tho 1 1 'conUdeutlal communiivitliMis, but iu
,1 ,h, aC cii.i.i nn,i ii nriioi r ii... m lAT a I ill V w rllliiBS nro poiipernod t hero Is
ortbodni faith, and that bis vlevs of the!
sanctity of marnago were comUntly ehang.
r free lovo. My Iat
ile was tn July, 1S70.
sick. Hbo was much
lug Hi lao uirecirou oi 1
visit liefiire the trouble
wlAn X1..Q I'lltnil VM tail
depressed, and ii cheered her as I bestpould. , ..
! s-...s. ..,'. Hn . wt, ixiuiii, , ,,
1 prayed with her. It is sirillclent U say
it at im Interview which ever took pluco
.a -11. 1 1. ..
ll,l.,,-.,iir ullli-h Ullnht not liar. ,u.ni,rr,..1 '
xxeen nirs. 1111011 sou iii.vsmii uiu wiy-i
l.l..,. ...ll.. . . J
with oereet propriety between.lrotber and .
sister, father ami child, between the mail of
honor anil too wueni 111s nearest initial, nor
.11.1 An. ,lil. ii- Aiur lialinA,, U lll.ill aIia r T
souabt to conceal from Tlltou.
In D'embor. 18711, a young girl, whom
Mr. Tllton had educated, uamo to tun with a
rfouest 10 visit Mrs. Tllton at her mother's
house. SliesaVdMrs.TJlioiihadgouetobcr
jiiotherln consequence of 111 treatment from
her husband, and w lib lowncsbt looks told '
bow Mr. Tllton hud entered herdjainber
....1 .n..i.i i.. ...,..! tn 1,,. u.ii.i
Mrs. Tiltouaomeasouut of her litis-. '"
band'a desiiotlsm, and qiiestlotiod whether
she should return orseparalo from her bus.
band. 1 asked mv wlf,ttoseeanilndv,sehcr.
suul slieileciareatiiatuocoiisiiieratlon wouiil
J. . . . . . .. .-IniBilsalAamiftli1u iiArmlLiil.il uti.l I .l.u
Indnoe her to returu to such a man. but ?
ho reserved her advice till next day when,
aitvtoewsa to separate and settle tho nuttor, t8,r,
lieing ile'-sineu ut noma, sue wrote mil ner 1
ot sanimrt iViciiui.v, 1111011. ns 1 mtve an iiupressiou
In December. ISTO. Mr. Ilow en left at my
house a Utter frcm Tlltou, of which the fol-
lowing ! the anbsuuee: I
niry Iran .rrCerr-Kor reason- which
you exp Icllly know and which I fol war to
r,"l- ."Vr"l'ZLZ"' ."."mI"' bo
Mil- ',H'i. l,X -fill. JVJ,,J .. nan.w.MVMWi
I read the letter twice, uuatilo to compre
hend its meaning and banded Ittolioweu,
and a oonveiallnn ensued about, the reasons
f.ir reducing Ttllon lo a subordinate posit lou
oil the HoVpcMiiYnf. Accounts of Tllton's
looae private life catue pouring In, nnd
.ltow&n v figged tbo eontWercy of his xe-,1
mainlng even ns a contributor. I spoke im
I der thla vreat provocation nnil pinions
revelations cuucernliig his douicMlu life.
Unwell Hdliiilod the Inter, and miU1 1 might
rely nu lilm it trouble c.xn e of It. 1 have
no doubt, my iutiiii(.t decided his liil.il
oxcrthroxx-, sttd, tiilnkmg time, I brciliio
' veiv uiilmpp.v over tllion's liiltrnrtum,
I'l DrCelllbor. l!;(, Mollltoll PSUm ID Illy
' Il01li 111 nil exct'lill linnoor nnil u.k. .1 inn ii.
"(u Tlltnn at once: mill lielloxtng I iub.'lit oh
lam liil'nnnitlon cnuivrulug til letter id hi.
I tvii'plltti. llltxui i-iivlvvd in,, Lohllv, unit
began upbraid mo lur seeking hi mux n
lull, lie M I li.ul spresd I' j irlmix mumis
about lilm, mill lia.i mlxb-cil Unwell todb-ml-s
lilm, ti.iu r li ..I Irl.ii,..! ,. it, in I,,- m.
lly relmloii", bad -ii'fimV'it his wile's mV
tlntis leading her In Idi inn in. tii iii.'in
i i.,r ' " , "''" "',' "H . h' ' W.!nn id in r
' ".v, bo product d u ier illo.1 statement . f
.. . i-i Mini rn'i.if. in 1.1,1 iv
Iim xxlin tn .
and nNiil
timt mm -l nnm:' . previous
II ID D til Ills tll'tlMI XX n
i-m l-.l.ue Ii
tn uuliiiii; tor inn, nnil ititiu iroin her thu
tnii'MH IiIh-ioiIp,.
.--ii'iiiiiiiiik'i.i'i ir uiioivHr.iMn. .
.iiv Hnu ion niiiv, ki.iI nm.i in. t.ii'ii ul
riTiumllon. IkiiIiI: "KiiUitli, Tliondnrn
iiiih been iiinkliiu' erlniiM pvne4 nnil eni
iiioid yon Hir I'KiilliiiMtlou " .Silo illd not
l "'t'1' nl"1 r.'l''t"! --miHonilmdl, uatimw
i,,,, 1,,,?,,.n to ' ".; ',,,,l "'', frphlv, Imw Mik
, '" 'V!1 l,'eV !Uul l""v " '"'. 'ei-n linpor-
fiiiiililtiitliiti .villi ltniiiiii lln .l.iiil.ii.iil .1...
"'""" " ' ! ini'iiion uiu
xx rum: doiio Tllton in mii-Ii stnniK eharaptpM
tlmtl beoaiue fully poiixlni-ed that I xmihHih
caiini ofall Hie x reck in TUIou'h liirlliiieand
I liannlness. Moulton tbnn iirmiiwnil ilmi I
i . i. ' ' i,i . ..,,,. , .. i, ' 'i,
, . " lV",r "' '.(,i.' ".V"11' J,rel,r K
I 1,1u,m rm.1(Jum ,r ,)l,r ll,lk' Hn took lowu
I " i. ,,,""" .. " ""
V ,l,u ', 'l'l""-'t as i pr.
J "' .'' ,u.v w,,,r,l1''' '" ,
over IheileNolatinn ol Tilt
poiidnnid mnmorau
I ponllnued talking
iltOll'M flllilV. l XX'SH
not dictated and hu nut It In such shami us
niiiiru inn piirpuixH, huh iiien I MKiieil n. Nil p
poilnir It to contain tho points of our comer
satloii. Ho did not rend the paier to mo aud
1 nevtr beard or Its contents until its pnbll.
cvtlou by Tllton recently.
Soon after this I met Tllton at Moullon's
house. Kltluir Moulton xxas slpk, or ho wss
very late In rlnlnjr, for hn was in bed. The
subject of uiy fet lings and conduct toward
Tllton was also introduced. I mado a state
mont of the motives under which I had anted
In counsollini; Iloxxen ofiny feetlnxs towards
Tllton's finlly, dlsulaluiliiK with horror tlm
thouiiht of wmiijt and expressing desire to
do whatever lay In human power to remedy
any evil I had occasioned, and to vsiinlte hi's
family. Til ton wna silent nnd sullen. lie
played the part of an Injured man, but Moul
ton raid to Tllton, with intense cnrnoMueis:
'That Is all that a peutloman can say, and
ynu ought to accept It a nn lionorabfo basis
(ifrecoiHllHtloii." This ho repeated two or
three times. Tllton's countcnaiipn changed
under Monlion's stronir talk. We shook
hands and ikirted in a frfonilly way. Nui
very loiiKaftcrnnrd, Tllton asked me lo tils
house. I do not remember whether 1 ever
took n meal after under bis roof, but I cer
tainly was bulled by him (o renoiv my is
Its, as formerly. 1 nner resumed my lull
llliicv with tho famllv. but mmH nr tn len I
., , ----- ,i. f . .
""' llienoon alter my reconciliation lib
J,''" 'l! '"'1 1 r,,',l"l"'t
"ol letter or dopuinenl which I am afraid to
""wo! """"" """"'" " "
"M,n BU ' HvliiKHtrson to produce nnd print
forttiwitb. whatevtr wrltiiiK they have, of
'any onr-o whatwor.
ll htltiiH, for tUkeof deoenry and pub
' "' moral ., msx mw umiier noun ugui ui 1111 on me. I believed ho would not ?1 niton
. '"'. . " MU P"1 holeortwrrupllon, exhnl. , mi. uiorelhan I could bear. I rose to It .111 '
i.i..,l.fll. - VfllirtrM 1. iPnl.UI..Lfulli.i.iu,l....l. ,. . 1 -..-. i.i. Ill,
. . ..., .i.. .!......."-.. . . r
llSM rlll Up Hlld Mlt (IllWIl IIIMill a K'tlllllal
l,s,,,""v .-,-.,-. ....-.--..." ... .......,.
l.u lLf.ll llll Mill 1 LJ.I ,lf,U.M (.,ii,l u ui.lli.lu I
,1 ?blttier a c reni xxar nor a rexoiiitlou could
,f I more luixo tilled tho newspapers than this
r 'question ol douustk' trouhlo inngiilfled a
jillioiHsiid fu.'d. and, like a sore sotoiitliH
Neither a K rrnt xxar nor a rexolutlon could
huinaii body, drawing to 1 ItjM.lf exer.v uioibid
l"innor in ll 10 blood. W hoover is burled
"'' . " 'V." "' hat this alKiinlnallon lx. luir-
' '' all" mchori.iwerofresustllutloii."
-Nkw ", AiifiusUI. Usee her, In Ids
cross exaiiiln.i, Ion yesterday, explained how
lie was Induct d tDCoiilrItiiite.,liOO to exlrl
c,le niton frmu eMinlary dittlciiltles. ibis
was elfcted tlirouuli the agency of Moulton
explanation of certain )elU.M and parts
or letu-rs iiereton ro piiunsrieii, iveecnorsslil:
Q-In the tame letter of ,th l-etiruaryyoti
"Ofcour-o I can never .sk with her
"n"1" """""o' "" i-""""""'. " 1
k" Vlu"M,v"",u""11
would Isi lKtSl.'
nyiim you sayttiair
-It-usue olthtr at the lliuonf that let-
fK,,u . 'M.1 U(,v,v"' or lu iu iu"ne.ll..lo
!"w. sent word by. Bowen, thouub 1 caiiutit
tf niirooi mat, lorumuing me ever w enter
oSl'f 'li T
X!-Nn, 'rknow-'l frequently said I wUh I
Ummi' al,dThisIoroTlllou cauionud said
was dia.1. and Mr. Aloullon was fro-
quenllylnanalolnwhch he wished he was denounced the kratidal as itotv w, is' ,'i """, at Astoria lim hai.tos, 1 ;j ",u """""" """" l''"u wot ujifi.iu
dead, aud Mrs. .Moulton wild : M am Hv. aud iw not Vs-g ''e. ,. , ...
iiiaiiiongrrlend-;ever.voueorwhomwsbes J trutli '"'K " Kt ahadow of ,,.,, V(. H W)W n ,,,, awat',;' ' l" A'wcr sajs: We learn that another
heweredsd,"oroiiiMhlngllkUbat. I do cargmts or grain rur Kiirois., are thu s.n ''""i '.'' .',""r ""V'0'1' 'aiarlng quart xxas
not know but It was Miiarurlbaa that, but IJg.M.NOTox, Yt., August U.--."burley 'J", '"" M.s.i.b.siiu, Her nine, Ifcml ,' V,"': ?Vl, imn'','! l','!,,,,)rlhror.kofl'?v,M
she put It In a way that was very ludlcroii-.IJosi,' uncle arrived 'l. ero to-day. lie Vvs A "inmn, Ida I'. Taylorand Arbutui. To- (r,'r i ',, iv I toyu!'Xltonr,rtat?vl'UV
Kveryoueof iisusil tobe holngthewlsh the lie boydetalued by tjio pollco U rot ut 7- i5.Vy,i '","'' ."'" ,,M'K0 '"
that wo were Uwd Mid risked, and I Hd bbj pephtw Uy ' ,U? U r' Tbo bark Ida I'.Tajlor, Iturtg:, ui.titt' "rtwW"",",,,","wuyor
tli" fjinlll.ir phrase, "I wish I xvas dead."
( OutMile gossip Is that nu ulerrod in
thai I Inn id c wieiiipUtod .Miloldn.
A It win i ul n. My general p'irnon
was l bin, nnil I kept It k a ninth rnf llfti bv
p.vkm'0 iHnniiiu -.m-.. In xxell-dulug, tD put to
sljilll p tllOM Xxlnl tsl-olv llCOU-Cll llm, I
meant lo put down unit pre 'eh down this
'rouble. Of i nurse, In my dlnml moo 1, 1
it b H Ihnu'li din xx hi Id had come to an cnil.
Q Ynu riy In tbp tw letter, "He had
In i ii pi.Joiiwd IiiiiM iivniily aim ol.imnly
noi id it. ia.1 l,U xi ii,i." In xxlnit riiprnt ", i
A -Not lr bi'lMVthln xvhole illillctlliy Into!
w ili'li bin hmixeliDld lia.i bpnn rt. ("nil
M.lr hou b I-. I apj'eal toh(rv mii!IiIm
mm nnil citltK a .-.) iittturn tn llm txoi',1 11
any MiHtrll pin befall tlmn ioIuixma
moiduii anil xilni.iinl inmhiir in iiIh a -ultj vl
i iiiVM.t's''li'iia.iiippi bir iiioralpli.ii.ip
it. i r no Hi-mo r ii.iini pan uniau a xxomiil
iliuilo bpi.dkid lUnnu from lion i h Iwium'
kh'i dlpiiHi ii us o tn.. i;riii Of Iim(i1hiihi
nil thu pruli'tlilH niiilirn ol tlm pif nr and
illi, iMIIAtl .! Lll.l lill.iilii. nllil ,ii i.r, tlilni
loiu It. nii iniit rHmimtier I iix'a,ir(,
iliiitlnadill'liiiiti.tliHtiniiblo ln,.llni' mv
im,.. ti ion bud also in an neto .iiliiiihi-
..n'U-eil I11.1 xxir,i 1,1 (uiiiiluiil lutliuiev
xx tt.Ii
cxeral gentlemen, of x lioin I xxs one,
tin has asserted iu tlm prostuipti of xxiini,sos
that all her children, except the first, xxerci
children ot thes celUeuion, repeotlvelj.
Iu h's ilivent tumid ho was very anxious to
liavoMiPU ncciiia:ioii iiukuoxMi to tlm world,
nsiiuiero rumor of tlinui would c-!t 1111 In
eiViivublelilUiit uiMii his ehlldnii.
(J - 1 haxoiiMtrtugiifpcliiigtipiit me that I
'imsH-mllng mv last Sunday mid pnv,xcliliig
my lnt sermon." Do you lufcr to the sainii
pomlliioii of ht'Hlth nnd mind that you have
decrils'd ?
A I n lev to the fact simply tint that xxms
my stn'pni' inind during this great trouble,
nllliouuli. If voil werutoixillect nil the I in-
cii.!ii 1 luxxo iim il at ailous times, It ml(;it
riiniixv 1111 impression mai 1 nan xxnuoxxeii
in .1 sea in uiiviraietieil illntrpss. 1 Imxo Inui
slnrinv davs nnd limn Mlflsiml morn from
this th 111 allothirciucs In mv lite put tpguth
er. Taking the vests together 1 have hud
iiiuru leiiglotis piurnniid nioro profound In
slubi Iu. n tho wants and sufferings of man I
sinim I liiivn become acquainted with tjimhlo
and despair. 1 baxnhml iixperienco In other,
regions of Christian lire. It is xxorth i.ll the
sorrow and .tillering that I have had to go
through to get It.
(. -Are you dear Iu your recollection thai '
youni'xcr met Woodhull mom tlmn three
A. I am pnrfi'ctly clear. Ou ono occasion
I xx'.is xxnlklng with Mr.Moullon In flux dlnv
tlou or Tillon'n house, when tin said Mrs.
Woodhull wiw going to bn tboro. I at llrst
hpnli.'itnil, and ho said: "Come In and Just
sen her." 1 ssld very well. I went III, and
Hf.or some con xerfa: lou doxvti Iu the pirlors,
I wul up slalrs Into tho famous bdiidolr loom
ivhern she sat writing, nnd like n spldnr lo tho
fix, she rushed to me on my entrance, and
reached out both her limuls with the utmost
earnestness, and stld hoxv rejoiced slio w.ih to
see me. 1 uiikoii wiiii nor aootii live mm.
uinsmiii ineu xveiiiuowu stairs
. 1 -, ..
Ktairs sij sts'oiui ,
a meeting or liter-
nt the l.es.l I of 1 he.
luterviuxv with her xvas atn
nry people. I was placed
table, near Mrs. Moulton, Mm. Woodliult
was next to me, or elue slio was llrst and I
xvas next, I do not romomlier which. At
that table aim scarcely deigned to Se ak to
me. I addressed a fnxv words to her from
ollteuoss during tho dinner, but thoro was
nn sort of cnlhuMasiu bclwoou us. Mv
third ami last Interview was at Moullon's
liouso. tsho had addressed to me a threaten
ing letter saying that she would op-n all tho
scandal If I did not preside atSlenlway Halt
and In reply Moulton advised that Instead of
answering he letter I should see her and sav
without witnesses what I had to say. I did
so. frihe brought with her her great subjct.
It xvas In lyps and mv policy was to lot her
talk and say littlo, which I did, and she went
on saving. "1011 know jou isUlovo" sound
i. 111K. .1.11 uiu inn ix.iiuhi sii miu
so. I salil nothing, and so on rrom point In 1
point, until I said at last: "Mrs. Wnodhull.l ,
do not understand your views. 1 have never
read them thoroughly, but as fur as I do tin
derstnnd them I do not bnllnvo them, nnd
though I hiii in lavornr free discussion, yet
i,r...l.ll.... ..1 ...... ,!.... I I. 1 ...l.l...".l.. .
l,.ii,.i.i,, n. ,,,r.-iii. i- it IIIIIIK I rniliilll III,
rnr anybody, ami I shall nol do It for you,
beuiiino I am 1101 Iu sympathy with iii'dvo
iimnt. J Has Mrs. Woedliull nny lettors
0r )
youis in tier posc,.nu.
. Two. I suniioMi. lililuss she has sold
tin III.
il Upon what subject?
A. Shu IiicIiimmI u 'teller to mo xxlth ono
from my sister, Mrs. Hooker, lux Ithlg mn to
bo proMint at .1 sullrngo convention nt Wash.
Ingloii. The other was Just lieforo her scan
ilalnus publication, hbo xxriiln lo mn 11
xvhlulng letter, saying her reroruiatory
movemniits had brought upon her such odi
um that slio could lint pr ro lodgings In
New York, and (hat she had been turned nut
ofthoUllsey House, I think, Mid asking mn
in a a very significant way In Interpose my
Influence or some other relit f for her.
Tho llrst elloct of tlieo troubles to 1110 was
most pulurul nnd depressing, butnflorn littlo
calm n flection nnd by tliopower oftl.o Holv
(Ihost my mind wa-i lifted sJiovo tlinso thlngN
aud I iiaiua lo uivsolt. It Is uiv bmlnois ss
. r """ minis ur 111 iiviiiip uiilio noeirmcs 1
I have Iwnn preschlug. I havo alwayi bean
tolling peoplo bow In mauago aorrnxv. aud
a ,(14ii uti.l i.il.. Ik.aIa ,1.. .. 1. Il. l-.-i-t .
telling men how lo hwr un under ilulr '
troubles. I iletnrinlneil Hint I would not
flinch, whine orslt down. I would st mil up
Ullll ! 1 lil nut i, In... 1. .1... ... .
- " """' tniiMiiin lliurij iim IVir'l Dllltll
m)k worn wneiiover It olltirisl. nud went
.!. - 1. -.inui.-., Iilll IH'UI
uiniiiKii u miu groxv strong nndnr It. mid nt
intsrxsls had expriniicesorpsHPiiHuil reslg.
nntloii auilij.iinfirtwhk.il I hsd never known
iK-r.iroln all my life. Ami in rilrnsiioct or
this tronblfi I i-xii hiv truly, thnl I am better
papabln of lnteriretiiig thu notufort or the
should hai been had I not pissed through
this dli-cipliiie. To hoc.l!i.. the llrst preaclior
"mn in nui 10 11 sorrowing iieartllian over I 1
in ixmeric4toriii me xxiirlil is only Ihrowiug
a shallow Bt um. I have but nnit leellng
iibout lids, nnd Hint In Hint Just as long as I
llxeeierv iitrili'lo (irsiriooili .ml ini,.i,,,.
Don, and fci linir, ami reason, nod Isulv and
sou 1 1 wive 10 my country soil to my kind,
nndihat Is. I havo never had Isttter henlth
than I have to tluv. I iln mo iMi.L 11,.. ..,,
h - - j m -.-. . -- ......n ..I.. ml,-
Inerv Is xorii out yel,smt I do not proitose
totsi idle. I hIihII iloHir.Un wbni I did in tho
Issgliiiilugofniy f: I never asked anybody J
lor permLslon In work, nnd I slmll not asl;
ItnVlllldV HOW. Tlmi'llUllllnIll I 11111 linm un.lr.
login mav blow herenr there, but I iiroisno I
lo work nrtM'ii .vrsirs j er '
iiN!w1' Y",K; Angus) 1.1 Asvlslint Pastor I
llallltlaV', Of I'lVIIIOIlth Cllllroh. Inn In hi.,
jstsstsnion the record of a conversallon, two.
years ago, xx lib Tllton and Moulton, in which
both denied In tho strongest terms that them
was any ,,,;, whatever In Wisslhull's sen-
, ... nmiiit iK-rx'iier. Aiiiiiimri rMiriinniuri v u , i. ...-" .---.., ..
' Ni:v Yoiik, August 13. Ilium declares
pinniiiiiicaiiy iu ul no win not uuitiproiue
xltii II pclicr.
Nl Yoiii.. AueilH 1.1-
-2 ICO p. l -ttbU
bnur It biii Iiim 1.,-en iiihiIi'
i known ilmi ilir.
riyiiiniitli ihtiiuh IiixHsilkit'tin: L'niiiiiit.tu .
nut In the. baek patlur nl' Itiaclmr'x revdi iini
nt in oVIopk lliN nioriiilm and that no
(.tpnmtraplieiH m,i picrnt. tVwbpr sat xxPti
llm I .il,llr.ll,i... ...nl ... ..1.. I. in U1.1...I. ..i..
11.1. V II 11,11,1 1", 1.111, III l.l.T III ' I-..1I7III-I
quoMloiiH put by iniMiibori of the Colli mitt, e
upon cai-h point prrtpuleil In tlm pbrue.
nih.lt- bv Tllton. At lioiill tba oan.lli,itioi)
iroin ii'iu'x xxniLMl lie 111111. tin niiMxeiim
wax Ititori iip'nit l liiurii, 'iinl h ipMimml
i Mt InMoi'li. A tlilt. Iicl r ((.toiler W hl: tm
ih r nmiiliia'lon,
Uoijii U"t, AiiiniM t.5 - In tho rai-ii here
yisiiitnay. Uoliltmllli Mmd lin'ipd i inllo Id
'J:ll s'no .! pltud .ihhih' Aiiiiiikmii (ilrl
all I .IIIiIlh I illlpi'i n
Oltll XIID, AlU
s (loin Mtitnus
lUllc.xtes tint llm
pittsol'tlin lodii
v'liexeiiiies, t'.itin
tl o I'lirmidsble pi
I IMHXX V-, sxellll. 1
lis II1H1I0 111 pllllls'l
them lor their in.iit ii-pn (U'lims, ni; for
Ismco ami lor the mill' irx to cull it exen.
Drdera lme, bovxuxei', Iiien lisued imt 10 lo:
th(so hostile tnuiils enter iioprxiiiiiins, 1 u tor
ttvop to follow ami puuisli tluuu xxli rexm 1
Om xit v. August 1 (linsslioppris In the I
exlreiiin -otiihwest h'txo uciitv rtl ued tl-e 1
crops and ilctrojid the grissso turn c.xtlle
and hoes ni.i lnrlng. Kelicf uuncmeuts '
are being iiindo heie. 1
Ill'lil'xi.o, N. Y., Aug. 11. In Ihe'JiJI Mi".
herein lirlxlug 1'iiik, lor a puisuot Jl.'illl),
dixli'.id ninimg fiur horses, t.ulii xxou ilnee
straight bents, Unby secoiin. TIipc. mil,
J:.l',.".:Iii. This l the fastest third hca.
over trotted In 11 race.
r.Mils, August 11 Thorn is great tiwito-
iiiem 111 tun city 111 ciiiismiueiicn ol iiilnlli
getice tliat Marshal llirslnoiscspfd Iroin lb.
isiumi 01 -11. ,-xinruaieiio miiiio iiiuo ilurlni;
Sunday night. TliodcMiisol ill. 1 in inner In
which ho Miivoeiled in getting mini are mi
known, pxeeptth.it ho iism n rnpn Inddcr,
ami got in bout,! 11 xo-m'1 liiiiimt rnr ll.ilv.
I'.Mlls, Angus- I J. It Is reported "tlii-t
Marshal li.nr quo landed at Sail Itelo nud
traveled bx- x.iiv fiT't'iirln lit ltil. xi tli.i
latter place ho took a triln to Itrilssols xvhern
ho iirriveil at ? o'clock l'uesdav morning. It
Is I .ol loved t lint the rope found on the lilt oil
tho Islu or fit M irgurho w.is siisdeuded thine
to mislead the ntitlinrltUwiis to tlm iminnor
of the Marslt'il's escrpn. which xx-as ell'ooled
Iu soinn other way tliiongli tbo coiiulvanco
of guards.
I.0N110N, August li Holland and Italy
li.no riMio,:uled tho Iteliubllcor.Sp.ilti.
Ititfssin.s, Augut 15 The s,imu.h He
public has been ncognlred by IliMuliiiu.
It. Cornelius, or Vanhl11gt011 county, re.
ceutly purcliased a lnriri. droxo or lilm slieen
from Mr. Warren. Wo did not hum tho
price iald
Ice iald.
It.,1llh,.lt.. Wllklll.11-,1111 IHlllllll. 1...U I
....-..... .. ........iiiii'ii iiiiiiiij..inn iiw 1,
visited this Niimmerbv geiilleuien rnnn V.ia.
lmul, Scolliind, Australia ami thiillinadak,
aml ,lU ,,. Xpee.I theuiHelxcs 11s sur-
prised tn Hud such a place in Oregon
Our Halter City corresvonilent, iindi r date
or tho 4lh, writes that Crow snil Itulger had
struck nu extension of tho It.illoy llro.'s
ledge, Iu which was 11 rich pocket, turning
out f-Iand f.l In the pan.
A ptlrnf tine horses belongingto Mr. Hut
tnillold, of I.ann isiuiity, weio drowiud near
Kiinene a few da,sago. Tliev were driven
upon some Hunting brush which the driver
thought was solid,
Mr. Hubert N. Williams has bought. I. M.
Mct'nrlney's interest In tlm Connor's Crook
Minn and quaiu mill owned bv Messrs.
Hoover .V McCartney, paying f,t,.'lHl Tor none
hair Interest over and nboxo nil dolus nud
iiniiiiiuns 011 me mine nnil mill. Tiiisxxasu
pash sale. Mr. Wllllsms Is 11 practical quart,
mnn, and knows w hat ho is about.
A lettor from Kirt) eu Mile Creek, Wasco
county, stales under dale of August f,h, that
tho hnrtrst is well along mid grain will tin 11
out well. The aiiii'iiut of liav saxiiil lids
' ' , . "" ,,
Olll Willi,
year Is larger that usual, Orass 'on tho rnngo
is short but cattle nro In good coiullliim.
The It-xt'lfX' M oiliiliilii Cinil'iiriiiifii, 1ii.i,Iiim liu
iinniiiil session at Salt U1K0011 Thursday of
this xxeek.
The mercury In thniilmilleanud forest tires
Impress upon thu Cnl villlli tlm fact that It Is
warm wmlhcr.
Tlm gtnlii crop on tho Sound is uniimiallv
heavy llilsyeiir. I'lirmersnronow In tlm bus.
lust paitof tho hsrvest.
The I lev. Mr. Crowley, of tho l'resbylnrlan
Church, b.ls In hu holilliig dixino c'ervlris
amongst tlm Indians at IhiiSalinnu Fishery,
nt the l.iiwiirfipokuiio,
Jililgo l.iixxIs,(il'W.illa Walla, lu.idn tlmtrlp
rrom l'nrtlatid toth.it placnliist xvoi k botweon
ft d'clntk A. M. Monday, nud II P. .I.Tuecilny,
the quickcbt on rwonl.
Tho Iron for llm llrL four mill nf IhoSrnt-
Ile mill WuIIa Walla rallro.nl Is bel'igciitagisl
prcparalory to forwarding rrom Sun 'iip."'
en, anil thu Urstuotloii of thy load lanhool
, ,, .,, 11 , ,., , , , , , ., .
I!rV' llJnK',l f J'tnli has pi. j hesled Hint
,!rR,ml" ou-r xxlll (ross lo tlmmlier shorn
i"1 '''ivenih hour ofthe 7th day of Decern
bur, nl' apoplexy. And liirlher, that hit would
he burliil Iu a Calllorul.1 ndwisnl collln, 1I0
voltlnrnll tiiibullishiiunt. plsln and uurnr
-o rar as heard from, llm o!o Iu Thurston
isiuitty, 011 tlieqiiektloiMiftlioi-hiiii nt bonds
to Hid Olviuplu iiml 'leiiiun Ittilfo.iil Com.
panv, siHiids fit" for bonds, 1 ml ll.'i ngaliist.
iiini-u mv it, unnni .-xKiitiiii mm Venn pre
'l"a are x 11 10 bcartrtin. 'Ihi did not isi,t
""'" """' vnlisiililnihiHigeiinial oiicllnii
"" "'ht II every xolo-boulil Im iip.nllist bonds
n "'"" "' aiiecium iiniiii.
A sis' prfrd, w iim 11 nt N. inum, Viikluui
ci 111.lv, Mixes 11 brief itieounl nf a qiiHinx
Pitt nu ut Hint is now in luil lilnst ,.,.r thero.
One Ifilgn bus I een f.iiiuil mur 1-ilm i helmu
whlcli is noil 111 Iim fuupio..(deiittd ricllliiss
111 gold. 1'iiur other leiluts lime In on ills,
uivertil 011 tint Clo Klin.ileh In silver. .Mr.
CiMqmr has gmin belnxx with (pulini ns for
HSsix. 'I Im isril lilm fpiMl.s well of tl.o
miu) nsIoiih tlm Vakliua liver, ami jy tbo
miners am jiihll.wit nxt r llm ptufj (its.
Iroin thu 1. rolling .Von wo gloau as fol-
1 hirkptitlntiifntm A. Kalkluburg, hence
u.'r. Honolulu, urrlxed at hnr diwluutluu
Julj llth.
Tlm llritlsh ship i:iUi Dougnll, While
nnthti-r. whs III. fur Piirtlu.iil lulu ll.l. Ul..
will h duo hero about tho 1st or October
Tlm Imrk Arlmins , 1... . , . , ,
... ' V '"I ".& ft, , ' "??J .
' - -- - '.1,'pini. 1 .iiiii,ny n
' has arrived nt Astorlt In ballast fromSlmug-
iim. aim comes to rortlaiul lur timers, mid
x'lll probalily liu churtorvil toe trry grain tu
The liiiinono xvharf and praln warohoui
In iH)itrii i f HiiiMrupilon nt tlm north nidi
tho pity bv t'np-. Klatulers, N pri));resln
inioiy, anil ny iiiniimn uiu ix'iioai poininoiic
I to ,, lU- ,imrut,t t will bo ready to ra
.. I. .. "
I (lXO 11.
, mi,. ft .i i ,i... i..,,, ni..iM n .. ,
..,',, ..,lllr
I . ,,,w,i, I
' ,.' ,7. ... .
in. in in. i ii hi ,iiii i ii hi ,. iiiii nil , ii tin lUlJl.
rx lay ninnilng Iroin Trinity
1 itl'ii nimibiir of I'rlpmU. v.u
ib'ppl yinpitiUiMl v nil llm pin UN In their
onur o- mil i linn, lillii.xiil tlio rutualiM to
Captain 1'isk has nsnveit JT.fiOii of dint
rinui thoCiinxiui City mines, ll yielded liu
.iveragu of &IT per outne.
The inlii' rs hi t'.xlriil iv. Colorado, threaten
liiisiinineiice hanging I1' litem Is nny mtiru
1 N'tv'l'iignl ore in ilutt peiijhborlioo I.
Cminl-p, tlm in e ("1I1 r of t li ts Apmhos, Is
criliiil with 1'ixiij; siidn twenty seven
Aiiitimim, nuir Apii'liis Indians, thrto
li'itin.iis, 0110 I'V'iiie 'Ohio mid furty-niui)
Ihmiis mid liiilf-lu 1 ids ; In nil, clghty
cvpn p. rsoiis.
Itiirus Clixik, of lintixer, ueiiemlly nnd
populiily kiinwn as 'I'ntato t lurk," lias l."si
.ions in iii'iiioes, w lili-ti lool; well and will
iinili co -."i.lK'i) 1.1II1MKHI I'liiliiiU, irthnMiiMiit
(s fixonible, .Mr.CluU lias ex pi nihil oxer
jJ.uiHi iu jiicxpntliig tho taxiigcs ot'iho piUm
bug this xinr.
Three hoy, "trnuips," boiiiul fir Penxor,
.ipuii-ed m. Wa.l.iceM.tiloii, 1'ild i.v.'Hul xxti"
iid and liiilf,ul by A I.. Podgo, tlintr.ider at
tlnr point, Al'er bilng hosplialily Inatisl,
I'h e nl eh.xri'M, llinv slnlii a poupln ol naxy ro
xnlxers mn) pulled nut" down llm 10 nl.
'1 V wen. uxetlmiileil iiml relumed to Will-
' tams Isl.eii In a turn, lied, mid 11111I1 ouo
ui'ide to xx hip tlm other with a stout uiul.i
wiiip inen tney were relnieil mid lold
to "go west" an. I gnnx up wliii llm iiioiiu
tnliia. I'rijiissor lliiydeu Is noxv eiiuagcd, xxlth
semi of his nt'lMiints, In miktiii; spiclnl
gpoloulcitl 1 xiiiiilmillons stnug tho loothllls,
mid Iu tho led nimlilono toruialtons Iu tbo
' x Iciully of Miinitou mid the (birdeusdl' (.oils
fin' the niirtioso of iteteriulnliii; morn dull-
I nllely tbo true chiirnclnr ami sgesol those
, foi lit.it lojis, iiIhiiiI xxlilch (heitihiis lierelol'nre
b cu more or less doubt. 'I ho lortiiiiliou III
I (lint locallly nroquiiM uivcrtnlu as to uuti, ns
, theiomo Ituv or mi fossils nt nil by which
tholr antiquity tuny ho determined.
, .1. V. Woodman dropped ilenl Inst Monday
nit Cuuliigsxilhi, CI nl, im is cminiy, sup-
posed to have Iiksii from lieart tllse.ise.
Afivor McCow 11, of Oregon City, h.m or
iler.nl nil uleptloii for l hlel Kngineor of the
l.'.ro llepirltueiil, to bo holil un iho'JJ.l hist.
Mrs. Mehlrum, of Oregon City, 011 her
xxmx in N1I111011 ilxpr, met xxlth a pilurul nc
eiilen', being thrown oil' tho liurMintitl pilli
billy injured III liorslioulib 1.
Tim County Court or CI tekiiiu is pouu'y
has 1 urcha-eil ot Dr. Tlio-sing his brick in
1 ' , "- -.- .-.
' Oregon City for JJ
1 will l'o Hied lor a
A droxo or nboi
1,000 lii cminiy xvHrrauts, It
Uouri House.
lit 1. 10(1 held or sheen, bn-
longing to Messrs. J. Walt mid llsuiilioii, of
imuiilii couiiiy, passeil tliroligli Korusl
(Iroin this week en route lor ficappoo-iti,
Our Washington .oiinl.y correspondent
wiIim IhU seveial llelds of nnlsiui Isiasur
il.xin lauds am l.vlug llatdoxvii, Thediiiuago
to oilier grain as . nt Is not cuusldernblo.
The Farmers' xvharf, at Astoria, xvhen pom.
pleted, will be llm largest wharf mirth of
ftaii Fraiiclspo, This does nut lucliiilo tlm
roadxxav, which Is inm fuel long, mid can bn
Hi-mi tor xxbarUgo )iiirjHiMns,
Astoria had nu lummiso of population latt
week, and absiil sheet goes lulu oc.iiicles
oxer tlm lint, Tbo prlnolpil poitlou or llm
Increase iiame Iroin l'ortbind mid lotion tlm
llrst slemiinr lor llm summer io-oi is.
Arllllcer ltobert Itoeder, or Fort Cape Dis
appointment, has been 11j1p11lt111.il As.slslmit
l.lghl Keeper, lo take plunge or llm new log
xxblstle nt 1'iiliit Ailaiiis, provided lor by
Cotigiessloiial appropilatlnn, mid mioii to bn
TlmllDiirlng mill 011 tho Yaqillua is about
A noxv lirldgo is to built across Mary's rlxer
11 low miles south or Corvallls.
A Imik c.ixiul oiisiiimiChliiiiuieii.im Moil
liny nt I it xxiul., ut fjuiii.i, l.iiimg ouo or
two ol them,
Tho wagon mid from forx-allislu Yaqillua
Is reNirtis In lur cuiidiiliiii mid Is lining
much t nix tiled just now.
Tom llillard, arreted nt Alb my rnr st lb
blng Anion II icklis 011 Monday night, bint
nu exaiiilii.itlou on Tuesday mid xvnn 111
qiiitled. Knox lliillo (Irmigc No '.'.', Mini cnutily,
Is in snub good cbeuinsiaucHs Unit ll bus
cninuiniincil tho erictloii of 11 noxv hall in
Pihlull to hold Iws iiiiniibigs.
Tho cltlens of l,if.tplfoamlalMngorem
ntix'lnir xxiirkiii.iii In lilii.r imt i. .ili.niii.il I.
I lUo'lllnr through llm loilgo ot ris.'is Jnt bo
I hex '''rtli, UU.l llillllilt call boiluno vxuli hut
1 li.itu oui!.y.
Tlm ri'sMonoonf Mr. Hill, nl .('" Hid,
ciuglil flrn thu other day am. "iild hnxo
Imriiiid down hud Hit tlitt 'lilit ""
Inki.ii to tlm stliet, crying excitedly, I""
uiiii'lira lire, Tho d.imitgn xxns light.
The Hemnrrat sav s : "l'ho llm term of
I Hie Albany Collegium Iiistltuln oijiiilimuiua
oil tun .il.sl ot tills iiiniilli. J lid Mic'm'y in
Hut r.u'iilty. en used Iiv llm nslgiiminn
I'mf. Sox, hits 1 1 lllletl by Ihnnplsifrit'-
imuiinr l'ror. A. h Ab-ino.li) , nf 1'ortl.iiiil,
wl.11 h a graduate nf DulutniiHi College,
nnd minus muting us highly kooiiiiik mled.
A gi utleniKii from North Vnmblll slnles
that gram is yielding lar butler tl.siiuny sil
iimtoJjiid ovi r inm bod httnio tlm burxisl Ik
gnu. Ml, llinjimlli Stuart Iiml a loll iiero
field wlileli b.irvisinl llll nuslmls. Tills
llnlil had belli istumiteil tn Jielil III lillslieN
to tho neip, xxheieiislt xxniit Iiiuo better, mid
tills Is miiuil llm propnitloil Unit h ciuiuVa
nveirinclilni; oalliunluv III tli.,1 ia.Ii..,, ti-
l.il fall f 00. Simpson, or I. Inn coiinlx,
had eleven airesnriamlelenieil of oal. grubs.
Ilmgroiiud xx ,is then pin And hiiiI seedetl to
wheiit. llinsti nltixeli acriut or sod I tiul Imio
Just Ineu liarvnsliiil, with mi iivnriigoyleld of
ilxiiil IDIiiistiiilHpuriierii. Tun acres ol llm
t'ltixmi turned nut over lou bushels, ritmnii
acres ofslubbln land adjoluiug yloldtd a
frkclfuu liss th 111 ::u busliuls per aero.
There are at lids time ,'! ipiarl. mills nml y
arrnstriiH In opeialtoil III dlfhireiit parts of Arl-
Tho total nlloxxnuces irdennl ny tbo lksiril
of County (.'oiuiuissloiiirs or Clarke county.