wmmmmmM ..! MpMBMMByviMni " !---. . '3 A' f J s t i ; iimtttc Jrarnur. eJXTIIX!3533VEaT,aC,. 8ALF.M, Fill DAY, AUGUST II, ISM. TELEGRAPHIC. Nkw Youk, August 4. A synopsis of Mrs. Tlltou's testimony is published. It says Til ton cured llttlo OtrtiH family, (bat ho often left her enllroly alone without coil or food or help, ami was constantly telling hor of his wrong-dologs with other women. Winn Uecoher began vlsttlng th(-lr house, Tilton enou became Jealuus, mid lti tho wln'er of ltiCl) began to neciibo her of criminal Inter course with JJcccher. Sho found comfort In ,JJeecber'a toddy, unit trletl to toll Tilton nil tholr conversations, but ho would declare she lied and was cotifoallnir tomothlng, and uras always try lug to niako hr uu(ns, .v lug ho hail ten hor billing ".'echo's lap. His treatment was harsh uml oft. n violent. I'llton constantly confessed criminality with othor women. SMi never confessed iinylhlug of tho kloil. Tho lctlors inc.! by lilton weio written by hlui and copied by hor when sick and out of hor hend. Sho new r confessed to Miss Anthony Hint livelier and herself had comuilttod adultery, but did Ml her that her husband had accused hor of It. In conclii Ion. sho Mid : Tilion alone Is ropouslblo for tho disruption or I he i.iniuy. Mmnlalnlne of their eouro and d.clar TlltOll Uas w mien icurr iu mu wmiimii' c W thalhohUMiioconlldeneflln thoreiuUi ;,t 1 haidolermlned In place tho whole rustler beforn tlio courta mm nai uien uintru-nti uy 4?ouuicl to hold no further comuil'.tiicatiou with tho gonimlttoo. Moulton has mlurneil. He svya ho will testify If both pariles ask It; th t tho matter has gone no far nil the facts onght to coma out. . . Nr.w Yokk, AiikusI !. Tho fxcursionlts .nccomrauj-ine Cyrus Fiold to Icelund to rt- . 111. ..I.. I .uUliHllnn bmhkm Til WMinrt run niiiiiiiimi LTii'uinuuiii iriiuiini.uit h, that they had arrived at Faro Islands'. vuo .. uw.w i -..j -.... ... ........... ... .. .,. Pixcimxatti. AuitustS. The steamer IMt .tlogers, whlltuiwir AnrnrAtlilimornlng,was burued with her outlro cargo ul'oolton. The names ol" tlio IodIuh far askuoiMi, aro: J. K. "Stuart and Mrs. Smith, of Madbon, Intl.; V. O. Brown, Ciurinnatl; Charles H. Diltman, iillot; Sliirley Suydernnd Jacob Light, ottho orw. Tho boat waa valuod alfoO.UOO; lusur; anee, $J5.00U. Skw Youi;, Algut. A member of tho IVecher Commltlevyesterdnysaidlhe design ot Moulton lu wltholdlng his testimony was to espouso the strongor ldo whon IWecher tasUbed,aud cut theturoatof tho weaker. It sjras doubtless Tlllon'a ptirposo to lock up cart of tho teatlmonj for a reservo fuud of luture insinuation' Tho Couimltlee uuaul monsly decided that no rejKirt shall be made until Moulton's testimony was taken and tho letters submitted. U tho latter aro uotfotth coming, they will bo obtained by legal procoss. Oay nor's Itbel ault against Tilton was with drawn to-day. The Attorney Qoneral baa decldod that the osntract for additional mall servioe between Han Francisco, Japan and China as provided for in th Aot ot June 1st 1872, la still exist ing, and that the l'acltio Malll Steamship Ooaopany is entitled to have their new Irou steamship Inspected with a view of puttlug toem iuto aervlce under such contract. l)lpatobea reoelved announce the total loss .of Ibe I'aciuo MaUateanisblpClly or Oust jamais which went ashore ou Wallln' Island recently. Loss to the company, $SO,000, Faiuadkli'AIA, August 4. Call lorn la wool 36. 30 and 33 cents, tlrm,aud iu fairdemand. Yokohama, August 4. Tho steamship Japan willed yesterday for San Francisco. The China arrived yesterday from San Francisco and will sail on tho 14th for Hong onK- ... , The ureal luipuuuu win sau iroin iiong koog to-morrow. Hah Fkancim:o, August 5. The Improved tone in tbo mining share market was gener ally maintained to-day with a further slight Improvement In most kinds. The funeral of J. V. Stow look place at 3 T. M. and waa largely attended by prominent diizou. Korvtoos wvro hold at the First Uni tarian Cuurcli. TheSupreme Court to thy was oxpoclod to rend, r a dual decision as to tho couslltullou jalltr of tho local option law, In which Mr. wail, oi uontra uosta county was uerenilsut, but after a long argument by the counsel tho CXmrlgrsweu a continuance till August 17111. The ship Star of Hope is at haud from Vallejo with the first cargo of wheat loaded ntlrely by Grangers. Other vessels, as the season advances, will bo loaded on the same aocount. OUAI.ALA, August 6. Wells, Fargo A Co.'s treasure box was robbod, about or.e mile and half aoutb of horo, about four o'clock yes terday afiernoon, by a passengor who reg istered his namoHt tho hotel as Jus. Smith, of San Frandkco. He got ou the stage bore. and Jumped on at tho point named with tho box, drew a revolver on the stagft-drlvnr and told him lo move on, which onler the drier obeyed with alacrity. The robber got only Jri iO for bis trouble. Hamilton, August 5. In tho caso of John Donovan, Indicted for shooting and killing a roan named MoWilllsms at Cherry Cieek, in December I aM, the Jury to-dsy brought lu a verdict of murder In the second degrro. Katr Iakk, August 5. Tbreo of the city iolie arrested for interfering with voters In this oily on election day, wore to-day iU ehargee by the V. S. Commissioner, Hjm charges against them not being hiistainisl. The vases of the other olllcer aro contluuod until next week. Ifxw Yoitic, August 5 Moulton's second letter to llecber rtads ; " .Uy Dear A'lr In ourscpnslntanceaiul friendship! Iiavo never racelved from you a letter oftho tone of yours ot August 41b. It seems unlike yourself and to have beeu inspired by tlio same III ad vissmwhoso laiueutably carried jour pri vate affairs befureacommltteoofoiirohurcb nd thence before the public. In reply, let me reaalnd vou that during tho wholn of ni i pat four year all tbo documents, notes ami mrmnranda which vou and Mr. Tlltn., 1...... I AMl,,kll ti mA Iibi'a liudi, nn.i,...l unA... .. ' they had a reference to your mutual dil!r-' mini, l bold no naners eltLa- of vm... nr I lis except such a bears ou this case. Vou I ?misniy auuao nere to memoranda of your tJM. ... lt. ft ... ! . dirnculile with Mr. Uower, but these have a direct reiereuce to your prrseut case with Mr. 'Tlltoa. and were deposited with me because .4M suuu rviereuce. You speak also of a lelteror two from your brother and ststor, aud I am uro you have Jiot lorgotln the apprflheuaion which wu en tertained lest Mrs. Hooker should fultill Hie ,Kslgn which she foreshadowed to Invade ytour pulpit and read to yourconaregatlnri a c tDfeaalon or your intimacy with M rs. Tilton. You apeak or other papers which I hold autiject to your wishes. The papers which I hold, both yours and hi, were not given to jneablect to the wishes of olthsr party; but J 44 wj usrutiw uy M..ili.i Xtuiiiiobiii., fpill and Mill Is, to prevent il$ wish of oue party bolnrj Injuriously erci'tc!sgslubtMio other. You aro liicorrect iu bay-Ins lhl" M Tilion has hud access to my depository for mater ials. On tlio contrary 1 have ro.'ussd Tlltou eueh access. During thti preparation of his sworn statement ho csino to mo uml said his eate would be luconiploto, unlets I permitted hliu to use all the douimonls but I refused and all ho could rely upon weio such ntt JS as ho had made from llmatotlmo from . St ings of yours which you had written I jnJP to be rend to him, and passaties vnl ji, ,,, caught l'ioin uiy lips lu ebon hand. j;ri Tilton has seen only a part of tho pi ro,rt j toy possession, and would lis more jurprUcd to Itaru the entire facta of tho cas , jl( .ou can possibly be. What Idle llltnots mav have cxl-ted In nnwspspor ol J(.e. t k.unw not; but tbey have not con' t fi om me. In closlngyour loiter yon say : t.j (0 uot K.ii you to ilsce betoro tl.e mmteo Miy pi ocrs wlilv.ll Mr. I ll nil I ,,,. ,javo Biv,.n you, but I do dcn.ui.l that . j,,u,,:HcoUroro tin Commit!. o ex cry pel fV & UiK.'tl j !li;vo , llltll or deposited with y ,., In rp,,,v j 0l)n 0!y say I (uiiuol pin. btrol Ul0 committee papers ot ono . j UlB ,tl,.H without tlolup tliohainowllh ,j,o paper-or tho other, nud 1 cannot do .k,,a.,i.i.. .,... .,i.V i... legal prove 4Svmp(,)inK moorel-soby con- m" -rii. 'ritll"."i "o1 ''li' of yourself, but of Mr. in iu, wlin whom I hhall confer on tho ill ''"speedily an po-siblo. ou will, I ""' , M'o n creator spirit of Juatlco lu llils '"' jy thhU j-ou havo Infustil into jour tin " .ual lettt of August 4th. Very rospcet Ailly. FiiAMna D. Moulto.s. It In believed that In tho cri'm. eon. rase which Tlltou Is to bring Qoneral Duller will net uscounol, Nj.w Yokk, Aupust (1 Frank Moultnti waa boforo tho lleechor Investlgatlnc Com likltleo lust ulijht. It wbh btated that ho woviM appear ou Saturday ui(;hl with docu ments. MiLW.umn:, August 6. In tho Supremo Court at Mailhon yesterday, In tlio railroad cao, tho Court doulded that It would hear tho application for a preliminary Injunction UDouiuo unvcrltled cnmnUlntot tho Attor ney Ooileral, and that otJectiouH railed b.v -. - - . t I lerm! nlnJ wletbei ""tho .mffiton .i.pn rft, iiiiiiiiiviiM m.it hi? rnrtli ilifiMiMircri. titlou of uold bonds mid preferred stock or compauieHblnru tho piiNsMKO of the Totter law. .Mler miiiio objeetluim counsel for tho Stato read counter ntlldavitH from Conunls aionerOsborno and Prlvato fecretary lllrd, BtHlin lliHt Hie compmiei uero doinnnduiR nnd receiving Illegal rates. JuJko Urton then opened tho arKtimeut on behalf of tli Stale, coiillnlng himself to tho question of Jurisdl tlou. Tho Kxooutlvo Commllteo of tho Htato (Jranues lias issued an address to tho U rangers of Wlnconsln. It warns them thatnn attempt will bo tnadolnthonezt legislature to soouro tho repeal of tho railroad law, and urges them to resist It. , Cinciamati, August 5 Following are tho rasiialltiea by tho burning of the steamer 1'ut Fogera to-dar as far as it see rtal nodi Mlsi log, 1(1; knowu to be lot, ti; believed to be drowned. IS. A largo number aj-o seriously Injured ly burning and otberewlae. The boat waa burned near the shore, the flame enveloping the wholo side of the vassal. The patneugera, who Jumped out on that aide, were nearly all l.wt. Pes Moinkh, August 8. The Republican Congresaioual Convention to-day uomlaated John A. Kauson for re-elootlon. Uoston. August 0. The South IJostoo rail road siablee were burned tbU evening. IjOss ftW.OOO; insured. Washington, Aueutt 6. K. Geddard la In be appointed vpeclal treasury agent and will be assigned to .Inly on the Faelflo coast. The Mayor or I Jiramle telegraphed to Oen eralOrd for troop to protect the clllteaa from hottilo Indians. London, August 5. Two Oerman war Tea sels will sail for Spain on the 8th. Tho French Assembly voted the ontlre bud net yesterday, and the 1'resldont declar ed the soaslou olosed. Tho House of Commons tuts receded from ltsdmondment to tho public, worship regula tion, San Fiiancisco, August 0. The steamer Collins, from l his pun to Yokohama made tbo voyago In 20 days. Greenbacks, PKlW?. 'rim nnllnnnr.i unable to find anv clue to tho murderer of Christopher Cetrovlloh. It Is reported that tho health or MUttr II. P. Axoryli Improving, a'l that bo will bo ftblototako blsdeprturo ,r China on tho next steamer to Hongkong. MiN Atery will accompauy him, Six oonipanlos of troops for Arizona, eallou on tho New hern this afternoon. Wm. It. Maurlco died suddenly In tbo ho' pllal to-uav. Tho causo or ins ueatu is un known. Ho was admitted last ulght. Ills occupation was book-keeper. Tlio Central l'acltio lt.lt. Co. has declared a dividend of $' a sliaro. The Collnl mado tho run to Yokohama in IBM days A Plinnlx snya llioro has been a heavy rain thoro tho past fw days. Thosteamur Winchester sallnl (o-day for ranaina hiuI all way ports. Tho carried 111 tons of rrelght and U) jiassongors. The vintage of California for tho presold year Is iilscsl at 10,00 gallons. San Luis Oiiisi-o, August 0. Goorge O. Coke, who klllnl his brother-lu-law, Stuart, at Morro, on tho 4th of August, was exam ined boforo Judgo J. J. Slmmlor to-day and aciiullled, It bolug proven that hu acted in i-olf dufeuso. Nhw Yum;, August ft Jiulgu Morris, counsel tor 'Pillnn, said to-dsy tlist ho bad nover seen acasubu Htmiigly fortltliMl at all points as that of his client. II o eihiblted to rermrtert mrral lolturo whloh passed lie imimii Heisiher and Tlltou, toahuw that down in May 10, 1ST0. tluro .asno lnilU'tlvennkH on tho part of Tilton toward llsocher. Morris alo showed n receipt ol Win. l'sgo, dated February Bi, lwiU, lor a Hirtralt or iloeolier, iiurohasi'd by Tilton, and now hanging In Moulton' bouse, saying that In tbo follow ing year (IbTH), after Mrs. lilton bad in formed her mother or her guilty relations with licecher, her mother threatened In out tho t-anva.s into sills, and Tilton. unwlllliur "' H' a wurk of rt destroyed, removed It to Moulton's. where It still remains. Morris slsO sail! ttisl Mm. Tillnn'M stiljimiinl nn. t eerulug her husband's cruelty, bis looking ner iu a room, ins irrizini: hiki starving bsr. ""' besluiHU to bo llullllous, and II there Ihi I B,Y insauuy in uih Minuy si uii, mo ouargo Is. Ill I, a n n at lli& iL.Aa ..F rTMIi..u I... . I. I.. will bo no: at the door or Tilton, but or his WHO. It Is reported that Moulton's statement is already prepared, with tbo help or Gen. Hut lor. 'I he services or tho latter gentleman, it Is said, have bo n odered to Iteecher. Tho oll'rr whs not declluod, but was replied lo with thanks. Moulton raid to dsy that lie had not said anything by tomue or oiitojubtiry any one In assuming that he was In the least degree unfrioudly to IWcher. In his statement to the Committee he should characterize no an. tlous and interpolate uo Inferences of his own. There were some paper iu his poa Jtvluu I.LKU the Coiuiulllm; desire to voUlu. IIoslioni,i gr.ttlfy Ihatdeslro arvonllnir to lit.) oi Jor n whloh tticyciinulohlui, leaving '' f untnlttiunud tho uuhlle to luaka their Y' J Inferences. Ho hail thus f;r rudenvor f . lo miliitnlu peare betw.en lljuclitr and ' .llton, and should continue lo do so by a re moval of inlsundertaiidingsand through ati I Intelligent realization or self-interest. 11 n should never despair of renewing ivnoo. Turr.K.1, K-tisis, Aug., rt. Tlio Iudefiid put Convention to-day iiomiualed f r (Sover nor 1 V. Caswj-j for Lieut. Ho. ernot-, 15. liar rl,.giou, Ttii. Imlepiudenls of tlio Klrsl CoucrcotoiMl l.j',rict i.i miiiuUd N. J. Tamil:. Toi.uno, Augn-t (. Tlio Kepnlil'ctn Con grcsliuiiil Convrnllmi ef the Sixth 1'Mric: linminv.ed A. M. Tr.itl lo day. hr. I.ons, August U. Tin. Democrats of iLo Fotiith Ci.ncrcsslonal l)N:rlct to day uotnliiated II. A. Hatcher foi re-oli ct'on. Hi'm.iN.iroN, lonn, August 0 The Iml ivt!dttiiCi.'ercs!cuM Courttition heiuto tlt.v notulimlril llsn. L S. Taliutr. O.m.vkstvn, August tl. A captain who hss Just returned from Fort Worth, stales that the Indium had captured two mull sisi. onu going sud ono coming, httuecn Wichita and Fort SHI. Tlmo weroonly tlir.'0as songets, all of whom, wllli the driver, weio killed and scalped. Cincinnati, August 0. Thrro bodies of victims of tlio Tat. Itogors dhi.stur, wcro re covered to-day. It Is belle. ed that tvxruty llvo perbous prrlshul with tho bull In the water. Taola, Kansns, August (1. A flrn here, last night, destroyed llin bust or the businevs portion or tlio tow n. Loss, T0l0O, liiMir snee, f'J 000. M km I'll is, August 7.-Tho Conservative carried this city by a majority r a.WiO a tnutilt larger voto than was anticipated bv thn most sanguine. NAHitNii.t.K, August 7. Upturns: Indlcato eouclusl.ely that tlioOcmonrats huvn carried tho city bo a majority or 2,000 lo . "1,(00, and overy county lu the State. It.M.iittilt, N. O., August 7. Lirgo Dnmo cratlo gains are reperted In every section of tho Stato. Thn LegUluturo t.111 bo hirgely Demot ratio. Thoro Is great rejoicing among Conservatives. Nkw Youk, Angust 7. The Mramshlp Ureat Kepublio sailed on Wednesday Iron. Hongkong for San Tranolscovia Yokohama. It Is cri.lll.ibly stated that (JouHiior Hlx has directed tho Stato Attorney General to conduct tho prosecution of Mayor Have' meyer. F.ai.in, Mil., August 7. lM.vard Smith, (colored) aged 18, convicted of rape, was hanged to day. Nw Youk. August 7. A letter rrom Iro land sara John Mitchell had a brilliant re ception In the city or Cork. Tim wholotown was atlame with excitement. Ho was walled on by crowds of his old RstcclateM of His", and young disciples of 1M7. At ulght the streets woroallvo with bauds of iniisln and bonfires. There was a torchlight procession to his residence, In which fi.OOO people took part. Washington, Aug. f ThnSccrotarvortho Treasury having notified Inspector General Smith of the llureau of Steamboat Insrssc uon, that his resignation would be accepted, resigned this afternoon, to tako effect Septem ber 1st. Washington, Aug. 7' General Howard ha left Washington City tor Oregon to take command of the 4eparuneut rocontly under General Davis. President Sarmlentn, of the Argentine Re- fiubllo congratulate President Grant on lay uk a submarine oabla that ulace his country at the gate or the United States. Madrid, Aug. B. A circular nolo In rela tion to the Carl is ts lnaure-tlon, whloh has been ent to the dlflerant Kuropean powers by Senor Ulloa, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Is published to day. Seuor Ulloa bays the Carllsts, under the pretex or defending their religion, are guilty or Incendlarlsin, assaslu atlou.aud pillage. 1ONIX3N, August . There has been a ter rible gslootr the coast of Aberdeen, Scotland. Hundreds of llshlng boats aro overduo, and It is roared many are lost. I-ONOO.V. AllL'llslll Tim TVin'jrimnrtjatliB.L Senor Castellar has delivered a speoch, In wnich be says tho lirugraiumo or Ills parly demands Iho rstabllshuieut or llnerty nnd democracy, with a roiiser.Hlllo Hepubllc. Lo.NlHJ.N. Auuust 7. lVrllHinunL ss urn- rogod to-day. Tho (Jueni lu hi r message reiHimntho frloudly relations with r.irolgn powers, exnlnliiM tho imslliou or tho Govern ment with regard to the. International Con grcaal Ilrussels, alludes with fr or lo negoti ation for a renewal or tho leelprts'lty treaty between the United Slates and Canada, and lameulN thn condition of Spain, but favors a policy of nonintervention. ToitokTO, August 7. Tho first election lu Canada under Iho jallot systom took place yesterday, and resulted lu fu.orof tbo Gov ernment. N'w Yonir, August H. Several inembeis or tho committee having intimated their In teutlou tolenVH the city to-morrow sflornnen for tho country, Insttuoted tholr chairman (Sage) (o make nrraiigeuionts with Moulton to ppatpono "I ststeuient until Monday. Sa;o wroto to Moulton laying tho above faott beroro t'AA "a uiitln tu ho Pcat nlsstaUiineiilMoiiiUy atiuriioon, whioliprop. osltiou was aiquhuioed iu by Moulton. Hu will siipear bolnro the comiultleo at 3 o'clock Monday afiernoon. This evening tho com miUoo mot, thblr consultation IsUIng about two houis, and at its conclusion thoy visited Ihorosiileiice of lleechor wherothey remain ed clo.o'.nl until a lato hour. Tlii'rn will lm no soaslou urihocominltleu to-morrow even ing. Jt'dcn Morris savH Tilton's suit, almulto l) imnu'lii ngamst IWivlier, Is Irrespective or uii) omiiiiiice, nnu inai inn ciou will bo brought lu Iho Superior Court and will ho hu action naliist llucohnr for criminal .onnfctlon with Mrs, Tilton. Tho ninoiint of diliiHiiua cluliurd will bo lu an oiudsiiro with the HLigiiltiido ul tho cao; but TllloiiV ptirposo Is not to recelvi.nny ptsaiiniary lunctli, but simply tovindlrato his good riHiun ngaliist tlm atroolous slanders to whloh hu has nxn siil-lcolwl. J udgu Mor ris says thnlsoUras lilton U coucuruoil, tho cas will ho pressed lur tho earliest os slbln day. Nj.w " Yokk, August H A murder wa coiiiiiiititd lust night iu i:vl Jlrooklyn, where a pri)ierty-ownerliiiil hired some lion- socieiy iiitn in do pusterlug, wniKinglen ""irs r ih.y. Tlmsita wern msdoliy mem- Isirsof a league who were working N hours. Last nluht thrni or the Utter Us. Klliiutl. rlios, Mel.itughllu Mini Kingston, quilling work, siartsd for llin hulldlng to teach the nnn. society men a lieronnot to act in op position in tholr wlshew. Klldruiried tbo at attack and tho others Joliu-d. Frank struck th watchman f the premises ou thn head with u plasterer's hammer si.d killed him Instantly, All tho parlies have bieu ar rested. HuiKAii. August 7 Tho ninth annual meeting or the llutraio Park Assm-lstlou closed toil ty. Uoldilillth Msid beat tho best time on ri cord, trotting a mile In 11:15,, Twenty thoiiiaud persons were prettnt. The llrst race was fur the 2:31 class, for $1, 00j la.OCO to the first horse, II.OoO to the ntcd, (CC0 to Iho th.'rd ar.d 1W tu it" fourth. Fleecy Gold Dust, .on lu llirre straight bests, Cansas Chl9,Mtoitrt, 'Main nnv and Vanity Hair coming il'nme In tlm or der iiunied. Xlni.'s-2iS3Ja. S:'M.'. SiSI',. The sismi'I MOfl Was for ihH'lilW cliis, pureo of tl,(W divided among rmr. lted Cloud won, Uiametoso siennil, Ghsif.r thlril.Nelilo foimh. Ilme-,J.,:oi1,2:lU,C.1"!lS. 2:1s.'-,. Goldsiullh M.iiil, lU'cotuiMilicd by a mini Ing horse, was Iro ltd two bMtfs Tor a pure or $.',W) lo b'nt her own time U:1U. Tlio second heat wis accomr-lliied hi ,.,;tfi1-; n mid deafening epplauv. Wahiiimuon, Ausut S, Tho Iwn-il of olllcers detailed by thn Secretary or the Navy lo liist-cl thn steauishl City of IVklmr nnd Cltvof I'oklo, bovosubinltied K repoit Ih.M they nro AtiiertCBn.lroii'liullt.oftho riqulml tonnage, rupahlo or lining tsn veiled lino war vessels and olIierwIsH i"" . .hit with tho requirements o' th. A.'". :".'. 'IheAei-tr.-im ets will sunn tii!- u. r M - s on the ll'io of uiall s'.iHUKis bi... vm - i iianclsco, tliitiu and Japan. Oen UtkoT wilir to CoiiiuiUsIonrr l'ur datt, of tho Land CHKv, rcprcsi n'lng the u. ftulugsoriuhabit..uis ,f inntliut vuin I ica, owing to gr.vs'.htippo! lavnue'.iud .s'iiiil ,t ,s of tho hardships or si tilers vim mi i! !l. ,1 to go sometime SW lO'.Ki! tvl'lid. tSl1'.-. V n't )TCof cf ficLllpehey", fti.il Mit'-sls 1'iJ (stnblit-liuitut orin.'.il land oill-es. Mn.WAfitir, August 8. Tho Stiptvuii! Court did not adjeurn over tu--1iiy m d ar guiiients lu iho miltonl InJtuiciUwi s-r; w. ie conllnuMl. Hon, it. J. Cook, n"o.-ni for the Noilhwostern ll.iUroiid,oeenpled nmstr.f the .lav with argumoiit.i ii tn tlip Jntl.1li-Unit or Iho 'Court. Consideralileronllileti'ii Is f pressed huro l'ioin Iho rclinirka ofCliUt" Jtis tlco lly.in ytstetiUy, thti tho t'outt wlllrt fuso In issue n lh)iiiulnn M. IV ground th.u It h.v tint nrWIusi Jiirl.lli'lion. It.M.rnut, August?.-- rtioDetiioriHtscirrv thoMnte liys niniorllynftrtitti iP.t'i'i't.iat.itV in tlio t'ltVtlnn of rnii"ns'tui'ii, utul gain twenty lu thoSlato Igittniurc. 1'AIIIs, August 7- I'llO Ittlltlllle of tlllt Spanish repleseiitatlvo I must nnidll.itnry and illllii'iihles with Spain siotit un i ud. Sauor I'sstnlar Is tsvtisl lit en-ailles, chnrgi'd ss lilt thn mission oi'uegolli.tlug for u rvivunltloii of the Kupiibllo in Sinln, M.vtiuili, August? Tlm UeiMililluinshrtvi nl loved Ttcrnal mid the i'arll-ts whoi.iro hedging that placohave lied. ImlloiiU Intristigatlon Intotho ns.tssun'lou ol Marshul Trim lias rdvuHcul lu tho liultcl iiKiitofllfty inoni persons. 1nion, Aligns: 7. It '''it erli l.nt gnuio, American iigaiust the TrlnnnssCluVi. tho for mer won and had I'.riylo spare. The lltife lull playing ul 1'rlnonss this aCeiuoou wasii scratch game, two mumbers of tho I'rlurn-s Club Playing with the Athletics and two with the lied Stockings. The lormi r v.'on by n scoru of I A to IS. LoNboN, August!) -There wim m serious riot In Tortsiuouih lo-iilghl, lu roust utim'u or tho plur iiulhorltles closing tlm ihimiuxU fares, A mob of sevtn,l thousand pioun destroyed Iho obstiiutlon, when tho ki1i'o charged on them repeatedly, and many policemen and rioters were seven ly li'Jitrnl. Arrived at Llveriool Ship John O'Uaunt, irom San Frsnelsco. WAKiiiNirroN, Augnst 0 Tho following are thn postal changes during tho past week for tho Taolilu coast : Postmasters appointed John II. Soman, at Applegate, Oregon; inomsa n. iviuiams, at ijUCEiam.no, ure gon; Itlley Km-naz, at Mslton, Oregon. OI11.HM ealabllsbed At Drlrt Creek, Ilenlon county, Oregon, Matthew llrand, Postmas ter. Oflloa discontinued Table Hock, Jackson county, Oregon. CniCAun, August 10 A Washington special bay there I an active discussion among Journalists at tlio Capital In regard to the next President. Gen. Sherman Is urns! as a oandldalo for the Democrats. Chief Jus tice Wait and Secretary llrl-low's names urn mentioned In connection wllh tho regular nomination. Nkw Yonir, Angust 10. At 3 o'clock this afternoon, Moulton will read his statement bof iro the Investigation Comuiltten. Mr. Dweller's friends now say openly that hu was blackiualltd in large amountH Tor some yours, nnd that ahould Mr. Moulton toll allthat ho kuuws, tho caso will assume an entirely new phase. Several prlvatuconferenccK.HtwIili'li prom inent lienllamou or Ilrookl.u.uot nubllcl.' oonnerted with tho Inquiry, wcro prtsunt, have iMieu held roctiiilly, with a luw ol'iiu ndjusiment ( tho wholo matter. Chioaiio, August III. A Now York oorros. onilentnriho Trilmnfi sends mi aocount of an intorvlow he had Saturday ami Saturday iiigiu Willi Tiiiniiioro niton, mils rtriniv rouvluced that Tilton baa rouiuUtlou for all the statements lie has made, and lixllovr Ihatllcocher was a serpent In tho family of his parishioner, lilton denied lo hlui lliit Ihuro was a word or truth iu tint bcaiidalniiH stories about his lllo. Ho inilillslicd In tho Oolilcn Age, u blogranuy of Woodhull, which was written by Col. Wood. Ho published It to keep her Irom giving to tho world Ihu story uf bis hoiibeiold sh.tmo. Tho oorrcu poudeiil also lutervlowcd Judgn Morris ami nblallied coplus of letters that passu! hot ..evil Tilion and Ids wlfo prior tn and ufiei his dls- covory oi inn aiienmi improjiflr relations bo tweeu her and Ilmiuher. 'ihny show tho Udl'ret alfocllnn on his pail, and deep n. in cued fur liVC tiUI'Atillaud conlrliloii on her psrt. "Mr. MouKon," aM Tlllgr,, "vmuk reliable man, nover having flluchid or life vailcatcd during Uio Iniibtlaa'lon, whllo lleccher has tulsrricseiitcd, lieliaycd mid trampled Tlltou In tlm mire. Tho correspondent says Moulton'. biaio nicnt wilt show by Mrs. Tllton's own hitters Ihu tslwi Uau ttrt fiuktlt ta tjt-i.sti I tit nAtf iitlwi Inljllisl llieoher's aKiogy was tlm work i'. .Mouiton, ins aiinrnt-y, ou wiiuni no rtllcl aiiil Unit it was signed by hlniseli'. Ciik ion, Aug. 10. Tim Itiuht Hov. Hi urv J. lilleliouse, lll.tiop of llu dliKr.-n ot II II -iioIm, iMttl at Ills rt-sldbiico h(,ru hi U o'ckoIe this iiiorning, "t:w Vouit, Aug, 0. A VViouim cjrres poiiilmit with Wen, i:iiter'ntixiHiluiin ivuies a glowing sn'oiintoflho lllaek lllllscntiiilrv Tho paiiy loutid gold In maiiv places, also veins or gold bearing qiurtz. HiiioiihIiiiIh.: "All Mls'lng gisilliKirsl or giograiiliitt.l maps of this region hsvh lit en louml iiiisir race, Tho northward march begins In a r,n days, Gen, Custer ekpecls lo reach I'orl Lincoln by Ihu 31st of August. 'Ihosiiihli parlies of IiidUn- lost bv tlm e.s'ditiou generally ll,'d, Muli.onii of llmlr clilels, imih istptured. Ho has recently return' d froiii a hosilln camp on Powder river and uvs Dm ImliuiiN lost ten killed lu ihu light with tho llolemsn exploring party," Cincinnati, August 0 Fonv pt rsous are known to havo li.eu lost by ihu burning of the tHimlxmi Pat Kogers. IM'l'.so.w.N. Y August 0 -John Stanton Gould, the scientist, died hero last nighl or congestive or lungs, lu tho lxty.thlrd year of his age. Nkw Youk, August 10. Tho funeral of Killduir. the workman who was iiiunlcrml In Brooklyn on Saturday, while interfering with uoii'MM'lely msn In their work, was held yesterday. He was considered lh lea der or tlm Plastorers' Union, and the excite ment over his death whs Intense. London, August 10 The Putin Ttlryrofih y" t' Is 'ejiir'ul lluit'ti lu v' iif.Ltr'4 t recognlrethe Hepubllo or Spain, and that all other powers will follow. Tho TimM reports that Teio I Iyaelntho re signed hlschorgo lu Uuuovu on uocount of a illspulo between inndemto end oxtretno soc lious or tlio Old Catliollu paity. Ho sides with and takes the leadership of tho moder ates. Komi:, Avgust (l Ulght lenders or tho Tn lernatlonalo liavo lieeii arrested here. Other arrests have been niadelii Cloroticc and other Italian cities. Papprs weto signed showing that tlm Interiintlou ilu mis bton ni.ikliu gre.t pnn-rcss In Inly. A leitir fuiiu Itorllu on tbo attrmpted n.t MiNsiuiitiun of Itinuimk by Kiilliiiiin, con t.ilns Him fi lHmliiL'. "The very llrei elun which iho Oni-cMiuiMit lukcstsln openn'i iillaikou tlm f.iihnt.i! jmrtv. Tho ptlva-i dw.'lliugr.rciri.lnphcr.lobeph Crnintr, m lug editor or the lh,-hn (!a wtlliul, was sean-ntu ny ine pnin't, Wl.u cilllll-Cltcu let ' Ins, iiuiuiioi'tlpts 'ind si ine puuplilcts. Th t.fti ii'lt of the pdi'-o Htum iii niimbto i.sm lo Iho homo of Ciiiu s 'llor Van ICohl-r, Sd'tM irv of I I'o Ma. ci i .i Catholic Union imdlliiir l.o'iiy w.m i I'sldcralilc nbeiit '' I ileriiivenv, litl'iTs mill i irciil.irs, with n.tliia j nl Uiilnbiis ol Hie S. i'-ilv. On thu btVki I v in:"; llerr Van Ktb.w'a wntkroom win .'..i.i,, ,, iin.I iir.iIii rn i1h I'ollowltig morn mp. 'Urn pliicn .jfnufilng r.f iho tp'riua'i uitiniiis ol Tho t'iilluvo;in Union, and ! lit ti hmiMiof N'lrir iitiil npiritunl lomi.dl o. Mt-.l'er, r.ilher .C tlio Cuihtilli' soclcliis in IV.l.u, sel',Mc.rclid " I Wjjiaiissai.iri tswu-arx ntnf lajsi state A2Ti3 T.'anaiTonTfl.Xt ' A colt bhlonglug to Mr. Henry Wooly, of . llllislioio, lun uaiiisii. ftiiK'u rn I, Mon'dny, jwlni'h fiilt'icl ni'ir the l.vst ribs, nearly t-M nig ll wid'. up.ili, Thn col. was worth t f ion. j 'I hi rn mo two t'iMuptiuI'M of s ildlnra iu I Wuilowii vallry. 'llu.v wlil M'l.nt uriiiin I lor iihoui Iw.i inontli-, mid "houlilliiiLidlaus IHhUii their lippi'iirauco tlio boidiois Will ru tin II to Wn!l t Will l,i. A lllllsboiu pliysli'luii, who has two hand soino duitglitort, iiit-x d u. small crop ofoaU this year.' Ono liinoiiliclil nlulil, last week. I tlm expiring young uii'ii of i.n t,u u weul In : tho D'Vlnr's u.ii held mid cm mid buund thn i riulre crop. tlilinr.lt JelT. C. Di.ls wr.s h'ivimi a grand tcci'ptlon ujsiu hi.siiiiivdl ii Wailn Walla. Scveml Tiirtl.ind cipltnlKs havo rccnntlv lnvcstid largely In ri.il tttatu lu Walla Wullii. Thn Idaho J.vkey Club, of llolso City, uro linking e.Meuslvo preparattous lor this Kul I mens. Colouol Hoy I, li.todlsliiirNlug (iiarlerma.s ler at Walht Wnlli, has been ordered to Fort Uiavi'iiworlh. I An tilliiri Is being nmln lo ralsn money to t'siiiuiisti a liaper at Dayton, Will In Wall county could support threo pap,irs. A GVangs hHS been nrp.nlml at Mount Idaho, Nea Terco county. William 0. Tear sun, Master, ami J. 11. Ilobliisuu, Secretary. Tho hkallng rink at Wnlli. Walla Is a thing ofthnpast. It was demolished a f.nv davs since, the lumber being used in tho con struction of a mammoth waruhouso. Peter Hoofer, tbo unfortunate man ao severely Injured ,nt Walla Walla, nomotlnm since, was oniupolled to undergo the painful operation of having his leg amputated. Tho Walla Walla i'(iilr.inmii says: Wo learn that purl of tlio Tlron Intended to complete the local railroad has already been shipped, and may be uxpuclod lu arrive at an early day. A few days since a farmer near Walla Walla became uuiagcd at Ids horso, which ho had uttachod tn n plow, mid taking a single tree from tho plow lilt Ihu animal over tho head, killing ll instantly. Messrs. Palim llros, ,V Mnnrn, uf WnlU Wslts, by order of tho War Department, lnivo beeu releastd from their horso contract, and tho Quartermaster has bteii onlercd to purchase tho animals lu open iniirktt. Ou last Monday morning Master Hubert Hopkins, of Walla Wnlhi, iigid about 11 wars, while attempting a lilllti diun-lil in ism on Iho haokol i. llery, uiiliiiuud eayuso. wuh btnldeiily prts'ipliuii'd lo tho uiouu.t,snil had it Hlinul.ler-blailo Inokini. The Il.uikot Mtollug lor Diiylon work, In I'liidlug tlio l'ourth Wuaiti'riy Mixniug for Hint ciii'iilt ciiuiii ill last mii unlay and Sun day week. It uus tiniti ot iiioro tli.iu ordl naiy lutt'ivt. Iliy Is sold at llvo dollars a ton lu thn meadow In iJiiuglas coiiuiy. Livery stalilo intii aiebtorliil.way llulr winter's supply, A.J. Iluriiiitt mi' Jl'r. Hoover stintid last Thursday lor Klamath Indian Aconoy with .1 drovo nf thii'ii hiiiiiliT'l hr.iil ol u.tllo. They um s'oi I. miiiltt nusohaso'l by Ihu Gov ernment for tho liiillansou thoi'sservatioii. Pino halmoii trout nro brought .uto tho Itnmlitir? mirkijl from tlm tl-lmilis i:t tho North and South Umpqiia Juucllbii. Millon Unlit, of Albany, was l,st wrelt very In dly injured by a call kicking it turn dour ug.tlnsi ids head, Iriini winch inlsior luiio hu lias nluco I 'ten cuulliied to hli bod w lilt n il'ingorouii i.llmtlon ot tho bialu, Mr, It. J. Lancuiluld or Amity met with a fMlwr sml aoci Junt a day or two slnro. Jlis was reiuoviug somo paitol'n stairway, when, it till In c inn. detached and Icll, btrikiii him a- ros't Ihu It g mid fracturing ll. On the evening of July Ciih 1,1,1 Mr. Mor gan, who renldna Ut tsl'-.'ii.li.ii, whil.i ellinb lug from the lofl lr ids liaru, It 11 acrost tlm mi.UKor, bit'iiklng llirre i lis iiml huitlug lillll.ill lull ii. ally. A sinill'irmvUlunl li.ip- pciicil lu nun :. lun .iiel.sNiiii'u. I!. Hull last vtouk fiiund soino rock n low lillliH f'Oiu Jackson, llin, which proved lo l0 lirmic I y rlnli. Less dun a puiinil was urushi'd lu niii'irt.r imlassnyttd i US- Ho hus its .ft not ill.iihd wheru ho loiiinl thla ore, but says (hum Is a well ditliued lidrfo. .Should Ihcrock lioldiut, this will doubtless bo ono of Iho richest mines known to man, Tho following f.i"ts icWU'to tho li'islnes't of tlm Hosvliurg I, slid Ollloo during the nioutli of July past: Tlii'rowtiro'J.Js are.s of land enured under llin llouiustead Aot, nnd I "l Hems us limit homiMti.td eutiliM. For casii there was Mild'J.iMI sens. ont. mineral entry was inuile, noil (wiiduli itluil ourtlhcalcs issued. Jehu Lsily, of Holm, haiinld Ins tlnubtsl. lion Hl.nl lor JiiHi', A war party ol sioux ludlaus wero sighted near Fori Uiraiiilcou ihu'JMli lilt, 1 hu garrison at lort Hle le, Wyoiulng, hia bet u ruliilureid by a company oi umilry, Kdwln llooth, broken lu htiiUh, will bo at Deliver Ihls wiek or unxl, hi stay u iiionUi or so, lion. O I!. Mel'rtililen, Dolt gate loCongiets from Wsthlngtoii 'Punitory, Is on his wuy home, Diltgalo Clkins.ofNuw Mexico, received a iitirfriu iiv.ition HtSnnioIV, upun his return iroui Washliigtoii, Smsll parties of ludluns, supKised to bo '',,r ' "c I': . .'. ::.. . rauud '.Ui wulsunuw un tin, r'liiiHtcf U.aus, fwra) ! ir h w ' t. r- e tn t