Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, June 27, 1874, SUPPLEMENT, Image 9

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    : r.
JjiUitmttt Shxxmct.
SALEM, FRIDAY, JUNK fll, 1874.
rnovmi:.Nci:, 11. I., Juno IS. The black
stallion Mrideawny, a (anions trotter, valued
at Uo.lHW, (Hod (onlay.
x-iiviia(ii:,,iiiiio ,. Four ballots rorU.
nla lMjllcy holdert uniniunclm: that In I'nn.n
qneuceoi burduiiM.Lio li.Ulatlon It la Im
rOivtblo for rp-"Hi'Ulilo oompanloa to trans
act tiexv busiiuss ttx.ru, but tho validity of
exlMltiKpollcleN will Im umlnlaluoil.
Sydnoy Kllloti, Pitel dont of tho I'nloti
iHuiUc lUUroad, has id uintd from atourot
luja.ctloii,ovfilaud,iid rpporls ner llili.(
xxorklUKKalUliu-lorlly alon tho loud. Thu
lesult of hh trlpa W u M.tloinonl or tho .juos.
lion of the .1 unction ol aim Union and ..'Mi
tral rucltic. rh.it i.luiK-lloii I-. at Oilcn,
I'tah,, ami llrluhani otini; hai elvcn 1:1.1
acres of land at that pn'iu forn depot ami
other purposes for the I'lilou and t'untr.il
1'aclliu und Northern mid Southern Utah
itollroiul which in pot, U t but txiint.
jNHiAN.xtot.t.s, .luno K. Tho Kepubllcan
iStato Couvt.ntioii nipt ct I U A. m and orKan
Jml ivriiiuubiitly by che ulwllou oftl.tnoral
lienj. Harrison, PronMonl , with a VIc-lYe-i-idem
lor cich L'onnrt-tNlotiHl Dihtrlct C.l
It. J. Kolilnson was oltosoti Socretary. Af ur
theappolntmcut of h Cotuniltlao on l!oolu
tlons tho Con volition proctisled to the nomi
nation of u ticket I'oi' tcto otltcere, and noin
Inalod by iuvliiuiatloiur.il tho pr.ii.uit Incum
bents ikMlollouc: is. u.vtary of State, A. V.
Curry; Auditor, Jan kn A. Wlldumani Ti'ohn
nrer, John II. (id i-usr; Attorney-ttMi. rid,
Juuio!! V. Duwtivy: JuJo of tho .supremo
Court, Andrew I., u iburue.
Sl'Kl.N(it'ti:i.l, Jti. toI7. Tho llepiihllntn
fewto Cum eiitloii nit I hero at noon today,
ollecleil a temporary ttrxiulitlou, appointed
thoiihual comiulttims and took a rocosn till -X.
I.OMKIN, Juno 2(1. iSlrChnrlos Tox a cole
b ruled EimlUh ulxil i muLtieur. ts dead.
UL'f.ll.NMowx, Jinn i IC. On tho arrival of
llio stoamsiiip I'artui van unruly uuu oxcuhi
mob pilhered around and hooted nml IiImi1
Kocheford, w ho but f. r thu protection of tho
polko xnould hax-o 1 )oou lynuhed. They
inndo n riit.li for him, lmt-ld not reach him.
He will proceed to l.o oiliiu.
J.tsiioN, Juno 1. l'liu stcaiu.shlp Afrlci
lxos returned to this portafter subincrlii
her section of the Jlrazilluu cable. Tho lino
lots been tented nudfo md to work hailsfic
torlty, and hna been baudod over to tho
ltratlllan Cablo Coinpa oy. Uubrokou tele
graphic coniuuiuloallo u Is thus established
From England throtmh Lisbon and Maderln
toHt. Vincent, Capo Ve;do Inlands.
JjONImw, June.17. T le ica' Paris dis
patch reports that preliminary steps for au
alliance bot xx eon the Hi zhtaud Lull Centre
have been token, ami t bat others xvlll neu
oesaarlly follow. ,It iUtitoa au article in tho
Jourm.'f ilea Dcbttta. lli.i organ of tho I.nft
Centre, comparing tho ftors aroused by tbo
.Kuipiro xvltb tlioconidtii'Jw ln:lrod by thu
ltepubllc. Tho ropurt that tho Duo do
BUutacola had riixlRiied Is conllnupd
YoKuttAMA, June 1(1, via Ixjniktn, Juno 10.
The Meanihliip Nuvada, which left Snu
JVanclKco ou the J3d ot.il ay, arrived hero to
lar. The sle-inishlp Alnfkt sailml from this port
JiinoMh, with MX) toiiis of teas for nw ork
via Panama. Shn xvac obliged to decline
further shipment for the M.inio rotito, ou ac
count of lack of frolglil a too.
Tbo steaiiiklilp Cliliia will sail about the
UCthof Jinn. inrSnn KrniHtsi xvlthlJJOtoiK
of loan lor Noxv York, which xvlll o through
to I'an.iina without l.reiiklujr hulk.
W'AKUiMiroNi Juno 17. Tho Son.ito has
uitlll ruied tho nomination of ltohort M.Itey
nolds for Minister rosldejit at IliUvl.i;
John Cadwalder lor AsslsslKiil tcrutary oi
htatt', ami JoMtpb I). Situ lor Kccclvct of
Public Moneys at -S intn Ke, Suxv Mt.xio,
Tho Houso Judiciary Committee, to day,
l.y a votoofslx tollx's, reunlved to Iini. !i
Judgo Duroll or l.oulbluiiiv an J Judgo Ilus
loud, ofAlalirtinii.
Tho President has approx-el too Joint reso
lution Drovldliu lor a turuiluution ol tho
treaty of tho Unltod Slutes with tho Klu'of;
1 1... lluli.tiinM. 1
n'l.i.iviirnv. .T.mn IS. Tho S'lin.ito linn I
passed tho bill for bulldlni; a brldgo across '
thb Wlllametto tlxer iitS.ilem. I
Ciiipaiiii. Juno 18. Washington sneeUUs
say that tho Conference Committee on the
Currouoy Hill llually r.-mie lo n cnuctuslon
late to day bv agreeing on a bill providing
for redistribution of thu National Hank cir
culation to the extent of $.').000,0CU, and fix
ing tho leg il tender- circulation nt tf.lS.ywo,
txW. Tho bill will pass the Sonate, ami sts
slbly tho lloii-e. In that event the Pnsldeut
will sign It. Western members, how over, do
not give it a very cordial support.
Hoston, Junol". No change iu tho wool
market; prices aro llrm and continue to be
JuKnuito freely fiom all lots olltrlng. lu the
t-ountry thete Is considerable exL'Ilemet.f, i
Melt sustained, aiuuuutciurers are purcuus
aid forsomo xxeeiio to cuu.u ueuer uargaiub
x 111 bo mado lu livtorn markets thuu lu iliul
(iifnri.ir. Iii Ohio. Piiiin-vliaulii und Vlr-1
clcia, prices range from (.. to Mc; lu Mlchl-,
gaK, ID to Uk; and in tho Woteru Stutes the
prlca hao hardly opened jet. In Maine,
iirlons r.uiL'n from 10 to I.'..', uud In Vermont
and Mow Hampshire there Is xery Utile do
ing. Hneipts have been piiuclpxlly of Cat
Ifornl aud supplies or this description art
begin-ilng to accumulate. California wool
ranges from IM) ui lOo for ordinary and choice
lots of tprlng clip.
HPimjfiiTO.v, Vt., Juno 17. Tho Ilepubll
an State Convention hero to-day nominated
Jndeo P.s-k for Covercnr, I.ym.m J. Hliick
!y for Llf.atentant Governor, and John o.
Page for Treasurer.
Pauls, Jtuie 19. The Deputies nf the Left
C'eulro publish a nolesgalu iiixitlugaii alli
ance with tua Hlght Ceutre, that both parlies
may establUka lepuldlc. The Lett Centre
ottT alt noceasary constitutional guarautee',
and declare if the alliance Is refused tho
IUgst Centre will be responsible for the possl
Jj1 return of Hut IJuipire.
Th Gox-eroment has coinnienced the
proaeeution of lb proprietors nt La Figaro
and Sm France, Jtepublicaii journals, for re
prinlliig articles writtoa by Hochefort.
Sak FltANClsco, Juno IS, The Pacltlo
Jarimv (ilnb. at a meeting yesterday, de
termined to givo a puse of fJ.",000, gold mill,
for a running rac of four wiles and reeat, ,
l. .A ... nnHn In all hfinu 1,1 till, 11 , 1 r 1 1 I
t."00 '""." '"-'. ""4 ,.:r " " .1?'
GdftW Park. TEo
foxi Lo-o vl Jli 1 r;c?iv W,0 s-trcd, fCVj '
S. Henalor,woro futpn today. TIib last r- nilltpd sultldolHt nUht on bin ranch, hall' h opixwod by Chandler, who xnlil tlu im h..i..i . ',. , .n . W. .1. Snoilurni, ofl.t (.rande. it fow dnvi
:.,l,,mIV,iT l'e" 40: ,1Ur'.,?w. Ulxt,. . l,Bt"n V,;lI,-J nl ta"lcl. 1V likln prnrniicni .J for tl.o b.mUl.ofM o r! rom , ' ,.,1. wT 'Jm ,..-. Imwl, u iw lnrv ','"--l of S.,xo KVlKfch
C'iT 1.1.i,,,r.I-"!V'.",T '".'n'r. , .. au "Pn'n ' litMlmmtii. Ho I.- highly nhk-b Inul boon built to roach o,t l-lau.l I ' 'b, ,' , . "'.. ' V , Z l ,Vn -.1 hoP ".r" n"r,",," ,,. '""' " I-"K '
Home, June Itl.ttxljlbltlon of a Ptillmnn ren-rlnl. nml hai for many yra Ivon onu and tho ohlwt of tho Itnprnxon.Mit was id' 1-,u,1.. L !. , n , . ' li 't U ?. ... paying thoniior tjuvi h
r!;i!.uKM,'Ul,',,,r,,,,I,,'l'l,!UB,V."K,lk'e of '" IfulloK iiihi of Solano County. J nmko a harbor lor tho bniwll of thxt rail- ,,.; ,?w mi , ' . . 'J ,,,n".,ii .Ii I'oil! Tho .v.viM., .axa thnt a Mr. Hrown xva
tlS? SLU-i .lT1.'"" CTiU 1,,V,"'""1 WAn.Nonw.JiinHlH-Tlio President ha , "'!. Alir oon,ld..rabl opinion tl... , J " I",1,?"";,.' ' W,"'H" "' l0,h -hot ..ml ki v a o" n naimM llT.nt ma?
vRlJLn .nfV' U'..7iM bV,WMn "onu-, UhhiiIuio.I SmiiiipI ! . Ilrow ii, K.tpIx ur or ' ninml.iieni x h aerwl to-x oai , nnys l.s i ' '.', ,","', , r.. n,i . t u Mnl.x dlo, last MomUx.
ilorencBitnil .Naplw. w-llhln ufew uioiiUm. ;,MW. M(.Vm, at VaniMiixer, Wrt.hloKlou ' ICiiir.irMthlnltH.il nn aoii-odiuiMit approprl- ' nl'" l'Ul ,.."r1 ,,u' M V" ' "i I v i,. , , ,.,Hr .V I...1 ,., T .1 i . i
t:xx- Aonu.Juiit) 1 .. l't.u Cliamlur o! 'irrluirx" and llenrv A VilAtr Collootor i t SbO.tKrt.orim much naiunv b. n'-'..-iirv I lh"i'" iiirjti V . I ilu., .loliu Mronr and A i.ttio i tumult-r I .In Uo lolnuti hid
L lb lisuranco ha m-i.1 n ..ln-nlar to r,.lir,.r. l';;."....'?.. .lS'..' 'i..... 0U ,or' -"lUor ,r ,7, ;,. ,i, ,'r . I ,.V. L,2..r J' Vm. .-. Ml. Marlwl s.,.ro.l out on h nroMnviliiu torn '" "I '" r 'fi.- mn ill.tti-il I.ihi w,.,.k.
1 third, -4,0tX: fourth, tM.xVO. . Weights to lx
I .....v., ..I'v'w, 11.1111
carried; 3 x parse.
ft years, ill), si:
I Old 90 Dotlllds: I Years. 101:
sit ami iimi'tinl.. Hi. tlir.u.
i.w,'...i-'.ri.V.J ... ".. :""-','' "Vm
...... .... n,.,i.-i. .i,as,.s mi., ua. i. um. . .
land, Irom this port, a.HuopiKod.
i Ai.i.uip, .iiiuti is. n,. r. uyrrson, a tan-
fornla pioneer mid R rps'dctit of KnUno
County lor npnarda of twniitv tr. win-
IorCuatmiK. at Puel Sound.
Tim Pre-ldent has -iKited tho net tonuthor -
!wtho Sutetarx'nfWnr to ascertain thu ex-
ni'iiM's Incurred by Oreann and CillfornU In
thsupptsslon of lndl.iu hostilities in tin.
years s72aml 1STII.
I no Kepuullcaus of Maine lmx'o liotnltmtcil
In old times In a dark suit with a whito
iipoklin. Ho is mhch thlriser than formerly,
aid his Tien hems evident traces of deep
mental anxiety.
Nnxv YoitK,June ID. Tho American brig
I.. O..0UH. Captain Martin, has nrrixed from
ClenfiupHs with thirteen refuges from the
dralt In Culm. Thev tell a tearful tain of
tho condition of nll'.ilrson tho Island and out
nKO'i v'oinmltted under Hmi conscription.
Captain Martin reports that tho Inhabitants
are in pro.it teiror, oivlni; to tho rrlenlless
msiinnr in which tin. conscripllon is csrrieu i
out. Pin ns if all nuos and conditions aie
foieod Into the arm)', and those who mo too
foeblo to shoulder a musket ato placed in the i
....n... ....... ii.. j .....ii.. ... ..i . .
Uimrii-K.iiiK. .... i.i'ijiiM.itiy TM.TT 1. 1. 1 .iii.i
Wasiiimiton, Juno 111. lu optoslm; tho
motion to strike out of tho Itlvurand Harbor
appropriations hill, tho section dlroctlmr sur
veys to bo made at numerous points through
out the country, includlm; Columbia river,
Mitchell showed tlmt whlla freight charges
bslxxoeii Chicago and Now- York by water
linn aro nliui and ouo-tenlh mill per ton per
miln, and by railroad, twelve mills per mile,
freight charge on tho Columbia river by
reason of monopoly, aro from 10 to 1- cents
per mill, lu coin.
Wahimnuion, Juno 'JO. Tho ITousn bill
pased by tho Seunt.i to day for tho relief of
sit'lcia, Is tho Hen laud bill which recently
received so much attention from th Califor
nia prcsa. The danger apprehended from lis
pjss.igu has beou averted by tho adoption of
two amendments oflorcd by Hagerand sup
ortoil bv Sargent, providing that neither
uiluoral lands nor lands rosorvisl on any
laud grnnts mado for railroad purHss shall
be taken In lion of settlers roltnsishod. Tho
bill also contains provisions that lux priv
ileges shall not in any manner bo construed
to enlarge any railroad grant.
Tho Sonata has agreed to tho following
amendments to tho sundry civil appropri
ation bill: Increasing tho sum for surveys
In Oregon from lu,00i) to ?ik),000.
London, Juno 10. Tho JJciii.y AVics reports
that Garibaldi Is very III.
Homk, Juno ID. Tho text of tho 1'opo's
address to tho Cardinals on Tuesday Inst Is
published, Tho l'opo renews his protest
iigalnsl tho lisurp'itlnn of tho Papal Suites,
the abolition of lellglnus corporations, and
acts of tho Italian liovernnient, so that other
enemies of tho church may not bn ablo to
plead tho Juxtllicatlon of undisputed cus
louis. Ho was inoxt.l to allude to tho Hub-
Jei'tsaiialn because hn bad rwently received
ovenuresoi roconciiiiaiiou, ami nan nan in
his possession n nsMHsTtful letter urging that
ho pardon his enemies nml withdraw oxcori
mumc.itlou pionnuuisiil against them, but
declares that he oiunot m.iko cdco witheno
m!es of tho church.
Pahis. Jiiuo'Ji). Thn committee of tho .s-
soinl.lv has unaiilmoiinly resolved to unseu I
Kino becrttin. ol too s.-ntouco lmxseil upon
lit in by a military tribunal for pa.ticlpitloti
lu tho Commuuo.
I.o.nikjn, .luno 'JO. Tim Parllnmenury
election in North Durhiun roxulteil in them
turn lo tho House of Commons of Chun. M.
Sslmer (Mbf-ral). one of thn former members,
nml Ceo. Elliot (Conservative ) Tho election
of Elliot Isa gain for tho Conservatives.
Tlio Jttl M'ltl UttitUeiHV that tho succors
of tho Intern I'ioual I.iw Congress, called to
inert at llrusirN. Is xerv doubtful
at Ilrus-rls, Is xery doubtful, 'llio
KoviirniniiiilH orEiiKlatid.V'ranconuil Austria
rulso objections to tho selipme, Und Hwltrer-
land oxiuuds to It but fuuhlo silt. Hurt
Iti:i-xn:.v, June lit. A banquet was glxcn
to-day in honorofthougrlunlluralexhlbltoix.
Crown Piinco Kicderlck William of (lor
many, In reply lo a toast to Emperor William,
eprcss(sl tho hopo that foreign xbitors
would, ou their rclurn lu their honuis.isiiney
tlio ns-uriuco to tlirlr countrymen that no
where Is the xtlsh lora pticcful coutluuanct'
oflho liberties ot civlllr. itlon strougor than
lu (he ro'habiuitcd llorm.iu Etunlre.
CovsrA.Nn.soi't.i:. Jtiue OO.l'Uv Turkish
steamer K.trs, with 110 ix.rsonsoii board, was
run into in tlio icn or .iiainorn yesterday ix
nn lUyptliu vessrl and sunk lu afewmlu
uttt. Three hundred and twenty ot hei
eop.ti .u. .vjw
.s.v Kiia.n. t-o, Jitnn 0. Lou fiee, pur-
elmser of the wicck Prime Alfer.l has ru-
coxnred alsnil 700 deer skins from (he tvnek.
Mis. Van C ill. thu roxival preacher, xvlll
locturo on tin. suhiect of Temperance this
evening at NSil-ou'n Circus Auit.hithoate
X strong force rf poHcciu.n will bo detailed
to prihcri o iki.il'o and protect tho lady from
(irteiibscks, IW.OO'..
II. V. Napthal), charged with attempting
to murder Charles l)e Young, w as dlt charged
by the Pollen Court to day.
Kudolph llerriugor was arrested to-night
for liL'iuny, It Is asserted that ho baa two
wites living lu the dtv.
A little girl, tlio (laughter of Mrs, O'Neil,
xvas run oxirbya truck ou I'olsnm strret,
this exulting, and instantly killed. Her
couin was driving the twin.
Thorn was a 1 argo attendance at Agricul
tural Park lor the beiietitnf Louisiana suffer
ers. Thad. Merena and Nell Flaherty were
galloped oxer the the track. Occident was
speeded and mado bis txxo miles iu '-':-! and
N..w Youk, June 21. An attempt was
iiia.lo at (Ireenwlch, Conn., on the Hoslou
aud New York Hailrnsd, to throw a paaain
ger traiu from tho track by means of an im
mense boulder placed on the track lu a
entered bridge. The pilot was smashed, but
no other damage was done.
New Olir-KAM. June -I. This ruornlnjr at
half nast -J oVJock. the form, of the Bulletin
nypaWweresdwlilleywer. being 1
c rrlcJ to Ho r-i ro- ui, au-J kc!:ea In the
in 1 1. VI. ..? "u'j"iii- iiiiiiuiiiw inn. imrrii, ixenoug mm H( utir , iinw tm hiIiivkiI Ht 11 i'liiMti rat. nay.
'will bo allowed MtOOO; alt liom Europe, are. implicated. It is wild the nolle, acted ' ' . enioytu am intaii raw. .
l..l.r,m. Thl-r,., vin iJ, ..imhIuiI 1.. ,1.1 ...:jiu-;V'"r,,..TluW"-a-iva ArraitclmiiiiBrilu.liiir mado for a r it In l"t Thursday (light Most
I Tar. Fielil and Fan. IfiMrV Snril of (Ac " i'iii.-a......!....- . -ifwl in ......... Ihe C senilis from Portland on the Fourth .' I.T Um.gle, nd
r.,.r.,, and all tbo principal w through- yeMerdsy morning, a nml. took Fr,..,k' nto " llio auspices of the Good Templars. y k.u wiirM,,,,,,,, i .tro her , on
(till tint twin til t uti.t In I An.1.m .m.l H.i-L KI...I. t. ..7.. i ... i .. . - - l ...... ...... .. t.. ii... t-,ll ..t.).. I'l'IMlM MIHIMI I8H((ir, I ..Mil lllt'l
t .. ....."...... ,...v. ia Jmuf V'IMIicimi ill IlllirtlOr, Olll OI j ' "'" nuii j 'mini, ivm . M Ixiili'n Vn mf All.ttit nit. I
Tlio UiAil r?lilnn tMiHAM.U.n lli.ir tli.. fnu, Ull ,.n ;i., . n ...II .? l U.. ...... t... . I ...! ..in ..... Il.n ..l....u. 1HlUl, ,M), ,() AJDUIV. Bllll
i ri' i" oiTirrr. Ir.ir.rv;" .' .r".;v:.f." r v,y.WTOlw,w,,rwr,,rp".e,,,llwyin" '""'v ,-,,,!r:" "V". w".' """ : .v",..v.v.,,:v i rntoRUvraiiiiifirfiinnMWf
Iho Mrauior Srotlnnd. and liol thd Imrk Krnl- V.uiiiukk. .lima ! In n... u....i.. mmt Mninlav." 'n" H'kor City llcralil mvn i
iiiifiii nil' iiiiiiin hums, n.11111 nil mi iiitiiii. nun iihiii.aii n m imii iri' ill n " 11 uriiii in i'iiiiiili ill ih in ... -.
isNisnu inniiiey. jr., loruoxernor. Ef(aher "". v . ..rn.K , mjra mr hum nntuiHll.itlou paper.it Seal lie. otu. .1 ix- lavt
lllaliui Is re-nominated for Congress. .Y.,"1 ol ft ""v thonsaml dollars to protect it. .,,, ,i ,, i ),,,(,., tH xioiihv alu.nl It.
Nkw Yoiitf, Juno Id 1'heroxvas consider- "" aintudment was airrifd lo-xeas , . .... ...,,...,... ' ,.( ..... p-.tll, ,,, ,,.. ...
able oxcltemont In IIih County Court this navs at. 1 ' V" e .tl IV.1 ,.V Vlll l. .nVti.lii. t" .1 iiii"
inoriiliiK by tho iippeamuco of Win. M. , WAsiusmiw, Juno 2'J -Tin. 1 Vs'donl has '. . "' ,wi,.,f I,'.. I it r., ... I ii.i.,i
Tweed. ubuMie.l is a xxltnew. Ho was signed tho Currency Mill reported rnini tho '" ' " "'I 'Vr.M.,.- !.I ii.:I .?. .I.....1 ..! IT... . Vi'
.ma witness. Ho xw brought IntoCsiurt bv last )niniliteo of eonlorcnco, ami it has bo- VVr ""r''ln' to the lumuel ol llio ur-
tun Del.ulx' Shprln's. lln tin ilrossnd ns In OOllloaliiW. nor.
eontrat station, and that naner hiuwhn this .
ninr.iliu- iunk iinnrli.iort 'ri... u. . n. .. ......
tIK. ...... .1... .... ...... ... .1... r... .. .. 1. .
1 " .. T.' "". """" '"'" .""' ai " ""
iiiwiiiv r-.,n tin... .,.,.- .-... 11. .... .............. ......
; openly condemned fraud unit corruption nml i
! lait nllit, Nirirnnt mm od an atmmlm-,U id I
uic mver ami llarlior Appivprlatlon bill, ap.
i nronrlatlnir Stl0.OiK) for Dim In.nrnv.uii.'iit !.i
tlio hurburof ibklnml, t'al. Tim motion I
i "'" "" proteotlomif tho harbor of .Sail Uleiso,
1f'lI - .bviurnliii; San Dipjo river lino 1'alMt
,J,y ' "poke of the Importance of that
harbor and the nrcpH.ltx-of tirn-.wi l,n- Ii.
Unless vomothlngshuuldhodnun tlio Imrlsir
wpuld bo lllltd up wlthMiml Irom tho Intel I-
or. Tho harbor wits once niepared by
Si.nnti.r Shern.i.n tlll .i.t.l.-n (in n.V.it. ... &.I.
euro tho pas-age of tho Tariff Hill ut tho pres-
ent session
Tho President and Cablnnt, and tho Presl-1
dent's clerks, aro at thu Capitol cMiiiiltilng
bills fi.rslgiinturivs. j
Ciiii'xuo, June '."J. A Washington sprcl.il !
says ln1.iiiiiKtli.il has been recelxed that the
Union Pailllo has been giving sicurhv to;
somuotits creditors to the pnjudlcool'tho j
(loveroiueut. If this should prmo true, the
Attorney (ieiieral will, at tlio eaillest possible '
momout, take steps to throw the C.uipaux
Into biukruplcy. when the sicurllv Hint Im's
been lln.s tr.kudulcntly glxeti will let sst ,
( tl (if Ml MiM.Juuo I'.. Tlii.cxplomtli.il
of I'lnnshnr mines lu Iliillziuo, ixnitlnties
xvllli xaluablo results. Tho yield exceeds
or petallons, and four new iMiiipsnlcs haxo
been formed to work tho mines
X.San l'nxMiMii, Juno 'Zl. Tho Persexo
tenco Il'nck Sand Mining Company wits In
eorporated lo dm', lorthn purpo-oof working
the black sand placers along and mar tho
Paelllctiold Coa-i orCnliloriila and Oiccou,
Directors, S. A. Morrison, J. Jewell, Charles
K. Hazultiue and Monroe TIiouii.miii. of Snu
.. I, I. . . ..... I ..'.. . l I'll. ..nil ,"! nini hi I'll-
V'.tH1'1Ul . f'-MWU, tltxlded intotnregoi lined Tlmmns Durii ng,
11 J HI ulmfou .;......
12, will shares
Mission San Josh, Juno 2-J I . ist night
between Sand ti o'clock wo hadiiiltoik luavy
shower of rain hero. Tlio weather to-day has
been cool and cloudy, and thnioare Indica
tions of moro rain to-night. No damage has
been caused to crops excepting tho laying
down of sooio of the heavy grain.
Shasta, June il-Wo were faxorod xvlth
soveral nice showers of rain last night and
to-day, greatly heiiolHIng gardens and crops
gouorally; .'l.-KKl of an inch has rallou.
Weather still cloudy; wind south.
stats AifDTORnrroniAL.
w- Willi 1.1.111,.. l. . . .
'.r. in. n.ii iiiuiipn lias nren Hpvnnueil
Postmaster at Clackamas, Clnckamiis county.
The (br.''inio.t says tlmt .luring thn month
of May thu following amounts of Irca-iuo
hayo been shinned from this poit to S.tu
Francisco by Wells, Fargo A- Co. Currency,
tl.OKI.lu; gold coin, f I I0,()70,D0; bullion,
HI.1DS W; silver coin, ,i,lSI. lly n comparl.
Ison wKh amounts slupied during precicd
Ing liieuths.lt tvill bo seen that there is a de
cided Increase.
Tho ((rangers at various points of tho x al
ley lntvo gone into tho bulchurliig business,
uud nio selling meat at six cents a pound.
Thu Crescent City (Cal.) litnrr stys Jos.
(1. Wall has sent cut n fotco of men lo rep ur
tho road between that place and Jacksonville,
A team belonging lo Mr. Cionl.oror Hills
Imiio, started lo run away last .Siiim1.iv, nml
Mrs. Cloul.sr spiaug Irom tho wagon, I. r cak
ing her leg at tlio ankle.
A Mrs. Mull sprangfrom nxvagotiou leav
ing tho park ill Hlllsboro, and bn.ki. hr arm
near tho wrl-t. Dr. Vltii set the lluil.,niii
she Is now doing ijulto well.
W. W, I'lihlle, of .loi-oplilno county, slates
I hill rich dluglm: haxo b.en foiin.lini Itilik-n
creek, in that county, and cousldHrabhi ex
clicmeiit protalls In coiisUcihv. a largo
niiuiburof persons lire Hooking there.
Tho Jackson vlllo Tiiiwi ssys: "Slietrlng
hits cominoiiciil, and the wool'ls al n ail v ar
rlvbic, Cousideral.lo has hnen shipped bo
low (luring tho past wick, and thod.imnnd Is
good. Although the clip wll he ipiHe largo,
owing to the mortality uiuoiijr sheep last
xvlnlor, it 'a III not nppro.xlm.ito llio product
of lrt7.I. It is to bn hoped that tho Ashland
Woolen Mills will be riiiintng soon, so there
will bo a market for this product at homo,
Information Is wanted of one MU'lntcl Mo
Maun, who h.n been about Munlinr. und
liUho for the lust tin years. If llvlnjr,
Michael will tlnd It to his Intereit to liuuiii
dluti'lvcomiiiuulatle with his brothor't'liom-
us, nl iMatomiu, Htiol county, Minn.
, (..-.w I...U,. ,.VWW"..... J, ..IIIIH,
in Xnts says Hint Kihcrl (llbbuns, the
dninr of Chur'us F. Schuj.pe, xvas
(ht loin Cturt yesterday morning, and
iiiiirii.wnr .j i inurius v. ocuui.iie, xvas
liroti'tlit Into Citirt yesterday morn n;, nml
tvroniisKiej w pienu 10 me vs..mpi.iJH loi'gsi
arrn-t him fu-'"":! inntder.liciioiin.illh
Court thai he wished to xvslvo An extlfllll.il
lion ami K't hh VMV K' (Iirtctly to thu (fraud
I try. Tho pKUeticf. of nn Imtnti so crowd
of perrons In tho Coutl r.s.mmxil.i him xery
ti( t toils, and he sec mud extremity d'slrmis
of returning to his s'tl'u quarters down stairs.
7la.al;iflrg ihr bearing) embra.es
l .( :f 3'or 100,1) o sqiinin liillrs, and has
j)J ioJZn)Hllss i lib in doitosiisofgold,
l;jrJo.) L(er. .Nemly twoceiituricsago
a lira of Eio.elhan a hiindiixl localities of
ld sml sllriir mines were worked miclbsh
fully. Wool Is being shlpiwd from Olympia to Sail
Francis(s). About 7,X) pounds have already
beiiseulnwsy. Tlio prlui isild ranged from
J I lo 'J.', cents. Enough wis.) Is now prod need
on the bound lo supply u good slzetl woolen
mill. The Orand Jury of Multnomah for the
second lime reixui no true bill against It. J.
i.a.id, cnargtd wun eiiiDezznug (lie school
funds of that county,
Tbo Hull, tin Htyn Frank E. llodgkln, well
known iu this city, has assumed a position
onthoSaleiu Nutttninan.
A intn named Israel Vanco residing near
l'ortland on the 1-Ust tide of the river, was
arrested a couple of dajs since for threaten
ing to kill the Hoad ttuperrltor In his dl-lrii-1.
Wool buyers In Utnalilla county are pay
ing Ho pvr pemed, delivered at Umatilla
Thll crllklt. IntolV (111. tO IHimrrnllM III
I some parts of Eastern Oregon, urn happily
1 11 ' ... .
Ini-lni'NK. Mi'M.11.. Hollar ami MH-m will Mail
nixUmk Intliflrranuh nrnr Hum lilt', wllh
1 (IV html ol slurp.
. '. -"'"" s
'i!M inoiulnc,
"ln "0,u '" '
lo bo absent nil summer.
he (Uriel lou ol Summit Flat,
I Tim IvIml Cnnnlx-. V. T..Ti.ii.i'nraii.i. Alll
aneu now uumbois 1 tl! immn, and tin. good
mon ii.ent still gmvs stenllli lit wind.
n.n.i ri.......... .. rl,l..,ni,.i.. ,,ii,l ff
i Tho S'ciltlo );. .i '. s ix's; 1'ln. i.Iam nf
' operations einbn.ci.l In tho dos'i'iis ol tin
iMiiipi.it repiiv-eiiteil by Cup", It iit.rl..i .
organ., n in open toe iniar .Mouuiit'ii cnai
lull'.1, Iii.'lu.lo the inlningitinl t t-:tn j ,j t.xt i. i i
of. 'oil, imiiiulactuiliig oT turn mid ship
bull. Ili'g, lor allot which Mil. fit lire- hero
tit hand nn. uiipirallelod, .I'd I lie iVahll-li
meiilof nlil-wei kly line . f I'.is: c'iIhh pm
pellois In iween this port and Mu I i-aucls.'o.
Nex'errl boxes ol this x.-tr's ripe apples
limn been -h.ps'd from Wnll.i Wnll.i.
I. nml. er Is I't.lng It ix it to. 1 for tho construe
lion nl tin. i:pi-cop.. church nt I it Ion. Woik
will also commence on the Mdhndl-i chinch
some limit this summer.
At tho l.tlo election In Union county, on tli.i
ipiestlon ol thecniiiitv so.U.thc vote stood. .ID
I r Union ami :1 for I.i (irniulc, tii.d the
dwi lleis lu the hitter town nro Indignant.
I' Is stld thoie Is a colonv ofiili'mt :;mi (!er
lu his now on their way liom I'.elt.in. win.
are destined to settle either lu (.rand lion. In
or Wallowa valleys. Wo hope the repoil I
true, 'I hero is plenty of r.K.m lu Union
count) lor iudiistrloiin ftimeis.
An old nml well known iti unui In
was in-
cently louini tlcnd in his loom nl san l'r.in
Tho cms tilers lu I'oi'.litud lime taken a
Ire-h start.
Work ou the new telegraph linn between
Itoseburg nml Yiul.a is pregie-slng lapldly,
Shupkliis'Sinllon, a point 1:1 miles beyond
Itoseburg hits Ish.ii renehed. Twenty-ono
i) i tm n ml three teams am eiui.lo)ed by the
Compkiiy, under tho suporiutemlrucy of
Mei-N. Itlchiitond and Crouch. Tin. Hun
Is In lug built at (he rate of two miles per
Tho celebration of the l.mrlli of July lu
Lewis .s.ui.lx- will l.n .-.i..l..i.....1 ,f ii,
Il.la.ll-.i. I.ril.. l..tr.i.M ..r lli.Ml.,.,.lr.- ...,.l
,-.....-..... . .....................
isin.luitid msiorillug to llio luauual of the.
Order. Thn exercises will take placo lit i
gmvo near Clitipialo, xvlll wind up at ulghl
with a bill nt Hie new Court llou-o ut Clio
halls station.
Tho (iiiriff six's! "On Silnr dnv mih.Iiiu
last u railroad iiiietlnir was held i.t'Coluiubis
Hall, nml well iitleudid. The I're-liluli. of j
llio road staled that theio was i Utile over
iilno miles of ro.ul grinds! remlv f.ir tho lies i '
... llll.l II..... Ii... ....... ......a .. I. II... ... .... .1...'
... ...., ,,,,.,-, misting iniiav i ..mu tni'i nil. I
miles toe.tirx" llio ifin.li. ilirn.i.f 1. d. 'r.i.ih.ii '
111 miii nerweon i on mini no. i x iciuris
DnllRH folUn urn fiiilxirk Int 111 tlii 'lix k
To do this will riquiro one mouth's hilinr i "'"lis iliy, xi.i c..ntr.il IMIiit, Inlilo II.i. I ,
lor foilv men and twclxo team-, supplied HrinviislsiriiiiRli ttml Ki-jln Point, for".inpui
xvlth tho nec.ssary ...iiimi ny notes i annum.
SpM-ehiis wen mado l.y l"nnsl I'taus, lq , , sou of Sir. I.'il.u, or Ashland, mi
I tov. J H.Thomp-on, Mes-rs. lit Wird mid ,1'i.l.intiVNlmi lu Hi., shoulder l.y it r.txi ixn
Jos. All Light month,' labor tins sub lu ll o h mils ol u sou ol Hr. chlnx I, iili
scribed." wlilch ttipy wim p'ax.ih. Tin. wounl nl
Tho imsiuxer .V;i. sixs u pirtv or tle.lMh sxoro, Is nl .lao.cioiis.
inilUTNiiio pieparlug lo le.no lo-d.tv (I7.li)1 Oil last 1 'rid ty, Sir. M.i.iin, who l.ic-u
lor tho silver mines lu the CiiHi'i.do luugo ol fovx iimo. below Coixnllls w.n kicked bv a
mountains, about sixty miles norlhc.t-t ol . horso nml scrloiivlv lu in d. Ho .tut lu.ul
V.m.'iiuxer. Tho uili.o which lias hi en .ii'i buy und, p.is-tiu in u ..no of tlio horses
worked lo ll consilium!.!., depth prospects iic.-lvi d n ioxi loktek lu thestom ich,n ud i
verv will, uud the miners think Ihey haxo it ' log hlni liien-ll.l I rs. line..
good thing. Work was su-p-ndnl i.mlrg ' ,-, p.,st,..p, ,,,, piu ,.., 4 ,
tun winter. Oicgoit. w ri'm In ll.i l'..-tuilsln-s ol ti.i
'JliolJr.iugursiiro toappropil.ilelxMi.lohr.ilo i '.tHs, in leltl'o.i n tl... tioul.l.. that o in
itio Fourth of July, this xai on lirv Cumi. . il tx 011 a.'c. out . ili.tsliull uuv . 1 I o
uboul twnlto u.lli.siisstorW.illit W.illn. mm
I. M. Liimli's ptuiv. Tin 10 urn lo In. orations,
11 l.ail'0'iin, procession, 11 iisfc, inul titeit
thin el-o that tends to pioiimto ououici.'
on such Ov'casli.us. 'I he oralois nn. m'l o W.
T. McKurn iiiuJ SI. T. Ct.iwford.
Miss l.mr.t P. Ad.ilr, al pretext InOtk
l.tiid, ('iillf..rm.i, will shortly ro'urii I11O10
gou and lake it ctsss In musii in "t. llulcti'.
Unit, iu I'orlliud.
A iiiiiii l.y tho iihiioi of Amos lii.l died
sii.hliiiily lu the drug s'orn ofMcs-s. I'arus.
woilh A Diiltou Portland, last Tht.rsihiv,
Moro Lino County n.ccl: rUcrs
lug lo vbiiJ Ocliocj VuISoy.
aro iiiuv-
..rangers 01 xorviuiii sin going to Hold 11
The LhImiiou (iisugo lind s brilliant meet- '
lug lut Stturdsy, at their hall. 'J hey raised
;.. 'll ruiirili dtgiio sotciiteen iii(onr,cis, uud
ui.J.ycu i .i-..M fyu: nl .'"j cio.f.r tn- .
urun oicT. 'H'iy i.- , J,,IV0 ),iiiiib..r.d
xUIllli" ..iithreu piLsout, uml a most hai...)
(Iniu was hi.il,
Tim Aitmvui suys: Tliero I loom for pro-,
duclug moro grain lu th s part nl Oiegou in.iu
U now in thu Wllhiiuet e tult'tv. Wo li.no
siiii)il.sof lnrley llio lent high, rte s'lve.t
fst leu liiclus, suit ouls wil-t high nicely
heading nut, from Hans Anderson's iilnco
SllshawuliH, Nuhalem valley,
II'hcIi A Monlelth of Albany have this
week sent it l.tvkauii f si oilmen Hour to
iiiui.iio, mouami
Mart llrowu savs Albany will haxo tho
onlv grand iiiarculliio celebration this yoir
iu the valley,
(Jen.nil KprsKiin and a party of English
capllallsls are now lu (acorna examining thu
towusiglit In regard to Us availability for In
testments. Tho Uranism In the vlclnltv or Walla
Walla will celebrate tho (ximlng Fourth.
Nineteen Vancouver widows are self sun
jsirtlng Institutions ami don't want to take
any husbands to ralae.
Thet'orvallls (hurtle says ;
Judge It. P. HoUe dollvertd the annual ad
dress before thn Literary Uulon of the Alba
ny Collegia. Institute, ou last Wednesday
Nearly "000 heatl of llva stock hsx slr.ilv
passed over the Cascade Mountain Wsgon
llUdli l-ll .L-aiull. 1
'"'"'V'"-'" --..,... n,,i,,,, llljll' .'I, ,---... i...... ... .... -,.... iiiiiii. v
mass ineetimr. They waul to iiupioxo tho Uiuioh 111 tho Dille-, nn la-t -s'uiid.iy ett u.
lll.iuiiiilo Hixtr. ioj'i to it l.irgoiiiiilu nen
llltll. Svl. ('. SillllMnll. (if Kilmn namn in,
, ou Wednesday, delivered nn nblu udilross
boTnrrt iIih Allilinil of CnrvallU Stato AktI
'cnlltirat Colk'no and roturnod homo Thnri-
Mantcr. nwlitml
. M. Stroud.
1 St. .Iohn'4
liiHtallod har
JSixiral iMpk Inilii. iumiliirlnir In tho air.
?.', C,.', ". f ,?' "." ""?
i h ' . . '"
! , 'l,,P,,0',9t
W .1 Vim. Iiiiii...
urciiiiltii'ilHHiilmali. iimliMrMliiKiU Ions of
Mon iit nlutit for tho
01 IIIIH l'Hl-0.
A i'iilleinim liom Tillamook Informs fin
i li'tu-it-r tint I ho not itu cron will baa tailor
! "gain mis xiiar. List Xe.ir tlio xegetab '
I V!, "luei't lotnlly ileM-o)eil bx' blight, au 1
j '' s .nr the illM'a-.e has nl re id v showed It
' '' sli pnxptut of reiuatlni: last year o
The ). sim-cnr says : Old Teunnsno tlirex
Into l.tnn onunly last xveek nearlv n ship
load of immlui tuts. I'liero weio sixty-one
"i.ulo hi .ill.aiiil they havocomo nmoiig Us
'le'.'i iilm d to In pleased with tho coiin'iv
am! to ink., up their liituro abode lu this
l.n ... i' I I mil oi Wehfeet.
Th 1 m tn, mu r si,s n mlmrjust ovoi
finiii no saul. u. I.I in lne, si. xs tint n uug
'l wot III Mmiw tis-eully Inlieti front th i
Mi-.i-.ix rx claim" In thoi.. dhritlmrs. It ap
p.i.isthal in III V this claim has In en p.ix I. g
good wegis, tho otlur claims xxero good f ..
'I liM.Nici mix., the pioxl-lous of tho mill
Hill. I'D pnsKi d lit llio last session of tin. t tt.v
Ci.iiii.'II icli.tlng to Temp, ranee, which pro
xliUsthit no Honiuii can obtain llce'tsi. to
-ell liiloxteiilug iliinl., nml whicli lurlh.o
pun nli s I In; any nun w ho s.ihII permit mi '
w. .limn to net in w titles-, or slug or iliuo
nioun.i a bar luotn, shall, up.n conviction
1 1 lined lint los lh in $i nor moro Ih.in 6-s
null lorfclt their li.-ci. so, will bn hailed bv a'l
tin. I'txer-i of good ordur us a stcplu the right
Oil Mtiinlnvllio I lib hi-tSiullam(lritng.
No -" T, nift lot- llnlr lli-t llmo lu their net'
h. II, ami il.'.llcale.l It bv Initialing Isc.tn
iliilsl'-. The'r new ball Is lu sl.o 2 1 x Is l.'i i
sinl -.tinilcil 1 1. on om. unto north of 1'iox l
lei. " chin, h, lit tho inlil-t ofu llvone 1
piier' otic iiclvhl.orhooil, nn I Hie litluro pins
p-ci f tin. I.ihiic... Is xerv llstteiliig linle.il
ppl'iiilli)U lor iiii'iiiln r-hlp nn. slendlly
.s.iulug In. nml uiulerthesupi rvM.iu of Win.
I'lru-, Mn-ter, tin. (iraiiKO Is i..sp. cllog
tlutl.X. The (.iiiug.iiMiipriss,.l 1'ointh l.o
grt.t luiuubeis.
The wiireliou-o at New ion ila'tou, near
Hill-boro, xvas l.iiriied itoivu Inst week.
Probabli. loss, $,(HM 1. 1 til,. 'I'll. Tho general
-upisisltlon ot I In. people In that vicinity It
th.it llio building was burned l.y -oino mis
who bad a spit., at Now by, tho gentleman
who owned tin. property.
All'iinv Pirn Coinpiinv has voted to utteil.l
tho Philadelphia IVul.iiinl il In S7i).
I .. A T,'1 " V. !'""M l''J '''l hkle y In
' in Ullh. louuty Irom ealliii;poUeimus herbs
Oil III.. l.OttOUl llllllls.
There Is In lin iv, itmpmnllug held near
Me.Miiinxlllo, Ymuhill county, l.y Hie M. I..
Cliuicli, emuiuclni: ou Thursday, of tho
pi. .sunt wiok, and continuing uxor Nuinliiv
M r. In ii vlllo is shlppluu Isrgo.pi.iiitltlesiu
wool to the I'orilau.l niarkit.
DiiI.koii I), Siulili ami H. W. i.'ulxev h.ix't.
lea-id Hie innlerlitl nml pliieha..il tho g.. I
will und business ol the ollhu ol'tlu. lluil'i
tun' . nil.
Chi Is. Wols bus scoured tho contract
tu in irving the mall Irom .lacksouxlllo !
tt. o In.. 'U.. I '1st w ' el p. hi. im 1. ...i.e. 1 1
lhniiin.ui,.. 'iloxpr Sum wii. s.o.i ,..i .
tie bit. 1 1 1 nil'".'" in no i.ill.e, whllo !
out r f.- ,t pnr.in 'itliu ill Hi., oilier !
ptuiis willing iiiiniH "oll'tl ls cm fill Mid
1 i.t 11 1 ItU pi ....t-,- ho .'-ll-rtlll' r' xxini' I
Ik. ii.. lie to double.
'll.ii lt-iii h I.,, i no more.
On hi-s Wediiesit ty itllernonn it Utile live -yi.ir-idl
son of .Mr. Ilmiry deibcr, ol ( n
lallis, rarroxlv iM-iped ih.ttli by f.lins
f'.iiii it elitrry tun and htilUlngiiioii a lxr1
Tliu Itt.v. .1. II. Wilbur, Indian Agent si
Sim in. Agency, W, T tlillinmi au . x. 1
lent t,i. ...Kit in... ui 1.1 ii... xii.i ......1..
i..fn.mu ut..tfri..
E,c;;lslnllnii ('onct'itiiu;; Oregon.
Utoiii (ho Wnlliiuijlxtl dlspnlclisof Juno
Illh .'ocop) the r.'llowlng!
'Iho Senito M-(d thn Htm .1. bill tu nu
thnr.n lh -S. oreiary of Warto usi.iiuiin tin
itiuouiii of .u-s lu. 'lined by thoNuU ..!
Onsou mid (tllfiirnl.t In tho suppresslmi of
luiliau hiMlillties 111 p;..nud s; ;.
Morrcll, ( I 1r1nont, liom the l.iuini.i e
ou Public lliillillns and (iiiiii'i.l-, leiMiuil
rixorably ou tho bill for tho .on-truciio'i ol
the (-'iiitoin llou-u rild bonded wiirtihouo nt
i'or.l.iu.l, Oregon.
Tho iimuiided atiisir(lomuen(s mado for
I public buildings by tin. Supers I. nig Arclii-
teu' of thu I'leasury which are before tlio
Hon st ti) day. an : Cu-toiil House nt l'or
l.iiid Or , J.),t,u und I ir furnl'iire, fJO.tmo
In (lu hbi.sie "day, Kelly, or Oregon,
gaxo iiotlui thill ahi..' UlV i'ortolllcu bills.
should bo (llspokcd of hf. ";;
seuatu to consider tne bill for iTotlilln
tint construe lion nf .In. I.ir.n...1 n.t..." t
i i. ii.... -...iii.ii.i, i'iuii- ui...
,.'," Hilwl and tilegruph IV h
Edmunds, of eriuont g-,,, u, ..b t,nl ,0
would iiIjJix t to It. 1 is,ug,ir ty t0
The debt or tl.e city or :. M Y(irk ,as In
messed since Slay , iho 4 Si --si lei. It -
s.ti.1 that tho city i-hi - ''.", .r-iaiul
exs.nses, their ' .noih'"."' ' ''',,:..
of the Stal." -tfrost(.(il.sdeU.aud.t'aUMO
tho Illh ' . Tho New orlt ,6uf of
tho ih .IpV that, uiilesa lucruis9 or
bsi .txt U stoptsjd, Nets' y)rk wm pave
) vi'i- ttlMV'B ". lo, ihe fi-VJl LcKIO