, u,i fe t . fellow HiI vc I I l Cfir'""cf "'.pSSr S3.00 per Year, in Advance. SALEM, OKEGOX. MAY 2;), LS74. notici: to .si,iscmiti:ics. Tlip dale iipiirnrlns nllcr tlio printed mime on the )i:iir Is tin- dale or Hie i:.VllUAT10. oI'MltiM'llptlou. UIK AM) i'lUK, Tho Sunday oveulug lecture of tho llov. 1, iiiiiiljn-ntitiu. Vohmie Vr. -iYmnljer J4. .Sioll lhrt,m In' 1-pvtM'ulnt i .Vcli ttwteitm, .1 iiiotinn In iriM, emu lmnie nut it in Offjiou is thrivtlt interatfil. ".1 woiif .i in,- iriM n nuicnnt." Viiiimtlium from a iit'It .itowii n,tU ,v.yo.iiWe parti, .'. w . PoitTI.AXI, May J,!, 1S71. Sin. Lnirou: livery seiislblo Orogonian knows uiul will admit the (null Mated by your correspondent from Capo St. Lucie, Win. V. West, published In tho Wii.lam irm: lvntr.i:,ofMay L'd, 1S7I, nnd your editorial under tlio keadlug "How Oregon It misrep resented," ttu your supplement of same date, by "the rnuuen omployod In San Francisco to turn tlio tide of omlgvatlnn that it rapidly coming there from tho Mastem States towards southern California," etc., and 1 WrilO VOU to state that III Is lllnll.nn yoaror s. Knight at Iho Congregational church wat wolt attendod. As usual Mr. Knight hand led tho subject with pleasing ability. The speaker Introduced tho subject by stating that there wore two claiset of men In ovary community ouo class trusts to Luck and tho other to l'luek. Community It helped and ivcd by one, and cursed anil hindered by tho other. It Is the duty of ovory community to study tho two, and en courage ouo and dlicourago tho other by MV'rtrv Inert. Imntn iiidnnn Pn.lni M.t 1. ....... wnvtoW!,inii,iri,v..,J.......,i.i i.- d,CiU uns Uem laetlned thoro for a t keep thorn side mid oxamlno thout shines brightest so will Pluck by the sido of Luck, Luck, theu, Uko Sllcawber, Is always "waiting for something to turn up," while l'luek Is at work turning something up. It U woll for every one to "learn to labor and to wait:" but all trait and no labor I bad. l'luek Is considerate ami careful; too caro I'nl of his own Interests to make bad bar gains; too caroful of the Interests of others to fall hi his agreements. Luck Is the very opposite. His motto is "don't caro." Ho cow for himself, of course, but not by honest work. He "don't caro" how long nor how much ho U In debt, who suil'ors by Ills negligence, nor how much he may stand in the way of worthy enterprises. I heard when I was a child that "Don't care" was liauged; but 1 think tho sentenco was poorly executed, for I now mcot him on tho stieet twouty times ovory day. l'luek Is always Industrious. I.uck nnd laziness ara twin biotbors. lzlnoss hides behind I.uck makes him his scape goat to bear all tho Maine of ovory failure. I.uck is a loafer, He struts about town wearing lino clothes and smoking tine cigars, whllo l'luek i bv side all the wivthm..rl. 0r moro ,0 ttl0 80l',0,, detriment oforogon, om bv m Tr.K ?Alb" ' have bfea ,r-vl"" fiw" ,l" i.l" n.l .. i r , Mx ,"o:,,ll9 "ll!,t the land ovrnort and by tho side of error, and .,..,,.,,. ,,, ,,,., ..,,... .....;.' ....... ,.v. v((. i,,MMUml v.iiiii in ui:iirti for Orogon a reasonable portlou of tho bettor class of immigrants now soeklng homes on tho Pacific Coast, without gettlug any assist ancoaud vory little encouragement. All I havo talked to upon tho subjoct admit the Importanco ofdolug houietulug lu i.ho matter liumedlatelyl but I havo found uono, no, not ouo man In Portland who will contribute a single dollar lu aid of this necessary enter priso. Hut I'm lu error; and be It statod to theif credit that Mr. C. M. Cartor and the ocean Steamship Company are honorable oxcoptlous. The following Is the substance proposition, In tho form of of my ghost of a "how, mid If it don't prove to an v unbeliever 'hat St. Atigu.tluo and Calvin wororlght. we will resign mid go toll allf.ix ourselves, Tho lalwt oxplolt of these youm; iliiiidt camo oil' toveral days shne. Ity ome means as yet unknown they got Into ono of tue i iiinece wasli houses on State street, and finding the room which was dedicated to "Joss'thoy ruthlessly and sacrilegiously tore that lepretentatlve of Chinese super stitlon from Its jiicc- and sauntered oil' to parts unknown. The destruction or.i (pieon bee in a lii o of thoo Injects, or tho explosion of IkiiiiIi shell lu n camp meeting, would give but a faint idea ol'llio confusion that reigned when the " long tailed fraternity "discovered their loss. Wo feel for them. Loft as they aro lu (hit gomoss lanil without any pilot to guide them, or any shrine to bow down to, these moon-eyed "children of the suii" aio In a ivotty mess. Thoy bul!ove that "Joss" , angry with them Tor letting his sacred linage bo' stolen and tskonolV, and that ho will hhle the light ofhls 7 by U countenance for tho space ol J moons. Kvery means has boon used to propitlatomidtolurohlm back to his "roost," wax candles havo beon burnod, lice and choice tea have been stiewn around his dwelling, but all to no purpose. Tho hood- iiiiiim tmvogoi -.loss," ami ".losn' win stay In tholr possession until the little devils get ready to sond hlui homo. Wo understand thaltbn principal hoodlums coucerued In tills temtt larcouy are to hold a meeting tills ovenlng to take Into rnnsMpru. A Sai.i m 1'Ai'tT.vi.isr. Last winter tho Supremo Court ol' Oregon, had lu liaml an Important cish and the deposition ofa wit. I uess being nkcn thereon, ho gave hi oe-1 ii ntinrfwo jinrkvf nuvlotv. ... 'Sa! "VNtlstx,, 3fay HI, KS7I. ..-.....iciiuiai imwover uroat thn .l. " ' '" " "" Kronen iiiuueirnsin i""""p'""ig ci-opniinit Stnfo, thoro will 1 citizen ol the s;.i;e Capital, cousldeied blm-1 ,,"Bli In tlmpe of loanable rtmds In M, self a capital fellow, or was ihi,,i ! .eltr to nitni nil .,.,, ,i . i.,. ..,.,. ,..,....."" '"...: .... r . "i"''"'". 9.m,iti.i,w "" s..,,s. ,i, (tiuiiui iiui'i v niiH . - 'iMinii(i in immti euiutlnu as " , capitalist." Not Uiuwh W I '" for .Money may bo l connection will". to It at Tft hlrimi,t M t,-..wl. ii.. . .. . ........ hu. iwi ".s .g .May i.i. nurliiR tho mouth of April Ihooverlnml travel by mall was golnc- ..ist '.Win jMssongorM,. lillo .-..UCramo West, A largo Hect orvessoN uro coining to thW coast fr return rargoot of Wheat mid Klotir ...mum now crop and they will probably bring largo supplies of coal, r0n mid other merchandise, and this prosit Inlluoneet tho demand of such wrtlelot It coiiductml with caution. ll;iNinm It genomlly InactJw In San Kranelsco, Sfoney It plentiful nml eheap, liiittsiuiinorclal iitor.tl, arnctmtJd oretl In a healthy condition. Aditivui.ruitAR r.Mi'M;Mi:NTS aro hi ,fo niand. Orange and others aro buyinif treelv Mowers nmt Mender, ittueli ufthlsj inaehlnery It now brought overland lit prelerence to thn slow passage around tint Hoi n. llMii AMI llA40INli nm In ...M ...ji a conlr.iet. i. i.r.. .......,,,. .. , iivi'a ,1. i..i i ...... . .,i.s,ii,ii o UM, ,, , uioiritr toner. .. am el ZZb ,,. C " Z"S ?". "f.""" ? P Ioriation coiiii)an!cs,farmor, inercliaiiit and hotol keopersofOregon, agioeto pay V. H mount "Joss" upon it and drag him lu tri umph by tho doors of his worshipers. Whllo DodfTK Ml,, s.n.w s,.t n..n.l,o ...".., - "'. """" ",u "MUIIg IH1WIMII "1(101 Ol rs ?"";:-;;-v;;;r himself at Mime station on tho Central Pucitlu ltallroad where ho can take the Menlus:' Xv.usoi no. Cm s.ni:us. AHinnatii.rnr Is lilting ii sledge hammer, or pushing n Jack ,ti,,", ?olnK 'Mt l,,m '" hllcl trulii. dally j local Iutorct to our i-oader.s wo give, ! Ipluj; plane, or Mandlug bohlnd the counter, or llf l"":tlcab:e, at loas; ..o mllrs to wheio he i from tlio iViniperanen Nt.tr tho names hi tho ticking type or cleaning a stallo, or Mudv- ""' "'uul u,a ,,Mt'rn "mi emigiaiit trains ' 'antes tnti aro engiiKed lu tlio crusada niove put: "How liiueli c.ipiial ham von cot .Mr. ' " lo which the witness made reply bv diving down Into Ids trousers pocket' anil bringing to the Miri'.icti the entire sum Ohio istnts which was evJiIbltod tn the admiring g.irooi tho astonished couit. Tho answer was entirely satisfactory but didn't IIriiio voluminously 0n paper. Kim: 1'ii.s, Wo saw thN iiioriilnir. aL tlm stables oltho llray , Hack Coiupany.ti small be containing a isuiplo of small Herkthlro pigs, Imported from the most renowned strains of thN famous family nnd raised near 'Incinii.itl, uhlo. They helong to K. II. D,v lashinutt of Poll; comity, and (siuui to tho care ol John Mlllnr. Tho little fellows hive arrived In capital condition and havo an ailnilrable npjiotlte. The freight iu tho box i which you could put under your arm) was $Ml. ('apt. Miller thinks they will prove to be tho tluest pigs that hao over come to Oregon. I.C. It. C.-Kov. A. C. MuDougall, organ rod Amity I.'iicaiiiiiineut. Vo. .",i. I. o. It. C. at Amity, Yamhill siiinty, on tho ISth, Inst., with Hi charter niomlMtis. Tlio lulldwing peisoiitarethoolllcers: K. !.,.!. o. Nickllnj IC Con., 11. A. tatigliary; S. C Sntau Heathtu ; Sec, l I.ougharyj Treas., a. P. Shoriiiaii; C. II.. .1. H. Hmidertnu; J. A., M. A.J. Iliiplilettt Chap.. S. A. Likens: .M. ! ....... - -.-- i 1 lldll.ldftl.l ..A I..... .. .1 j. .. ""'.now price, quotation! range 11! ;(," M4. Hrst arrival of Laird ,t Hntlierlonlsj Hoamless grain rMgt sold at t:i'j(.fiU;. (Those are samoas wero ndvoitftMl by It.-ad-loy, Marsh ,v Co. Con i:k.-Kui Hiipply Just imxilvod by nar gnes direct, four cargoes of Central Anierlc new crop having arrived. Win and l.'ght. quotation iM1 j. Pini)l.K(Mi.-.irrel oil by rail can Ixt oonglil lor Jlrtiisi. Devoo's 111! (. IlllVIU'h l.rllll,,.,k ..II '.. M. .1 In, I... l i i li... . . I (.. !.,.. ... in, , . . "" "r ;,'' ' J " Herman; i. .i ; l-"' ""iiis..oMirgal. ; in plain oasesj '. shurniau; C. It. C, A. I. Judv: It. s.. I 'lo can, "nc: fam-et nim. :ni... v,.. 1. W. llolcomb; J.. A. Ilrown; V., J. s. oil, liiueeti nils, IJ'jc. Lougharv: o. (i., James Lll.mis. i Provisions. lOaiitem Mtar cureil HnuiiT j aro mill mm selling at cost and charge, unit si.i.iniiiuus neiow, mo iiiurket being over- iiiHioineof life's groat pioblems. Luck Is'011 "'" '""""'"K iuornlri;, and to. return very choice and dal'ntv about his orl.. if i,n ' with tueli emigrants daily tor as often ns does nuy. Pluck seoiireK tho tlit !ol ho can , rract'1' xh '" distribute .iniong them suuh ' Hud, and then, obeying tho Scriptures, keeps ' umt" P-wnphlots, pa;ors f.nd cards as should atit"ith his lulgl'it" till It Is done. I.uek bo fur"u,""l 1dm. and to Induce as many I is fretful and discontented. Pluck has uo,0,'"ra wor"1.v enngrauts as posllle to tlmofor roplnlng ho Is too busy to whlno. eomoa"amalfo1'olrrutiirehomesliii)regoii, i Luck Is an Intolerable grumbler. Tho y " '"ra:ul irumiui ropro'eiitailon of Uh , climate does notkuit him, the Mai-on is very , will, rosourcos, and climate, to (bvoto his i I , . . ... bad. overvthlnir In wrnnir. Pluck is tr,n i. wnoio tune and talents well and truly to' teut on his work to Miller auyol'thei-o thing ! Inil,uv worthy emigrant to porno and settle ' tomovohlm. Luck Ls on loin. Jle grluds i "" tbU N,orl" Wrst Co:"1' Jlvo "' 1'H. " his teeth when ho soo.s tiie prosperity of ! 'a,u' A ''" ' otheri; but Pluck, being both busy and t UHlnB" '"Ko kind owucr, that wilt imuie' yoiitouted, ha nolther tho time nor the '',1""ul:ies:ind M to furnish uii(uextioii- ' dUjKMlUou U ludulgo iu oviiuiul consuming ! able r(jl('I01,t;-" oMnblUh my honesty,; tempers. Luck U re-sneetor of MKan: 'leuy aim inuu.siry mat will Insure dill- but generally nukes poor choice of conipau ioiis. Pluck caies nothing for the cut or color of a coat, so it la paid for unit the heart of the wearer Ls right. Luck U u cow- unl, too. Whan the team t,unn to run he Jumps out nnd so gives tlio "J)eat"n ilrt item. Hut l'luek hangs to tho relus and -naves hi wagon as well a.s hi "bacon," though ioloaveHtho"iicui"huiitortouioiirn sadly over what "might havo boon." Luck Isa non-pro'.uiior; Pluck Is always addlug something to tho world's capital of good and useful things. Hut whatuhall wo say more! Time would fail us to tipeak of a.1 the thlugs whorelu I.uclc itud Pluck ocnupy pix)sito iole. It It enough to nay that Pluck Is the virtue UiatU most nucdeU atuoiig u.s. If we have geuuino Pluck he will lu.piro sereral preoefiU by which he will bo roudy to live: 1 Uttlttlag but iswfc bring trau honor to uui or woouui. ti-Rrery grade of mori. I eqauly lioaonble, so it fee boneat, and useful. Only moi A: fostentlia truest man Uoodaud womauhood. Haw atresg that it kIuxiU b tlialiked. Work haa mads wore caea tfaaagmlua. I Work snakw reat pe-l ioio mn Hweet. htrTK faatan brothor hasxL etwIUy, wukm cam (ael akU. 6- frt U die Ideat, (neat, and beat reforaar, Tha Piaek tbat love aad hociotm s.;; fisdaaaaeManiKmaBtUtfcaaariptisM. Wtat data Ilia Maatar aajrr "Uy VUxm mrtw aimarto, and i war." ChaApoaUa aaya: uUtmy wfll aat var. attkcrafeaald haaaU" Xbla law allei ta aaar, mow ao4 UHaaar.Uua, totkatMaaat Hack that . watooasas tba aomdiUaa and 'Srarkawut tta ova BiTaon." iili'Mt In Porlliiud. Mr. M. A. Mitchell. Mi Helen Spano'w, l.ll.Jteod, Jane Pieiimnt, .I.S. llrlggs, A. It. Mcdliiiry, CatlierlnoSp.irk, M.C llolmaii, M.i)unckeiibusli, Maggln Wilson, Charlotte Joan, S. I). Pre i ids, II. V.Stltzol, Itneliel Clarke, L. Turner. M. K. Sutherl uul. K. C. Hall, H. Watkluw, W. II. Kalu, 11. O. CorMiu, M. H. SwHllor.i, Dr. Atkinson, tl.W. Ir, il.W. Trover, I genco aud elllcieney. It Ls surprising that business inou will not contribute towards tho oitly practicable onterpri-o that will! Immediately mle.iM) u from tho general SIlss J. Puiimhrcy, "deiiroisslou, dull trade and hard times," of! !' A MHeholl, which all are snl.ni,l1v,iii,.li.iir... I Mary l)o nrc, .... V . . ' ' "' irru Hparfcii, Ilallovlng that by venllLilIng this subject n Sarah Spark. little, ivutiosInSUoiii, Oregon City unit eUo-' Mary llarrliu'toii, wIiArn n.lll li.t Imllli.iul In fill... .... I..I... . I... J.MIU1 .-... . .. ..v .....H..,.. .1. ......1 4,1. IIIICIIvAl iu I this important matter you aro at liberty to publUh tuoko facts, ir any bee Otto muvo iu tho dlrretlou indicated 1 tiIII gladly co-ojior-alo witUlUetu. You.s, Wu. U. Uouuw. Ml IMllh Sutherland, s. Lucy p.uioii, J. K. Jones, W. .Idllfs, II. ltlclmrd", Josephimi Hitter, J.lt. Itobb, SI.M.Sinltli, KiiimaMorgiu, O. Sliludlnr, J. A. Itobb, L. I,. Ilonil, .Mlz.lo Khitehiir. J. K.DoVorc, 0. ll.Oibsoii, Dr. SawKjIIo, Win. ltoberts, neni. I'liiimas, L. HlMekstoiie, A. Allen, K. Pierce, J. .Stlt1, A. Hurgreti, J. .Smith, V. K. I loyal, Moll Cranston, Marion I'r.uieis, Ida Francis, Helena llnlnuti, Mary 'IVht, l.ll-t Ulehiirils, IUo Padgut, Iuisiiii'vm- in W.n Ci.mmams. Inder tlio Act ol Congress approved M.uch r, ls7:i, all claims for liorscs lost prior to January I, s7.', mo iMulred to bo piesentisl to tho War Departmuul prior to tho :;oth June, m7i. I'lider this Act ..II claims for horses lust In , i no military servlie must bo pn ited prior to the .tilth of next iiiouth or they will not bo euteiialned. A tho time limited will soon tiiKiilrii. It Iw.li.i... ... it...... t .... ". 1 " ....-- tiiii-u fll.villg (liUllllt o .I.V..I....I -. .... .... -.-i-.iiuiigu irom iu to 1 1 ,o per pound. Other hog products nro In fair demand at In cnused price. Sale of California llacou :.,(,). Hs., lici,:s3.5 California Urd, I2(e,li!( lu cans; California HnitM, l.'Se; Mess ILtif, t (); Prime Pork.lS; Moss Porfc, ). S vi.t.TIiiiio Is less intention to (.'anion Is land Salt, thero Is now no Llversiol lu Hrst II.iiik site I'roiliire. Wool, arrive ficely and tlioMoekaoouuiu- Ibis character to glv'o Immediate attention i.. ' "....'. '"''n ''"''IMI o inarl.et ui -i to this matter, before It 1 too late. 1 .7 ,l0""r" r')r N" ' (,"r kinds ruin from 1 1') tola) dollar. i.. . . i.i.i.v.iun in -ii th-kux. Hid election ol j ollleer of tho Wlll.imetto .Manufiictuilng VOUIII.lllV. lOlIK llllll II at llimr i,lll, I ,tl Monday with tho follow lug result: DIrcclois. ' V" ,'(",N'l'li'"oIce, ttlC?a7c. SecoiuE John 1'. Miller, of-,,1,,,,1, iMwli. Itussell mid ' ,,u11,,ly' 'M--' W.s. Ludd, of Poitlind; President cf tlio ' ,,,'ol''"'""Hnug.t tonrrlvo freely from thn Itoaid and Man iglng Agent. John K. Miller: ' """"bl'1 r,vr. Suporilne, ?l Ml, 75. x. ( Secrotary, Samuel I.'. Irwin. Tho mill will . ' ''' ""! best oxlm Jobbing at fij. ! commence iiiuiiiu,' on M.uiday next, with a '"tAT.-IIxportcontluuos largo. Itoeelpti iiillloivo. 1 HiHiiiniir ciiiiunuii noyoiiii exieetalluut iwi,., v., .. . i l,,ul I'fl'es lesson to suit I.lvorK)ol iiuoU- ..... i i I . lUy r"""Uy M'",Ml tl0,H- 'n'rlslnglndlllerencMimnirestcda utlllrldaythe-Jtuh In couve.,ue... of not great uncertainty. Sales recorded: Clmlco bong able to .t ,..., tho day -greed upon, ! iIIK f, u..., w. , , It Is probable lh.it II... I uion Plcnie 0f thl r-l wi ' ' ' city will bIko bo put nir until that time, mid iniKoagraiKiiiiiairol It. It tu MooxiMicteil that several oilier sabbath snhools up tho valley will Join the excursion train iud vMt the Capital, fl Vlttll.lt Wini l.M'KM'.(iwi. . Conin, suuv:i inn itidiii. v prominent nltl.aii and Ihimocrat at that, at the narlv Maso ,,r!,,,,'''tth Praltl.i, was brouulinin last ..vim !....... .. . .. - ' " It .... . ' nig, 011 reiiuisltlon, having been aneslcil Iu ACUINBtfK UK1TV (iOXU I.V. MuUw Uwvdlauo Misused In 'Jlvu.y MlMlauarr Wvrlf." (ui nd Ujjtaiu Utap)ttUTnte ut u OAMcaso Itiarl htoitruumjvr t( .'.rt llr:; imuAttx 0lvilJr tlm timeutatim.t thJ?.ttu."J?" "J"' "" -' a'Aefp 'jjfittf aY,, .., r e are preau of unoa'a aapiul lty. Wo "lave tlia vary auU aha laads as." We data upM ararythlHg U aad about thA "fair oaua-'ortkaWUlanuae. Her pabUa Inal taUoaa, aharamaa, dwallings, avaaaea, parka, BweBajsrauBj aa, ara a aoaraa af aasils gld prida rltk m. Bat aapaaiaUy aad rsutlaalariy ara we "raa op-- wild prwa, wbao wo aomtoaiplata wwiim7 mma -aaaaK" f ear Loodlaafta. Har right dowm u aura aadllaiad amaaed- Baaa" a ttOam hoaaUasa aaa double diaaaaiBi aaythlag UUaUda of H stlUax. If we waatadte find aa Udlridoal lo bfllatar un . ..... .. . .. . .. ... i usi 11 ib us uat or -Total dprmrv." all w&Wnnlt a... n.a. .. .1 ,.-. I -i - riuiiy vxiauaaaoii yi n1.infij'ji i-iiaaa,ajaat-"a oaamoa, wotua m to pick oat MwaaaarnMatMadayi Mum fcaai Hoadlam m ut t.fa, t the existence of thn V Xurlhwrst ni.ws iajr biihscrlbcil therefor and paid his coin. In tliuo tho inir utine. and llinla.U-nr ti.r, , house glanced at It and then caal'ully did It I up for return to iho ofllcy of publication. I Hut tho man ol Iho houmcald: " guess not, ' am going lo laJco that jsijsjr." ami the good womau acqulesoo as lu duty hound. As the year of sulwcriHioii pissed on tho, Italy gradually becauto tnleroited In too subiect of woman's rights aud au attentlvo reader of the psjur, o attentive ami approvlativa that aUiat the time the aeooud year's aubwcrlp- uoo was aat, wnen reiiulred to aseuulo a deed with her liege lord she boldly aeied tho paa aud reoordod tier natno on the uppax LUmi and left the space below for bis signature. Me look the pen aad signed bis aaiaa below tor remarking as be tiolntsd to tba algaatura: "Tbla oomea of reading uuu noouui'a itigia newspaper; 1 guess waUl have lo atop th oYrtv AVrtAucW." "I guaa Bot''-aald his batter naif- am golug la taka that paper thU yr." Thay are attUtaklagU. Vrm arery part of Folk ami Uu kin nun. ! preparation ara beinir niada for th O real .'Independent JUlly la Marlon a.'uaro llAiu.nvnot oer abundant. Ouolatlous. $1 rttftf l M'j. Oai (time freely from Orogou, and havo iiiifuvoniblolniluenco on market, quotation range $1 V,fi iw, HiiM:s.-Thoooiiiugor roudsto tlio Inte rior hoops tho market freely i.uinillod. M..v ciilllu lmvo iwrlshud during tho winter, un.l Washington Turrllory, on charL-u or liunst IarK uiliuborM of inurruln hldo.s are In 11... with his d uighter, and was taken this niter-! "urlot that boar some relation to good hides, nnou luck to Woodbiiin, Ills home, to Ihi ox-1 ,,mt K0'1' '( to load. Koine dry hide oom auiluod lieloro S'ltilro Smith. Tliocharito of."""1'1 lu lo a'J xr lb and murrain bidet locust cannot lu. Hiisfiiluyl, as tho crime, If Uu' Ifolherwlsolmorlect,ouoithlril weight ooinmlttoil, was with Ills stiip.daiightor. iMs.uii.Kt.. jius foteiioon the engine of tlio terry uoal Deuuiiu disabled by the slli plug of the eeiwitrln and drifted down the river, nearly lour miles bolero she csjuld bo nxe.1 and brought hack. While she was gone .Mr. O. II. Wagnon's Hand ljat was I'""" "on tue route" ami made sovernl trips. Mr. J. II, Una has made for I). W, Jones a gold point for a hypodormlo syringe that anawers tho purjwso admirably, as it give jess paw nun the ordinary steel point and cause no lutlamatlou. It is a vory delicate piooeofwork as tho jioliitls scareely Urger uiau a lieeuie. Meaara, Jowm ,t Patterson sold vesterdav to a couple of sturdy luuularauU.a farm nair Silver creek falbi In this county. The price paid wan 9200, and the amount wu laid ciowa in good solid opln; tba purebaaani gat- aJlf? ajnaxt Saturday. Tba people of Ihadlt&Lreat ting a good warranty deed la return wiiUen HitofmtdmvtoiyiitmvatovaioaHtBnnwfi ltoJaru'atay,; mW,,Uen I deducted. Sharp competition oxlst amoiiK ....jor. wet, salted nines raUiH.SOylMjc. floon Wooi.TJohirT'7 Miller Informs u that he lately sheared two young bucks; Uiught last fall of Saxu llros., and realle.r resiKstlvely l.'.aud 18 siuiids an their lleece. Twelve years ago ho purchased a Hue buck. of lloukwell from which hocllmxkl l ll. ' a the best Jleeco and It lost by seourlug at .east nan wnue tlie wool from his lato pur chase will notloso ovorone-fourth, so thaC thenotpriHluctoftho last Is double that of tho first. Ho speak very highly of thoSaxo lniortatlou ut well bred slioeu. vleldlnr vory lino wool, with largo lleece not over loaded with oil or yolk. O.v Wu. ToiK.-Tko Salem Mllls will commence runnlug night and day to-morrow to finish grinding tho SOU tone required1 to complete the cargo of the ship Ceylon, now at Portland. . Tue Thermometer at Weatbeiford A CoJa !Myatat7A.M.i ism, 70 - r. at, t. r-