Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, July 25, 1874, Page 2, Image 2

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TffE HopiE Circle.
No Time Like the Old Time.
illrU.W. Holmes
Tlnro In no lime Ilka Ilia olil lime,
W In n Jim anil I wcro fornix,
When tliii bull of April blossomed,
Ami tliablrila ol aprlnKtlino aung I
Tim Karilob's brightest jflorlea
lly summer Mius are nursed,
lint n)i the sweet, aweet violent,
The llowera that open Brat I
Tin re la no lac like tlioolil place,
Wliero ynu ami I Hern ljrn,
Whom wullftnl llrat nur rjc-U.U
On tlm splendors of tlm innni,
1 mm II n mlllt.whlUi lirtaat hat warmed u,
Prom tho cllnitlnit anna I hat bore,
Win re tliudear eyea glistened o'er na,
That nlll look on u no more I
Then Ih tin frl lid Ukn llic olil frli ml
TJiat haa shared otir murnliiil days,
N" kuiIIiik llko Iila i lroini',
No homaKO like hla ruiai 1
Fame la tlm scmtlita suiitlouir,
Willi Kainly rrown of Koldi
lint frli mlahlp la the lirnalnliiif rum),
Willi scetalneviry fold.
Tin ru la no lovo like the ohl lovo
That wn cmirliil In our prides
Thoniih nnrliaws an (ailing, fallllin,
And we're fa llntf aide by side,
1 hern am ldopHnma all aronml nn,
Willi the 1 otora of our dawn,
And wo live. In borrownl Minshlric,
When the light of day la ii)he.
Tin ro are no tlmea like tlm old tlmis
Tin y ahall in vrr Im rorKot I
Tin ro la 1111 ptai e like thn old place
Ki ei Kri 1 n tlm 1I1 ar ohl spot I
Tin ro are no frli 111U llko onr old friends
May Hi 11 tn prulonit ll.elr llvial
1 hi rn am no lovi a like our old lovi s
(loil lilissnsrluvlnii wlvia !
Pen and Pencil Marks on the Road.
A Woman at the Bottom of It-
"To till tho truth," said John Havllaml, as
ho thrrw nlde tils (.veiling paper nnd faced the
I littlo (roup in tho parlor. "I am fust growing
I out of patience with this text, 'A woman nt
tho tiottom of it.' It would ho strange in this
1 world, tnndo up as turns wo tiro aware, of noth-
ing but tho two sexes, if a woman should not
occasionally bo found nt tho bottom of any-
I thing good! It is tho Injustico jof tho thing
that makes me nugry. For tliTo aro hundreds
of us 1 oor fellows who owo nil wo nro, all ue
hive, nnd nil wo can hojio to becomo In this
world or tho noxt, to tho unselfish lovo of wo
I Tho gentleman's fnco wns (lushoil, nnd he
1 snoko very warmly And feelingly, bo much so
tint his wifi, rocking her baby to sleep in tho
, farther corner of tho room, inquired: "Hut
wliy should jou cure, John? It always has
bci 11 no mid always will bo mo Wo don't think
much about it now, becnuso vo Lnvo bun
taught to expect It."
"Hut 1011 should cure! nnd ou should fluht
for each otlur more than jou do. There is one
' chapter in my life's history that I have nlwajs
kept locked in my henrt; but to-night I feel
11s if it wiro my duty to open it for your inspec
tion: nnd I do it for tho lovo of woman for
tlm lovo of 0110 woman who mndu luo what I
mil worthy to hctho husband ol n good wo
man." "Why, John." said Mrs. Havilaud, softly np
preaching luby still htld tightly to lur bosom
"you iiImiiIuIi ly frighten me."
" Let's have tho storv." said tho rest of tho
group, ot rlnlii that something good might be
anticipated; mid John commiiiced nt llrst 11
littlo timidly, but guiiing conlldeiicu us hu pio
cicdeil. "WI11 n tlrst I camo to Ni w York nt tho age
of Its joirs to seek my fortune, I could call mj.
m If 11 precocious chap without danger of being
iiccusidof an unusual degreti of fclf-.ipprecia-
iiiHi 1 was iiniLit 10 leaiu cvcrwiiini. tlio lm
Il'riJiii the 1'uelnc Jtiiriil I'n s
Aliout uwiek ago, my protictor (who is so s w llns thn good. My employer used profane
extremely modiM thai I dim not publish hi hiK"r!- I I'iekul up tho oaths ho dropped
name) nnd I, started on 11 short visit to Hun "' 'tui iincm tint Mirmiied tvou myself.
IVniirlRi'0. I suppoHo you will exclaim, ' ' '"9H tlio offlco all chewed tobacco.
"Humph I I'm siiriithnt Is no great journey to I hi was ft Utile thu luirdist Job I avcrntteiuiit-
wilto iibniit. 1 go tlmro fieiy wiek or two, and "' but niter two wieksof imustniiud Itiiliscrib-
iiiiver saw iiiijthliig worth writing of j( I." nblu stomach wiutichi I eauio off victorious,
Not so fast, my friind; ik rlmp-i jou do not mid tould gt t away with my piper a day with
usn vour ttvts ami ears, imt ihihv 011rs1 II 111 n "" .i".
. . . r . . . ...
novel until vm rnuli jour ilestlnallouj nnd if
any reader tluiN mm gliiiu of liifurmntinu
iiliiiibt this chill)', I fur line, shnll bo Hitisllid.
Hut In go luck win re I hIiiiIiiI from. It was
n lovily morning win 11 tho ears glided out of
the dipot, mid with 11 whistle nf ilellaucii
ihishul through tho open eouiitiy, pint farms
mid fnriii hoiiHes, Tin re nut thiituui station
'True, uury word of it," continued thu
"Oneaftiruooii I was suit with 11 nolo from
my iiuiphjr to llm upper pmt uf the city. I
hiidn't anything to road, but I bud plmfy ot
tiiluiee'ii, and with thut I ropimcd to elite rtuin
mjsclf during the two or thno hours I must
spi ml in tlio p i'K ige. I''nr Koinii dlitancu I did
bitwein 8 in Jne mid H111 Prune isro. Menlo not nnliee who were IiisiiU me, but by.iind by
1'aik, the filth stutlon, M 11 lovely place, ie- I'Kly 11 ilil very ntflly mid plmaMly, 'Would
iiiliidllig emu of thn iiiik-stndiled ji irks of old ou please, littlo buy, be inoro can fill ? I 11111
Pngluiil. Noithea-t of Han Mateo, Sin Pniu- going to n pirly this nlti rnoon. mid I should
risen lliy glihteiiH like 11 aliut of siller ilinli r bate I" Inne my dnsi Hpolled.'
tho nhii' 1 linen rajs. ' ' loukul Into her face. It was tho swieili st
About two se.its in front n( your i-onesp 1 1 futei I nirnw. I'ale, uiriiist mid loWug, to
nit, tin re wan 11 loely brum tic, essaiiiigu my Imylsli heart It w.ih tho couiitenaiico of 1111
11111111K1 n niei iiiriaiioii wiin 11 young 1111111,011 """',,,
whoso chin the down of manhood was jiiit " '"hat in tho worlddid jou say?' interrupt-
bowing itself j tlm last I mv of them, ho win , ' "'",- U iviland, hi r bright oyes filling with
-ry eluse to Inrof thn briiuittn style, mid I ll'lltM "H hIiowiw how llm inr-mnrrof tho beau-
both nitliig iMiiily ftom tlio hiiiiio jmpir. A I "'' oumii iitr.cted lur husband.
couple of gentl. lm 11 behind mu went dlscus-' ",s"5 'hire was littlo I could sny. I think
ingiiKlo whelhir gltlt should bo housekeeper ' n" I ilM for aoniti lime was to look. Imaiagid
or teachers. Oim mid, that Ann ricaii girls to dlsosji of my lnbnoco however, nnd wipul
are, 11s 11 general tulc, avetsei to hotisn-kn ping, mymoutliMry cure fully, nil of whuh I fill
unci pinier 10 rtisli out nun llm worlil, 1 xpei t- "" '" """o" "'"' i-omimiiiiHi upnii.
tug to Hud moro excitement; mid that his opin
ion was that gills should learn hoiiM-ki epiug,
I to., iiislead ol following iiiuu'h oci'iipitinns
His companion iiiiiitiouid 11 family in Han
Priilieisco, who hhall bet UMiieless, Iheni being
llileu girls, the oldisl twenty lle, llie young
eit tweiily.mie, who hud bee 11 ti Milling seienil
yeius, mid who 1011I1I liuie bet 11 iiiiirrlid well,
but they were so fastidious, that no 0110 would
suit them, uulerHliei wire rich, of good family
nnd.iiiiftdiiiiit'iiV - his unoil ipialitii m wi ro mi af
ter consideration. Hern the train stoppid, mid
iery one rushed out, us if they hadn't nil day
I I fore tin m; and we folio wed tlm crowd
I will pihsoier my dilighlful visit, the kind
ui'si of llm editors eif the ltl'liu. I'm si,
ilolilrn I'm, A'nr Aijt, 1'hnmhlt mid
I nil. Aftir vixiting eeilhlng of iutenst,
wo sturiesl for homo the third day 011
the steainir ''Itufoiiii," mid we re ngrieabfy dis
appointed, going on board, In lliul 11 iry com.
forlnble essel; but 11s I hae mi partlcnlur
fouiluthS fur tlio "I'lluy deep," Mill I'uunot ev
in 1 1 a rapturous e lliwion, 'I lie laie is one do
(111 to Hun JomI 01 Hanta Clir.i; ami people
kept coming, until I hi re weie e( letlv tweuly
six iiim tigers. 011 boiiid Ten o'i luck on the
inatiiut, wo start, the plmk isilrmii oil; one
twelvo year-old gill is nibbing Imtiiimk 1.I10
could not take a 1st lit I lo pooille, but p ipu wits
inexoiulile, and I'oodlu was IiiihiImI nshore.
We were sunn gliding smoothly along, leming
II train ol foamy water In html, and me ry turn
of the wheil set ms like the hunt bent nt
Homo huge animal i llrM, the pussengerH
wire try rtsirid, taking 11 uicntal ettlniatii of
-iicii oilier irom iieml lo loot, hut oiloreilin
llau you 11 mother, littlo bo I ' hho next
iibki'd, in the sauiolow tone,
1 "'No niii'iim,' I answered, mid I Ml mi
Ibrimt tilling up, nnd I knew I must swallow
mighty fast to kei p from sobbing.
" ' Von have 11 father, Iheu, 1 suppose? ' she
kept on,
" 'No iiin'iiiu, 110 father.'
' llrothcrs mid siiters? '
" ' Neitln r, ma'am,'
'"Then llm littlo boy U all nlouu In the
" 'All alone, ma'am.'
" ' How long Ion his mother be-in dead? 'and
the dear woman looked away from my facu and
waited till I could speak,
" 'Two loars.' I answered.
" 'And you loud Inn'' eauio next.
"'Dimly,' wnsnll I could say.
"She was sib nt for 11 moment, and then said
so sweetly oil1 I shall nevi r foiget it
" Ami wh it do you think jour tlt-nr mother
would sij- how do jou think she would feel
to kuuw that tier littlo bay was guillv of such 11
disgusting habit 11s this' pointing to mj
ehuk where the till tale) ipild had Mainly trleil
In stand its ground.
"'I iiiiiht Iciui now,' slio continued, 'but
hern is my card, and If jou i-ome to see me
most any ieidug I shall bo glad lo ceo jou,
and pirhaps we can bo othonico loeich ol'lier
"She gaie me lur little glowd hand, mid lo
my djlng day I shall inner forgi t the nuisatlon
of that moment. 1 could not hear to purl with
her; without lur I fi It that I could do nothing,
with her I e'ould grow to man's estate 11 mull
III the truest muish of the w id. Prom that
nor weie chatting nuilou'iiUi Uu 1 nti rinii tho monu 111 loiuioou never paum my lips
pilot-mom, Millirue, the beuiitilul risidi lice of " """" nH ' '011M siiiiiiiioiuoiiragel called
I) () .Mills, was pointt d nut In tue, bj Cap. upon lliul la.l Willitol re 1111 tuber bow my
tain Nelson, who loamd me his powi tful glass, hi ait beat as I waited in tlio elegant lurlor for
lo Mow It the inoie ilitlnill, while tlio pilot her to come down, mid how awkward I felt as 1
stood iiuiiiuMiblu at bis win 1 1 llnw little fullnwid my kuiiIii to her pritnto sitting room
we think of tho 11 sponsilillilj mid absolute Here she gut at eei point of my life, nnd bt-
iiowir u( the man ut the wheel, who has in his '""' ' l""1'' " r good-bye it was nrraugid that I
liiiliils life or death ' Wo pushed three sign- should su lid two ei uiin,s of inch week at her
boards about two miles from hore, whuh houn mid tttd) oil tliomi euvaions just what
airve'd In warn esels nil the shallow water, sh'1 thought lust
it being oidj I10111 lour to six fi'et deep lied- "NnlenreMi !c. Led forward to tlio nieit
wood I'll) ibowiii'd ill tree's, could leiditulv '"K' "h the mitriss of his heart my more
si en in the distance; nnd the back-ground of mdeiillj the 11 1 did to these meetings with mj
rolling grmi hills, scred to cialmiiiv the (rii lid
beauty ot the ncetie I was wiKhlug for all ml- "I grew e-nrefiil of mj pusounl iippiar.uui',
Mlituie. its we wound slowly along the narrow, e'sreful of mj eouvi isalion, and stroio in icij
tortuous ehauui I mid whi'u about 11 Iiuudnd "a to be wnrthx of this noble flit u.t-liip
vurds from the whiiif, it ciiuie Tliowss. I w is Two je ins pasaed in this delightlul luanner-
fnsl In thu mud I The bow of the cil two years that iiiade me. My friitid not only
was embedded in the mud on one siilei of the attended to m tiuln-s, sirhiug also nil the
chiuuil, and thehteruwna bigli audnliuit drj while to ow the right kind of pirilual snd,
011 the olher Truly a pretty pridliMiiictit ' As l'1" K'"' I'rtumrnl me a business situation with
tin reiwiisno daiiiicr. ilwiisnuiusiui'lowiiielitlie u particular friend of hers, win re I remain to
p.Uftugfis. O110 line lady dicland thut the thlsdij. Noho.lj bill (11 d knows what 1 owe
m sil would upset or blow up, mid her bin. huh wummi, Iiurlug tlio last llireo mouths of
blind was nlli riinti Ij fanning mid rootliln lur, thoie two j ears 1 uetlcid that she grew con-
whilu Hiiolhir elrew out her handkerchief, mid "t'l'dlj pile an t thin, Jslui uewr wns betrajesl
sctiull olu d iiIhiiiI two tiiirs, then seeing that into peaking ()( ursil(. Sometimes when 1
he did not I'Miisa niiy e'oiiiinotioii, forgot her kd lur if she lelt worao than uuil she
tears, uiid began nskillg ellli ntieiliH "If we would reply.
would mr gel out, if there was mix danger ? "'Oil. no' 1 am only a littlo lire'd thai u all.'
ete." Tliessllora took 11 twist around Ihestetu "linn eM'itlug she kept me bj her sjfi longer
of the veswl wllli one end ol 11 huge rope, mid tliiiiwns her custom, while she nrniuge'el lesaons
thru Jumping ashore, uisde the other end last '' I'Ud out woik enough, it n'enied lo me, for
around 11 jui.t, wliUhwus liuie for Unit pur- ntitliij.
Mihit thru comiuenrmlliHuliug iii mid such a "'Whj so much lei-ulght?' 1 impiinsl, 0011.
"Vo hemp oh," ami u "Hear iiwhj" von never iie"illnl my heart sclusl, and x.iguch sua-
, .... ... .. -.-. . . ......i.... it... .. ... -
uixeru. ruap, nroKo 1110 rope, ami lln wuolo pii"K '
verforuiance hid lo Iki gone through with " 'Hivmio, tie1-
Hair Love.
Tho absent elannhter. ronrried nnd far away.
sends homo a tiny curl in n letter It is thnt of
tier ur't-oorn, "ilie soltesr, snuicst, ungntest
hair, sho Verily believes, in nil tho world 1 And
iti donr little hend is covered with it like so
many rings of gold. Ah, if they could but see
it I" Why.it seems bnt yesterday sho was n
child herself, tho merriest t f tho household
band tho most mlschltMoving, provoking,
and jet fascinating being ono can well imagine
Throats and reproof wero nlike thrown away
upon her; bnt a fond word would bring her to
lur mother's side in n moment, nil penitence
nnd humility, nlthough ten to one tho next fihe
was n wild as ever. Hut cho becomo gravo nil
of n sudden, married, and took to housekeep
ing by instinct, ns it were, for she could have
Jinn iituo experience In tueso nint'ers; Out
loving makes us apt scholars, nndBliob camoa
very paiurn wife nml niotlier. wo need not
say how tho tiny curl will ho kept nud prized
by the kapny iirandmotlicr. who went with
Joy ns ho renumbered all Ilil". Mindful, nt the
fame time, with tho sad experience which Is
tho heritage of old nge, of tho preenriousuess of
unman icucity, and now many ns origin nuns
of fair promiso ns tlio golden-haired child nre
now ntuong tho ungeh of heaven !
Tho young soldier, dying on tho field of
glory, prnys with his dying brenth that a lock
of bis linlr may be cut oil nnd sent in rernem
branco of him to his mother and dear Mary.
And when it roaches them, having trnvclid, per
haps, hundreds of miles, how micred nud holy
Is such n nillo ? Wo enn fancy thn aged moth
er's tears nnd kisses, and "his Mary" hjing
it on her heart, and comt bolng known to smile
again on earth, although sho continues uieik
linn pntieni 10 1110 lost.
Thn death of n beloved object seldom falls to
sanctify nnd mako us better to wrnn m gently
from earth to houven; such, ut least, is tho
intention of nil our ullllctions, if wo could only
but think so; whlln chatign and istrnngciuent
harden nnd petrify tho nlleclions until they
Mem to turned to stone I "It is n perilous
thing," says Priderlca Ilrmner, "when tlio be
loved imago in thu heart of man Is destroyed."
Tho lover sends n lock of hair to hisuiistress,
file nil lo friend, parent to child, child to par
ent. Wo verily bellovo this snmo hnir lovo lo
bo universal, mid piegnant with 11 thousand ro
uiautio nud touching 1 plsodes.
A Matiiimaticai, rn.sos writis to ono of
tho papers to say that if "Columbus, when ho
llrst ciimn to America, hnd nut nwny ono cent
nnd not disturbed it until tn-duy it would have
11t11u11ntf.1l to tho Hum of $007,U,i!l,l)0U 7(5," If
this is true it is 11 great pity thu Idou never ce
cum d to Columbus. lie might have had n nice
littlo fortune to comfort him In his old age.
Hut is It true? That di pemU, of course, upon
w hero ho would hau nut it. Old Starbuckle,
of Herks county, I'enii., somt.iI years ago read
in mi iilmamio Unit money would elouolu Itael:
by compound in eleven jears if it were put
aw i ami left untouch! d Accordingly, Star
buiklo put $1)00 in 11 tin box and buried it In
his ci liar. I lo permitted it to n main there for
eleven years, nud then dug it out wltU H10 con
fident ixpictutiou Hint thu amount in tho Imix
would be 81,8(11). Hut it wasn't, nnd .Mr. .Star
buckle now tinlj' considers tho fcIi iico of nrith
1111 tio 11 triiispnrclit friud, but ho don't rcpoifu
my coiilldi lieu In thu almanac when it says
Kutiiliy cotuiH 011 tho first day of tho week,'
Max Adelcr is responsible fur tliucoiespondcut,
nnd then glMH his own experience, as follows:
"I went Into a I'hilidelphia bookstoro the
oilier day, for the inuiiose of proem lm,' a cony
of Uhiistoiher North's well-known "Noites
Ambrosial u. 1 ho llrst person I tni'ouiitcred
was a re il-liairt.fi clerk, tu whom I said.
'"I lnvo j 011 "NVcttH Ambroslnnie V
" ' Wli-w'h-wh-what d'jou say 1" ho nsked,
with mouth mid eyes wide open.
"'I eiillul to iisctrliiiu if jou hnu Noctis
.imiuosi one f
" ' I don't exactlj" that i', I don't nuder
knockid his w lint d'ynu say?'
"I say that I understood that you hud
" Nik tes Ambrosian 11." If jou haven't, why
don't jou i-ay so ut oncu ? '
" ' I don't know what j on 1111 1111, I never did
such 11 thing in my life."
" ' Perhaps v oil don't understand 1110. I wish
to see l( you linio "NuctiH Ainbroslnniu."'
'"Oh, ho has, has he? He's knocked his
what do j oil mil it, has her' Well, I don't care
net ut if lie line, Vou'vo como to tho wrong
shop. Vou must In' cni7j'. Your mind siems
tn ho unhinged: jou hapn't ' (breaking oil
suddenly and addri'si.lng 11 ch rk In tho rear 1 f
the store. ) 'Say, Hill, hern's 11 feller that's
fooliu' around heruwiiutiti' to knock some benlj.
(let 11 policeman ipiick.'
"Then I h ft and liun'od up another empo
liiimof liiitiiiug."
The Danbury Man in Liverpool. Yodtq pOLKs' Coniftlfl.
Billoy hns reached tho land of his ancestors 1
the home of tho Saxon nnd Druid, etc. He I
wns violently sen-sick during tho passago over, 1
but mnnngeel to retnin n good deal of his hu-1
mor. His first visit to n ruin is described :
Coming back from the parka, I spied from1
tho cab window tho unmistakable indication of
wbnt my soul bad panted for for years what tho
sonl of every student of tho Old World pants
for from the crndlo to its realization the
broken walls of ft ruin. There thoy lny beforo 1
mo with tho sunshine touching up their mosses,
and bringing into strong relief their broken
nnd worn edges. I bade tbo cabman to stop,
and fattened my eyes on tho sight. It was not
avory largo ruin, but it was a pretty good
sized rnin for n Sunday. I pictured to mj self
tho day when it stood ns n wholo, with its long
lino of matters alternating in tho possession,
and making tho walls reverberate with tho llow
of mirth nnd bnnriuetlng. How many 11 merry
step hail pnssod along its corrielors, nud how '
many sad faces bail peered from its lattices 1 1
A flood of strange, weird reveries set in upon
my soul, nnd carried mo by its power away 1
down the nges thnt nre gone.
I Mlil to thoenbman: "now old n rnin is 1
that ?" riu.ling to ,tho wall with n trembling
finger, ,
"That? That's now 'onso going np 'or
Piter Stevenson, tho linen draper on Cleorgo
Btrcot." 1
It is n simplo thing, but it has punched n
very largo hole in the cup of my expectations.
How run I to know whothcrn building I back tip .
against lo Btir up my soul wltli is eight huu-1
dred years or eight hundred diys old? How
do I know but that overy bulkier is supplied1
with moss and ivy nnd verdigris by tho bnrrel,
nnd is bound by his contrnct to work them in ?
This is no way to fool with a stranger.
What's the Use ot Grumbling?
Suppose, my littlo lady,
Your doll should brink her head,
Could you make It whole by crying
Till your eyes and Dose are red ?
And wouldn't It he pleaaanter
To treat it aa a Joke;
And aay you're glad " 'twas Dolly's
And not your head that broke J
Suppose you'ro ilreas-d for walking,
And the rain cornea pouring down,
Will It clear odthe sooner
Mecause you scold and frown T
And wouldn't It bo nicer
For you to smllo than pout,
And so mako sunahlno In the house
hen there la none n Ithout ?
Suppose your task, my littlo man.
Is very hard to get,
Will It mako It any easier
Fur you to alt aud fret?
Aud wouldn't It bo wiser
Than waiting llko adunce,
To go to work In earnest
And learn the thing at once ?
ftupposo some bo) a have a hore,
And some a coach and pair.
Will It tiro you less whilo walking
To aay, "It isn't fair?'
And wouldn't It bo nobler
To keep your temper awei t,
And la 5 oar heart bo thankful
You can walk upon you fctt?
And auppoao the worlddou't please you.
N'or the way aomo people do,
Do you think the wholo creation
Will be altered Just for you?
And Isn't It, my boy or girl,
The wisest, bravest plan,
Whatever cornea, or doesn't come,
To do the be st you can ?
"If I had Leisure."
OccDTiTiov ron Idlk Boys. A coutenjpo
rary, in noticing the swarms of idlo and rnU
chlovous boys thnt frequent onr larger cities
nnd furnish bo many grounds of annoyance to
,,.,.. ... T . , ii,..i, tho law nnd order nbidlng, very justly rcmnrks.
"If I bndltisuro, I would repair tbntweak iiuMii,i.. ,i,im n' 11,. ,..n.
place in my fence," said n , farmer , Ho hail llst trieHoJtufgment of law-makers so sc
nono, however, nud whllo drinking c tier with f vcrelv B9 th Jt o(b hoMna cllk thn ,,,.
ing, conscientious men. It is not enough thnt
1 , ' 1 1. "I l.. 1 lUfcM MO IUIII U UUIUIUU lit VUlX'lt luu
fi tmin 1 nr. ina nniru nrnua in iinri 111 iiiri-ii 11 m t sn
.,ll.;v,i.w :v ....,":. lr." ." , cuccs oi crime, xo nut uovs nueler re-
prime 11 oca 01 corn. 10 ua. ins ro, iue n, o , .,. nml reluIcr Jt perjllnently wholesome,
repair his fence, but It did not bring back his g tho object of constant sollcitudo to nil think!
"If I had leisure," mild
winter, "I would niter
know it is not safe.
time, nud when his shop
down, ho found leisure
"Tf T linil lnltflirn
- ...... -...-...., .... .. ...., .t,n...vAn.ii..r.iu ima.Am. .. .aha.m.. ... .
should havo my work dotio in season." Tho illto hucoou lrftdo4, giio all of them tfio
man thinks his lime, has been nil occupied, b frco tM,niu of nstlcaltu it. Tuoro"
hu wns not n work till i.tir sunrise; ho. inlt p.ing better foF tho devilopment of wind
work nt tlvo o'clock, smoked 11 cigar after liin- ..,, ,..", , ...,. ... .,,. ,' ,,, . . m
a wiipi iwriunt nisi
" " -" - - VOU OSIftUIISU T1I11C01 OI IIGIHUIOII. WllPr.t. Tap n
my 8tovoi).pp( for l riln n1i r,rt.flu . ilrt rti,Arti,.i n,i ' .,i..
" iint ho aid not nna "iirz:;" v:r. :rv:."r.r:
... . 1 viuv-uii,iui(j ivoiimuiui iuu uiUSfc LUIUUIUU
cnught flro nnd burnt .... tmo,i)horo of kiuduoss nud confident..
to bin it nHotlier. ( which shull movo tho better instinct of tho im-
tiiif itttil mmnr tun Itniirai nti flin ttlrtKt fnluliitr
"7 SS Bald merchnni, "I rffeai'
would liny moro nttentlon to my accounts, and "gl:
would t.robif.ly nay less nttentlon to tho mat- ?i. .' ," ,0 ,nl ""'" ,0 tUo ,rco ofkoftho
(.'l.Kistso IIiixks A correspondent writes,
l'liu tollowiug Is n recipe I hao suiveesfully
tried In 1 leaning liras and eeppi r; 1 mako ii
mitun of no put o( comiiioii nitric acid nud
one-half put sulphuric acid in 11 stone ir; then
I place ready a pall of frish water nud 11 box of
sawdust I dip llm mtii'les to bo denied in
thu aeid, then re'imiwi thciii iiitothuwattr.iifttr
which I nib them with sawdust I his funic-
diatilj chingis tliiui to n brilliant color. If
thu brine is greasy, it niiut be first dipped in 11
strong solution of potash mid soda in warm
water This cuts llie grease so thnt the acid
his the power to hcI. This is 11 Goi rnment
lecipo ued III the arsenals. Wo will mid to
the alune recipe Hi, t tiist waihiui; in clean
wnli r, nnd second in water ill which inpin
ammonia has bet 11 placed to neutralize all trace
of the remaining acid upon tho smtncti of the
brass, is mi niiproiemeut upon tho uIkiik pio-cci-s,
which is, 111 all other respects, a good one.
After dipping in tlioauimoiiin water and clean
ing 111 thu siuilu-t, if n giod ipuility of licipnr
be uul, the 1 that is erv fine. This print'
is excellent in preparing brass libels st imped
from thill sheets .Irftrilii.
der.' sho answered, 'I do not
gain, aim 10 0111 a long story almrt, In thlrly- wl,m )"" '" "' lorino nexi wrek, mm 1 am
tho minutes the c.ei awuug mound, nud anilou thul jou should hau suuloiviit work
wo amui luiule.1, nud in itUiut 1111 hour had to antli iwte a well as to keep vou buv I
lisM-lid tho nine milt s from AI1U1, snd the think 1 can trust jou lo be a good Imy, Jolin?'
griitirmsuly driver, Mr. Cuittr, art tu down ut
"Home, rtwtit llonui."
8111 Jon', June l'J, lh7i.
Cou.iva (liuvks, who lisle ao fa. t down the
Mill lit ir valley lo wain the. people of sppioaih.
ing danger, iaaaid 10 txt ihu Uiat milk man who
tier run nwny from water.
A Tiiiu. of Inteiiat 'iho diuurr Uble.
" '1 think you can. ma'am.' I nuswered. al.
most aohbiug.
" ' If 1 ahouM aeti jour mothrr, my divir Uiy,
Iwforf long, what ahull 1 say to her (or jour'
"Thvu i knew nil, nud my 'grief kiirw no
iKiuuda. Itisof 110 ilao to go ou She died
two dij (tcr, mill when 1 titntr folks (.tying,
'there's a, woiuan ut the) iKittom of it,' 1 feel
like tilling the wholo world what a woman did
for uir " .twrricoii Olliien,
A I'km tt m teacher in a m-IiooI that stood on
llie n inks of a rucr onco wislml to
to to her pupil an idea ol faith.
was tryiui; to enihiiu thu meauiiiL! of the
word, a Mimll fishiug.bont came in view
Seizing upon tho incident for an illustration,
she ( xclittueel, "If I were to tell jou that there
was 11 leg of mutton in that lioat, j 011 would he
lio ii ute, would jou not, without etii seeiug
it jeinraelvis?" "Yes ma'am,' replied the
scholars. "Well, that i faith," said the
sohoolmiMre-n, Thu next dij, in onler to
lest tho recollection of the lesson, she iiniiured,
"What is filth'" "A leg ot mutton in 11
Unit '" was ntiaw end from nil parts of the
prou itiiy nay
ter thin jott do now. Tho thing lacking with
Ii ivtii 1 ra-ii la ff fii rtiiiitj tt ! fill tlm unit la tint
iiiiuiiitiii in iniiMin " tilt iu run in, uuk t t T fill t
moro leisuro but moro rosolution-tho spirit to A h.j'ni" I'OVK. Tuero is something inex-
do, tudo now. If tho farmer who sees his preBsIWy touching in n, sister's low. Her
fenco in 11 noor condition would oulv not nt he urt is a realm of jiurq nud earthly nlltctiou,
once, how much might bo mud. It would ""d hnpny sliould that brother bo to whom she
provcntbrceohycnttlocrentlnii uunrrelsnmoni: plugs through tho chnnglug scenes of the
neighbors, Hut in many cases termlunto In i'BUB worn . SUo Uns been his companion In
lawsuits which tnko nenrly nil thoy nro both ohildhoodjslio has watched the development of
worth to pay thu lawyers. ui.s lullul 'Ul person; bIio has ndinouishod him
Tho fact is, farmers nnd mechanics have V1"1 "011!.'. nnd smilod upon his triumphs;
moro leisuro tlinn they nro nwnro of, for f tudy l,uo ,lftH I'foplwl ' "Hiiel with tho beautiful
and tho improvement of their minds. They renwroHof ierown;ho has tnught him Huo
havo tho long ovinings of winter, in which ' '"? uex will rendor him n useful member
they cm post thoiusehcs upon nil tho Improvo- " ""c'el.Vi pretnro him for death nud embalm
mints of tho day, if they will tako ably con- lli8 e""fy when ho has passed nwny. Sooner
ducted ngricitlturil journals nud rend them 1 ca,J '''"'1 tue frco wiml thnn teal up tho
with care. Tho firmer who fails to study his '1'nngsof such mjsterious niloctlons. Thoy
business and then gets shaved, Ins 110110 but " now on, nnd tho desert mid cave cannot
himself to bl 11110. Cor. V A'. Fnrmtr. forget their progres. And ns sorrow nud inis-
fortuues strip from lifo its charms nnd dreams,
ConrAMONsitip anu llKAivrn. To bo per- tUtr? i,) one recollection that will romo like
fectiy huiltliy nud hapiiy 0110 must havo '"""'c Jo n biothcrs heart thatwill thrill upon
friend. They need not Loin largo numbers, I'1" "arkened anil troubled depths with ustrnngo
but one, two or three kindred spirits with ?'1 HWcet, ""lo'ij. nud bring up scenes of
whom ono can commune, shnro joys und sor- hm-iorn'' childhood, long nuremombercd. It
row, thoughts mid feelings. In choosing " the rocoUection of a sister's love.
friends gnnt care is nocessarj-. Thoro must bo ,. , , '
some common bond of sjmpiihy. It may bo Micklin s Advice to His Son. "I hnvo of"
moral, Intellectual or social; but even tiicso ,0'' tol,J JJthnt every man must, to n grea'
bonds are not sulllcient. A woi kly persou, 1111 t'x,tllt. " tlio mnker or raarrer of his owu for
invalid, needs healthy frieuds; n timid one, ,nil- Ho who depends upon incessant Indus
bravo fiiends. Thoso who nro blessed with ,rv. '"" ""tegrity, dopemls upou patrons of tbo
good friends nro healthier mid happier than "obhst nud most exilted Mud; these nro tho
tliotu who have none. creators of fortune, nud fame, tho founders of
foiulllc. nnd can nover disappoint and desert
A SITIKIKOV. llflern Mltimiln in. l.lll.. ... JOU. VOU haVO L'eilitlS. VOU liivn lonrnlxn ,.n.,
going his rounds, examining his patient. Ho "l',! '""wry at times, but you want persover-
catno nt length ton sargennt who hnd been "c. Without it jou can do nothing. Ibid
struck by a bullet in Ihu left brent, directly 3 " bear this motto in mind I'ersovcrauce. '
over the region of thu nenrf. Vim ,l,,.inr ..- ...
pried at tho narrow escape of the man. ex- 1 . iMVl . v,r "avo l"'e,1 ,ittl0 People thnt
chtmed. "Why, my mui, wherein tho nanio of J'1'" '''-'' "w"ke up Vou could hardly coax
g loilnes could jour heart have been?" "I , m "? , Ua t0 b',ll either. No matter how
giics it miiat liavebeeu iu my month just Iwl,y "J,;'ere. when bed-tlmo came they
then, doctor," replied thu poor fellow, with a """'j' 1';B ' sit up n few moments lonjer.
faint smi'e. A," ' tho morning it was nearly impossible to
gut those sleipy eyes wido open, nud oh' how
A iioy from the country was recently taken c,wa? tllv' v"'ro "" affor brotktast 1 Tho birds
ns p.igu into 11 gentlem m's family. Ono after- lI" ' ftct B0' ""r tho chicken, nor tho llowers.
noon. Just before dirk, after havlm been
called up to thu dr.iwitig-rooiu, he c.unu down , Tk littlo boys of Itochister, whoso street
f.ll III.. flli.ll.1.. ......1.1... 1... . ... , ll.ll.il.al.... .1 ,n. .. . ..w.
...... ,i niiviii-11, iiiiuiui; iiumoui
"iv lint's the matter?" cried the cook
dun: it !" Slid be. "theroaru iw.lv. 1 ,
.i.,.....i 11.1 i..i.V .; . .. ! ' " , ,rr."J. uvuimi.
iiiiiuaiiue.-uiimiiiiiKiu megiis, ami tuey Unit ""w iu iittiu girls to My tho kites nnd
. ..,, .v.. ,u n 1 -n ,, i,o mey sit mui enjoy themselvos,
c.unu down uik littlo boys of Itochister, whoso street
moderately, bill phj ing and kito ilj ing has been stopped
ik. "Why, l order of thu police, display considerable in-
on 'em up gunultj; Iu getting arouud tho command. Thev
id they had JUow the ihttlu girls to lly tho kites nnd pl.iV
" 11 11 ui." mill out) (Juiker to nnother,
"thee knows I never call mi body names; but.
Williiui, if tho (Soveruor of the Suio should
coiiik to me and say, 'Joshua, I waut thee to find
mu tho biggest liar iu thu St ite of New York,' I
would come to thee mid sy, 'William, the Gov
eruor wauts to see thee very particularly.'"
The Age of Coal.
It seems prohnblo that vegetable matter may
under favorable conditions, be converted into
con much more rapidly than mot chemicil
geologist are in tho habit of assuming, vt
least, n curious instance of an approach toward
such tonversion within the historio period has
been brought beforo tho German Geological
Society. In one of the old mines of tho Upper
eotumuul. J'itlereut conditions under which le.ul ,s attacked iml er im has become so' ff, .1, y elXo
While she ') .iter. M Ad. llobierre s.stes iha. hu has .uTSof
or l,m ,.1 T7 """"':."" " "H" K" ,
Histk makes work, which caution prevents.
in a note to the trench Aiudeinv upon the
A lUoi.nnf in'gM was riding n mule, nnd
when hecitue to a bridge the mule stopped.
"I'll Iwt you a tinnrter," sld S.uuIm, "I'll
in ike ou go over ills bridgu," nnd with that
struck the muleover the head, which ma le him
bob suddenly "You take debet, den?" s.iid
the negro, and contrived to get the mule over
the bridge', "1 won eUt ipiarter, nujhow,
cried SauiU). "Hut how will you get the
mouey 1" iukixl a man who had Wen cloe by
uuperceivfel. "To-morrow," rrplied Sambo,
"massrt gib mo a dollar to get com for the
mule, and J take the ipurter out "
Somk of onr city preachers are having their
chests examiuisl with a view to decide iu what
ivm of Kurope to apend the summer!
l.roveM bv numerous ,T.,..rin,e 1 "1. "v.i. """ ", m ''Mctenstics cf
with the excepdon of rain at. I distilled w,.;' r'J. , ., ,T' .".B,l,e',lM Ht certain of the
'or"'!! ':,?-.-- ! " miedwhlV refuse mXcllns!",
claj-.slate, more or less saturated
..eU,,u,u in inner except when thu surface is fpa.-ments of
aiieruateiy in coutact with w ater nud atr. Thu . wnli min. . '..1 ' ... ur Kn samrati
author K.,evcs ,h,t .1 great put of he po.son! ?rh,u!?!.f.
1,111 llluld.ld it. a a.,.. ...I. If .1 .
w.,. ...... ..,.,, , (iiuiiiuiierous w iter I C
held iii suspension, nnd em be removeil
proper uiir-uiou.
teff'-l "! &1&X ThTCd.
often when in the mine, U lot, leSr
l UJ sistence'. but on nnn.n, i i 1. 1.
hardens ,0,1 .olid Knee, hTvinV'm" Tft
. M . .Sushis eoiutuunleitedto ,ho pbi. C'J ?.?. c!5.e,I" of ft true Ignite. It
Acidemy some curiou exiierlmeuts of MM and ,,,. "''"'"T'reu eon;noldal fracture.
lack iutro,w v,7"' .""," y:v?vv
n .1, 1-. "7- .. .r.,"-"""'. "-"aracieriSHO
iut-ii.-u-ri ur iuuii UHiinnntt nf iivit.-t.. .. 11. 11..1
W ...-. vi Hlm IfkCIl HUH III HI
metal. These combiuitions. it is s.iid n i,, YT P"cu coals." At the name
strongly resemble tho,e "hteh constitu e the A'vAltoSSR ' the "ame W00'1
VS0. .'""W'.-"!' Mirer nud other ?S Vo n1?' !)
HllU lUflffllt, IUHI It It IliirillV ltAihlai n.l..Lk
mi, . rf"K't" iviimrv IILIUUPS
that thev are lhemeK-e ..n,.'!...;..:" "r;""ul u,s wstanco seems, therefore, to move thnt
that hv, rogen is a meul. a f.,?t apparently in! condinons m.v" CV nU h' ,aTOrable
aintevl iu ,ny oiher miabgiei, fi ffi ttTl. iaA.?
i,..iti.rti.. .::".-.""'" "um ""
1V Ccr Gt-iss Jaiw
oil to where yon went to
?.u rVu..nxl or l,r to red heat, immerse, in
lueoii, me nueoual expansion will check the
o red heat, immerse in '
Tnnrnsinti u-ill -.U .- -1 rr ...
j all round at the surfaw of The o 1 nr, T U i ,11 " i,"00 m"V ttota ,to skin, blis
iu lift off the lop p." U9 l1, ftBd ,0U be mar1!- th.ft Pl,lSter, a ,,tlle U ,han
Ui !3!i ,K. lue,? kecP tna Pae open for a week
A MiCc-u Cucxk man. it i said has in..,.. Ii ,ian oin,ulf-,t; nnally. drew it to get well.
mvhine to e,urate.Ut" from coal. disiJpeT gtWS ,he tatt marU w,1