Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, August 07, 1874, SUPPLEMENT, Image 10

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I.OV.MXIi l'lllMC MtttKY.
Under this lieiidiiitf the "Ii1i';ik, ''''
hinir 1ms un iditiirlnl nf l.iti' (lute,
mIiIcIi we ptll.ll-ll in full, mid which
it'iite to ii Mil'jei'l of intere.-t to Hi'-'
people of On-null "I ""' pfl'MMlt lilUC.
Tin.' Atnti' of Oregon :ilv.i. - luis it Inw
iimnunt of minis In liniiil.iiiiil will hue
more mill more :i lime p.es on.--There
tuny lie no icu-oii (.1 f iiiiiphilu of
the. iiil-ti-o of ftiniN. Imt Hint N 11 mut
ter ll.llile to le-lllt ill trolilile liere lis
H-owlier.-. 'l'lie iin-tioii win put III
our lifiirinv tin other liiy, Why not
liiiill the Slnte I'll 1 1 I - to re-(oll-ihle
hankers who will piy I'.i'r Intere-t mid
jlvcnhuiid.int security V unil we sub
mil it for iMiiililerntloii without nru
nient. .ive to cull iilletitloii to the
iimoiint Hint mlhl ho -ivtsl to the
State, anil to the public ii'lvintiie 01
liuvint; money In u-' rither tliiin In
h ive il locked up in State vault-. The
'I'ren-urer -liutlhl he secured ill pnes.
sion of :i fnlr -ulary. -ueli n- incorpor-it-cil
comp.iiiiiM ji.iy for similar erviee
ol' 11 I'ompelenl liti:iui'i:il iip-nl, mill
lln'ie should he Mil :tn 1 in inir hoard to
which he slioiihl he a nintiihle at .my
moment foreery dollar of State mo
ney. This hoard eotihl act with him in
making loam ol Slate fund-, If -neli a
y-em were adoitel. In the I'nited
State- Treasury at Vahiiiylnn any
department I- ll.ihle at anytime to he
inspected without notice, and the truth
of it-, dally halnn he thll-veritled.
Similar ytiiirils and checks should he
11-eil auaiiMl eery Important dlshitr--
NSl'lvotlie trlli-lelrolllthei-oIinil!l.( ,lJlh?jlu: l,f:,, w.t !,rvi. On tlm
fit' the CllltM'o Trilmiw us follow t:: j J!il tbuy Nlarlcil onthnlr rMiirn titkliMC p.t.
-I'll.. 1.,-HH.i.lii IVi.ii.Nlviuil.i. of all I -.. '." I.'1'"-':1'', mi irlm lltllH M.oonr
p.irlh-hate t-alli-il alti-mlou 10 the an
iiual ,-tatclih'iit of the Tri'iiunT of that
Slate, made .lull 1. ai'd are pollitiliir out
how that iillii-l.il -iiiteuniit ain-l
ni-ee-i.-ailly he a lie. Ill phiin I'll
KlMl, thi-.N rli.irj.e (hut the ui'iii.-. "ftlle
Slate N hiiin il mil lo liinl.-. unl utlu-r
pel. -on-, for the inullt ol ihe lnle Tli-av
lirer HI" ouielioii ele. Uter in Mlelln-
i;au thi-le i the'-alile pilllie ilini-vlon.
.1. ..in. .... ' . .. . 1... 1 1.. I.:
- - - - J - I -
1 1 . t .. 1
1 oe 1 imiiiii'i hi nun .-inn- iiii-i in 111-
. .. .. . jll .11
hanil-on the lrif.lul oinelliJni;inr
M.leil.lHH), anil the weekly hala lur-1
lllUr Ihe year preei-dlllij that iljje ha re 1
iitniu'il t.'Miti,inH, It is i'iiiiii ili-.l ll'Ht
I III- Uiiuiet ltd has heen loatiei'. .it itili I'-:
1-1. ami now- theie l a deni
.mil that tlie 1 '
nhine -hall he hiol.ell Hit. 'I'll - Icllli dy
propovil I-that the illet of keeping a
inillloii of dollars -orpin- on Iminl he
aliautloneil.or that the inonet tmi invited
he Inve-ted III I'lilled Mates M-euiitile-,
tile illlelfil to be ttllllisl imo the Mate
1'rea-uiV. The ple-elit Mate Tiea-4irer
of MlehlKiiu Is not by any menus II i-
Initiator of thU --teui; It has nine
down lo It 1 111 from a loin; line of ede-
vmii, and the ttetn Is part if tlio
-eheiue by which pal lb- eek their own
advaueeu'ielll at theeo-l ol the Mate.
The loatiliii: of nalaiii jiuMir moil-
,y In the .Mate Tn-a-uile- Is In.wetvr,
not eoiilluiil In Ihe two .Ma'c- nanus).
n accident led to a ret dutlon of the
-aine fact in Iowa, and :iillier lJi Km
:n, and In hulti Man- tin ie wa- a Ifj-tte
ilnrMleullon. It I- mneMlIt -Uiom-i
that the practice ihvxihN .-tciywlii'ie,
and eUeiuN t l;.il r''-n; "', ,b'
1-iState I ieallliei. Iheehaiue ill the
local ollha-s In Iowa b the .-U. tl..u.s la-
bill liiicotereil M-teial lliuuir) tailll.
that 110 InnuiM i-.iniiiiiiisl thi nio'iet tht
liotllll llllte li-ell Here. III tU
Mute, nml in Imllaivi ami WU-uumii.
ami III setel.ll oilier Mllti'-N -I elmiijje tn
illei. ,IIm 1iimI that the euluie uut),,-
.... ...... ..
H'tlirilisl. ;
We have Ii id In the I'tvuMirv "I 1 111-
lldis fur nevi'1-nl .xi-iiro 11 xer, l-irj: ' ! I
.mice.. We .lo not menu to aa thai any
jairthiuoi itli...;tV;lK..iil.Mmsl or d.-i
tIle.l in
priii-ui 1.1, or ke imiii'ii1
& .1
. l-4'Wheie "II lliteie-t. .tet.-rlli.-l. s
xt hell the s.tlar.t "t the .Mite lua-U'Vi-x
u "Jl.'JWja .xeal an I 1 in re," -indlii-hud
t Jlft.x his fit. it i-i-r:, tin re mis al
li'tija'a l.icn i.iiupetiti. 11 fi.rlh.,"rtlo,.
nn.1 iiianv .xciir- a-r.uue 1 1. ;ton 1 .i un
shi.ic real-Mieil mil I the siiiM.s..t reason
,t ,e. llmt " I lie .....ii.-x had Uvii
tuitst. ...... ...... . . '." "',"' I
I....I I....... I..,.u..l .101 .mil Int.) not. U-. i,i'oii'ui.-i.t,.miiiii-a is ptniK on in aliip-
lie - Iiiij ..ii'i ! " : ." inn wni. rAv N now 1 iie.i Willi ne it ami nuiv-n. . miitw, wicr, ti iu ixih- i.rA.ii on to en iniiu - ""' "'" 0"J "i"" earnest men ure uiti-iiiioii in tun suhskiuk
and iivm-iiI an cspiisure. I lie s.iiiu . .s.iiiini,,,, U" u)1h, The ton ii of Nortli kald, Nvreiary. ltoi-n ( Ity. ' at the rat.iol llfiv r Puna to tlio sun al I ,..on ut Iho pimin in tlm Interest of the
llllliit la Ill.el.X Inn. cur il :ili. tune w h. n l',,rt, Cutiiu.. Cii v tii.IC.itl Hanks, present I ureka V. Tuxler, Master: J. W. l.ueky, not liuxn eo1 "," -'""i :,u bnnr, thpv tould ' v.raw-bitl pltllidprrrs oftha lloteruuiont.and
puhllu inotie.x Is thus itvklc-.l htit'lb , at l,leti..oti thrill and weitllh. Tlm only oh- eietaiy. lluls,, city. tb)ll . ' fn yet, for Neptium Is nmro ; fr., iium it Meiue.l that tha llmie nilKht
ar IK rinnl iiioltt. ! ItoH'm I ilnd is. til the trtxelllin: Is .lorn, on llors, sin. Iteii.l-K.H.Hnhb. Master; I'.K. - -. tiiftllnMsS year Ironi the center i.fi rtSiifii to adopt tho conference reis.irt.' fBnitt
' . I ... ,ier. this I will et us,, to how t..r. There Starr. Ss-r.tarv. llorsehm. lleud, It ibetsmn -or lysti.in. lint we aro Ko'.t iir 'nto ' n Mh-' UlH V'l f.:?ml,i:,,ltf 'WaWflultolv-
.,' .., ..... ... . ii,....,iiiiutiis nlviainUllx all titer Hie' iv. .1. mi;m nuiuU'is axuiii; wo must Into -'.'IHO , 1; , ' ' r --"""'?
Vioui l TllN-rti.ier. 1 ;,',:. '. .1 w l-i is eum.sixe e.u.uj.t irkt. n . I'meiie l-.i-.i- . ., ,,, . x liter s.rt ant than i viUnliy la .Lns . , ; :-'" ' ' '" ..ut tlm Mraw-bld
. I .-''. Z .". . niers un . ,-vu' VM "' Tt T:' lwi' 1 -Pv for in. l.lBh't i r..la;4,Jr , ' ' ;,' '"'.u , !bI I" thi lobby had scuurod a majority
While wo raniM a,eo w ill. ..iir .Mrr,-.." l .VI."V . . w - "'nr' ,t"m ' ""ir'T't 7lK SUiIOl.t ' .. x. . vx- r',r ""!,t lwl Ku the un to lo t '', h,' ' '". ",H """ ,Uo'l l,.l,.1!w r'm was ftl,0
.lint hi i.i ibeis.'et- ol .bsiau.om wab ,.,"'!".v "r p"-iu"'s i htMH. Uoy I , .:;hlioU l-le- Js-. A. lttmlielt. Msster; . ! lr,ht inhuit , Ml t , ini es t en lm '' .N, l'"'N' l'-v thndellbonueaetof tbeSen
.1. . , ' ? , B ' "."l ""'"I "I' ""d re.t-s.ni ititBlli eharKP-i. I T. tVoMin.tli. .vrr.JJ.V. Jltiiialtsx Hit;. I. T. ,'s to- '.,.. '7, . iv ,j .,,i . . Vnm . i . 'V"' ,'" "" ,,,,ori''1 of " ,,,,ll,'d pluuder-rlnK,
iththt wntel.inan at the c. urt ll.m.o we e.ia , tt(!1 llt,ut ,.' i ix next. Co ts. Malheur V. W. iinblei'. Mat, r: William yJ ' f ')' ' -f '"V'1!1-"' ' " ,',"" I L1? ' ,,,M lol,i-' ,", ',r '' '"' w)" meinbera
uotrenist. to Kite bis letter a place in .a. r ' Thomp-.v... NVr,Urv, j-,,-tto. i.reuva. iik .,, ' " ' V,,,, Jo iro fm il... si ii wl ". ,l"' ,".""".'.'" Ier"rl" ott0 nt ,,,e IUOK
.s,luu.nas .,.stl. 'Ihe I'.i.nt ..iisj ill. lis,, He t(.,. Siliil.ru- A. AlliHiii. Mavr. JlU -' -' . N eptune. Ai iVu hV tliutulmlu-
..t II... taxi'ttn, ... Ma., ...mutv tool J.Vf'J1" N.?,,V.r.,V i l. ! !''! tbo m-.ir,..t is tli.e yeaVa oil ,',,2 u,,al' ' iowiinWnt.
1 . J Vt.lfsTt s;. l l-.-ri -lHMl 1HI--.CU, ..lltsitT; . . f . Ii V 'lit. L s, .J U'.in. I . ,. .
i.iuuli imuiey mil to i ik .niM.r ear., of it I .... , . ,.,.., Hill, Mer.t.irv. snr. Ada fnimtv I. T. J ' h.wi(. I A Uai it H..u. - Aliu.vt any onoeaa he
midlako t.tery mt.-.o.ii.ni ,,o,M an. ele.l ' , ''r: J''fday a eltuan ot this ptaoo i',.wii'ri:n".r riios.O'ltr.tatit.Ms.stor; II. ''ue Oenre.- .V.-u of tho i 1 ul; Mr.. ,l,urti"'- '' uolBhborN house, If anythliii?
And llu. Idea tn.t. ihe j til,., ,-an attend to bis '""m ,'1";" "I' hU . """u lI"" Ui" ' l '-' Verrtary. V nt... county. ..,.,.?, ,1, , mphiod pretty Sa.Vhf I a'hi?0n& Z ? " !'' f r V"W-
siiany duties the .l.v and watch the " '" " l M '" " Ul'" l,a-v' A,m!lu" x, M r.nK , "... 'T.T. , Xh" ''""'l" ot .lit1t'W bore, hut th.re ' r',V"? ", ij exei?ii"i? S
luilMliiL- i.t nlubt i, too im.ci. .s , '-, '""' " ..re prox-ured. tha In. in ,M,,n ' w Muounelnc hlsold-tlum l .very, was a shower la tlio Cedar OrMIt V.OIey tlm i, ," it N not telt or iri . o u ;,oi i,. . 2
fe .. , - 5F-"M
n..V'"'" in ll.it isir 'will Is- Ksu.ssl as usual . , , Ti.k 1 ,., l.i.i.u- Ml. etan laru-er I"."?, Ii?,"1?' if ,u Mr. JVrrin. ' A II. . a.-Wb.tt a mysterious thin,; N a
ileiiUr .1.,. i .'o'oil Ju.ltfa I'wbl.s. N..w' Sh "ral l.erunii linialraiil lamlllpshtxe h.ia the celebrated bell at MoJsW n !' T, Hlm,v',, -nllrely iletrojed. At the same blush, that aslnwlo word, a.'ook ora thounht
V nk I ',,vi ihi "''is ;i,li:7'iW;.lH.1,l,.u!il 'Jrnfln'h' bowr."e.thVu n.oT.,wer.u,n,b,!n;,re,, ,,,0UMU,a b",11?" rmu!llW'1 '" 'nhultabl,, earnatlon ox"
luiia nrii...o..l i. .vmliiir." Iherelor.. h"u' They nureh.isl f.ti un and ainv.tr to Issut ct at Crankeuta In IJer.uauT i.Tr ih """"'""wuiitolliyiiiir reH)rter. ilyluR thecb.sk! Slrance. t.xi, that It isonlytb
nn'ehalf.lthe ux.'riTx'vr '""-.! .iv!. '' "11 '""'" --- tUAlri iV"oki.iJ. It U Stt M"l vtladbeinB from the north. , raee-the human f.,ce--that is ,ZL of
I wuuhta.k ahv Is ifctr,. ,."su emplo.x.sl i .... .( s. -,."..; .llla.uv. Wllll'!m'" ."" ,K1" l hll'v thoiiaand I "J, your wire U not o lWnsve as shn .. "V t",-' .p," l'"'' or '''0 I't J'H not
at the Court lloiiM.at lwo.lo.uu I"''- uluhl.ls ' ' '", , r M" , ,. V""' . Alllaius ,xmj,, Tlle h , , ,. KilCw,n uv( m, , sed to la,." .'No. bhe has loll that otVand ! i, " . ."u,le,,'t.v f bMio more than
II to xtat" h llllly u,L,r- " irvi ha ' ''"" ' l""U '" ,,,ls "-v t"1'm,,.v' Hmver l-'th. ' width al tbst Use Is lourtw.u ft:. turned expenslxe." i,,B KltJe "r ,h," - h'-'b cuvors It. It U
' ... .irwiui,s. i ' f tee only that Is he.it en !
Tlio County Commissioners must know this
matter costs thn county nearly $1,000 n yeat
c untlng lights Urn and pay. If this Item
I - tohnkept up I think weliid hotter haxe
hi pt llio 0I1I Court House. The Sheriff Is tlm
if rson to look after tlin prisoners mill lakn
carniif llie (all Mint II' 1111 xtrn v.-ati.-li Is re-
11 Irt-il I Hiiy Int tliu hliorill" pay for II. I call
aiti.titimi to this in liter through tlin Kmnm,
It lining 1111 Iinlvpuiduht iiiariinl.
Tax I'axkii.
.1 Tltll ill Tll.lliMOOK.
Tiroi'.'A hill, "' iimlnll--ln rr the tuHK
Jiiim 'lfcifi.y Dninrrmth i A'afcm Jirlv
Uii thr Jtmri Mr , lUe.
(n tliu Hl'.cr'iiicu of tli Pith .Mr. (J. V.
M'llvni mid wIlii J Kit Srtlmi fur it trip to tliu
Tilhiiiuiok I'imi'Ii, Tlicy pf-nt t lie tlDt iil'lit
ut Mr. Tcllcn hi folk uuunly nml wrt
jiilii(.'il )y .Mr. hiiJ Mrs. T. Mini dmiKbUr In
tlu-lr (i(.'iirion nMt nioriiln.
Thiilrtrlptliruncb HnJkntiil Vainlilll tiitiu
tli-4 whs a ilt llulitlnl '"i". lh frtrniiT- on the
linn of tlalr mint' uirn 4nt aniaHiiciiiij
Imyin nml lmr iviinx am) Iniiu linJIiiitloiiN
.Mr. WINon llilnfe thut tint urop-i In tltuso
foiintlui r iisiiiinlljr lurjr..
TIih llit nli;lit'-( i-Hiup 'An.- pHWieil In a
ln'Hiitil'iil srovu iiHn tlin li'inkx of tlm rlinilc
Vuuililtl. nil tfiit llillowlntr ilny whilM ut
illiini-rtlirj uut Julpt It. i". Iloubaui, Win.
U'k.iIo nii'l Mnjor I.ortt vvlioxtorn on tlioir
w.iy honei I'rotn HUettiliua-iioatlioTilUniiiok
Ouinty (Mitt. A hooIhI cbiU while thw
uboln pirty lixil. it plcnlo illnnr wt i).
uj t'il by Hit, ramping tlm following nijlil
on tlm uinniitulii-s Mr. W'U-nni 1111J party ar
rlvcil ill l.laculii on tlm Vlthli. U-hvIiik Ibxlr
horxtx Ht l.lmiiln ivhlob Ii Hi tin hnitit- of it
-lmili xiiiptyliii; uiio-TillHoiook buy' tttoy
took 11 -all boiit Hiul'ln tbre houn wnmnii
tlm Iwiu-li ttunly-livit mlloi fnim t.luoolu lit
plncii immi'il lor t)m llhisiriouii Italian br
Jtiirn tboy i-Hinpil-ln it .wtrwliousi nwaed
ny ('apt. CoriKJ uf tlm Mil IVoiid itticl hjkiiiI
1 iniiu iiv .in. nil t.ir idiiiiii it kiiiiBBUji mrw ui -
l,.,lll l. -Via. II. .a .. Ill lu.t i.l llm llnl b rvi tu
In tliU ril v wIiith 1I10 purty Hiwiit k a iy. Mr.
WiNnii took it im tl th-inijni'ynt poultry
mid inliirtiii 111 Unit tin toi:nt fiiw fan.t Mild
llut of llli'lll HH.-iy liupnivml.
At I In.-oln ilui'niiil If. Jnbllxii-kof Mr-
Mlniu llbi with a iirtv of ultlrUnia lxHBd lor 1
lie, bn.ieli ut inintrxtlUl.
Mr. WMIvni -.ttio- tlmttliK l-ud fciiTHU
inimk oh-oii; to .tsiLiinpiU'- (i'roiiL.nUl) 1
not iiie'nUleil I'o.-- untia- country, Uit lor
uiii'iin; .tint rulsuu vniutilu-, ll j.h Kwi
. ...... . u. 1,. n.K.
.l.llirIWf. III . l Ti.nl.
Aninbn mml wr thiHawunwlMi.Mr. W.
M) (l u ,Mrntv. tnllvit plmv hm. v,kou.
,,',m wh ulliur.up MJtl Jiiwii rtJl feawii,
'l'iu,i viiolinllMi hml wifm nil lhvrnild :o
l-ut tlMt pmprLMor iilni' aul evidently h'iu-
- "uinl In llmlr -stKulnl-civi.
Mr. Wilson i-id wlt. vot boiM4Tiuwinv
eveiiluu UavliiK. riiJoytJtJielr sbaru baioo
trom viieoapilal ut.
Ill INM II t.
.Il Jitrnt j.; (Vie mm our .Vy,.-,(;
I'orre-yuiiCtit (io lUni.,
;v fiar.NTV, July 27, 5;t.
Mot. Man ik: .Vm yrouihisl nu my nrrlval
hur, I nou jIveyoiiMlaw wjrdseoiBirulllK
thiklUy. "Jliore Is :w sirl o3 Urtsx tbt is
1111 m prosijrroi v&atn tills county. Ttinro
.00 lhni iel Ii4ii omn 4sts of tfcni ox-tiijiv,Jy--rtinl
two mom preparing tOMhip
e.ul. tir. lleitryn.tl inl.rt,on tltslniiils
-.imilJi, 1 1 Udm; pviieil, Mia coal btdtiK of n
teip)nor pialty lAtor.V o,,Ktti Isilnnus,
, ,)U M W1W1 ,,rUlBill)J Ul(lto. ,ue it(
protl.t?-ii,l,. Iho Ui-liKirtwnl Nmvpou
J1 '
'"ine-s. whl.-ti Sw. tiiinUb.sl much c.v.1
ter iirs to 'ivjn uurUut. ar alro.-v.ly
kin-tii lo yoiu nstdniN.
"t'ltre Jin tiissi Wrm nIimh mtw mills inn
1 via 4 iii.-bl ni-ldav, tithllm!arpv.totistrlty.
.Miwuiif il.i m-lls there aix sii.itnls,
Iniilillnit. Al -.inpiir-.y4rtl there Is the
Iir-t sl'fci p.tuti.ly tailll ihal im utw
alteuitlsl lo b i put up on this coast,
T1, tv,,,.,,,,,,,,,!,,,,, ,nr MarahiltdJ is
vlNlim w,,rlll. A,M.tl1.,H,UvUIo,l.,ll.tll.1)
, . , , :
t-it .t aiuu nidi Ins )i in.ly iu (liii iiiimliuai. nl
'lit- 1 -- nil" tl inti-" liu pull (4
Sariok, Ihn ilr-t -miller niatii it. As War-
wick's laim wis net 'it "Inoere a.-t, bill In
the ni'i'iti-l .11 a man by tlin unuin of
Hat ih, iiianv w. aider how this .if-PiaWitl
is tit'.iulU'iiHi.ii. -(.mtithlnk tUo lawvers
.......... .... .....
's""" "r- ' "'- V "V" '-Pir iiara, nnti
,'" '' "l"; ,"""u ' ''l'll. s l.y defeat, Into
net., .icsirime ,oi, .Mnrsiuielil
How ThliiKN Iiiok In the Valley. iSamimiry Doing) tit When timid.
Mr.T. II. Wait l.tcly made an excursion t a Reulleman-from S.tlem mado a drive to
Into Unn county, and furnlshos us with some; Wheatland beforo breakfast last Sunday
very iiecepiiiMn JoKIiijsh by the way. ua iii
nttlrles, and Is tHiennilnnn -tu'iltl 2iis-o-slty
to rrt!on. IIer ho met Mr.WolN, tlio moot
HlK-rfT-e.fiit bop grower III Ornpou, ntnl lip.tri)
hi aci-oaat orthnl hnim-tintfiKrlciiltHre with
iiiik.'Ii Interest, Tlm boperop Nina prosper
Dili condition and prnmNuM wdl, an the m-a-oti
In ornion In alni'i'-t nlwas ftvnrahlu.
Tlm rains thut urn apt tune-air laothiirSintti
when the bopanra fhrutiiiK, destroy or Injure
tbbit proertlt-H of llm hop ami doprrclnto
the price, hat with ns ihn hop mititnw iwr-fni-lly
and rotalns Its itrHiitli uiilmparod.
M'r. Wait i'nnl(lcrs that Wnlls .how.san 011
orjo'Hiul ntilMririsH luiishlni thn cultiva
tion of this now proihnt tint may ixreatly
htlleilt oar Stuto and desert et tliu rctwitnl .'
ahiiudaii: iik;o-w.
'ro-sliitf over Into Itlr.ti coanty.osr Infor
uaitit resiii.s tli st Alhtny appears pnmpor
oum and xivoi token of crotrth that N very
om ouravchn;, as a nnuiiorof prlv.itw hnuscv
11 ?o In i-onrso oC ereetloa, and besides tliosn
tlio frtriiii-H areballillimt -rr.it w.troh'aiHoiai.
tin river, and Nnwtiv A t'o. are putting up a;
llm rullrincl depit a Inily lnitiiiio waro
hiiliso 1-iiPdlntr, Intended to xtoitt -ai'ltcil
(!riiln, lo bo KW.iJO.) In ;i;n. tin Al'iiny pral
rin fall theat 1im1js wfll: iprlui; whett lew
l-en hhiihwIikI hurt, however, l.y tlei !u.n
hnl wrtMbxr thai Injnri'd Its jtrottth w-bnn
uiniint-nelni; t matiiro. l.i-b:iuot is a nh-e
rountr.v villus ,; incohanlr- Ibere v.erohiiiry
niimlrln reapers and .tundior m . to per
mit thoiiirroiiiidln !triurs tn pi to work.
Holo Is Jt-reat plaeo Tsr bu-lliess, m till mil-jo-ul
ls.tno fUi ml Uj Pitrrfcrii wl.h l!a trade,
whleh eoinen Ironi tlin rich anJ populous
fannlni: rei;i n that 'A i on the njx.r w:itir
oflhe .-Stiiiiiain. ubovolhn 1-orks. boiil (lie
I time that Mr. Wall tv.tshi that oiliyne
Nllalro.itne oil, of which he hetM llm paille.
lilara. A lieuu 1'roiu.Harrisburt; unit a l-lln
Ironi the I'orks of tlm Simtliuii fiiiinUthe
i.nurMo oftruu lota Jroknu by oppo-lllon and
w'.lh.the hn)i iiftlx Kviilln switj alioulScto
tlm two frilihlilt liuvru nsojpeditaKlbuand
win i Hindu one.
Mir. Walt ulves, ,w tlio rult of Un Wr
viulons, thut hill '.iiinls and IkiMuiih irodinyt
butter eroM this year than ura raiMnlinn or
dliairy pralrlo hiada whvro tlm clitv. oomoa
ne.ir U111 wirfac-u,
The 1f)nllutliiry c Nuiuy.
A pleiLH.tnt uad- dnllbtl'nlly tsail jhappl, a
ltoil H..SIU011, Mi.aUpntlvp andlpniv, all coin
hlnctl made a visit to tlin .'oniteiUatry yes
tarday an anrv.ia.fc4o ouo a Jtl one loni to ho
mtiierr.bMred. The snrxt.yt comiiieiiccd at
nlnten o'elocit ul tthleh tlnm t!m prlsanei-s
all rn.un lu and took tbolr soata nuletly.
Tlmy were r,wily drr-so.l atd jnnoothly
shavad. Tbualrp room.ha.l an.JthluK but a
dreasy tliiiixvou look aVmtlt.
Tlai unlearn tpiletly iwrfmiap.1 tlioir ros.
pecLh'odiilioH. tliio of ibe prisoners praslde.li
al tlio nrtu.auothor led tho. sinking, anil
iiKulvullclbouij.iln! liilbo..-liiuiii,wliIcU
ua., iu soosl Umo auiLaa xvull tveii as inarv
clwtch ii tho vliv. Tho stoaion .is umI
The lull. iwlim Is a list of (intones orittulr
sl by I'ratlk Shtdton, Deputy Master for tho
Walla Walla DUtrlct, ilurhiK Muy, June and
up lo.lulv 'Jtl.
WliiKxIllu- W. Drown. Master; C. Jaliv-t,
Seerotary. Maker Cltv, UreKoa.
lUkorlMly -II. I., (lanliier, Master; 0. M.
l-'twter, isiwretary. Maker City. Drcnon.
Kldnradu Jauiea Murlill, Master; 0. 1.
l.aey, Secretary. Kldora.la, Dieicon.
Ilnlse I.. I-'. Cartiai, Master; (iuu D, J'.IIU,
Secrrlarv. ItoNe Cilv.
Shi'ltmi lUxidMarkhain, Mustttr; D. Her
on, s.ivri'tary. iioiso 1 ny.
SUr-1). . roach, Maslor; C, J. .Simpson,
Siwiro'iirv. lWseCItv.
Mlddltnn-.l. II. Wrlsht, Maxtor; 11. T
tJiay, SiH'ri.'.urj'. Mlddleton, I.T,
Lower llo!e-r. t. liillvrt, Master; T. J
liMer, St-t'ivlary. Miiltllelon, I. T.
routu bu ti-ltJ iheKxrm 01 u. u. wienn. 1111s t bMh ues r xhM villiiKttbo wa.-4horrltlol mr.riiliiji to.- bis Home -a.niii rm... i. rv--l-lo
tlm.S111tl.1111. who IntH a vory :iao o-.uu-1 , ..,,.. ,,, ,,... ,,, ,.,.,.. tnras tiuiin by way of Uia dalles aa-i lklw
I I... ...,l.l. ..,,. 1'. ........ . il... rilur llilll I'nIU . . ... 1 ly . . .. . n. .,
"J -"-- -' - ' ii!ini;iiiK pronu unil Hutu, uur irmini rt-au , o.- IJnval, elilput con ni iiev 1. r.
Limnty hoUllHil tliopotii-ryiil IJueim VW.t, m, hormr tlio tfiinul or huio tn lll tnti;- ltov.il. l'rltierl or tlio-.Portl.iiul Aotitoniy,
vthlohN Htlnn-lvflyfiiniswl In the. inniiii. cdv o the arm of tin. defun.-t Inn.ir miiii !,?"l,'nrn!T1,llllSo,,n N J. lC
Ufturcrni.n4timtly In.-ruH.lnj: arloty of llil,.,!7V .. un. ,. r ,, In.lLwi 1;. "!'s!. .ilJrLraS:
am apprvvrwiolo laa an, by ixov. ,. ,,;, th,K-,Jnl(mi ,!,,,,, i.froinae.iml ItlV,-,-, limu rmk, Lt.ne ' ItaXT WIUSW
Alter tltn fixortLsiM were is-v.ludBd tint -I- l ",-" "' V'""1 "l' :" to lslvH ,l'" uio.isurn- (.reel., to Hiiner'a.
liCririmhSM v 1'", Canyiii, City to W.naemucca, Ne-
ill? Iiv Mr V II Wiilkln.U IbnSilneritilivllil. ' f . " . 'u 0 J"y IlUllllllt a tsllllltry bo- vad.l.
larlty ku,1 WAa .system that jairxades ,rery 1 K,,C , ?X t m -V ,l?f: s"llJ,wnw,I1' " 'oll"K ( t , .
rtof tlMilastliulIm. TlmbospltHl Ualarp. 1 liffi'J' u. " J ?"'"' 'i W,V'T! Uf?r , n.r , r',,,l,J. l-l,""' . ""?' ". "
alrv miner room- Tlio lll.rarv sl.nwa that It ' lr,rt "'P,0H lu '"f ''t, aro well matin for U0- ' eriin's ('.imp, to I'raxvlordsx li.
I1'1 ',.l,,r.I'"l,...1"" 'Vrtt.ry H''"W.W.. 'rUlniianilMrcnath. auekof motion, and n.ir- h Kr...,. s-.,,. via M,.n.,t t'lAi.nnt. .innl.n
iiu.-HNi.nuiiiMiur rtitiots we saw iisiiv ui
t liit itrlkiixitur i nirii trikil t, tnllini
vi'.i ui...m .... . ..-.. ,. -..., 1.. ii... ii,i...A .tr
this Instil t on. t ho mem tlnm lurluK -wPI,-" O-1 "'; years of uro. They, K.,.k, .lob,, IUy. Willow Creek to Sooti'a.
U war "atliir " xxonlVl Swt hi t"vonhinxi-.wixt hlch n..oiiebutttieinst,lvo.s Kioia Newport via Seal Itoek on l.'.ieh of
s m.i Toro,,, church Roll.,) .dKroler : ""r- Tho, aroof a Ich.ereon.ple.x. IV.tlc .,,...... M.iiuh of Alsoa Kiver, and
an.l " i I laeSiaiiliivJiirvIwi WhViuVT Ion tli.ia tlm coin nail, v of ilrn Afri.-m race. l',,,ke's Mill to Al.ea Valinv.
iiiiimieniiiiiBMiaiiii.virxtiti. ,,, ,, tH ks ,,,ov ,,.,,,., ,,,-,., orii:ixu, ,.,, l(kvn,BxU i.,, ,tlvr (i.,,, tAU.
;niliucsj Olu:iuUntl. Me also thinks tios.,n,Alric.i. lliishmen yll Valley, Clear l.akn lu California, TuWt
sal4it,vi sFart.Ui.sM. , hfJonalolhiisaiiitiraiv. 'I'iiev en tlx.itn the 1 ,.i.-.. -...1 1 .,w iiiv.. i.-,,ni ,,. 1 i.,i-.in.:
morriw H11.j lls 10 rodo tlimiiu'li tho s,.li.
venKcaiice on a "niwllelne tn.un" To tho
back was pltitipdn doi-uinent, do:,Jtlnss tha
virdlet nrnnitt ml Inluht Jury. AH this
was done vvlillo tlio calm Salurd.iy nltfht
in.tipred In Iho Sunday inorn wbltn th Mill
ro over thi sleoplnu village. Tha nlnrlll
wm Kit-mi mid tlin .-itb.oiiH eitn nrnuiul,
looking fir-the eironer to hold aa inquest
! for the fii'ts and 01 ilnr tlm proper burll.
iMioiitn week tieforutb.it doctor was In
IWhfttUutl atteiidhn: a lady, and-the-lady N
hiislnnd was dNturbod tiy tlio way hw man- ,
I ' - - "W mm .... , - v -. -- .--. lilt III ItllHil-IK mil till ni ttintiiL iHtnv -.- -
.. -..
htor, ttnl ho nalishhon snpK-Hd that tlie
town nml io-l a nitizott anu vioivomunmnw j
html. J'bo man mh'Mh N letvot'nllownd Ill
Urn's forclvln px'imple. A vek'ii absoneo
and rclUnlDii stw blm s-ouio ik, but 11111
i'iuhl'orn wsrad'iturmliust no to have aay.
I'.-eeber-TIIIon scandal and Int It o u
piuiisliHiI, mi thuv citlelirt ted tho uood antii 'a
return l-y hrlnitln;thnv pok-sstnlllni; some
old clothes and hvviiw a jiamtluil 13 Ills
fioat yi-.rd. Tlm t.ml ui 1 schio was tlm litis -
a,wl the c.vso, bis olisorvnliona neins ""l ! w ,,nttVk4 with tlm Nibuath Hohoolcon
when neither tha ii.tllnnt or the dtor kniiw jucllM' jy 4Mr, S. SliuiiKvns and tho attotitfon,
tint lin wiw about. I In had the hmi: rea-011 ; and sond mtloruf thu-OMiKregatlon aasotubl
l.ir doubt thatTlhon claims be lusty had ' wl to worship.
ul.nt tliu wavlfeehor and Mra. T. looke.t-j Tlm J'-itlKtlle X'ftl ?' , llllr,th-,
.1 " , ,..1 ., in. ....... WeikniMi hate been einploytMtluriiiKtne.
otor those nravlnss, Rp.tlin: ou the-lllirar.s 1 vf(i in 0J-.Milfieon llm grounds dealKiiod for
tliorof H'a. houne. Tho liusbaL-tt loft hciin tlm i;wtlr of St. V-inoent licspltal, under
fur a tvrnk. explaining- tlioea,iB.i, iial-jrao- ebarwof :hiiSNteriof Charity. Next week
thv. to hNneiKhlwH, b.fm, hi. wvat. how. ""lZSi
band h hllin; a (round Ion ceremony with IVeiliiosday nlsht, IVidaya fnim london.
thn ailiiilrinic tlllacen hUmlhiic outside as Durluii a HVere storm at NiMilatuo Jjt
Witney of tho a J, T,,r,w,'-"-S
atlixnd to tho hanlni; 'i ndy wiim the full eon-. VuVv;
fisisintk of tho dteeased which folloa'eil tbo Tlm run of niIiiioii In the hVawir Is: great
l'.ftepl..r.Tilton htvl w II I, .rnat ele.-.-jei..
As ;f this was not encn fxh for una nali;lihnr-
hood lo bo rpsponslb),, i jr. w reivlvo inlot
m.itl.Mi of a ii.sn sh. 1 tiHd t-rf lik'li la
noiilar nstim tllen. ow nl valiiahhiiimcrtv
and w.ta also a drwen 1 p 1I10 Cliureh, In lbt
a.tir.ii vlelnHV, .win ree. iiitlv toundit eiinvmi.
I'.ilDoiil.tk.jiiMndileud eptrtiirofir urM mi.
kiiovsii. havliiu liwn Dim ruin 0 a vomit!
alrJiwbo hid batravnd his xlllaln. afmr lt-
1 ItiL-.lHitr.ived jt him.
I .liitllm'ino-i terrihl islorvrfall Is this-
th-tt a vrv risH'eelahle vniiu'c itJrl. who bad
liwn workli-.t; lua fai dv nnar Wlipatlaml,
hvln(;couipi.teil bor t-tiiv, started Iioiii hv
ahyt.ath throiiuh the woods .vm uminlni;,
l.-xtely, anil .'11 the nt-oi leu was f nind Insen-
SiMoiiud hul otldeiit illy been n'1e.l, over -
rnwcit-d aial nutravil , and left uneonlous.
Sho only reiiietiibornd that smnebodv sUd
her fi'otu iivhlnd. and appeamucps indieatH
that.shn was stnnlfl. id by u of ilruu-s to
enatile thiMviwartllv i roumlntl to accomplish
his InlUxons purjaise .
1:1111 mr.iio.N ot- .t i. AM-iKjir Thaihtiiw.
As f tr hauk as thn 1 ii;a ot Homer tha Kuro-
pean raa had trad1 lions, more or lnsaeon-
jIiIihI lo-as trim, obota rate of hu man he-
Inns, hx-atisl wjiuew tern 011 the fpwr XIIp.
near IU wiiin-e. rb 11 Uernniii traveler and
1 tloularly apt la tbri killing of plephimts- He
IcayNtbey axjraijp in sl.o about (siual with
eartu but little, tiepend on humlm; I'urn sub
sisti.nce.and lb 1 only tloinivstlcnuiueil thev
natn nlsiui Ineim isthe eoiniiion elilcLen. It 1
Isaourlousf.iet hi Ihlstsmneetimi.tb.tt soma
itaelw.t Itoai.tw mrtlali niitx In Horeaen jiu,. 1
sitat pleliir,,, it tlm traditional jilunivwiv
siirnnded lu tlio tslldcru.-a by thicks of
fowls, and no nlher animal "ntlejiv. ;
-M-A.'i. MuxMtsi uiN.i. -liinum.. n railway
frmu Iipm lo Ibesnn, How ni.iuv hours U
thesnuf.omiiar Whv.ifwo wern to send ,
a baby in an eprss train, ;,.uit liic,xsant.
IV ut 11 hundi.d miles an hour xtitl.om I
makliw itnv .tm.M.Mi. l!,n 1. .l.v u.,.i!.l .-r...
, ,")B aijoy-tbn hov woubt lirow to b'ea man
-llnx in-ill xvoul.l arowold ami tllo-ixlthoi-.
sfftlnu' the miii, for it ladlstant iiuch " '1
buiiiiiPti vr.irs Imni us. r.ut -xi- . i ii."
is'inji'iKtl in Neptum.'.s
. ,-. in. j
A.i.iiunuii liven Htanm o-
iUl".'C . tii. i
i PTtllnthr. S..llntirilrt h. Iium nf tatn n F.ir -nrl. !...... t ..,nt...u. 'all..w td TaI.m lt.l.
KciS?to:ii IicteMlscnccv.
TV'btuae from the. h.'roerMV.'
Itnv, A. C". Mi-Don call haviiii; sjwnt the
pa-o-eltfht months In thl3Htate,Iaborlnglnthe
iM'.iwof tn'njKTHiKf, will leave to-morrow
c.ih'm wlmm lie will mot his sister. Mrs. C.
Hmlth. It Ih biisliitMitbn-toKraduatfiAtDrow
and then enter the rpjiular ministerial work.
Wo learn th-vt Itlhop Merrill and Dr. Held
still misiitip.v l-'jtthrVlhnr to FortMlm-
ss W.T., HlirtliHiiil.onnnieatoriheWllk
"A'alla iwiilorvnce. Tbla will aUbnltbesedls
rjnvillHbuil Miroiiaani;8anllnn opportunity to
-v!t,w thai iortU)nof tboPadtlu Coast Mid be-
nn nv(lialmd with tb value 0 the mis
.slounry lalawsof l-'atiw Wilbur among tho-
I'ukhua Indians.
Whltaker Hi:hool lioe la one. of tJ
nrxtehim; litres on Mttwankle i-lreull llor.
,t llobart; ptetor. In ouipany wUli Mr. J. iv.
I -. . ..I-I....I 1. v.. Uul.l.lti lut all. I
rM.LII.rMirV. WM ll.,',! lb ll imiluo."! .w., -
i rrtjj,jy ti.mplpt:an. Tlio location of the
buL'lliii)- Is oiih of tho most dtvslrable In the
cltv, lxln; hoiimU! by Tenth, I'.loventh. M
audi N" tn-ets. and oouiuiaiids a beautiful
limatieiS of thn rl 'or and tliu aeenery on the.
, ,.lk4(oru lioro of tlm Wlllamotui,
'Vim tnleniph enhleseow lahelilfTKOtrpn
f 1.1 the ieuilr ef- tho San .Tliau collie. The
vtHtiT Kinma -.vlll assist In the work.
rv,. . 1.. ..,,!. I..t. M.pm I.Mty liniUp .lla
1 ... ,,;, , , ii,ir.B?ri..eiti,t Vlelorlaon.
-''"d tlm e-UeberH all. 7llllers MO as OTOJ a
b,-es. We are. told tliM, there ta a acarvliy of
lead, nsisl lintey III "liikin,!; aets ana soiaer-
liitr cans.
Tha heavy rains M CarlUm, whlrh- hav
! fallen duhaV the pvt llvo w six wuokn al-
inot wllkiut lutr'iiislon. h.-tto proved m
wTe.it drabiiik ii creek minim:, and will
piobahlv Jalay thMtiiimiIuiOUtol'lbecIalHV
mi Uv-liMlnir envk, hi It still t-outluuea to
ihiiii down there
At I'.nnox tlin Humor are all bnav maklii);
buy, and soma have trot throujib. The wwtth-
oris very .'.no now, although there has beeu
' iiiupIi rrdn durh)ilho snason. Anewaettler
w-j dnial i' and tsista ($1HI for allowing bLs
hull tit get loose. The Ola House. Indian
('atnp.'aas burnod down last week. No lire
1 last.
' ...
1 .OM .11:111 IIOIIIC.
Wu take from tho JIulMtn the following
1 lUt ofuuwMall routes created by Congress at
I rwc,a ,, by two jlVHreut act-Ul
I "" of Kphr,,W ' ,i7,'the otl,er of Juue' -'
I'-1'' '
i'rotn KiiKone City via McKeiif.le, Salt
Spring, lHacliutea Wagou Hoad, and Santiatu
Koad. 10 UnnerOchoco.
Valley to Ko.x Vallev.
l-'rom INiix-on i'Iiv
l-'rom llridKo Creek via Dolmen VrIIvxk la
l i.prtien.H-o.
i.-.-...., !... r..- i'o..,.i. .-i.. 1 1... 1. .....1.
to Marvstllle. '
i-roin I'.tker City via VhiirvlllH. Nortli
p.mdi.r llltor l'lourl' tfa d l.adil'a
c.injoa, to I.h liraa.l . "
,-rom siimmerx : A l0 Walla W1U, lu
NN ''"liision.
smvw II " . f-
n .1.0 .'? 'i',' S .', A "!U! ,MUKVTh
., " ,..' ;? ,,!I1 dial would have ;trectu-
V.11 -red Hm 'l.raw bid tor rjtiry hr the
iV. . anile.lt... I tbol'OslotWosoiun millioUP
. ?"" H'u '"' uu,,t ,n ,lm ""a''. biU body
' '""'J"' " virtue mil or tins siraw-nitl
! iwudiutnt. and tlm l.uiterenrn Coaimlttiw
I"""1"'1' "' '"" ","" " '" ---""i. "
, ;-.j i-oineriiH-o nuKiit ttuin iii in mo uonav
cl tlio l.t-l br.ur tor roiilirtu-itioii, honest.
1 i
rfc- - Jtjn